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Preface Josias N. Dewey, Holland & Knight LLP

Foreword Aaron Wright, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance
Glossary The Editor shares key concepts and definitions of blockchain
Industry Promoting innovation through education: The blockchain industry,
law enforcement and regulators work towards a common goal
Jason Weinstein & Alan Cohn, The Blockchain Alliance 1
The loan market, blockchain, and smart contracts: The potential
for transformative change
Bridget Marsh, LSTA & Josias N. Dewey, Holland & Knight LLP 5
A year of progress – the Wall Street Blockchain Alliance and the
ongoing evolution of blockchain and cryptoassets
Ron Quaranta, Wall Street Blockchain Alliance 14
General chapters Blockchain and intellectual property: A case study
Joshua Krumholz, Ieuan G. Mahony & Brian J. Colandreo
Holland & Knight LLP 18
The custody of digital assets – 2020
Jay G. Baris, Shearman & Sterling LLP 35
Cryptocurrency and other digital assets for asset managers
Gregory S. Rowland & Trevor I. Kiviat, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP 52
The yellow brick road for consumer tokens: The path to SEC and
CFTC compliance. An update
David L. Concannon, Yvette D. Valdez & Stephen P. Wink,
Latham & Watkins LLP 64
Custody and transfer of digital assets: Key U.S. legal considerations
Michael H. Krimminger, Colin Lloyd & Sandra Rocks,
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP 88
An introduction to virtual currency money transmission regulation
Michelle Ann Gitlitz & Michael J. Barry, Blank Rome LLP 101
Cryptocurrency compliance and risks: A European KYC/AML
Fedor Poskriakov, Maria Chiriaeva & Christophe Cavin,
Lenz & Staehelin 119
The potential legal implications of securing proof of stake-based
Angela Angelovska-Wilson, DLx Law &
Evan Weiss, Proof of Stake Alliance 133
Legal issues surrounding the use of smart contracts
Stuart Levi, Alex Lipton & Cristina Vasile,
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP 155
U.S. Federal Income Tax implications of issuing, investing and
trading in cryptocurrency
Mary F. Voce & Pallav Raghuvanshi, Greenberg Traurig, LLP 171
Stablecoins: A global overview of regulatory requirements in
Asia Pacific, Europe, the UAE and the USA
David Adams & Jesse Overall, Clifford Chance LLP
Jason Rozovsky, R3 182
Blockchain and the GDPR: Co-existing in contradiction?
John Timmons & Tim Hickman, White & Case LLP 202
General chapters Smart contracts in the derivatives space
Jonathan Gilmour & Vanessa Kalijnikoff Battaglia,
Travers Smith LLP 220
Distributed ledger technology as a tool for streamlining transactions
Douglas Landy, James Kong & Jonathan Edwards, Milbank LLP 232
Country chapters
Argentina Juan M. Diehl Moreno & Santiago Eraso Lomaquiz,
Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal 245
Australia Peter Reeves, Gilbert + Tobin 251
Austria Ursula Rath & Thomas Kulnigg, Schoenherr Attorneys at Law 263
Bermuda Mary V. Ward & Adam Bathgate, Carey Olsen Bermuda Limited 271
Brazil Martim Machado & Julia Fontes Abramof,
CGM Advogados 282
British Virgin Clinton Hempel & Mark Harbison, Carey Olsen 288
Canada Simon Grant, Kwang Lim & Matthew Peters, Bennett Jones LLP 294
Cayman Islands Alistair Russell & Dylan Wiltermuth, Carey Olsen 308
China Jacob Blacklock & Shi Lei, Lehman, Lee & Xu 316
Cyprus Karolina Argyridou, Prodromos Epifaniou & Akis Papakyriacou,
Verita Legal K. Argyridou & Associates LLC 326
Estonia Priit Lätt, PwC Legal Estonia 332
France Christophe Perchet, Juliette Loget & Stéphane Daniel,
Davis Polk and Wardwell LLP 344
Germany Dr Stefan Henkelmann & Lennart J. Dahmen, Allen & Overy LLP 355
Gibraltar Joey Garcia & Jonathan Garcia, ISOLAS LLP 367
Guernsey David Crosland & Felicity Wai, Carey Olsen (Guernsey) LLP 376
Hong Kong Yu Pui Hang (Henry Yu),
L&Y Law Office / Henry Yu & Associates 387
India Anu Tiwari & Rachana Rautray, AZB & Partners 401
Ireland Maura McLaughlin, Pearse Ryan & Caroline Devlin, Arthur Cox 407
Japan Taro Awataguchi & Takeshi Nagase, Anderson Mōri & Tomotsune 414
Jersey Christopher Griffin, Emma German & Holly Brown,
Carey Olsen Jersey LLP 424
Korea Jung Min Lee, Samuel Yim & Joon Young Kim, Kim & Chang 433
Liechtenstein Dr Ralph Wanger,
BATLINER WANGER BATLINER Attorneys at Law Ltd. 440
Malta Malcolm Falzon & Alexia Valenzia, Camilleri Preziosi Advocates 445
Mexico Miguel Ángel Peralta García, Pedro Said Nader &
Patrick Seaver Stockdale Carrillo, Basham, Ringe y Correa, S.C. 455
Montenegro Marija Vlajković & Luka Veljović, Moravčević Vojnović i Partneri
AOD Beograd in cooperation with Schoenherr 463
Netherlands Björn Schep, Willem Röell & Christian Godlieb,
De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek 466
Portugal Filipe Lowndes Marques, Mariana Albuquerque & João Lima da Silva
Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados
[Morais Leitão] 476
Russia Vasilisa Strizh, Dmitry Dmitriev & Anastasia Kiseleva,
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 486
Serbia Bojan Rajić & Mina Mihaljčić, Moravčević Vojnović i Partneri
AOD Beograd in cooperation with Schoenherr 494
Singapore Franca Ciambella & En-Lai Chong, Consilium Law Corporation 500
South Africa Angela Itzikowitz & Ina Meiring, ENSafrica 512
Spain Alfonso López-Ibor, Pablo Stöger & Olivia López-Ibor,
Ventura Garcés López-Ibor 519
Switzerland Daniel Haeberli, Stefan Oesterhelt & Alexander Wherlock,
Homburger AG 524
Taiwan Robin Chang & Eddie Hsiung, Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law 536
United Arab Abdulla Yousef Al Nasser, Flora Ghali & Nooshin Rahmannejadi,
Emirates Araa Group Advocates and Legal Consultants 543
United Kingdom Stuart Davis, Sam Maxson & Andrew Moyle,
Latham & Watkins LLP 554
USA Josias N. Dewey, Holland & Knight 565
Venezuela Luisa Lepervanche,
Mendoza, Palacios, Acedo, Borjas, Páez Pumar & Cía. (Menpa) 575
Legal issues surrounding the use
of smart contracts
Stuart Levi, Alex Lipton & Cristina Vasile
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

