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Catc h A ll

I fully understand that I may suffer injury and even death as a result of my participation in the plan offered and I hereby
release Katie Corio, LLC and its agents or employees from any and all liability now and in the future, including but not
limited to medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering that may occur by reason of heart attacks, muscle strains,
pulls or tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, knee/lower back/foot injuries and any other illness, soreness
or injury, however, caused, whether occurring during or after my participation in the plan offered regardless of fault.

I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Katie. and its agents or employees
from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action, which are in any way connected with my participation in the
Katie Corio, LLC diet or training program, including such claims which I, my children, parents, heirs, assigns, personal
representative and estate have or may have that allege ordinary negligent acts or omissions of Katie Corio, LLC.

D i s c l a i m e r & Li m itati o n s

All strength training, cardiovascular exercise, or any other exercise recommended by Katie Corio, LLC. and its agents or
employees shall be undertaken at the sole risk of the user, and Katie Corio, LLC. shall not be liable to the user for any
claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions or causes of action, whatsoever, arising out of or connected with the use
of the recommendations provided. If the user has any questions whatsoever, concerning exercise, use of equipment,
etc., the user agrees to request clarification and/or instruction from Katie Corio, LLC. and it’s agents or employees. User
understands that he/she is responsible for monitoring his or her own condition throughout training and that the
recommendations given are designed to place a gradually increasing workload on the body to improve overall fitness.
Disclaimer: By purchasing this product, the user agrees not to hold Katie Corio, LLC. or their agents or employees
responsible for any injury, illness, allergic reaction, or lack of results while performing these recommendations. Further,
user completely acknowledges that user is simply receiving advice and that it is user’s choice to adhere to the provided
advice, a user’s participation is voluntary. There may be risks associated with the recommendations given.

Consult your physician prior to beginning this training plan if you are under the age of 18, taking any prescription or over-
the-counter medication, if you have heart disease, thyroid disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or any other medical
condition. The FDA has not evaluated this training plan. This training plan is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or
prevent any disease.


ou can’t out-train a bad diet. Results come from proper
NUTRITION, strategic CARDIO and the right styles
of TRAINING! You can’t get the results without any of
these THREE components, and nutrition might just be the most
important one.

This 12-week nutrition plan is designed to be a FAT-LOSS

program, and for you to use as a detailed reference and as
GUIDELINES for your own fat-loss journeys. What I want you
to remember is this: Everyone’s individual macronutrient and
dietary needs are different. There is no set caloric number, no
secret macro combination that will fit everyone’s needs. I wrote
this based off of what works for ME when I lean down, but I kept
the meal plan and macros in a RANGE so you can adjust to fit
your own body accordingly.


This 12 week nutrition plan is broken You will be eating 6 meals everyday
down into 3 phases, each including:
MEAL 1 - Breakfast

A week-by-week carb cycling plan

MEAL 2 - Mid-Morning Snack

Full recipes with macro breakdowns MEAL 3 - Lunch

Recommended supplements and how/when MEAL 4 - Mid-Afternoon Snack

to take them

Sample meal plan (exactly what I eat on prep MEAL 5 - Dinner

and when leaning out)

Membership to the online Facebook

MEAL 6 - Bedtime Snack
community/support group
Each day will be labeled as either a LOW CARB DAY, a MID

HOW TO USE THE PLAN Likewise, the meals found in the recipe glossary are organized
into the same three categories, LOW CARB, MID CARB &
The program is meant to be followed HIGH CARB. Each day will be broken down for you meal
by meal, so all you have to do is choose a recipe from the
in the order it is written. category listed for that specific meal type.

Just like the Corio Bikini Challenge, this nutrition plan is broken For example: In Phase 1, on HIGH CARB DAY, you will
up into 3 phases. Each phase will last 4 weeks: eat 3 high carb meals, 3 mid carb meals and 0 low carb
PHASE 1 - Weeks 1-4
High Carb Day Mid Carb Day Low Carb Day

