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RDX Manager Product Manual

October 2019
RDX Manager Product Manual

©2019 Overland-Tandberg™. All rights reserved.

Overland®, Overland Storage®, DynamicRAID®, NEO®, NEO Series®, PowerLoader®, RAINcloud®, RapidRebuild®, REO 4000®, REO Series®, VR2®, and
XchangeNOW® are registered trademarks of Overland Storage, Inc.
Tandberg®, Tandberg Data®, AccuGuard®, AccuVault®, BizNAS®, QuadPak®, QuikStation®, QuikStor®, RDX®, RDXPRESS®, RDXPRO®,
StorageLoader®, SupportSuite®, Tandberg SecureService®, and Tandberg StorageLibrary® are registered trademarks of Tandberg Data Holdings S.A.R.L.
Overland-Tandberg™ is a trademark of Overland Storage, Inc.
All other brand names or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The names of companies and individuals used in examples are fictitious and intended to illustrate the use of the software. Any resemblance to actual
companies or individuals, whether past or present, is coincidental.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
All information contained in or disclosed by this document is considered proprietary by Overland-Tandberg. By accepting this material the recipient agrees
that this material and the information contained therein are held in confidence and in trust and will not be used, reproduced in whole or in part, nor its
contents revealed to others, except to meet the purpose for which it was delivered. It is understood that no right is conveyed to reproduce or have reproduced
any item herein disclosed without express permission from Overland-Tandberg.
Overland-Tandberg provides this manual as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Overland-Tandberg may make improvements or changes in the product(s) or programs described in
this manual at any time. These changes will be incorporated in new editions of this publication.
Overland-Tandberg assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of this manual, nor for any problem that might arise
from the use of the information in this manual.


Revision Date Description

Rev A April 2018 Initial release
Rev B July 2018 Minor content changes and updates
Rev C February 2018 Added features command line options & silent install
Rev D October 2019 How to switch GUI language & password protection updates

Overland-Tandberg Tandberg Data

4542 Ruffner Street, Suite 250 Feldstraße 81
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TEL 1.800.729.8725 (toll free) TEL +49 231 5436 0
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1022447 ©2019 Overland-Tandberg 2


Audience and Purpose

This guide describes how to install and use the RDX Manager software as intended in a
network environment. Familiarity with system and network configuration is highly
The information in this guide applies to both the SATA III and USB 3.0 versions of RDX

The following chapters are included in this guide:
• Chapter 1, “Product Information,” provides an overview of the features of the RDX
• Chapter 2, “Installation,” describes information on how to install and initially configure
RDX Manager.
• Chapter 3, “RDX Manager Drive List,” describes how to access RDX drives and their
• Chapter 4, “Management Pop-up Window,” describes using the Management Pop-up
Window for configuration tasks, such as encryption and user account management.
• Appendix A, “Troubleshooting,” provides basic troubleshooting information.

Product Documentation & Updates

Product documentation and additional information are available online at our Knowledge
Base website:
• Product Type = RDX Solutions
• Product Family = RDX Software
• Model = All
Use Document Type to select the document for which you are specifically looking. For
additional information about the RDX Manager, refer to the following publications:
• RDX Manager Product Manual
• Various other RDX QuikStation Knowledge Base articles such as regulatory documents
and technical bulletins.
To download drivers and software updates, see the Drivers and Downloads page.

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RDX Manager Product Manual Preface

This document exercises several alerts and typographical conventions.


Convention Description & Usage

NOTE: Text A Note indicates neutral or positive information that emphasizes or
supplements important points of the main text. A note supplies
information that may apply only in special cases, for example, memory
limitations or details that apply to specific program versions.
IMPORTANT An Important note is a type of note that provides information essential to
the completion of a task or that can impact the product and its function.
CAUTION A Caution contains information that the user needs to know to avoid
damaging or permanently deleting data or causing physical damage to
the hardware or system.
WARNING A Warning contains information concerning personal safety. Failure to
follow directions in the warning could result in bodily harm or death.
WARNUNG Eine Warnung enthält Informationen zur persönlichen Sicherheit. Das
Nichtbeachten der Anweisungen in der Warnung kann zu Verletzungen
oder zum Tod führen.
ADVERTISSEMENT Un Canadien avertissement comme celui-ci contient des informations
relatives à la sécurité personnelle. Ignorer les instructions dans
l'avertissement peut entraîner des lésions corporelles ou la mort.

Typographical Conventions

Convention Description & Usage

Button_name Words in this special boldface font indicate command buttons found in
the Remote Management Interface (RMI) or Operator Control Panel
Ctrl-Alt-R Denotes the keys that you press simultaneously. In this example, hold
down the Ctrl and Alt keys and press the R key.
Menu Flow Words with a greater than sign between them indicate the flow of actions
Indicator (>) to accomplish a task. For example, Setup > Passwords > User indicates
that you should press the Setup button, then the Password button, and
finally the User button to accomplish a task.
Courier Italic Used to exemplify a variable for which you must substitute a value.
Courier Bold Represents commands or text in a command-line interface (CLI).

Information contained in this guide has been reviewed for accuracy, but not for product
warranty because of the various environments, operating systems, or settings involved.
Information and specifications may change without notice.