“Smart contracts” are a critical building block in the development and evolution of many
types of transactions executed on distributed ledger technologies such as blockchains.1 By
automating processes and increasing outcome certainty, smart contracts can offer important
benefits in a system that effectively relies on computer networks to process transactions.
This article examines whether smart contracts are enforceable legal agreements under
contract law in the United States, and highlights certain legal and practical considerations
that will need to be addressed before smart contracts can be widely adopted in commercial

Smart contracts: An introduction

“Smart contracts” is a term used to describe computer code that automatically executes all
or parts of the transaction steps of an oral or written agreement between two parties. The
code can either be the sole manifestation of the agreement between the parties (“code-only
smart contracts”) or complement a traditional natural language-based contract by effectuating
certain provisions of that contract (“ancillary smart contracts”). The critical difference
between smart contracts and natural language contracts is how they handle performance:
natural language contracts generally rely on the parties to perform the contract’s obligations,
whereas smart contracts perform the parties’ obligations automatically once triggered. By
eliminating the need for human intervention, smart contracts potentially reduce the execution
and enforcements costs of the contract process. As a basic example, consider an agreement
between an insurer and a farmer that will pay the farmer in the event temperatures drop
below a certain degree. In a natural language contract, the farmer would need to check the
temperature each day, make a claim if the temperature falls below the agreed-upon degree,
and then wait for the insurer to verify the claim and pay the farmer (or dispute the claim).
If a smart contract component was added, the smart contract could automatically receive a
feed of the official recorded temperature (using a measure agreed by the parties) and then
automatically transfer funds from the insurer’s account to the farmer’s account if the
temperature drops below the agreed-upon level.
Standards organizations and trade associations have also begun to acknowledge the impact
that smart contracts could have on transactions in their areas. For example, the International
Swaps and Derivatives Association (“ISDA”) has signaled an openness to smart contracting
in the derivatives context, though ISDA noted that any use of smart contracts must comply
with existing legal requirements such as ISDA’s documentation standard.2
The concept of smart contracts was first articulated by the computer scientist and
cryptographer Nick Szabo and predates the development of blockchain technology.3 Since

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Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Legal issues surrounding the use of smart contracts

then, the ability to store immutable code and data in a transparent way on a blockchain, and
the interest in disintermediating human intervention, has generated widespread interest in
developing smart contracts. As with other data stored on a blockchain (such as the amount
of cryptocurrency held by an address), smart contract code is replicated across multiple
nodes and executed according to the same consensus mechanism on a blockchain.
Moreover, because smart contracts use the same asymmetric cryptography, in which users
rely on private keys and public keys, as other blockchain-based transactions, smart contracts
allow parties to authenticate each other, and provide a level of security not present in many
other automated transactions.
Although smart contracts have great potential to reduce transaction costs and minimize
outcome uncertainty, they currently can replace only the types of contractual provisions that
can be represented in specific and objective terms, such as “if X occurs, then execute step
Y.” Subjective provisions, such as whether a party used commercially reasonable efforts,
cannot be translated into smart contracts. In this respect, smart contracts are not particularly
“smart.” It is therefore important not to confuse smart contracts with efforts being made in
the areas of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
In addition, smart contracts will often need to rely on external (i.e., “off-chain”) resources
before they can execute a transaction. In the crop insurance example above, the recorded
temperature would be such an off-chain resource. The reliance on off-chain resources
presents several problems. For example, smart contracts cannot “pull” data from off-chain
resources; rather, that data must be “pushed” to the smart contract, so the parties need to
agree on a single, definitive, off-chain resource willing to and capable of pushing relevant
data to the smart contract. Without such clarity, there would not be a consensus as to whether
the contract should trigger, and the transaction would not execute. In our example, the farmer
may argue that the weather service he consulted recorded a temperature of 31 degrees, while
the insurer might claim a temperature of 33 degrees.
In order to address these issues, parties to smart contracts use “oracles”—trusted third parties
that retrieve mutually-agreed off-chain information and then push that information to the
smart contract at predetermined times. While oracles represent an elegant, and for the time-
being necessary, solution to smart contracts’ functional need to access off-chain resources,
they introduce a potential point of failure in what might otherwise be a fully automated and
decentralized transaction system. An oracle might cease conducting business, experience a
system failure, be hacked, or provide erroneous data. Indeed, a hacker looking to impact
smart contracts would likely have an easier time exploiting the oracle’s data feed than
hacking the smart contract itself.

