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File No.: M2007016-01


I. Safety precautions······································································ 2
II. Major functions and application scope········································· 4
III. Technical parameters·································································· 4
IV. Hoisting and installation······························································ 5
V. Major structure and working principle·········································· 5
VI. Transmission system·································································· 8
VII. Bearings··················································································· 10
VIII. Electric system·········································································· 10
IX. Commissioning and operation··················································· 14
X. Accessories················································································ 17
XI. Maintenance and adjustment ······················································ 24
XII. Trouble analysis and trouble shoot ··································· ···· 25
XIII. Drilling machine explosive diagram and breakdown table············· 26
User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

Thank you for using VIA Bowling Ball drilling machine, which is designed to
drill holes on the Bowling Ball to suit different finger sizes.
Please do carefully read this user instruction before the use of this drilling
machine to ensure your safe and correct operation, and maintain your
drilling machine under good working conditions for long time.

I Safety precautions
1. Please carefully read this user instruction to get detailed knowledge on
the drilling machine structure and performance and thereby avoid the
potential risks.
2. Before the installation of the drilling machine, please check whether
those parameters such as voltage etc. indicated on the motor
nameplate are in conformity with the voltage on the site.
3. All contact points on the drilling machine power supply connectors
should be reliable without such inferiority phenomena as being
loosened or no contact.
4. It’s not allowed to pull the power supply cable which is connected on
the socket with great force, and keep the power cable away from high
temperature, oil and sharp edges.
5. Drilling machine power supply shall be equipped with reliable
6. In case of drilling machine failure, power supply shall be cut off
immediately. Ensure the drilling machine is not connected with the
power supply during its inspection and maintenance.
7. During drilling machine working or repair & commissioning, appropriate
protection method shall be provided around its surrounding.
8. Before the drilling machine starts, take off the foreign materials on the
drilling machine.
9. Working area shall be kept clean, and no use of drilling machine is
allowed in unclean, moist, dark, dusty, combustible and explosive

User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

10. Children are not allowed to have access to the drilling machine at any
time, and all visitors shall be kept outside the safety distance.
11. The operation of the drilling machine requires high attention and
focus, and therefore no operation thereof is allowed after drinking
alcohol or being at fatigue status.
12. The drilling machine is not allowed to operate at overload and failure
status, in order to avoid the occurrence of accident.
13. Those people who enter the working site must wear appropriate labor
protection articles, and long hair shall be swirled and put into the
working hat. It’s not allowed to operate the drilling machine with gloves.
14. The drilling machine shall be maintained on regular basis to ensure
normal operation of each component. The drilling machine shall be put
vertically upward, and it CANNOT be laid down and/or put in an
inclined way.
15. Before the connection of power supply, it’s required to check the
power supply switch and ensure it’s in OFF position.
16. In case of drilling machine failure, please repair as per the “Trouble
Analysis and Troubleshoot” as indicated herein. Should there be a
need of replacing spare parts and accessories, please use our
company produced and recommended spare parts and accessories.
17. Before the use of the drilling machine, please carefully inspect the
wearable positions of the drilling machine, so that it facilitates the
timely handling.
18. Before the operation, lock the handles, cutting tools, tool fixtures on
the drilling machine, which should be locked. The Bowling Ball should
be fixed properly and reliably.

User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

II Major Use and Applicable Scope

The drilling machine is designed to drill holes on the Bowling Ball to suit the
different finger sizes. With the support of appropriate accessories, this
drilling machine can be used for single ball or batch production processing
of finger holes.

III Technical parameters

M a x im u m d rillin g h o le d ia m e te r           ≤ Φ 35m m ≤ Φ 1 3 /8 in c h

M a in s h a ft m a x im u m tra ve l 130m m 5 in c h

M a in s h a ft ta p e re d h o le d e g re e MT3 MT3

M a in s h a ft s p e e d le ve l n u m b e r 1 2 -le ve l s p e e d c o n tro l 1 2 -le ve l s p e e d c o n tro l

M a x im u m d is ta n c e b e tw e e n m a in s h a ft
590m m 2 3 in c h
e n d a n d w o rk in g ta b le
D is ta n c e b e tw e e n m a in s h a ft c e n te r a n d
2 0 2 .5 m m 8 in c h
s ta n d c o lu m n s u rfa c e

S ta n d c o lu m n d ia m e te r Φ 115m m 4 1 /2 in c h

W o rk in g ta b le s ize (le n g th X w id th ) 730x210m m 2 8 3 /4 x 8 1 /4 in c h

