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Created by Teachers Are Terrific

Teacher Background

Kids love bubbles! This STEM Challenge has elements of fun, but it’s also a great
design and building challenge.

The Engineering Design Process has many steps and so many opportunities for
students to engage in group problem solving and collaboration. The learning
goes well beyond Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Group
dynamics, determination, and critical thinking are all a part of STEM challenges.

This STEM Challenge will have your students exploring with a bubble solution.
The Exploration or Imagining stage of the process includes trying to create
bubbles in specific ways and learning how to manipulate the bubble solution.
The design challenge is to create a working bubble wand from given materials
and create the largest bubble possible.

The designs made by bubbles are fun to watch as they happen and your
students will be so creative in how they create multiple bubble structures. Their
bubble wands made of supplies you gather will be tested and rebuilt and
tested again. Best of all, the kids will think it’s all just fun!

Students will follow the steps of the Engineering Design Process for this
challenge. Procedures for the teacher are marked with the steps of the process
as well as the student lab sheets. It includes the chance to plan independently
and then present the ideas to the team. Students will choose which design or
combinations of designs might produce the best bubble wand. Designing,
building, testing, and improving are all part of this task!

This package is intended to give you a list of materials, preparation ideas, and
then step-by-step procedures to make this a successful event. It includes helpful
hints and organizational tips to also give you some expectations and possible
ways to use the challenge. Alter the procedures and events in any way you
need to in order to suit your age level and student population. We loved this
challenge! We enjoyed our bubbles and made some very creative bubble

This challenge packet is presented in two files. File 1 includes the teacher
directions, science explanation, photos, lab sheets, hints, extension ideas, and a
scoring rubric. File 2 contains editable forms.
©Teachers are Terrific!
Materials and Prep
For Exploring you will need: For Designing you will need:
• Distilled water • Bubble Solution
• Dish soap (Dawn or Joy without any • Lids to containers, small bowls, or small
extra ingredients) pans
• Glycerin • Supplies for bubble wands (pipe
• Lids to containers (round lids, like the cleaners, tape, binder rings, paper or
tops to Play doh containers) (1 per plastic cups, rubber bands, etc.)
student) or small bowls • Straws (enough for each student and
• Straws (enough for each student) for building the wands)
• Towels • Towels
• Cups (1 for each group) • Cups (1 for each group)
• Copies of lab sheets • Copies of lab sheets

Hints from my experience with using this challenge are embedded throughout the
Teacher’s Guide. Your event will di ffer, of course! Ti ps are meant to help you and let you
know of things that did or did not work!

• A day ahead of using this challenge mix up your bubble
solution. (See the Recipe page)
• Group your students. (I used this challenge with groups of 3.)
• Copy a lab sheet or create your own method of recording. I
Please take a look at the next
have provided 2 versions of lab sheets in this packet. Each is page in this file. The page is
two pages. I have used both sets. The first set (pages 17-18) devoted to the materials
has samples added to the teacher directions. The second needed for this challenge and
set (pages 19-20) has a sample answer guide. The answers some things we tried that
are a compilation from my students and are provided for worked well.
your reference. Your answers will vary. You can also alter
the wording on the lab sheets by using the editable files. There are also tips and more
• Create a Challenge Constraints chart to display. I have information included with the
provided one you can use with your document sections about the bubble
camera/projector. You can also try the editable file for this experiments. These items are
form. purposely placed within the
• Assemble your supplies for the experimenting session and teacher directions as a guide
for the design challenge. (See the next page for Hints about for you!
Design Challenge Supplies.) Determine a way to display the
supplies. I used a large round table and just spread
everything out.
• Plan for this to take one long class session or two sessions.
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Supply Hints

• SUPPLIES- Regular tap water can be used, but I used distilled water. I purchased a
gallon jug at Wal-Mart for $.88. Every source I found for a bubble mixture said to
use Dawn or Joy dishwashing soap without any extra cleaners. Just look at the
label and don’t get anything that says Ultra or Extra. This was actually hard to find.
I bought Dawn Simply Clean. Glycerin can also be purchased at Wal-Mart or a
drugstore. At Wal-Mart I found it in the Band-aid aisle for about $4.00. The small
bottle is all you will need.

