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Cakes: Types of Cakes

R Miller, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA

ã 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction ingredients and flour are then incorporated in two or three

subsequent mixing steps. The purpose of creaming is to incor-
Cake products are found around the world and vary widely. porate air into the fat. The sugar crystals help cut the fat to
Good quality cakes have a large volume and a crumb grain that increase air incorporation. Because the air cells are trapped in
is uniform with many small, fine cells and no large holes or the shortening, they are very stable and will not coalesce in the
tunnels. The definition of cake also varies in different parts of batter during bench time (holding or processing time between
the world. In general, cakes are sweet baked products, which mixing and placement into the oven). When the shortening
contain high levels of sugar, fat, eggs, and water. Most cakes are melts during baking, the air cells are released into the aqueous
made using soft wheat flour with a low protein content of phase where the leavening gases produced by the chemical
7–9%. The soft wheat flour is often pin-milled to produce a leavening reaction and water vaporization can diffuse into
very fine (small) particle size. Smaller flour particles have more them to leaven (raise) the cake.
surface area and are able to absorb more liquid and produce
better quality cakes.
Cakes are classified by the methods used to produce them. Single-Stage Mix Process
Common classifications include layer cakes, foam cakes, and Commercial cake mixes made by home consumers and insti-
pound cakes. Layer cakes are further divided into high-ratio tutions are made using a single-stage mixing process. The cake
and low-ratio cakes and are also categorized based on the mix contains the dry ingredients and fat, which are processed
method used to prepare the batter, which includes multistage through a cake finisher that acts like a grinder to bind the fat
mix, single-stage mix, or continuous mix. Foam cakes can be onto the surface of the flour particles. This ensures that there is
further classified by the level and source of fat in the formula. no free fat in the system, which would destabilize the foam
Examples are angel food (no fat), sponge (egg yolk only), and generated during mixing. To prepare the cake, the consumer
chiffon (egg yolk and added fat). Pound cakes are typically simply adds the liquid ingredients and mixes the batter for a
made using the multistage (creaming) method. Pound cakes few minutes. Air is trapped in the aqueous phase during mix-
were named based on the original formula, which contained ing. This is possible because the formula contains surfactants
1 lb of flour, 1 lb of butter, 1 lb of sugar, and 1 lb of eggs. such as propylene glycol monostearate to assist in air incorpo-
ration and stabilization.
Cakes made by the single-stage mix are simple to prepare
Layer Cakes but have poor stability and will not withstand bench time.
During standing, the air cells in the batter quickly coalesce
Layer cakes are quite common across the globe. They typically (go together) to form large bubbles, which can rise out of the
consist of multiple sheets of cake stacked together with some batter, resulting in poor volume and poor crumb grain that is
type of filling (frosting, jam, preserves, etc.) between the layers. not uniform with coarse cells, large holes, and tunnels. The
A range of flavors, ingredients, toppings, shapes, and sizes vary high level of surfactants also makes the cake delicate and
enormously. At the basic level, layer cakes are produced using a tender, which is good for eating but not desirable for commer-
batter system, which is high in sugar, water, and fat. The first cial cakes, which may be stacked and/or transported.
step in layer cake production is making the batter. Although
the procedure varies for the different methods, the objectives of
mixing are the same: (1) to combine all of the formula ingre-
Continuous Mix Process
dients into a smooth, uniform batter, (2) to form a stable Specialized mixers are used for the production of cakes by the
emulsion of fat in water, and (3) to incorporate air cells. continuous mix process. In this method, all of the ingredients
Both high-ratio and low-ratio layer cakes can be prepared are made into a slurry, which is fed into the mixing head where
using three different mixing procedures: multistage mix, the batter is mixed at high speed, while air is injected into it. Air
single-stage mix, and mechanical mix. The three methods is incorporated into the aqueous phase due to the high energy
vary by how air is incorporated into the batter, which affects input. This method is the most expensive of the three methods.
how stable the batter is during bench time (time between Batters made using this process are very stable and produce
mixing and baking) and the texture of the final baked cake. cakes with a firm texture. For these reasons, this production
method is used for most commercial cakes.

