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1 Prayer of Aspiration and De den ching to

2 Prayer of Yeshe Tsogyal, Maha Guru
3 Aspiration of the Vajradhatu mandala, Cho chu du chi
4 Short Sengdoma
5 Short Amitayus Dharani and mantra
6 De den ching to
7 Joyful chariot of good fortune, Rang ngak dak pa
8 ”Dharma Kings”, Chokchu de war
9 Closing prayers, Rinchen gestok
10 Longlife prayers for the Lamas
11 Short Tashi
13.More Longlife prayers for the Lamas
12 Short Tröma Ju-lin
Prayer of Aspirations
(Version 1.1) Composed by Dudjom Rinpoche. Translation by Cathy Cantwell

h ,-1}-:1-F-9-9rk Na mo ratna tra ya ya

"Namo ratna tra ya yā

k1"8-=0-W;-0-N=-0%=-*1=-%+-<mk kha khyap gyel wa sé ché tam ché kyi
k!q-+$-9{-<{=-W-13~8m-$}-0}-(m+k ku dang yé shé gyam tsö ngo wo nyi
k#+}+-18m-1#},-.}-+.;-X,-R-1-;k dö mé gön po pel den la ma la
k#=};-0-8+{0=-=}-*},-;1-9}$=-8Es0-14~+k söl wa dep so mön lam yong drup dzö
(I) supplicate the glorious lama, the original protector, (who is) the very essence of the oceans of forms
and primordial wisdom of all the Conquerors and their sons throughout space. Please totally fulfil (my)
k8E}-Hs#-E}$-={:-7}-&u8m-=o+-1}-06m,kdro druk drong khyer zo chü khyü mo zhin

The cities of the six (classes of) beings (are) like the rim of a water wheel;1
k1*8-1{+-"-0Wv+-&q#-0#;-Qm$-8+m-;k ta mé kha gyü duk ngel ling di la

in this island (which is) an endless continuum of suffering,

kNm,-1}8m-E}$-+$-(t-Em8m-3;-W-0v:k sin mö drong dong pu dri tsel ta bur

seeing that (it is) like a village of rakṣasis or a grove of razor blades,
k1*}$-,=-${=-8Ap$-$m$-,=-[{-0:-<}# tong né ngé jung nying né kyé war sho

may renunciation be born in (my) heart!

kOm-;1-W-0v8m-8"}:-08m-+.;-8A}:-\o,k mi lam ta bü khor wé pel jor kün

The delights and wealth of cyclic existence are like a dream;

k1m-0+{,-#=}0-+$-\w-1-W:-<{=-,=k mi den sop dang gyu ma tar shé né

knowing (that they are) fallacious, vacuous and like an illusion,

k7m,-1{+-,1-1"8m-8'8-3~,-W-0v-9mk zin mé nam khé ja tsön ta bu yi

like an endless rainbow in the sky,

kA-A{+-8+m-;-,1-9$-1m-8'v#-<}# ja jé di la nam yang min juk sho

may (I) never even begin to follow (these) pursuits!

k0!8-Hm,-#=v1-X,-+.;-X,-R-1-;k ka drin sum den pel den la ma la

Around the glorious lama, endowed with the three kindnesses,2

k1(1-8E}#=-;}#-W-(t-21-1m-[{-6m$-knyam drok lok ta pu tsam mi kyé zhing

no perverted views arise in (his) company, not even the size of a (strand) of hair;

k=$=-W=-+$}=-=v-1*}$-08m-1}=-]o=-<m=k sang gyé ngö su tong wé mö gü kyi

with devotion from seeing the Buddha in person,

k9{$=-1{+-Wv,-`o-#=};-0-8+{0=-.:-<}# yeng mé gyün du söl wa dep par sho

May (I) unwaveringly supplicate (him) continuously.

k:$-+},-9m+-A{+-R}-$,-1-9m,-.:krang dön yi jé lo ngen ma yin par

Without evil thoughts, deliberating on my own benefit,

k1"8-=0-1->o:-={1=-%,-*1=-%+-;k kha khyap ma gyur sem chen tam ché la

but for the (sake of) all sentient beings throughout space (who have) been (my) mother,
k:0-+1m#=-A$-&u0-={1=-1&}#-:m,-.}-&{k rap mik jang chup sem chok rin po ché

may the best thought (of) the precious supreme bodhicitta,

kWv+-;-[{=-,=-8E}-/,-+},-#({:-<}# gyü la kyé né dro pen dön nyer sho

be born in (my) continuum, (and may I) strive for the benefit of beings.
k#=$-##=-*{#-.-1&}#-#m-":} -bo#=-,=k sang ngak tek pa chok gi gor zhuk né

Having entered into the gate of the supreme vehicle of the Secret Mantra,
k;1->m-1m-1*v,-#{#=-&{,-H1=-.}-&{k lam gyi mi tün gek chen ngam po ché

(there arise) overwhelming great obstructions (which are) detrimental to the path,
k+1-3n#-(1=-8#;-8+=-.8m-am0-.-\o,k dam tsik nyam gel dé pé drip pa kün

all the defilements which degenerate or transgress the samaya;

k0<#=-%}0=-H#-.}=-:$-Wv+-+#-.:-<}# shak top drak pö rang gyü dak par sho

(I) confess (them) really vigorously, may my continuum be purified!

kAm,-T0=-+0$-#m-P}$-14~+-R-1-(m+k jin lap wang gi long dzö la ma nyi

This very lama (is) the vast treasury of consecration (and) empowerment;
k1m-8K;-]m-0}8m-#2t#-_p-0"}1-,=-=vk min drel chi wö tsuk tu gom né su

in meditating on (him as) inseparable (from me), on the crown of (my) head,
k#=};-0-0)0-1*v=-*v#=-9m+-#%m#-8H{=-){k söl wa tap tü tuk yi chik dré té

through the power of the supplication, (his) mind and (my) mind are blended into one;
kK}#=-.8m-(m-1-"}$=-,=-8&:-0:-<}# tok pé nyi ma khong né char war sho

may this dawn in the midst of the sun of realization!

k8+m-W:-'$-Nm+-8"}:-8+=-&}=-M1=-\o,k di tar nang si khor dé chö nam kün

Likewise, all dharmas (of the) phenomenal existence (of) saṃsāra (and of) nirvāṇa,
k:$-'$-'$-21-(m+-,=-[{-0-1{+k rang nang nong tsam nyi né kyé wa mé

(are) self-arisen, from the very moment (they) arise, they are unborn;
kc}=-K;-:m#-.-!q-06m-9{-<{=-T8mk trö drel rik pa ku zhi yé shé ngé

may (I) obtain confidence in this view, recognising (my)self (as)

k:$-$}-<{=-.-W-08m-#+m$-*}0-<}# rang ngo shé pa ta wé ding top sho

the unfabricated pure awareness, the four kāyas, the five (buddha) primordial wisdoms.
k+1m#=-#)+-13,-18m-a}#=-<m=-1m-8&m$-0:k mik té tsen mé drok kyi mi ching war

The meditation object is not bound by the chains of (discursive) labelling;

k+-W8m-:m#-.-%}$-#=;-=}-18m-$$-k da té rik pa tong sel so mé ngang

(it is) the fresh condition, the pure awareness of now, empty and clear,
k1m-9{$=-1m-84n,-:$-00=-[}$-0-9mk mi yeng mi dzin rang bap kyong wa yi

unwavering, without grasping, protecting (its) spontaneous occurrence,

k#,=-;v#=-"}1-.8m-P;-&{,-Q}#=-.:-<}# né luk gom pé tsel chen dzok par sho

may the great creative display of meditating on this fundamental nature be perfected!
kW-]}+-#(m=-.}-@}#=-:{:-1->o:-%m$-k ta chö nyi po chok rer ma gyur ching

Without any bias developing towards either View or Conduct,

k"}-#=v1-9$-+#-&}=-+$-1*v,-.-+$-k go sum yang dak chö dang tün pa dang

(my) three doors in harmony with the completely pure Dharma and,
k\w-18m-M;-8A}:-A:-1{+-9{$=-1{+-$$-k gyu mé nel jor jar mé yeng mé ngang

(in) the non-active (yet) undistracted state of the yoga of illusion,

k(m,-13,-8}+-#=;-8"}:-9v#-8+8-0:-<}# nyin tsen ö sel khor yuk da war sho

day and night, may the clear light transcend (all) horizon(s)!
k,1-6m#-8&m-08m-`o=-=v-00-.-,k nam zhik chi wé dü su bap pa na

Eventually, when the time of death has come,

k3|-8+m8m-9v;-;-6{,-.-K;-0-+$-k tsé di yül la zhen pa drel wa dang

free from attachment to the objects of this life,

k#,+-#%}+-H#-.}8m-&q#-0#;-1m-B}$-6m$-k né chö drak pö duk ngel mi nyong zhing

not experiencing the intense suffering of damage to the vital organs,

k'$-1&{+-*}0-.8m-(1=-\o,-$}-<{=-<}# nang ché top pé nyam kün ngo shé sho

may (I) recognise all the experiences of appearance, increase and attainment.3
k8&m-"8m-0:-+}:-"{#-1}=-0J,-0W-06m,k chi khé bar dor gek mö nyen ta zhin

In the intermediate state at the moment of death, like an attractive woman looking at (her) reflection,
kR-18m-#+1=-$#-={1=-;-#=;-0-+$-k la mé dam ngak sem la sel wa dang