• LIDS- The lids I used for the kids to pour solution into were lids to plastic containers.
I have also used petri dishes. Other lids to consider- play-doh cans, baby food jars,
any container or jar, really. However, the solution can be poured right onto desks
and tables and bubbles blown right off the table top!

• PANS- The pans we used for the design challenge are small aluminum pans (4.5
inch diameter). These could also be used instead of lids to containers in the
exploring parts of this challenge. Small plastic or foam bowls will also work fine.

container of bubble solution and a lid or very shallow container to pour the
solution into as they worked on blowing bubbles. There is a very simple ‘kid’ reason
for this. When they spill that shallow container trying to get more solution onto their
straws or bubble wands it will not waste as much as a large container! (And, they
will spill it!)

• DESIGN CHALLENGE SUPPLIES: I went through my science lab cabinets and the
craft aisle at a local store to find a good array of things students could use. This
included: wide rubber bands, pony tail bands, washers, binder rings, metal key
rings, straws, pipe cleaners, several sizes of paper cups, and plastic canvas. (see
Photos) The plastic canvas was, by far, the most interesting supply. I found these in
the sewing department of the local Wal-Mart. They come in many shapes. I got a
pack of 10 for about a dollar. Almost all of these supplies are reusable! Paper cups
and pipe cleaners are not! Kids asked if they could use masking tape. I allowed it
but we quickly discovered that wet tape doesn’t stick very well. This was a great
learning experience for them! We also discovered that paper cups get soggy
after a few uses and may even come apart. Again, this was a learning
experience. You can use plastic cups, but I chose paper thinking that it would be
easier to cut. If you use plastic cups, have kids use caution when trying to make a
hole in the cups. Hole punchers might work for them!

©Teachers are Terrific!

Bubble Recipe
1. Pour 6 cups of water into a container.
2. Add 1 cup of dish soap and stir gently. You don’t want to make
bubbles yet!
3. Add 1-2 tablespoons of glycerin and stir gently again.

This solution can be used immediately, but making it the evening before
using it will give the ingredients time to really activate.

There are many things you can use for the bubble wand your students will
use for exploring. We used straws!


The outside of a bubble is actually made of three thin layers. The layers
are soap, water, and more soap. This layering is called soap film. The
width of these layers is about the thickness of a wavelength of light. Most
of the light passes through the soap film, but some is reflected. That
reflected light is what creates the rainbow colors of a bubble.

Bubbles pop for several reasons. One is that the water will end up at the
bottom of the bubble due to gravity- thus creating a thinner film which
pops easily. Another is due to evaporation of the water creating a thinner
film. And, of course, anything touching the bubble can make it pop.
However, if the object you touch to a bubble is wet the bubble might be
less likely to pop.

Adding glycerin will increase the viscosity of the water (its ability to flow).
You can also add corn syrup which doubles the sugar content and
decreases evaporation.

©Teachers are Terrific!

Teacher Directions
DISCUSS: If this is your first STEM challenge you may want to talk about ways engineers work
and describe some things that have been invented by someone trying to solve a problem.
Think about the nightlight some students may have in their bedrooms or hallways. Why do
they have that light? It was to solve the problem of someone being frightened of the dark, but
not wanting to leave a lamp or large light on all night. The nightlight provides just the right
amount of light! An engineer thought of that solution and then invented it!

Introduce this task by talking about bubbles and what they are made of. (see Bubble Recipe
page for more information) You can even create a class chart (KWL) of what kids know or
think they know about bubbles.

