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Once upon a time, in Rasagama Reside Ponorogo. There lived a man that
studied to supranational teacher. The teacher named Guru Paribaya. In that
reside, Guru Paribaya taught his student silat. But, when Guru Paribaya test his
students. Strange thing happened. At that time, Singobarong and
Kelanaswandana who was fighting . But, unexpectly from that fight there was a

Singobarong that lose from Kelanaswandana not accepted his lose and he
also felt envy to Kelanaswandana. He felt if Guru Paribaya more attention to
Kelanaswandana. And the he leaved the reside.

And then, Singobarong give reply for her teacher, Guru Paribaya and
Kelanaswandana. Singobarong studied to Guru Jaladara to give reply to Guru
Paribaya. After few years, Singobarong dommated his knowledge from Guru
Jaladara. Now, Singobarong ready to attack Rasagama reside.

Singobarong attacked Guru Paribaya, But Guru Paribaya lose in the war.
And then Guru Paribaya condemned Singobarong be a lion with a thousand of
lice on his head.

Now, Singobarong had a peacock faithful accompany him to ate the lice on his
head.That is the life of Singobarong.
The Legend of Reog Ponorogo

Once upon a time, in Kediri Kingdom. There was a beautiful princess named
Dewi Sanggalangit. Because her face was very beautiful and her good attitude,
many princes falling in love to her, and want to merry her. But, Dewi
Songgolangit is not ready to be a wife. That made the King of Kediri Kingdom
or father of Dewi Songgolangit worry about that. Because if Dewi Songgolangit
always rejected every prince that want to marry her, it will make the secure of
kediri kingdom dangerous.

KK: “My wife, we have a beautiful girl, but why she don’t want to married?”

RK: “Yes my king , our daughter , Songgolangit still don’t want to married.”

KK :“I am worry with our kingdom. If Songgolangit always reject every

prince’s offer to married. I’m worry if they are angry and attack our

RK: “Yes, but we can’t do anything if our daughter still don’t want to married”

KK: “ Now, you call Sanggalangit to meet me”

RK : “Yes my king. I did your command”

And then, mother of Dewi Songgolangit leave the king and go to the Dewi
Songgolangit’s room to call Dewi Songgolangit.

RK : “My dear, Songgolangit”

DS : “Yes my mom, what happened?”

RK: “Come here please, your father call you”

DS : “Ok mom, lets meet father”

And then Dewi Songgolangit and her mother go to met the king

DS : “ Dad, what happen?”

KK : “ Oh my dear, me and your mom want to talk important to you.”

DS : “What is that?”

KK : “ About your status my dear. About the offer from every prince that want
to marry you. I’m worry if you always reject every offer from the prince that
will make secure of our kingdom danger. They will angry and attack our

DS : “I’m sorry father. I actually is not ready for married. But, if this for our
kingdom security. I will think about that. Give me time about three days to
decide it.”

KK : “ Yes dear. I give you time three days to decide it”

DS : “ Thank you, father”

After that, because Dewi Songgolangit confused. She ask her best friend
oppinion.Dewi Songgolangit has bestfriend, her name was Dewi Batari.

DS : “Batari I'm confused, my father told me to get married for royal security
reasons. But I don't want to get married yet”

DB : “Getting marry is something sacred songgolangit. Think about everything

so you don't regret your decision”

DS: “ I think so”

DB : “What if you just give the requirements for the prince who is going to
marry you, give complicated requirements so that we know which prince is
really serious. Because marriage is also related to your future songgolangit, and
is related to your happiness”

DS : “Oh, thank you batari”

Then three days and three nights passed, and on the advice of his best friend,
Dewi Songgolangit gave the conditions for the prince who would marry her. He
looked at his father.

DS : “Father, thank you for giving me time. Now, I'm ready to get married. But
I propose the conditions for the prince who will marry me”

KK : “What is that?”

DS : “Father, my future husband must be able to present an interesting

spectacle, a spectacle that has never existed before. A kind of gamelan
accompanied by wasps and gamelan. Equipped with riding rows that will later
be used as bridesmaids. Finally, it must be able to present two-headed animals”

RK : “What? does that condition not make it difficult for your husband?