PHASE 2 - Weeks 5-8

3 High Carb 2 High Carb 0 High Carb
PHASE 3 - Weeks 9-12 Meals Meals Meals

3 Mid Carb 2 Mid Carb 4 Mid Carb

The phases are progressive, and the carb-cycling will get Meals Meals Meals
more intense when it comes to fat-loss and dieting as you
move through each phase. The carb cycles are meant to
0 Low Carb 1 Low Carb 2 Low Carb
sustain a slow and steady fat loss through the entire 12 weeks.
Meals Meals Meals
This is NOT meant to be an extreme weight loss program,
so if you see yourself losing more than 2lbs per week, you
need to INCREASE CALORIES by +200 to +300 cals daily, All YOU have to do, is choose 3 high carb and 3 mid carb
or stay on the higher end of the ranges for carbs each day. meals from the HIGH CARB and MID CARB categories in
The carb cycles are designed in “ranges”, and are not set in the recipe glossary to eat that day! I designed the nutrition
stone. Remember, this program can, and should be, totally plan this way to give you more flexibility and variety when
CUSTOMIZABLE! putting your meals together instead of having to do a
strict, boring meal plan where you have to eat the same
things daily.


The recipes listed in the glossary are

a collection of my personal favorite
meals to eat weekly. ere is the list of supplements I highly recommend you invest in as you start this new fat-loss program. These products
are from 1Up Nutrition, which I have personally been using for over 3 years consistently. I have experienced amazing
Below are the ranges to follow in regards to carb amounts results from taking them and wouldn’t recommend them to you if I wasn’t 100% confident in their capabilities!
for each meal.
Remember: there is no magic pill. Supplements are a useful TOOL we can use to OPTIMIZE & SPEED UP progress.
LOW CARB MEALS contain: 0-25g carbs Supplements can also be pricey.

I am grateful to say I can offer you a discounted rate for these specific
MID CARB MEALS contain: 26-41g carbs
products with discount code: KATIE20
HIGH CARB MEALS contain: 42-57g carbs
This code will apply 20% off to each and every purchase, and is in ADDITION to any current sale that 1Up Nutrition may be
running (they run new sales each week). They also offer an interest-free payment plan option so you’ll be able to get ALL
So if at any time you don’t want to eat MY listed recipes, feel the supplements you need right away, without breaking the bank. Score!
free to use this carb structure and apply it to other recipes
you may find. Keep in mind, however, that the recipes I have
listed are WELL-BALANCED and have sufficient amounts MAKE HER LEAN DAILY CLEANSE CLA OMEGA 3
of protein and moderate amounts of healthy fat. Make MAX
sure you don’t sub a recipe that is extremely high in fat
or is unbalanced in any way. If you’re unsure of a recipe
you’ve found OR you want to share something amazing
you’ve created, this would be a great post for the Facebook
support group!


1st serving with meal 1, With meal 1 With meal 1 With meal 1
Since every person is different, it’s 2nd serving after meal 3
if needed
difficult to write a specific meal plan
that will fit everyone’s needs.
I encourage you to track your macros in MyFitnessPal, weigh GREENS
yourself daily and become aware of your body’s specific
needs when it comes to nutrition.

I personally prefer to track macros, because it makes me

more aware of what I’m actually eating everyday. However, I
KNOW tracking macros isn’t for everyone, and I understand
how difficult it can be to do on your own if you don’t have any
idea how. I DO offer personalized nutrition coaching, in which
I will calculate your macros FOR YOU if you feel you want
more individualized help. 1 serving with meal 1 1 serving with meal 1 30 mins before During training and/or
cardio/training between meals (I love making
If you’re interested in this, please email me at: BCAA popsicles or slushies as
a calorie-free treat!)
[email protected]
And we can discuss together if this would be a good option SPORT AMINO PROTEIN BEAUTY DREAM
for you! or PRE WORKOUT


You are not alone in this!

I am here to help you and I hope everyone who joined this

program supports and encourages each other along the way.
15 mins before workout 30 mins post-workout 30 min before bed
and/or sip throughout and/or use in recipes

JOIN the Facebook Group, ASK questions,
USE your resources!

