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Gentamicin compared with ceftriaxone for the treatment of

gonorrhoea (G-ToG): a randomised non-inferiority trial
Jonathan D C Ross, Clare Brittain, Michelle Cole, Claire Dewsnap, Jan Harding, Trish Hepburn, Louise Jackson, Matthew Keogh, Tessa Lawrence,
Alan A Montgomery, Tracy E Roberts, Kirsty Sprange, Wei Tan, Sukhwinder Thandi, John White, Janet Wilson, Lelia Duley,
on behalf of the G-ToG trial team

Background Gonorrhoea is a common sexually transmitted infection for which ceftriaxone is the current first-line Lancet 2019; 393: 2511–20
treatment, but antimicrobial resistance is emerging. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of Published Online
gentamicin as an alternative to ceftriaxone (both combined with azithromycin) for treatment of gonorrhoea. May 2, 2019
Methods G-ToG was a multicentre, parallel-group, pragmatic, randomised, non-inferiority trial comparing treatment
This online publication has been
with gentamicin to treatment with ceftriaxone for patients with gonorrhoea. The patients, treating physician, and corrected. The corrected version
assessing physician were masked to treatment but the treating nurse was not. The trial took place at 14 sexual health first appeared at
clinics in England. Adults aged 16–70 years were eligible for participation if they had a diagnosis of uncomplicated on June 20, 2019, and further
corrections have been made on
genital, pharyngeal, or rectal gonorrhoea. Participants were randomly assigned to receive a single intramuscular dose of
September 18, 2019
either gentamicin 240 mg (gentamicin group) or ceftriaxone 500 mg (ceftriaxone group). All participants also received a
See Comment page 2474
single 1 g dose of oral azithromycin. Randomisation (1:1) was stratified by clinic and performed using a secure web-based
Department of Sexual Health
system. The primary outcome was clearance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae at all initially infected sites, defined as a negative and HIV, Birmingham
nucleic acid amplification test 2 weeks post treatment. Primary outcome analyses included only participants who had University Hospitals NHS
follow-up data, irrespective of the baseline visit N gonorrhoeae test result. The margin used to establish non-inferiority Foundation Trust, Birmingham,
was a lower confidence limit of 5% for the risk difference. This trial is registered with ISRCTN, number ISRCTN51783227. UK (Prof J DC Ross MD,
J Harding PhD, T Lawrence PhD);
Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit,
Findings Of 1762 patients assessed, we enrolled 720 participants between Oct 7, 2014, and Nov 14, 2016, and randomly University of Nottingham,
assigned 358 to gentamicin and 362 to ceftriaxone. Primary outcome data were available for 306 (85%) of Queen’s Medical Centre,
362 participants allocated to ceftriaxone and 292 (82%) of 358 participants allocated to gentamicin. At 2 weeks after Nottingham, UK
(C Brittain BMedSc,
treatment, infection had cleared for 299 (98%) of 306 participants in the ceftriaxone group compared with 267 (91%) T Hepburn BSc,
of 292 participants in the gentamicin group (adjusted risk difference –6·4%, 95% CI –10·4% to –2·4%). Of the Prof AA Montgomery PhD,
328 participants who had a genital infection, 151 (98%) of 154 in the ceftriaxone group and 163 (94%) of 174 in the K Sprange MSc, W Tan MSc,
S Thandi PhD, Prof L Duley MD);
gentamicin group had clearance at follow-up (adjusted risk difference –4·4%, –8·7 to 0). For participants with a
Antimicrobial Resistance and
pharyngeal infection, a greater proportion receiving ceftriaxone had clearance at follow-up (108 [96%] in the ceftriaxone Healthcare Associated
group compared with 82 [80%] in the gentamicin group; adjusted risk difference –15·3%, –24·0 to –6·5). Similarly, a Infections (AMRHAI) Reference
greater proportion of participants with rectal infection in the ceftriaxone group had clearance (134 [98%] in Unit, Public Health England,
London, UK (M Cole DBMS);
the ceftriaxone group compared with 107 [90%] in the gentamicin group; adjusted risk difference –7·8%, –13·6 to –2·0).
Sexual Health Clinic, Sheffield
Thus, we did not find that a single dose of gentamicin 240 mg was non-inferior to a single dose of ceftriaxone 500 mg Royal Hallamshire Hospital,
for the treatment of gonorrhoea, when both drugs were combined with a 1 g dose of oral azithromycin. The side-effect Sheffield, UK (C Dewsnap MD);
profiles were similar between groups, although severity of pain at the injection site was higher for gentamicin (mean Health Economics Unit,
Institute of Applied Health
visual analogue pain score 36 of 100 in the gentamicin group vs 21 of 100 in the ceftriaxone group).
Research, University of
Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
Interpretation Gentamicin is not appropriate as first-line treatment for gonorrhoea but remains potentially useful for (L Jackson PhD,
patients with isolated genital infection, or for patients who are allergic or intolerant to ceftriaxone, or harbour a Prof T E Roberts PhD); Sexual
Health Clinic, Guy’s and
ceftriaxone-resistant isolate. Further research is required to identify and test new alternatives to ceftriaxone for the
St Thomas’ NHS Foundation
treatment of gonorrhoea. Trust, London, UK
(J White FRCP); Sexual Health
Funding UK National Institute for Health Research. Clinic, Leeds Teaching Hospitals
NHS Trust, Leeds, UK
(J Wilson FRCP); and Patient
Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY-NC-ND and public involvement
4.0 license. representative, Birmingham,
UK (M Keogh)

Introduction discomfort, and localised immune activation that Correspondence to:

Prof Jonathan D C Ross,
Each year gonorrhoea accounts for over 40 000 infections facilitates the acquisition and transmission of HIV. For
Whittall Street Clinic, University
in the UK and around 78 million infections globally,1 with women, infection can spread to the fallopian tubes and Hospitals Birmingham NHS
a disproportionate burden in young adults, men who ovaries causing pelvic inflammatory disease with Foundation Trust,
have sex with men, and specific ethnic groups. Infection resultant tubal scarring, infertility, chronic pelvic pain, Birmingham B4 6DH, UK
[email protected]
leads to local inflammation causing genital pain and and an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. For men, Vol 393 June 22, 2019 2511

