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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 12: Organizational Behavior

Submission date 12/8/2019 Date Received 1st submission 12/8/2019

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission 12/8/2019

Student Name Phan Ngoc Ha Student ID GBD18332

Class GBD0819 Assessor name Nguyen Minh Thanh

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 M1 M2 D1

1|Phan Ngoc Ha
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

2|Phan Ngoc Ha
I. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................4
II. Introduction Samsung Company.........................................................................................................4
III. Describe the culture of that Samsung company, with critically emphasized analysis on the culture
impacts on behaviors and performance within the workplace...................................................................6
3.1 The culture of that Samsung Company..............................................................................................6
3.1.1 Schein’s model.....................................................................................................................6
Basic assumption...............................................................................................................................11
3.1.2 Handy model.............................................................................................................................11
3.1.3 Hofstede model........................................................................................................................12
3.2 Analysis of the culture impacts on behaviors and performance within the workplace...................14
3.2.1 The culture impacts on behaviors.............................................................................................14
3.2.2 The culture impacts on performance........................................................................................14
3.3 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the culture of Samsung.........................................15
IV. The motivation methods the leader applies to enhance working spirit of employees..................16
4.1 Method............................................................................................................................................16
4.2 Process.............................................................................................................................................19
V. The relationship between culture, politics, power, and motivation that enables teams and
organizations to succeed...........................................................................................................................20
5.1 For culture.......................................................................................................................................21
5.2 For motivation.................................................................................................................................21
5.3 Recommendation............................................................................................................................22
VI. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................22
VII. References.....................................................................................................................................23
Link CEO TALK............................................................................................................................................25

3|Phan Ngoc Ha
I. Introduction
Cultural environment and organizational behavior play an important role in the development
and operation of businesses. In this report, we will present all the basic theories about the
influence of culture, politics, and power, motivation in Samsung Company in Viet Nam and raise
the methods to achieve the organization's goals. As well, some examples and applications will
be displayed to clarify and demonstrate this report

II. Introduction Samsung Company

Samsung Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd. (SEV) was granted an investment license on March 25, 2008, and
officially went into operation in April 2009. The total investment capital is 2.5 billion USD. By the end of
June 2018, SEV disbursed more than 2.4 billion USD.

Samsung Electronics has 9 mobile phone factories worldwide (Korea, Indonesia, and India each have 1
factory; China, Brazil, and Vietnam each have 2 factories). Two factories in Vietnam are SEV (Bac Ninh)
and SEVT (Thai Nguyen, established in 2013, with an investment of US $ 5 billion). Currently, these are
the two largest and most modern Samsung Electronics mobile phone components and assembling
factories in the world.

SEV currently has about 40,000 employees, SEVT has 70,000 employees. These two factories account for
more than 30% of Samsung Electronics' global workforce and provide more than 50% of the total
number of Samsung phones globally. About 70% of the capacity of both factories is for manufacturing
mobile phone components for domestic assembly as well as exporting to other factories.

Official website:

The management and organizational structure of Samsung includes

4|Phan Ngoc Ha

This picture shows that Samsung specifies the duties and functions of each department. From
there, make requests and orient work for departments in the company. The advantage of
Samsung's organizational structure is that a combination of models allows Samsung to take
advantage of the model and at the same time reduce the risk. However, complex organizational
structure, too small modules increase the disadvantages of each model.

5|Phan Ngoc Ha
III. Describe the culture of that Samsung company, with critically emphasized
analysis on the culture impacts on behaviors and performance within the

3.1 The culture of that Samsung Company

Sandra Lim (2019) mentioned that organizational culture is the sum of beliefs, customs,
traditions, and values shared by members of the organization. The cultural characteristics of an
organization are relatively sustainable over time and relatively static in their prosperity to

Samsung's culture is described with 3 models, Schein’s model, Handy model, and Hofstede

III.1.1 Schein’s model

Schein's organizational culture is a method that explains the concept of culture and how it
affects organizations. It is a dynamic model of learning and dynamic groups. It was introduced
by Edgar Schein in 1980 in an effort to explain why people behave differently in different
organizations. Schein believes that there are three levels in organizational culture including
artefacts, value and basic underlying assumptions