Talk with students and identify the problem to be solved in this challenge. You can provide
them with a stated problem or have them brainstorm the wording. Example:

After experimenting with bubbles, design and use materials to make a bubble wand
that creates the best bubbles.

Students will need the lab sheets you have chosen to use. The first version (pages 17-18) starts off
with a question/problem to be solved already written for them. This is the beginning of the
Engineering Design Process. We always start with a question or problem to set a purpose for the
task. Samples from student sheets are also sprinkled throughout this package – in lieu of
separate answer sheets. If you use the second set of lab sheets (pages 19-20) students will need
to write the question that is being asked in this challenge.

ANSWERS: In most of my STEM packages I provide a sample student answer sheet that is created by
writing compilations of answers from my classes. That is included in this package, however, for the last
several challenges we have undertaken I have used samples from actual lab sheets to share student
answers with STEM challenge products. I have included photos of actual student sheets and have
written out their words. In some cases you are seeing more than one student answer and their actual
drawings. My goal is to give you a better visual and some expectations of how my students use the lab

EXPLAIN: Tell your class about the activity. Each group will need a cup of bubble solution, each
student will need a straw and small round lid or container, and towels. Have students pour some
bubble solution into the lids or containers and use the straw to blow and explore. Allow them to
explore for a few minutes. Then begin the collection of data.

*Just a note: Allowing time to “play” will get everyone accustomed to using the straw as a
blowing wand and it always helps to let this play happen. Once you get started on the actual
experimenting, students should be encouraged to not blow bubbles in this playful manner.

©Teachers are Terrific!

Teacher Directions
EXPERIMENT 1: After students have had a chance to use the bubble solution and straw tell
them they will have a few minutes to blow large bubbles and observe the bubbles. You can
even let them know they will have to do some writing! After exploring for the few minutes you
allow have them add some writing to the lab sheet describing what happens and anything they
are learning during this exploration.

EXPERIMENT 1 Tips: While blowing the solution with straws students may find that a large
bubble will suddenly begin to branch off into different “rooms”. These begin to have a
geometric shape other than round and may appear to have flat sides. Of course, you will also
have students that just blow into the solution creating tiny bubbles.

EXPERIMENT 2: After recording observations on the lab sheet briefly talk about forming a
large dome with the bubble solution right on the tabletop. Talk about what happens when
you have to take a breath and then continue to blow. As students explore with this they
should also record what is happening on their lab sheets. After enough time for all to
experience the larger dome bubbles record observations and move on to the next

EXPERIMENT 2 Tips : The larger domes require some patience from the kids. Blowing slower and
more gently will create the larger bubbles. Some things we observed: if you stop blowing to
catch your breath, the bubble will sometimes deflate, when you resume blowing a new
“room” may appear, bubbles will begin to attach to the sides, and will sink to the bottom of
the dome quickly, and if you do this close to someone else the bubbles will grow together into
a large bubble structure!

EXPERIMENT 3: Talk about adding layers to the domes. Can students remove the straw
from a dome and blow another dome on top of the first? What happens? Can they blow
a bubble inside a dome? What happens? They should try and then record what happens
on lab sheets.

EXPERIMENT 3 Tips: You can remove the straw from a dome and reinsert it. We dipped our
straws into bubble solution to do this and when you continue to blow, a bubble will form inside
the larger bubble. If you remove the straw you can blow a new large bubble on top of the
dome bubble so that it resembles a snowman. However, this bubble will quickly drop to the
bottom of the dome.

Exploring: “It kind of grew more and

Domes: “Sometimes if you blow enough
domes they will make a shape.”
Adding Layers: “It looks almost like they
are sliding down.”

©Teachers are Terrific!

Teacher Directions
Exploring: “Bubbles are connecting.
Each blow is different.”
Domes: “They form bubbles inside.
Domes stick on other domes.”
Adding Layers: “They rolled over the
side. You need a straw to keep it from

I did find that stopping to write was a good thing. This is a very exciting challenge and the
lab sheet kept us focused and thinking. It is, of course, totally optional for you to have
students use a different recording method.

