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Last Updated: 18 Sept 2018

TCS Gems

Table of Contents

S. No. Topic Name

1 FAQs on Gems
2 FAQs on Nominations
3 FAQs on Gems & Gems Box
4 FAQs on Post-Redemption process
5 FAQs on Appreciation Notes
6 FAQS on Redemption in Singapore
7 FAQS on Redemption in Japan
8 FAQS on Redemption in Honkong
9 FAQS on Redemption in Australia
10 FAQs on Redemption in China
11 FAQs on Redemption in US & Canada
12 FAQS on Redemption in UK & Ireland

TCS Internal 1
TCS Gems

FAQs on Gems

What is Gems?
TCS Gems is an online employee recognition platform for managing the rewarding mechanisms at
TCS. It is also available as an app on Ultimatix Touch.

Who is eligible for being rewarded in Gems?

TCS Gems is open to employees in all geographies. All permanent TCS employees, Trainees, and
Probationers, are eligible for TCS Gems.
The following associates are currently not a part of the TCS Gems awards:
 Business Associates
 Temporary Staff / Contract consultants
 Interns

Appreciation Note is open for all employees.

What does Gems consist of?

The system consists of online nomination & evaluation forms for each instituted award and
corresponding defined Gems chart for the selected winners.

What is the Gems Chart?

The Gems Chart contains the defined number of Gems which the selected winner earns for each
For e.g., if someone is awarded Star of the Month, 1000 Gems get credited to his/her Gems Box. For
an On the Spot Award, one would get a credit of 300 Gems. This chart is reviewed and updated on a
periodic basis.

I had won Star of the Month/ other award in April ’07. Why does my Gems Box show zero Gems?
The number of Gems reflected in your account is updated live. Since you had been awarded a
prize/voucher/plaque as per the processes followed earlier (before Gems was a digitized process),
you would not be given any additional Gems for the same award.

Gems points will reflected if you were nominated, evaluated & selected through the Gems portal for
any award.

TCS Internal 2
TCS Gems

FAQs on Nominations

How can I nominate someone for an individual award?

To nominate someone for an award listed in Gems, login to Ultimatix -> HR and Talent Management
 TCS Gems  Go to Nominations Menu  Select Gems Award Nomination  Search Employee to
be rewarded -> Proceed to select Individual Award  Complete Achievement Details  Submit.

Note: Refer to Award Rules document on the Gems homepage, for details on criteria for different

How can I nominate a team for an award?

To nominate a team for an award listed in Gems , login to Ultimatix  HR and Talent Management
 Gems  Go to Nominations Menu  Select Gems Award Nomination  Select Team
Nomination tab  Select Team Name  Download Team List Template/ Add team members one by
one  Proceed to Select Team Award  Complete Achievement Details  Submit

Note: Refer to Award Rules document on the Gems homepage, for details on criteria for different

Whom can I nominate for an award in TCS Gems?

The recipients of an award depends on the award category. Hence, we would recommend that you
read the Award Rules of the particular award, before you nominate someone.

As an example, you cannot nominate anyone for Service award. Star of Month allows nominations
from Supervisor, Peers. Maitree & CSR awards can be nominated only by respective teams etc.

How many nominations can I make in a year?

There is no limit to the number of nominations that you can make in a year. However multiple
nominations cannot be made for the same employee for same achievement in the same award
category/ different award categories

TCS Internal 3
TCS Gems

What happens after I submit a nomination?

Once you submit a nomination (individual award), the same goes to the depute Gems Unit HR of the
nominee who then assigns the nomination to a review committee. The Review committee members
evaluate the nominations and recommend the winners.
In case of a team award, where nominees may be from different Units, the nomination goes to the
Gems Unit HR of the nominator for review

A nomination I made, has gone to the incorrect Gems Unit HR due to incorrect tagging in the
system. What can I do now?
Gems picks up the Depute Unit of a nominee/ nominator (based on award type – Individual/ team)
based on the tagging in HRMS. The employee needs to get in touch with the local RMG owner to
correct the tagging in HRMS for the correct data to flow in to TCS Gems.

For the current nomination which has already been made, you can get in touch with the Gems Unit
HR in whose worklist the nomination is pending and request the HR to reassign the workflow to the
correct Unit.

