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Video 1

Oracle Cards

How They Work


Welcome to Oracle Cards Secrets Masterclass: Three Things You Must Know
About Oracle Cards. Now, if you’re a beginner to Oracle cards, or even if you’re an
experienced reader, this is the place to be, the place to get super confident with

your Oracle cards, know how they work and intuitively get the hang of reading them.
Now, Oracle cards open your intuitive connection to the universe and when you

know how that works, whoa, so much more potential for your life opens up
like magic.

I’m Colette Baron-Reid, my love affair with card reading, well, that goes way back
to when I was little tiny tot, eight years old. My Scottish nanny, Mrs. Kelly, a little old
lady with bluish white hair and a heavy accent, and terrible cook by the way, but
whatever, anyway, she would invite her friends over to our house as soon as my

parents left the house. She’d read their cards at our kitchen table. She was like my
own psychic Mary Poppins, except much older. I loved her so much. She was totally

magical. Anyway, she read playing cards, but when I asked her, she explained to
me that the cards were telling her stories about the people asking the questions.
Now, that was really intriguing, especially witnessing the oohs and ahhs of the other

old ladies at the table, amazing things that really happened when Mrs. Kelly read
people’s cards.

But here’s the interesting thing, those were the very same cards my mom used with
her friends when she played bridge. But how come that was different? What made
those things talk when Mrs. Kelly used them? But my mom, she never had any cool
stories. I know, because I was always hiding around the corner behind my dog,

Rascal, so I could see. I mean, they were so boring. “How’s your daughter doing in
school? Would you like more tea?” I mean, Mrs. Kelly’s tea parties were way better.

Now you know why I fell in love with cards.

Now, I didn’t always know how to read cards. I mean, just because I was born

abnormally highly intuitive, which you guys know, that didn’t mean reading cards
came automatically. I had to learn them just like anyone else. I had to learn then

experience what the cards meant. Even though I started learning them by reading
books and studying them ... And FYI, I think it’s important to note here that my first

Oracle cards were traditional tarot, as Oracle cards as we know them today, like
mine, were basically nonexistent 44 years ago. So I started with Oracle cards in
the form of tarot full-on at the age of 17, but I seriously got into them 10 years later

when I came out of a really dark place.

I was 27 years old and my life was a mess. I had just come out of a treatment
center for drug addiction and alcoholism. I was so insecure and uncertain, but I was
also on a spiritual pink cloud because I got another chance at life and I didn’t want
to screw it up. I read those cards daily to keep me on track.

Now looking back, if I remember how it was, I was so poor. Oh my God, funny story.
I had a part-time job as a telemarketer. I was so bad at it because I couldn’t lie.
The company was selling office supplies, but every time I’d get on the phone, I’d

feel so bad for the other girls in the line and then I would tell them, “You don’t really
need this stuff, I think. I’m going to hang up now,” and of course my sales tanked

and bye-bye job. I digress, back to my card story. I hung around in this amazing
bookstore in Toronto called The Omega Centre. It was like the Bed Bath & Beyond
for all things spiritual. It was this big store with everything from crystals and card

decks and amazing books on all things New Age, which really should have been
called old made new again age because there was nothing new about what they

were teaching and selling. Everything there was about bringing ancient practices to
life and light again, but whatever, I mean, that’s a thing I have.

Anyway, the people were so nice to me there and they’d let me sit and read
whatever I wanted since I really couldn’t afford much. They had every divination
system possible that I could learn, tarot cards, the I Ching, Norse runes, pendulums,
et cetera. If it somehow connected you with the universe, they had it. Dial up the

divine right there. I spent as much time there as I could. I dove in headfirst and
I snorted all the information I could get. I started recognizing that using them for

myself gave me an honest appraisal about where I was at, helped me trust myself
and my choices, and gave me a big slap in the head when I was steering in the
wrong direction, which was frequently. I became a believer with practice.

For the next 25 years, I made a living working with Oracle cards in some form, or

Oracles in some form, as my main tool. I actually started at 20 bucks an hour, that
was amazing back then. Then as my confidence grew, so did my rates. Then years
later, W Magazine wrote a full page article about me, and by the time Hay House
came knocking with a book deal, I was charging 20 times my original fee and I had
a three-year wait list. My publisher asked me to make an Oracle card deck, not just

to write a book. Now, doesn’t that sound perfect? Dream come true. People like
knowing the answers are in the cards, but I thought, could there be a better and

more modern way? I was trying to figure out a way how to combine everything that I
learned about all those other systems into an easier format.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I loved then and I still love the tarot, or tarot. It was my
very special friend. But also, I loved the new ones I was introduced to, like medicine

cards and angel cards and runes. But back then there were so few Oracle cards
and so I thought, “Hmm, how could I make one of these?”