M o to r/p o w e r ra te F o u r-p o le 1 .5 K w F o u r-p o le 1 .5 K w

O u ts id e d im e n s io n (le n g th x w id th x h e ig h t 1 0 5 0 x 1 0 1 0 x 1 2 3 0 m m 4 1 3 /8 x 3 9 3 /4 x 4 8 3 /8 in c h

G ro s s w e ig h t/n e t w e ig h t 3 4 0 K g /2 9 5 K g 3 4 0 K g /2 9 5 K g

M o to r c o n fig u ra tio n a n d s p e e d

M a in s h a ft s p e e d F re q u e n c y
M o to r M o to r s p e e d (r/m in ) V o lta g e (v)
(r/m in ) (H z)

96, 157, 187, 233,

305, 359, 645, 869,
220 5 0 /6 0
997, 1239, 1479 and
Y 9 0 L -4 1400

1 1 5 ,1 9 1 ,2 2 5 ,2 7 6 ,3 6 8 ,
4 3 2 ,7 7 2 ,1 0 4 5 ,1 1 9 2 ,1 110 60
4 8 9 ,1 7 7 4 a n d 2 5 2 8

User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

IV Hoisting and installation

① Hoisting
This machine is packed with wooden box, and therefore the user has to
pay attention to following issues during the hoisting:
1) Remove the base plate bolts before hoisting;
2) During the hoisting, ensure the main shaft box is at upfront direction
and at locked status;
3) Before hoisting, the contact surface of the drilling machine at both
sides will be filled up with soft material to avoid the damage on the
4) Attention will be paid to drilling machine gravity during hoisting, to
ensure the stable hoisting and transfer of the drilling machine;
② Installation and positioning
Please use the bolts to directly install and fix the drilling machine on the
machine frame. When the drilling machine is put on the ground base,
please adjust the adjustable steel pad on the base to make the drilling
machine working table at level position.

V Major structures and working principle

① Major structures
This drilling machine structure includes below components (as indicated in
Diagram 1):

1)Electric control system; 2) Motor; 3)Main shaft box; 4)Magnetic measuring digital
display; 5) Bowling Ball drilling fixtures; 6) Drill bits storage table; 7) Working table; 8)
Inverter transmission system; 9) Main shaft precise feeding device; 10) Working
table light; 11) Stand column base plate component; 12) Machine frame

User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

1 Electric control system

8 Inverter transmission system

2 Motor
9 Main shaft precise
3 Main shaft box feeding device

4 Magnetic measuring digital 10 Working table light

11 Stand column base

5 Bowling Ball drilling
plate component

6 Drill bits storage table

7 Working table 12Machine frame

Drill bits storage table

User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

Inverter transmission system Main shaft feeding device

(Diagram I) Drilling machine main structures diagram

② Working principle
1) Major cutting motion-main shaft rotation working principle
Main shaft rotation motion is powered by motor input via multiple
levels of belt transmission and inversion, which ultimately drives the
main shaft.
2) Feeding motion working principle
Main shaft feeding motion is realized by manually driving the rack on
main shaft sleeve through force amplifier and gear shaft. Additionally,
there is a precise feeding device to control and improve the
processing precision.
3) Main shaft box lifting device working principle
As regards the lifting device installed on the main shaft box, manually
rotate the worm, which will drive the angular gear, and the
counterforce arising from the rolling of angular gear along the rack
(axially fixed on the stand column) will drive the main shaft box to go
4) Main shaft sleeve fixed-travel feeding working principle
It can be divided into rough travel fixing and precise travel fixing as

User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

per the precision of the travel fixing. During the rough travel fixing, the
finger will point to the scale line on the nameplate with the minimum
feeding unit of “1mm”; whilst the precise travel fixing is adopting the
worm and worm gear principle to drive the motion of the main shaft
sleeve with the minimum unit of “0.05mm”.

VI Transmission system
① Major transmission system;
The major transmission system of the drilling machine adopts belt
auxiliary transmission and spline auxiliary transmission. Its transmission
route is: motor→belt wheel→spline sleeve→main shaft. When 1.5Kw
1400r/min motor is used as the power source, 12-level inversion
transmission can be achieved by changing the position on triangle
rubber belt pulley. The way to change the speed is: firstly cut off the
power supply, and then open two hasps on the side of the cover; open
the cover, loosen the vane screws, and push the motor toward the main
shaft box. After regulating the triangle rubber belt, push out the motor to
tighten the triangle rubber belt, tighten the vane screws, close the cover
and lock the hasps (Speed indication plate is attached inside the cover).