6|Phan Ngoc Ha
The Samsung name is derived from the Korean word Hanja, which is a two-word combination of
Sam which means three symbols for power and the power to pair with the word Sung meaning

The Samsung logo stands out with a blue background, which symbolizes trust, confidence, and
hope, demonstrating a comprehensive image of the dynamic business environment at
Samsung. It also represents the excellence and reliability that Samsung wants to commit. On
the blue cardboard are white. In order to ensure a sustainable and strong development later,
Samsung Group had to invest and pay much attention to every detail in the logo in order to
convey the message in the most refined and perfect way to consumers.


7|Phan Ngoc Ha
With the impressive Slogan Imagine, it is simply interpreted as "Imagine the wonderful things
we can do." It can be seen as a message marking the strong success of a Samsung brand, but
the product lines are quite diverse from household devices such as refrigerators and televisions
to high-tech products such as cell phones, smart, laptop, surpassing Apple. However, I think this
slogan is also a sign of the extraordinary things that Samsung will do in the near future.


Samsung invests in modern and complete facilities so that employees have the best working
environment. Samsung also built high-quality dormitories for employees away from work.
Currently, Samsung's KTX is providing accommodation for about 30,000 employees.

In addition, the Company also invests facilities for the Health Station so that employees can
have regular health care conditions in the best way. In both factories in Bac Ninh and Thai
Nguyen, Samsung has arranged space, facilities, and contracts with instructors to have clubs
operating from 4-7 days/week later work time.


Samsung regularly organizes festivals such as SEV Fitness Model, Miss & Mr 2017, looking for
Got Talent’s talents, such programs help individuals to fully develop their abilities. In addition,
Samsung organized a humanitarian program accompanied by the message "Run for you, Run
8|Phan Ngoc Ha
for us" for the purpose of training employees' health and improving corporate organizational
culture. At the same time, through the program, employees of the Company will join hands to
build a voluntary fund to support difficult circumstances in the Company.


Core value
Samsung believes that living with solid values is the key to a successful business.

At Samsung, a strict code of conduct and core values is at the heart of all Samsung's decisions:

 People

Very simply, the company is people. Samsung creates all favorable opportunities for them
to show their maximum capabilities such as working environment, private dormitory, sports
club, gym, creative room C-Lab startup ideas.

 Excellence

Everything Samsung does is governed by an overwhelmingly successful passion for construction

- and a constant dedication to developing the best products and services on the market like
outstanding phones. Galaxy S10 keeps customers compliments.

 Change

In today's fast-growing global economy, constant change and breakthroughs play an important
role in the survival of a company. As Samsung has done in the past 70 years, in order to
promote long-term success, Samsung sets the vision of the future, anticipating the needs and
demands of the markets it serves.

 Integrity

Integrity and business ethics are the foundation for all activities at Samsung. We aim to be fair,
transparent and respectful between the parties. Every employee in the company or the
relationship between shareholders is fair

9|Phan Ngoc Ha
 Prosperity

A successful business is an enterprise that can bring prosperity and opportunities to others.
Whether doing business in any community around the globe, Samsung strives to be a socially
and environmentally responsible company, for example, Samsung has recycled production
materials to protect the environment.

Corporate value
Besides leading the way with smartphone products and consumer electronics, Samsung is also a
strategic partner of many businesses in important projects over the years.

With the general orientation: relying on modern technology to improve the life level, the
signing of strategic cooperation between Samsung and Egroup Education Group marks the
cooperation in implementing investment activities in ecology development by applying high
technology, training high-quality human resources, creating the future and bringing positive
values to Vietnamese education.

Samsung, with its technological strength, will bring comprehensive solutions to enhance the
rich learning experience such as Samsung Flip, eBoard electronic interactive tables, VR virtual
reality glasses.