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RDX Manager Product Manual Preface

Technical Support
You can get additional technical support information on the Contact Us web page at:
For a complete list of support types, levels, and times, visit our website at:

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Organization ..................................................................................................................................................................3
Conventions ..................................................................................................................................................................4
Technical Support .........................................................................................................................................................5

Chapter 1: Product Information

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................8
RDX Manager Drive List ..........................................................................................................................................8
Management Pop-up Window .............................................................................................................................9
Key Features ..................................................................................................................................................................9

Chapter 2: Installation
RDX Manager Software Download ..........................................................................................................................10
Install RDX Manager ...................................................................................................................................................10
Launch RDX Manager ................................................................................................................................................11
Uninstall RDX Manager ...............................................................................................................................................11

Chapter 3: RDX Manager Drive List

Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................12
RDX Manager Drive List Window ...............................................................................................................................13
Menu Options ........................................................................................................................................................13
Exit .....................................................................................................................................................................13
Auto Scan ........................................................................................................................................................13
Help Options ....................................................................................................................................................13
Management Pop-up Window Access ..............................................................................................................13
RDX Manager Drive List Update ..........................................................................................................................14

Chapter 4: Management Pop-up Window

Status Tab .....................................................................................................................................................................15
Status Drive Data ...................................................................................................................................................16
Status Cartridge Data ...........................................................................................................................................16
Encryption Tab ............................................................................................................................................................17
Enable Cartridge Encryption or Password Protection ......................................................................................17
How to Choose a Strong Password ...............................................................................................................20
Disable/Enable Cartridge Access .......................................................................................................................20
Disable Access ................................................................................................................................................21
Enable Access .................................................................................................................................................21
Change Protection Password ..............................................................................................................................22
Remove Encryption or Password Protection ......................................................................................................24
Remove AES 256 XTS Encryption ....................................................................................................................24
Remove Basic Password Protection ..............................................................................................................25

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RDX Manager Product Manual Contents

Advanced Options ...............................................................................................................................................25

Add a Password ..............................................................................................................................................26
View/Modify/Delete Existing Passwords ......................................................................................................27
Add an Automatic Drive Media Authentication Password .......................................................................28
Delete Automatic Drive Media Authentication from RDX Drive ...............................................................30
Test Tab ........................................................................................................................................................................31
Self Test ...................................................................................................................................................................31
Self Test Recommendations ...........................................................................................................................32
LED Test ...................................................................................................................................................................32
Write/Read Test .....................................................................................................................................................32
Utility Tab ......................................................................................................................................................................32
Update Firmware ..................................................................................................................................................33
Update Procedure ..........................................................................................................................................33
Partition and Format Cartridge ...........................................................................................................................34
Windows 7 or Higher .......................................................................................................................................34
Apple OSX ........................................................................................................................................................34
Change Drive Mode .............................................................................................................................................34
Change SATA III Mode .........................................................................................................................................35
Eject Cartridge ......................................................................................................................................................35

Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Basic Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................................36
Check for Firmware Updates ...............................................................................................................................36
Cannot Write to a Cartridge ................................................................................................................................36
Read-Only RDX Cartridge Not Readable on SATA I and SATA III Drives .........................................................36
Recommended Way to Change/Upgrade SATA Driver ............................................................................36
Command Line Eject Feature (rdxcmdline.exe) ...............................................................................................37
Command Line Language Selection .................................................................................................................37
Optional Shortcut ............................................................................................................................................38
Technical Support .......................................................................................................................................................38


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Product Information

RDX Manager is a utility from Overland-Tandberg that allows easy management and
configuration of RDX drives and cartridges. RDX Manager provides options to optimize
RDX for specific storage requirements and incorporates compatibility with your operating
system. RDX Manager also provides easy cartridge encryption and password protection to
safeguard your data.
Supported OS versions include Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Server 2008, Server
2012, Server 2012R2, and Server 2016.

Topics in Product Information:

• Overview
• Key Features

The RDX Manager utility consists of two parts: an RDX Manager Drive List to access all
connected RDX devices and a Management Pop-up Window with options for configuration
and management of individual devices.

RDX Manager Drive List

This window displays a table listing all RDX devices found on this system. A menu
provides access to additional options. For a complete list of options, see Chapter 3, “RDX
Manager Drive List,” on page 12.

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RDX Manager Product Manual 1 - Product Information

Management Pop-up Window

This pop-up window provides all the management tools for your RDX devices with each tool on
a different tab. For a complete list of options, see Chapter 4, “Management Pop-up Window,”
on page 15.

Key Features
• Free and simple download and installation from the Overland-Tandberg website:
• For Windows users, it works with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Server 2008,
Server 2012, Server 2012R2, or Server 2016.
• For Apple users, it works with OS X 10.11 through OS X 10.13.
• Compatibility with all RDX cartridge generations and capacities.
• Both full disk AES 256 XTS encryption and basic password protection available.
• Multiple diagnostic test and service features.
• Flexible RDX media partition and format options.
• Remote RDX media eject option.

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This section covers the installation of the RDX Manager software.

NOTE: Administrative rights are required to install, configure, license, and update RDX Manager.
When installing RDX Manager on Windows 7 or Windows 2008 Server (or higher), you
need to be logged in as Administrator or to run the installation program using the Run as
administrator context menu option.

Topics in Installation:
• RDX Manager Software Download
• Install RDX Manager
• Launch RDX Manager
• Uninstall RDX Manager

RDX Manager Software Download

The RDX Manager software and release notes can be downloaded from the Overland-
Tandberg FTP website:
1. Go to the FTP website (
The link can also be accessed from the regular website:
In the right column, click Downloads and then click the “Click here” link shown.
2. At the FTP site, click RDX Manager.
3. Depending on your OS, click either Mac or Windows.
4. To automatically download the files, click the release notes PDF link and then the
installer ZIP link.
Make a note of the location of where you downloaded the files.