Ú Attention:
Power supply MUST be cut off during the change of speed!

② Main shaft feeding device is divided into two types:

1)Direct feeding: The feeding handle fixed on the gear shaft will
directly drive the main shaft feeding, where one circle rotation of the
handle leads to the main shaft travel of 88mm.

User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

2)Precise feeding: The main shaft feeding handle will drive the main
shaft feeding driven by gear shaft via tapered clutch, where one circle
rotation of the main shaft handle leads to the main shaft travel of
③ Lifting transmission system:
Its transmission route is: rocker→worm→angular gear→rack.
④ Working table feeding is realized by lead screw driven by the handle,
where one circle rotation of handle wheel leads to the working table
travel of 2.5mm.

User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

VII Bearings
Breakdown list of bearings

Installation size
No. Installation position Name Qty. Model

1 Main shaft belt pulley Radial ball bearing 45x75x16 2 6009-2Z

2 Main shaft sleeve Tapered roller bearing 35x72x18 1 30207

3 Main shaft sleeve Tapered roller bearing 30x62x17 1 30206

Main shaft feeding

4 Radial ball bearing 15x35x11 2 6202-2Z
worm gear

5 Middle belt pulley Radial ball bearing 20x47x14 2 6204-Z

6 Y lead worm Radial ball bearing 17x30x9 2 8103

7 X lead worm Radial ball bearing 17x30x9 2 8103

VIII Electric system

The voltage for this drilling machine electric system main circuit, control
circuit and socket is single-phase AC220V, 50/60HZ, or AC110V, 60HZ
at the capacity of 3.5KW; Illuminating circuit voltage is AC24V, and the
power rate is 35W.
① General power supply, switch and precautions
a. Before the use of the drilling machine, the power supply will be
introduced into the drilling machine as required in electric
principle diagram (please refer to Diagram II; the recommended
size for power supply cable is as follows. 110v: 3x6mm2; 220v:
3x4mm2 ). Connect the switch inside the electric box, and the
power supply will be connected to the drilling machine, where
the white power indicator light on the operation faceplate is ON,
and the drilling machine is at General OFF status.
b. Before the start, the drilling machine shall be equipped with
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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

reliable grounding. Please carefully inspect whether different

operation parts on the drilling machine is at original position.
c. Reset the red urgent stop button; this button is urgent stop
button, and press this button in urgent conditions, the drilling
machine will stop; it’s required to reset this button in case of
restart of the drilling machine, otherwise it cannot start the
d. Green button is the “Start” button, and press this green button,
the drilling machine starts working.
e. The black button is the “STOP” button, and after press this
button, the drilling machine stops.
f. As for the drilling machine with vacuum pump- black knob is
ON/OFF switch, where “OFF” position indicates Switch-off and
“ON” position indicates Switch-on.
g. Turn on the switch of the working lamp on the drilling machine,
and the light will be ON; turn off this switch, and the light will be
h. During such non-cutting process as cutting tool change, travel
adjustment of installation Bowling Ball etc., please DO make the
drilling machine at General OFF position, to avoid unnecessary
injury or damage.

Before start the drilling machine, it’s required to

ensure the safe and reliable grounding of the drilling

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

② Drilling operation
Press the green button, the drilling machine main shaft rotates, and it
can realize the drilling operation. Press the black button, it can stop
the drilling machine main shaft rotation.
③ Drilling machine socket
This drilling machine is equipped with two standard sockets, including
one three-pole socket at the capacity of 1.5KW, and another
two-pole socket at the capacity of 0.5KW, which are both indicated
with the labels. Please pay attention to the right use of them, to
avoid the damage.

Ú Attention: In case of urgent and accidental conditions during the

use, press the red Urgent Stop button, and the drilling machine will
stop the working immediately (please note that this drilling machine
socket is still connected with power supply)

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

Electric principle diagram

Main Transformer/illuminating
Vacuum Three-pole Two-pole shaft
switch shaft and power indicator
pump socket socket 两 motor
空气开 关 主轴电动机 真 空 泵
三 孔 孔
主 轴 电 机 启 /停 变压light
器 /照 明 、 电 源 指 示 灯
插 座 插 ON/OFF

Q F 50A

Y 9 0 L - 4 1.5KW

(带 热 保 护 )

Main Main shaft Transformer/illuminating

Three-pole Two-pole
switch shaft 三 孔 两 孔 motor and power indicator
空气开关 主轴电动机 socket socket 主 轴 电 机 启 /停 变 压 器 /照 明 、 电 源 指 示 灯
motor 插 座 插 座 ON/OFF light

Y 9 0 L - 4 1.5KW

(带 热 保 护 )

(Diagram II) Electric diagram

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

IX Commissioning and operation

① Commissioning (please refer to Diagram III)
1) Lifting of the main shaft box
Loosen the locking bolts on the main shaft box, rock the lifting handle to
let the main shaft box go UP or DOWN to the needed position, and
then tighten the bolts.


