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Conflict between adolescents and parents


Thesis statement: The frequency of occurrence and behavior of
adolescents in conflict with their parents are related to the type of parental
relationship that exists in the family: types of relationships based on asserting
power and depriving the child of love more often provoke adolescent-parental
conflicts than relationships built on respect and trust for the adolescent.
Body Paragraph 1/2
Problem # 1/2 and development
Topic sentence
One of the main problems of conflicts between parents and adolescents is
the authoritarian style of relations with children in the family based on strict
compliance with the interests of parents, unquestioning authority of elders, and
submission to their will.
Supporting points
1. Authoritarianism in education ignores the rights and freedoms of the
individual, the individual characteristics of the child, the manifestation of the
initiative “from below”, suppresses the independence of the person.
2. The authoritarian way of education causes children’s fear and
suppresses initiative, generates protest and confrontation in the family, teaches
them to show off behavior, and leads to a fall in the authority of parents in the
eyes of children.
Body Paragraph 3/4
Solution # 1/2 and development
Topic sentence
To solve this problem, parents need to listen to the child’s opinion, listen
to the arguments to understand the child’s position and respect the child as a
Supporting points
1. Parents should calmly express their point of view, while avoiding
unnecessary discussions and annoying remarks.
2. It is necessary to agree on ways to resolve the conflict and reach a
Evaluation (positive/negative)
Conflict between adolescents and parents

Implementation of these solutions would help avoid conflicts in the

family, teach parents to listen and understand their children, and allow children
to treat their parents with respect.
Conflict between adolescents and parents

There are many different conflicts in life. One of the most famous is the
conflict between parents and children. It often happens that within the
framework of this conflict, it’s still not possible to find a compromise. The
frequency of occurrence and behavior of adolescents in conflict with their
parents are related to the type of parental relationship that exists in the family:
types of relationships based on asserting power and depriving the child of love
more often provoke adolescent-parental conflicts than relationships built on
respect and trust for the adolescent.
One of the main problems of conflicts between parents and adolescents is
the authoritarian style of relations with children in the family based on strict
compliance with the interests of parents, unquestioning authority of elders, and
submission to their will. In this method of education, the attitude of an adult to a
child is based on the opinion that the child isn’t independent, inactive, and that
various manipulations can be performed with it that will effectively affect the
child’s development and lead to the desired result (Lachowska, 2016). The child
is perceived as an object of influence, whose interests and opinions aren’t
decisive. The authoritarian style is the pedagogy of suppression, violence, and
coercion. It should be noted the position of an adolescent in the family is largely
determined by the background that governs it. If adolescents feels the love of
their parents, they are attentive to him, but unobtrusive, and then this difficult
period of growing up will pass in the child, most likely, smoothly, without
disruptions (Sullivan, Sullivan, 1980). Most conflicts are caused by
misunderstandings. Adults and children look at the same problem differently.
Children want to be independent while parents want to protect their children
from mistakes made by themselves once, restrict children in choosing actions
and become a barrier to self-realization for children, which is the cause of
conflicts (Lachowska, 2016). As a result, contact and respect are lost. There is a
break in the relationship.
According to psychologists, the most likely solution to this problem is
that parents should ask the adolescent to detail their version of what is
happening, listen to his arguments to understand the child’s position, ask him
leading questions, specify what exactly he means, let the child give specific
examples (Montemayor, 1983). In addition, during the conflict, parents should
calmly express their point of view, while avoiding unnecessary discussions,
annoying remarks – the position should be formulated clearly and laconically; at
the same time, focus on the educational content of the requirements, and not on
Conflict between adolescents and parents

the desire to “explain everything” (Lachowska, 2016). It’s necessary to agree on

ways to resolve the conflict and reach a compromise.
Implementation of these solutions would help avoid conflicts in the
family, teach parents to listen and understand their children, and allow children
to treat their parents with respect.
Disagreements are a signal that change is necessary, which means there is
an opportunity to rebuild the relationship and find new benefits are useful for
both sides. We can always find a compromise, but to do this, both sides must
understand each other. In the end, parents and children are native people, have
common features and should understand each other.


1. Lachowska, B. (2016). Conflict styles and outcomes in parent-adolescent

relationship and adolescent family satisfaction, Polish Journal of Applied
Psychology, Vol. 10.1515/pjap-2015-0051, pp. 85-98.
2. Sullivan, K., Sullivan, A. (1980). Adolescent-parent separation.
Developmental Psychology, pp. 16, 93-99.
3. Montemayor, R. (1983). Parents and Adolescents in Conflict: All Families
Some of the Time and Some Families Most of the Time. The Journal of
Early Adolescence. Vol. 3(1-2), pp. 83-103.

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