(may) the lama's oral instructions be clear in the mind and,

k#6m-9m-8}+-#=;-1$},-`o->o:-,=-=vk zhi yi ö sel ngön du gyur né su

when the clear light of the ground actually manifests,

k!-+#-&}=-!q8m-P}$-`o-E};-0:-<}# ka dak chö kü long du dröl war sho

may (I) be liberated in the expanse of the primordially pure dharmakāya!

k#;-){-#6m-9m-8}+-#=;-1-7m,-,k gel té zhi yi ö sel ma zin na

Otherwise, if the clear light of the ground is not embraced,

k0:-+}:-6m-D}8m-[-3~#=-8&:-1-*# bar dor zhi trö lha tsok char ma tak

as soon as the assembly of peaceful and wrathful deities arises in the intermediate state,
k:$-'$-$}-<{=-1-.$-0v-8'v#-W:k rang nang ngo shé ma pang bu juk tar

may (I) recognise (my)self appearing, like a child coming to sit in (his) mother's lap,
k[s,-Es0-;}$=-!q8m-+Am$=-=v-E};-0:-<}# lhün drup long kü ying su dröl war sho

(and) may (I) be liberated in the sphere of the spontaneously accomplished sambhogakāya!
k+{-9$-(1=-;{,-#}1=-8Hm=-&u$-%0=-<m=k dé yang nyam len gom dri chung tap kyi

Then again, if, due to little practice, familiarity (and) skill,

k&}=-(m+-0:-+}:-E};-0:-1->o:-,k chö nyi bar dor dröl war ma gyur na

(I) am not liberated in the dharmatā intermediate state,

k;=-<m-8J}-1*v+-9v:-0:-5-84v#-W:k lé kyi tro tü yur war wa dzuk tar

(and remain subject to) the prolonging of karma; like (water in) a pipe (of) an irrigation channel,4
k$,-.8m-"}-"{#=-07$-.}8m-K{,-83~;-<}# ngen pé go khek zang pö ten tsöl sho

may the doors of bad (births) be closed, and the basis of good (births) be sought out.
kK{,-07$-+;-8A}:-3$-6m$-:$-+0$-%,k ten zang del jor tsang zhing rang wang chen

Having acquired the (conditions of) ease and the endowments (of) a good basis,5 having independence,
k13,-X,-R-1-+$-,m-#=$-##=-<mk tsen den la ma dang ni sang ngak kyi

k&}=-+$-J+-%m$-(1=-=v-;{,-.-9mk chö dang tré ching nyam su len pa yi

k!;-0:-X,-.8m-;v=-1&}#-*}0-.:-<}# kel war den pé lü chok top par sho
may (I) obtain an excellent body which is endowed with the good fortune to meet with a lama of
authentic qualities, and with the Secret Mantra Dharma, and to practise (it).
k3|-:0=-\o,-_p-+1-3n#-M1-.:-+# tsé rap kün tu dam tsik nam par dak

In all (my) lifetimes, may the samaya be completely pure;

k:m1-#(m=-1*:-@m,-:$-#6,-+},-#(m=-8Es0k rim nyi tar chin rong zhen dön nyi drup

perfecting the two stages,6 may the benefits of both self and others be accomplished;
k\o,-07$-&}=-!q8m-W;-=-Bp:-*}0-,=k kün zang chö kü gyel sa nyur top né

having swiftly attained the throne of the dharmakāya, Samantabhadra,

k"1=-#=v1-8"}:-0-+}$-,=-cu#=-.:-<}# kham sum khor wa dong né truk par sho

may (I) shake up the the realms (of) saṃsāra from the depths."

In accordance with the entreaties of both the physician, Chö-nyi Gyamtso (Chos nyid rgya mtsho) and Yeshe
Chö-durn (Ye shes chos sgron), Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje ('Jigs bral ye shes rdo rje) wrote this. May it bring
virtuous happiness.

In the blissful Buddhafield, Amitābha, unchanging light

h k0+{-X,-6m$-`o-'$-1*8-8}+-1m-8>o:k Dé den zhing du nang ta ö min gyur

"In the blissful Buddhafield, Amitābha, unchanging light;

k:m-0}-)-;:-8/#=-1&}#-$m$-I{8m-#){:k ri po ta lar pak chok nying jé ter

on the Potala Mountain,7 the supreme Noble One, treasure of compassion;

kH-90-Qm$-`o-.]-*}+-J{$-P;k nga yap ling du pema tö treng tsel

In Nga-yap-ling, Pema Tö-treng-tsal;8

k+A{:-1{+-[0=-\o,-8`o=-6;-R-1-I{k yer mé kyap kün dü zhel la ma jé

Lord, lama (whose) face (is) inseparably the complete embodiment (of) all the Refuges,
k$m$-,=-1}=-#`o$-H#-.}=-#=};-8+{0=-,k nying né mö dung drak pö söl dep na

supplicating (you) with intense longing and devotion from (the depths of my) heart,
kK#-_p-0P{-0=-I{=-07v$-Am,-T0=-+};k tak tu tsé wé jé zung jin lap tsöl

with (your) constant loving kindness, please accept (me as your follower and) grant
k#,=-!0=-@m-,$-8#;-V{,-0:-&+-6mk né kap chi nang gel kyen bar ché zhi

Please pacify the hindrances (of) outer and inner circumstances (arising from) unfavourable
k3|-:m$-0+{-8A}:-0=1-+},-[s,->m=-8Es0k tsé ring dé jor sam dön lhün gyi drup

spontaneously accomplish wishes for obtaining a happy long life;

k&}=-1m,-W-$,-Wv+-;-1m-[{-0:kchö min ta ngen gyü la mi kyé war

may evil non-Dharma views never be born in (my) continuum,

chö tün kar pö sam jor gong du pel
(and) may white thoughts conducive to Dharma be obtained and develop more and more!
k,1-6m#-8&m-"-#,+-#%}+-1m-B}$-6m$-knam zhik chi kha né chö mi nyong zhing

Eventually, not experiencing damage to the vital organs at the time of death,
k8/}=-1-*#-_p-1"8-8E}=-1`o,-0=v=-,=k pö ma tak tu khan drö dün sü né

at the very moment of (the) transference (of consciousness), ḍākinīs escorting (me into your) presence,
k.]-8}+-<m-6m$-`o-[{=-,=-<$-k pema ö kyi zhing du kyé né kyang

may (I) be born in the (Buddha) field of Lotus Light and

k]o-:v8m-6;-1*}$-#=v$-#m-;v$-,}+-+{k gu rü zhel tong sung gi lung nö dé

seeing the face of the Guru, receive (your) speech transmission!

k=-;1-9},-),-1m#-8Js;-W-0v:-0E}+k sa lam yön ten mik trül ta bur drö

May the (bodhisattva) stages, paths (and) enlightened qualities be traversed like an optical
k:$-#6,-+},-#(m=-1*8-:v-@m,-.:-<}# rang zhen dön nyi ta ru chin par sho

(and) may (I) perfect the two benefits of self and others!"

k%{=-.8$-++-.-%,-;-&}=-<m-8K{;-0-8'}#-.8m-U+-`o-8'm#=-K;-9{-<{=-L}-I{=-=}k kk
This is by Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje ('Jigs bral ye shes rdo rje), for the sake of those with faith who
have made a Dharma connection.
[Translated by Cathy Cantwell,9 on Guru Padma's birthday in the Monkey Year, 2004.]

1 as in a water mill, the wheel never stops turning.

2 Three kindnesses: various explanations - the Nitartha dictionary gives two main lists. Either, in sūtra, the lama gives
precepts (sdom pa), authorization (lung), teachings (khrid), and in tantra, the lama confers empowerment (dbang bskur),
explains the tantras (rgyud bshad), gives pith instructions (man ngag gnang ba) [IW, ry], or, the three consist of teaching
logic (rig pa bslab pa), demonstrating the sūtras and tantras (mdo rgyud bstan pa), giving empowerment and consecration
(dbang bskur byin rlabs byed pa) [JV, ry].
3 The Nitartha dictionary [JV] notes that these three experiences occur at the time of death, as whiteness, redness and
blackness; this entry also lists them as soft light, intense spread of light, inner glow.
4 in other words, one is being channelled correctly, and not dissipated in non-Dharma behaviour.
5 ie a "precious" human birth, with the abilities and opportunities to practise Dharma.
6 the generation and completion stages
7 ri bo ta la: bo ta la is a Tibetanised transcription of po ta la: the Potala Mountain, indicating the Buddha field of
Avalokiteśvara, who is referred to in this line, so that we have the Dharmakāya Amitābha, the Sambhogakāya
Avalokiteśvara, and the Nirmāṇakāya, Guru Rinpoche.
8 Lotus Skull-Garlanded: name of Guru Rinpoche, whose buddha field of the Copper-coloured mountain is in Ngayap-
9 References above to the Nitartha dictionary refer to the Rangjung Yeshe Dictionary
( This now includes entries from a number of sources, of which those
cited here consist of: ry (Rangjung Yeshe), JV (Jim Valby), IW (Ives Waldo).