Motor Main shaft

Clamping handle
Locking bolt
Lifting handle
Stand column

Operation faceplate I Operation faceplate II

(Without vacuum pump) (With vacuum pump)
Diagram III Commissioning indication diagram

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

2) The rotation of main shaft box

Loosen two locking bolts on the main shaft box, and the main shaft box
can rotate around the stand column (generally it’s not allowed to rotate
to the back of the main shaft); rotate it to the needed angle, and then
tighten the locking bolts.
3) Adjustment of the main shaft speed
During the adjustment of the main shaft speed, let the drilling machine
exit the working status (the main shaft stops rotating), and cut off the
power supply; then open the cover, and adjust the belt to the
correspond position as indicated on the speed plate; after the
adjustment is completed, it’s required to close the cover and then
connect the power supply; after that, start the drilling machine, and it will
resume the normal operation.
② Operation precautions
1)Before the operation
1.1. Please carefully read this user instruction to get the detailed
knowledge on drilling machine structure, performance and
operation procedure.
1.2. Add the lubricating oil as indicated on drilling machine lubrication
diagram. Check whether the main shaft box clamping, main shaft
sleeve lifting and electric system are safe and reliable. In case of
abnormalities, cut off the power supply before the maintenance
and repair.
1.3. Make sure there is no foreign materials on the working table, and
the fixtures are installed properly and workpiece is clamped tightly
and reliably.
1.4. Make sure the main shaft speed is proper, and the cutting tool is
installed reliably.
2)During operation
2.1. In order to avoid the drilling machine damage, please use the drilling
machine in accordance with the required use.
2.2. During the operation of the drilling machine, it’s not allowed to put

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

hands close to the cutting tools, and no operation with gloves will
be permitted.
2.3. The operator will not be allowed to leave the drilling machine during
the working, neither allowed to do unrelated things.
3)After the operation
3.1. Cut off the power supply, remove the tools and clean the drilling
3.2. Add the lubricating oil, and cover the drilling machine with anti-dust
③ Operation
1) Before the start of the drilling machine, inspect whether the main shaft
box is clamped on the stand column, and whether the main shaft
sleeve lifting and electric system is at normal condition; install the
working table feeding handle base into the head screw end, and screw
the handle into the handle screw.
2) In order to avoid the damage to the drilling machine, the drill bit
maximum diameter is ≤Φ35mm(1 3/8 inch).
3) Before adjustment of height of main shaft box (UP or DOWN),
loosen two locking nuts, rotate the UP/DOWN handle of the main
shaft box to lift the main shaft box to the needed position; then
tighten two locking nuts, and ensure the main shaft box is tightly
clamped on the stand column.
4) During drilling holes, rotate the handle to detach the worm and
handle base, and it permits the drilling and milling of general holes.
If there is a requirement on the depth of the drilled hole, the
fixed-depth cursor can be adjusted to the needed position before
the drilling of the hole.
5) If the drilling machine has trouble or gives off abnormal sound
during its working, the power supply will be cut off immediately,
and inspect the trouble cause and eliminate such trouble.

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

X Accessories
When you open the box, please carefully check the drilling machine
accessories, and put them back to the accessory box after the check is
completed. Please carefully take and put back the accessories during
the check in order to avoid the damage to the accessories.
1. Accompanied accessories (please refer to Diagram IV)

Tension rod

Reduction sleeve

Connecting rod
Feeding handle bar

Little handle

Centering bar Self-lock chuck

Fixture center calibrating

Clutch handle pulley
Adjusting pad

Wrench Lifting handle Uni-key

(Diagram IV) Accompanied accessories

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

No. Nam e and size Q ty. Part No.