I have submitted a Team Nomination. However, I need to edit/add/delete some of the team
members nominated. How should I proceed?
 Please click on the “Log” link, after submitting a Team nomination to check if you have entered
any incorrect Employee Number by mistake.
 If the nomination is still pending at HR level 1, you can request the HR owner to help you with
editing the team member details (add/delete)
 However if the nomination has already crossed HR level 1, please get in touch with your Unit HR
manager at the earliest to ensure that the nomination gets rejected. Once approved, no changes
will be possible.

What if the person or team I nominate does not get selected?

If the person or team you nominate does not get selected for the award, then you would be notified
of the same by e-mail.

TCS Internal 4
TCS Gems

What happens when the person or team I nominate gets selected?

 When the person or team you nominate gets selected for the award, you (the nominator) would
be notified of the same by e-mail.
 A Congratulatory e-mail would also be sent to the nominees and their supervisors.
 The award winner/s would be awarded Gems points and a e-certificate in the application

Can I notify employees other than the supervisor of the nominee about the Appreciation Note?
Yes, you have an option to add other employees whom you want to notify in CC in an award

I have nominated an individual for a team award; however, I am unable to submit the nomination.
The basic condition of a Team Award is that the team should consist of at least 2 team members. If
you nominate an individual for a team award, the nomination will not get submitted, but remain in
the Draft status in your ‘My Nominations’ link.

How do I track the nominations I had made?

 You can track nominations you have made in Gems -> “My Nominations” link for tracking for a
period of 90 days. To view the Reviewer scores and comments, please click on the Nominee
Employee ID
 After 90 days, the nomination would be available in Reports -> My Nominations

I have won an award & would like to see my nomination form. Where can I view it?
As an award winner, the achievement summary would be mentioned in the congratulatory e-mail
that you receive. You can also view all your nomination details through the link: TCS Gems -> Home
page ->My Awards

TCS Internal 5
TCS Gems

I had saved a particular nomination as draft. However I am not able to submit the same now.
 If the award for which you have saved a draft nomination has been closed in the system, you
would not be able to submit the same now. However you can edit and save the same for
submission once the Award has opened again.
 Please read the Award Rules document on TCS Gems homepage to know the nomination dates
for different awards.

I have submitted a nomination, but it is pending beyond the defined SLA period in the Award Rules
document. What should I do?
 In such a situation you need to get in touch with your Gems Unit HR to close it at the earliest.
 If the nomination is still pending after follow up with the HR, please raise a ticket in Ultimatix ->
Global helpdesk -> TCS Gems category.

Note: All nominations more than 2 months old i.e 60 days would be Auto Rejected by the system.
Nominations once Auto Rejected cannot be activated again.

TCS Internal 6
TCS Gems

FAQs on Gems & Gems Box

What is Gems Box?
Gems Box is one’s collection of Gems from the various awards won. The number of Gems in your
Gems Box is reflected on your home page.

How can I earn Gems?

One can earn Gems on winning any of the listed Awards based on the Gems Chart

What happens to the Gems I collect in my Gems Box?

The Gems collected in your box can be redeemed for your choice of merchandise listed in the
Product Catalogue available in TCS Gems  “Redeem Gems” menu

When can I redeem the Gems that I have earned?

Each set of the Gems earned can be redeemed anytime during your association with TCS

Where can I redeem the Gems that I have earned?

The Gems earned can be redeemed based on products available in the geography based on your
depute location only.

For example, US based local employees will be able to redeem from US catalogue and an expat from
India will be able to redeem from the US catalogue only.

What is the process of redeeming Gems?

Please follow these steps to Redeem your Gems:
– Step 1: Click on ‘Redeem Gems’ on the TCS Gems homepage.
– Step 2: By default you see the Depute Location catalogue.
– Step 3: Select the product you like & add the quantity
– Step 4: Make sure you select product(s) with Gems less than equal to your available
Gems points.
– Step 5: Confirm the order and fill in the required details like your product delivery
address, contact number and your TCS/ Client e – mail address and comments if any.
The details sought will be based on the kind of product chosen
– Step 6: Click on ‘Submit’

TCS Internal 7
TCS Gems

I am unable to see some items listed in the product Catalogue under Redeem Gems. What
could be the reason?
If you are unable to see an item available for redemption, it could mean:
– The product is not available for delivery, in the geography you selected, Or,
– The product is currently out of stock.