Amitāyus Dharaṇi
(from the bDud 'joms chos spyod Delhi edition, 2000: 213) (Version 1.2)1

h k8'm#-K{,-8H{,-.8m-#2~-0}-3|-+.#-1{+k jik ten dren pé tso wo tsé pak mé

Lord who guides the world, Amitāyus;

dü min chi wa ma lü jom pé pel
(with) the magnificence of vanquishing every single untimely death,
k1#},-1{+-&q#-0#;->o:-.-M1=-<m-[0=k gön mé duk ngel gyur pa nam kyi kyap

Refuge for those lacking a protector, subject to suffering,

k=$=-W=-3|-+.#-1{+-;-@#-83;-;}k song gyé tsé pak mé la chak tsel lo

(I) prostrate to the Buddha Amitāyus!

k?f-,-1}-L-#-5-){k k?-.-:m-1m-)-?r-9v"l-,-=v-0m-,mSm-)-){-/-:r-4r-9k k)-*r-#-)-9k k?F-){-=B6Z-0vR-9k
k)^-*rk k?f-.v!{-.v!{k k1-dw-.v!{k k?-.-:m-1m-)-.v!{k k?-.-:m-1m-)-.v!{-'j-,-=Z-Lj-:}-.-2n-){k k?f-=N-
om na mo bha ga wa té, a pa ri mi ta a yurjnya na su bi nishtsi ta te jwa ra ja ya,
ta tha ga ta ya, arha te samyaksam buddha ya, tadya tha, om punyé punyé,
ma ha punyé, a pa ri mi ta punyé, a pa ri mi ta punyé jnya na sam bha ro pa tsi té,
om sarwa samska ra pa ri shuddha dharma té ga ga na sa mutga té sa bha wa bi
shuddhé ma ha na ya pa ri wa ré so ha
Oṃ na mo bha ga wa te/ /a pa ri mi ta ā yurdznyā na su bi niśtsi ta te dzwa rā dzā ya/ /ta
thā ga ta ya/ /arha te samyaksaṃ buddha ya/ /tadya thā/ /oṃ puṇye puṇye/ /ma
hā puṇye/ /a pa ri mi ta puṇye/ /a pa ri mi ta puṇye dznyā na saṃ bhā ro pa tsi te/ /oṃ
sarba saṃskā ra pa ri shuddha dharmā te ga ga na sa mutga te swa bhā wa bi shuddhe ma hā
na ya pa ri wa re swā hā/
The Short Amitāyus Mantra
om ar marani dzi wanti yé so ha
oṃ amāraṇi jivantiye svāhā%
1 Theinput of Tibetan was done by Nicolas Chong; translation, editing of the Tibetan, and the final text
production was by Cathy Cantwell.
h k0+{-X,-6m$-`o-'$-1*8-8}+-1m-8>o:k dé den zhing du nang ta ö min gyur

"In the blissful Buddhafield, Amitābha, unchanging light;

k:m-0}-)-;:-8/#=-1&}#-$m$-I{8m-#){:kri po ta lar pak chok nying jé ter

on the Potala Mountain,7 the supreme Noble One, treasure of compassion;

kH-90-Qm$-`o-.]-*}+-J{$-P;k nga yap ling du pema tö treng tsel

In Nga-yap-ling, Pema Tö-treng-tsal;8

k+A{:-1{+-[0=-\o,-8`o=-6;-R-1-I{k yer mé kyap kün dü zhel la ma jé

Lord, lama (whose) face (is) inseparably the complete embodiment (of) all the Refuges,
k$m$-,=-1}=-#`o$-H#-.}=-#=};-8+{0=-,k nying né mö dung drak pö söl dep na

supplicating (you) with intense longing and devotion from (the depths of my) heart,
kK#-_p-0P{-0=-I{=-07v$-Am,-T0=-+};k tak tu tsé wé jé zung jin lap tsöl

with (your) constant loving kindness, please accept (me as your follower and) grant
k#,=-!0=-@m-,$-8#;-V{,-0:-&+-6mk né kap chi nang gel kyen bar ché zhi

Please pacify the hindrances (of) outer and inner circumstances (arising from) unfavourable
k3|-:m$-0+{-8A}:-0=1-+},-[s,->m=-8Es0ktsé ring dé jor sam dön lhün gyi drup

spontaneously accomplish wishes for obtaining a happy long life;

chö min ta ngen gyü la mi kyé war
may evil non-Dharma views never be born in (my) continuum,
chö tün kar pö sam jor gong du pel
(and) may white thoughts conducive to Dharma be obtained and develop more and more!
nam zhik chi kha né chö mi nyong zhing
Eventually, not experiencing damage to the vital organs at the time of death,
k8/}=-1-*#-_p-1"8-8E}=-1`o,-0=v=-,=k pö ma tak tu khan drö dün sü né

at the very moment of (the) transference (of consciousness), ḍākinīs escorting (me into your)
k.]-8}+-<m-6m$-`o-[{=-,=-<$-kpema ö kyi zhing du kyé né kyang

may (I) be born in the (Buddha) field of Lotus Light and

gu rü zhel tong sung gi lung nö dé
seeing the face of the Guru, receive (your) speech transmission!
k=-;1-9},-),-1m#-8Js;-W-0v:-0E}+k sa lam yön ten mik trül ta bur drö

May the (bodhisattva) stages, paths (and) enlightened qualities be traversed like an optical
k:$-#6,-+},-#(m=-1*8-:v-@m,-.:-<}# rong zhen dön nyi ta ru chin par sho

(and) may (I) perfect the two benefits of self and others!"
k%{=-.8$-++-.-%,-;-&}=-<m-8K{;-0-8'}#-.8m-U+-`o-8'm#=-K;-9{-<{=-L}-I{=-=}k kk
This is by Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje ('Jigs bral ye shes rdo rje), for the sake of those with faith who
have made a Dharma connection.
[Translated by Cathy Cantwell,9 on Guru Padma's birthday in the Monkey Year, 2004.]
2 k7$=-1+}#-+.;-:m:-0E}+-.8m-*},-;1-!;-07$-+#8-08m-<m$-Kk

The Joyful Chariot of Good Fortune:

An Aspiration to Journey to the Glorious Copper-Coloured
[Version 3.2]
:$-'$-+#-.-0+{-&{,-L}-I{8m-+Am$=k rang nang dak pa de chen dor je ying

In the adamantine open dimension (rdo-rje'i dbyings; Skt. vajradhātu), the great bliss of pure self-
k[s,-Es0-8}#-1m,-\w-8Js;-g-08m-#:k lhün drup 'ok min gyu trül dra we gar
Is the spontaneously present Akaniṣṭha, a lattice-work dance of illusory manifestation;
k:0-8A1=-W;-08m-6m$-"1=-W-13~8m-/v;k rap jam gyel we zhing kham gya tsö pül
k7$=-1+}#-+.;->m-:m-0}:-[{-0:-<}# zang dok pel gyi ri wor kye war shok
May I be born on the Glorious Copper-Coloured Mountain (Zangs-mdog dpal-ri),

Exquisite among the oceans of pure fields of the profusion of Victorious Ones!

k9m+-8}$-.]-:r-#8m-:m-+0$-P{:k yi 'ong pema ra ge ri wang tser

Upon the peak of the delightful sovereign mountain of rubies2
k,}:-0v-0-#1-0P{#=-.8m-/}-K$-,mk nor bu ba gam tsek pe po drang ni
Is a palace whose storeys are made of gems,
k/v;-Ap$-$}-13:-0!}+-.=-14|=-.-%,k pül jung ngo tsar kö pe dze pa chen
Beautiful through their exquisite and wondrous arrangement;
k7$=-1+}#-+.;->m-:m-0}:-[{-0:-<}# zang dok pel gyi ri wor kye war shok
May I be born on the Glorious Copper-Coloured Mountain!

Translated by Dylan Esler in consultation with Lopon P. Ogyan Tanzin Rinpoche; I am grateful to Cathy
Cantwell for useful suggestions which have helped to improve the translation in various ways. Copyright ©
Khye’u-chung Lotsawa Translation and Text Production Team, 2009. Tibetan script and pronunciations have
been generated with David Chapman’s WylieWord computer program, with some amendments to the
pronunciations where necessary.
Although I have followed the standard practice of translating padma rāga as ‘ruby’, it should be noted that the
Sanskrit term connotes a precious stone similar though not identical to the ruby: it is of red colour and is
figuratively likened to the dew on a lotus.
2w,-,#=-3;-+Cm#-.8m-+}-:-:vk tsenden nak tsel trik pe do ra ru
In the playground of the dark sandalwood forest
k#9v-9m-($=-V}$=-'-3~#=-&u-[{=-06m,k yu yi pang jong na tsok chu kye zhin
Is a turquoise grassland [and a lake] with variegated lotuses,
k#{-=:-84v1-1+$=-+#}+-.8m-;$-3~-$}1=k ge sar dzum dang gö pe lang tso ngom
Their pistils as if smiling and showing off their youth;
k7$=-1+}#-+.;->m-:m-0}:-[{-0:-<}# zang dok pel gyi ri wor kye war shok
May I be born on the Glorious Copper-Coloured Mountain!

#-0v:-(}=-&u=-#<{:-08m-0`o+-Pm8m-Pt$k ga bur pö chü sher we dü tsi lung

By a pond where a stream of ambrosia, moist with camphor-scented water,

k[s$-[s$-(1=-+#:-800-%m$-8"}:-08m-Qm$k lhung lhung nyam gar bap ching khor we dzing
Descends and whirls around in a pleasurable murmur,
k#6},-ao8m-#:-1",-%m-9$-P{-6m$-Wvk zhön nü gar khen chi yang tse zhing gyu
Youthful dancers frolic and roam about;
k7$=-1+}#-+.;->m-:m-0}:-[{-0:-<}# zang dok pel gyi ri wor kye war shok
May I be born on the Glorious Copper-Coloured Mountain!