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Research in context
Evidence before this study regimen was poorly tolerated, causing nausea in 26% of
Two systematic reviews evaluated the efficacy of gentamicin patients and vomiting in 10%.
for the treatment of gonorrhoea. They included randomised
Added value of this study
trials, quasi-randomised trials, and prospective studies with
Because of antibiotic resistance, treatment options for
concurrent controls published between Jan 1, 1950,
gonorrhoea are diminishing. G-ToG is the first randomised trial
and June 2, 2014. We also searched MEDLINE and Embase for
to compare gentamicin with the current first-line treatment,
studies published between Jan 1, 2013, and Dec 12, 2017,
ceftriaxone, for gonorrhoea. We were unable to conclude that
using the terms “gonorrhoea/gonorrhea/Neisseria
gentamicin was non-inferior to ceftriaxone, and treatment
gonorrhoeae” and “gentamicin”. In total, six studies assessed
failure with gentamicin was higher than with ceftriaxone for
single-dose gentamicin treatment, of which three were
patients with extra-genital infections. Cure rates for genital
randomised trials, one was quasi-randomised, and two were
infections were similar between groups, so for these patients
non-randomised. Cure rates of 62% to 100% were reported
gentamicin might be a candidate for second-line therapy.
with gentamicin treatment. Methodology was poorly
Single-dose gentamicin was safe and well tolerated.
described and there was a high risk of bias within most
studies. The largest and best quality study was a Implications of all the available evidence
non-comparative evaluation of 157 patients, which reported Ceftriaxone should remain the first-line treatment for
that gentamicin cured 100% of infections. This study used a gonorrhoea, with gentamicin as an alternative particularly for
relatively less sensitive culture technique to diagnose and patients with genital infections, and those who are allergic or
assess cure, and included few extra-genital gonorrhoea intolerant to ceftriaxone, or harbour ceftriaxone-resistant
infections (ten pharyngeal, one rectal). Gentamicin was gonococci. Further research is required to identify and test new
administered with a 2 g dose of azithromycin. The combined alternatives to ceftriaxone for the treatment of gonorrhoea.

infection can spread to the testicles leading to epididymo- sites.8,9 Effective, safe, and low-cost treatment in low-
orchitis, and men who have sex with men are at an income and middle-income countries is particularly
increased risk of proctitis, which can lead to abscess and needed; many of these countries have a high burden of
fistula formation. gonorrhoea infection.
The causative organism, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, readily Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that
develops resistance to antibiotics. High-level resis­tance inhibits protein synthesis by irreversibly binding to
to penicillins, sulphonamides, tetracyclines, and quino­ 30S ribosomal subunits. Studies in the 1970s and 1980s
lones has led to these no longer being recommended as assessed gentamicin for treatment of gonorrhoea, but all
treatment. Current guidance is to treat with intra­ studies were small and had a high risk of bias.10,11 The
muscular ceftriaxone, either as monotherapy or as dual dose used in these studies was usually 240 mg (ranging
therapy combined with azithromy­cin.2–4 Surveillance data from 160 mg to 5mg/kg), with no apparent dose response
in the UK show a reduction in susceptibility to ceftriaxone effect across studies and no reported adverse events
over time, with an upward drift in the minimum associated with the drug. In-vitro susceptibility testing
inhibitory concentration (MIC).1 A similar reduction in suggests that N gonorrhoeae remains susceptible to gen­
susceptibility to other antimicrobials used for gonorrhoea tamicin12 although the in-vivo response and associated
was followed by widespread treatment failure, and susceptibility breakpoints have been poorly characterised.
sporadic clinical failure of cephalosporins has been Gentamicin can cause ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity,13
reported.5,6 If ceftriaxone becomes ineffective, options for but the frequency and severity of these adverse events
treatment are limited. With the exception of gentamicin, following a single dose is not known.
alternative drugs have either not been assessed in Recent systematic reviews of gentamicin10,11 for the
patients (eg, ertapenem, piperacillin-tazobactam), are treatment of (mostly urogenital) gonorrhoea report
still in development before licensing (eg, zoliflodacin, its clinical and microbiological cure rate to be
gepotidicin), are reserved for other infections (eg, around 62–98%. Data on its efficacy when treating
rifampicin for tubercu­losis), or have the potential for pharyngeal or rectal gonorrhoea are scarce, although
resistance to develop rapidly (eg, azithromycin, spectino­ antibiotics for gonorrhoea are sometimes less effective
mycin). Untreatable, multidrug-resistant gonorrhoea is a at these sites.14 A large randomised non-comparative
real possibility, and new clinical trial data are needed to trial reported a 100% cure rate when gentamicin was
inform treatment guidelines.7 WHO and the European combined with 2 g oral azithromycin, but a high
Centre for Disease Prevention and Control have called incidence of gastrointestinal adverse effects reduced the
for urgent research into the efficacy of new regimens to tolerability of this regimen.15
treat gonorrhoea, including combination regimens and The aim of our study was to assess whether single-
the assessment of anti­microbial efficacy at extra-genital dose gentamicin therapy is an acceptable alternative to