Are smart contracts legally enforceable under contract law in the United States?4
Given that the use of smart contracts is in its incipient stages, there is no case law precedent
that directly addresses the enforceability of smart contracts and, as discussed below, there
are only a handful of state statutes purporting to address this issue directly.5 However, the
fact that smart contracts are not drafted in natural language prose should not impact their
enforceability under the principles generally applicable to contracts.
The Uniform Commercial Code and Statute of Frauds
As a preliminary matter, in order to be legally enforceable, smart contracts must comply
with applicable state writing and signing requirements. The most relevant requirements in
this respect flow from two sources: the Uniform Commercial Code (“U.C.C.”), a
comprehensive set of laws governing all commercial transactions in the United States; and

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state laws that identify agreements that must be in writing and signed to be enforceable
(referred to as the “statute of frauds”). The U.C.C. has been adopted in whole or in part by
all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands; and all states
except Louisiana have adopted a statute of frauds.
The “written agreement” requirement
Under the U.C.C. and statute of frauds, not every contract needs to be in writing. Under the
U.C.C., the following contracts generally must be in writing: (i) a contract for the sale of
goods priced at or over $500;6 (ii) lease contracts relating to personal property requiring
total payments of $1,000 or more;7 and (iii) certain agreements creating a security interest.8
The specifics of what terms must be in writing vary by the subject matter. For example, a
contract for the sale of goods must generally specify the goods at issue and the price,9 while
a lease must generally include the required payments, the term, and a reasonable description
of the leased property.10 Similarly, each state’s statute of frauds generally requires a written
agreement for: (i) agreements relating to executorship, suretyship, marriage; (ii) performance
to be undertaken over one or more years after the execution of the agreement; and (iii)
agreements for the sale of an interest in land.11
The question is whether a smart contract, effectively a piece of computer code, can satisfy
the writing requirement under the U.C.C. and statute of frauds. Historically, courts have
recognized that under the U.C.C., a written agreement does not necessarily need to be natural
language prose.12 Indeed, the U.C.C. specifies that any type of “intentional reduction to
tangible form” is sufficient.13 This is consistent with the U.C.C. policy that the “writing”
requirement is meant to assure that the intention of the parties is manifest. Thus, courts have
held, for example, that emails can satisfy the U.C.C. “writing” requirement.14 Smart
contracts should be treated no differently than other forms of electronic records. This is not
to say that all smart contracts, by definition, will satisfy the U.C.C. requirement. Just as an
email may be inconclusive as to what the parties actually intended, so too a smart contract
may be too vague. That said, given the objective nature of smart contract code and the
parameter certainty required to effectuate a transaction, most smart contracts for the sale of
goods or for leases should satisfy the U.C.C. “writing” requirement, particularly if the parties
use an ancillary smart contract where the code just executes certain terms in the natural
language agreement.
A similar analysis can be applied under the statue of frauds. Under these state laws, a valid
writing need not be written entirely in natural language prose nor be comprehensive.15 As
with contracts interpreted under the U.C.C., courts have taken an expansive view as to what
can satisfy the “writing” requirement under the statute of frauds, focusing on the intent of
the parties to create a binding agreement.16 Thus, terms conveyed through e-mail or even
types of telegraphic code can form binding contracts.17
In addition, the writing under the statue of frauds generally need only contain the agreement’s
“essential terms” which can vary depending on the type of transaction.18 As noted above,
given the nature of smart contracts, the “essential terms” (such as price and what is being
delivered) will likely be captured by the code itself. And, even if the essential terms are not
capable of being expressed in “if-then” terms, smart contracts can be used as ancillary tools
to natural language contracts that include those terms.
The signature requirement
Both the U.C.C. and the statute of frauds require that a contract have valid signatures to be
binding. This requirement can also be satisfied when using smart contracts. The U.C.C.
specifies that a signature can be “any symbol executed or adopted with present intention to

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Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Legal issues surrounding the use of smart contracts

adopt or accept a writing.”19 Similarly, the statute of frauds generally recognizes that a
signature may be any symbol made by a party with the present intent to authenticate a writing
or contract.20 Courts typically look to the intent of the parties and whether the signing parties
proffered a signature with an intention to authenticate the writing.21 Since smart contract
transactions on a blockchain need to be affirmatively authenticated by each party using
public-private key cryptography, a digital signature on a smart contract should constitute a
“symbol executed or adopted with present intention to adopt or accept a writing”22 and satisfy
the flexible signature requirements of the U.C.C. and statute of frauds.
The E-SIGN Act and UETA
The Electronic Signatures in Global National Commerce Act (“E-SIGN Act”) and state laws
modeled on the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (“UETA”) also provide important
support for the concept that smart contracts should be treated as legally enforceable
agreements. Under each of these acts, electronic records and electronic signatures used in
interstate or foreign commerce transactions generally cannot be denied legal effect solely
because they are in electronic form.23 Although E-SIGN is a federal law, and generally
preempts state laws, individual states may “modify, limit, or supersede”24 the E-SIGN Act
if they adopt UETA or satisfactory “alternative procedures or requirements.”25 UETA has
been adopted by 47 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
The key question is whether the blockchains on which smart contracts are stored are
“electronic records” and therefore enjoy protection under these acts, and whether the digital
signatures used with smart contracts can be deemed protectable “electronic signatures.”
Both the E-SIGN Act and UETA define electronic records broadly to include any “record
created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored by electronic means.”26 An
explanatory comment to UETA indicates that this includes any “[i]nformation processing
systems, computer equipment and programs . . . and similar technologies” and any
“information stored on a computer hard drive.”27 There should be little dispute that a
blockchain satisfies this broad definition since, at a minimum, it stores records by electronic
means. Moreover, at least one court has suggested that a database is an electronic record
under UETA,28 providing important guidance given that a blockchain is an encrypted and
distributed database.
The E-SIGN Act and UETA also define electronic signatures broadly. Under both acts, an
“electronic signature” includes any “electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to or
logically associated with a record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to
sign the record.”29 Moreover, UETA expressly states that this definition encompasses a
“digital signature using public key encryption technology.”30 As with the statute of frauds
and the U.C.C., a digital signature based on asymmetric cryptography that is used to sign a
smart contract should meet the E-SIGN Act and UETA definition of a legally valid electronic
The E-SIGN Act and UETA also include an additional concept that supports the
enforceability of smart contracts. Under these acts, an agreement cannot be denied legal
effect because the parties used an “electronic agent” which each act defines to include a
“computer program or an electronic or other automated means used independently to initiate
an action or respond to electronic records or performances in whole or in part, without review
or action by an individual.”31 Smart contracts which run self-executing code agreed to by
the contracting parties would seem to fit squarely within this definition. The comments to
UETA also contemplate the possibility that electronic agents could conduct transactions with
other electronic agents or autonomously, which could occur as smart contracts and artificial
intelligence continue to develop.32