Install RDX Manager

NOTE: To install the RDX Manager in “silent mode,” use an Admin command shell and run the
command “RDXManagerInstaller_0.1.0.30.exe isSilent=true” making sure to use the
exact case and spacing shown. No user interaction is required when running a silent
mode install.

To install RDX Manager onto your RDX dock:

1. Open the ZIP file and double-click the EXE file to launch the installation wizard.
2. At Welcome screen, click Next.

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RDX Manager Product Manual 2 - Installation

3. Accept the default installation folder by clicking Next.

4. Accept the RDX Manager component for installation by clicking Next.
5. Accept the license by clicking the button and then clicking Next.
6. Accept the Start Menu shortcut by clicking Next.
7. At the installation confirmation screen, click Install.
8. Click Finish.

Launch RDX Manager

The RDX Manager EXE file (RDXManager.exe) is located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Overland-Tandberg\RDXManager\Manager\
For easy access, a quick access icon was created during installation on the bottom task

Click the RDX Manager icon to launch the software and open the RDX Manager Drive List

Uninstall RDX Manager

NOTE: You must exit RDX Manager before it can be uninstalled.

You can uninstall RDX Manager using the Windows Programs and Features:
1. Click Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features.
2. From the list of programs, select the RDX Manager product and click Uninstall (or
3. At the first confirmation screen, click Yes.
4. At the second confirmation screen, click Yes again.
During uninstall, a status screen shows the progress.

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RDX Manager Drive List

The RDX Manager Drive List displays a table of all RDX devices connected to your

Topics in RDX Manager Drive List:

• Overview
• RDX Manager Drive List Window
• Management Pop-up Window Access
• RDX Manager Drive List Update

RDX Manager Drive List allows for the management of your RDX devices in a single place.
It shows a window with a table listing all discoverable RDX devices.

The RDX Manager Drive List consists of:

• Three menu options (Files, Tools, and Help) located at the top of the window.
• A table with rows showing information about the installed RDX drives and any
inserted cartridges.
• Drive – The drive letter used by the RDX
• Drive Vendor – Maker of the drive
• Drive Type – Product type of drive
• Drive Status – Current status of the drive
• Cartridge Vendor – Capacity of a cartridge (if in the drive)
• Cartridge Size – Type of cartridge (if in the drive)
• Cartridge Status – Current status of the cartridge (if in the drive).

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RDX Manager Product Manual 3 - RDX Manager Drive List

• Data Access – Indicates if data access is allowed.

• Two buttons at the bottom (Scan for RDX Drives and Manage RDX Drive).

RDX Manager Drive List Window

Menu Options

There are three main menu options for the RDX Manager Drive List window:
• File – Provides the Exit option.
• Tools – Provides the Auto Scan feature.
• Help – Provides options for Help (F1), About, Check for Updates, and (Technical)

Clicking File > Exit results in the closing of RDX Manager Drive List.

Auto Scan
Clicking Tools > Auto Scan scans the network for RDX drives the same as the Scan for RDX
Drives button. This scan occurs once per second.

Help Options
There are four submenu items under the Help menu:
• Help (F1) – Clicking this option is the same as pressing the F1 function button. The RDX
Manager online help opens in a new window.
• About – Opens an About dialog that shows the current version number and copyright
• Check for Updates – Checks the Overland-Tandberg website to determine if a newer
version of RDX Manager or the drive firmware exists.
• Support – Opens the RDX Manager Support dialog with a Generate RDX System
Summary button. See Appendix A, “Technical Support,” on page 38.

Management Pop-up Window Access

Click either the Manage RDX Drive button or a table row to open the Management Pop-up
Window to do any of the following:
• See a detailed status of the drive/cartridge.
• Encrypt or password protect a cartridge.
• Run drive tests.
• Run drive utility functions.
For more information, see Chapter 4, “Management Pop-up Window,” on page 15.

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RDX Manager Product Manual 3 - RDX Manager Drive List

RDX Manager Drive List Update

Click Scan for RDX Drives to scan for RDX drives or update current drive information in the

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Management Pop-up Window

At the RDX Manager Drive List, clicking either the Manage RDX Drive button or a row in
the table opens the Management Pop-up Window. The window has four tabs for managing
your RDX devices—Status, Encryption, Test, and Utility. The default view is the Status tab.

NOTE: As long as this window is open, the RDX Device Window cannot be accessed.

Topics in Management Pop-up Window:

• Status Tab
• Encryption Tab
• Test Tab
• Utility Tab

Status Tab
The Status tab is the default view in the Management Pop-up Window.

External Only

It shows two data sets:

• Drive Data – On the left, the basic information for the RDX drive that was selected
from the RDX Manager Drive List table.
• Cartridge Data – On the right, the basic information for the RDX media currently
in the selected drive. If no media is in the drive, the Cartridge Data side only shows
a Status of No Media. The other items are blank.