Being the innovator that I was, I was all into creating a deck for Hay House because
it was exactly what I wanted to make, so people would be able to read cards easily
for themselves. Back in the day, oh my gosh, I often wondered how the heck I could
help my clients read the tarot for themselves more easily and quickly so they could
get and solve a lot of their own challenges, but the learning curve, in my opinion,

back then was just so steep. I mean, we didn’t have what we have today. This was
my opportunity to combine everything I learned from all the other divination systems
and create something new and put it into my first Oracle card deck. I am honestly

obsessed about Oracle cards and designing new ways of doing divination, more
modern. I love Oracle cards, can you tell?

Back to my big break, you’d think that’d be amazing, right? A book gets written, a
deck gets made. That was that, right? Instant success. No. I was asked to be the

opening speaker for a super famous person and most of you know who it is, her last
name is Brown, and in front of crowds of up to 7,000 people who were not there to

see me at all, mm-mm (negative). Sometimes they were actually giving me the stink
eye just for polluting the air of the stage while they’re waiting for her. One lady, oh
my God, this isn’t funny, well, this wasn’t funny then, but it’s pretty hilarious now,

one lady cornered me in the bathroom in Denver, literally just as I was about to go
on the stage, and said, “Wow, I thought you’d be way thinner. Well, I hope your talk
is short.” That really happened to me.

Here I was asked to use the cards on the stage by the promoter to help sell them
at the back of the room. Well, talk about terrified and freaked out, because here I

am using something I made, hoping that hell they’d work. Remember, this was an
unproven system and I really didn’t know how to test them back then the way I do
now. Picture this. Two microphones are set up at the front of this stage in front of

7,000 people, 10 people on this side, 10 people on the other side, me at the front
with the cards. Anyway, as I get the questions, I have to pull one of my cards to give

the answer. Lo and behold, no matter how scared I was, and I was, the cards were
always dead on. They were always right.

Then, after 110 cities and thousands of people who stood in line after the show
waiting for me to sign their books and card decks, all telling me how much the

cards were changing their lives and how easy they were to read and how the art
was so beautiful, it was a life-changing moment for me because I knew that my

Oracle cards were a sign from the universe. Literally, I was really onto something.
Here I am, 12 decks later and counting and almost a million decks sold worldwide
so far, I can speak to how Oracle cards work and why, and I can reveal some really

important secrets to help you get the most of them, especially in times
of uncertainty.

You don’t have to master the tarot, the I Ching, Norse runes and any other
divination systems, because I’ve already done that for you. It’s all that experience

that has led me to creating these very accurate Oracle decks for you to use. You
have plenty to choose from, but for now, we’re only going to use one of my decks

and the one that I teach with most, which is called Wisdom of the Oracle.
Now, the goal of this workshop is to show you the secrets to how Oracle cards work
so you will feel confident as soon as you take them out of the box. You’ll be able to
always answer these super powerful fundamental questions that everybody asks,
whether they know it or not. Pay attention. Question one, what’s going on? Right?
Question two, where’s it heading? And question three, am I going to get what I

want? And of course, the biggest question of all, that’s the underlying question is, is
the universe listening to me and does it even care about me? Know these are the
questions everyone asks, even since the first version of Oracle cards, the tarot, or

tarot, came into existence in the 15th century.


Now, the questions might’ve been the same, but think about it, people’s concerns
were obviously a lot different. Today, you might be concerned about whether you’re
going to get that promotion or are you going to meet the love of your life. In the

1400s it was more like is the world flat? Am I going to get the plague? Oh, mind you,
that might be a question we ask now, but whatever. Or is my younger brother going

to poison me for the crown? See what I mean? The questions, the experience, the
culture, was different.

Since I created my first deck many years ago, haven’t you noticed Oracle cards
have been popping up everywhere like mushrooms? It seems like everybody is
loving them. Keep in mind, they’re just different from the tarot. I love the tarot.
They’re different. Oracle cards are for real though, think about it, the new self-help.

Remember, Oracle cards are a relatively new version of divination with a different
language structure than the tarot. In this series, this is our big focus, Oracle cards.

I just wanted you to get my story of card reading history that included the tarot, or
tarot, and playing cards too. I like to swap out the way we say that word because
some of you say tarot, some of you just say tarot, like tomato and tomato. You know

what I’m saying. Anyway, that’s why I created this series, to help you get to know
Oracle cards so you see what’s going on, where’s it heading, and are you going to

get what you want.

