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G.R. No. 10413-R | OCTOBER 20, 1954|
Justifying Circumstances – Self Defense


Self-defense applies to libel. Person libelled justified to hit back with another libel.


• Federico Chua Hiong is the uncle of Cesareo

• Gacheco. Gacheco and his family were defeated in a civil case in the CFI of Manila, which, if not overturned by
the SC, would lead to Gacheco and co. losing 2/3s of the inheritance left by a Paulino Gacheco.
• Hiong sided with the party that defeated Gacheco.
• This created tension and Gacheco wrote the Chief Finance Agent of the Department of Finance charging Hiong
with tax evasion and the use of fake citizenship. He then wrote a letter to Vice President Fernando Lopez
accusing Hiong of illegal transactions with the government.
• A letter was written by a certain Benito Solipco to Hiong. (The SC says Solipco was undoubtedly if not Gacheco
himself, acting under Gacheco’s inducement.) It said that the members of the Go Family Association, of which
Gocheco belonged, told Solipco that they will make every vengeance against Hiong, such as paying some persons
to kill him, or reporting him to every Philippine Government Authority that he is a communist and other kinds of
vengeance. The letter warned Hiong to be careful as the Go Family were all his enemies now and that they will
make every vengeance against him at all cost. The letter was contained in an envelope along with a rope which
contained a note saying “this serves for your personal use.”
• Hiong received threats on the phone and was denounced as a communist through anonymous letters.
• Gocheco then caused to be published articles entitled “Doubtful Citizenship” in the Feb 11, 1952 issue of the
Manila Chronicle. It said that while the Commissioner of Immigration had certain evidences supporting the
Filipino citizenship of Hiong, the Commissioner’s decision was based on questionable proofs.
• In response, Hiong caused “Seriously Speaking” to be published in the Manila Chronicle. It said: “This
investigation was only one of a series of other investigations conducted by different agencies of our government
at the instigation of Mr. Gocheco, who appears to be obsessed with a persecution mania in order to besmirch my
name and reputation and harass me and my family. To my eternal shame and misfortune, Mr. Cesario T.
Gocheco is my nephew. As such, he is cognizant of all of the facts of my life for he has known me for the past 25
years….Why then this sudden concern over my citizenship? Why this mad desire to bring harm to me and my
family? The reason is not hard to find – personal revenge is the moving passion in this drama of intrigues and
persecution to which I and my family have been subjected.… It is easy to imagine the gloom, despondency and
despair, that must have seized the Gocheco family when the above decision was handed down as that would
divest them of everything that they now have and thus face stark poverty… It is obvious that the name “ Benito
Sulipco” is fictitious, as it is the most natural thing that my enemies should cowardly hide behind the cloak of
anonymity, but, one need not stretch the imagination too far to be able to guess the “mastermind behind these
threats... For what could be better or more convenient to my enemies than my untimely death, or for that
matter, my deportation from this country had they been able to prove their charges filed with the different
government agencies. What better or more convenient weapon can my enemies avail of then a this systematic
and malicious persecution in order to coerce or cajole me into submitting to their demands that I should desist
from proceeding with the civil case I have instituted against the Gocheco family which shall ultimately reduce
them to the poverty of theproverbial church- mouse?”
• Because of the article above, Hiong was found guilty of libel by the RTC. He now appeals.

ISSUE: WON Chua Hiong’s libelous publication was a proper act of self-defense. – YES.


• Self-defense applies to the crime of libel.

• Self-defense is a man’s inborn right.
• In a physical assault, retaliation becomes unlawful after the attack has ceased, because there would be no
further harm to repel.
• But that is not the case when it is aimed at a person’s good name. Once the aspersion is cast its sting, clings and
the one thus defamed may avail himself of all necessary means to shake it off. He may hit back with another
libel which, if adequate, will be justified.
• Granting that the “Seriously Speaking” column of the Manila Chronicle caused by Hiong was libelous, is it
unnecessarily libelous? It was intended to counteract the impression left in the mind of the public by the article
“Doubtful Citizenship” which Gocheco caused to be published in the Manila Chronicle on Feb. 11, 1952.
• Hiong was living as a Filipino, his livelihood depended mainly upon enterprises only Filipinos can engage in. It is
perfectly conceivable that any attempt to assail his Filipino citizenship should meet the keenest defense from
• To flout in public the genuineness of one’s citizenship is slanderous, nobody would dare deny, the more so
Hiong’s case for obvious reasons.
• The Doubtful Citizenship column makes it appear that his citizenship was acquired through questionable means
and that an investigation is currently being conducted with respect to the legality of his citizenship.
• Gocheco’s purpose was to malign Hiong. Because he lost in the civil case, Gocheco decided to air his grievances
through the press. Hiong’s Seriously Speaking Column is not necessarily libelous because Hiong is entitled to
show Gocheco’s motive behind Doubtful Citizenship and to dispel the bad impression about him of those who
had read it.

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