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RDX Manager Product Manual 4 - Management Pop-up Window

Status Drive Data

The Drive Data area of the Status tab lists the following information:

Field Content
Vendor: The drive vendor name (for example, TANDBERG)
Model: The drive model (RDX)
Serial Number: The drive serial number
Status: The drive status (Good or Drive Error)
Load Count: The total number of times media was loaded in this drive
Firmware Rev: The current drive firmware revision
Product Type: The type of product (for example, USB3, USB3+, or SATA-III)
OEM Name: Indicates if the firmware is specific to an OEM (for example:
Born On Date: The date the drive was manufactured (may be blank on older
Drive Mode: The drive's operation mode (Removable or Fixed)
Power Source USB 3.0 external drive power source (Adapter Powered or Bus
(External Only) Powered)
Drive Policy The policy governing the drive’s performance.
(External Only)

Status Cartridge Data

The Cartridge Data area of the Status tab lists the following information:

Field Content
Vendor: The cartridge vendor name (for example, Tandberg Data)
Model: The cartridge model (for example, QuikStor)
Serial Number: The cartridge serial number
Status: The cartridge status (Good or Cartridge Error)
Load Count: The total number of times this cartridge was loaded
Firmware Rev: The firmware revision of the HDD inside the cartridge
Cartridge Type: Type of cartridge (Disk)
Write Protect: The Write Protect state of the cartridge (OFF = writing enabled,
ON = writing disabled)
Temperature: The cartridge temperature reported in degrees centigrade (C)
Capacity: The total cartridge user data space (available space and
space in-use)
Free Space: The amount of unused, available cartridge user data space
Bytes Read: The total number of bytes read from the cartridge
Bytes Written: The total number of bytes written to the cartridge

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RDX Manager Product Manual 4 - Management Pop-up Window

Encryption Tab
The Encryption tab in the Management Pop-up Window shows two information fields:
• Cartridge Info – The cartridge primary information (Vendor, Model, and Serial Number).
• Status – The protection status (such as, AES 256 Encrypted or Not Encrypted).

NOTE: If the RDX drive had previously been enabled for automatic drive media authentication, the
Advanced Passwords and Permissions button will also be visible.

There are two types of cartridge data protection available:

• Full Disk AES 256 XTS Encryption – All data stored on the cartridge is encrypted
using the XTS-AES 256 encryption standard (recommended).
• Basic Password Protection – Access to the cartridge and its data is protected by a
single password.

IMPORTANT: When using the Basic Password Protection option, data on the cartridge is
NOT encrypted and is only protected by a password.

Topics in Encryption Tab:

• Enable Cartridge Encryption or Password Protection
• Disable/Enable Cartridge Access
• Change Protection Password
• Remove Encryption or Password Protection
• Advanced Options

Enable Cartridge Encryption or Password Protection

To apply a protection type:
1. At the default Encryption tab, click Enable Cartridge Encryption/Password Protection.

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RDX Manager Product Manual 4 - Management Pop-up Window

2. At the Protection Type Selection dialog box, select your protection type.

3. If Basic Password Protection is selected, at the pop-up warning about losing your
password, select Yes to continue.

Clicking Yes accepts the Basic Password Protection selection while clicking No clears
the Basic Password Protection selection and returns you to the Protection Type
Selection dialog box.

CAUTION: If you lose your password, the media becomes unusable and a media reset is
not possible. Forgetting your password is not covered under our product warranty.

4. Click OK to continue.
5. At the New Password Selection dialog that opens (AES 256 XTS screen shown here),
perform the following steps.

AES 256 XTS Only

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RDX Manager Product Manual 4 - Management Pop-up Window

a. Enter and confirm a password for the protection type.

As the new password is entered, its estimated strength is shown (Poor, Weak, Better,
Good, or Very Good). See “How to Choose a Strong Password” on page 20.
b. For the AES 256 XTS encryption option, to make sure the cartridge can be erased,
uncheck the Allow Cartridge Reset and Erase All Encryption Configuration Without a
Password box.
Otherwise, this prevents anyone with physical access to the cartridge from
permanently deleting all encrypted contents and reusing the cartridge. When this
box is checked, any password for the cartridge (including a read-only password) can
be used to securely erase the cartridge.

CAUTION: If you lose the passwords for your RDX cartridge, it cannot be erased and is
no longer usable. Data recovery services are both excluded and impossible.
Forgetting your password is not covered under our product warranty.

c. Click OK to accept the changes.

6. For AES 256 XTS encryption only, at the Cartridge Format Selection dialog box,
select either NFTS or exFAT, and click OK.
7. At the Confirmation dialog box, verify the settings are correct and click OK.
A progress bar for enabling protection on the cartridge is shown. When done, the
cartridge is protected and you are returned to the Encryption tab which displays the type
of protection selected.
AES 256 XTS Encryption Enabled:

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RDX Manager Product Manual 4 - Management Pop-up Window

Basic Password Protection Enabled:

How to Choose a Strong Password

When adding or changing a password in RDX Manager, an Estimated Password Strength is
shown below and to the right of the password fields.
Traditionally, a password was considered to be strong if it met these four qualities:
• Had, at a minimum, 12 characters (longer is better).
• Includes uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
• Did not include words or combinations of words found in the dictionary.
• Did not have obvious letter substitutions (such as “3” for “E”).
However, due to the advances in technology that makes password cracking easier, the latest
trend is to have the following criteria:
• At least six unrelated words used together.
• Random capital letters in the words (for example, the second letter of each word).
• Symbols and numbers interspersed between the words.
The password strength indicator built into RDX Manager uses text descriptors (Poor, Weak,
Better, Good, or Very Good) to help you find a strong password.

Disable/Enable Cartridge Access

If encryption or password protection has been enabled, you can turn cartridge data access off
and on. The access button is located on the right side of the Encryption tab.