2512 Vol 393 June 22, 2019

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

ceftriaxone for the treatment of gonorrhoea, when both and not involved with any other trial procedures then
antibiotics are combined with azithromycin. logged onto the randomisation system to determine
which treatment had been allocated, and administered
Methods the injection and oral azithromycin. The nurse who gave
Study design and participants the injection did not reveal the treatment allocation
G-ToG was a multicentre, parallel-group, pragmatic, ran­ to participants, research staff or investigators, who all
domised, non-inferiority trial comparing treatment with remained masked to treatment. The allocation sequence
gentamicin to treatment with ceftriaxone for patients remained concealed until the database was locked at the
with gonorrhoea. The trial took place at 14 sexual health end of the trial.
clinics in England. Ethics approval was obtained from the
Health Research Authority South Central–Oxford C Procedures
Research Ethics Committee (14/SC/1030). The study Ceftriaxone 500 mg in powder formulation was dissolved
protocol is available online.16 in 1% lidocaine and administered as a single 2 mL
Adults aged 16–70 years were eligible for participation intramuscular injection. Gentamicin 240 mg (3 × 80 mg
if they had a diagnosis of untreated genital, pharyngeal, in 2 mL vials) was administered as a single 6 mL
or rectal gonorrhoea (ie, they had not received any intramuscular injection. All participants also received a
antibiotic in the previous 28 days that could have treated single oral dose of 1 g azithromycin. All participants
gonorrhoea, either partially or completely). To reflect were asked to avoid sexual contact until review after
normal practice, all patients who had an initial positive 2 weeks.
test for gonorrhoea and presented for treatment were Participants provided samples for N gonorrhoeae testing
eligible for inclusion. Diagnosis was based on detection before treatment. These samples varied by gender and
of intracellular Gram-negative diplococci by microscopy sexual orientation: for heterosexual men, NAAT and
(urethral, cervical, vaginal, or rectal specimens), or by culture testing were done from urethra samples (a first
nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) from first void pass urine sample could be taken as an alternative to the
urine, urethral, endocervical, vulvovaginal, pharyngeal urethra for NAAT); for men who have sex with men,
or rectal swabs. Any licensed NAAT test platform result NAAT and culture testing were done from urethra,
was accepted for assessing eligibility for inclusion into pharynx, and rectum samples (a urine sample could be
the trial. Exclusion criteria were known concurrent taken as an alternative to the urethra for NAAT); for
bacterial sexually transmitted infections apart from women, NAAT and culture testing were done from
chlamydia; known bacterial vaginosis or Trichomonas cervix, pharynx, and rectum samples (a vaginal sample
vaginalis infection; known contraindications or allergy could be taken as an alternative to the cervix for NAAT).
to gentamicin, ceftriaxone, azithromycin, or lidocaine; Follow-up was 2 weeks after treatment, when NAAT and
complicated gonorrhoea infection, for example pelvic culture testing for N gonorrhoeae was repeated for sites
inflammatory disease or epididymo-orchitis; and patient that had been positive at baseline. All baseline and
weight being less than 40 kg. Women who were post-treatment samples were required to be tested with
pregnant or breastfeeding were also excluded. Patients NAAT (Aptima Combo 2, Hologic, MA, USA). If the local
were only eligible to participate in the trial once. They laboratory did not use Aptima Combo 2 NAAT, additional
provided written informed consent at their initial samples were tested at Public Health England (London,
consultation. UK). Culture specimens were processed according to
local laboratory procedures, and pure viable cultures
Randomisation and masking confirmed to be N gonorrhoeae were frozen to –70°C or
Participants were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive a below and shipped to Public Health England for
single intramuscular dose of either gentamicin 240 mg antimicrobial sensitivity testing. Blood samples for
(gentamicin group) or ceftriaxone 500 mg (ceftriaxone creatinine measurement (allowing calculation of the
group). All participants also received a single 1 g dose of estimated glomerular filtration rate) were taken at
oral azithromycin. Randomisation was stratified by baseline and at follow-up 2 weeks after treatment.
clinic and performed with a secure web-based system.
We used a computer-generated pseudo-random code Outcomes
with permuted blocks of randomly varying size created The primary outcome was clearance of N gonorrhoeae at
by the Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit in accordance all initially infected sites, defined as a negative NAAT
with their standard operating procedure. The allocated 2 weeks after treatment.17 Secondary outcomes were
treatment was administered from routine clinic stock. clinical resolution of symptoms, change in renal function
To maintain blinding the system confirmed that (estimated glomerular filtration rate) and comparative
randomisation had been successful when a member of cost-effectiveness at 2 weeks. The relationship between
the research team randomised a participant, but did not clearance of N gonorrhoeae and in-vitro measurement of
reveal the allocated treatment. A nurse who was trained antibiotic minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was
only in the trial’s treatment administration procedure also investigated as a secondary outcome, using Etests Vol 393 June 22, 2019 2513

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Ceftriaxone Gentamicin
1762 patients approached
group (n=362) group (n=358)
(Continued from previous column)
720 randomised Gonorrhoea 152 (42%) 142 (40%)
Chlamydia 121 (33%) 127 (35%)
Syphilis 48 (13%) 53 (15%)
362 assigned ceftriaxone 358 assigned gentamicin Pelvic inflammatory disease 2/69 (3%) 2/65 (3%)
4 did not receive allocated 10 did not receive allocated (women)
medication medication HIV status (participant self-report)
Positive 53 (15%) 43 (12%)
56 excluded 66 excluded Unknown 10 (3%) 8 (2%)
16 incorrectly sampled at follow-up 10 incorrectly sampled at follow-up Sites of infection
1 withdrew consent 56 did not attend follow-up
39 did not attend follow-up Genital 190 (52%) 219 (61%)
Pharyngeal 128 (35%) 128 (36%)
Rectal 159 (44%) 147 (41%)
306 included in primary analysis 292 included in primary analysis Number of sites infected
One 189 (52%) 180 (50%)
Figure 1: Trial profile Two 96 (27%) 94 (26%)
Three 32 (9%) 42 (12%)
Positive diagnosis of gonorrhoea at 317 (87%) 316 (88%)
Ceftriaxone Gentamicin baseline visit
group (n=362) group (n=358)
Positive diagnosis of gonorrhoea by 139/224 (38%) 166/239 (46%)
Mean age, years (SD) 30·2 (10·1) 30·4 (9·9) Gram stain at baseline visit
Gender Positive diagnosis of gonorrhoea by 308/358 (86%) 309/353 (88%)
Female 69 (19%) 65 (18%) nucleic acid amplification test at
baseline visit†
Male 293 (81%) 292 (82%)
Other 0 1 (<1%) Data are n (%) unless otherwise specified. *Medical history was based on the
Ethnicity participant ever having had that condition. †Data not available for four participants
in the ceftriaxone group and five in the gentamicin group.
White 241 (67%) 255 (71%)
Black 53 (15%) 48 (13%) Table 1: Baseline characteristics of participants
Asian 26 (7%) 18 (5%)
Mixed race 27 (7%) 26 (7%)
(BioMérieux, Marcy-l’Étoile, France) on GC base agar
Other 15 (4%) 11 (3%)
(Becton Dickinson, NJ, USA) with 1% Vitox (Oxoid,
Country of birth
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Basingstoke, UK). Safety
UK 258 (71%) 253 (71%)
outcomes were the frequency of known side-effects
Europe (excluding UK) 51 (14%) 56 (16%)
(nausea, vomiting, hearing loss, dizziness, rash),
North America 8 (2%) 5 (1%) frequency of any other adverse events reported by
Asia Pacific 18 (5%) 14 (4%) participants, and tolerability of the treatment injection
Latin America 7 (2%) 11 (3%) measured on a visual analogue scale, where 0 represented
Middle East 2 (1%) 5 (1%) no pain and 100 the worst imaginable pain. The results of
Africa 18 (5%) 14 (4%) the cost-effectiveness analyses will not be presented in
Creatinine (µmol/L) this paper.
Mean (SD) 78·6 (15·4) 78·3 (15·8)
Range 42–137 26–154 Statistical analysis
n 343 332 Based on 96% clearance for the ceftriaxone regimen, a
Estimated glomerular filtration rate total sample size of 646 participants (323 in each group)
Mean (SD) 110·6 (18·2) 111·5 (17·7) was required to detect non-inferiority with a lower
Range 56·3–179 52·4–157·7 confidence limit of 5% for the risk difference, with
n 341 328 90% power and 0·025 one-sided significance. To allow
Medical history* for loss to follow-up of 10%, the trial had a target
Diabetes 3 (1%) 1 (<1%) recruitment of 720 participants.
Otitis media 9 (2%) 7 (2%) The primary approach to between-group comparisons
Renal disease 3 (1%) 4 (1%) was to analyse participants according to randomised
Liver disease 8 (2%) 5 (1%) allocation without imputation of missing outcome data.
(Table 1 continues in next column) Planned analysis of the primary outcome was modified,
before the database was locked and treatment codes