+0$-#bo8m-#u:-=m1-8Dm#=-.8m-g-1m#-,=k wang zhü gur khyim trik pe dra mik né

k1{-)}#-&:-7m1-800-.8m-Ly;-J{$-,$-k me tok char zim bap pe dül treng nang
In the midst of the dust from a drizzle of flowers,

Fallen from a billowing web of rainbow-pavilions,

k#m$-&{,-0+{-08m-#:->m=-M1-.:-P{k ging chen de we gar gyi nam par tsé
The great messengers (ging-chen)3 dance blissfully;
k7$=-1+}#-+.;->m-:m-0}:-[{-0:-<}# zang dok pel gyi ri wor kye war shok

The term ging is a Tibetan phonetic rendering of the Sanskrit kiṅgkāra, which means 'messenger' (Tib. pho-nya). These messengers are
emissaries of Padmasambhava and are depicted as beating a small drum.
May I be born on the Glorious Copper-Coloured Mountain!

/v,-3~#=-8+}+-.8m-9},-),-M1-1$-.}=k pün tsok dö pe yön ten nam mang pö

With numerous sublime desirable qualities,
k\o,-,=-14|=-Gy:-0W,-A=-1"8-8E}8m-cm,k kün ne dze gur gyen je khan drö trin
Clouds of sky-farers (mkha'-'gro; Skt. ḍākinī), beautifully adorned all over,
k1m-84+-@}#=-<m-8"}:-;}8m-R:-K{=-.k mi dze chok kyi khor lö lar dre pa
Hover above the inexhaustible horizon;4
k7$=-1+}#-+.;->m-:m-0}:-[{-0:-<}# zang dok pel gyi ri wor kye war shok

May I be born on the Glorious Copper-Coloured Mountain!

:m#-84n,-8`o=-.8m-3~#=-<m-E;-+0v=-,k rik dzin dü pe tsok kyi drel wü na

Amidst the rows of an assembly of awareness-holders (rig-'dzin; Skt. vidyādhara)

k.]-8Ap$-#,=-W;-08m-+0$-.}-9m=k padma jung ne gyel we wang po yi
Is the Lotus-born Victor; by his power
k70-#=$-={$-#{8m-a-&{,-\o,-_p-a}#=k zap sang seng ge dra chen kün tu drok
The great profound and secret lion’s roar resounds everywhere;
k7$=-1+}#-+.;->m-:m-0}:-[{-0:-<}# zang dok pel gyi ri wor kye war shok

May I be born on the Glorious Copper-Coloured Mountain!

=$=-W=-\o,->m-$}-0}-$-9m,-6{=k sang gye kün gyi ngo wo nga yin zhé
"I am the essence of all Buddhas". Thus you proclaim.
k1={,-P{8m-9{-<{=-13u$=-.-1{+-.8m-%}0=k khyen tse ye she tsung pa me pe top

By the unparalleled strength of your percipient and loving wisdom,

k1v-1{+-#`o;-A8m-"1=-+$-1(1-.:-8'v# mu me dül je kham dang nyam par juk
The realms of the endless beings to be tamed are rendered equal;
k7$=-1+}#-+.;->m-:m-0}:-[{-0:-<}# zang dok pel gyi ri wor kye war shok

The Tibetan term is phyogs-kyi 'khor-lo, which is a translation of the Sanskrit dikcakra. The term literally means the 'wheel of directions',
and refers to the sky, or horizon, since the directions can only be known in relation to the latter.
May I be born on the Glorious Copper-Coloured Mountain!

9},-),-W-13~-/-1*8-9=-.8m-#){:k yön ten gya tso pa ta ye pe ter

O ocean of qualities, infinite treasure –
kH,-.-21->m=-6m$-+{:-+0v#=-8Am,-.8mk dren pa tsam gyi zhing der wuk jin pé
By merely recollecting you, we find relief in your [pure] field:
k$}-13:-Jm,-;=-8"}:-;}8m-#7m-Am,-%,k ngo tsar trin le khor lö zi jin chen
Such is the majestic wheel of your wondrous activity;
k7$=-1+}#-+.;->m-:m-0}:-[{-0:-<}# zang dok pel gyi ri wor kye war shok

May I be born on the Glorious Copper-Coloured Mountain!

1"8-]}+-.]-8}+-14|=-E}$-={:-`ok kha chö padma 'ö dze drong khyer du

k+-W-(m+-`o-02,-*0=-0E}+-,=-<$k da ta nyi du tsen tap drö ne kyang
In this very moment, may I journey, even if by forceful means,

To the beautiful city Celestial Lotus Light (mKha'-spyod padma-'od), and

k+},-#(m=-9m+-06m,-8Es0-.8m-M1-*:-3u;k dön nyi yi zhin drup pe nam tar tsül
In the manner of utter release which accomplishes the two purposes5
k1(1-1{+-]o-:v-=}+-+$-13u$=-.:-<}# nyam me gu ru khyö dang tsung par shok
May I become similar to you, unequalled guru!


As a facilitating condition for the daughter of noble family, Dekyong Yeshe Wangmo,6 to journey to
Pema-ö,7 her old father Jikdral Yeshe Dorje8 made this aspiration from his heart, with a mind full of
grief and longing. May there be virtue!

The two purposes (don gnyis) are those relating to oneself (rang-don; Skt. svārtha) and others (gzhan-don; Skt. parārtha). They are
accomplished by means of the two accumulations, which are those of wisdom (ye-shes-kyi tshogs; Skt. jñānasambhāra) and of merit (bsod-
nams-kyi tshogs; Skt. puṇyasambhāra). These result in the body of phenomena's beingness (chos-kyi sku; Skt. dharmakāya) and the body of
form (gzugs-kyi sku; Skt. rūpakāya).
bDe-skyong ye-shes dbang-mo, Dudjom Rinpoche’s daughter.
Padma-'od: Lotus Light.
'Jigs-bral ye-shes rdo-rje.
kk 2 k=$=-W=-\o,->m-$}-0}-0!8-Hm,-%,k sang gye kün gyi ngo wo ka drin chen
The essence of all the Buddhas,
k?}-W,-:m,-.}-&{-;-#=};-0-8+{0=k orgyen rin po che la söl wa dep
Gracious Ogyan Rinpoche, to you I pray:
k,1-6m#-3|-8+m8m-'$-0-ao0-1-*# nam zhik tse di nang wa nup ma tak
As soon as the appearances of this life subside,
k.]-8}+-`o-[{-0:-Am,->m=-T}0=k padma 'ö du kye war jin gyi lop
Please bless me so that I may be born in Pema-ö!


By Jñāna.
Closing Aspiration Prayers: Auspicious Wishes and Dedication*
[Version 1.2]

༄༅།། བཀྲ་ཤིས་སྔོ་སྨོན་སྨོགས་ནི།
Auspicious wishes and dedicatory aspirations:

རིན་ཆེན་དགེ་ཚྨོགས་འདི་ཡིས་འགྲོ་བ་ཀུན། Rin chen ge tsok di yi dro ba kün

Through these precious virtues, may all wandering beings
རྟག་ཏུ་དམ་པའི་ཆོས་དང་མི་འབྲལ་ཞིང་། tak tu dam pe chö dang mi drel zhing
Never be free from the sacred doctrine!
རང་གཞན་དྨོན་གཉིས་རྨོགས་པ་མཐར་ཕྱིན་ནས། rang zhen dön nyi dzok pa tar chin né
Having brought to completion the two purposes relating to oneself and others,
ཆོས་རྔ་སྒྲོགས་པས་འཇིགས་རྟེན་མཛེས་པར་ཤྨོག chö nga drok pe jik ten dze par shok
May I beautify the world with the doctrine’s resounding drum!
ཕན་བདེའི་འབྱུང་གནས་བསྟན་པ་འཕེལ་གྱུར་ཅིག pen de jung ne ten pa pel gyur chik
May the teaching, the source of all well-being, spread [far and wide]!
ཚེ་རབས་ཀུན་ཏུ་ཆོས་ལ་སྨོད་གྱུར་ཅིག tse rap kün tu chö la chö gyur chik
In all my lives, may I engage in the doctrine!
རྒྱལ་ཁམས་ཀུན་ཏུ་བཀྲ་ཤིས་རྒྱས་གྱུར་ཅིག gyel kham kün tu tra shi gye gyur chik
May auspiciousness increase throughout all lands and
འགྲོ་ཀུན་ཕྱམ་གཅིག་སངས་རྒྱས་ཐྨོབ་གྱུར་ཅིག dro kün cham chik sang gye top gyur chik
May all wandering beings attain awakening together!
ཆོས་ཚུལ་འདི་ཡང་ཉི་ཟླའི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་བཞིན། chö tsül di yang nyi de kyil khor zhin
May this religious way be renowned throughout all areas and directions,
ཕྱྨོགས་ཀྱི་ཐ་གྲུ་ཀུན་ཏུ་གྲགས་གྱུར་ཏེ། chok kyi ta dru kün tu drak gyur té
Just like the configurations of the sun and moon!
བྨོ་གྲོས་པདྨོ་རབ་ཏུ་རྒྱས་བྱེད་ཅིང་། lo drö padmo rap tu gye je ching
May the lotus of intelligence unfold
སངས་རྒྱས་བསྟན་པ་དར་ཞིང་རྒྱས་པར་ཤྨོག། sang gye ten pa dar zhing gye par shok
And may the Buddha’s teaching be propagated and increase!