1 Tension rod 1 BLZ-01-001

2 Sleeve 1 BLZ-01-002

3 Drift 1 BLZ-01-003

4 Feeding handle bar 3 BLZ-01-004

5 Reduction sleeve 1 BLZ-01-005

6 Connecting bar 1 BLZ-01-006

7 Self-lock chuck 1 BLZ-01-007

8 Sm all handle pulley 1 BLZ-01-008

9 Centering bar 1 BLZ-01-009

Fixture center calibrating
10 1 BLZ-01-010
11 Adjusting block 1 BLZ-01-011

12 Clutch handle pulley 3 BLZ-01-012

13 24m m wrench 1 BLZ-01-013

14 Lifting handle 1 BLZ-01-014

15 Uni-Key( 4/5/6m m ) 1 Set BLZ-01-015

2. Special tools
1) Hole grinder
Hole grinder is designed to grind the drilled finger holes and
chamfering on the hole wall, with which the hole will be smooth
without sharp angles and burrs.
The operation steps for hole grinder:
1.1. Rotate the Bowling Ball with drilled holes to the appropriate angle,
or put it at the right position, and then the operator will put the electric
grinder into the finger hole of the Bowling Ball;

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

1.2. The operator presses the hole grinder switch, and the electric
grinder starts;
1.3. The operator will grind the hole mouth at an inclined way, along with the
assistant grinding of the hole inside wall;
Grind the finger hole to the stipulated requirements; when the hole
mouth and inside wall is smooth without burrs, the operator presses the
grinder switch, and the electric grinder will turn off; the operator will take
out electric grinder from the finger hole.

Ú●● Safety protection articles: The operator must wear the goggle.
Safety articles such as anti-dust mask, anti-skid safety shoes,
safety hat and hearing protection etc. at proper conditions will
reduce the personal injury;

● Avoiding the abrupt start: Make sure it’s in OFF position when
the plug is inserted into the socket;

● Don’t stretch the arm too much: Pay attention to the ground under
the foot and body balance from time to time. With that, it can easily
control the electric tool;

● In case of damage arising from moisture or accidental fall, or
natural wear and damage after long-time use, it will be
repaired by professional personnel, and can be reused after
qualified insulation examination.

2) Vacuum machine
Vacuum machine is designed to suck the drilling scraps into the
vacuum machine when the drilling machine is drilling the hole so as
to improve the operator working environment.
Use method: start the vacuum machine, and point the suction mouth
to the drill bits.

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

Don’t suck any smoky or burning articles into the

vacuum machine, such as cigarette, match, and hot
cigarette ash etc.;
Don’t suck any sharp articles such as head pin and
blade etc. into the vacuum machine;
Don’t suck any combustible liquid into the vacuum
machine, such as gasoline; don’t use the vacuum machine
in the location where there is combustible liquid is

3) Drill bits storage table

Drill bits storage table is designed for the storage of drill bits for
different Bowling Ball finger hole sizes so as to facilitate the operator
processing operation.
Installation and use:
3.1. Put the fixture into two T-shaped grooves of the working table
with four T-shaped bolts to make preparation for the bowling
fixture installation;
3.2. Fix the drill bits storage table on the drilling machine working
table with T-shaped nuts and countersunk screws;
3.3. According to the drill bits outside diameter size indicated on the
storage table, insert the drill bits into the corresponding hole
positions on the storage table.

4) Magnetic measuring digital display

Use of magnetic measuring digital display: please refer to annex
M-10 Operational Manual.

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

5)Drill bits
Drill bits breakdown table (1 piece respectively)
M etric size SAE fraction S AE decim al M etric size S AE fraction S AE decim al
N o. N o.
(m m ) size (inch) size (inch) (m m ) size (inch) size (inch)

