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NEW FEATURES – Release 3.6

∙ VDE-AR-N 4110
∙ G99 Issue 1 Amendment 3

HighPROTEC Protection technology

made simple
∙ Wattmetric Ground Fault Protection
∙ IEC 60870-5-104
∙ SCADApter for Retrofit
Protection and control Relay
MRA4 for feeder, Grid and generator
∙ Usability improvements
∙ IT Security
∙ Improved Frequency and ROCOF precision*

Applic ation
The MRA4 is a high precision and reliable protection and control relay.
The intuitive setting concept with plausibility test enables reliable and
time optimized configuration of the extensive protection function to a
variety of applications such as incoming or outgoing feeder protection,
network protection and generator protection.
The implemented switchgear management guaranties an efficient and
safe control and supervision.
The device is a bench mark in flexibility and usability and offers various
communication options. The hardware is designed for all nominal val-
ues in combination with protection and control functionality.
The parameterizing and analyzing software Smart view SE is usable for
each HighPROTEC device and free of charge.

Co m pr e h e n s i v e I n t e rco n n ec t i o n Pack ag e Co m m iss i o n i n g su pp o r t

pr ot ec t i o n pack ag e (1)

Six elements phase overcurrent protec- The comprehensive interconnection USB connection
tion directional and non-directional package is summarized within one menu: Customizable Display (Single-Line, ...)
(ANSI/IEC/51C/51V)  Non-discriminating active power Customizable Inserts
Four elements earth fault protection (2) direction depending load shedding Copy and compare parameter sets
non-directional or directional  FRT (LVRT): Settable FRT-Profiles, Configuration files are convertible
(multi-polarising) optional AR coordinated Forcing and disarming of output relays
Wattmetric Ground Fault Protection  QV-Protection: Undervoltage-Reactive Fault simulator: current and voltage
Two elements unbalanced load Power protection Graphical display of tripping characteristics
protection Automatic Reconnection 8 languages selectable within the relay
Voltage protection (2)  Considerably frequency protection
six elements selectable: V<, V>, V<(t) package: Six elements configurable as Co m m u n i c at i o n o p t i o n s
Six elements unbalanced voltage f<, f>, df/dt (ROCOF), Vector Surge IEC 61850
supervision  CB-Intertripping Profibus DP
Flexible Fourth Voltage measuring input (2)  Synch Check (Generator to mains, Modbus RTU and/or Modbus TCP
2 elements VE> or VX (for synch-check) mains-to-mains), options e.g. to switch IEC 60870-5-103
Synchro-check options onto dead bus IEC 60870-5-104
Generator-to-System or System-to-System DNP 3.0 (RTU, TCP, UDP)
Each of the six elements frequency S li d i n g - m e an -sq uar e SCADApter for Retrofit
protection can be used as: su pe rv i s i o n
f<, f>, ROCOF, vector surge... Adjustable (VDE-AR 4105) IT S ecu r i t y
Six elements power protection Menu for the activation of BDEW-
each can be used as: r eco r d e r s Whitepaper-compliant security settings
P>, P<, Pr, Q>, Q<, Qr, S>, S< Disturbance recorder: 120 s non volatile (e. g. hardening of interfaces)
Two elements power factor (PF) Fault recorder: 20 faults Security Logger
Event recorder: 300 events Self-monitoring; Syslog
Trend recorder: 4000 non volatile entries Encrypted connection with Smart view
p ow e r q uali t y
THD protection
Lo g i c Co n t r o l
Up to 80 logic equations for protection, 1 breaker
D e m an d Manag e m e n t/
control and monitoring Breaker wear
pe ak valu e s
Peak values of current and power,
T i m e s y n ch r o n i sat i o n PC To o l s
average current and energy demand
SNTP, IRIG-B00X, Modbus, Setting and analyzing software
DNP 3.0, IEC60870-5-103/-104 Smart view for free
Including page editor to design own pages
DFT, True RMS or I2 based
DFT or True RMS based

