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14 142 156

Rebars: Fabrication

14 0 156

14 163 177

Formworks Fabrication

14 0 177

15 3 18 19 3 22 27 10 37 46 35 81
Soil Poisoning Poyethylene Rebars: Column Concreting: Column
ES D EF 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 12 14 A
Treatment Sheet/Damp Proofing Footing Footing
Construction Verification
START Stalking Layout Excavation: Foundation 15 0 18 19 0 22 27 0 37 46 0 81
LS TF LF 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 14

14 1 15 18 1 19 22 5 27 37 9 46
Formworks: Column
Dewatering Works Gravel Bedding Spreading and Leveling
14 0 15 18 0 19 22 0 27 37 0 46
114 1 115

Field Density Test

114 0 115

150 10 160

81 6 87 94 14 108 108 6 114 111 14 125 125 9 134 Rebars: Slab 2F B

Waterproofing: Column Formworks: Column
A Backfilling and Levelling Compaction Rebars: Column GF-2F 152 2 162
Footing GF-2F
81 0 87 94 0 108 108 0 114 111 0 125 125 0 134 137 9 146

Formworks: Slab 2F 150 12 162

87 7 94 108 1 109 109 2 111 111 1 112 134 3 137 141 4 150 Rebars: Beam 2F C
Concreting: Column
Earthfill Excavation: Septic Formworks: Septic Concreting: Septic 150 0 162
87 0 94 108 0 109 109 0 111 111 0 112 134 0 137 137 13 150

Formworks: Beam 2F 150 8 158

108 1 109 109 2 111 111 1 112 137 0 150 Rebars: Column 2F-3F

Excavation: Cistern Formworks: Cistern Concreting: Cistern 150 0 158

108 0 109 109 0 111 111 0 112

162 3 165

B Concreting: Slab 2F

162 0 165

179 10 189 192 3 195 207 9 216

162 3 165 Rebars: Slab 3F Concreting: Slab 3F Rebars: Slab RD E

C Concreting: Beam 2F 182 3 192 192 0 195 211 4 220

162 0 165 166 10 176 195 10 205

Formworks: Slab 3F 179 13 192 192 3 195 Formworks: Slab RD 207 13 220

158 6 164 164 2 166 169 3 179 Rebars: Beam 3F Concreting: Beam 3F 197 2 207 Rebars: Beam RD F
Formworks: Column Concreting: Column 2F-
179 0 192 192 0 195 207 0 220
2F-3F 3F
158 0 164 164 0 166 166 13 179 195 12 207

Formworks: Beam 3F 179 8 187 187 6 193 193 2 195 Formworks: Beam RD 207 1 208
Formworks: Column Concreting: Column 3F-
164 1 165 166 0 179 Rebars: Column 3F-RD 195 0 207 Rebars: Column RD-TF G
Formworks: Slab GF 179 0 187 187 0 193 193 0 195 221 14 222

164 0 165

179 3 182 182 10 192 195 3 198 198 10 208 207 5 212
Rebars: Column RD-
165 10 175 175 4 179 Masonry: GF (Interior) Plastering: GF (Interior) Masonry: 2F (Interior) Plastering: 2F (Interior) H
Tower Level A
Rebars: Slab GF Concreting: Slab GF 179 0 182 182 0 192 195 0 198 198 0 208 215 8 220

165 0 175 175 0 179

220 3 223 211 1 212 212 1 213 213 2 215 215 3 218 218 6 224
Plastering: GF R
E Concreting: Slab RD Rebars: Slab TF Concreting: Slab TF Masonry: GF (Exterior) Masonry; 3F (Interior)
220 0 223 225 14 226 235 23 236 236 23 238 238 23 241 241 23 247

210 1 211

220 3 223 Formworks: Slab TF 211 1 212 212 1 213 213 2 215 215 2 217 217 8 225

F Concreting: Beam RD 224 14 225 Rebars: Beam TF Concreting: Beam TF Masonry: 2F (Exterior) Masonry: 3F (Exterior) Plastering: 2F (Exterior)
220 0 223 225 14 226 226 14 227 227 14 229 229 14 231 231 14 239

210 1 211

208 1 209 209 1 210 Formworks: Beam TF 211 1 212 212 1 213 213 1 214 214 1 215 215 1 216
Formworks: Column Concreting: Column Formworks: GF-2F Concreting: GF-2F Formworks: 2F-3F
G 224 14 225 Rebars: GF-2F Stairs Rebars: 2F-3F Stairs I
RD-TF RD-TF Stairs Stairs Stairs
222 14 223 223 14 224 276 65 277 277 65 278 278 65 279 279 65 280 280 65 281