Can I combine the Gems of two or more awards I have received to redeem against a product of
higher value?
Yes, you may combine as many numbers of Gems as you like. As long as the total Gems available
in your Gems box is less than the value of the product, you can redeem for as many products as
you would like.

What happens if I select a Reward Product whose value is lesser than the number of Gems in
my Gems Box?
The amount redeemed gets reflected in your Gems Box and the balance is available for
redemption, until their expiry.

For example, if you have earned 1000 Gems for Star of the Month Award in March 2016 and 500
Gems for Star Team April 2016, you can redeem it against a product worth 1300 Gems, the
balance of 200 Gems get reflected in Gems Box. Gems from the Award of March 2016 gets
exhausted first and the balance of 200 Gems is reflected in your Star Team award of April 2016.

What happens if I select a product whose value is more than the number of Gems in my Gems
You will not be able to redeem any product whose value is more than the number of Gems you
have. The difference cannot be paid through cash or credit.

What if I do not like any of the products listed for redemption?

The product catalogue is reviewed and updated on a regular basis to provide more choice and
variety to you. If you have any suggestions for any products you would like us to review, you can
write in to TCS Gems Group at [email protected]

Can I convert my Gems to cash instead?

No, you cannot convert your Gems to cash, under any circumstances.

TCS Internal 8
TCS Gems

What is the monetary value of one gem?

The system is developed in such a way that the value is given in the form of Gems points only.
There is no fixed monetary value of the Gem.

What happens to my Gems if I get transferred from one location or IOU to another, within India
or overseas?
There is no effect on the points collected in the Gems Box, since the system is available globally.
You can redeem your Gems points based on options available in a geography. Conversion ratio of
Gems points will however be applicable based on the Geography/ country from where you

On what basis do the Gems get redeemed?

The Gems would automatically get redeemed on the First-In-First-Out basis (FIFO method). This
means the Gems first allocated to you will get redeemed first. This is to give you the benefit of
longer period for redemption before expiry of the points.
For example, as per the Gems earned below, you redeem against a reward product worth 1,750
points. Your balance gems will be as follows:
Date Gems
Award Name
Received Expiry Received Redeemed Balance
Star of the Month 07-Oct-06 07-Oct-07 1000 1000 0
CSR Award 10-Nov-07 10-Nov-08 1000 750 250
Special Initiative 14-Jan-15 14-Jan-16 1500 0 1750
NA 500 1250

What happens to my Gems on my Retirement/Resignation?

You need to redeem Gems during your active employment period and request delivery of the
selected product(s) anytime until your status remains Active.

What happens to my Gems when I am on Leave without pay?

There is no impact on your Gems. However, you would have restricted access during the LWP
period, only Redeem Gems link & Reports would be available.

Can I transfer my Gems to another employee?

No, the Gems collected are non-transferable.

TCS Internal 9
TCS Gems

I am on deputation from India to TCS – USA / any other overseas location; can I redeem Gems
and request delivery of the product to my residence in India?
You can only redeem Gems points based on the options available in your Depute Location.
Delivery of products (if available) across Geos is not permissible.

TCS Internal 10
TCS Gems

FAQs on Appreciation Notes


What is an Appreciation Note?

An Appreciation Note in an online note made available on Gems, which can be used by any
employee to appreciate or thank another employee or a team for good work done.

Can I send an Appreciation note to more than one employee at a time?

Yes, you have an option to either select an Individual or Team Appreciation Note. In Team
Appreciation Note link, you can add multiple nominees for the same message.

What happens after I submit an Individual Appreciation Note?

Once you submit an Appreciation Note, the nominee receives an appreciation note e-mail along
with a copy to you and the nominee’s supervisor/appraiser/reviewer.

What happens after I submit a Team Appreciation Note?

Once you submit a Team Appreciation Note, all the nominees receive an appreciation note (in a
single e-mail) along with a copy to you and the respective nominees’

Can I notify employees other than the supervisor/appraiser/reviewer of the nominee about the
Appreciation Note?
Yes, you have an option to add other employees whom you want to notify in CC in an
Appreciation Note.