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RDX Manager Product Manual 4 - Management Pop-up Window

Disable Access
Once encryption or password protection has been set, the access button shows Disable Access.

To disable access:
1. Click the Disable Access button.
2. At the Access Disabled pop-up message, click OK.
Access is now disabled, a large red icon with an “X” is shown in the Status information field,
and the access button changes to Enable Access.

Enable Access
If access to the media has been disabled, the access button then shows Enable Access.

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RDX Manager Product Manual 4 - Management Pop-up Window

To enable access:
1. Click the Enable Access button.
2. At the Input Password dialog box, enter your password and click OK.
Access is now enabled, a large green icon with a check mark symbol is shown in the Status
information field, and the access button changes to Disable Access.

Change Protection Password

NOTE: If access is disabled, to activate the buttons at the bottom of the Encryption tab, click Enable
Access and use the current password to access the cartridge.

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RDX Manager Product Manual 4 - Management Pop-up Window

The protection password can be changed for both AES 256 XTS encryption and basic password

1. Click Change Password.

The Password Change dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter and confirm a new Master Password.

As the new password is entered, its estimated strength is shown (Poor, Weak, Better,
Good, or Very Good). See “How to Choose a Strong Password” on page 20.
3. Click OK.
4. At the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
A progress bar for changing the password is shown. When done, the new password is in

CAUTION: If you lose your password, the media becomes unusable and a media reset is not
possible. Forgetting your password is not covered under our product warranty.

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RDX Manager Product Manual 4 - Management Pop-up Window

Remove Encryption or Password Protection

NOTE: If access is disabled, to activate the buttons at the bottom of the Encryption tab, click Enable
Access and use the current password to access the cartridge.

Cartridge data protection (AES 256 XTS encryption or basic password protection) can be

The two different procedures Remove AES 256 XTS Encryption (page 24) and Remove Basic
Password Protection (page 25) follow.

Remove AES 256 XTS Encryption

1. Click the Remove Encryption button.
The Cartridge Format Selection dialog box is displayed.

2. At the dialog box, select either NFTS or exFAT, and click OK.
3. For AES 256 XTS, to permanently delete all data and reformat the cartridge, at the
removal Confirmation dialog box, click OK.

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RDX Manager Product Manual 4 - Management Pop-up Window

CAUTION: As soon as you confirm the removal of the encryption, this option completely
deletes all the passwords and all the data, and then repartitions and reformats the RDX
cartridge. There is no undo option. Any data on the cartridge is permanently lost and is
not recoverable as the data was only readable with passwords that were initially used to
generate the unique encryption key.

A progress bar for removing encryption on the cartridge is shown. When done, the
cartridge is no longer protected and you are returned to the Encryption tab.

Remove Basic Password Protection

1. Click the Remove Password Protection button.
2. At the password protection removal Confirmation dialog box, click OK.

IMPORTANT: This operation doesn't delete any data and, after the password is removed,
the data can be accessed normally.

A progress bar for removing password protection is shown. When done, the cartridge is
no longer protected and you are returned to the Encryption tab.

Advanced Options
NOTE: If access is currently disabled, to activate the buttons at the bottom of the Encryption tab,
click Enable Access and use the current password to access the cartridge and the Advanced
Passwords and Permissions button.

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RDX Manager Product Manual 4 - Management Pop-up Window

Clicking the Advanced Passwords and Permissions button displays a dialog box with four
advanced configurable options:

• Add a Password
• View/Modify/Delete Existing Passwords
• Add an Automatic Drive Media Authentication Password
• Delete Automatic Drive Media Authentication from RDX Drive
When done, click Close to return to the Encryption tab.
The procedures for configuring these advanced options follow.

Add a Password
Use this option to configure additional passwords for cartridge access with different
permissions. Up to eight passwords can be configured per cartridge (one Master Password and
up to seven additional or automatic authentication passwords).
1. Click Add a Password to open the New Password Configuration dialog box for adding a

2. Enter and confirm a new password for Read Access.

As the new password is entered, its estimated strength is shown (Poor, Weak, Better,
Good, or Very Good). See “How to Choose a Strong Password” on page 20.
3. If required, add other options by checking the appropriate boxes:
• Allow Write Access
• Allow Password Create / Change / Deletion

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RDX Manager Product Manual 4 - Management Pop-up Window

4. At the lower left, you can change the default name of the new password in the
Password Name field.
5. Click OK to accept the settings.
6. At the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
A progress bar for adding an additional password is shown. When done, the new
password is immediately in effect and you are returned to the Advanced Options dialog

View/Modify/Delete Existing Passwords

Select this option to view and manage your cartridge password settings for both encryption
and basic password protection. Click View / Modify / Delete Existing Passwords to open the
Password Management window.

Use one of the following procedures:

• To change any password (including the Master Password):
a. On the right side of the password’s table row, click Change Password.
b. Enter and confirm a new password.
c. Click OK to accept the new password.
d. At the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
A progress bar is shown. When done, the new password is immediately in effect and
you are returned to the Password Management window.
• To delete a regular (non-master) password:
a. On the right side of the password’s table row, click Delete.
b. At the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
The password is removed and the Password Management window is refreshed.
• To remove cartridge protection (by removing the Master Password):
a. On the right side of the password’s table row, click the Remove button.
• For AES 256 XTS encryption, click Remove Encryption.
• For Basic Password Protection, click Remove Password Protection.
b. For AES 256 XTS encryption only, at the Cartridge Format Selection dialog box,
select either NFTS or exFAT, and click OK.