*5 mHz von 45 Hz bis 55 Hz


MRA4 Protection and control Relay for feeder,

Grid and generator applicationS

Fun c tional over vie w

Elements ANSI
Protective Functions
I, time overcurrent and short circuit protection, all elements can be configured for 6 50P, 51P, 67P
directional or non-directional supervision. Multiple reset options
(instantaneous, definite time, reset characteristics according to IEC and ANSI).
Voltage controlled overcurrent protection by means of adaptive parameters 51C
Voltage dependent overcurrent protection 51V
Negative phase sequence overcurrent protection 51Q
I2>, unbalanced load protection with evaluation of the negative phase sequence currents 2 46
IB, overload protection with thermal replica and separate pick-up values for alarm and trip functions 1 49
IH2/In, inrush detection with evaluation of the 2nd harmonic 1 Inrush
IG, earth overcurrent and short circuit protection, all elements can be configured for
50N/G, 51N/G,
directional (multi-polarising) or non-directional supervision. Tremendous reset options 4
(instantaneous, definite time, reset characteristics according to IEC and ANSI).
V<, V>, V(t)<, under- and overvoltage protection, time dependent undervoltage protection 6 27, 59
Voltage asymmetry supervision (V012)
V1, under and overvoltage in positive phase sequence system 6 47
V2, overvoltage in negative phase sequence system
Each of the six frequency protection elements can be used as: f< fs, df, dt, ROCOF, DF/DT, vector surge, ... 6 81U/O, 81R, 78
VX, residual voltage protection or bus bar voltage for Synch Check 2 59N
AR, automatic reclosing 1 79
ExP, External alarm and trip functions 4
PQS, Power protection 6 32, 37
PF, Power factor 2 55
FRT (optional coordination with AR-feature) 27 (t) 27 (t, AR)
HVRT (OVRT) High Voltage Ride Through 1 59
Q(V) Protection (undervolt. dep. directional reactive power protection with reclosing disengaging)
UFLS (non-discriminating active power direction depending load shedding)
10-Minutes-Mean-Square-Sliding Supervision: adjustable according to VDE-AR 4105
Synch Check 25

Control and Logic

Control: Position indication, supervision time management and interlockings for 1 breaker
Logic: Up to 80 logic equations, each with 4 inputs, selectable logical gates, timers and memory function

Supervision Functions
CBF, circuit breaker failure protection 1 50BF
TCS, trip circuit supervision 1 74TC
LOP, loss of potential 1 60FL
FF, fuse failure protection via digital input 1 60FL
CTS, current transformer supervision 1 60L
CLPU, cold load pickup 1
SOTF, switch onto fault 1
Demand management and peak value supervision (current and power)
THD supervision
Breaker wear with programmable wear curves
Recorders: Disturbance recorder, fault recorder, event recorder, trend recorder

Func tional over vie w in ANSI form


MRA4 27A
MET (Metering,
79 Current and Volt:
59 %THD and THD,
N/G Fundamental
74 TC 46 50 BF 50P 51P Inrush LOP Q->&V< UFLS 67P Max/Min/Avg,
phasors and angles

3 Fundamental
CTS 50 Ns 51 Ns
P, Q, S, PF

1 Recorders:
47 55 N/G 67 Ns SER (Event)

DDR (Disturbance)
DFR (Fault)
81 50 51 AI
27 59 60 FL 78V U/O 81R N/G N/G 32 51V 51C *

CLK (IRIG-B00X) Control LGC (Programmable Logic) AO

SNTP Switchgear Wear Intertripping

* = Via Adaptive Parameters

Option Standard

APPROVALS Connec tions ( Exa m p l e )

certified regarding UL508

(Industrial Controls)

certified regarding
CSA-C22.2 No. 14
(Industrial Controls)

certified by EAC
(Eurasian Conformity)

Type tested (and certified)

regarding IEC60255-1

Component certificate regarding

the German grid code standard
VDE-AR-N 4110 (2018-11)


(Declaration of Identity)

Complies with IEEE 1547-2003.

Amended by IEEE 1547a-2014. Complies with “Engineering Recommendation
Complies with ANSI C37.90-2005. G99 Issue 1 Amendment 3 – May 2018”.

