Plan Lectie 3 CAN

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DATE: 19th of February, 2020

CLASS: 3rd

LEVEL: Beginner


TIMING: 50 minutes

TEXTBOOK: Fairyland, 3B

UNIT 8: Abracadabra!

LESSON: Expressing ability with Can/Can’t.

TYPE OF LESSON: Lesson of systematization and revision of knowledge



-to enable Ss to practice the modal verb can and use it in meaningful contexts;

-to help Ss review verbs that show certain abilities;

-to develop communicative skills;


By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- to use the verb can/can’t and some action verbs to express ability/lack of ability;

- complete a worksheet using information from a video;

-use language appropriately in order to express their abilities.

Type of interaction:Ss-Ss,T-Ss,Ss-T

Class management:frontal, group work activity

Resources and materials: blackboard, projector, videos,worksheets, posters, internet sites
Timetable fit:

This lesson is part of unit 8 ` Abracadabra!` which focuses on vocabulary related to

actions and using can to express ability.


The Ss will be interested in the topic and they will have great fun playing the warming
game. They are already familiar with some usages of the modal can so most of them will be able
to perform all the tasks. The differentiated instructions and tasks will allow students to feel
motivated and eager to work collaboratively.

Anticipated problems:

Some students may have difficulties in filling in the worksheet with the right information
they hear in the video but the teacher can help them by offering linguistic prompts. Other
students, who have poor speaking abilities, may feel frustated when having to express
themselves in front of a group of people (guests). Best students may dominate, but the teacher
should encourage again everyone to participate.


Jim Scrivener- Learning Teaching, Ed. Macmillan

Activity 1: WARM-UP


 to get students break the ice and create a pleasant atmosphere;

 to check students’ previous knowledge

Timing: 5 minutes

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Skills: Speaking


Teacher’s activity:

The teacher greets the students and checks attendance. T. asks students how they are
feeling and invites them to play a game.She tells the students to close their eyes and she puts
stickers on students’ forehead. The teacher tells students that the image stuck on their forehead
will be identical to that of the student walking towards them. Then she chooses 3 students, with
different images stuck on their forehead, to help the other students form the groups.

The teacher reminds the students the topic of the previous lesson and asks them to read
their homework.

Students’ activity:

The students greet the teacher and answer their teacher’s questions. The three students,
who already know the image stuck on their forehead, go round the classroom and find another
one with the same image on the forehead. Once the student sees the image of the classmate
walking towards him, he/ she goes around the classroom and finds another member of the team.

Then, the students read their homework and correct it, if necessary.

Activity 2: LEAD IN


 to activate Ss’ previous knowledge;

 to revise vocabulary related to abilities.

Timing: 5 minutes
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Skills: Speaking, reading and writing
Teacher’s activity:
The teacher invites students to play the “Mime” game in order to engage their interest and to
revise the structures You can… You can’t.

Students’ activity:
The students have to mime the actions they can do, but also some actions they can’t do. The
other students have to guess what action they have mimed by using the structures You can… You



 to recognize action verbs according to some pictures ;

 to practise vocabulary related to action verbs and the modal verb can.

Timing: 10 minutes

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, GW

Skills: Speaking, reading and writing


Teacher’s activity:

The teacher shares students a handout. To help students comprehend the content of the
video sequence, the teacher gives the students a handout containing three different types of tasks:
a matching task, a listening comprehension one and a fill in task. (Annexe 1) She asks the
students to guess the right answers from task 1 and write them down on the handout.

Students’ activity:

The students fill in the first task on the handout and try to match the words with the
pictures. At first this task is done individually, but then the members of each group can consult
each other in order to provide the final answers. The leaders of each group come and stick the
answers on the flipchart and present them to the other groups. They are asked to match the word
with the picture.



 to extract specific information from a video sequence;

 to fill in the gaps with the appropriate structure.

Timing: 10 minutes
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, GW
Skills: listening, reading, speaking

Teacher’s activity:
The teacher plays the video and asks them some questions to check their listening
comprehension. Then she discusses with the students their answers and asks them to complete
the second task on the handout.

Students’ activity:
The students watch the video and circle the right answers. After discussing them with the
teacher and the other groups, they check the right answers on line.



 to check Ss’ comprehension;

 to provide an opportunity for the practice of the structures, functions and vocabulary
already acquired by the students at this level

Timing: 8 minutes

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, group-work

Skills: Speaking, reading and writing


Teacher’s activity:

The teacher asks the students to fill in the gaps with the structures can or can’t. (task 3 on the

Students’ activity:

The students, working in groups, fill in the gaps with the right structure. They confront their
choices with the other groups’.

Activity 6: FEEDBACK


 to reinforce general information about the topic and the items discussed;
 to provide students with a sense of achievement and feedback about how well they did in
the class.
Timing: 5 minutes
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Skills: writing and speaking


Teacher’s activity:

The teacher shows Ss some images and invites them to make statements using I can.../ I

The teacher shares Ss colored cards and asks them to assess themselves by raising the
red card for the best answers, the green card for good answers and the yellow card for bad

Students’ activity:

The students write the food items on a post it and stick it on the poster. Then, Ss assess
themselves by raising the right card.



 to provide students with a sense of achievement and feedback about how well they did in
the class;

 to assign homework.

Timing: 2 minutes

Interaction: T-S, S-T

Skills: Speaking and reading


Teacher’s activity:

The teacher makes remarks concerning students’ activity during the English class. As homework,
she tells students to do the fourth task on the handout and explains to them the requirements of
their assignment.

Students’ activity:

The students discuss with their teacher the requirements of their assignment.
Match the sentences to the pictures.

Play football jump swim

Play tennis

Run Play the piano Ride a bike


Play the guitar dance Sing


I can…………………….
I can’t…………………………………………

Dance Sing draw paint

speak English

Sleep Go out read eat

Do homework

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