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c. At the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.

CAUTION: As soon as you confirm the removal of AES 256 XTS encryption, this option
completely deletes all the passwords and all the data, and then repartitions and
reformats the RDX cartridge. There is no undo option. Any data on the cartridge is
permanently lost and is not recoverable as the data was only readable with
passwords that were initially used to generated the unique encryption key.

As the protection is removed:

• For AES 256 XTS encryption, a progress bar for removing encryption on the
cartridge is shown followed by a dialog to repartition and format the cartridge.
When done, the cartridge is no longer encrypted and is freshly reformatted.
• For basic password protection, a progress bar for removing password
protection is shown. When done, the cartridge is no longer protected and the data
is fully accessible.
You are returned to the Encryption tab.
When done, close the Password Management window by clicking the “X” in the upper right
corner. To exit Advanced Options, click Close.

Add an Automatic Drive Media Authentication Password

For both AES 256 XTS encryption and basic password protection, an RDX cartridge can be
configured with an automatic authentication password that allows its data to be automatically
accessible upon insertion into an associated RDX SATA III drive. RDX cartridges can be
configured with this option for up to seven RDX SATA III drives.
An RDX SATA III drive creates the key internally and a user doesn’t need to enter a password
for data access when the cartridge is used in that RDX SATA III drive. The cartridge remains
either fully AES 256 XTS encrypted or password protected when it is stored off-site or loaded
into another RDX drive. If inserted into a different, unconfigured RDX drive, the user can still
access the data normally using one of the assigned passwords for the RDX cartridge.
This option is ideally used for backup or data exchange without needing an operator to enter a
password. It can also be used to perform a data or system recovery operation without RDX
Manager running.

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1. Under Advanced Options, click Add Drive’s Automatic Authentication Password to

The Automatic Drive Media Authentication dialog box is shown.

2. If required, clear (uncheck) the Allow Write Access box.

Clearing this option limits the cartridge to only read access when it is inserted and
automatically authenticated. Any write operation would fail.

NOTE: To re-enable write access, return to this option, disable the current automatic
authentication, and then re-enable it allowing write access.

3. Click OK to add the generated automatic authentication password.

4. At the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
A progress bar for adding automatic authentication to the cartridge is shown. When
done, access is given to the cartridge and you are returned to the Advanced Options
dialog box. The Add an Automatic Drive Media Authentication Password button is now
grayed-out and the Delete Automatic Drive Media Authentication from RDX Drive button
is active.
5. Click Close to exit Advanced Options.
6. Eject and re-insert the cartridge to verify the change.

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Once configured and ejected, whenever the RDX cartridge is re-inserted in that RDX drive, the
encryption status shows it to be auto-decrypted.

Whenever an unencrypted RDX cartridge is inserted, you can either:

• Enable encryption/password protection.
• Use the advanced options to delete the automatic decryption on the RDX drive itself.
An RDX cartridge can be configured to be automatically authenticated with up to seven
different RDX SATA III drives. Each RDX SATA III drive can be configured with automatic
authentication for an unlimited number of cartridges.

Delete Automatic Drive Media Authentication from RDX Drive

When the RDX drive is configured for automatic authentication of cartridges, the feature can
be removed so that any automatic authentication configured cartridges are no longer
automatically authenticated or password confirmed upon insertion.
1. Click Delete Automatic Drive Media Authentication from RDX Drive.
The Delete Drive’s Automatic Drive Media Authentication Password dialog box is

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RDX Manager Product Manual 4 - Management Pop-up Window

2. Click Yes to delete the Auto Decrypt Password.

3. At the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
RDX cartridges no longer automatically authenticate on this RDX drive. You are
returned to the Advanced Options dialog box. The Add an Automatic Drive Media
Authentication Password button is now active and the Delete Automatic Drive Media
Authentication from RDX Drive button is grayed-out.
4. Click Close to exit Advanced Options.

Test Tab

The Test tab of the Management Pop-up Window has three different tests that you can run:
• Self Test – This test checks if the device is functioning properly.
• LED Test – This test checks the device LEDs.
• Write / Read Test – This test verifies that the drive can both write and read the RDX
media in the device.
All tests run automatically when you click the button. A progress bar is located in the test
message area at the bottom. While the test runs, the progress is shown in the bar.
Once the test is done:
• If the test completes successfully, the progress bar turns green and a success message is
• If the test fails, the progress bar remains blank (gray) and a failure message is

Self Test
Self Test performs a simple test of the drive and also the cartridge (if inserted).
Self Test is designed to determine if the host system can communicate with the drive and if
the drive can communicate with the cartridge.

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Self Test Recommendations

First, run Self Test without a cartridge inserted to determine if the drive is working properly.
Next, after inserting a cartridge, run the test again to determine if the drive is communicating
with the cartridge correctly.

LED Test
LED Test causes both the cartridge LED and drive LED to alternately flash first green then
amber for several seconds.

NOTE: A cartridge needs to be inserted into the drive to see the cartridge LED flashing.

This test is designed to ensure that the both drive and cartridge LEDs work properly to give
the user correct indications about drive and cartridge status.