1 12.700 1/2 0.500 20 21.412 27/32 0.843

2 13.487 17/32 0.531 21 21.819 55/64 0.859

3 14.275 9/16 0.562 22 22.225 7/8 0.875

4 15.062 19/32 0.593 23 22.606 57/64 0.890

5 15.469 39/64 0.609 24 23.012 29/32 0.906

6 15.875 5/8 0.625 25 23.393 59/64 0.921

7 16.256 41/64 0.640 26 23.800 15/16 0.937

8 16.662 21/32 0.656 27 24.206 61/64 0.953

9 17.043 43/64 0.671 28 24.587 31/32 0.968

10 17.450 11/16 0.687 29 24.994 63/64 0.984

11 17.856 45/64 0.703 30 25.400 1 1.000

12 18.237 23/32 0.718 31 25.781 1 1/64 1.015

13 18.644 47/64 0.734 32 26.187 1 1/32 1.031

14 19.050 3/4 0.750 33 26.568 1 3/64 1.046

15 19.431 49/64 0.765 34 26.975 1 1/16 1.062

16 19.837 25/32 0.781 35 27.762 1 3/32 1.093

17 20.218 51/64 0.796 36 28.575 1 1/8 1.125

18 20.625 13/16 0.812 37 31.750 1 1/4 1.250

19 21.031 53/64 0.828 38 34.925 1 3/8 1.375

6)Bowling Ball drilling fixtures

(Diagram V )Press-type drilling fixture (Diagram VI) Tray-type drilling fixture

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

This drilling machine is equipped with two kinds of drilling fixtures for use
option: press cover type drilling fixture and tray-type drilling fixture, which
can fix the Bowling Ball at different angle to realize the drilling and milling
processing of different finger holes.
6.1. Press cover type drilling fixture (please refer to Diagram V)
6.1.1. Installation of press cover type drilling fixture:
The press cover type drilling fixture will be fixed above the drill bits
storage table, put the drill bits storage table to the corresponding
positioning bolts on the fixture base, and then screw in the nuts;
meanwhile adjust the fixture direction to make it parallel to the working
table, and finally tighten the nuts;
Move X-direction dragging plate and Y-direction dragging plate
to make the calibrating fixture center in line with main shaft
center, and meanwhile set the magnetic measuring scale at 0 at
both X-direction and Y-direction;
6.1.2. Press cover type drilling fixture use:
Remove the press cover, and put the Bowling Ball into the
fixture storage base tray;
Cover the press cover to make the two positioning slots on the
press cover clamp on corresponding stud bolts, and tighten the
Rotate the bolts at right and left sides into the positioning slots at two sides
of the press cover, and tighten the handle to press and fix the Bowling Ball;
Inspect and ensure the Bowling Ball is clamped reliably, and
start the drilling processing after it’s clamped at pre-designed
4As per finger hole technical requirements, loosen X-direction
tightening blocks at both sides, and rotate around X-direction
and move to the required position; tighten the tightening blocks
at both sides, and then conduct following finger hole drilling and

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

milling processing.
6.1.3. Maintenance of press-cover type drilling fixtures:
Maintain the fixture surface clean and free of dust;
Ensure the fixture surface coating has no drop-off phenomenon;
if glue drop-off is discovered, please use the adhesive to stick
the surface coating completely and reliably; or in case of
replacement of surface coating, it will be redrilled and
6.2. Vacuum tray-type drilling fixture (please refer to Diagram VI)
6.2.1. Installation of vacuum tray-type drilling fixture:
After the vacuum tray-type drilling fixture is fixed at corresponding position
above the drill bits storage table, put the drill bits storage table in
alignment with corresponding positioning bolt locations on fixture base,
screw in the screws, meanwhile adjust the fixture air pipe connector
position to make it parallel to the right side of X-direction of drilling
machine, and finally tighten the nuts;
Move X-direction dragging plate and Y-direction dragging plate
to make the calibrating fixture center in line with main shaft
center, and meanwhile set the magnetic measuring scale at 0 at
both X-direction and Y-direction;
6.2.2. Use of vacuum tray-type drilling fixture:
Connect the power supply, and start the vacuum pump;
Clean the fixture tray, and make it clean and free of foreign
Rotate the Bowling Ball to the needed position, and carefully put
it on the tray fixture;
Rotate the knob to the suction position, and suck the air inside
the tray fixture to the vacuum to fix the Bowling Ball reliably on
the tray fixture;
Inspect and confirm that Bowling Ball is sucked reliably and at

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

pre-designed position, and then conduct following drilling and

milling processing;
6.2.3. Maintenance of vacuum tray-type fixture:
Ensure the roundness and completeness of the fixture, and the
edge of the tray is smooth without defects;
If the vacuum pump filter is blocked, please clean the internal filter
core or replace it with a new filter core;

XI Maintenance and care

① Daily maintenance (operator)
1) Before use of the drilling machine, add the lubricating oil at each
lubricating point (mainly at oil adding cup).
2) In case of discovery of main shaft over-temperature or abnormal sound
during the use of drilling machine, stop the machine immediately for
inspection and Troubleshoot.
3) Maintain the working site clean and tidy. After the work is
completed, remove all kinds of fixtures, cutting tools and Ball etc.
from the drilling machine, clean the wastes, and add the
lubricating oil before the anti-dust cover is covered.
② Weekly maintenance
Inspect whether such lubricating surface and moving components as
stand column and sleeve etc. are lack of lubrication, and it will be
supplemented on a timely basis in case of insufficient lubrication.
③ Monthly maintenance
1) Lubricate bearings, worm gears, angular gear and rack.
2) At least once inspection of whether cable and connectors are
loose or worn in each month.
④ Annual maintenance: adjust the levelness of the working table to
ensure the precision.