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In order to rely on the foregoing protections of UETA, the parties must first agree in a non-
electronic writing that they will conduct all or part of a transaction electronically. Thus, one
party could not implement a smart contract without the express written consent of the other
party. Similarly, if a written record needs to be made available to a consumer, the E-SIGN
Act requires affirmative consumer consent before an electronic record can be used, which
consent can be withdrawn at any time.33 The right for consumers to withdraw their consent
at any time under the E-SIGN Act may create operational complications given the self-
executing nature of most smart contracts.
As noted above, only 47 states have adopted UETA. Illinois (through the state’s Electronic
Commerce Security Act),34 New York (through the state’s Electronic Signatures and Records
Act),35 and Washington (though a state statute that recognizes the E-SIGN Act as applying
to state and local transactions)36 have each adopted their own unique e-signature statutes in
lieu of a statute modeled on UETA. While these three states adopt broad definitions of
electronic records and electronic signatures, none offer the added protection of electronic
agents set forth in the 47 states that have adopted UETA.
Specific state laws applicable to smart contracts
Although, as discussed above, there are strong arguments that existing state laws already
provide a sound basis for the enforceability of smart contracts, to date, four states have
amended their laws specifically to allow for the enforceability of blockchain-based contracts.
Many believe that these states have done so in order to appear “blockchain friendly” to attract
blockchain-based companies. However, in their attempts to provide greater clarity on this
issue and incentivize blockchain-based development, these states may have created more
uncertainty, in part because of how these laws will be interpreted and in part because of the
implicit suggestion that existing laws did not cover smart contract transactions.
In March 2017, Arizona became the first state to amend its version of UETA, the Arizona
Electronic Transactions Act (“AETA”) to address blockchain technology. The AETA as
amended provides that a “signature that is secured through blockchain technology is . . . an
electronic signature,” and “a record or contract that is secured through blockchain technology
is . . . an electronic record.”37 The AETA further states that “[s]mart contracts may exist in
commerce” and that contracts “may not be denied legal effect, validity or enforceability
solely because that contract contains a smart contract term.”38 Blockchain technology is
defined to mean “distributed ledger technology that uses a distributed, decentralized, shared
and replicated ledger, which may be public or private, permissioned or permissionless, or
driven by tokenized crypto economics or tokenless. The data on the ledger is protected with
cryptography, is immutable and auditable and provides an uncensored truth.”39 A smart
contract is defined as “an event-driven program, with state, that runs on a distributed,
decentralized, shared and replicated ledger that can take custody over and instruct transfer
of assets on that ledger.”40 Although these definitions are broad, they employ multiple
ambiguous terms whose exact meaning litigants and courts may debate.
In June 2017, Nevada amended its version of UETA, the Nevada Electronic Transactions
Acts (“NETA”) to state that an “electronic record” includes, without limitation, a
blockchain.41 The statute defines blockchain to mean “an electronic record of transactions
or other data which is: (i) [u]niformly ordered; (ii) processed using a decentralized method
by which one or more computers or machines verify the recorded transactions or other data;
(iii) [r]edundantly maintained or processed by one or more computers or machines to

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guarantee the consistency or nonrepudiation of the recorded transactions or other data; and
(iv) [v]alidated by the use of cryptography.”42 A recent amendment, which will go into effect
in October 2019, clarifies that the definition of blockchain includes, without limitation, a
public blockchain.43 Smart contracts are not directly addressed in the statute, and note that
the definition of blockchain is fairly different than that adopted by Arizona.44
In June 2018, Ohio amended its version of UETA to state that “a record or contract that is
secured through blockchain technology is considered to be in an electronic form and to be
an electronic record.”45 The law also amends the definition of electronic signatures to state
that “a signature that is secured through blockchain technology is considered to be in an
electronic form and to be an electronic signature”46 and that “a record or signature may not
be denied legal effect or enforceability solely because . . . the contract contains a smart
contract term.” The amendment mirrors Arizona’s definition of blockchain technology,
defining it as “distributed ledger technology that uses a distributed, decentralized, shared,
and replicated ledger, which may be public or private, permissioned or permissionless, or
driven by tokenized crypto economics or tokenless. The data on the ledger is protected with
cryptography, is immutable and auditable, and provides an uncensored truth.”47
In March 2018, Tennessee amended its UETA to clarify that “a record or contract that is
secured through distributed ledger technology is considered to be in an electronic form and
to be an electronic record.”48 It further provides: “[a] cryptographic signature that is
generated and stored through distributed ledger technology is considered to be . . . an
electronic signature.”49 Tennessee adopted some of the blockchain technology definition
used by Arizona and Ohio, but categorized it as “distributed ledger technology” and made
some important modifications. Specifically, distributed ledger technology is defined as “any
distributed ledger protocol and supporting infrastructure, including blockchain, that uses a
distributed, decentralized, shared, and replicated ledger, whether it be public or private,
permissioned or permissionless, and which may include the use of electronic currencies or
electronic tokens as a medium of electronic exchange.”50 Similarly, the state’s definition of
“smart contracts” mirrors that of Arizona and Ohio but adds some additional language. A
“smart contract” is defined to mean “an event-driven computer program, that executes on
an electronic, distributed, decentralized, shared, and replicated ledger that is used to automate
transactions, including, but not limited to, transactions that: (A) [t]ake custody over and
instruct transfer of assets on that ledger; (B) [c]reate and distribute electronic assets; (C)
[s]ynchronize information; or (D) [m]anage identity and user access to software
applications.”51, 52
Other legal considerations
In addition to the foregoing statutes generally governing the enforceability of contracts,
smart contracts may be subject to a variety of legal frameworks depending on their terms
and consideration. This may include state and federal commodities and securities laws and
regulations; anti-money laundering laws and regulations; and state money transmission laws.
Developers of, and parties to, smart contracts must discern which regulations apply and what
such compliance entails, including registration and documentation requirements.