Write/Read Test
Write/Read Test is designed to ensure that the host system is capable of doing file writes to
and file reads from a formatted cartridge.
The Write/Read test requires the following:
• A properly formatted cartridge is inserted into the drive.
• The cartridge must have some free space for the test to run.
• The cartridge write-protect switch is set to the OFF position.
This test writes a temporary file to the free space and then reads and compares the data in
that file to the original file. When the test completes, the temporary file is deleted.

Utility Tab

The Utility tab of the Management Pop-up Window has the following utilities that you can run:
• Update Firmware – This utility enables you to update the device firmware by opening an
update file and running it.

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• Partition and Format Cartridge – This utility enables you to partition and format a
cartridge in the drive. The formating can be either NTFS or exFAT.
• Change Drive Mode – If the drive supports changing drive modes, this utility lets you
change the mode (Fixed Disk or Removable Disk).
• Change SATA III Mode – This utility lets you switch between 3G/6G and 1.5G/3G SATA
III modes.
• Eject Cartridge – Remotely ejects a loaded cartridge.
Utility functions run to completion. You are not allowed to run another utility function, switch
tabs, or close the Management Pop-up Window while they run. A warning message appears
when attempting to close the pop-up window before a function completes.

Update Firmware

CAUTION: DO NOT power OFF the system while updating drive firmware. If a cartridge is loaded,
it must be ejected before continuing.

NOTE: To find the latest RDX drive firmware update, click Help > Check For Updates. A dialog box
shows if there is an update and provides a link. You can also find updates listed on the
Tandberg Data website:
When you click Update Firmware, a dialog box appears for you to select the firmware image
file. The file extension is drive dependent: “.BIP” for USB2 or SATA1 drives and “.BIN” for
USB3 or SATA3 drives.

During the update process, RDX Manager checks to verify you have a good firmware image file
and that it is the correct file for your RDX product.

Update Procedure

NOTE: Updating firmware can not be done with media in place even if the drive is in “Fixed Disk”
mode. If media is in place, a message pops up to inform the user to eject the media. Click OK
and then eject the cartridge from the drive.

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1. From the RDX drive manufacturer's website, download the latest firmware image.
Make a note of the location where you saved the file.
2. Click the Update Firmware button to display the search box.
3. Select the image file you downloaded and click Open.
The firmware update process starts. The update only takes a few seconds. When the update
process is complete, the user is notified via the progress bar (green) and a success message in
the message area.

NOTE: If the firmware update process fails, immediately rerun the update process.

Partition and Format Cartridge

New RDX Cartridges are formatted using the NTFS filesystem. You can partition and format
your cartridge based on your operating system (Windows or Apple).

Windows 7 or Higher
When you click the Partition and Format Cartridge button on a Windows computer, a Format
Selection dialog opens.

Select either NTFS (default) or exFAT option and click OK. A confirmation message regarding
the deletion of any existing data on the cartridge is displayed.

Click Yes to start the format. Progress and the result is shown in the bottom message area.

Apple OSX
New RDX cartridges are formatted using the NTFS filesystem which may limit their ability to
be written from an Apple computer. To erase and format drives to an OSX writable format, use
the Apple Disk Utility. To manage your RDX drives from the Apple OSX, use the RDX
Manager for Mac software.

Change Drive Mode

If supported, this utility enables changing between Fixed Disk and Removable Disk.

NOTE: The Change Drive Mode button is only enabled if the drive supports changing modes.
Changing modes can not be done with media in place. If media is in place, a dialog informs
the user to eject the media first. Click OK and then eject the cartridge from the drive.

When you click Change Drive Mode, a dialog box appears showing the current drive mode (with
that mode button highlighted in blue). Selecting either the current mode or Cancel closes the
function without making any changes.

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Click the new mode to activate it. The change completes quickly with the progress showing in
the message area bar.

Change SATA III Mode

NOTE: It is recommended to keep the default setting of 1.5G/3G Mode as the performance
improvements from using 3G/6G Mode are only seen when using RDX SSD media.

For SATA III drives, this utility enables changing between 3G/6G mode and 1.5G/3G mode.
For USB drives, the option is grayed-out.

NOTE: Changing modes can not be done with media in place. If media is in place, a dialog informs
the user to eject the media first. Click Yes to eject the cartridge from the drive before
changing the mode.

When you click Change SATA III Mode, a dialog box appears showing the current SATA III
mode (with that mode button highlighted in blue). Selecting either the current mode or Cancel
closes the function without making any changes.

Click the new mode to activate it. The change completes quickly with the progress showing in
the message area bar.

Eject Cartridge
Use this feature to remotely eject a cartridge that is in the drive. This is necessary when
updating the firmware.

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This appendix provides information on some basic troubleshooting questions and

solutions. It also covers how to contact Overland-Tandberg Technical Support.

Topics in Troubleshooting:
• Basic Troubleshooting
• Technical Support

Basic Troubleshooting

Check for Firmware Updates

Before any other troubleshooting, always check that you have the latest RDX Manager
firmware installed. Click Help > Check For Updates. See Chapter 4, “Update Firmware,”
for details.

Cannot Write to a Cartridge

Verify that the write protect tab is not set or that a read-only encryption password is not
being used.

Read-Only RDX Cartridge Not Readable on SATA I and SATA III Drives
Some motherboard chipsets running the Windows operating system with Microsoft SATA
drivers are unable to read an RDX cartridge on an RDX SATA I or SATA III drive that is
in read-only mode.

Symptoms. Cartridges with read and write permissions work normally. Cartridges
become unreadable while the write protect tab is set or while a read-only encryption
password is used.