Finally, it’s time for the design challenge! Discuss had groups discuss ideas and then choose a
the task with students. They will be designing and design. The one thing I heard repeatedly
building a bubble wand. Share the constraints of was from kids who did not feel they were
the task to use as they plan. Students will also being heard. The idea of having students
need the list of supplies that will be used so they each draw and write reasons their idea is
may sketch ideas with this in mind. best was born from that dilemma. This gives
every student a voice! They all draw an idea
and write why it will work. This makes them
Although students are working within a group the much more conscientious about their idea
next task is an independent one. Each student will and then when the group talks everyone
now sketch his or her idea for the bubble wand. presents his/her idea. When the team
Sketches need to be labeled. After completing chooses what to do it is almost always a
the sketch students need to write reasons their joining of the ideas!
own idea is the best for the team.

“It has layers and a long

handle. I think it will work.”

“It might blow a lot of

bubbles because it has small

©Teachers are Terrific!

Teacher Directions
When everyone completes the sketching and writing, the students need to talk! You may
want to show them how to turn their papers to each other, look at the sketches, and then
tell about their idea and why it is best. After all of the team members have had a turn the
team makes a decision. They can choose one idea or combine ideas for their final bubble
wand design. The lab sheet has a place to write about this decision and why it was made.
The groups also need to make a list of the items they will specifically need to build the
bubble wand.

“We combined all of our plans to make “Our plan was to combine all of our
a plan to blow neat bubbles.” ideas.”


As groups are ready they will visit the supply station to collect what they need. There is a
purpose for having a “shopping list.” It limits the amount kids can get and holds them to
following their plan. (The shopping list is on the lab sheet- students make a list of the
materials they will need.)
GATHERING SUPPLIES: One thing I have found in doing design challenges with students is that they will
gather some of everything and often more than they will need. With this challenge I decided to hold
them to their thinking and planning. So, when students arrived at the supply station and grabbed 15 pipe
cleaners I asked questions about their planning. Did their plans include using that many? If I did not get
answers that supported the amount of supplies they were gathering I sent them back to their planning!
When they had a plan ready they could return and get what they needed and not just an endless

When the supplies are ready it’s time to build a bubble wand. They will test as they build and
revise their wand as they test it. You will have to decide if they can revisit the supplies after
they discover there are problems. I did not allow this until later – during the Improving part of
this challenge.

CLOSING THE SUPPLY STATION: On the same note- I closed my supply station after every team visited. I did
this to make them use their plans! I discovered it made students rethink and redesign using what they had
rather than giving up and getting more items! This is all optional for use of this design challenge.

TESTING: During the testing time students used small metal pans for dipping the wand into the bubble
solution. This proved to be a problem as some of the wands would not fit in the pan. I learned to caution
other groups to plan for a size requirement.

©Teachers are Terrific!

Teacher Directions
One step of the Engineering Design Process is Improving the model. With this challenge (as with
many challenges) I found that improvements take place as the students work. Their idea
doesn’t work as expected and they make quick modifications. It is interesting to stop your class
and have each group report on one problem encountered and how it was solved. By having a
class discussion of problems you will have the added bonus of helping groups that are
struggling. The lab sheet has a place for students to write about the problems and solutions

“We couldn’t get the tape to stay on and “We had a big problem with the handle.
the ring didn’t stay on.” The wand took longer than other people.”

Each group needs to share the bubble wand, how they made it, how it works, and anything
else they need to say. After each has shared (and it is possible that a group won’t have a
wand that works) offer them the opportunity to revisit the supplies and make improvements.
Having seen other wands they may have new ideas!

After these final improvements have been made, share again! The lab sheet has places to
record what improvements were made. In addition, students will draw their final bubble wand
and write about their success or lack of.