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

XII Trouble analysis and Troubleshoot

Cause analysis Troubleshooting method
Bowling ball Workpiece is not
Clamp the workpiece tightly
mispositioning clamped tightly
1. Main bearing failure Replacement of bearing
Drilling hole out of 2. Drill bits are not
Install the drill bits at pre-
tolerance installed at pre-designed
designed position
Main shaft Insuitable tightness of Adjust the scroll spring
restoration instable scroll spring tightness
1. Prick handle or prick
Wipe off foreign materials
hole has foreign
with clean cloth
Cutting tool drop-off materials
2. No-matching of prick Adopt the reduction sleeve for
handle model matching

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

XIII Drilling machine explosive diagram and breakdown table

1. Main shaft box explosive diagram


1 107 38

3 39 43
33 40
5 6 106
32 45
4 34 105
31 47
48 46 104
49 103
55 54 52 51
27 101(2)
8 26(2) 56 53 99 100 102
9 57
10 59 98(4)
58 63 62 66 97
60 95 96
11 64
65 94
67 93(2)
22 68
21(4) 69 92(2) 91(2)
12 24(4)
13 20(4) 70 72
14 81(2) 74
23 75 78(3)
89 90 80
15 19
16 85 84 76 77
17 18 86

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

2. Main shaft box components

No. Name Number No. Name Number
1 Nut BLZ-02-001 37 Cover plate BLZ-02-037
2 Pulley BLZ-02-002 38 Upper cover plate BLZ-02-038
3 Spline cover BLZ-02-003 39 Normal V-belt B-838 BLZ-02-039
4 Bearing 6009-2Z BLZ-02-004 40 Normal V-belt B-1016 BLZ-02-040
5 Isolating ring BLZ-02-005 41 Nut M16 BLZ-02-041
6 Screw M8x12 BLZ-02-006 42 Block ring Φ47 BLZ-02-042
7 Main shaft BLZ-02-007 43 Bearing 6204-Z BLZ-02-043
8 Nut M30x1.5 BLZ-02-008 44 Middle belt pulley BLZ-02-044
9 Gasket Φ35 BLZ-02-009 45 Middle belt pulley shaft BLZ-02-045
10 Bearing 30206 BLZ-02-010 46 Nut M16 BLZ-02-046
11 Main shaft sleeve BLZ-02-011 47 Bolt M8x30 BLZ-02-047
12 Pad BLZ-02-012 48 Gasket Φ8 BLZ-02-048
13 Bearing 30207 BLZ-02-013 49 Belt pulley support BLZ-02-049
14 Bearing cover BLZ-02-014 50 Lower cover BLZ-02-050
15 Feeding base BLZ-02-015 51 Angular gear shaft BLZ-02-051
16 Nut M6 BLZ-02-016 52 Angular gear BLZ-02-052
17 Gasket Φ6 BLZ-02-017 53 Worm rod BLZ-02-053
18 Bolt Zn.DM6x50 BLZ-02-018 54 Wrom rod support BLZ-02-054
19 Ruler BLZ-02-019 55 Screw M6x16 BLZ-02-055
20 Screw ST2.9-9.5 BLZ-02-020 56 Lifting handle BLZ-02-056
21 Screw ST2.9-9.5 BLZ-02-021 57 Oil cup Φ6 BLZ-02-057
22 Name plate BLZ-02-022 58 Littlehandle BLZ-02-058
23 Front cover plate BLZ-02-023 59 Gasket Φ6 BLZ-02-059
24 Screw M6x8 BLZ-02-024 60 Gasket Φ8 BLZ-02-060
25 Knob BLZ-02-025 61 Spring cover BLZ-02-061
26 Flexible pin 3x18 BLZ-02-026 62 Worm spring BLZ-02-062
27 Positioning sleeve BLZ-02-027 63 Screw M5x16 BLZ-02-063
28 Nut M16 BLZ-02-028 64 Pin 3x10 BLZ-02-064
29 Fixing nut BLZ-02-029 65 Bearing BLZ-02-065
30 Adjusting bar BLZ-02-030 66 Oil cup Φ6 BLZ-02-066
31 Constant distance stopper BLZ-02-031 67 Clamp handle BLZ-02-067
32 Adjusting rod nut BLZ-02-032 68 Clamping block BLZ-02-068
33 Screw M4x16 BLZ-02-033 69 Thread tightening block BLZ-02-069
34 Indicating plate BLZ-02-034 70 Gear bearing BLZ-02-070
35 Screw M4x8 BLZ-02-035 71 Key 8x22 BLZ-02-071
36 Round cover BLZ-02-036 72 Feeding device base BLZ-02-072