Multistage Mix Process

High Versus Low Ratio
Cake batters made using the multistage mix process have excel-
lent stability and produce cakes with a uniform, fine crumb Layer cakes can be made using a high-ratio or low-ratio for-
grain (large number of small-sized air cells). In the first mixing mula (Table 1). The main difference is the level of sugar
stage, solid fat and sugar are creamed together. The wet relative to the level of flour. High-ratio layer cakes are typically

Encyclopedia of Food and Health 579

580 Cakes: Types of Cakes

Table 1 Typical high- and low-ratio layer cake formulas In low-ratio cake formulas, the sugar level is equal to or
lower than the level of the flour. In low-ratio cakes, the sugar
High ratio Low ratio level relative to the flour level is not high enough to signifi-
(% flour weight) (% flour weight)
cantly raise the starch gelatinization temperature. Thus, it is not
Flour 100 100 necessary to use chlorinated flour for the production of low-
Sugar 140 100 ratio layer cakes. Examples of low-ratio cakes include pound
Shortening 55 45 cakes and layer cakes consumed in Europe.
Milk 95 68 The viscosity of the batter is critical in order to produce a
Whole egg 76 66 cake of high quality. Proper batter viscosity ensures the cake
Baking powder 1.3 1.3 will have large volume and a uniform, fine crumb grain. The
Salt 0.7 0.7 batter viscosity must be high enough to keep the starch and
the air cells suspended. If the batter is too thin (low viscosity),
the starch granules can settle to the bottom of the cake during
baking. This results in a tough, rubbery, dense, gummy-
appearing layer at the bottom and a fluffy, foamy-appearing
consumed in the United States, while many European coun- layer at the top of the cake. The air bubbles will also coalesce
tries prefer low-ratio layer cakes. (go together), creating large bubbles, which can become buoy-
During baking, the high water content in the batter allows ant enough to rise to the surface of the batter and be lost,
the starch to gelatinize during baking, which helps set the resulting in a cake with low volume. Large air bubbles that
structure of the cake during baking and results in a uniform, do not rise out of the cake will produce an open, irregular
aerated crumb grain and a cake with a tender texture. The ratio crumb grain containing large holes or tunnels.
of sugar to flour dramatically impacts the properties of the Layer cakes are leavened by chemical leavening and steam.
batter during baking and affects the volume and structure of It is important to select the correct leavening system for the
the baked cake. High-ratio cakes contain higher levels of sugar desired color, texture, volume, and crumb grain characteristics.
than flour. The sugar level generally ranges from 125% to Some varieties of cakes are leavened by steam alone and others
140% based on the weight of the flour. Chocolate cakes can by steam in addition to chemical leavening agents, such as
tolerate even higher levels of sugar and may contain as much as baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and baking powder. The
180% sugar on a flour weight basis. Examples of high-ratio baking powder most often used is double-acting, which con-
cakes include angel food, sponge, chiffon, and layer cakes tains sodium bicarbonate and two leavening acids. One leav-
consumed in the United States. The sugar level controls the ening acid reacts at room temperature (fast-acting) to help
temperature at which the cake structure sets (transforms from a nucleate the batter during mixing, while the other reacts in
fluid batter to solid foam) by its effect on the temperature at the oven (slow-acting) to expand the air cells during baking.
which the starch gelatinizes and the egg protein denatures. In When using baking powder, it is important to select one with
high-ratio layer cakes, the high level of sugar increases the the correct slow-acting leavening acid that will react at the
denaturation temperature of the egg and the gelatinization proper time during baking. If the leavening acid reacts too
temperature of the starch. The gelatinization temperature of early before the batter viscosity is high enough, the air cells
the starch is increased to a temperature higher than the boiling will diffuse out of the batter, resulting in low volume and a
point of water. During baking, the internal temperature of the coarse crumb grain. On the other hand, if the leaving acid
cake does not exceed the boiling point of water; thus, the starch reacts too late after the structure is set, the cake cannot expand,
does not fully gelatinize in the interior of a cake baked with a resulting in low volume, and the buildup of pressure inside the
high-ratio formula. As a result, the cake collapses during cool- cake can destroy the crumb grain and may cause the top surface
ing. For this reason, flour used for high-ratio layer cake pro- to crack.
duction is typically chlorinated. The chlorine gas reacts with
the protein, lipids, starch, and other components of the flour,
thereby changing their functionality. The reaction with the Foam Cakes
protein produces hydrochloric acid (HCl), which alters the
pH of the flour. The change in pH does not impact the baking Foam cakes are characterized by their extremely light, fluffy,
properties but does provide a way to measure the degree of and spongy texture. Eggs are the most important ingredient in
chlorination that the flour received. Untreated flour has a pH the formula and play a critical role in leavening and the struc-
of approximately 6.1, while highly chlorinated flour needed ture of the cake. In the production of foam cakes, the eggs are
for production of high-ratio layer cakes typically has a pH whipped into foam. The stability of the foam is critical to the
ranging between 4.7 and 4.9. It is the oxidation of the starch final volume and texture of the cake. Fat inhibits foam forma-
that is the mechanism by which chlorine gas improves the tion and creates softer, less stable foams. For this reason, the
baking performance of the flour. Oxidized starch is able to stiffness and stability of foams generated using egg whites
absorb water more quickly than native starch and will swell alone are the highest followed by whole egg. Egg yolk alone
at a faster rate after gelatinization. This allows the viscosity of does not form into foam. In formulas containing whole egg, it
the batter to increase at a faster rate in the oven. As a result, the is common to whip the egg whites into foam and then gently
starch is completely gelatinized and the structure of the cake is fold them into a separately prepared batter that contains the
fully set by the end of baking so it does not collapse upon egg yolk later in the process. In the preparation of an egg white
cooling. foam, all mixing bowls, utensils, and baking pans should be
Cakes: Types of Cakes 581