Translated by Dylan Esler in consultation with Lopon P. Ogyan Tanzin Rinpoche. Some of the prayers
reproduced here have been translated by Cathy Cantwell; these are preceded by an asterisk and footnote to that
effect. Copyright © Khye’u-chung Lotsawa Translation and Text Production Team, 2008. Tibetan script and
pronunciations have been generated with David Chapman’s WylieWord computer program, with some
amendments to the pronunciations where necessary.

གང་དུ་སྐྱེས་པའི་སྐྱེ་བ་ཐམས་ཅད་དུ། gang du kye pe kye wa tam che du

Throughout all my births, wherever I am born,
མཐྨོ་རིས་ཡྨོན་ཏན་བདུན་ལྡན་ཐྨོབ་པར་ཤྨོག to ri yön ten dün den top par shok
May I be endowed with the seven qualities of the higher levels!9
སྐྱེས་མ་ཐག་ཏུ་ཆོས་དང་འཕྲད་གྱུར་ནས། kye ma tak tu chö dang tre gyur né
Having encountered the doctrine right after birth,
ཚུལ་བཞིན་བསྒྲུབ་པའི་རང་དབང་ཡྨོད་པར་ཤྨོག tsül zhin drup pe rang wang yö par shok
May I have the autonomy to practise according to the way!
དེར་ཡང་བ་མ་དམ་པ་མཉེས་བྱས་ནས། der yang la ma dam pa nye je né
Moreover, gladdening the holy guru,
ཉིན་དང་མཚན་དུ་ཆོས་ལ་སྨོད་པར་ཤྨོག nyin dang tsen du chö la chö par shok
May I engage in the doctrine both day and night!
ཆོས་ཐྨོབ་ནས་ནི་སྙིང་པྨོའི་དྨོན་བསྒྲུབས་ཏེ། chö top ne ni nying pö dön drup té
Having obtained the doctrine, may I accomplish the quintessential meaning,
ཚེ་དེས་སྲིད་པའི་རྒྱ་མཚྨོ་བརྒལ་བར་ཤྨོག tse de si pe gya tso gel war shok
And, in this life, cross over the ocean of existence!
སྲིད་པར་དམ་པའི་ཆོས་རབ་སྟྨོན་བྱེད་ཅིང་། si par dam pe chö rap tön je ching
Teaching the holy doctrine to [those caught up in] existence,
གཞན་ཕན་སྒྲུབ་ལ་སྐྱོ་ངལ་མེད་པར་ཤྨོག zhen pen drup la kyo ngel me par shok
May I tirelessly accomplish the benefits of others!
རླབས་ཆེན་གཞན་དྨོན་ཕྱྨོགས་རིས་མེད་པ་ཡིས། lap chen zhen dön chok ri me pa yi
May I [deploy] without bias great energy for the purpose of others,
ཐམས་ཅད་ཕྱམ་གཅིག་སངས་རྒྱས་ཐྨོབ་པར་ཤྨོག tam che cham chik sang gye top par shok.
And may all together attain awakening!

And may all together attain awakening!

༈ དཔྨོན་སྨོབ་མི་འབྲལ་ལྷན་ཅིག་ཚྨོགས། Pön lop mi drel lhen chik tsok

May the master and students never part [but remain] together as a gathering!

These seven qualities pertain to one’s family (rigs-kyi yon-tan), one’s form (gzugs-kyi yon-tan), one’s
advantages (’byor-ba’i yon-tan), one’s position of power (dbang-phyug-gi yon-tan), one’s acumen (shes-rab-kyi
yon tan), one’s long life (tshe-ring-gi yon-tan) and one’s freedom from illness (nad-med-pa’i yon-tan).
སྐུ་ཚེ་མི་འགྱུར་སྲ་ཞིང་བརྟན། ku tse mi gyur sa zhing ten
May their lives be unchanging, solid and firm!
ཇ་བཟང་བཞེས་སྨོ་རྒྱུན་མི་ཆད། ja zang zhe tro gyün mi ché
May [the provisions of] tea and wholesome foods be uninterrupted,
སྐྱིད་ལ་ཆོས་འཕེལ་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཤྨོག། kyi la chö pel tra shi shok.
And may there be the auspiciousness of both happiness and the doctrine spreading [far and wide]!
༈ སྦྱིན་བདག་འཁོར་དང་བཅས་རྣམས་ལ། Jin dak khor dang che nam la
May the patrons, along with their retinues,,

ཚེ་འདིར་བསམ་པའི་དྨོན་འགྲུབ་ཅིང་། tse dir sam pe dön drup ching

Have, in this life, their purposes accomplished according to their wishes!
བར་ཆད་ཞི་ནས་ཆོས་འཕེལ་བ། bar che zhi ne chö pel wa
May their obstacles be pacified and may the doctrine spread!
བསམ་པ་ཆོས་བཞིན་འགྲུབ་པའི་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཤྨོག། sam pa chö zhin drup pe tra shi shok.
May there be the auspiciousness of our wishes being accomplished according to the doctrine!
༈ མི་ལ་ཚེ་ཡི་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཤྨོག Mi la tse yi tra shi shok
May there be the auspiciousness of a human life,
ནྨོར་ལ་གཡང་གི་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཤྨོག nor la yang gi tra shi shok
The auspiciousness of wealth and prosperity,
ཟས་ལ་བཅུད་ཀྱི་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཤྨོག ze la chü kyi tra shi shok
And the auspiciousness of nutritious food:
མི་ནྨོར་ཟས་གསུམ་འཛྨོམས་པའི་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཤྨོག mi nor ze sum dzom pe tra shi shok.
May there be the auspiciousness of a human life, wealth and foodstuffs converging!
༈ བགེགས་རིགས་སྟྨོང་ཕྲག་བརྒྱད་ཅུ་ཞི་བ་དང་། Gek rik tong trak gya chu zhi wa dang
May the eighty-four thousand kinds of obstructions be pacified!10
མི་མཐུན་གནྨོད་པའི་རྐྱེན་དང་བྲལ་བ་དང་། mi tün nö pe kyen dang drel wa dang
May we be free from disagreeable and harmful conditions!
མཐུན་པ་སྒྲུབ་ཅིང་ཕུན་སུམ་ཚྨོགས་པ་སྟེ། tün pa drup ching pün sum tsok pa té
May all that is agreeable be accomplished, and may there be sublimity,
བཀྲ་ཤིས་དེས་ཀྱང་དེང་འདིར་བདེ་ལེགས་ཤྨོག tra shi de kyang deng dir de lek shok.
Auspiciousness and excellent comfort here and now!
༈ ནམ་མཁའི་མཐར་ཐུག་མཐའ་ཡས་སེམས་ཅན་རྣམས། Nam khe tar tuk ta ye sem chen nam
May sentient beings, infinite [in number] as the sky,
མ་འབད་བཞིན་དུ་སྐུ་གསུམ་མངོན་གྱུར་ཏེ། ma be zhin du ku sum ngön gyur té
Actualize, without exertion, the three awakened bodies!
ཕ་མ་འགྲོ་དྲུག་སེམས་ཅན་མ་ལུས་པ། pa ma dro druk sem chen ma lü pa
May all sentient beings of the six migrations, my [former] parents,
ཕྱམ་གཅིག་གདྨོད་མའི་ས་ལ་ཕྱིན་པར་ཤྨོག cham chik dö me sa la chin par shok.
Reach together the original stage!
༈ ཀུན་བཟང་རྨོ་རྗེ་འཆང་ཆེན་མན་ཆད་ནས། Kün zang dorjé chang chen men che né
[All the lineage gurus,] from Samantabhadra Vajradhara
དྲིན་ཅན་རྩ་བའི་བ་མ་ཡན་ཆད་ཀྱིས། drin chen tsa we la ma yen che kyi
Right up to my gracious root guru,
འགྲོ་བའི་དྨོན་དུ་སྨོན་ལམ་ཅི་བཏབ་པ། dro we dön du mön lam chi tap pa
Have formulated aspirations for the purpose of wandering beings:
དེ་དག་ཐམས་ཅད་བདག་གིས་འགྲུབ་པར་ཤྨོག de dak tam che dak gi drup par shok.
May I accomplish all of them!
༈ ཇི་སྙེད་ཕན་བདེ་མ་ལུས་འབྱུང་བའི་གནས། Ji nye pen de ma lü jung we né
May the source of all well-being without exception,
ཐུབ་པའི་བསྟན་པ་སྤྱི་དང་ཁྱད་པར་དུ། tup pe ten pa chi dang khye par du
The Able One’s teaching in general and, in particular,
སྔ་འགྱུར་འྨོད་གསལ་རྨོ་རྗེ་སྙིང་པྨོའི་སྲྨོལ། nga gyur 'ö sel dorjé nying pö söl
The quintessential adamantine tradition of luminosity of the early translation period,
ཕྱྨོགས་དུས་ཀུན་ཏུ་དར་ཞིང་རྒྱས་གྱུར་ཅིག chok dü kün tu dar zhing gye gyur chik.
Be propagated and increase throughout all directions and times!
༈ མདྨོ་སྔགས་ཆོས་ཚུལ་ཚང་ལ་མ་ནྨོར་བ། Do ngak chö tsül tsang la ma nor wa
May the whole and unmistaken religious way of the sūtras and tantras,
མཁས་ཤིང་གྲུབ་བརྙེས་རིག་འཛིན་བརྒྱུད་པའི་སྲྨོལ། khe shing drup nye rik dzin gyü pe söl
Gained both from sages and saints, as well as the tradition of the lineage of awareness-holders,
ཐུབ་བསྟན་སྙིང་པྨོ་གསང་སྔགས་སྔ་འགྱུར་བའི་། tup ten nying po sang ngak nga gyur wé
And the teaching of the early translation period pertaining to the quintessential mystery spell,
བསྟན་པ་འཕེལ་རྒྱས་འཛམ་གླིང་ཁྱབ་གྱུར་ཅིག ten pa phel gye dzam ling khyap gyur chik.
Spread and increase, pervading our world!!