Supplements are powerful. You MUST be careful when you take them, especially when taking
BE AWARE something new. Here are a few Katie-approved supplement rules to follow:


Be aware of caffeine Don’t over-supplement
every new supplement you take

See above suggested times, but remember it’s totally up to This is to test your tolerance to the Caffeine can sneak up on you. Be aware of the Your body will let you know what it’s struggles
supplement. You can adjust as needed from caffeine/stimulants you take in the same are. Find out what your personal struggles are,
YOU and your personal schedule and preferences on when there. Don’t feel like you have to take the full period of time. Ie, don’t forget about that coffee THEN add supplements to fill the gaps. Don’t
you want to time your supplement taking! Feel free to ask the recommended dose for it to work well. you had when you take your morning fat burner over-supplement before you know what your
Facebook Group if you need further assistance! and then go to the gym with your preworkout. body could actually use!
One caffeine source at a time is enough! That
is, until you test your tolerance and learn your
limits. You can always take MORE, but you can’t
UNDO once it’s in your system!

Welcome to Phase 1! Think of this
1 Here’s the Meal Plan
Breakdown for Phase 1
As you can see, each day is specified as either a HIGH CARB, MID CARB or LOW CARB day.







phase as the time for you to build
GOOD HABITS and set yourself up SUN High Carb High Carb High Carb Mid Carb High Carb Mid Carb Low Carb

Suggested meal breakdowns

Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal
for success for the rest of the program.
MON Low Carb Mid Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb
Now’s the time to get in the habit of eating consistently Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal
healthy, well-balanced meals, learning to live with
BALANCE and meshing your new healthy lifestyle with TUE Low Carb Mid Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb
your day to day life. Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal

WED Mid High Carb High Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Mid Carb
Carb Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal

THU Low Carb Mid Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb
Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal
PHOTOS FRI Low Carb Mid Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb
Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal

Now is the time to take your first

SAT Low Carb Mid Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb
PROGRESS photos! Wear something
Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal
that shows your body like a swimsuit,
sports bra and workout shorts, etc.
– you’ll thank yourself later!

Make sure you have bright, clear

lighting and you’re standing straight BY DAY In Phase 1, you’re allowed to have 2 “treat meals” per
in front of the camera. You’ll want WEEK, each in place of ONE “high carb” meal.
to replicate these exact poses after
The below chart lists the type of meals you’ll eat for your
each phase so you’ll be able to see
high, mid and low carb days for Phase 1. You’ll eat 6 small
progress clearly!
meals total everyday.
What is a Treat Meal?
Note: These meal arrangements will change with each
A “treat meal” is ONE meal that is untracked –
phase so be sure to read the new chart that goes with
meaning, it doesn’t matter what the macronutrients
each new phase of the meal plan before you proceed!
are for it, just treat yourself and enjoy a meal that
you’ve been craving all week.
High Carb Day Mid Carb Day Low Carb Day

Find a g re a t rec i p e ? 3 High Carb 2 High Carb 0 High Carb Remember: a treat meal means a ONE course meal,
not a THREE course meal. It means you can have a
Meals Meals Meals
burger or pizza as the treat, and NOT the brownie after.
Share it on our Facebook page! OR you could opt for a healthy dinner and treat yourself
3 Mid Carb 3 Mid Carb 4 Mid Carb
Meals Meals Meals with the BROWNIE instead. Catch my vibe? Treat meals
are designed to help you keep BALANCE. Use your treat
meals wisely. If you know you’re going out to dinner with
0 Low Carb 1 Low Carb 2 Low Carb
friends on the weekend, save your treat meal for that!
Meals Meals Meals
Plan it ahead of time, and use it as motivation to be

6 6 6 meals on point all week and reward yourself with it when the
meals meals
time comes. It’s all about BALANCE. You should never
total total feel bad about treating yourself, enjoying your life and
the food that comes with it! You SHOULD enjoy food
Refer to the RECIPE GLOSSARY for all the recipes and and indulging. Just do so with moderation and don’t go
meals you have to choose from each day. All meals overboard!
provided in the RECIPE GLOSSARY are categorized by a
range of carbs, as follows:
In Phase 1, you’re allowed 2 treat meals PER WEEK,
LOW CARB - 0-25g carbs
each in place of ONE “high carb” meal

MID CARB - 26-41g carbs

HIGH CARB - 42-57g carbs

KATIE’S RECIPES Follow this meal
plan for weeks 1-4.
Feel free to create your own recipes and meals, or
Then proceed to
use any others you find. You have the freedom to eat
whatever you want in this program. Just make sure they Phase 2. Time to
fall in the same carbohydrate ranges as shown above. Click here for the go out there and
Keep in mind, however, all the meals I’ve provided are CRUSH it! You got
WELL-BALANCED with sufficient amounts of protein and RECIPE this!

healthy fat. Also remember that YOU ARE WHAT YOU GLOSSARY
EAT! So choose healthy, whole, nutritious foods and you’ll
set yourself up for success.