2514 Vol 393 June 22, 2019

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Ceftriaxone group Gentamicin group Adjusted risk difference for

(n=362) (n=358) clearance* (95% CI)
Participants cleared at all sites 299/306 (98%, 95 to 99) 267/292 (91%, 88 to 94) –6·4% (–10·4 to –2·4%)
Participants with genital gonorrhoea cleared 151/154 (98%, 96 to 100) 163/174 (94%, 90 to 97) –4·4% (–8·7 to 0)
Participants with pharyngeal gonorrhoea cleared 108/113 (96%, 92 to 99) 82/102 (80%, 72 to 88) –15·3% (–24·0 to –6·5)
Participants with rectal gonorrhoea cleared 134/137 (98%, 95 to 100) 107/119 (90%, 84 to 95) –7·8% (–13·6 to –2·0)

Data are n/N (%, 95% CI) unless otherwise specified. *Adjusted by recruiting site (for gentamicin group vs ceftriaxone group).

Table 2: Clearance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae at infected sites at 2 weeks

Ceftriaxone Gentamicin Adjusted risk difference (95% CI)

group group

Primary analysis 306/598 (51%) 292/598 (49%) −6% (−10 to −2)

Exclude those without positive samples at baseline 268/529 (51%) 261/529 (49%) −7% (−11 to −3)
Exclude those who did not take trial medication 304/593 (51%) 289/593 (49%) −7% (−11 to −2)
Exclude those without full required samples taken at baseline 269/529 (51%) 260/529 (49%) −6% (−10 to −2)
Assume missing clearance data as not cleared 362/720 (50%) 358/720 (50%) −8% (−14 to −2)
Assume missing clearance data as cleared 362/720 (50%) 358/720 (50%) −5% (−9 to −2)
Multiple imputation of missing clearance data* 362/720 (50%) 358/720 (50%) −5% (−9 to −2)
Use local BD NAAT if AC NAAT is not available 317/612 (52%) 295/612 (48%) −6% (−10 to −2)

–15 –10 –5 0 5

Favours ceftriaxone Favours gentamicin

Figure 2: Sensitivity analyses of Neisseria gonorrhoeae clearance at all sites

The red line indicates the –5% non-inferiority margin. BD=Becton Dickinson. AC=Aptima Combo. NAAT=nucleic acid amplification test. *Age, gender, ethnicity,
country of birth, and past history of gonorrhoea were included in the multiple imputation with chained equations.

revealed. The initial analysis plan in the protocol was to who had not received their allocated treatment, and
compare gentamicin with ceftriaxone with a general excluding those who did not have a full set of baseline
linear model for binary outcome adjusted by clinic site, samples.
with the primary efficacy parameter being the risk Secondary outcomes were similarly analysed using
difference in the proportion of participants clear of appropriate regression models dependent on data type,
infection at follow-up, along with the 95% confidence adjusted for clinic site and baseline value of the outcome
interval. However, additional clinics joined the trial, variable if collected. All participants who had follow-up
some of which recruited small numbers of participants. data were included in the analyses of secondary outcomes.
This meant that there was the chance that some clinics Clearance at each site was investigated separately for each
would have no participants whose infection had not infection site. MIC data were summarised per participant.
cleared, making the inclusion of clinic as a fixed effect The relationship between clinical effectiveness and MIC
inappropriate. Therefore, we modified the between-group was examined by plotting the distribution of the highest
comparative analyses to use generalised estimating MIC detected per participant categorised by clearance at
equations for binary outcomes adjusted by recruiting all sites at 2 weeks.
clinic as a random effect with robust standard errors. Safety and tolerability analyses were descriptive; all
The generalised estimating equation model used an participants who received treatment were included in the
identity link function to enable estimation of adjusted safety analyses. Frequency counts and percentages of
risk difference. Gentamicin was to be regarded as non- the pre-specified main categories of side-effects were
inferior if the lower 95% confidence limit for the risk presented by treatment group. Adverse events were coded
difference (gentamicin group vs ceftriaxone group) in using MedDRA (version 17.1) and summarised by system
confirmed clearance was –5 percentage points or greater organ class.
(ie, closer to zero). Analysis of the primary outcome All analyses were done with Stata/SE 13.1. Full details
included only participants who had follow-up data, of the analysis are documented in the statistical analysis
irrespective of the baseline visit N gonorrhoeae test result plan, which was finalised before database lock and
(since this was a pragmatic trial). Sensitivity analyses release of treatment allocation codes for analysis. An
were done to assess the robustness of the primary independent data monitoring committee oversaw the
outcome analysis, and included multiple imputation trial and had access to unblinded data by treatment
using chained equations, assuming all missing data were group, prepared by a statistician who was independent
cleared and not cleared, excluding participants who did to the trial team. This trial is registered with ISRCTN,
not have any positive baseline samples, excluding those number ISRCTN51783227. Vol 393 June 22, 2019 2515