༈ བསྟན་པའི་དཔལ་གྱུར་བ་མའི་ཞབས་པད་བརྟན། Ten pe pel gyur la me zhap pe ten

May the lives of the glorious teaching’s gurus be firm, and
བསྟན་འཛིན་སྐྱེས་བུས་ས་སྟེང་ཡྨོངས་ལ་ཁྱབ། ten dzin kye bü sa teng yong la khyap
May the holders of the teaching pervade the entire face of the earth!
བསྟན་པའི་སྦྱིན་བདག་མངའ་ཐང་འབྱྨོར་བ་རྒྱས། ten pe jin dak nga tang jor wa gyé
May the teaching’s patrons see their might and advantages increase, and
བསྟན་པ་ཡུན་རིང་གནས་པའི་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཤྨོག ten pa yün ring ne pe tra shi shok.
May there be the auspiciousness of the teaching remaining for long!
༈ རྒྱལ་བ་ཀུན་གྱི་ཉེ་ལམ་གཅིག་པུ་རུ། Gyel wa kün gyi nye lam chik pu ru

རྒྱལ་བས་ཡྨོངས་བསྔགས་ཐེག་མཆོག་རྨོགས་པ་ཆེ། gyel we yong ngak tek chok dzok pa ché

The greatly complete supreme vehicle has been extolled by the Victors
As the sole short path [espoused by all] Victorious Ones:
རྒྱལ་དབང་པདའི་རིང་ལུགས་སྔ་འགྱུར་བའི། gyel wang padma'i ring luk nga gyur wé
It is the tradition of Padmasambhava, the sovereign of Victors;
རྒྱལ་བསྟན་ཕྱྨོགས་མཐར་ཁྱབ་པའི་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཤྨོག gyel ten chok tar khyap pe tra shi shok.
May there be the auspiciousness of the Victor’s teaching [preserved in] the early translations
pervading all directions!
༈ རྒྱལ་བ་ཀུན་གྱི་གསང་ཆེན་མཛྨོད། Gyel wa kün gyi sang chen dzö
This treasury of all Victorious Ones’ great secret,
བ་མེད་མཆོག་གི་བསྟན་པ་འདི། la me chok gi ten pa di
The unsurpassed, supreme teaching:
ཇི་ལྟར་མཁའ་ལ་ཉི་ཤར་བཞིན། ji tar kha la nyi shar zhin
Just as the sun rises in the sky,
རྒྱལ་ཁམས་ཡྨོངས་ལ་དར་རྒྱས་ཤྨོག gyel kham yong la dar gye shok.
May it be propagated and increase throughout all lands!
༈ ཨྒྱ༵ྨོ་རྒྱྒྱ༵ན་པདའི་ཐུགས་མཛྨོད་བདུུ༷ད་རྩིའི་བཅུད། Ogyan pemé tuk dzö dü tsi chü

སྐལ་བཟང་གདུལ་བྱའི་ཉོན་མྨོངས་འཇུ༷ྨོམས་བྱེད་པའིུ༷༷། kel zang dül je nyön mong jom je pé

སྤང་ཀློག་ཆྒྱ༵ྨོས་འཁྒྱ༵ྨོར་གསུམ་གྱི་བསྟིུ༷༷་གནུ༷ས་འདི། pang lok chö khor sum gyi ti né di

This residence of the three doctrinal wheels of relinquishing, reading [and action], 10
Where the ambrosial elixir of the heart treasury of Padmākara of Oḍḍiyāna
Conquers the afflictions of those fortunate ones to be tamed –
མི་ཉམས་འཕེལ་རྒྱས་འཛམ་གྒྱི༵༷ང་ཁྱབ་གྱུར་ཅིག། །། mi nyam pel gye dzam ling khyap gyur chik.
May it spread and increase without deteriorating, pervading our world!
ཅེས་པའང་རང་སྨོབ་དཔལ་ཆེན་རྨོ་རྗེས་བསྐུལ་བ་ལྟར་སྔགས་འཆང་སྨོབ་དཔྨོན་ཨོ་རྒྱན་བསྟན་འཛིན་གྱིས་འཕྲལ་དུ་བྲིས་པ་དགེ །
His student Palchen Dorje having besought him, Ngakchang Lopon P. Ogyan Tanzin wrote this down
immediately. May there be virtue!

The three doctrinal wheels are as follows: the wheel of reading which consists in hearing and thinking (klog-pa
thos-bsam-gyi ’khor-lo); the wheel of relinquishing which consists in contemplation (spong-ba bsam-gtan-gyi
’khor-lo); and the wheel of action which consists in activity (bya-ba las-kyi ’khor-lo). See Nor-brang o-rgyan
(ed.), Chos-rnam kun-btus, vol.1, Beijing: Krung-go’i bod-rig-pa dpe-skrun-khang, 2008, p.203.
༈ དེ་ལྟར་འགྲུབ་པར་བྱེད་པའང་དཀོན་མཆོག་གསུམ་གྱི་བདེན་པ་དང་།
De tar drup par je pa ’ang kön chok sum gyi den pa dang, sang gye dang jang chup sem pa
tam che kyi jin gyi lap dang, tsok nyi yong su dzok pe nga tang chen po dang, chö kyi ying
nam par dak ching sam gyi mi khyap pe top kyi de de zhin du drup par gyur chik.
May all this be thus accomplished; through the truth of the three jewels, through the blessings of
all the Buddhas and bodhisattvas, through the great might of having thoroughly completed the two
accumulations, and through the utter purity and inconceivable strength of phenomena’s open
dimension (Skt. dharmadhātu), may all this be just so accomplished!
༈ པདའི་རིང་ལུགས་སྔ་འགྱུར་རྨོགས་པ་ཆེ།། Pemé ring luk nga gyur dzok pa ché
(We recall) the great perfected early translations of the tradition of Pema,12
ངེས་དྨོན་སྙིང་པྨོའི་ཤིང་རྟ་བདུད་འཇོམས་གླིང་།། ngé dön nying pö shing ta dü jom ling
(and) the chariot of the heart essence (of) the definitive truth, Dudjom Ling; 13
གང་གི་ཟབ་གཏེར་བསྟན་པ་སྲིད་མཐའི་བར།། gang gi zap ter ten pa si té bar
may his profound treasure teachings, until the end of existence,
མི་ནུབ་བཤད་དང་སྒྲུབ་པས་འཛིན་གྱུར་ཅིག།། mi nup shé dang drup pé dzin gyur chik.
never fade, and come to be grasped through explanations and practice.

༈ ཐུབ་བསྟན་མཛེས་པའི་རྒྱན་གཅིག་ཀློང་ཆེན་པ།། Tup ten dzé pé gyen chik long chen pa

(We recall) the unique beautiful ornament of the Buddha's teaching, Longchenpa,14
བཤད་བསྒྲུབ་བསྟན་པའི་མངའ་བདག་འཇིགས་མེད་གླིང་།། shé drup ten pé nga dak jik mé ling
(and) the master of the scholarly and meditative teachings, Jigmé Ling;15¨
མཚུངས་མེད་བ་མའི་བསྟན་པ་སྲིད་མཐའི་བར།། tsung mé la mé ten pa si té bar
may the teachings of these incomparable lamas, until the end of existence,
བཤད་བསྒྲུབ་ཐྨོས་བསམ་བསྒོམ་པས་འཛིན་གྱུར་ཅིག།། shé drup tö sam gom pé dzin gyur chik.
come to be grasped (through) explanations and practice, by listening, reflecting and meditating.

༈ མཁན་སྨོབ་ཆོས་གསུམ་རིང་ལུགས་ཆེ།། Khen lop chö sum ring luk ché

May the great tradition of the three (exemplars), the scholar, the (tantric) master, and the Dharma

Das folgende “Lang-Lebens-Gebet der bDud-’joms und sNying-thig Linie“ basiert auf einer Übersetzung von
Cathy Cantwell.
Padma (Lotus), ie. Guru Rinpoche.
bDud-'joms Gling; ie. Dudjom Lingpa
Those who brought about the tradition: the scholar Śāntarakṣita, the master Padma, and the Dharma king,
Khri-srong lde'u-btsan.
འཛམ་གླིང་ས་གསུམ་ཁྱབ་པར་འཕེལ།། dzam ling sa sum khyap par pel
spread, pervading the three realms of Jambudvīpa.
འགྲོ་རྒྱུད་མཆོག་གསུམ་སྣང་བ་དང་།། dro gyü chok sum nong wa dang
May the three Jewels arise (in) the continuums of (all) beings,
མི་འབྲལ་དུས་གསུམ་དགེ་ལེགས་ཤྨོག།། mi drel dü sum gé lek sho.
inseparably in the three times, may virtuous goodness be present!

