EDUP 3063 Task 1

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1.0 Introduction.

The National Education Policy has stated that the assessment system practiced
in Malaysia serves as an indicator of the quality of education in Malaysia. The school-
based assessment system is a holistic assessment system conducted in school by
subject teachers to assess the students’ cognitive (intellect), affective (emotional and
spiritual) and psychomotor (physical) aspects in line with Malaysia’s National
Philosophy of Education (Nor Hasnida. 2016). The information collected will provide
feedback to help improve activity teaching and learning (Arends, 2008). As a teacher, it
is required to implement an assessment for the subject taught. Therefore, this
academic writing will demonstrate a suitable type of test and construct the test blueprint
(TBP) according to topics in DSKP, suitable assessment tools and marking scheme for
objective test, analysis and interpretation of the data based on the distribution of scores
and improvements needed to enhance the effectiveness of pupil’s performance
reporting system.

2.0 Implementation of Assessment.

2.1 Type of test, Test Blueprint, Assessment Tools & Marking Scheme.

Test type that has been chosen for the assessment is objective test. According to
British Council website, an objective test is a test that has right or wrong answers and
so can be marked objectively. The Test Blueprint (TBP) is constructed to construct the
items for the assessment. Refer to Appendix 1, Table 1 for the constructed TBP. Based
on the TBP, year 3 subject has been chosen. There are three learning objectives in
which taken from DSKP Year 3 (Appendix 4). Based on the Bloom Taxolomy in TBP,
the are 2 questions of Remebering, 2 questions of Understanding, 2 questions Applying,
1 question of analyzing and 3 questions of evaluating. There is no question for creating
as it is an objective test, where students cannot answer subjectively. As for the TBP, the
level of difficulties is created in balance. Remembering and Understanding questions
are for the lower level of question. Applying and analyzing are for moderate level of
question while evaluating is for higher level of question. The level of hardship need to
be in balance as to achieved reliability of the assessment, as the lower, moderate and
higher level of achiever can be identified.

Assessment tools chosen to construct the items is multiple choice question. Multiple
choice question has been chosen as the questions have fast processing times. It means
the students cannot answer freely or subjectively. The constructed items can be refer to
Appendix 2. Since the skill chosen is reading, the reading comprehension text is taken
from Get Smart plus 3 Book, page 38 (Appendix 2). Therefore, all the items will be
related to the reading comprehension. The items were constructed based on the TBP.
Question 1 is to test the students’ understanding of the text. Question 2 and Question 3
are to test the students’ remembering skill, and to search for specific details from the
text. Question 4 to check the students understanding on specific question. Question 5, 9
and 10 is to evaluate the students on how to relate the situation from the text to their
own real life situation. Question 6 and 7 is an application of the students basic
knowledge while Question 8 is to test the students analitical skill. Marking scheme of the
items can be referred on Appendix 3.
2.2 Analysis and Interpretation of the Data Based on The Distribution of Scores

i. Sorted order.

Asscending Order

60 60 61 61 62 62 62 63 63 63
63 64 64 65 65 65 65 65 65 66
66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 67 67
68 68 68 69 69 69 69 70 72 74
74 74 77 77 77 77 80 84 84 85

Decending Order

85 84 84 80 77 77 77 77 74 74
74 72 70 69 69 69 69 68 68 68
67 67 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66
66 65 65 65 65 65 65 64 64 63
63 63 63 62 62 62 61 61 60 60

ii. Frequency Table

Frequency is the amount of the students for the particular score. Below is the
frequensy table for the scores.
Scores Frequency ( f )
55-59 0
60-64 13
64-69 24
70-74 5
75-79 4
80-84 3
85-89 1

The table above shows 65-69 scores has the highest amount of frequency which is
24. The purpose of constructing frequency table is make the process of analysing data

iii. Measurement of Central Tendency (Mean, Mode & Median)

Scores Frequency( f ) Risk Value ( x ' ) fx'

55-59 0 57 0
60-64 13 62 806
64-69 24 67 1608
70-74 5 72 360
75-79 4 77 308
80-84 3 82 246
85-89 1 87 87
Amount N=50 - ∑ fx ' =¿ 3415¿

a) Mean

min , x̄=
∑ fx '
¿ 68.30
b) Mode
Mode=L+ ( )
d1 +d 2

¿ 64.5+ ( 13+5 )5
¿ 68.11

c) Median

median , m=L+( )(C)

m=64.5+( )(5)

iv. Measure of Dispersion (Standard Deviation).

Class Interval Risk Value ( x ' ) Frequency( f ) ( x ¿¿ '− x̄ )¿ ( x ¿¿ '− x̄ )2 ¿f (x¿ ¿'−x ̄ )2 ¿
55-59 57 0 -11.3 127.69 0
60-64 62 13 -6.3 39.63 515.97
64-69 67 24 -1.3 1.69 40.56
70-74 72 5 3.7 13.69 68.45
75-79 77 4 8.7 75.69 302.76
80-84 82 3 13.7 187.69 563.07
85-89 87 1 18.7 349.69 349.69
Amount - N=50 - - ∑ f ( x ¿¿ '−x̄ )2=¿ ¿ ¿18

Standard Deviation , σ=
√ ∑ f ( x' − x̄ )

x̄ =
√ 50
x̄ =√ 36.81
x̄ =6.07
The standard deviation value shows how the score is distributed, In other words,
a large number of standard deviation value indicates that the scores are very different
from each other. A small standard deviation value indicates student achievement is
almost the same to each other.