Besides, Egroup, with its strength in education, is expected to provide online training courses
on soft skills for Samsung employees and international Standard English courses, thinking
development courses. It is expected that more than 5,000 Samsung and Group employees will
benefit from this cooperation agreement. This means that both companies cooperate with each

Basic assumption
Yury Boshyk (2002) suggested that at Samsung, the basic assumption is that learning will
directly contribute to increasing competitiveness. How can learning create a dynamic
competitive advantage for businesses? In an economy where the only source that certainly
maintains a competitive advantage is knowledge, successful companies are companies that
always create new knowledge, spreading it widely throughout the organization and quickly

10 | P h a n N g o c H a
bringing. It enters new technologies or techniques and products. Therefore, Samsung always
aims to create value for customers because Samsung customers are gods. Samsung's HRD
Center has studied how they can implement the ideal of a learning or creative organization so
that Samsung's HRD Center has designed and implemented action learning programs to help
employees of Samsung becomes more valuable intellectual property. In addition, creating a
positive working environment is an incentive for employees to work, creating a comfortable
and professional working environment.

3.1.2 Handy model

Handy defines culture as the way individuals live and follow unwritten rules and norms (Klein,
2007). According to him, the culture typical of an organization is defined, built and
disseminated by the dominant group in the organization.

Steven Pressfield (2013) suggested that an individual culture is unique to an individual. Personal
culture is what you and I have to have, and if we don't have it, we have to get it.

Samsung uses person culture to describe the culture of working in businesses

The success of Samsung in Vietnam in the past 15 years (1996-2011) can be attributed to
human development activities, which form a solid foundation for other Samsung successes.

In 1996, the Samsung Vina project (a joint venture with TIE Joint Stock Company) came into
operation with less than 200 employees. At the present time, Samsung's investment projects in
Vietnam are directly attracting 16,500 qualified and technical workers, particularly at Samsung
Vina, about 800 employees.

In recent years, the spirit of the community for employees has also been recognized as a
cultural characteristic of Samsung. In Vietnam, many volunteer activities for the community
have also impressed the staff of Samsung Vina such as a charity program in Hoa Son commune,
Hoa Vang district (Da Nang).

11 | P h a n N g o c H a
3.1.3 Hofstede model
Professor Geert Hofstede (1991) conducted one of the most comprehensive studies on how workplace
values are influenced by culture. He defines culture as a collective program of the mind to distinguish
members of a group or a group of people from others. When entering the Vietnamese market, Samsung
has many new steps and change the corporate culture to suit the culture and people here.

Samsung's Hofstede model in the Vietnamese context is described as follows

Individualism and Collectivism

Samsung values teamwork and team spirit to develop individuals. Another important
component of Samsung's corporate culture is loyalty, fairness, and diligence. Samsung actively
conducts training programs on new ethical principles and former employees. Furthermore,
Samsung has developed a special system to prevent any unethical behavior and employees

Power distance
Samsung management has proposed changing the corporate culture from a decentralized to an open
model, similar to the way startup companies operate. Samsung will also reduce the number of levels in
the management system, while maintaining regular online discussions between employees and the head
of the department, reducing the gap between management and employees.

Achievement versus nurturing orientation

According to Vietnam Finance (2018), Samsung attaches great importance to the health of its
employees. They focus on human interaction and care rather than competition and personal success.
Samsung also provides full equipment for employees, with about 7,000 pregnant employees each year,
Samsung also designs suitable seats so that pregnant female employees can comfortably work.

Besides, Samsung has invested in building 52 clubs in each factory, meeting the needs of arts, sports and
arts activities with all employees. In addition, in order to create opportunities for employees wishing to
continue higher education to advance in the future, Samsung has associated with colleges in the area
and combined to open college training classes in Cong. ty. After graduation, employees will be able to
take part in the entrance exam to higher management positions.

Uncertainty avoidance
Samsung works with clear plans and strategies, always accurate and punctual. Samsung
basically complies with Vietnamese laws, such as labor contracts, working conditions, respite,
holidays, Tet and job breaks, daily and weekly overtime, and yearly. The company pays no less
than the regional minimum wage, once a year a health check for workers must have a regular
and twice-year health check for workers who work in dangerous jobs and elderly

12 | P h a n N g o c H a
Gender equality
At Samsung, there is no distinction between men and women. Samsung offers an equal
opportunity employer for men, women, and people with disabilities. The opportunity is open to
all who seek them. For example, in the past two years, 329 female employees have been
promoted to executive directors. Ensuring equality in promotion and treatment allows female
employees to fully demonstrate their capabilities.