How do I track the Appreciation Note that I submit/receive?

 The Appreciation Notes you send would be available with their current status in TCS
Gems -> “My Nominations” link -> “View Appreciation Notes” button.
 Clicking on the Emp # will give you more details on the Appreciation Note.
 You will also be able to see the Appreciation Notes details (sent & received) in TCS Gems
-> Reports -> My Appreciation Report for any selected period.
 You can also download this report in an excel format.

How many Gems does one receive on getting an Appreciation Note?

No Gems are assigned to Appreciation Notes. It neither follows a Review process and nor a
stringent criteria for nomination.

TCS Internal 11
TCS Gems

FAQs on Redemption Process in India


What happens after I have redeemed Gems?

 After redemption, you should receive the Order Confirmation e-mail within 24 hours. The Order
Confirmation mails would contain your Order ID and details of the products redeemed.
 The number of e-mails you receive would depend on the number of vendors servicing the
products you select.

Where can I see the details of the products that I have ordered?
You will be able to see the Product Redemption details in TCS Gems -> Reports -> My Redemption

I have made several redemptions, how can I track the products redeemed in a single order?
From Reports  My Redemption report. All products containing the same reference number
would have been redeemed in a single order.

It has been more than 48 hours since I redeemed my Gems and I haven’t received the Order
Confirmation e-mail yet. What should I do?
As reward products are sourced from various vendors, you may receive separate e-mails
depending on your redemption. Please write to [email protected] with a download of your
redemption report and your TCS e-mail ID.

It has been more than 15 days since I redeemed my Gems and I haven’t received my product.
What should I do?
TCS Gems sources products from different vendors. In case you don't receive the reward product
within 15 to 21 days (maximum), please write to [email protected] with your redemption
report. We shall coordinate with the vendor for the status. If any case is highlighted to us beyond
this timeframe (for any reason whatsoever), TCS Gems / Vendor would not be liable for the same.

I have received the Order Confirmation e-mail with the Order ID. How do I track my order?
Please write to [email protected] with your Order ID.

TCS Internal 12
TCS Gems

How long should it take for the reward product to reach me, after receiving the Order
Confirmation e-mail?
 If you have ordered for an electronic gift Voucher, the details will be sent by the vendor
directly to the registered email id within 3 working days.
 If you have ordered for physical products you should receive the same approximately within
3 weeks from the date of the order confirmation.

 This period may vary depending on the public holidays or other unforeseen circumstances.
 Delivery of products in geographies apart from India is as per geography specific timelines. The
same is available at the time of placing a request in a geography. Pls refer to FAQs on Geography
specific process for more details

What if I do not receive the reward products within the stipulated period specified?
In case you don’t receive the products within the stipulated time frame, please write to
[email protected] with your Order ID, TCS email id and a download of your redemption report.

Can I cancel or change the order after redemption?

 No, you cannot edit or cancel your order after you have placed an order.
 Gems once redeemed cannot be credited back.

I have lost the vouchers that I received. What can I do?

 In case you have received electronic vouchers, please send an email to [email protected] with
your Order ID, TCS email ID and a download of your Redemption Report.
 If you have received a physical voucher, there cannot be a replacement of the lost

Note: TCS/ vendor is not liable for any loss/ damage once the product/voucher has been
delivered to you in good condition

The validity of the Vouchers I had received have expired. Can the validity of the vouchers be
Vouchers once expired cannot be extended / revalidated. Pls send an email to [email protected]
with your Order Reference Number.

TCS Internal 13
TCS Gems

Note: Validity of Vouchers is dependent on the Brand and also the Geo where the Voucher is

I have received the reward product from TCS Gems catalogue in damaged condition. What can I
 Please do not accept any package which is open or tampered from the courier agency.
 In case someone else has collected the package on your behalf, please write to
[email protected] within 48 hours of the product receipt; explaining the case details.
 The case will be reviewed by the TCS Gems team for appropriate resolution.

TCS Internal 14
TCS Gems

FAQS on Redemption in Singapore

What are the options available for redemption in Singapore location?
The products available for Redemption is available on Redeem Gems

What happens after I made my selection of Gift Card(s)?