DS : “No mom, if my future husband intend to marry me, he don’t feel weight
with my condition”

KK : “Yes dear,if your condition is serious. I can’t do anything”

RK : “Hopefully your future husband later can guide you”

DS : “ yes father,mother.

After heard the rules from her daugter,Kahuripan king ordered his patih for
gave announced to The kings who wanted to marry Dewi Sanggalangit.

KK : “My patih ,give announcement to the prince and the kings who want to
marry my daugter.
Patih : “ of course my king”

The terms fo Dewi Sanggalangit announced.Many royalty who down because

the requirement that so only lived two people that Singa Barong king from
Lodaya Kingdom and Kelana Sewandana from Bantar Angin Kingdom.

Patih :” i’m sorry your majesty, i want to inform about this prize contest.”
KK :”What that information”
Patih :” I’m sorry your majesty,the kings and the prince who ever want to
marry your daugter,them all resign because the term.”
KK :”What !!!!!!”
Patih :” yes my majesty,but there is still 2 king who want to marry your
daughter that is Singa Barong king and Kelana Sewandana king.
KK :”What ...just them...,but they don’t deserve for my daugther.its not posible
.My daughther not posible will marry with the one of them. Dayang.....
Dayang.... come here!!!!.”
Dayang :” yes your majesty, why you calling your majesty.
KK :” Call Dewi Sanggalangit and order to meet me”
Dayang :” of course your majesty, your command will be carry out”

Dayang leaved King and met Dewi Sanggalangit

Dayang : “Dewi.. Dewi”

DS : “yes dayang, why you shout?”
Dayang : “forgiveness Dewi, King call you”
DS : “ What...? why my father call me ? Well, I will meet his.”

Dewi Sanggalngit met her father

DS : “Sorry dad, why you call me?”

KK : “my dear, can you change term? two King able thats condition”.
DS : “Sorry dad, i can’t change my terms. If i change my term thats not
attitued noble”.
KK : “Well my dear. if that your choice, i hope you have the best husband
for you.”

In other areas, Singo Barong King ordered soldier and his patih to found twins
horses. Mobilizing artists to create an interesting spectacle and got a two
Singo Barong King :Patih, now you find the artists who can create an interesting
spectacle and get a two head beast.
Patih : of course my King your command will I carry out.
Suddenly from behind the king Singobarong appear Nyai Lampir. Nyai Lampir
was a Singobarong’s wife.
NyaiLampir : Your majesty, why are you tell soldiers and patih make an
interesting spectacle and find two heads beast.
Raja Singobarong :oohh… no matter honey.
NyaiLampir : You liar !! youclofinitely want to affairchecit me. I’m not that
stupid my husband. I hear that you will to marry DewiSanggalangit.
Really how could you husband.
Raja SingaBarong : No my honey… that only issue
Nyailampir :noo.. it not issue. You bullshit
Raja Singo : I’m sorry my honey. Yes I want to marry DewiSangga
NyaiLampir : Oh ya. I don’t think you do that
Raja Singa :But honey, I want to marry DewiSangga because actually I want to
seize the throne of the Kediri kingdom
Nyai : oh ya ? if that’s what you want. I will follow your plan.
Raja Singa : thank you honey

After he got agreement from her first wife, and then king singobarong back
foccuss to condition that gave from dewi songgolangit, but that work was
not easy. King singobarong cant fulfill the condition that dewi
songgolangit given.
Singobarong King began wicked plan for attack King Kelana
Sewandana because he can’t undertakes the terms from Dewi Sangga
Langit. The battle was begins

Because his power and browny, King Kelana Sewandana succesfully to

defeated King Singa Barong appeared agam, because his arogant. He
become a lion with lice on his head. Peacock’s King Singobarong alight
on his head.

Kelana Swandana seein interesting something from that. He seen two-

head animal from form Singobarong and he take the sacred whip and
sway the sacred whip to body of King Singobarong and become or be one
Raja Singobarong and his peacock. King Kelanaswandana success realize
the last condition that give from Dewi Songgolangit. And then he met
Dewi Sanggalangit and bring jatil dancer, warok, and two-head animal
that be condition from Dewi Sanggalangit.
Because that, Dewi Sanggalangit agreed marry with King

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