Long-term orientation and short-term orientation

Samsung's Vision 2020 creates a better world with a richer digital experience, through
innovative products and technologies.

The goal of the vision is to become a beloved brand, an innovative company, and an admired
company. For this, Samsung devoted our efforts to creativity and innovation, sharing value with

Unlike Vietnam, Samsung's corporate culture in Korea is more rigid and more mature because it
is a large and long-standing corporation. Moreover, Samsung's decentralized regime in South
Korea is clear. However, in recent years, Samsung Korea has undergone major changes, such as
providing flexible working hours, easing clothing regulations on weekends and reducing staff
pressure in attending after-hours dining sessions that have long been a feature of Korean
corporate culture.

3.2 Analysis of the culture impacts on behaviors and performance within the

3.2.1 The culture impacts on behaviors

Due to the lack of information on the impact of culture on Samsung behaviors in general, the
impact of culture on customer behavior can also be considered in this situation. For example,
there are many key factors that influence buyer behavior, such as cultural factors; social
factors; personal or psychological factors.

Cultural factors are one of the most important factors that can greatly influence the behavior of
Samsung customers. Sandra Lim (2019) mentioned that cultural elements include a set of

13 | P h a n N g o c H a
values and ideologies of a specific community or group of individuals. Because in Vietnam, most
people prefer smartphones with the latest technology and prices that fit their budget. Some
people buy Samsung smartphones to express their beliefs and attitudes towards Samsung, for
example, customers can buy Samsung galaxy A5 instead of iPhone X.

Therefore, Samsung has made Samsung A5 multimedia and mid-range price to meet the needs
of customers. This is an advantage for Samsung because customers are the decisive factor for
the growth and revenue of the business.

3.2.2 The culture impacts on performance

William Craig (2017) asserts that organizational culture can have a different impact on employee
performance and motivation levels. Often, employees work harder to achieve the organization's goals if
they consider themselves part of the corporate environment. Different cultures operating in a company
can also affect employee performance.

The culture of Samsung plays an important role in attracting talent, retaining employees as well as
promoting labor productivity and vice versa. The effect is indicated by the following factors

• Develop opportunities for all employees

Human resource development is a basic strategic goal related to Samsung's corporate culture. For
example, the company ensures career development opportunities not only through institutionalized
programs but also by encouraging employees to support each other to achieve their career goals in the
business organization technology.

• Passion for Excellence

Samsung's organizational culture motivates employees to achieve excellence in their work performance.
The Group directs the attention of human resources to develop organizations and maintaining excellent
brand image and technological superiority. Passion for excellence makes corporate culture innovation
focused on applying that passion in designing and innovating advanced technologies to meet
international market needs.

• Moral foundation for integrity

Ethics and related concerns are integrated into Samsung's corporate culture. The leaders of the
corporation understand that ethics in business operations help minimize problems and optimize the
image and competitiveness of technology companies. Based on Samsung's ethical standards,
organizational culture promotes fairness, respect, and transparency, within key business ethics trends
that can be observed in the global market.

• Emphasis on prosperity for all

14 | P h a n N g o c H a
Samsung extends its corporate culture and user influence beyond the organization and the workforce.
The Group develops its human resources to support technology businesses and help communities and
other stakeholders. For example, the company's corporate culture promotes its workers to incorporate
citizen programs that provide career opportunities for others and solve community issues through

3.3 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the culture of Samsung

 Samsung is aware of the importance of sustainable development, so Samsung
focuses on development but must be sustainable development to create value for
the community.
 Samsung's business philosophy has emphasized on human factors, considering
people as the center of all activities, people are always the target of benefits for
 The view of sharing is emphasized in the whole business philosophy of the
enterprise. And this is also the viewpoint throughout the process of formation and
development of Samsung's corporate culture. Share with the community, with
government, with partners and investors.
 Samsung builds a very complete and complete corporate culture, from leadership
culture to each employee in the company.