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

or writing of the report but had sight of the paper prior

n (overall) n (gentamicin n (ceftriaxone Adjusted risk difference*
group) group) (95% CI) to publication. The corresponding author had full access
to all the data in the study and had final responsibility for
Genital discharge 276 147 129 –0·1% (–5·5 to 5·2)
the decision to submit for publication.
Dysuria 234 128 106 –7·7% (–13·6 to 1·9)
Sore throat 92 45 47 4·0% (–7·4 to 15·4)
Anorectal pain 20 7 13 –24·4% (–62·5 to 13·7)
Of 1762 patients approached at 14 sexual health clinics in
Rectal bleeding 15 7 8 12·5% (–10·4 to 35·4)
England, 720 were enrolled between Oct 7, 2014, and
Rectal discharge 20 8 12 –9·9% (–43·7 to 23·9)
Nov 14, 2016 (362 were assigned to receive ceftriaxone
Tenesmus 10 3 7 12·5% (–10·4 to 35·4)
and 358 to receive gentamicin). The main reasons for
Constipation 15 4 11 –12·6% (–57·8 to 32·6) exclusion were participants not being interested, the trial
Intermenstrual bleeding 14 5 9 11·1% (–9·4 to 31·6) taking too much time, a belief that the standard treatment
(women only)
would be successful and the trial taking too many extra
*Adjusted by clinic (for gentamicin group vs ceftriaxone group). Risk difference is unadjusted for rectal bleeding, or intrusive samples. 14 participants did not receive their
tenesmus, and intermenstrual bleeding. No between-group difference could be measured for post-coital bleeding allocated medication; four in the ceftriaxone group and
because of insufficient observations.
ten in the gentamicin group (figure 1). 96 participants
Table 3: Resolution of symptoms present at baseline did not return for their follow-up visit. 26 participants
who returned for their follow-up visit did not have
primary outcome data because of incorrect sampling.
Ceftriaxone Gentamicin Primary outcome data were therefore available for
group (n=320) group (n=298)
306 (85%) of 362 participants allocated to ceftriaxone and
Nausea 38 (12%) 41 (14%) 292 (82%) of 358 participants allocated to gentamicin.
Vomiting 3 (1%) 12 (4%) Baseline characteristics were well balanced across
Reduction in hearing 5 (2%) 3 (1%) treatment groups (table 1). Treatment groups appeared to
Dizziness or unsteadiness 24 (7%) 21 (7%) be balanced with respect to participants’ history of sexually
Skin rash 5 (2%) 12 (4%) transmitted infections: 294 (41%) of 720 participants had at
Injection pain 315 (98%) 294 (99%) least one previous diagnosis of gonorrhoea, 248 (34%) of
Participants with at least one adverse 48 (15%) 38 (13%) chlamydia, and 101 (14%) of syphilis; 4 (3%) of 135 women
event had a previous diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease.
Total number of adverse events 54 43 Protocol deviations were reported in 121 (33%) of
Adverse event severity 362 of participants receiving ceftriaxone and in 124 (35%)
Mild 45/54 35/43 of 358 participants receiving gentamicin, but the majority
Moderate 8/54 6/43 of these deviations were considered minor. Two major
Severe 1/54 2/43 protocol deviations were identified: not receiving treatment
Participants with at least one adverse 15 (5%) 17 (6%) according to randomisation (14 participants, four allocated
event thought to be related to trial to ceftriaxone, and ten allocated to gentamicin) and not
fulfilling eligibility criteria (18 participants, five allocated to
Total number of adverse events thought 16 19
See Online for appendix to be related to trial medication ceftriaxone and 13 allocated to gentamicin; appendix). The
Serious adverse events 1 (<1%) 0 imbalance in the proportion of major protocol deviations
Most frequently reported adverse events (>5%)
was considered unlikely to be caused by selection bias or
Gastrointestinal disorders 14/54 22/43
knowledge of treatment allocation, so these violations were
Nervous system disorders 10/54 3/43
not believed to affect the validity of the trial. Overall,
General disorders and administration 6/54 3/43
322 (89%) of 362 participants allocated to ceftriaxone and
site conditions 302 (84%) of 358 participants allocated gentamicin
Infections and infestations 6/54 5/43 attended their follow-up visit. The median time from
randomisation to follow-up was 16 days (IQR 14–20) in
Data are n (%) for the number of participants, or n/N for the number of adverse
the ceftriaxone group and 15 days (IQR 14–20) in the
events. All side-effects and adverse events were self-reported by the participant.
Adverse event categories are from MedDRA coding. gentamicin group. 267 (83%) of 322 participants in
the ceftriaxone group and 248 (82%) of 302 participants in
Table 4: Side-effects and adverse events the gentamicin group returned within 21 days.
At 2 weeks after treatment, infection had cleared
Role of the funding source (as defined by a negative NAAT) for 299 (98%) of
The study was funded by the UK National Institute for 306 participants allocated to ceftriaxone compared with
Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment 267 (91%) of 292 participants allocated to gentamicin
programme. NIHR had input into trial design through (adjusted risk difference –6·4%, 95% CI –10·4% to –2·4%;
peer review of the funding proposal. The funders had no table 2). Sensitivity analyses were consistent with the
role in data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, primary analysis (figure 2).