CLEAN UP- We poured

unused solution back into
containers to use with
other groups or to save.
Each group had a towel
and wiped down the table
“We changed ours by just
tops. I later sprayed the
“We took a cup, attached it to the
end of our straw. Then blew a bubble using a plastic piece and tables with a cleaner and
and it worked.” half a pipe cleaner. re-wiped them as the soap
People liked it because it is film can be gummy.
also simple to use. The
plastic makes a bunch of
small bubbles to make a
really big one.”
©Teachers are Terrific!
Teacher Directions

“I learned that if you keep trying

“We had success because we
and try you get what you want.
had teamwork.”
And my team worked together a
©Teachers are Terrific!

Just a few things to try that will add to this bubble experience!

• Try this activity with a budget. Set a price for each supply and have students
design the bubble wand and stay within a budgeted amount. (I did this with a
boat building activity and the kids loved it!)

• Try having students draw a bubble wand blue print and require they build the
wand exactly like the blueprint. This is actually eye-opening. Some further
reading about drawing blueprints might be inspired by this. Kids will get interested
in this topic based on drawing their own. (Mine love the word “blueprint”.)

• Another twist to a STEM challenge is to have a group sketch a blueprint and then
have every group trade papers. You have to build the one you get! This makes
everyone more conscious of drawing correctly and labeling every part of their

• Repeat this challenge, but add a requirement that every supply must be used in
the final version. (This will eliminate those bubble wands made from only a bent
pipe cleaner!)

• Offer some unusual items for blowing bubbles- like a tube sock stretched over the
end of a water bottle. Cut the bottom off the water bottle first! This makes a long
steady stream of bubbles that resembles a beard. (I would do this outside!) Some
other things to try: PVC Pipe in different diameters, PVC Pipe with holes drilled
through it, window screen, waxed paper with holes in it.

• After completing this challenge and using some unusual items to make bubbles,
have students look around home and bring in items to try!

• Fill a small plastic pool with bubble solution and use a hula hoop as the bubble
wand. When you do this the students actually stand in the middle of the hula
hoop and when they pull up on the hoop it creates a bubble around them!

• Make a cube from pipe cleaners. Before twisting the corners completely
together slide a straw onto each length of pipe cleaner for extra support. Dip the
cube into bubble solution and when removed it will create a square bubble.
Blow a bubble into the center of the cube to see what happens. Also, blow
through the cube to see what happens.

©Teachers are Terrific!

Constraints of the
Bubble Wand Task:

• You may use only the supplies

• You may cut the cups and pipe
cleaners. Ask before you cut any
other supplies!
• You may use masking tape.
• Your goal is to build a bubble
wand that will work successfully
and be easy to operate.
• The bubble wand should have a
way to hold it.

©Teachers are Terrific!



You can see the plastic lids we used in these photos. For the bubble
solution I used a plastic beaker. A foam or plastic cup would work
©Teachers are Terrific!

Expect some spilling and

mess- we tried using real
towels, plastic trays, and
lots of paper towels.


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Name ________________
Bubbles Date _________________

ASK/ PROBLEM to be Solved: After experimenting with bubbles, design and

use materials to make a bubble wand that creates the best bubbles.

EXPLORE/ IMAGINE: Use the bubble solution to learn about creating larger bubbles.
Describe what happened and anything you learned.

Exploring Domes Adding Layers

PLANNING: Sketch your idea for building a Why is your idea the best for your team?
bubble wand. Label materials.

Choosing a Plan: Which design will your Materials: Make a bulleted list of the supplies
team use? Why? you will need.

©Teachers are Terrific!

Name ________________
Bubbles Date _________________

CREATE: Follow your plan. IMPROVE: How did you improve your
What challenges did you encounter? bubble wand?

__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________

CONCLUSION REFLECTION: Describe your success, or lack

Describe and draw your final bubble of success, with this challenge and why it
wand. occurred. Explain what you learned.