 When you select the Gifts Card(s) you want, you will be prompted to enter your contact
details, including your postal address. Please furnish only Singapore office address or your
client location address ( No Home address)
 Your Gift Voucher(s) will be available in Hong Kong TCS office, once you receive the
confirmation email you need to collect the Gift Voucher(s) from Hong Kong TCS office.

If I have 3000 Gems do I need to raise multiple requests for Gift cards?
 No, you can select multiple quantity, and submit one request. This is true for any
 In case you are choosing multiple vendors, then two separate requests need to be raised

What is current value of Gems when converted to Gift card?

100 Gems - $5 SGD

How long should it take for the reward product to reach me, after receiving the Order
 Please note that procurement of NTUC/Robinsons coupons takes 4-5 weeks from the date of
 Your location HR will communicate to you on collection/dispatch schedule.

I am scheduled to travel back to my base location and I have already redeemed by Gems Points.
What do I do?
Please connect with your HR or write to TCS Gems at [email protected]. They will assist with a
feasible resolution.

TCS Internal 15
TCS Gems

FAQS on Redemption in Japan

What are the options available for redemption?
The products available for Redemption is available on Redeem Gems

What happens after I made my selection of Gift Coupon(s)?

When you select the Gifts Coupon(s) you want, you will be prompted to enter your contact
details, including your postal address. Your Gift Voucher(s) will then be posted to this address.

Note: Please provide a local Japan Address only

If I have 3000 Gems do I need to raise 3 requests for 1000 Gift coupons?
No, you can select the quantity as 3, and submit one request for the 1000 gift coupon option. This
is true for any denominations.

What is current value of Gems when converted to Gift Coupon?

100 Gems – 500 JPY

How long should it take for the reward product to reach me, after receiving the Order
You will receive the Gift voucher within 45 days of raising the redemption request

I am scheduled to travel back to my base location and I have already redeemed by Gems Points.
What do I do?
Please connect with your HR or write to TCS Gems at [email protected]. They will assist with a
feasible resolution.

TCS Internal 16
TCS Gems

FQS on Redemption in Honkong


What are the options available for redemption?

The products available for Redemption is available on Redeem Gems

What happens after I made my selection of Gift Coupon(s)?

When you select the Gifts Coupon(s) you want, you will be prompted to enter your contact
details, including your postal address. Your Gift Voucher(s) will then be posted to this address.
Note: Please provide a local Hongkong Address only

If I have 3000 Gems do I need to raise 5 requests for 600 Gift coupons?
No, you can select the quantity as 5, and submit one request for the 600 gift coupon option. This
is true for any denominations.

What is current value of Gems when converted to Gift Coupon?

100 Gems – 17 HKD

How long should it take for the reward product to reach me, after receiving the Order
You will receive the Gift voucher within 45 days of raising the request.

I am scheduled to travel back to my base location and I have already redeemed by Gems Points.
What do I do?
Please connect with your HR or write to TCS Gems at [email protected]. They will assist with a
feasible resolution.

TCS Internal 17
TCS Gems

FAQS on Redemption in Australia

What are the options available for redemption?
The products available for Redemption is available on Redeem Gems

If have 2000 gems points, do I need to raise 2 separate requests for 1000 gems each?
No, you can select the quantity as 5, and amount 1000 submit one request for the 2000 points
together. This is true for any denominations

I am scheduled to travel back to my base location and I have already redeemed by Gems Points.
What do I do?
Please connect with your HR or write to TCS Gems at [email protected]. They will assist with a
feasible resolution.

TCS Internal 18
TCS Gems

FAQs on Redemption in China


What are the options available for redemption?

You can redeem the gems for Jingdong vouchers on gems page. You can then log into Jingdong
website and buy any product of your choice from their website.

If have 2000 gems points, do I need to raise 2 separate requests for 1000 gems each?
No, you can select the quantity as 5, and amount 1000 submit one request for the 2000 points
together. This is true for any denominations.

What the different denominations of Jingdong vouchers available?

Jingdong vouchers are available for 10 RMB, 20 RMB, 50 RMB, 100 RMB, 200 RMB, 500 RMB,
1000 RMB

When can I expect the e-code to be shared with me post redemption of awards in Gems
After you redeem your gems points in Gems module, the equivalent value of vouchers will be
shared with you by the 10th of the next to next month. For example, if you redeem your gems on
15th of March, Jingdong vouchers will be made available by the 10th of May

What is the conversion rate for Gems Points in RMB?