Types of Data Value

Mode 61.11
Median 67
Mean 68.30
Standard Deviation 6.07

v. Presentation of Analysis of Data In Graphic Representation.

Presentation of the data in form of table able to help teacher in understanding and
analysing the scores of their students. However, the usage of graphic representation
such as histogram, curve and ogive will be able to show the date in a clearer and
precise way.
a. Histogram

Students' Scores Histogram






59.5 64.5 69.5 74.5 79.5 84.5

Lower Boundary

b. Curved Graph







58 63 68 73 78 83 88

Students' Scores

c) Ogive

Students' Examination Scores Ogive.


Cumulative Frequency





59.5 64.5 69.5 74.5 79.5 84.5 89.5 94.5
Upper Boundary
3.0 Improvements to Enhance The Effectiveness of Pupil’s Performance
Reporting System.

There are lots of ways to do report of pupil’s performance. Report of pupil’s

performance help teachers and parents to comprehend the improvements of the pupil’s
lesson. It is a must for every teacher to be savvy in constructing a report so that parents
and school know each pupil’s performance. However, there are some weaknessess in
the system of reporting pupil’s performance. Therefore, there are few suggested
improvements to enhance the effectiveness of pupil’s performance reporting system.

First and foremost, the goverment should intensify courses that related towards
reporting system. There are some teacher that find it hard to explain the pupil’s
performance to their parents as the main reason is not every teacher is skilled in this
area. This will cause miscommunication and misunderstood of data. There are some
uneducated parents who poor in reading the report. That is why it is a big responsibility
for a teacher to explain clearly and precisely to the parents about their children’s
performance report. Therefore, by joining the course related to the reporting system,
teacher will able to add new knowledge and increase their understanding in using the
reporting system. Higher the understanding level, easier for the teacher to explain the
report towards theie pupil’s parents.

Next, the implementation of narrative report method. Most school use grade system
method of reporting. Grade system is a report method that only show the pupil’s grade
without any explanation of any grade from any subject. Unlike narrative report method, it
shows the progress of the pupil’s based on standard, achievement indicator and
learning goals to make sure the improvement of the pupil’s goes on. Moreover, this
method give advantages for the teacher to explain the improvements in learning for
every subject as parents will be more aware of their children’s education improvement.

Other than that, teacher can compile all the pupil’s achievement in every side, not
just academic. Most of the school todays focusing towards pupil’s academic without
realising the holistic needs of nowadays society. Therefore, teacher can include all the
types of curriculum as to create a holistic pupils in which in line with the National
Education Philosophy to create a pupil that balance in all aspects including emotion,
intelectual, social, spiritual and physical (Kadir, 2014).

4.0 Conclusion

To conclude, being a teacher need a high commitment, in-depth appreciation and

full honesty in assessing, analysing and reporting the pupil’s performance.
5.0 References

Arends. (2008). Learning to teach. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Ghazali, N. H. (2016). The Implementation of School-Based Assessment System in

Malaysia: A study of teacher perceptions. Malaysian Journal of Society and
Space, 1.

Kadir, A. R. (2014). Falsafah dan Pendidikan di Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Freemind

Bloom Taxolomy

Topic / Learning Outcome Total Score (%)

(LO) Items (No. of question X
Mark) X 100%






3.2.1 Understand the main Q1 Q9, 4 40
idea of short simple texts Q10
3.2.2 Understand specific Q2, Q4 Q8 4 40
information and details of Q3
short simple texts
3.3.3 Guess the meaning of Q6, 2 20
unfamiliar words from clues Q7
provided by visuals and the

Table 1 : Test Blueprint of English Language Subject Year 3

Picture from Get Smart plus 3 Book, Page 38
Constructed Item.

1. The text is about _______ around the world

a. places c. sports
b. seasons d. outfits

2. People in Thailand _______ in the cool and hot seasons.

a. go swimming c. go cycling
b. go sailing d. go skiing

3. People in _______ go skiing in the winter.

a. Canada c. Indonesia
b .Thailand d. Australia

4. When will you go to swimming if you are living in Australia?.

a. summer c. hot season
b. winter d. autumn

5. Why do people in Malaysia like to wear T-Shirt?

a. The weather is always cold
b. The weather is always hot
c. The weather is always warm
d. The weather is always cool

6. You need to wear _______ during winter season to keep your hand warmth.
a. T-Shirt c. shorts
b. gloves d. slippers

7. _______ is an activity of riding on water on a sailboard.

a Cycling c. Sailing
b Skiing d. Windsurfing
Which are the activities that done at the beach?

i. Swimming
ii. Cycling
iii. Skiing
iv. Sailing
a i and ii c. ii and iii
b i and iv d. iii and iv

8. Can you go skiing in Malaysia?

a. Yes
b. No

9. What are the seasons in Malaysia?

i. Rainy season
ii. Cool season
iii. Summer season
iv. Winter season
a. i and ii c. ii and iii
b. i and iv d. iii and iv
Marking Scheme for the Constructed Items.

Questio Answer Explanation

1 B The topic of the text is Seasons
Around the World
2 B Answer is from the text.
3 C Answer is from the text.
4 A Answer is from the text.
5 C Relate the text with real life
6 B Answer is from the text.
7 D Guess the meaning based on
clues provided.
8 B Answer is baed on analyzation
of the text.
9 B Logical thinking based on
relation towards the text.
10 A Logical thinking based on
relation towards the text.

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