Congrats, you have completed the first
phase of the program! Welcome to
Phase 2. This phase is what I like to call
2 Here’s the Meal Plan
Breakdown for Phase 2
As you can see, each day is specified as either a HIGH CARB, MID CARB or LOW CARB day.








BURN & SHRED. SUN High Carb High Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb High Carb Mid Carb

Suggested meal breakdowns

Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal
You’ve built great habits with consistent training and
nutrition. Now it’s time to kick it up a notch and shred some MON Low Carb Mid Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Low Carb
stubborn lbs! Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal

TUE Low Carb Mid Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Low Carb
Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal

WED Mid High Carb Mid Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb
Carb Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal

THU Low Carb Mid Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Low Carb
Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal
PHOTOS FRI Low Carb Mid Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Low Carb
Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal

Time to take your second round

SAT Low Carb Mid Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Low Carb
Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal
I recommend wearing the same, or
similar clothes as your first photos
were taken in. Make sure you have
bright, clear light and you hit the
same poses as you did the first BY DAY In Phase 2, you’re allowed to have 1 “treat meal” per
round! WEEK, each in place of ONE “high carb” meal. Notice in
The below chart lists the type of meals you’ll eat for your
this Phase you’re only allowed ONE treat meal per week,
high, mid and low carb days for Phase 2. You’ll eat 6 small
not two TWO in Phase 1!
meals total everyday.

Note: TThese meal arrangements are DIFFERENT from

Phase 1! Take notice and make sure you follow the new
What is a Treat Meal?
structure of the plan!
A “treat meal” is ONE meal that is untracked –
meaning, it doesn’t matter what the macronutrients
High Carb Day Mid Carb Day Low Carb Day
are for it, just treat yourself and enjoy a meal that

Find a g re a t rec i p e ? 2 High Carb 1 High Carb 0 High Carb

you’ve been craving all week.

Meals Meals Meals

Remember: a treat meal means a ONE course meal,
Share it on our Facebook page! not a THREE course meal. It means you can have a
3 Mid Carb 3 Mid Carb 3 Mid Carb
Meals Meals Meals burger or pizza as the treat, and NOT the brownie after.
OR you could opt for a healthy dinner and treat yourself
with the BROWNIE instead. Catch my vibe? Treat meals
1 Low Carb 2 Low Carb 3 Low Carb
are designed to help you keep BALANCE. Use your treat
Meals Meals Meals
meals wisely. If you know you’re going out to dinner with

6 6 6 meals friends on the weekend, save your treat meal for that!
meals meals
Plan it ahead of time, and use it as motivation to be
total total on point all week and reward yourself with it when the
time comes. It’s all about BALANCE. You should never
Refer to the RECIPE GLOSSARY for all the recipes and feel bad about treating yourself, enjoying your life and
meals you have to choose from each day. All meals the food that comes with it! You SHOULD enjoy food
provided in the RECIPE GLOSSARY are categorized by a and indulging. Just do so with moderation and don’t go
range of carbs, as follows: overboard!

LOW CARB - 0-25g carbs TREAT MEALS - PHASE 2

In Phase 2, you’re allowed to have 1 “treat meal” per
MID CARB - 26-41g carbs WEEK, each in place of ONE “high carb” meal.

HIGH CARB - 42-57g carbs

KATIE’S RECIPES Follow this meal
plan for weeks 5-8.
Feel free to create your own recipes and meals, or
Then proceed to
use any others you find. You have the freedom to eat
whatever you want in this program. Just make sure they Phase 3. Time to
fall in the same carbohydrate ranges as shown above. Click here for the go out there and
Keep in mind, however, all the meals I’ve provided are CRUSH it! You got
WELL-BALANCED with sufficient amounts of protein and RECIPE this!

healthy fat. Also remember that YOU ARE WHAT YOU GLOSSARY
EAT! So choose healthy, whole, nutritious foods and you’ll
set yourself up for success.

Wow! You’ve made it to the LAST
phase of the Corio Bikini Challenge,
3 Here’s the Meal Plan
Breakdown for Phase 3
As you can see, each day is specified as either a HIGH CARB, MID CARB or LOW CARB day.