Every gems award point will have a corresponding valuation in RMB (For example, 1000 gems
points for Star of the Month carry valuation of 400 RMB)

I am scheduled to travel back to my base location and I have already redeemed by Gems Points.
What do I do?
Please connect with your HR or write to TCS Gems at [email protected]. They will assist with a
feasible resolution.

TCS Internal 19
TCS Gems

FAQs on Redemption in US & Canada


When can I redeem the Gems?

USA and Canada: You can redeem your Gems points anytime during the month. The Gift cards
will be processed on monthly basis.
For e.g: If you redeem your points between Jan-1 to Jan-31, you will receive the codes by Feb-

What are the options available for redemption?

Pls log in to TCS Gems  Redeem Gems to view the list of active products.

Note: - Redemption for these vouchers/products can be made only by associates who are
based/deputed in US/Canada.

If I have 3000 Gems do I need to raise 3 requests for 1000 Gift cards?
No, you can select the quantity as 3, and submit one request for the 1000 gift card option. The
same applies for any denominations

What is current value of Gems when converted to Gift cards?

100 Gems is equivalent to USD 5 dollars

How long should it take for the reward product to reach me, after receiving the Order
Confirmation e-mail?
You will receive the Gift card codes by email on the 20th of the following month. For example - If
you can redeem your points between Jan-1 to Jan-31, you will receive the codes by Feb -20th.

Note: These will be sent on your TCS email id unless you have specified a different id at the time
of redemption.

I am scheduled to travel back to my base location and I have already redeemed by Gems Points.
What do I do?
Please connect with your HR or write to TCS Gems at [email protected]. They will assist with a
feasible resolution.

TCS Internal 20
TCS Gems

FAQS on Redemption in UK & Ireland

When can I redeem the Gems?
You can redeem your Gems points anytime during the month. The Gift cards will be allocated on
monthly basis.

For e.g: If you redeem your points between Jan-1 to Jan-31, you will receive the codes by Feb-

What are the options available for Redemption?

Pls log in to TCS Gems  Redeem Gems to view the list of active products.

Note: Redemption for these vouchers can be made only by associates who are based/deputed in

If I have 3000 Gems do I need to raise 3 requests for 1000 Gift cards?
No, you can select the quantity as 3, and submit one request for the 1000 gift card option.

What is current value of Gems when converted to Gift cards?

100 Gems is equivalent to 2.5 £

How long should it take for the reward product to reach me, after receiving the Order
Confirmation e-mail?
You will receive the Gift card codes by email on the 15th of the following month. For example - If
you can redeem your points between Jan-1 to Jan-31, you will receive the codes by Feb -20th.
Please Note: These will be sent on your TCS email id unless you have specified a different id at the
time of redemption.

I am scheduled to travel back to my base location and I have already redeemed by Gems Points.
What do I do?
Please connect with your HR or write to TCS Gems at [email protected]. They will assist with a
feasible resolution.

TCS Internal 21
TCS Gems

FAQS on Redemption in Europe


When can I redeem the Gems?

You can redeem your Gems points anytime during the month. The e-Vouchers will be allocated
on monthly basis.

For e.g: If you redeem your points between Jan-1 to Jan-31, you will receive the codes by end of

What are the options available for redemption?

Pls log in to TCS Gems  Redeem Gems to view the list of active products.

Note: Redemption for these vouchers can be made only by associates who are based/deputed in

If I have 3000 Gems do I need to raise 3 requests for 1000 Gift cards?
No, you can select the quantity as 3, and submit one request for the 1000 gift card option.

How long should it take for the reward product to reach me, after receiving the Order
Confirmation e-mail?
You will receive the Gift card codes by email on the 15th of the following month. For example - If
you can redeem your points between Jan-1 to Jan-31, you will receive the codes by Feb -20th.

Note: These will be sent on your TCS email id unless you have specified a different id at the time
of redemption.

I am scheduled to travel back to my base location and I have already redeemed by Gems
Points. What do I do?
Please connect with your HR or write to TCS Gems at [email protected]. They will assist with a
feasible resolution.

TCS Internal 22

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