 Samsung's culture relies heavily on Korean culture, thus, the similarity makes it easy for
Samsung to develop in Asian countries, but has made it difficult for Samsung to develop
the market in the Asian countries. Other regions like Europe or Africa
 In the future, this cultural model will be very difficult to develop in other countries
because it is localized.

15 | P h a n N g o c H a
IV. The motivation methods the leader applies to enhance working spirit of

4.1 Method
Will Kenton (2018) suggest that Motivation is the motivation for people to be ready and eager
to do something when they have motivation and enthusiasm. Motivation is an internal
phenomenon, that is, it is within each person. It motivates each individual to behave and act in
certain ways.

Samsung's motivating motivation is based on 2 main models such as Maslow’s hierarchy and
Alderfer’s ERG Theory

Saul McLeod (2018) argued that Maslow's demand system is a motivational theory in
psychology including a five-tier model of human needs, often described as ranks in a pyramid.
Lower demand in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to have a higher
demand. From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are physiology, safety, love and
belonging, self-esteem and self-fulfillment.

Maslow’s hierarchy Alderfer’s ERG Description

Physiological need Existence Needs Biological requirements for
human survival, for example,
Air, food, drinks, shelter,
clothing, warmth, sex, sleep.
Self-actualization needs Self-fulfillment, seek personal
growth and experience the
Safety needs Relatedness Needs Protection from factors,
security, order, law, stability,
freedom from fear.
Belongingness needs Include friendship, intimacy,
trust and acceptance,
affection and affection and
love such as family, friends,

16 | P h a n N g o c H a
and work.
Esteem needs Growth Needs The desire for reputation or
respect from others.
Self-esteem such as dignity,
achievement, ownership,

 Existence Needs as the same as physiological need and self-actualization needs

Samsung brings benefits and compensation to representatives as well as their families.

Catering: They provide free access to the Caribbean Bay 365 days a year to strengthen the
vibrant working life through rest and relaxation.

Education: education is provided for children of representatives, so workers can work with less
weight in the future of young people.

Housing: Rent allowance is given to all employees as a spark.

Consistency allowance: This allowance is given to a higher amount of power, it empowers them
to buy the right outfit for the job.

 Relatedness Needs as the same as Safety needs and Belongingness needs

Employee pension plan: Samsung provides its workers with consistent representation of
benefits until they retire at 3% of their salaries. This ensures security for representatives even
after they are resigned. Therefore, they can work more effectively with the mentality of not
worrying about their future.

Support for medical and medical expenses: Samsung provides annual health check services for
mature workers over 40 years and every 6 months for individuals between 30 and 39. These
costs are paid by the organization.

 Growth Needs as the same as Esteem needs

17 | P h a n N g o c H a
Rewards are given to employees who work effectively and achieve the goals they provide
employee vacations in apartments in the resorts purchased by the company. Evaluation from
managers: appreciation is always the best way to motivate employees and completely free. It
creates a sense of belonging in the staff.

Job enrichment: employees are provided with better job profiles when they perform well on
their tasks. This acts as a good motivation for people as they grow in their professional life.

=> Samsung uses these two models because of the biggest advantage of Maslow motivation
theory and Alderfer’s ERG, which is very simple to understand. Another advantage of this
theory is that it gives consideration to the basic nature of people who are demanding more
when lower-level needs are satisfied. Moreover, this model is very practical and it relates to
aspects of life that show from the basic needs of employees to growth needs so that the
organization can understand the needs of staff and build a working cultural environment, to
meet and satisfy the needs of employees and keep them stay.

However, the biggest drawback of this theory is that not all individuals think alike, so for some
individuals, social respect and respect is more important than safety needs and that's why do
people see many people celebrating their children's birthdays or marriages or buying expensive
cars to show off to the society before buying a family insurance package or buying a family
home because they are satisfied rather than showing off to society rather than meeting the
family's safety needs.