free from grease. For this reason, it is common for egg white Sponge Cake
foams to be prepared in metal rather than plastic bowls, which
Sponge cakes contain a small amount of fat, which comes from
can retain enough residual fat from other products to destroy
the use of whole eggs (egg yolk). These cakes are richer and
the foam. Foam cakes are also commonly baked in pans, which
more flavorful than angel food cakes. In general, sponge cakes
are not greased, even if the formula contains whole egg. Foam
are prepared using a combination of a batter and foam. The
cakes can be classified by the level and source of fat in the
batter is prepared by beating the flour, egg yolks, and half of the
formula and include (1) no fat, (2) fat from egg yolk only, and
sugar. Separately, the egg whites and remaining half of the sugar
(3) fat from egg yolk plus fat added in the form of butter,
are whipped into foam, which is carefully folded into the egg
shortening, or oil. Examples are angel food (no fat), sponge
yolk batter. In some cakes, the whole egg is whipped instead of
(egg yolk only), and chiffon (egg yolk and added fat).
the egg whites being whipped separately. Sponge cakes are
baked in a variety of differently shaped pans. The spongy struc-
ture of the cake lends itself well to rolling; thus, sponge cake is
Angel Food Cake often used to produce rolled and filled cake desserts.
Angel food cake, also known as angel cake, contains only egg
whites and is an example of a no fat foam cake. Angel food Chiffon Cake
cakes have a light, airy structure and a spongy or chewy texture
Chiffon cakes are the richest and most flavorful of the foam
due to their high sugar content and the absence of fat. A typical
cakes. The texture is light and airy but denser than angel food
formula is shown in Table 2. The batter is prepared by whip-
and sponge cakes. The formula contains whole egg and added fat
ping the egg whites with sugar and cream of tartar to produce
in the form of butter, shortening, or oil (Table 2). The fat
stiff foam. The sugar helps stabilize the foam. Although cream
impedes the foaming ability of the eggs, so these cakes also
of tartar is a leavening acid (tartaric acid), it is not added as a
contain chemical leavening in order to produce expanded cakes
leavening agent but rather to reduce the pH of the egg white
with light and airy textures. In general, chiffon cakes are prepared
proteins in order to improve their whipping ability. The air
using a combination of a batter and foam. The batter is prepared
whipped into the foam is the leavening agent. Once stiff foam
by beating the flour, egg yolks, fat, water, and flavorings and
is produced, flour and flavorings are very gently folded in.
some of the sugar. Separately, the egg whites and remaining sugar
Extreme care must be taken to not stir too vigorously and
are whipped into foam, which is carefully folded into the egg
break the foam.
yolk mixture. The batter has a thinner consistency (lower viscos-
The flour used in angel food cakes is weak soft wheat flour
ity) than the other types of foam cakes. Chiffon cakes are tradi-
that has a very low protein content of about 4%. Often, wheat
tionally baked in tube pans (Figure 1).
starch is added to dilute the flour. The function of the flour in
angel food cake is completely different than in almost every
other bakery good. In most baked products, the gluten protein
is the most important component of the flour and responsible
Pound Cake
for the structure and quality of the baked product. In angel
Pound cakes are rich and have a dense but tender texture.
food cake, the starch is the most important component of the
Originally, pound cakes were made using 1 lb of flour, 1 lb of
flour. When the starch gelatinizes during baking, it absorbs
butter, 1 lb of sugar, and 1 lb of eggs. Modern formulas still
water, which dries the foam and causes the structure to set.
Angel food cakes are typically baked in tube pans, which are
tall, round metal pans that have a hollow metal tub in the
center (Figure 1). The center tube helps the center of the cake
bake completely. After baking, the tube pan is inverted while
cooling to prevent the cake from collapsing.