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Of the 328 participants who had a genital infection, A

151 (98%) of 154 in the ceftriaxone group and Non-clearance 81
163 (94%) of 174 in the gentamicin group had clearance 80 Clearance
at follow-up (table 2). For participants with a pharyngeal
infection, a greater proportion receiving ceftriaxone had 60
clearance at follow-up (108 [96%] in the ceftriaxone

group compared with 82 [80%] in the gentamicin 40 33
group). Similarly, a greater proportion of participants
with rectal infection in the ceftriaxone group had 20
clearance (134 [98%] in the ceftriaxone group compared 3 3
with 107 [90%] in the gentamicin group). There was no 0
difference between treatment groups in resolution of 1 2 4 8
symptoms (table 3). B
Changes in estimated glomerular filtration rate 80
between baseline and follow-up were similar in both 66
groups (median difference –1·3 mL/min [IQR –6·7 to 60
4.3] in the ceftriaxone group vs –1·4mL/min [IQR –6·9 to

3·7] in the gentamicin group). No between-group 40

differences were calculated. A similar proportion of 25
participants had nausea in the ceftriaxone and genta­ 20
20 19
micin groups. Vomiting, reduction in hearing, dizziness, 9
1 2 1 1
unsteadiness, and skin rash were rare and proportions 0
were similar across the two treatment groups (table 4). ≤0·002 0·004 0·008 0·016 0·032 0·064 0·125
The majority of participants reported injection site C
pain, 98% of participants in the ceftriaxone group 80 77
and 99% of participants in the gentamicin group, with 66
the mean pain score higher in the gentamicin group 60
(mean pain score 36 of 100 in the gentamicin group 47 48

vs 21 of 100 in the ceftriaxone group). The median 40

time to resolution of injection pain was 1 h (IQR 0–12)
for ceftriaxone and 1·5 h (IQR 0–24) for gentamicin.
At least one adverse event was reported by 15% of 11 9
4 6 3
participants allocated to ceftriaxone and 13% of par­ 1 1 2 1
ticipants allo­cated to gentamicin, the majority of these ≤0·016 0·032 0·064 0·125 0·25 0·5 1 4
were mild (83% of adverse events for ceftriaxone and MIC (mg/L)
81% adverse events for gentamicin, table 4). Three
Figure 3: Pre-treatment MICs of gentamicin, ceftriaxone, and azithromycin
adverse events were considered severe: grade 4 dizziness (A) Distribution of gentamicin MICs by treatment response in 132 participants who
(ceftriaxone), diarrhoea (gentamicin), and sickness received gentamicin. (B) Distribution of ceftriaxone MICs by treatment response in
(gentamicin). One serious adverse event (grade 4 145 participants who received ceftriaxone. Azithromycin MICs for the
dizziness) was reported and was not considered to be four participants who did not clear were 0·125 mg/L (cervix), 0·125 mg/L (rectum),
0·125 mg/L (pharynx), and 0·25 mg/L (urethra). (C) Distribution of azithromycin
related to the trial medication. In addition to the side MICs by treatment response in 276 participants who received azithromycin.
effects participants were specifically asked about, MIC=minimum inhibitory concentration.
86 (14%) of 618 parti­­ pants who received treatment
(48 receiving ceftriaxone and 38 receiving gentamicin) Discussion
reported at least one other adverse event, most Our study did not find that a single dose of gentamicin
commonly gastrointestinal disorders (14 of 54 events in 240 mg was non-inferior to a single dose of ceftriaxone
the ceftriaxone group and 22 of 43 events in the 500 mg for the treatment of gonorrhoea, when
gentamicin group; table 4). both drugs were combined with a 1 g dose of oral
There were no differences between treatment groups azithromycin. The trial was not designed to assess
with respect to additional medications (including superiority, but the 6·4% greater clearance of infection
antibiotics) taken during the trial, reported sexual in the ceftriaxone group and the consistency of the
behaviour, or condom use during the trial. We did not findings on sensitivity analyses suggest that ceftriaxone
find a clear association between in-vitro gentamicin, is than gentamicin for the microbiological cure of
ceftriaxone, or azithromycin MICs and the response gonorrhoea. Clearance of infection with gentamicin
to treatment, with the majority of treatment failures was markedly lower for pharyngeal and rectal gonor­
occurring in isolates expected to be susceptible according rhoea, although gentamicin performed better for
to EUCAST resistance breakpoints18 (figure 3). genital gonorrhoea, achieving microbiological cure in Vol 393 June 22, 2019 2517

