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Cueto, Lhara Vhaneza



The Role of Nursing Informatics on Promoting Quality of Health Care and

the Need for Appropriate Education
Asieh Darvish,1 Fatemeh Bahramnezhad,1 Sara Keyhanian,2 and Mojdeh Navidhamidi1,3

In today’s dynamic health systems, technology plays an important role in education and
nursing work. So, it seems necessary to study the role of nurses and highlight the need
for appropriate information technology educational programs to integrate with the ever-
increasing pace of technology. A review accompanied by an extensive literature search
in databases and a library search focused on the keywords were used. The criteria used
for selecting studies primarily focused on nursing informatics and the importance of
expertise in the effective use of information technology in all aspects of the nursing
profession. In a critical assessment of emerging technologies, the key elements of
nursing informatics implementation were considered as healthcare promotion, advanced
systems, internet and network. In view of the nature and the development of the
information age, it is required to receive necessary IT training for all categories of
nurses. Due to the fast development of technology, in order to effectively take
advantage of information technology in nursing outcome and quality of health care and
to empower nurses; educational arrangement is recommended to set short-term and
long-term specialized courses focusing on four target groups: studying, working,
graduate, senior undergraduate, and graduate doctoral. The result of this study is
expected to assist educational providers with program development.
Nursing informatics can also be defined as any use of information technology by nurses
for the purpose of enhanced patient outcomes, the management of healthcare facilities,
nurse education and nursing research. Nurses bring to their practice a personal history
that develops the way their nursing care is performed. The nurse attitudes using and
motivation towards the computer usage significantly influenced by area of
nursing/health care service. Before most of the nurses traditionally document patient
information in a medical record using pen and paper, but nowadays in clinical area
computers are used in documenting data of the clients. With the help of nursing
informatics, the information system can facilitate and provide an easier and faster
information flow that is needed for efficient documentation processing. Nurses are being
helpful to be more competent and develop computer skills that can provide and improve
nursing care for clients. In nursing field often automated data systems are using for
statistical information, billing information, information about the vaccination, patient
assessment and patient classification.


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