Challenges with the widespread adoption of smart contracts

Given the existing legal frameworks for recognizing electronic contracts, it is quite likely
that a court today would recognize the validity of code that executes provisions of a smart

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Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Legal issues surrounding the use of smart contracts

contract—what we have classified as ancillary smart contracts. There is also precedent to

suggest that a code-only smart contract might enjoy similar legal protection. The challenge
to widespread smart contract adoption may therefore have less to do with the limits of the
law than with potential clashes between how smart contract code operates and how parties
transact business. We set forth below certain of these challenges:
How can non-technical parties negotiate, draft and adjudicate smart contracts?
A key challenge in the widespread adoption of smart contracts is that parties will need to
rely on a trusted, technical expert to either capture the parties’ agreement in code or confirm
that code written by a third party is accurate. While some analogize this to hiring a lawyer
to explain “the legalese” of a traditional text-based contract, the analogy is misplaced. Non-
lawyers typically can understand simple short-form agreements as well as many provisions
of longer agreements, especially those setting forth business terms. But a non-programmer
would be at a total loss to understand even the most basic smart contract and is therefore
significantly more beholden to an expert to explain what the contract “says.”
To some extent, the inability of contracting parties to understand the smart contract code
will not be a hindrance to entering into ancillary smart contracts. This is because for many
basic functions, text templates can be created and used to indicate what parameters need to
be entered and how those parameters will be executed. For example, assume a simple smart
contract function that extracts a late fee from a counterparty’s wallet if a defined payment is
not received by a specified date. The text template could prompt the parties to enter the
amount of the expected payment, the due date and the amount of the late fee. However, a
party may want to confirm that the underlying code actually will perform the functions
specified in the text, and that there are no additional conditions or parameters—especially
where the template disclaims any liability arising from the accuracy of the underlying code.
This review will require a trusted third party with programming expertise.
In cases where such templates do not exist, and new code must be developed, the parties
will need to communicate the intent of their agreement to a programmer. Simply handing
that programmer a copy of the legal agreement would be inefficient since it would require
the programmer to try to decipher a legal document. Parties relying on ancillary smart
contracts therefore may need to draft a separate “term sheet” of functionality that the smart
contract should perform and that can be provided to the programmer.
The parties also may want written representations from the programmer that the code
performs as contemplated. The net result is that for customized arrangements that do not
rely on an existing template, the parties may need to enter into a written agreement with the
smart contract programmer, not unlike the contract that parties may enter into with a provider
of services for Electronic Data Interchange transactions today.
Insurance companies could also create policies to protect contracting parties from the risk
that smart contract code does not perform the functions specified in the text of an agreement.
Although the parties would also want to review (or have a third party review) the code,
insurance can provide additional protection given that the parties might miss errors when
reviewing the code. The parties would also take some additional comfort from the fact that
the insurance company likely conducted its own code audit before agreeing to insure the
Code-only smart contracts used for business-to-consumer transactions could pose an
additional set of issues that will need to be addressed. Courts are wary of enforcing
agreements where the consumer did not receive adequate notice of the terms of the
agreement,53 and may be hesitant to enforce a smart contract where the consumer was not
also provided with an underlying text agreement that included the complete terms.

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Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Legal issues surrounding the use of smart contracts

Finally, as the validity or performance of smart contracts increasingly become adjudicated,

courts may need a system of court-appointed experts to help them decipher the meaning and
intent of the code. Today, parties routinely use their own experts when technical issues are
at the center of a dispute. While both federal courts and many state courts have the authority
to appoint their own experts, they rarely exercise that authority.54 That approach may need
to change if the number of standard contract disputes that center on interpreting smart
contract code increases.
Liability of the smart contract developer
As noted above, in many cases, the parties to a smart contract will not have the technical
capability to create a smart contract, and may therefore hire a third party to create the smart
contract, or may rely on a smart contract “template” offered by a third party. In such cases,
there is the possibility of programmer error or that the parties did not accurately convey
what they intended to the developer. Parties will need to consider the ramifications of these
situations and the appropriate allocation of risk and liability.
Developers of smart contracts may also need to be wary of their own liability in cases where
smart contract code they developed is used for unlawful purposes. In October 2018, Brian
Quintenz, Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”),
suggested that smart contract code developers could be held accountable for aiding and
abetting CFTC violations where they “could reasonably foresee, at the time they created the
code, that it would likely be used by U.S. persons in a manner violative of CFTC
regulations.”55 In November 2018, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) settled
charges of operating an unregistered securities exchange against Zachary Coburn, the
founder and developer of EtherDelta, a decentralized digital asset exchange. Although the
SEC’s order appears to be based, in part, on Coburn’s control over EtherDelta’s operations
and his role as founder, the order also lists the fact that Coburn “wrote and deployed the
EtherDelta smart contract to the Ethereum Blockchain” as a factor in finding that Coburn
caused EtherDelta to violate the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.56
While some cases of developer liability will be clear, such as where a developer was actively
part of an illegal scheme, it is likely that given the open source nature of many blockchain
projects, developers will have little insight into how their smart contract code is being used,
or by whom.
Outside the CFTC context, jurisprudence on contributory liability in the context of peer-to-
peer technologies may provide useful precedent in balancing the need to protect developers
with the need to provide redress to parties that are harmed by smart contracts put to unlawful
use. For example, under Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd.,57 peer-to-peer
file-sharing sites are not liable for users’ infringing uses if: (1) they are not distributing their
product with the “object of promoting its use to infringe”; (2) they either (a) do not have
actual knowledge of specific infringements, or (b) if they do have knowledge, they are not
in a position to block the infringing conduct and have failed to do so; and (3) the product is
capable of substantial noninfringing use.
While Grokster dealt with contributory infringement under copyright law, courts may apply
its core principles in the context of developer liability for blockchain-based smart contracts.
In order to minimize potential liability, smart contract developers should not only avoid
developing smart contracts with the object of enabling illegal use, but should also use
reasonable efforts to block unexpected unlawful use.

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What is the “final” agreement between the parties?

