Signs of Mental Retardation in Children

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Mental Retardation

The definition most often used in the United States is from the
American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR).
Mental retardation is defined as an IQ of approximately 70 or
below, coexisting disadvantages or impairments in
adaptive functioning in two areas (communication, self-care,
home-living, social/interpersonal skills, the use of
community resources, self-direction, functional academic skills,
work, leisure, health, and safety), and onset before age

Mental retardation is diagnosed through the use of standardized

tests of intelligence and adaptive behavior. Mental
retardation refers to certain limitations in mental functioning and
in skills such as communicating, daily self-care such
as dressing or eating, and social skills. These limitations will cause
a child to learn and develop more slowly than a
typical child. Mentally retarded children will often need extra help
to manage the challenges of school.

Mental retardation is not a disease. It's also not a type of mental

illness, like depression. There is no cure for mental
retardation. However, most children with mental retardation can
learn to do many things. It just takes them more time
and effort than other children. Every child with mental retardation
is able to learn, develop, and grow. With help, all
children with mental retardation can live a satisfying life.

Signs of Mental Retardation in Children

There are many possible ways to recognize mental retardation.

For example, children with mental retardation may:

• be developmentally delayed in sitting up, crawling, or

walking, or talking, or have trouble speaking
• find it difficult to remember things
• not understand how to pay for things
• have trouble understanding social rules, knowing the
consequences of their actions, solving problems, and/or
logical thinking

Types of Mental Retardation

A mentally retarded person is slow to learn and may be slow or

limited in the development of physical skills. Additional
to physical skills other handicaps may be present, such as speech
impairments, visual impairments, hearing defects, or
epilepsy. Because these secondary handicapping conditions are
common among individuals with mental retardation, this
does not mean that persons with a speech impairment or epilepsy
are mentally retarded.

There are many degrees of mental retardation. Individuals who

are severely retarded are able to learn only the most
basic self-care skills. Those who are mildly retarded are able to
learn so much that, as adults, some are no longer
identified as being retarded. Three common classifications used

Mildly (Educable) - Mental Age 8-12; learn to approximately 6th

grade level.

Moderately (Trainable) - Mental Age 5-8; cannot learn academic

subjects in school.

Severely/Profoundly - Many require life-long care and

supervision and are often confined to institutions.

Causes of Mental Retardation

Not all the causes of mental retardation are known; however,

more than 200 have been identified, and many others are
suspected. The known causes can be placed into five categories:
• Genetic Irregularities - for example x-ray exposure,
incompatibility of genes inherited from parents, Rh blood
factor incompatibility, error in metabolism, or recessive genetic
traits. Examples of genetically-caused mental
retardation are Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome, and
phenylketonuria (PKU).

• Pregnancy Complications - for example poor nutrition,

German measles, tumors, glandular disorders,
infections, exposure to toxic agents, or radiation. Mental
retardation can result when something goes wrong with the
baby's development in the womb. There may be a problem with
the way the baby's cells divide as it grows. Exposure
to alcohol or rubella during pregnancy may also cause a baby to
be born mentally retarded.

• Birth Problems - for example premature birth, too rapid

birth, prolonged birth, or any circumstance that reduces
the oxygen supply to the infant's E

• Early Childhood Problems - for example childhood

diseases, especially in the very young (chicken pox,
measles, meningitis, whooping cough); high fevers, severe
injuries to the brain, lack of certain chemicals in the blood,
or glandular imbalance. Mental retardation can also be caused by
extreme malnutrition, inadequate medical care, or
exposure to poisons such as lead or mercury.

Environmental Factors - for example being born and raised in a

deprived environment where there is little opportunity
to learn; or serious emotional problems.

Testing and Diagnosis

The version for children (ages six through 16) is the Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children-III (WISC-III). These
tests comprise a number of different verbal tests which measure
areas such as vocabulary knowledge, general
knowledge about the world, verbal logical reasoning, social
judgment and common sense, arithmetic skills, short-term
memory and attention. The Performance test measure nonverbal
areas including visual-motor coordination, perceptual
organization, visual logical reasoning, and attention to detail. The
Full Scale IQ score is obtained from the scores of
both the Verbal and Performance IQ scores.

The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales is a commonly used test

to measure abilities in communication, daily living, and
motor skills. These domains are divided into sub-domains.
Standard scores result from comparing an individual’s ability
to other people of similar age. This test is administered by
interviewing a family member or other person familiar with
the individual’s functioning. The results are not valid if based
upon interviewing the individual.

To diagnose mental retardation, professionals look at the person's

mental abilities (IQ) and his or her adaptive skills.
These are:

• A child's IQ or intellectual functioning, the innate ability of

their brain to learn, think, solve problems, and make
sense of the world. Intellectual functioning (IQ) is usually
measured by a test called an IQ test. The average score is
100. People scoring below 70 to 75 are said to be mentally

• The child's adaptive behavior, whether they have the skills

they need to live independently. Key skills include daily
living skills, communication skills, and social skills. To measure
adaptive behavior, professionals look at what a child
can do in comparison to other children of his or her age.

Mental Retardation Treatment

A child with mental retardation can do well in school but is likely

to need individualized help. The family will work with
preschool and school staff to develop an individualized plan,
which will describe:

• The child's unique needs

• The services the school will provide to address those needs
• The unique responsibilities of the family

Many mentally retarded children need help with adaptive skills,

which are daily living skills needed to survive, work, and
interact in the community. Teachers and parents can help a child
work on these skills at both school and home. Some
of these skills include:

• Communicating with others

• Taking care of personal needs (dressing, bathing, going to
the bathroom)
• Health and safety
• Home living (helping to set the table, cleaning the house, or
cooking dinner)
• Social skills (manners, knowing the rules of conversation,
getting along in a group, playing a game)
• Reading, writing, and basic math and
• As they get older, skills that will help them in the workplace

The vast majority (about 87%) of people with mental retardation

will only be a little slower than average in learning new
information and skills. When they are children, their limitations
may not be obvious. Their mental retardation may not
even be diagnosed until they get to school. As they reach
adulthood, many people with mild retardation can live
independently. Other people may not even consider them as
having mental retardation.

The remaining 13% of people with mental retardation score below

50 on IQ tests. These people will have significant
difficulty keeping up in school, at home, and in the community.
They will need more intensive support throughout their
entire life.

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