4.2 Process
Rakesh Sharma (2019) said that the theory of fairness Adam, which states that people maintain
a fair relationship between performance and reward compared to others.

Samsung applies Adam's fair theory in corporate culture. Before analyzing, it is necessary to
consider whether Adam's theoretical factors are appropriate in the process of improving job
satisfaction, employee motivation and what is done to motivate each person's motivation. To
do this, businesses need to consider the balance or imbalance between the input and output of
employees. Input is Effort, Loyalty, Hard Work, Skill and Determination

18 | P h a n N g o c H a
Output usually consists of two elements: reward finance and spiritual rewards. Samsung knows
that its employees want to earn a reasonable salary because money is the most important
motivation for employees. Therefore, the best way to motivate and promote their behavior is a
financial reward. It has an impact on the performance of employees and influences the
determination and hard work of employees. However, Whitley (2002) mentioned that wages do
not increase productivity in the long term and money does not improve performance

For example, to bonuses for hardworking and diligent employees, Samsung is also concerned
about the welfare regime of employees such as Samsung employees who are also provided free
meals in the midst of an employee's Accommodation or accommodation if staying in the
company is supported 50% of meals. This is a reward not only of material value but also of
spiritual value. In addition, Samsung has always focused on training and ensuring fairness
among employees in the company. Rewards and penalties must always be made public to the
entire company.

Samsung has worked out a specific plan to achieve a turnover of $ 400 billion and become one
of the top five brands in the world by 2020. On the basis of the successes achieved, the
company will continue to explore new areas such as health care, health, pharmaceuticals, and

With such goals, Samsung must have a lot of good employees and competent assistants to help
the organization achieve its goals. Between the current salaries, the benefits, the rewards that
Samsung Samsung pays employees and their jobs, these two things are proportional to each
other. Samsung pays a decent salary to employees compared to the effort they spend.

19 | P h a n N g o c H a
V. The relationship between culture, politics, power, and motivation that
enables teams and organizations to succeed
Evans Sokro (2012) suggested that among factors such as organizational culture, politics, strong
linkages and its impact on performance and factors that create the company's success.

The relationship between culture, politics, power, and motivation allows groups and
organizations to succeed based on many different factors, but in general, all have in common
that brings many positive things as well as benefits position of the Company. Because culture,
politics, strength, and motivation are factors that reflect the company's image and how it
works, for example, Samsung products have been sold millions of units per day worldwide for

Recently, with the renovation policy implemented, Vietnam's economy has made strong
development and Samsung decided to invest in a mobile phone factory based on many
favorable economic factors and the society of Vietnam.

In addition to the political and social stability, compared to other Southeast Asian countries
such as Vietnam's infrastructure conditions are better. Vietnam has a population of about 95
million and a high proportion of young workers. The Vietnamese government has incentive
policies such as tax and land investment incentives and specifically does not require Samsung to
pay taxes like other businesses.

About Samsung, it grew rapidly and dramatically thanks to two main factors: culture and

5.1 For culture

Vietnamese people often have a habit of using cheap phones but still, have all the functions and
nothing less than high-end phones. The cultural advantage of working at Samsung is to always
listen and absorb all customer opinions to improve and change products. Therefore, Samsung
has grasped the tastes of customers, constantly launched the mid-range and full-featured
products such as Galaxy A series which are also favored by users, priced at only from VND 3.09
million. This price just meets the demand of Vietnamese people and at the same time fits each

20 | P h a n N g o c H a
person's budget. Thanks to the Vietnamese culture, when Galaxy A was born sold out quickly,
even when the phone line was out of stock in stores there were people willing to deposit and
wait to buy it. This has helped Samsung to earn huge profits and grow excessively soon after.