212 2 214 214 2 216 216 3 219 219 5 224 224 2 226 228 3 231 231 5 236
Formworks: Column Concreting: Column Formworks: Beam Rebars: Column Tower Formworks: Column Formworks: Beam Rebars: Column Tower
RD-Tower Level A RD- Tower Level A Tower Level A Level A-B Tower Level A-B Tower Level B Level B-C
220 8 222 222 8 224 224 8 227 227 8 232 232 8 234 236 8 239 239 8 244

219 3 222 222 1 223 226 2 228 231 3 234

Concreting: Beam Concreting: Column
Rebars: Beam Level A Rebars: Beam Level B K
Level A Level A-B
230 11 233 233 11 234 234 8 236 242 11 245
224 11 235 235 9 244 244 6 250 250 1 251 251 1 252 252 1 253 253 3 256 279 5 284
R Linear Plastering: Ceiling Finish: CF-01 Ceiling Finish: CF-02 Wall Finish: WF-03 T
Plastering: 3F (Interior) Concrete Fill: RD Stair Finish: Stair 2 Waterproofing: 3F
Corners 3F 3F Matte Tiles GF
247 23 258 258 23 267 267 23 273 273 23 274 274 23 275 275 23 276 276 23 279 279 0 284

225 7 232 232 1 233 233 1 234 234 1 235 235 41 276 276 2 278 278 1 279 279 2 281
Plastering: RD Concrete Topping: Ceiling Finish: CF-01 Ceiling Finish: CF-02
S Plastering: 3F (Exterior) Masonry: RD (Exterior) Concrete Fill: TF Waterproofing: GF U
(Exterior) Masonry GF GF
239 14 246 246 14 247 247 14 248 248 14 249 249 14 290 290 14 292 292 14 293 293 14 295

216 1 217 217 1 218 218 1 219 219 1 220 220 1 221 221 1 222 222 1 223 223 3 226
Concreting: 2F-3F Formworks: 3F-RD Concreting: 3F-RD Ceiling Finish: CF-01 Ceiling Finish: CF-02
I Rebars: 3F-RD Stairs Stair Finish: Stair 1 Waterproofing: 2F V
Stairs Stairs Stairs 2F 2F
281 65 282 282 65 283 283 65 284 284 65 285 285 65 286 286 65 287 287 65 288 288 65 291

236 2 238 239 3 242 242 4 246 246 2 248 249 3 252 252 4 256
Formworks: Column Formworks: Beam Rebars: Column Tower Formworks: Column Formworks: Beam Rebars: Column Tower
Tower Level B-C Tower Level C Level C-D Tower Level C-D Tower Level D Level D-E
244 8 246 247 8 250 250 8 254 254 8 256 257 8 260 260 8 264

234 1 235 238 1 239 242 4 246 246 2 248 248 1 249 252 4 256
K Concreting: Beam Concreting: Column Concreting: Beam Concreting: Column
K Rebars: Beam Level C Rebars: Beam Level D
Level B Level B-C Level C Level C-D M
245 11 246 246 8 247 250 8 254 254 8 256 256 8 257 260 8 264
325 9 334

Floor Finish: FF-01 GF W

325 0 334

284 14 298 298 20 318 318 2 320 320 1 321 321 3 324 324 1 325 325 13 338
Wall Finish: WF-04 Wall Finish: WF-04 Painworks: Exterior Painworks: Exterior X
T Painworks: Interior 3F Painworks: Interior RD Floor Finish: FF-01 2F
(Exterior) (Interior) GF RD
284 0 298 298 0 318 318 0 320 320 0 321 321 0 324 324 0 325 325 0 338

281 20 301 301 3 304 318 1 319 319 1 320 320 2 322 322 3 325 325 17 342
Wall Finish: WF-01 Wall Finish: WF-03
U Lavatory: GF Lavatory: 2F Painworks: Exterior 2F Painworks: Interior GF Floor Finish: FF-01 3F
(Interior) Matte Tiles 2F
295 14 315 315 14 318 318 0 319 319 0 320 320 0 322 322 0 325 325 0 342

281 24 305 305 3 308 318 1 319 319 2 321 321 4 325 325 10 335
Wall Finish: WF-02 Wall Finish: WF-03
V Lavatory: 3F Painworks: Exterior 3F Painworks: Interior 2F Floor Finish: FF-02 GF
(Exterior) Matte Tiles 3F
291 10 315 315 10 318 318 0 319 319 0 321 321 0 325 325 0 335