When analyzing traditional text-based contracts, courts will examine the final, written
document to which the parties have agreed in order to determine whether the parties are in
compliance or breach. Courts have long emphasized that it is this final agreement that
represents the mutual intent of the parties—the “meeting of the minds.”
In the case of code-only smart contracts, the code that is executed—and the outcome it
produces—represents the only objective evidence of the terms agreed to by the parties. In
these cases, email exchanges between the parties as to what functions the smart contract
“should” execute, or oral discussions to that effect, likely would yield to the definitive code
lines as the determinative manifestation of the parties’ intent.
With respect to ancillary smart contracts, a court likely would look at the text and code as a
unified single agreement. The issue becomes complicated when the traditional text
agreement and the code do not align. In the crop insurance example described above, assume
the text of an agreement specifies that an insurance payout will be made if the temperature
falls below 32 degrees, while the smart contract code triggers the payment if the temperature
is equal to or below 32 degrees. Assuming that the text agreement does not state whether
the text or code controls in the event of an inconsistency, courts will need to determine—
perhaps on a case-by-case basis—whether the code should be treated as a mutually agreed
amendment to the written agreement or whether the text of the agreement should prevail.
In some respects, the analysis should be no different than a case where the provisions of a
main agreement differ from what is reflected in an attached schedule or exhibit. The fact
that here the conflict would be between text and computer code and not two text documents
should not be determinative, but courts may take a different view.
One solution will be for parties to use a text-based contract where the parameters that trigger
the smart contract execution are not only visible in the text but actually populate the smart
contract. In our example, “less than 32 degrees” would not only be seen in the text, but also
would create the parameter in the smart contract itself, thereby minimizing the chances of
any inconsistency.
The automated nature of smart contracts
One of the key attributes of smart contracts is their ability to automatically and relentlessly
execute transactions without the need for human intervention. However, this automation,
and the fact that smart contracts cannot easily be amended or terminated unless the parties
incorporate such capabilities during the creation of the smart contract, present some of the
greatest challenges facing widespread adoption of smart contracts.
For example, with traditional text contracts, a party can easily excuse a breach simply by
not enforcing the available penalties. If a valued customer is late with its payment one
month, the vendor can make a real-time decision that preserving the long-term commercial
relationship is more important than any available termination right or late fee. However, if
this relationship had been reduced to a smart contract, the option not to enforce the agreement
on an ad hoc basis likely would not exist. A late payment will result in the automatic
extraction of a late fee from the customer’s account or the suspension of a customer’s access
to a software program or an internet-connected device if that is what the smart contract was
programmed to do. The automated execution provided by smart contracts might therefore
not align with the manner in which many businesses operate in the real world.
Similarly, in a text-based contractual relationship, a party may be willing to accept, on an
ad hoc basis, partial performance to be deemed full performance. This might be because of

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an interest in preserving a long-term relationship or because a party determines that partial

performance is preferable to no performance at all. Here, again, the objectivity required for
smart contract code might not reflect the realities of how contracting parties interact.
Amending and terminating smart contracts
At present, there is no simple path to amend a smart contract, creating certain challenges
for contracting parties. For example, in a traditional text-based contract, if the parties have
mutually agreed to change the parameters of their business deal, or if there is a change in
law, the parties quickly can draft an amendment to address that change, or simply alter their
course of conduct. Smart contracts currently do not offer such flexibility. Indeed, given
that blockchains are immutable, modifying a smart contract is far more complicated than
modifying standard software code that does not reside on a blockchain. The result is that
amending a smart contract may yield higher transaction costs than amending a text-based
contract, and increases the margin of error that the parties will not accurately reflect the
modifications they want to make.
Similar challenges exist with respect to terminating a smart contract. Assume a party
discovers an error in an agreement that gives the counterparty more rights than intended, or
concludes that fulfilling its stated obligations will be far more costly than it had expected.
In a text-based contract, a party can engage in, or threaten, so-called “efficient breach,” i.e.,
knowingly breaching a contract and paying the resulting damages if it determines that the
cost to perform is greater than the damages it would owe. Moreover, by ceasing
performance, or threatening to take that step, a party may bring the counterparty back to the
table to negotiate an amicable resolution. Smart contracts do not yet offer analogous self-
help remedies.
Projects are currently under way to create smart contracts that are terminable at any time
and more easily amended. While in some ways this is antithetical to the immutable and
automated nature of smart contracts, it reflects the fact that smart contracts only will gain
commercial acceptance if they reflect the business reality of how contracting parties act.
Objectivity and the limits of incorporating desired ambiguity into smart contracts
The objectivity and automation required of smart contracts can run contrary to how business
parties actually negotiate agreements. During the course of negotiations, parties implicitly
engage in a cost-benefit analysis, knowing that at some point there are diminishing returns
in trying to think of, and address, every conceivable eventuality. These parties no longer
may want to expend management time or legal fees on the negotiations, or may conclude
that commencing revenue-generating activity under an executed contract outweighs
addressing unresolved issues. Instead, they may determine that if an unanticipated event
actually occurs, they will figure out a resolution at that time. Similarly, parties may
purposefully opt to leave a provision somewhat ambiguous in an agreement in order to give
themselves the flexibility to argue that the provision should be interpreted in their favor.
This approach to contracting is rendered more difficult with smart contracts where computer
code demands an exactitude not found in the negotiation of text-based contracts. A smart
contract cannot include ambiguous terms nor can certain potential scenarios be left
unaddressed. As a result, parties to smart contracts may find that the transaction costs of
negotiating complex smart contracts exceed that of a traditional text-based contracts.
It will take some time for those adopting smart contracts in a particular industry to determine
which provisions are sufficiently objective to lend themselves to smart contract execution.
As noted, to date, most smart contracts perform relatively simple tasks where the parameters
of the “if/then” statements are clear. As smart contracts increase in complexity, parties may

