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Prayers for Bobby: LGBTQ persperctive


Kiara Margareth P. Pilongo

Homosexuality means having the characteristics of being attracted to people of one’s own

sex. Female individuals, who are attracted to their own sex as well, are referred as lesbians. As

for Males who are attracted to people with the same sex as theirs, are referred as gays.

Heterosexuality is the opposite of Homesexuality, it means having sexual attraction between

people of the opposite sex or gender.

I believe that not all will accept and understand homosexuality and not all who

understands homosexuality will be able to know the extent and the limitations of being

homosexual. Some people may say that homosexuality is a sin, that it is punishable by dealth or

being homosexual is an unfogivable sin and that those who are homosexual deserve no place to

be on earth because after all, the Bible says God created man and woman and it will only stop

there. But it really depends on how we as human beings may interpret the Bible. Those people

who believe to take things literal according to the Bible will never understand and accept people

who are different and they will always continue to be close minded not unless they will see the

bigger picture and the deeper meaning of what God is trying to say in the Bible. I guess we all

have different ways to understand and justify what is right and what is wrong.

As the movie Prayers for Bobby had shown to us, it portrays a boy, an adolescent who

did not know what to do nor had no idea how it happened but he just is simply homosexual. At

first, he denied it and told himself to be rightous for he knows that being homosexual is a sin

because it is what he was taught to believe. But as time goes by, denying how he feels didn’t

help him and eventually he had to become true to himself at least and had the courage to come

out to his love ones. As we can see, it won’t be easy for people to accept homosexuals and that is

what Bobby’s mother had shown to us. She would do anything and everything to heal or cure

Bobby from the sin and temptation that he is given in to. But Bobby himself didn’t understand

why he was feeling this way in the first place and it didn’t feel right when he was around people

who descriminates him just being of whom he thinks he truly is. I know and we all know that

there are people out there who is still confused of who they really are and is mostly because

they’re afraid to accept and embrace who they are because they know for sure, that there will be

people out there who will descriminate them and they know for sure that not all will support

them. What’s even harder is if that their own love ones would turn their back on them and deny

the fact that homosexuals are being themselves and that there is nothing wrong with being


We may think that being homosexual is something that is easy to cope, but I personally

think that it is something that some people go through and struggles to be accepted and

understood. It will never be an easy path to take in life. We know for sure that homosexuals went

through a tough path and some of us may not know how it feels to be hiding that they are and

what they truly feel deep inside. Some people may think that being homosexual is simple; that

they can just follow their feelings and that they could just come out whenever they feel like it.

But it’s harder than that. There are many things that they woud consider, like some of those who

grew up in a family who are believers of the Bible and they know for sure that being homosexual

is a sin, and those who know that they will never be accepted by their family and friends when

they come out, or those who thinks of what people will think of them when they finally come out

to everyone. They will be talked behind their backs, they will be bullied, and they will be

surrounded by people who feel disgusted by them. Those are just a few common and visible

things that usually happens when homosexuals comes out. There are a lot more of that and there

will be continously if we still have the mindset that different people doesn’t deserve a place in

this world. As a person, we know how being inglected feels like and we know that it will hurt.

But homosexuals feels hurt in a whole different level because they know for a fact that people

think they aren’t normal and they shouldn’t be accepted at all. It’s sad really, knowing that some

homosexuals would go through that pain all alone. They would feel like the whole world is

against them, that everything in their life is wrong and that they will never be good enough and

worthy enough to be even living in this beautiful world that God has created. They’d feel this

heavy feeling on their shoulders like their lives doesn’t matter and that they deserve to be

struggling. They’d feel that way until everything is too late. Until they no longer see the beauty

of living. Until they’ve finally given up. We should never allow another human being despite

their sexuality feel unwanted. We shouldn’t turn our backs at people who we know may need our

help. As Christians, we must lend our loving and caring hands to those who feel lost and


Before it’s too late, we must open our minds and our hearts to what God is really saying.

You can never truly understand them not until you truly know how they feel. There is no cure for

being homosexual because one thing for sure is that God knows what he created and there is

definitely nothing wrong with being homosexual. Homosexuality is not a mistake. What is

clearly and obviously wrong are those people who descriminates other people and those who

destroy another being. What is wrong is, people hate rather than love. In God’s ten

commanmends, He asks of us to love one another, to love your neighbors as we love God. That’s

what we should keep in our hearts and minds that homosexuals are human beings an all we have

to do is respect and love them before it’s too late. We may not be able to force people to accept

homosexuals but we really need in this world is love, love and respect. Love is the answer to

everything. Love understands and Love is accepting.

In this kind of time we may turn to God and question Him. We may question our faith

and if what we are doing is right or wrong. But we all know that questioning God’s will is

something that we shouldn’t do. But there are times where when we question is just to become

closer to God and being able to grasp a deeper and more understanding faith. There are times we

wouldn’t understand what God’s intentions are for us but we know for sure that even if we sin,

God will always loves us and will always understand and foegive us. God doesn’t hate the

sinners but He hates sin. That is what we should keep in mine.

Mary Griffin once said “Before you echo Amen in your home or place of worship, think

and remember. A child is listening”. As Christians before we proclaim the word of God, we must

have a deeper understanding of what He really wants us to understand. We must be careful of our

words and our actions because it may lead to a disaster that we did not ntend to happened but it

did and we may feel regretful for our entire lives. It’s never too late to lend a loving hand to

those in need of guidance. Preach and Spread the word of God to enlighten everyone. not to be

little those who think that they do not have the capabilities of being able to fully understand the

word of our Lord God.

We celebrate the LGBTQ pride in honor of acknowledging those people who God

created and are unique in our own different ways. We celebrate to tell eveyone to embrace who

you truly are, that there is nothing to be afraid of and never fear to show the world how you love

and understand one another. We celebrate to remind every single human beings that

Homosexuals are not weird or different nor should they be treated different. Homosexuality is

nothing to be ashamed of and that homosexulity is not a mistake. We celebrate the feeling of

having every right to be who are and to not be looked down whether you are lesbian or gay.

At the end of the day, we must keep in mind that God gave us the freedom to choose to

do the right from wrong and that is what really matters in our life. Set aside our differences and

become one as children of God but also know one’s limitation. Everyone deserves to be love and

respected. It isn’t the matter of choosing to be straight, gay or lesbian. It simply is the matter of

choosing to have a pure heart, do good and to be happy.

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