Table 2 Typical foam cake formulas

Angel food Sponge Chiffon

(% flour weight) (% flour weight) (% flour weight)

Flour 100 100 100

Sugar 215 143 108
Egg white 277
Whole egg 143 143
Cream of tartar 4 1 1
Oil 40
Water 80
Baking powder 4 4
Salt 1 1 2
Figure 1 Tube cake pan.
582 Cakes: Types of Cakes

Table 3 Typical pound cake formula Further Reading

Percent (flour weight) Bennion EB and Bamford GST (1997) Cake-making processes. In: Bennion EB and
Bamford GST (eds.) The technology of cake making, pp. 251–274. London: Blackie
Flour 100 & Son Ltd.6th ed.
Sugar 100 Delcour JA and Hoseney RC (2010) Chemically leavened products. In: Delcour JA and
Shortening 50 Hoseney RC (eds.) Principles of cereal science and technology, 3rd ed.,
Milk 50 pp. 221–226. St. Paul, MN: AACC International, Inc.
Whole egg 50 Gorton LA, Bakhoum M, and van der Maarel H (2009) Fundamental bakery batter
processes. In: Pyler EJ and Gorton LA (eds.) Baking science and technology, vol. 2,
pp. 137–156. Kansas City, MO: Sosland Publishing Co 4th ed..
Wilderjans E, Luyts A, Brijs K, and Delcour JA (2013) Ingredient functionality in batter
contain those basic ingredients but the proportions have chan- type cake making. Trends in Food Science and Technology 30: 6–15.
ged and chemical leaveners have been added. A typical formula
is given in Table 3. Pound cakes are typically made using the
multistage (creaming) method. The cakes are usually baked in
loaf or Bundt pans. Sponge cake batter lends itself well to the Relevant Websites
addition of ingredients such as cream cheese, sour cream, – American Institute of Baking International (AIB).
coconut, nuts, raisins, and other dried fruits and a multitude – American Society of Baking (ASB).
of flavoring agents. – Retail Bakers of America (RBA).

See also: Acids: Natural Acids and Acidulants; Aerated Foods;

Emulsifiers: Types and Uses; Gums: Properties and Uses; Leavening

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