Here’s what I’d like to share with you. After years of studying all these different
divination systems, I found out they all have similarities. They all tell stories
that reflect universal human experience, and those stories get delivered by

synchronicity, which in a super uncanny way reflects your question and its answer.
Don’t ask me how, but after 40 years of using them, I just know it works, and once

you use it, you’re going to know it works too. Now I’m going to show you what
you need to look for to give you clues on how to put your story together and why
you want to use the cards. Keep in mind these core questions that are always at

the basis of what’s motivating you. You want to know what’s going on, where’s it
heading, and are you going to get what you want? And is the universe listening or is

it going to go right to voicemail?


Okay, you’ll do this by looking at the cards for the obvious signs and symbols on
the art. That will automatically open up your intuition, you don’t have to try. Then
as well, you’ll briefly study the guidebook after, and you really need to do that, and
that’ll give you a great basis to start with to put the puzzle together. The stories are
always going to begin as a bit of a puzzle. When you’re able to look at the cards

and then just intuitively know where in the framework of the question they fall into,
well, then you’re going to have no problem seeing what’s going on, where’s it
heading, and are you going to get what you want? Then knowing, oh my goodness,

the universe really is listening. I mean, you cannot make this up.

Let’s dig in. In this video, we’re going to focus on the symbols and language that
will guide you to see what’s going on, where is it heading, and then you’re actually
going to know if you’re going to get what you want, or, pay attention, does the

universe have something better in mind for you. See where we’re heading with this?
But before we do that, let’s talk about what Oracle cards actually are. The cards

themselves, these cards, they’re the medium or delivery system of wisdom. They
tell stories about you through symbolism on the cards. The cards have assigned
meanings, and you find those in the guidebook, and those reflect various universal

human experiences. Voila. Put them all together and you have Oracle cards.

Now, I happen to love the word Oracle. I’m going to geek out on you right now.
An Oracle comes from the Latin word oraculum, which means to speak. An

Oracle is said also to provide wisdom from a divine source, not from you, or a
higher authority, something bigger than you and me. We might call it mystical,

metaphysical or Divine with a capital D. Guess what? That is why, think about it, it’s
called divination. Oracle card systems are not based on older psychology of a time
gone past, like for example the original tarot, but to current language we can all

relate to today.

Now, I’ve got to tell you something. I tried to teach my husband the tarot, and he is a
super smart guy and obviously a handsome too, you’ve seen him, but he could not
grasp the tarot. He could never understand the Hanged Man, the swords in the back
and all the medieval drama in the cards, like, “why are those people stuck outside
a church and why is that a bad thing?” I had to explain, in those early days, if poor

people were banned from a church, they would starve and die. So it was an effort
to bring this to a modern-day mind because it’s hard for people, some people, some

people. I was determined he should learn, so this really is because of him. Anyway,
it took him no time at all to learn my Oracle cards. He wasn’t the only
one struggling.

I remember back in the day when I was reading with the tarot, the Rider Waite deck,
the easiest one for people to look at and figure it out. I especially remember this
one client, where I was doing a reading about her and her husband, and the Tower
card showed up and then the Death card, and this is for you people who know the
tarot, and I knew that in tarot speak her husband was going through a massive

transformation then he’d have a big epiphany. But before I could open my mouth,
she looked at the cards and blurted out with terror in her eyes, “Oh my God, he’s
going to fall out of a window and he’s going to die.” Now worse, her husband is a

roofer and now all she has in her head is the image of him falling out of a window.
Now, she’s not listening to me now at all, and nor is she going to let him out of her

sight for six months.

This stuff happened to me all the time. If you’re watching this and you’re a

professional card reader, come on, I’m sure you also have stories of your own, or
maybe you’ve been in the chair of getting a reading and you’ve seen cards that

freak you out, only to find out later you were completely freaked out for nothing,
right? I had always wished there was a way to present it so a client wouldn’t get
freaked out when they pulled a funky card. When I used Oracle cards, especially

the ones I created, it was a totally different story. I’d look at their faces, they’d be
nodding their head. I could see they were tracking the reading a lot easier, and it
made me think, hmm, they could probably learn the cards easier than the tarot.

Now, right before I quit doing readings professionally to start my online school,
obviously it’s going to be called Oracle School, I had just published my seventh

deck, and this is it, called Wisdom of the Oracle, and that’s a lucky number seven,
which is the deck that we use here in this workshop. I’d do a reading for a client,
I’d pull a card like Change in the Wind with a zebra in a wind storm and a weather

vane on its back, and it signifies the winds of change. They could see that change
was coming and that there was going to be a transformation. Nobody was falling out

of towers followed by a Death card, just one simple card, a Change in the Wind. To
my client, it was obvious by the title and the imagery, and the way they’d be nodding
their heads, intuiting the meaning.

Now, if I pulled a card like Fork in the Road, it was super obvious to them because

they’d come to me about a decision they were contemplating, and the card showed
a literal fork planted in the road and two potential paths to choose from. No

confusing imagery and no one got scared, and the worst thing that could happen is
you’d see the fork and you’d realize it’s time for lunch.

