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Developing Country Studies www.iiste.

ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)
Vol.4, No.23, 2014

The Impacts (Positive and Negative) of ICT on Education in


Israel B. Olaore, PhD

Senior Lecturer, Babcock University, Nigeria
During the last decades, considerable resources have been invested in hardware, software, connections, training
and support actions under the scope of improving the quality of teaching and learning. A major tenet of the
policies that supported the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education was
that they can become catalysts for change. Undoubtedly, some countries have made considerable progress in
bringing networked ICT into education and made it possible for teachers and learners to use them on a daily
basis. In many other cases, however, implementation policies have not been a consequence of systematic
analysis and reflection. As a consequence, we still know little about the impact and effectiveness of ICT in
education. To close this gap, this paper will be examining the positive and negative impact of ICT on education.
Keywords: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), education, performance.

Information and communication technology (ICT) is one of the most important driving forces promoting
economic growth in the economy. However, there is less of a consensus among economists on whether the
impact of ICT also stems from higher total factor productivity (TFP) growth and improved efficiency of
production (due to a better educated population). During the last two decades countries have invested heavily in
ICT. Indeed, the use of ICT in education and training has been a key priority in Nigeria in the last decade,
although progress has been uneven. ICT has had a major impact on the education sector, on organisation and on
teaching and learning methods. Yet there are considerably different ICT expenditure levels between institutions
within the country. Some schools have embedded ICT into the curriculum, and demonstrate high levels of
effective and appropriate ICT use to support teaching and learning across a wide range of subject areas.
However, some other schools are in the early phase of adopting ICT, characterised by important enhancements
of the learning process, some developments of e-learning (ICT-enabled learning), but without any profound
improvements in learning and teaching (Balanskat et al., 2006).

One puzzling question concerns the effective impact of these technologies on educational outputs and outcomes.
As ICTs are being increasingly used in education, indicators to monitor their impact and demonstrate
accountability to funding sources and the public are ever more needed. Indicators are required to show the
relationships between technology use and educational performance.
ICT can be defined as computer based tools and techniques for gathering and using information. It encompasses
the hardware and software, the network and several other devices (video, audio, photographic camera, etc) that
can convert information, images, and sound into common digital form. It includes electronic information in
processing technologies such as computer and internet, as well as fixed-line telecommunication networks. ICT is
an eclectic application of computing, communication, telecommunication and satellite technology (Yusuf, 2000).
The information accessed through digital technologies can promote innovation, increase productivity and enrich
the quality of lives. ICT in education is broad, deep and rapidly growing field of study (Moursund, 2005). ICT
utilizes a broad range of technologies that are applied in the process of collecting, storing, editing, retrieving and
transfer of information in various forms. One of the major factors or agencies of national development and
global competitiveness is Education.


ICT has increasingly played a critical role in all fields of human endeavours. It is being used globally to
translate ideas into realizable goals and develop same into concrete achievement. ICT is readily useful in the
areas of agriculture, engineering, medicine, law, architecture, aviation, commerce, insurance, banking and
finance as well as maritime activities. ICT has the potential to contribute to substantial improvements in the
educational system (Moursund, 2005). However to date, relatively little of this potential has been achieved in
spite of ICT having significant impact on traditional school system. They have provided innovation for teaching
and learning, and have engendered advances in research about how people learn, thereby bringing about

Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)
Vol.4, No.23, 2014

rethinking the structure of education (Lopez, 2003). It is also widely acknowledged that ICT can be used to
improve the quality of teaching and learning in the school system (Yusuf, 2000).
The prevalence and rapid development of ICT have transformed human society from the information age to the
knowledge age (Galbreath, 2000). In fact, ICT is becoming a natural part of man’s daily life. Thus its use in
education is becoming a necessity. Moreover, the pace of change of ICT field currently exceeds the pace of
progress of making effective use of ICT in education. There is a lot of transformation through ICT. There is an
international consensus on the importance of intellectual input in creating value, underlining the need for
investment in education and skills in general with a special focus on ICT skills and research development. ICT
has changed the face of modern researches, requiring research organizations to be linked to each other through
advanced network that is connected to the rest of the world.
ICT provides resources and services to support the education, research and public services missions to
universities. ICT also enhances the development and implementation of policies and procedures necessary to
ensure the effective, secured and appropriate use of universities information resources and services. ICT
provides a lot of services for students including distance education programmes, inexpensive printing, cell phone
plans, internet connection, free dial-up, technology equipment, rentals classroom media stations, etc. Lecturers
and students get relevant materials needed through the Internet. Such quality materials are used in equipping the
students and upgrading their knowledge in their field of study.
Moursund (2005) stated that ICT brings some very powerful aids to translating theory into practice. Two of these
aids are computer-assisted learning and distance education. These days, computers with Internet connectivity
have become common household items. Students often have access to: pure educational, designed specifically to
provide instruction to help the user learn; communication tools and reference materials including e-mail, web,
encyclopaedia, books, and other reference materials; pure entertainment, that is, games that are not designed to
be educational; tools such as word processor, graphics software, e.t.c. Cellular phones, household computer
games and toys, television, CD players and recorders, video tape players and recorders, are now commonplace.
When students grow up in an ICT environment, they may gain many hours of experience using ICT facilities.
ICT is an example of a technology that is a powerful change agent. In the view of Moursund (2005), ICT is a
mind tool. Butcher (2003) & Ofojebe (2006) in Okeh & Opone (2007) viewed ICT as electronic technology for
collecting, storing, processing (editing) and communicating (passing on of) information in various forms. It is an
applied technology of Science and Technology for effective and efficient generation, storage, organization,
protection and dissemination of information (Adjaiho, 2006 in Okeh & Opone, 2007).
It is evident that ICT incorporates and extends some of the power of reading, writing and arithmetic. It facilitates
the automation of many mental activities. ICT has proven to be a valuable aid to solve problems and
accomplishing task in education, business, industry, science and many other human endeavours. The Science Of
Teaching and Learning (SOTL) have made great progress in recent times. Braisford (1995) in Bamigboye,
Aderibigbe & Buraimo (2007) described four important components of SOTL to include: Constructivism,
Situated Learning, Motivation, and Transfer of Learning. Each of these is important to all teachers and students
at all levels and in all academic discipline.
Today, ICT provides knowledge based system that includes knowledge acquisition, knowledge incubation,
knowledge amplification and knowledge dissemination. It is evident that information is a key resource which
permeates teaching, learning, research and publishing. To this end, Robinson (1991) in Okeh & Opone (2007)
stated that the use of new information technology can serve three main functions in the national educational
growth. These are to: a. deliver all or part of the learning experiences to learners; b. supplement and extend
content provided in different forms other than printed (hard copy); and c. provide a two-way channel of
communication for exchange between tutors and students with their peers for feedback or for learning, problem-
solving, advice, debate, and reports.
Other ways in which ICT can be used in education as stated by Ikelegbe (2006) in Okeh & Opone (2007)
include: i. Supporting conventional classroom work; the teacher could ask his/her students to use ICT approach;
ii. Helping in the design and development of learning materials. A lot of materials can be downloaded from the
Internet. Such materials must however be adapted to suit the specific instructional objectives; iii. Accessing
electronic teaching materials such as books, journals. These can be accessed, stored and analyzed by the use of
ICT; iv. Accessing virtual library “stocks” electronic versions of books’ journals; v. Giving or providing access
to the world of resources especially in electronic form; vi. Playing a key role in educational administration.
Students’ data, personnel administration, purchasing and supplies, advertisement, etc can be handled with ease
using ICT; vii. Facilitating independent study and individual instruction especially on the open distance-learning
programme; viii. Making learning more vivid and engaging; ix. Assisting the teacher in assessment and testing;
and x. Bringing a permanent solution to brain drain problems as we now live in a global village.

Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)
Vol.4, No.23, 2014

ICT is now a global phenomenon. It has been embraced all over the world due to its importance. Governments
all over the world are harnessing the rich potentials of ICT and are using ICT as a tool for educational
developments, economic recovery and wealth creation (Okonta, 2006). It is very useful in tackling the ills and
problems facing the educational system. Today, no nation can attain its height educationally, economically and
socially without ICT. ICT has also increased the ability to perform ‘impossible’ experiments’ by using
simulations, as well as the possibility for students to have individual learning programs within a topic, rather
than everybody having to do the same thing at the same time at the same pace. More able students can be given
more challenging work, less able students can access remedial lessons.


There are large costs involved and poorer students and educational establishments may end up being
disadvantaged. This is often referred to as being a factor in the digital divide. Students, and sometimes teachers,
can get hooked on the technology aspect, rather than the subject content. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram
and other social media networking sites can be a distraction to living and learning in the real world. Advertisers
take advantage of the big data that exists in the interface of users of these networking sites and market their
various goods and services to the users. Educational institutions are not except from this marketing effort of the
big data houses such as Google, Microsoft, Yahoo etc. There are services geared toward the institutions offering
them free Internet hosting and data storage space in the cloud in exchange for access to their data availability for
analysis and advertising.

The advantages of ICT on education overweighs the disadvantages ICT, therefore it can be said that ICT has a
positive impact on education but nevertheless the manner in which the subject is taught has a larger effect than
the mere use of ICT. i.e. if the teacher does not adapt their methods in order to make best use of ICT, then the
purpose of using ICT becomes defeated, also the attitude of the educational establishment also seems to have a
greater effect, when the people running them do not have the knowledge and experience, or often the money, to
enable widespread and effective use of ICT in their schools, it becomes a disadvantage.
Finally, the attitude of society and government has a large impact of how ICT is perceived and thus how
effectively it is used. Countries where the government encourages ICT usage and where the majority of the
people use ICT on a daily basis are likely to make better use of ICT in education as well as in the larger society.

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