༈ སྟྨོན་པ་འཇིག་རྟེན་ཁམས་སུ་བྱྨོན་པ་དང་། Tön pa jik ten kham su jön pa dang
Der Lehrer kam in die Bereiche der Welt,
བསྟན་པ་ཉི་འྨོད་བཞིན་དུ་གསལ་བ་དང་། ten pa nyi 'ö zhin du sel wa dang
Wo seine Lehre strahlend ist, wie das Licht der Sonne;
བསྟན་འཛིན་ཕུ་ནུ་བཞིན་དུ་མཐུན་པ་ཡིས། ten dzin pu nu zhin du tün pa yi
Möge die Halter dieser Lehren in Harmonie (miteinander) sein, so wie Geschwister und
བསྟན་པ་ཡུན་རིང་གནས་པའི་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཤྨོག ten pa yün ring ne pe tra shi shok.
Möge die Glücksverheissung dieser Lehren lange bestehen bleiben!

༈ སྣང་གྲགས་རིག་གསུམ་ལྷ་སྔགས་ཆོས་སྐུའི་ངང་། Nang drak rik sum lha ngak chö ku ngang
"Erscheinungen (sind) die Gottheit, Klänge (sind) das Mantra (und) Gewahrsein (ist)der Zustand
des Dharmakāya ;
སྐུ་དང་ཡེ་ཤེས་རྨོལ་པར་འབྱམས་ཀླས་པས། ku dang ye shé röl par jam lé pé
Buddha Formen und ursprüngliche Weisheit (werden so) unaufhörlich manifestiert.
ཟབ་གསང་རྣལ་འབྱྨོར་ཆེན་པྨོའི་ཉམས་ལེན་ལ། zap sang nel jor chen pur nyam len la
Durch dieses , in der Absorption des tiefgründigen geheimen grossen Yoga,
དབྱེར་མེད་ཐུགས་ཀྱི་ཐིག་ལེར་རྨོ་གཅིག་ཤྨོག། yer mé tuk kyi tik ler ro chik sho.
Mögen (sie) ein Geschmack sein in der untrennbaren kreativen Herzsilbesilbe"

(Dies) ist die geweihte Redevon Minling Terchen [sMin-gling gTerchen].
༈ །སྐྱེ་བ་ཀུན་ཏུ་ཡང་དག་བ་མ་དང་། Kyé wa kün tu yang dak la ma dang
Möge (ich) in all (meinen) Leben nicht getrennt sein vom authentischen Lama,

།འབྲལ་མེད་ཆོས་ཀྱི་དཔལ་ལ་ལྨོངས་སྨོད་ཅིང་། drel mé chö kyi pel la long chö ching

und mich des grossartigen Dharmas erfreuen;

།ས་དང་ལམ་གྱི་ཡྨོན་ཏན་རབ་རྨོགས་ནས། sa dang lam gyi yön ten rap dzok né

(möge ich) die erleuchteten Qualitäten der (Bodhisattva) Stufen und Pfade völlig

die folgenden zwei Gebete wurden von Cathy Cantwell übersetzt.
།དཔལ་ལྡན་བ་མའི་གོ་འཕང་མྱུར་ཐྨོབ ་ཤྨོག །། pelden la mé go pong nyur top shok.
und schnell die Stufe des ruhmreichen Lamas erreichen!

༈ ཉེར་འཚེ་མ་ལུས་ཞི་བ་དང་། Nyer tse ma lü zhi wa dang
Mögen alle verletzenden Schwierigkeiten ohne Ausnahme befriedet werden, und
མཐུན་རྐྱེན་ནམ་མཁའི་མཛྨོད་བཞིན་དུ། tün kyen nam khé dzö zhin du
Mögen vorteilhafte Bedingungen so (riesig) sein wie die Schatzkammer des Himmels!
རྒྱལ་དབང་པད་འབྱུང་གནས་ཀྱི། gyel wang pema jung né kyi
Mögen die Lehren des Herrschers der Siegreichen, Padmasambhava,
བསྟན་པ་ཡུན་རིང་འབར་གྱུར་ཅིག། ten pa yün ring bar gyur chik
Für eine sehr lange Zeit hell leuchten!
ཨོཾ་ཨཱཿཧཱུྃ༔བཛྲ་གུ་རུ་པད་སིདྡྷི་ཧཱུྃ༔ om a hung bandzra gu ru pema siddhi hung.
Oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru padma siddhi hūṃ.

[Dieses abschliessende Gebet stammt] von Padma Lédrel Tsal, Longchen Rabjam.
Ein Lang-Lebens Gebet für Lopon P. Ogyan Tanzin Rinpoche*
༈ །ཞབས་བརྟན་གསྨོལ་འདེབས་དྲང་སྲྨོང་སྨོན་ཚིག་འཆི་མེད་ལྔ་སྒྲ་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སྨོ།

Ein Lang-Lebens Gebet, genannt des Sehers Worte des Strebens in Fünf Unsterblichen

༄༅།། ཨོཾ་སྭ་སྟི། མཆོག་གསུམ་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེ་ལྷ་རབ་འབྱམས་དང་།

Om so ti, chok sum tsa sum tse lha rap jam
Oṃ svasti. Durch die Kraft des Mitgefühls der drei Juwelen, der drei Wurzeln und der Fülle der
Lang-Lebens Gottheiten,
ཁྱད་པར་ཨོ་རྒྱན་པད་འབྱུང་ཡབ་ཡུམ་གྱི། khye par orgyen pe jung yap yum gyi
Und insbesondere des von Oḍḍiyāna Padmasambhava in Vereinigung mit seiner Gefährtin,18
ཐུགས་རྗེ་སྟྨོབས་དང་བདག་གི་ལྷག་བསམ་མཐུས། tuk je top dang dak gi lhak sam tü
Als auch durch die Kraft meiner höheren Gedanken,
རྨོ་རྗེ་སྨོབ་དཔྨོན་སྐུ་ཚེ་ཞབས་པད་བརྟན། dorjé lop pön ku tse zhap pe ten
Möge deine Lebensdauer, Oh Diamant Meister, fest sein!
གསང་ཆེན་སྔགས་ཀྱི་བསྟན་པ་རིན་པྨོ་ཆེ། sang chen ngak kyi ten pa rin po ché

འཛིན་སྐྱོང་སྤེལ་བའི་ཕྲིན་ལས་ཕྱྨོགས་མཐར་ཁྱབ། dzin kyong pel we trin le chok tar khyap

Mögen deine Aktivität des Haltens, Bewahrens und Verbreitens der kostbaren Lehren des grossen
Geheimnis- Zaubers alle Richtungen durchdringen!
ཐུགས་བསྐྱེད་བཞེད་དྨོན་མ་ལུས་ལྷུན་གྱིས་གྲུབ། tuk kye zhe dön ma lü lhün gyi drup
May all your spiritual aspirations and altruistic ambitions without exception be spontaneously
བགེགས་མེད་ཡིད་བཞིན་འགྲུབ་པའི་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཤྨོག། gek me yi zhin drup pe tra shi shok.
Und möge die Glücksverheissung deiner Wünsche ohne Behinderung verwirklicht werden!

བཀྲ་ཤིས་ས་་མ་་།།། །། His student Dylan (Dechen Dorje)
having presented me with an exhortation accompanied by a gift, I, the dull-witted Padma Vajra, who
holds the Mantrayāna merely in form, wrote this before the famed stūpa of Vārāṇasī and the tree of
enlightenment in the greensward of seers and deers, where the sovereign of Able Ones, the Teacher,

* Translated by Dylan Esler. Copyright © Khye’u-chung Lotsawa Team, 2008.

Dieses Lang-Lebens Gebet spielt mit den Silben (Worten) aus denen Lopon P. Ogyan Tanzin Rinpoche’s
Name besteht;um diese Zusammenhänge im Englischen deutlich (brauchbar) zu machen, sind die
entsprechenden Worte in der Übersetzung bold italics wiedergegeben.
turned the wheel of religion. Having made this aspiration, may its desired purposes be accomplished
according to your wishes! May there be auspiciousness and universal felicity!

Invocation of the teacher*

༄༅། ཨོཾསྭསྟིསིདྡྷིརྦྷབཏུ། Om swasti siddhir bawatu!

ཨྨོན་པད་གླིང་པའི་གདུང་གི་རྒྱན། orgyan pe ma ling pa’i dung gi gyän

Being the jewel ornament among the descendants of Orgyen Pema Lingpa,
ཨྨོན་བསྟན་པ་འཛིན་པའི་སྐྱེས་བུ་རུ། orgyan tan pa dzin pa’i kye bu ru
To you, the individual who is the holder of all the teachings of Orgyen (Padmasambhava),
ཨྨོན་མིང་གིས་བརྗིད་པའི་སྔགས་འཆང་ཚུལ། orgyan ming gi jid pa’i ngak chang tsul
In the style of a holder of mantras who is resplendent with the name of Orgyän,
ཨྨོན་བསྟན་པ་འཛིན་ཕྱིར་བརྟན་བཞུགས་གསྨོལ། orgyan tan pa dzin chyir tan zhug sol
We pray to remain here firmly in order to preserve these teachings of Orgyenpa.
ཕྱི་ནང་ཐྨོས་པའི་ཆོས་ལ་བྨོ་སྦྱངས་ཤིང་། chyi nang thob pa’i chö la lo yang shing
In terms of the Dharma, both outer and inner, the obtaining of which purifies our minds,
བྱང་སེམས་སྙིང་པྨོ་འགྲོ་ལ་ལྷག་པར་བྱམས། jyang sem nying po dro la lhag par jyam
And the Bodhichitta which overflows excessively from you to us living beings,
ཡང་དག་རྟྨོགས་པའི་ལམ་དུ་མངོན་ཕྱྨོགས་པས། yang dag tog pa’i lam du ngön chyog pay
Because you turn all of us visibly on to the path of correct understanding,
ཨྨོན་བསྟན་པ་འཛིན་ཕྱིར་བརྟན་བཞུགས་གསྨོལ། orgyan tän pa dzin chyir tän zhug sol
We pray to you to remain here firmly in order to expound the teachings of Urgyenpa.
ཨྨོན་བ་མའི་གསང་གསུམ་ཡྨོན་ཏན་ཀུན། orgyan la ma’i sang sum yön tän kun
May all the virtuous qualities of the Three Mysteries of the Master from Uddiyana
རང་རྒྱུད་ཐྨོས་བསཾ་སྒོམ་པས་འཛིན་གྱུར་ཅིང་། rang gyud thö sam gom pay dzin gyur chin
Come to be held in our mindstreams in terms of listening, reflecting, and meditating!
ཨྨོན་བསྟན་པ་སྙིང་པྨོ་ཡྨོངས་འཛིན་ཏེ། orgyan tän pa nying po yong dzin te
Having preserved everything belonging to the teachings of Orgyen (Padmasambhava)
ཨྨོན་བ་མ་རྗེ་དང་དབྱེར་མེད་ཤྨོག། །། ogyan la ma je dang yer med shog.
May you become inseparable from our Lord and Guru Urgyen Padmasambhava imself!