PHASE 3! Welcome and congrats for SUN High Carb Mid Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb High Carb Low Carb

Suggested meal breakdowns

crushing it this far! Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal

MON Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Low Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb
You’ve built healthy habits, you’ve been consistent and
Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal
you’ve started to trim down. Now let’s exceed your
expectations for this program and push yourself to a level
of FIT you never knew you could achieve! This is the most TUE Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Low Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb
CHALLENGING phase, but it’s nothing you can’t handle! Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal
Remember you have a great support system through our
Facebook Page whenever you need it! WED Mid Mid Carb Low Carb Low Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb
Carb Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal

THU Low Carb Mid Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb
Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal

FRI Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb
Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal

TAKE PROGRESS SAT Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb Low Carb Low Carb Mid Carb Low Carb
PHOTOS Day Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal Meal

You’re almost done! Time for round

3 of progress photos! Same thing MEAL BREAKDOWNS TREAT MEALS
– clear, bright light. Same poses,
you’re a pro now! In Phase 2, you’re allowed to have 1 “treat meal” per
WEEK, each in place of ONE “high carb” meal. Notice in
The below chart lists the type of meals you’ll eat for your
this Phase you’re only allowed ONE treat meal per week,
high, mid and low carb days for Phase 3. You’ll still eat 6
not two TWO in Phase 1!
small meals total everyday.

Note: These meal arrangements are DIFFERENT than in

Phases 1 & 2! Be sure to take notice of the new changes
What is a Treat Meal?
of Phase 3!
A “treat meal” is ONE meal that is untracked –
meaning, it doesn’t matter what the macronutrients
High Carb Day Mid Carb Day Low Carb Day
are for it, just treat yourself and enjoy a meal that

Find a g re a t rec i p e ? 1 High Carb 0 High Carb 0 High Carb

you’ve been craving all week.

Meals Meals Meals

Remember: a treat meal means a ONE course meal,
Share it on our Facebook page! not a THREE course meal. It means you can have a
3 Mid Carb 4 Mid Carb 2 Mid Carb
Meals Meals Meals burger or pizza as the treat, and NOT the brownie after.
OR you could opt for a healthy dinner and treat yourself
with the BROWNIE instead. Catch my vibe? Treat meals
2 Low Carb 2 Low Carb 4 Low Carb
are designed to help you keep BALANCE. Use your treat
Meals Meals Meals
meals wisely. If you know you’re going out to dinner with

6 6 6 meals friends on the weekend, save your treat meal for that!
meals meals
Plan it ahead of time, and use it as motivation to be
total total on point all week and reward yourself with it when the
time comes. It’s all about BALANCE. You should never
Refer to the RECIPE GLOSSARY for all the recipes and feel bad about treating yourself, enjoying your life and
meals you have to choose from each day. All meals the food that comes with it! You SHOULD enjoy food
provided in the RECIPE GLOSSARY are categorized by a and indulging. Just do so with moderation and don’t go
range of carbs, as follows: overboard!

LOW CARB - 0-25g carbs TREAT MEALS - PHASE 3

In Phase 3, you’re allowed to have 1 “treat meal” per
MID CARB - 26-41g carbs WEEK, each in place of ONE “high carb” meal.

HIGH CARB - 42-57g carbs

KATIE’S RECIPES Follow this meal
plan for weeks
Feel free to create your own recipes and meals, or
9-12. Time to go
use any others you find. You have the freedom to eat
whatever you want in this program. Just make sure they out there and
fall in the same carbohydrate ranges as shown above. Click here for the CRUSH it! You
Keep in mind, however, all the meals I’ve provided are got this!
WELL-BALANCED with sufficient amounts of protein and RECIPE
healthy fat. Also remember that YOU ARE WHAT YOU GLOSSARY
EAT! So choose healthy, whole, nutritious foods and you’ll
set yourself up for success.

Congrats to you! You’ve completed the program! I hope you’ve enjoyed the journey, learned
a lot along the way and are excited to continue your fitness journey and crush new goals. You
should be so proud of yourself!

take progress photos

The time has come to officially take the LAST PROGRESS PHOTOS of the program! Make sure
you send your progress photos to ME, I’d LOVE to see them!
Please email them to: [email protected]
And share them on the Facebook Group!

Want more?
other ebooks available
12 Week Bikini Body Katie’s HIIT & ABS Katie’s Booty Bible

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