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94% of infections compared with 98% of infections for of azithromycin was used as part of the dual therapy,
ceftriaxone. suggesting that azithromycin component might not be
Two systematic reviews10,11 have reported wide variation achieving this microbiological cover, particularly in
in the efficacy of gentamicin for the treatment of gonor­ patients with extra-genital infections.
rhoea and noted a substantial risk of bias in previous Both ceftriaxone and gentamicin were well tolerated
studies. A more recent study15 evaluating intramuscular when combined with azithromycin. Nausea was the most
gentamicin 240 mg combined with oral azithromycin 2 g common side effect, occurring in 12% of participants
reported a 100% cure rate (95% CI 97·6–100). This study receiving ceftriaxone plus azithromycin and in 14% of
differed from G-ToG by including few women and only a participants receiving gentamicin plus azithromycin.
small number of participants with pharyngeal and rectal Nausea and vomiting are uncommon side-effects of
infections, and by using cultures to diagnose gonorrhoea ceftriaxone (incidence ≥1/1000 to <1/100 exposures) and
and a 2 g dose of azithromycin. The large number of extra- have been reported in association with gentamicin,
genital sites of infection analysed in G-ToG, with their but are common following use of oral azithromycin
associated lower cure rates, provides a partial explanation (≥1/100 to <1/10 exposures). The gastrointestinal side-
for the different treatment efficacies reported in previous effects reported in G-ToG were likely principally caused
studies. by azithromycin, although the higher reported frequency
Dual therapy with azithromycin 1 g did not prevent of vomiting in those receiving gentamicin suggests that
treatment failure in a substantial proportion of parti­ gentamicin might also have been a contributing factor.
cipants receiving gentamicin. Azithromycin monotherapy Gentamicin was associated with more injection site
as a single dose of either 1 g or 2 g has been previously pain than ceftriaxone (mean pain score was 36 with
shown as an effective treatment for gonorrhoea,19 when gentamicin compared with 21 with ceftriaxone) and it
culture was used to diagnose infection and assess cure. took longer to resolve (median 1·5 h with gentamicin
However, a reduced in vitro sensitivity to azithromycin compared with 1 h with ceftriaxone); probably related
has been reported in many geographical locations20,21 and to the larger volume of injection administered (6 mL
occurs in 5% of gonorrhoea infections in England and for gentamicin vs 2 mL for ceftriaxone) and the local
Wales;1 an outbreak of high-level resistance was recently anaesthetic effect of lidocaine as the dissolving agent for
reported in England.22 ceftriaxone.
Most gonococcal isolates from participants in G-ToG Gentamicin is potentially vestibulotoxic and can cause
(262 [96%] of 274) had azithromycin MICs of 0·5 mg/L dizziness, ataxia, and nystagmus. Most previous genta­
or lower. Two (17%) of the 12 azithromycin-resistant micin studies have evaluated a prolonged course of
isolates with MICs greater than 0·5 mg/L were from treatment and the safety of a single dose is less well
patients who had treatment failure, but the majority of characterised, but a recent systematic review26 of single
treatment failures (11 [69%] of 16) occurred in par­tici­pants dose therapy found vestibulotoxicity to be rare, which is
who had isolates with a MIC of 0·25 mg/L or lower, with consistent with our findings. Gentamicin can also cause
the remaining three [19%] harbouring azithromycin MICs renal impairment following reuptake of the drug in
of 0·5 mg/L (intermediate susceptibility). Thus, we found the proximal renal tubule where it is concentrated.
in vitro azithromycin resistance did not reliably predict A transient rise in creatinine is common when single
treatment failure with the 1 g azithromycin dose if we dose gentamicin is used as antibiotic prophylaxis in
assume gentamicin had failed to treat the infection. A poor elderly, surgical patients,26 but this rise is less likely to
association between pre-treatment azithromycin MIC and occur in younger, healthier individuals and the estimated
cure has been reported by others, with emergence of in glomerular filtration rate did not significantly change in
vivo resistance.23,24 A higher dose of azithromycin than the G-ToG participants (mean difference –1·4 mL/min).
1 g dose used in G-ToG (eg, 2 g)15 might be more effective, The mechanisms for development of gentamicin
but without a direct comparative study this is speculative, resistance are not fully understood but might include
and a 2 g dose is also poorly tolerated leading to nausea in decreased cell membrane permeability and modification
26% and vomiting in 10% of patients in a recent study.15 An of the drug by cellular enzymes.27 In vitro measurement
extended-release formulation of azithromycin with lower of the MIC provides a phenotypic assessment of
peak drug concentrations might reduce the incidence of antimicrobial susceptibility, but the breakpoint MIC
side effects and improve tolerability compared with the value (below which clinical cure occurs and above which
immediate-release formulation, but there are limited data gentamicin is ineffective) has not been established. The
comparing these formulations. extent to which gentamicin penetrates into rectal and
Current treatment guidelines from the US Centers for pharyngeal tissue is not known but has been reported to
Disease Control and Prevention3 and WHO4 recommend be suboptimal in the pharynx for spectinomycin, which
dual therapies which incorporate azithromycin 1 g, to belongs to a similar antibiotic class.25 It has been
reduce the development of resistance in N gonorrhoeae by tentatively suggested that an isolate with a MIC lower
providing additional microbiological cover.25,3,4 In GToG than 8 mg/L is susceptible, with a MIC of 8 to 16 mg/L
we found substantial microbiological failure when 1 g has intermediate susceptibility, and a MIC greater than