5.2 For motivation

Motivation is an important factor determining the success of the Samsung Company. Currently,
Vietnam is advancing the country's industrialization and modernization revolution. Therefore,
Samsung is forced to increase labor productivity to bring higher profits on the basis of available
equipment, thus having faster capital accumulation. Besides, labor motivation indirectly builds
a more prosperous society based on the development of enterprises. Creating work motivation
influences the growth of the economy, increasing labor productivity makes material create
more social and so the economy has grown. Moreover, the motivation to form the valuable
asset of Samsung Company is a good and enthusiastic workforce, attached to the organization
and attracting many talented people to work for the organization. It also creates an enthusiastic
and comfortable working atmosphere, contributing to building corporate culture, enhancing
the prestige and image of the Company.

For each employee, personal goals are different, so their actions are different. There are
workers, who work for income to secure their lives, but there are workers who work not for the
most income, who have a high standard of living and qualifications, who work for themselves
assert you and develop yourself to become more perfect. So Samsung must go deeper,
approach, care more about them to understand their goals, motivate action to create good
motivation for employees.

5.3 Recommendation
I recommend Samsung should create a few more tools to motivate employees. For example,
Samsung can give birthday gifts or special occasions to employees' relatives like their parents.
This helps their employees feel happy, satisfied on the company side, increase their trust,
commitment, and dedication in their businesses. This is the foundation for the company to
grow sales and increase profits. Moreover, other companies should learn how to build a
working environment like Samsung. Like Apple, the working environment is quite harsh, not

21 | P h a n N g o c H a
only employees but also CEOs often work overtime. It was noticed that until 4:30 am, he still
sent an email to his staff. Many supervisors at apple must work all night on Sunday. However,
Apple pays high salaries and good welfare. Therefore, Apple should learn from Samsung how to
arrange, arrange the time and assign tasks to employees reasonably so that employees are
pressured and feel comfortable working at Apple.

VI. Conclusion
This report shows the culture, politics, and power of employees influencing the organization's
business in their control and development as well as the method they apply to achieve the item
target of the organization. Many articles, studies, and business journals have appeared in
research to clarify all these theories and many aspects of problems.

VII. References
 Adam Robinson Co-founder and CEO, Hireology@adrobins (Mon, 12 Aug 2019 15:46:56
GMT) Zappos Pays Employees $2000 to Quit. This Superstar CEO Has a Different
Approach, Available at:
2000-to-quit-this-superstar-ceo-has-a-different-approach.html (Accessed: 12th Aug
 Apple (Mon, 12 Aug 2019 16:15:04 GMT) Making without taking sounds impossible. But
it’s our goal, Available at:
(Accessed: 12th Aug 2019).

22 | P h a n N g o c H a
 Business Case Studies (Mon, 12 Aug 2019 15:43:40 GMT) What is motivation?, Available
for-better-business/what-is-motivation.html (Accessed: 12th Aug 2019).
 LEONARD EVANS (MARCH 18, 2019) Samsung’s Organizational Culture & Its
Characteristics (An Analysis), Available at:
culture-corporate-cultural-characteristics-analysis (Accessed: 12th Aug 2019).
 Market Business News (Sat, 10 Aug 2019 04:38:28 GMT) What Is Motivation? Definition
And Meaning, Available at:
glossary/motivation-definition-meaning/ (Accessed: 10th Aug 2019).
 Prachi Juneja - Reviewed By Management Study Guide Content Team (Sat, 10 Aug 2019
04:33:11 GMT) What is Motivation?, Available at: (Accessed: 10th
Aug 2019).
 ROBERT TANNER, MBA (May 26, 2019) What is Motivation?, Available at: (Accessed: 10th Aug 2019).
 Samsung (12 Aug 2019 15:35:23 GMT) Samsung Designs Globally and Adapts Locally for
Worldwide Success, Available at:
globally-and-adapts-locally-for-worldwide-success (Accessed: 12th Aug 2019).
 SAMSUNG (12th Aug 2019) About Samsung, Available at: (Accessed: 10th
Aug 2019).
 Samsung (Mon, 12 Aug 2019 15:35:23 GMT) the values that define Samsung’s spirit,
Available at:
(Accessed: 12th Aug 2019).
 Samsung Designs Globally and Adapts Locally for Worldwide Success. (2013, September
10). Retrieved from

23 | P h a n N g o c H a
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