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Me DAY ] Daily Math Practice 13x39=507__ 10 +3 4+ what Galue)of x makes the(@quation a, x 34 u26-x=329 x=4T {wae ae 340+ 1172 507 -324 ° eat 5 Twelve students have bios Fahne bikes are black. One-sixth 6fihe bikes are 3 2 silver. One-fourtt ihe bikes are red, and a The fesDare. blue. How many bikes ore Be there of€ach}color®) eek. 3 Teed 6 ¢ siver 2 Hee Pils gon ill vis: Wea J blue = ett = aie Wet 2, ie $26 ede Terre aa ae i Shee 36 Hale ILE C22 sae 2 nA jot 1 blue WEEK 23 Jey :ver4 Daily Math Practice Eo oe 7] 8t 1 e4s7=__ 7. 4) 4 nn 14 2 '4iibo78 oe 9,876,543. THCA 13S 5 It takes Owen four minutes to eat eight carrot sticks. How long does it take him jo eat one®) 3 Waite the number below in @fandard form: TA tales: Qian 30 seconle to ent six thousand @ndjone hundredth ane Carrel stick. O,Snin2 20 6000,0) fee a G10 coe OR -40 ii Te ee 0 f eae — i a 5 TT nn BO sss. Daily Math Practice MEEK DAY 3 1 392.87 -10099 =! ‘it. A 98 an aq 4 What are the emmon Factorsf and 104) BH8E band 2 cre common Factors of Y ans 2 74 a4 1 any Geer Pe 5 yakers ai the pretzel shop work Bee ns a eight hours@ day, Together, they make ay Yen trays of pretze =o By Pa z bake 4 ans hale a day. 2 nog oalidy Dorenz |2 12el0 2110 probaly 21 en howe Gx 120460 pritaals day a Daily Math Practice 4 What is the pereter ofthe triangle? What ig the WEEK 23 Jep).var-} 0.3 33ats nal ten of te Hpanl : Pa bahay : ones Bz Icin, 1 99+33= 3 ide a Gin z: 900 x16 400 l Whos pete im The perinch 1s 16 inches, end 3 3 @nGex}eogs = 4 cage the cree is IM square inches. ae se we y 5) Mr. Nutty had 100 jars of peanutt butter BT ta aay cantata eas Mr, VN has 16 ars a 100-84 16 jars : or Dozane It —

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