2518 Vol 393 June 22, 2019

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16 mg/L is resistant.28 The European Network for distributed between the treatment groups, and a
Sexually Transmitted Infection Surveillance found that secondary sensitivity analyses excluding these participants
95% of gonococcal isolates had gentamicin MICs in the (adjusted risk difference –7·1%, 95% CI –11·4% to
range of 4 to 8 mg/L,12 similar to GToG participants after –2·8%) was consistent with the primary intention-to-treat
accounting for differences in testing methodology. The analysis. The NAAT test can remain positive for
MIC in G-ToG participants was not, however, predictive several days following effective treatment of gonorrhoea,
of treatment failure; only three isolates had a MIC greater but the test of cure was taken at least 14 days after
than 4 mg/L and all three participants were cleared of receiving antibiotics in accordance with UK national
infection. Of those isolates with a MIC of 4 mg/L treated guidance to minimise this possibility. Additionally,
with gentamicin, 12 (13%) failed therapy compared with because of the randomised trial design, a false positive
81 (87%) which were cleared. It is possible that a higher test-of-cure would not bias our results.
dose of gentamicin would be more effective, although In conclusion, we found that gentamicin plus azithro­
the limited association between gentamicin MIC and mycin cannot be considered non-inferior to ceftriaxone
clinical response does not directly support this. plus azithromycin, with a relatively higher frequency of
An antagonistic interaction between gentamicin and treatment failure occurring in patients with extra-
azithromycin could potentially reduce the efficacy of this genital gonorrhoea who were treated with gentamicin.
drug combination; in vitro testing does not suggest either Gentamicin cannot therefore be recommended to
antagonism or synergy,29 and the potential for a high cure replace ceftriaxone as first-line therapy for gonorrhoea.
rate with this regimen for genital infections diagnosed by However, gentamicin combined with 1 g azithromycin
culture has been shown.15 A clinically important interaction achieved a cure rate of 94% for genital gonorrhoea and
between both drugs is therefore unlikely. its use might be appropriate in patients who are allergic,
The robust design of the G-ToG trial resulted in well- intolerant, or harbour a ceftriaxone-resistant infection.
balanced treatment groups and a low risk of bias. The A 1 g dose of azithromycin as a component of dual
trial was appropriately powered, pragmatic in design, therapy for gonorrhoea had limited efficacy in treating
and likely to be relevant to clinical practice in the UK gentamicin-resistant infections and this suggests that
and other countries with similar health-care systems. It its widespread use to prevent develop­ment of resistance
included symptomatic and asymptomatic patients, a wide requires review.
age range, HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals, Contributors
men and women, heterosexual men and men who have JDCR was the chief investigator and conceived the study. JDCR, AAM,
sex with men, cases of genital and extra-genital infections, LD, TH, LJ, and TER contributed to the design of the study. JDCR, CD,
JWh, and JW were principal investigators at recruiting sites. MK was
and a wide variety of ethnic groups. The distribution of responsible for patient and public input to delivery of the trial. CB, JH,
age, gender, ethnicity, and sites of infection for participants TL, KS, and ST were responsible for managing the trial. WT, TH,
in G-ToG were comparable to those in the UK Gonoccocal and AAM were responsible for the statistical analysis plan and carried For more on the UK Gonoccocal
Resistance to Antimicrobials Surveillance Programme out the statistical analyses. LJ and TER were responsible for the health Resistance to Antimicrobials
economic component. MC was responsible for the microbiological Surveillance Programme see
suggesting that our results are widely applicable. component of the trial at Public Health England. JDCR, WT, KS, TH,
Unexpectedly, a number of participants who were LJ, and MC drafted the manuscript. All authors assisted with government/publications/
recruited to the trial were found to have a negative NAAT interpretation of the data and reviewed and approved the final gonococcal-resistance-to-
at their baseline visit (50 [14%] of 358 participants in the manuscript. antimicrobials-surveillance-
ceftriaxone group and 44 [12%] of 353 in the gentamicin Declaration of interests
group) despite having been tested previously and found JDCR reports personal fees from GlaxoSmithKline, Hologic Diagnostics,
Tallis, and Janssen Pharmaceutica outside the submitted work, as well as
to be positive, and being recalled to the clinic to be given ownership of shares in GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca. He is an
antibiotic treatment. In routine clinical practice a NAAT author of the United Kingdom National Guideline for the Management
would not be repeated before treatment. The apparent of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and European Guideline for the
spontaneous reversion from positive to negative NAAT Management of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. He is also a member of
the editorial board for the European sexually transmitted infection
observed in these trial participants could have resulted guidelines and of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
from an initial false positive NAAT before trial entry, a Health Technology Assessment commissioning board; was previously
false negative NAAT at the baseline trial visit, or natural a member of the NIHR Health Technology Assessment primary care,
community and preventative interventions panel (2013–2016);
clearance of gonorrhoea without antibiotic therapy. A
and is a NIHR Journals Editor. AAM is a member of the NIHR Health
previous large study30 has reported spontaneous clearance Technology Assessment clinical evaluation and trials board. JW reports
of pharyngeal gonorrhoea in 139 (6%) of 2204 of patients, non-financial support from Gen-Probe (Hologic) and personal fees from
which would be consistent with our findings. However, Becton Dickinson outside the submitted work. JWh reports personal
fees from Hologic, GlaxoSmithKline, and Becton Dickinson outside
although NAATs for N gonorrhoeae have high sensitivities
the submitted work, as well as personal fees from SAGE Publications.
and specificities we cannot exclude the possibility of He is also Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of STD & AIDS.
some false positive or false negative results, especially TH reports ownership of shares in AstraZeneca. During the trial LD was
when testing a low-prevalence population. The occurrence the Director of the Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit, a unit with NIHR
Clinical Trials Unit Support Funding. All other authors declare no
of negative tests in some patients at their baseline
competing interests.
visit does not bias our results since they were equally Vol 393 June 22, 2019 2519

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Acknowledgments 11 Hathorn E, Dhasmana D, Duley L, Ross JD. The effectiveness of

This project was funded by the NIHR Health Technology Assessment gentamicin in the treatment of Neisseria gonorrhoeae: a systematic
Programme (project number 12/127/10). The views and opinions review. Syst Rev 2014; 3: 104.
expressed in this Article are those of the authors and do not necessarily 12 Chisholm SA, Quaye N, Cole MJ, et al. An evaluation of gentamicin
reflect those of the Health Technology Assessment Programme, NIHR, susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates in Europe.
NHS or the UK Department of Health. The trial was sponsored by the J Antimicrob Chemother 2011; 66: 592–95.
University of Nottingham, coordinated from the Nottingham Clinical 13 Kahlmeter G, Dahlager JI. Aminoglycoside toxicity—a review of
Trials Unit, and supported by the NIHR Clinical Research Network. clinical studies published between 1975 and 1982.
We wish to thank the study investigators, Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit J Antimicrob Chemother 1984; 13 (suppl A): 9–22.
staff, site staff, and study participants. We would particularly like to thank 14 Judson FN, Ehret JM, Handsfield HH. Comparative study of
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anorectal gonorrhea. JAMA 1985; 253: 1417–19.
the trial steering committee: Prof Judith Stevenson (Chair) Professor of
Reproductive and Sexual Health, University College London; 15 Kirkcaldy RD, Weinstock HS, Moore PC, et al. The efficacy and
safety of gentamicin plus azithromycin and gemifloxacin plus
Prof John McLeod Professor in Clinical Epidemiology and Primary Care,
azithromycin as treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea.
University of Bristol; Dr Andy Winter, Consultant in Sexual Health and
Clin Infect Dis 2014; 59: 1083–91.
HIV, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde; David Roberts-Jones, Patient
16 Brittain C, Childs M, Duley L, et al. Gentamicin versus ceftriaxone
Representative. And the data monitoring committee Prof Chris Butler, for the treatment of gonorrhoea (G-TOG trial): study protocol for a
(Chair) Professor of Primary Care, University of Oxford; randomised trial. Trials 2016; 17: 558.
Dr Mike Bradburn, Senior Statistician, University of Sheffield; 17 British Association for Sexual Health and HIV. Clinical
Prof Charles Lacey, University of York. We would also like to thank all Effectiveness Group guidelines.
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Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Coventry and Warwickshire 18 European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing.
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