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

No. Name Number No. Name Number

73 Screw M8x16 BLZ-02-073 91 Bolt M16x150 BLZ-02-091
74 Worm BLZ-02-074 92 Gasket Φ16 BLZ-02-092
75 Spring 2x16x25 BLZ-02-075 93 Nut M16 BLZ-02-093
76 Handle base BLZ-02-076 94 Locking handle component BLZ-02-094
77 Big handle BLZ-02-077 95 Spring 1.4x12x80 BLZ-02-095
78 Straight handle bar BLZ-02-078 96 Tension pin BLZ-02-096
79 Elipse handle cover BLZ-02-079 97 Rubber sleeve BLZ-02-097
80 Feeding worm rod BLZ-02-080 98 Bolt M8x25 BLZ-02-098
81 Screw M5x16 BLZ-02-081 99 Gasket Φ8 BLZ-02-099
82 Bearing 6202-2Z BLZ-02-082 100 Nut M8 BLZ-02-100
83 6202 bearing block ring BLZ-02-083 101 Bolt M12x20 BLZ-02-101
84 End cover BLZ-02-084 102 Motor frame BLZ-02-102
85 Main shaft feeding scale plate BLZ-02-085 103 Motor Y90L-4 BLZ-02-103
86 Connecting sleeve BLZ-02-086 104 Motor key BLZ-02-104
87 Little handle pulley 12x100 BLZ-02-087 105 Screw M6x10 BLZ-02-105
88 Little handle M6x40 BLZ-02-088 106 Motor belt pulley BLZ-02-106
89 Screw M5x10 BLZ-02-089 107 Tension rod BLZ-02-107
90 Screw M5x10 BLZ-02-090

2 42
5 4 3(2)
7(2) 43
8(2) 6(2)
14 10 44
17 9
15 21
19(2) 22 23 19
27 20 11
25 16
29 28 38 45(2)
22 15 12
24 13
26 46(2)
31 14 12
30 31(2) 13
33 30(2) 39
32(2) 34 28(2) 34
35(2) 9
37 20 22
36 2 5
22 2 3

14 15 40

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User Instruction for Bowling Ball Drilling Machine

No. Name and size Number No. Name and size Number

1 Guard plate BLZ-03-01 24 Scale plate BLZ-03-24

2 Guard plate fixed piece BLZ-03-02 25 Screw M5x12 BLZ-03-25

3 Bolt M8x12 BLZ-03-03 26 Right hand claw clutch BLZ-03-26

4 Guard plate connecting piece BLZ-03-04 27 Screw M8x50 BLZ-03-27

5 Working table BLZ-03-05 28 Gasket Φ8 BLZ-03-28

6 Nut BLZ-03-06 29 Sliding saddle BLZ-03-29

7 Stop block BLZ-03-07 30 Lock handle component BLZ-03-30

8 Screw M6x14 BLZ-03-08 31 Steel ball Φ6.5 BLZ-03-31

9 Oil cup Φ6 BLZ-03-09 32 Bolt M8x12 BLZ-03-32

10 Right hand screw mandrel BLZ-03-10 33 Stop plate BLZ-03-33

11 Right hand screw mandrel nut BLZ-03-11 34 Screw BLZ-03-34

12 Gasket Φ5 BLZ-03-12 35 Screw M8x25 BLZ-03-35

13 Screw M5x12 BLZ-03-13 36 Upper saddle BLZ-03-36

14 Rotating handle BLZ-03-14 37 Lower saddle BLZ-03-37

15 Handle pulley BLZ-03-15 38 Left hand screw mandrel nut BLZ-03-38

16 Pin 5x35 BLZ-03-16 39 Left hand screw mandrel BLZ-03-39

17 Zinc coat steel plate BLZ-03-17 40 Bottom base BLZ-03-40

18 Left hand claw clutch BLZ-03-18 41 Stand column cover BLZ-03-41

19 Pin 8x24 BLZ-03-19 42 Ring BLZ-03-42

20 Screw M8x20 BLZ-03-20 43 Rack BLZ-03-43

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