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Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________

Research For Daily Life I (Practical Research for Senior High School I)


Instruction: You may print this worksheet or copy and answer it in a long bond paper (8.5 x 13).

A. Read the following sentences. Put a check ( ) on the space before the number if you think that
the sentence is a description of research. Put a cross (X) if you think that it is not.

___ 1. Research must be hurriedly conducted.

___ 2. There should be enough data before conducting research.

___ 3. Research must observe a step-by-step process.

___ 4. The researcher must have the final say in his or her findings.

___ 5. A person’s opinion is acceptable and considered as an answer to the questions asked by the

___ 6. Any concern or issue confronted by the students is researchable.

___ 7. The causes why students fail in quizzes are worth researching.

___ 8. The student-researcher must read literature related to the problem he or she is studying.

___ 9. The researcher must avoid listening to another researcher to have an objective view of his or her

___ 10. The steps in the conducting of research are patterned.

B. Encircle the words in the box that are related to the definitions of research.

Investigation subjective biases literature theories

System phenomena intuition guessing factual

Opinions experiences discovery dreams data

Interviews teleserye instrument productivity validate

C. Using all the sentences you checked in Activity A and the encircled words in Activity B, formulate
a good and acceptable definition of research.
Adopted from Practical Research I for SHS by Cristobal and Cristobal (2017).

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