MRA4 Protection and control Relay for feeder,

Grid and generator applicationS
19 “ Variants Available! **

Order form mRa4
Directional Feeder Protection MRA4 -2
Version 2 with USB, enhanced communication and user options
COntac t:
Analog In Digital Binary Large
Analog Out Inputs output relays display
North & Central America
- 8 7 B2 X A
- 16 13 B2 X D Phone: +1 970 962 7272
- 24 20 B2 X E +1 208 278 3370
E-mail: [email protected]
2+2 16 15 B2 X F
Hardware variant 2
South America
Phase Current 5 A/1 A, Ground Current 5 A/1 A 0
Phone: +55 19 3708 4760
Phase Current 5 A/1 A, Sensitive Ground Current 5 A/1 A 1
E-mail: [email protected]
Housing and mounting
Housing suitable for door mounting A
Housing suitable for 19” rack mounting ** 19 inch rack B
Phone (Kempen): +49 2152 145 331
Communication protocol
Phone (Stuttgart): +49 711 78954 510
Without protocol A*
E-mail: [email protected]
Modbus RTU, IEC60870-5-103, DNP3.0 RTU | RS485/terminals B*
Modbus TCP, DNP3.0 TCP/UDP, IEC 60870-5-104 | Ethernet 100 MB/RJ45 C*
Middle East & Africa
Profibus-DP | optic fiber/ST-connector D*
Phone: +971 2 678 4424
Profibus-DP | RS485/D-SUB E*
E-mail: [email protected]
Modbus RTU, IEC60870-5-103, DNP3.0 RTU | optic fiber/ST-connector F*
Modbus RTU, IEC60870-5-103, DNP3.0 RTU | RS485/D-SUB G*
IEC61850, Modbus TCP, DNP3.0 TCP/UDP, IEC 60870-5-104 | Ethernet 100MB/RJ45 H* Russia
IEC60870-5-103, Modbus RTU, DNP3.0 RTU | RS485/terminals Phone: +49 711 78954 515
I* E-mail: [email protected]
Modbus TCP, DNP3.0 TCP/UDP, IEC60870-5-104 | Ethernet 100 MB/RJ45
IEC61850, Modbus TCP, DNP3.0 TCP/UDP, IEC 60870-5-104 | Optical Ethernet 100MB/LC duplex connector K*
Modbus TCP, DNP3.0 TCP/UDP, IEC 60870-5-104 | Optical Ethernet 100MB/LC duplex connector L* China
IEC60870-5-103, Modbus RTU, DNP3.0 RTU | RS485/terminals Phone: +86 512 8818 5515
IEC61850, Modbus TCP, DNP3.0 TCP/UDP, IEC60870-5-104 | Ethernet 100 MB/RJ45 E-mail: [email protected]
Harsh Environment Option
None A India
Conformal Coating B Phone: +91 124 4399 500
Available menu languages (in every device) E-mail: [email protected]

English / German / Spanish / Russian / Polish / Portuguese / French / Romanian

ASEAN & Oceania
Phone: +49 711 78954 510
* Within every communication option only one communication protocol is usable.
Smart view can be used in parallel via the Ethernet interface (RJ45). E-mail: [email protected]
The parameterizing- and disturbance analyzing software Smart view is included in the delivery of HighPROTEC devices.
| Subject to alterations, errors excepted.

Current inputs 4 (1 A and 5 A) with automatic CT Disconnect

For more information please contact:

Voltage inputs 4 (0 … 800 V)

Digital Inputs Switching thresholds adjustable via software
Power supply Wide range power supply
24 VDC – 270 VDC / 48 VAC – 230 VAC (−20/+10%)
Terminals All terminals plug type
Type of enclosure IP54
Dimensions of housing 19“ flush mounting: 212.7 mm × 173 mm × 208 mm
(W x H x D) 8.374 in. × 6.811 in. × 8.189 in.
Door mounting 212.7 mm × 183 mm × 208 mm

8.374 in. × 7.205 in. × 8.189 in.

Weight (max. components) approx. 4.7 kg / 10.36 lb

© Woodward
All Rights Reserved | 05/2019

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