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disagree on whether a particular contractual provision can be captured through the objectivity
that a smart contract demands.
Do smart contracts really guarantee payment?
One benefit often touted of smart contracts is that they can automate payment without the
need for dunning notices or other collection expenses and without the need to go to court to
obtain a judgment mandating payment. While this is indeed true for simpler use cases, it
may be less accurate in complex commercial relationships. The reality is that parties are
constantly moving funds throughout their organization and do not “park” total amounts that
are due on a long-term contract in anticipation of future payment requirements. Similarly,
a person obtaining a loan is unlikely to keep the full loan amount in a specified wallet linked
to the smart contract. Rather, the borrower will put those funds to use, funding the necessary
repayments on an ad hoc basis.
If the party owing amounts under the smart contract fails to fund the wallet on a timely basis,
a smart contract looking to transfer money from that wallet upon a trigger event may find
that the requisite funds are not available. Implementing another layer into the process, such
as having the smart contract seek to pull funds from other wallets or having that wallet “fund
itself” from other sources, would not solve the problem if those wallets or sources of funds
also lack the requisite payment amounts. The parties might seek to address this issue through
a text-based requirement that a wallet linked to the smart contract always have a minimum
amount, but that solution simply would give the party a stronger legal argument if the dispute
was adjudicated. It would not render the payment operation of the smart contract wholly
automatic. Thus, although smart contracts will render payments far more efficient, they may
not eliminate the need to adjudicate payment disputes.
Risk allocation for attacks and failures
Smart contracts introduce an additional risk that does not exist in most text-based contractual
relationships—the possibility that the contract will be hacked or that the code or protocol
simply contains an unintended programming error. Given the relative security of
blockchains, these concepts are closely aligned; namely, most “hacks” associated with
blockchain technology are really exploitations of an unintended coding error. As with many
bugs in computer code, these errors are not glaring, but rather become obvious only once
they have been exploited. For example, in 2017 an attacker was able to drain several multi-
signature wallets offered by Parity of $31 million in ether.58 Multi-signature wallets add a
layer of security because they require more than one private key to access the wallet.
However, in the Parity attack, the attacker was able to exploit a flaw in the Parity code by
reinitializing the smart contract and making himself or herself the sole owner of the multi-
signature wallets. Parties to a smart contract will need to consider how risk and liability for
unintended coding errors and resulting exploitations are allocated between the parties, and
possibly with any third party developers or insurers of the smart contract.
Governing law and venue
One of the key promises of blockchain technology, and by extension smart contracts, is the
development of robust, decentralized and global platforms. However, global adoption means
that parties may be using a smart contract across far more jurisdictions than might exist in
the case of text-based contracts. The party offering terms under a smart contract would
therefore be best-served by specifying the governing law and venue for that smart contract.
A governing law provision specifies what substantive law will apply to the interpretation of
the smart contract, whereas a venue clause specifies which jurisdiction’s courts will
adjudicate the dispute. In cases where governing law or venue is not specified, a plaintiff

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may be relatively unconstrained in choosing where to file a claim or in arguing which

substantive law should apply given the wide range of jurisdictions in which a smart contract
might be used. Given that many early disputes concerning smart contracts will be ones of
first-impression, contracting parties will want some certainty surrounding where such
disputes will be adjudicated.

As smart contracts are in their nascent stages, so is the law surrounding their enforceability
and use. While there are strong arguments that properly constructed smart contracts are
enforceable under existing statutes governing electronic contracts, certain issues must be
resolved before they can enjoy widespread adoption in complex commercial transactions.
While smart contracts have potential to change the way markets operate, their impact will
invariably be shaped by how such applications fit within the contours of the law.


The authors acknowledge the assistance of Daniel Chase, a law student at Berkeley Law.


1. Blockchains are one type of “distributed ledger technology” in which data is organized
in blocks and new data can only be appended to the chain. For purposes of this article,
we refer to blockchains, but most of the legal issues presented here apply to other
forms of distributed ledger technology as well.
2. See International Swaps and Derivatives Association, ISDA Legal Guidelines For
Smart Derivatives Contracts: Introduction (Jan. 2019),
3. Compare Nick Szabo, Smart Contracts: Building Blocks for Digital Market (1996)
with Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System (2008).
4. There is no federal contract law in the United States; rather, the enforceability and
interpretation of contracts is determined at the state level. Thus, while certain core
principles apply consistently across state lines, and there has been a drive to harmonize
state laws by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, any
conclusions regarding the enforceability of smart contracts must be tempered by the
reality that states may adopt different views.
5. For a comprehensive overview of the enforceability of smart contracts, see “Smart
Contracts” & Legal Enforceability (Cardozo Blockchain Project Research Report No.
2, Oct. 16, 2018),
Report%20%232_0.pdf; see also Uniform Law Commission, Guidance Note
Regarding the Relation Between the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act and Federal
ESIGN Act, Blockchain Technology and ‘Smart Contracts’ (Feb. 11, 2019) (opining
that state UETA provisions do not require amendment to enable use of blockchain
technology and smart contracts in electronic transactions).