Solution. Updating SATA drivers available from the motherboard manufacturer or chipset
vendor may resolve this issue. The latest tested version is Intel Enterprise driver 4.3

CAUTION: Installing incorrect SATA drivers may make your system fail to boot. It is
recommended that you back up your data beforehand and proceed carefully when updating
SATA drivers.

Recommended Way to Change/Upgrade SATA Driver

1. Open Windows Device Manager.
2. Select IDE ATA / ATAPI controllers (non-enterprise).

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RDX Manager Product Manual A - Troubleshooting

3. Select Storage controller (enterprise).

4. Double-click your specific controller.
5. Select Update Driver.
6. Select Browse my computer for driver software.
7. Do one of the following:
• Upgrade (a new driver has never been loaded on your system).
Select Search for driver software in this location and supply a location that only
has one driver choice. If the driver is not correct or incompatible, you get a
message that your driver software is up to date. Repeat the search until you find
a compatible driver (never force driver load).
• Change (switch between Microsoft and Intel drivers that were previously
Select Let me pick from a list of drivers on my computer. Pick the driver (usually
only two selections are shown). Standard SATA AHCI Controller is the default
Microsoft driver.

Command Line Eject Feature (rdxcmdline.exe)

As many backup applications lack an eject option, the command “rdxcmdline.exe” can be
run to force a media eject.

NOTE: Administrator privileges are needed to run this feature.

To access this file, go to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Overland-Tandberg\RDXManager\Manager
Options for this command are:

Command Option Description

-?, -h, --help Displays this help.
-v, --version Displays version information.
-s, - -scan Scan RDX drives.
-e, --eject <drive letter> Eject RDX cartridge.
-f, - -force Force eject - requires eject option.

Command Line Language Selection

Languages can now be selected from the command line. It involves two steps:
1. At the command line, type:
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Overland-Tandberg\RDXManager\Manager
2. Then type the executable name, dash L (-l), the language two-letter code, and Enter.
RDXManager.exe -l xx
• English language code is “en”.
• Chinese language code is “zh”.

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RDX Manager Product Manual A - Troubleshooting

• German language code is “de”.

• French language code is “fr”.
• Italian language code is “it”.
• Portuguese language code is “pt”.
• Spanish language code is “es”.

Optional Shortcut
Create a shortcut to RDXManager.exe and add the desired language extension to the
target file path (English example shown):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Overland-Tandberg\RDXManager\Manager\
RDXManager.exe -l en

Technical Support
When you click Help > Support, a RDX Manager Support window opens.

1. Click the Generate RDX System Summary button to create a text file containing the
RDX system information.
2. At the Explorer window that opens, select where to save the
RdxSystemSummary.txt file that is created.
It is recommended to save it to the desktop.
After the file is saved, the dialog box shows the path to the file.
3. Email the RDX System Summary report to Overland-Tandberg technical support:
[email protected]
Include the following information about the issue in your email:
• Provide symptoms of the issue.
• When did the issue occur?
• Which activities have caused the issue?
• Which file objects are affected by the issue?
• Provide a list of third-party-applications installed on your system, including
antivirus scanners and backup management applications.

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Symbols D
> (menu flow indicator) 4 data access 20
data protection removal 24
Delete Automatic Drive Media Authentication from RDX
A Drive 30
Add a Password 26 Disable Access 21
Add Drive’s Automatic Authentication Password to
Cartridge 28
Advanced Options E
Add a Password 26 Eject Cartridge 33
Add Drive’s Automatic Authentication Password to Enable Access 21
Cartridge 28
Delete Automatic Drive Media Authentication from
RDX Drive 30 F
overview 25
Full Disk AES 256 XTS Encryption 17
View/Modify/Delete Existing Passwords 27
AES 256 XTS Encryption
enable 17 G
removal 24 GUI language 37
alert definitions 4
auto decrypted 30
install RDX Manager 10
Basic Password Protection 17
enable 17 K
removal 25 key features 9

cartridge access 20 language selection with CLI 37
Change Drive Mode 33, 34 launch RDX Manager 11
Change SATA III Mode 33, 35 LED Test 32
changing protection password 23
command line options
language selection code 37 M
media eject code 37 Manage RDX Drive button 13
conventions, typographical 4 Management Pop-up Window
customer support 5 accessing 13
Encryption tab 17

1022447 ©2019  40
RDX Manager Product Manual -

Status tab 15
Test tab 31
Utility tab 32
menu flow indicator 4

Overland Technical Support 5

Partition and Format Cartridge 33, 34
product documentation 3
protection password, changing 23
protection type selection 17

RDX Manager
icon 11
installation 10
overview 8
software download 10
uninstall 11
RDX Manager Drive List
Manage RDX Drive button 13
menu options 13
overview 12
Scan for RDX Drives button 14
RDX Manager Support dialog 13
removing AES 256 XTS encryption 24
removing Basic Password Protection 25
removing encryption or password protection 24
Revision History 2

Scan for RDX Drives button 14
Self Test 31
silent mode installation 10
software download 10
Status tab
Cartridge Data 16
Drive Data 16
support, technical 38

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RDX Manager Product Manual -

technical support 5, 38
Test tab 31
LED Test 32
Self Test 31
Write/Read Test 32
troubleshooting 36
typographical conventions 4

uninstall RDX Manager 11
Update Firmware 32, 33
Utility tab 32

View/Modify/Delete Existing Passwords 27

Write/Read Test 32

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