256 2 258 259 3 262 262 3 265 265 2 267 267 3 270
Formworks: Column Formworks: Beam Rebars: Column Tower Formworks: Column Formworks: Beam N
L Tower Level D-E Tower Level E Level E-F Tower Level E-F Tower Level F
264 8 266 267 8 270 271 9 274 274 9 276 267 0 270

256 2 258 258 1 259 262 4 266 266 2 268 268 1 269
Concreting: Beam Concreting: Column Concreting: Beam Concreting: Column
M Rebars: Beam Level E
Level D Level D-E Level E Level E-F
264 8 266 266 8 267 270 8 274 274 8 276 276 8 277
334 34 368
Floor Finish: FF-02 RD

334 0 368

338 1 339 339 1 340 340 1 341 341 1 342 342 1 343 343 1 344

X Window Installation: W1 Window Installation: W2 Window Installation: W3 Window Installation: W4 Window Installation: W5 Window Installation: W6

338 0 339 339 0 340 340 0 341 341 0 342 342 0 343 343 0 344

335 1 336 336 7 343 343 1 344 344 1 345 345 1 346 346 1 347 347 1 348 348 1 349

Y Floor Finish: FF-02 3F Floor Finish: FF-02 2F Door Installation:D1 Door Installation: D2 Door Installation: D3 Door Installation: D4 Door Installation: D5 Door Installation: D6

335 0 336 336 0 343 343 0 344 344 0 345 345 0 346 346 0 347 347 0 348 348 0 349

270 3 273 273 2 275 277 3 280 280 3 283 283 2 285 286 3 289
Rebars: Column Tower Formworks: Column Formworks: Beam Rebars: Column Tower Formworks: Column Formworks: Beam
Level F-G Tower Level F-G Tower Level G Level G-H Tower Level G-H Tower Level H O
N 271 1 274 274 1 276 277 0 280 280 0 283 283 0 285 286 0 289

270 4 274 274 2 276 276 1 277 280 4 284 284 2 286 285 1 286
Concreting: Beam Concreting: Column Concreting: Beam Concreting: Column
Rebars: Beam Level F Rebars: Beam Level G
Level F Level F-G Level G Level G-H
270 0 274 274 0 276 276 0 277 288 8 292 292 8 294 285 0 286
289 2 291 291 2 293
Rebars: Column Tower Formworks: Column
O Level H-I Tower Level H-I
291 2 293 293 2 295

289 4 293 293 2 295 295 1 296

Concreting: Beam Concreting: Column
Rebars: Beam Level H
Level H Level H-I
289 0 293 293 0 295 295 0 296

296 3 299 299 2 301 301 2 303

Formworks: Beam Rebars: Column Tower Formworks: Column
Tower Level I Level I-J Tower Level I-J
296 0 299 300 1 302 302 1 304

299 3 302 302 2 304 304 1 305

Concreting: Beam Concreting: Column P
Rebars: Beam Level I
Level I Level I-J
299 0 302 302 0 304 304 0 305
305 3 308 308 2 310 310 2 312

P Formworks: Beam Rebars: Column Tower Formworks: Column

Tower Level J Level J-K Tower Level J-K
305 0 308 309 1 311 311 1 313

308 3 311 311 2 313 313 1 314

Concreting: Beam Concreting: Column
Rebars: Beam Level J
Level J Level J-K
308 0 311 311 0 313 313 0 314

314 3 317 317 2 319 319 1 320

Formworks: Beam Rebars: Column Tower Formworks: Column
Tower Level K Level K-L Tower Level K-L
314 0 317 318 1 320 320 1 321

317 3 320 320 1 321 321 1 322

Concreting: Beam Concreting: Column
Rebars: Beam Level K Q
Level K Level K-L
317 0 320 320 0 321 321 0 322
322 3 325 334 3 337 337 1 338
Formworks: Beam Concreting: Beam
Rebars: Beam Level L
Level L Level L

Q 331 9 334 334 0 337 337 0 338 338 1 339 339 6 345 345 1 346 346 16 362 362 40 402
Formworks: Water Wall Finish: WF-04 End
Rebar: Water Tank Concreting: Water Tank Painworks: Tank
Tank Tank
338 0 339 339 0 345 345 0 346 346 0 362 362 402

322 12 334 334 1 335 337 1 338

Formworks: Slab Level Concreting: Slab Level
Rebars: Slab Level L 362 1 363 363 1 364
322 0 334 336 2 337 337 0 338 Railings Stair 1 Railings Stair 2

362 0 363 363 0 364

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