©Teachers are Terrific!
Date STEM Challenge Name
_______ _______
With Bubbles
ASK: What is the question to be answered with this challenge?

EXPLORE: Use the bubble solution to learn about creating larger bubbles.

Describe what happened and anything you learned.


EXPLORE DOMES: Use the bubble solution to learn more.

Describe what happened and anything you learned.

IMAGINE: How can you add layers to your dome?

Describe what happened and anything you learned.

©Teachers are Terrific!

STEM Challenge- Page 2

What supplies will you try and what design are you considering to
build the ultimate bubble wand?
List of Supplies Planning Steps to Take

CREATE: Describe and draw your CONCLUSION: How did your bubble
final bubble wand. wand work? How did you test it? Did you
make any improvements as you built it?

____________ __________________________
____________ __________________________
____________ __________________________
____________ __________________________
____________ __________________________
____________ __________________________
____________ _________________________
REFLECTION: Describe your success, or lack of success, with this challenge
and why it occurred. Explain what you learned.
©Teachers are Terrific!
_______ STEM Challenge POSSIBLE
With Bubbles ANSWERS
ASK: What is the question to be answered with this challenge?

How can we design and use materials to make a bubble

wand that creates the best bubbles?

EXPLORE: Use the bubble solution to learn about creating larger bubbles.

Describe what happened and anything you learned.

We learned that we could blow bubbles with just a straw and right off
the table. The bubbles would get a lot bigger than we thought and we
could see a rainbow moving.

EXPLORE DOMES: Use the bubble solution to learn more.

Describe what happened and anything you learned.

When we stopped blowing inside a big bubble and then

started again another bubble would form inside. The bubbles
would move and join together and make shapes.

IMAGINE: How can you add layers to your dome?

Describe what happened and anything you learned.

We blew a big bubble and then tried to make another one

on top of it. This works for just a minute and then the top
bubble will slide down the side.
©Teachers are Terrific!
STEM Challenge- Page 2 ANSWERS
What supplies will you try and what design are you considering to
build the ultimate bubble wand?

List of Supplies Planning Steps to Take

2 pipe cleaners Wind the pipe Cut a hole in the
2 paper cups cleaners around bottom of the cup.
the paper cups. Wind the pipe
This will be the cleaner around
handle and the the cup. Add
cup opening will another pipe
be where the cleaner for the
bubbles make. handle.

CREATE: Describe and draw your CONCLUSION: How did your bubble
final bubble wand. wand work? How did you test it? Did you
make any improvements as you built it?

The bubbles were The bubble wand worked great at

larger than we first. The bubbles were hard to
thought they Drawings make because we had to blow
would be. It softly. Then the cup got soggy and
worked well until will vary wouldn’t stay in shape. We would
the cup got soggy. use a plastic cup if we did this
over. The pipe cleaner was a
good choice.

REFLECTION: Describe your success, or lack of success, with this challenge

and why it occurred. Explain what you learned.
Our bubble wand was successful because it did work. We had really
big bubbles, but not the biggest in the class. We learned that paper
cups will get too soggy to use. We worked together the whole time.

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Bubbles Scoring
1= Unsatisfactory 2= Needs to Improve 3= Good Effort 4= Outstanding Effort

Personal Score
I experimented with the
bubble solution and tracked
my thinking on the lab sheet.

I had a job during the

building of the bubble wand.
My job was _________________.

I helped solve problems while

we made the bubble wand.

I took part in the improving

step and the presentation of
our bubble wand to the class.

Team Score
The team worked well together.
We experimented and then
decided on a design for the

The team used problem-

solving skills to improve the
bubble wand.

The rules of the task were

followed. We used our
materials wisely.

The bubble wand was

completed successfully. This
includes the building and
working together.

© Teachers are Terrific!

If you have any questions or concerns, please
email me at [email protected].
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*PHOTOS CREDIT: All photos included in this resource were

taken by the resource creator (Teachers are Terrific!)

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