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6. U.C.C. § 2-201.
7. Id. § 2A-201.
8. Id. § 9-203(b)(3)(A).
9. Id. § 2-201.
10. Id. § 2A-201.
11. See, e.g., Restatement (Second) Contracts § 110. Contracts that fail to comply with the
statute of frauds remain enforceable in some cases, such as cases wherein promissory
estoppel applies. See Restatement (Second) Contracts § 90.
12. See, e.g., Apex Oil Co. v. Vanguard Oil Serv. Co., 760 F.2d 417, 420, 423 (2d Cir.
13. U.C.C. § 1-201(43).
14. See, e.g., Bazak Int’l Corp. v. Tarrant Apparel Grp., 378 F. Supp. 2d 377, 392 (S.D.N.Y.
2005) (“Although e-mails are intangible messages during their transmission, this fact
alone does not prove fatal to their qualifying as writings under the UCC[.] [F]orms of
communication regularly recognized by the courts as fulfilling the UCC “writing”
requirement, such as fax, telex and telegraph, are all intangible forms of
communication during portions of their transmission. Just as messages sent using
these accepted methods can be rendered tangible, thereby falling within the UCC
definition, so too can e-mails.”)
15. See, e.g., Bibb v. Allen, 149 U.S. 481, 497–98 (1893) (holding that a contract written
in telegraphic cipher code was binding); Cloud Corp. v. Hasbro, Inc., 314 F.3d 289,
295–96 (7th Cir. 2002).
16. See, e.g., Leeds v. First Allied Connecticut Corp., 521 A.2d 1095, 1097 (Del. Ch. 1986)
(explaining an agreement is binding when “a reasonable negotiator . . . would have
concluded, in that setting, that the agreement reached constituted agreement on all of
the terms that the parties themselves regarded as essential[.]”).
17. See, e.g., Bibb, 149 U.S. at 497–98; Naldi v. Grunberg, 908 N.Y.S.2d 639, 645 (App.
Div. 2010).
18. See, e.g., Ross v. Ross, 172 A.3d 1069, 1075 (N.H. 2017); Simmonds v. Marshall, 292
A.D.2d 592, 592 (2d Dep’t 2002); Leeds v. First Allied Connecticut Corp., 521 A.2d at
19. U.C.C. § 1-201(37).
20. Restatement (Second) Contracts § 134; U.C.C. § 1-201(37).
21. See, e.g., SD Protection, Inc. v. Del Rio, 498 F. Supp. 2d 576, 584 (E.D.N.Y 2007);
U.C.C. § 1-201 cmt 37.
22. See U.C.C. § 1-201(37); see also Restatement (Second) Contracts § 134.
23. 15 U.S.C. § 7001(a)(1); UETA § 7(a), (c)-(d). There are certain exceptions to these
acts (such as wills) that will not impact the majority of smart contract usage.
24. 15 U.S.C. § 7002(a).
25. 15 U.S.C. § 7002(a)(2)(A).
26. UETA § 2(7); see also 15 U.S.C. § 7006(4).
27. Id. § 2 cmt. 6.
28. See Godfrey v. Fred Meyer Stores, 124 P.3d 621, 631 (2005) (Armstrong, J.,

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29. UETA § 2(8); see also 15 U.S.C. § 7006(5).

30. Id. § 2 cmt. 7.
31. Id. § 2(6); 15 U.S.C.§ 7006(3).
32. Id. § 2 cmt. 5
33. 15 U.S.C. § 7001(c)(1).
34. 5 Ill. Comp. Stat. 175/5-110.
35. N.Y. State Tech. § 304.
36. Wash. Rev. Code § 19-360.010–360.040.
37. Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 44-7061.
38. Id.
39. Id.
40. Id.
41. Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 719.090.
42. Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 719.045, as amended by 2019 Nev. S.B. 162. Note that the
amended version of this statute will become effective on October 1, 2019.
43. 2019 Nev. S.B. 162.
44. See also 2019 Nev. S.B. 163.
45. Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 1306.01(G).
46. Id. § 1306.01(H).
47. Id. § 1306.06(A).
48. Tenn. Code Ann. § 47-10-202(b).
49. Id. § 47-10-202(a).
50. Id. § 47-10-201(1).
51. Id. § 47-10-201(2).
52. Note that other states, including California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware and
Vermont, have enacted blockchain-related laws as well, though these laws do not
specifically address the issue of blockchain-based contracts.
53. See, e.g., Nicosia v., Inc., 834 F.3d 220, 237–38 (2d. Cir. 2016)
(reversing the district court’s dismissal for failure to state a claim and holding that
reasonable minds could disagree as to whether Amazon provided the consumer with
reasonable notice of the mandatory arbitration provision at issue).
54. See Charles Alan Wright & Arthur R. Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure, Section
6304 (3d ed. supp. 2011) (“In fact, the exercise of Rule 706 powers is rare under
virtually any circumstances. This is, at least in part, owing to the fact that appointing
an expert witness increases the burdens of the judge, increases the costs to the parties,
and interferes with the adversarial control over the presentation of evidence.”);
Stephanie Domitrovich, Mara L. Merino & James T. Richardson, State Trial Judge Use
of Court Appointed Experts: Survey Results and Comparisons, 50 Jurimetrics J. 371,
373–74 (2010).
55. Brian Quintenz, Commissioner, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission,
Remarks at the 38th Annual GITEX Technology Week Conference (Oct. 16, 2018),

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56. In re Zachary Coburn, Securities Act Release No. 84553 (Nov. 8, 2018),
57. 545 U.S. 913, 918–19; 936–37 (2005) (holding that one who “distributes a device with
the object of promoting its use to infringe copyright, as shown by clear expression or
other affirmative steps taken to foster infringement, is liable for the resulting acts of
infringement by third parties”).
58. See Haseeb Qureshi, “A Hacker Stole $31M of Ether—How it Happened, and What it
Means for Ethereum,” FreeCodeCamp (July 20, 2017),

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Stuart Levi
Tel: +1 212 735 2750 / Email: [email protected]
Stuart D. Levi is co-head of Skadden’s Intellectual Property and Technology
Group, and he coordinates the firm’s blockchain, outsourcing and privacy
practices. Mr. Levi has a broad and diverse practice that includes outsourcing
transactions, technology and intellectual property licensing, fintech and
blockchain matters, privacy and cybersecurity advice, branding and
distribution agreements, cloud computing agreements, technology transfers,
strategic alliances and joint ventures. Mr. Levi also counsels clients on
website and technology policies, intellectual property strategy and regulatory
compliance. His background in computer science and the information
technology industry allows Mr. Levi to understand the technology and
business drivers underlying transactions and agreements in these areas.

Alex Lipton
Tel: +1 212 735 3006 / Email: [email protected]
Alex is an Intellectual Property and Technology associate in Skadden’s New
York office. He earned his A.B. from Harvard University (2011) and J.D.
from NYU School of Law (2016).

Cristina Vasile
Tel: +1 212 735 2247 / Email: [email protected]
Cristina is an Intellectual Property and Technology associate in Skadden’s
New York office. She earned her B.A. and M.A. from NYU (2008, 2009) and
her J.D. from NYU School of Law (2016).

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