སྟུ།། །།
So saying, thus entreated in my presence by those belonging to the community of Lhundrub Tobgye Ling in the
hidden land, this was composed by myself, Orgyen Tenzin. Siddharasu!

*Translated by Vajranatha, Lahr, August 2013.

Long-life prayer for Ama Choku Wangmo
By Lopon P. Ogyan Tanzin Rinpoche

༄༅།། ༀ་། འ་ད་ག་འན་པ་ཀ་ར་ཞབས། om swasti chi me rik dzin padma ka re zhap

Oṃ svasti. Before the feet of Padmākara, the deathless awareness-holder, [I pray while]

འ་ད་་མངའ་མ་ར་བ་སོགས། chi me tse nga manda ra wa sok

འ་ད་་་རབ་འམས་གས་དས་བན། chi me tse lha rap jam tuk gye zhin

Gladdening the hearts of the profusion of deities of deathless longevity, such as
Mandaravā, who has life immortal, and so forth:
འ་ད་་དབང་ན་ན་ང་འར་ཕོབ། chi me tse wang jin chen deng dir pop
May the great blessings of the empowerment of immortal life descend here and now!
ས་ན་ཡངས་ང་བ་ལ་ང་ས་། chö chen yang shing drup la nying rü sa
Having the vast eye of the doctrine and the solid courage to accomplish [your evocation (Skt.
ས་མཛད་དམ་ག་བང་ལ་ག་པར་བོན། chö dze dam tsik sung la lhak par tsön
You eminently persevere in guarding the pledges of your religious duties:
ས་་དབང་མོ ་་གས་ང་ད་། chö ku wang mö tse gek ming me zhi
May the obstructions to your life, O Choku Wangmo, be pacified into baselessness!
་དང་བ་པ་མཐར་ན་བ་ས་ཤོག།། tse dang drup pa tar chin tra shi shok
May your life and evocation be brought to culmination auspiciously!
ར།། །།
Having been exhorted by some of our European disciples, notably Kayo [Lacina], to write a long-
life prayer for Choku, this was composed by Ogyan Tanzin during the waning moon of the Māgha
month on the good day on which the sky-farers assemble,1 conjoined with my fervent prayers of
aspiration. May it spread and be accomplished!2

Translated by Dylan Esler.3

Copyright © Khye’u-chung Lotsāpa Translations, 2016.

i.e. the 25th day of the first month [of the fire monkey year] of the Tibetan calendar, which corresponds to 4 March
This last exhortation is given in Sanskrit: siddhir-astu.
Tibetan input by Andrej Vergun. Tibetan script and pronunciations have been generated with David Chapman’s
WylieWord computer program, with some amendments to the pronunciations where necessary. The Tibetan font used
is Chris Fynn’s DDC Uchen.
A Long-life Prayer for Lama Pema Dorje Rinpoche

༈ ཨོཾ་སྭ་སྟི། Om soti,
Om soti
འཆི་མེད་ཚེ་ཡི་ལྷ་ཚྨོགས་ཐུགས་རྗེ་དང chi med tse yi lha tsog thug je dang

བདག་ཅག་ལྷག་བསམ་རྣམ་དག་བདེན་པ་མཐུ། dag chag lhag sam nam dag den pa

Through the power of the truth of the innate compassion of the assembled deathless longevity
deities and through [the power of the truth of] our own pure higher motivation—
འཇིགས་མེད་སྐུ་དང་འགགས་མེད་པད་གསུང jig med ku dang gag med padma
འགྱུར་མེད་ཐུགས་ཀྱི་རྨོ་རྗེའི་ངོ་བྨོ་རུ། gyur med thug kyi dor jei ngo wo ru
the vajra essence of indestructible form, ceaseless lotus speech and unchanging mind—
རྟག་བརྟན་ལེགས་སྣང་འགྲོ་བའི་དཔལ་དུ་ཤྨོག tag tan leg nang dro wai pal du shog.
may your impeccable manifestation be with us always and forever, as a glory for ordinary beings!

In response to repeated requests, accompanied by offerings, from my students, Lama Padma Drimed
foremost among them, this aspiration was made by the one bearing the title of the Chagdud
incarnation. Good fortune!

I Pray for the Excellent Health of the Teacher

༈ བ་མ་སྐུས་ཁམས་བཟང་བར་གསྨོལ་བ་འདེབས། Lama ku kham zang war sol wa deb

I pray for the excellent health of the teacher,
མཆོགས་ཏུ་སྐུ་ཚེ་རིང་བར་གསྨོལ་བ་འདེབས། chog tu ku tse ring war sol wa deb
I pray for supreme long life as well.
trin lei dar shing gyei par sol wa deb
I pray for the ever-increasing expansion of miraculous activity.
བ་མ་དང་འབྲལ་བ་མེད་པར་བྱིན་གྱིས་རླྨོབས། lama dang dral war med par chin gyi
lob. Grant blessing that I may never be separate from the lama!

Mögen Meister und Schüler sich niemals trennen , (sondern) zusammen

(verbleiben) als eine Versammlung!

༈ དཔྨོན་སྨོབ་མི་འབྲལ་ལྷན་ཅིག་ཚྨོགས། Pön lop mi drel lhen chik tsok

Mögen Meister und Schüler sich niemals trennen , (sondern) zusammen (verbleiben) als eine
སྐུ་ཚེ་མི་འགྱུར་སྲ་ཞིང་བརྟན། ku tse mi gyur sa zhing ten
Mögen ihre Leben unveränderlich fest und sicher sein!
ཇ་བཟང་བཞེས་སྨོ་རྒྱུན་མི་ཆད། ja zang zhe tro gyün mi ché
Mögen (die Vorräte) von Tee und wohltuenden Nahrungsmitteln standing vorhanden sein,
སྐྱིད་ལ་ཆོས་འཕེལ་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཤྨོག། kyi la chö pel tra shi shok.
Und möge die Glücksverheissung von beidem: Glück und der Lehre sich (weit und breit)
Long Life Prayer for Dungsé Thinley Norbu Rinpoche
(Draft Translation 1.0)
oṃ svasti ?}^-:%mk
jik me tül zhuk drup pé he ru ka 8'm#=-1{+-0_p;-bo#=-Es0-.8m->{-:v-!k
(With) fearless disciplined conduct, accomplished heruka;
tse wang rin dzin pema'i dun tsop pa 3|-+0$-:m#-84n,-.]8m-#`o$-83~0-.k
vidyādhara with power over life, the hereditary successor of Padma;
trin lé sang dak pa wö nü top chang 8Jm,-;=-#=$-0+#-+.8-0}8m-ao=-%}0=-8&$k
Lord of the secret ritual, bearing the (bodhisattva) warrior powers and abilities;
ge lek nor bu pel khyö zhap ten söl +#{-;{#=-,}:-0v-+.;-=}+-60=-0K,-#=};k
Glorious precious jewel (of) virtuous goodness, may you firmly remain (with us)!

Verse of Auspicious Wishes1

Note that a version of this verse is included in a set given in the Dudjom Chos spyod (Delhi
edition, Chos spyod Publication 2000: 390-391), but that verse's final line is different, since it
is identified as the fifth of the series of wishes. Here also the first line is made into ten
syllables, with the addition of "tshe" as the first syllable. Lopon Ogyan Tanzin Rinpoche has
supplied this version.

[Version 1.0]
h 3|-;}-0W-*v0-%m$-%},-0W-1*}$-0-+$-k tsé lo gya tup ching tön gya tong wa dong

Being able to live for a hundred years, seeing a hundred autumns,

3|-:m$-,+-1{+-0+{-[m+-/v,-=v1-3~#=ktsé ring né mé dé kyi pün soom tsok

with longevity free from disease, happy and fulfilled, in sublime abundance,
*{#-.-1&}#-;-${=-.:-8Ap$-0-%{k tek pa chok la ngé par jung wa té

Going forth in the Supreme Vehicle,

0C-<m=-+{=-<$-+{$-8+m:-0+{-;{#=-<}# tra shi dé kyong deng dir dé lek sho

may the auspicious qualities (of all these things), and also goodness and well-being, be
present here and now!

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