Every time I do workshops with hundreds of people in the room, within an hour,
everybody would be reading for each other, amazed at how easily they got there.

I’d teach them a few little secrets, like you are getting in this workshop, just a few,
and they’d be walking around the room, switching out partners and able to speak to
that person’s situation with a good deal of information. We’d have people intuiting

amazing information, now get this, even if they had never held a deck of cards
before in their lives and even if they didn’t consider themselves intuitive. Those are

the people who are most blown away.

After years and years with working with people that find the tarot just a step more
intimidating, and not everybody, it’s just some, I can say that Oracle cards are just
as effective, and knowing how to intuit them enables you to get confident at reading
them. If you look at them as a tool to get good guidance about your life, you’ll really
understand why we say Oracle cards are the new self-help. It doesn’t take a lot of

time to learn, you just have to pay attention to the symbols and images, and much
easier and no one is up all night worrying if their husband is going to fall off a roof.

Secret number one is knowing that every picture tells a story, think about that. Every
picture tells a story and your intuition will automatically light up when you see the

symbols and metaphors that show up on each card. You don’t have to try. Now,
obviously, don’t forget to check the guidebook for more information, but once you
get some experience under your belt, it really becomes so simple. Now, before I let

you go, let’s do something fun. Let’s do a little myth busting.


All this superstitious mumbo jumbo about how to work with the cards. They have to
be on a silk cloth, they have to be put in the moonlight, they have to be underneath
a crystal or they’re not going to work. They have to be smudged because they’re

going to be very dirty afterwards and no one is allowed to ever touch your cards.
Oh, that’s bad. There’s all kinds of crazy ideas about the superstitious nature about
Oracle cards and you’ve got to get over it. You get to decide your own protocols. If
you want your cards to only work if you’ve got a crystal on top of them, that’s your

choice. It doesn’t have to apply to everyone. There are no hard and fast rules at all.
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I’ve tried all of them.

Don’t get caught up in the superstitious nonsense about how you have to work with
these cards. You are meant to work with them according to how the author would

like you to work with them, but in terms of how you take care of them, et cetera,
et cetera, that’s going to be beautiful and personal to you, okay? Besides, if the

universe is all-knowing, all-seeing and created everything, you really think it’s going
to say to you, “Oh no, I’m not answering you because you did not wrap the cards in
a velvet cloth,” or, “Sorry honey, we’re not doing this because you forgot the crystal.”
The only thing the universe cares about is your intention, and that’s what it
will reflect.

The other myth I would like to dispel is that divination systems were created through

the dark arts. Really? Way before the Bible existed, all sorts of civilizations and
original peoples used to commune with God, the great goddess, spirit, universe,
call it whatever you want, through one form of divination system or another. They

used all kinds of things, sticks, stones, bones, water, bird formations, cocoa leaves,
clouds, you name it. I have a list this long. It didn’t matter, they were just trying to

get those questions answered to see if they’re going to have a great harvest or what
to do if a frost would come early. But think about it, weren’t they also asking the
same questions as you? What’s going on, where’s it going, and will we get what

we want?

All right. That was the first secret, knowing how the pictures tell the story, but there’s
more secrets that you need to know about and the next one is my favorite one. It’s
all about the anchor card. In the next video we’re going to cover the most important
card of any reading. That card sets up the questions, what’s going on, where is this
heading, and am I going to get what I want, and once you understand that and how

to set it up and then realize how every card after that falls into place and reflects the
first card, the answers become clear as day. I’m also going to show you how to read
between the lines because that’s super important. You might be looking at a card

and intuitively sensing something and the card meaning might be vague or unclear,
but this is where you allow information to flow into you, and it will, and then you’ll get

the true meaning of the cards specific to that situation so you’re not stumped by it.

But until then, I love to know a little bit more about you and your experience with the

cards. I’d love you to scroll down below this video and leave me a comment, but first
you’re going to see a card app that we built for you on this page. If you click on the

deck to pick a card, then look at the card and study it and see what intuitively feel
and sense, then, and only then, read the meaning. Let me ask you, were you pretty
close? Did it all make sense, or was it just one sentence that jumped out at you that

lined up with your take? Then leave us a comment to tell us your experience, and I
promise I’m going to get back to as many comments as I can.

Of course, if you liked this video and found it useful, I’d love it if you clicked the like

button and if you shared it with your friends. Wouldn’t it be nice? I mean, come on, I
certainly would like to see something more than somebody else’s lunch all the time

and people just talking about something they don’t like that has nothing to do with
them or more pictures of cats, although I do like the cat pictures. But anyhow, I’ll
see you on the other side in the next video. Enjoy, take care. Bye.


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