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Chapter Learning Area: Algebra

1 Functions

1.1 Functions / Fungsi

Smart Tip
Function involves two sets, domain and codomain. The elements in a domain are called objects. Images are found in
codomain. A function is a relation such that each object has only one image.
Fungsi melibatkan dua set, domain dan kodomain. Unsur dalam domain dikenali sebagai objek. Imej didapati daripada kodomain. Fungsi ialah
satu hubungan dengan keadaan setiap objek hanya mempunyai satu imej.

Exercise 1 Determine whether each of the following relations is a function or not. Give your reason.
Tentukan sama ada setiap hubungan yang berikut ialah fungsi atau bukan. Berikan alasan anda.
TP 1 Mempamerkan pengetahuan asas tentang fungsi.

Example 1 1 2
2 6 3 15
1 a 8 20
2 b 5 4
10 24
3 c 7 35 7 28
4 d

Solution This relation is not a function This relation is a function

This relation is a function because because there is object that has because each object has only
each object has only one image. more than one image. one image.
Hubungan ini ialah satu fungsi kerana
setiap objek mempunyai satu imej.

3 4 5
6 3 2 p 14
4 0
9 5 q 21
5 2
20 10 6 r 28

This relation is not a function This relation is not a function This relation is a function
because there is object that has because there is object that has because each object has only
more than one image. no image. one image.

Exercise 2 Determine whether each of the following graphs is a function or not. Give your reason.
Tentukan sama ada setiap graf yang berikut ialah fungsi atau bukan. Berikan alasan anda.
TP 1 Mempamerkan pengetahuan asas tentang fungsi.

Example 2 1 y 2 y
The graph x
is a function O O
O because when
tested with
vertical line, there is only one
The graph is not a function The graph is not a function
point that cuts the graph.
because when tested with because when tested with
Graf ini ialah satu fungsi kerana
apabila diuji dengan garis
vertical line, there is more than vertical line, there is more than
mencancang, hanya wujud satu titik one point that cuts the graph. one point that cuts the graph.
sahaja yang memotong graf itu.

Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 1 05/12/2019 8:00:07 PM

3 y
4 y 5

x O
O x

The graph is a function The graph is a function

because when tested with The graph is not a function
because when tested with
vertical line, there is only one because when tested with
vertical line, there is only one
point that cuts the graph. vertical line, there is more
point that cuts the graph.
than one point that cuts the

Exercise 3 State the domain, codomain and the range of the following functions.
Nyatakan domain, kodomain dan julat bagi fungsi berikut.
TP 1 Mempamerkan pengetahuan asas tentang fungsi.

Example 3
x 4x

Smart Tip
•6 1 Domain contains the objects only.
2• •8 Domain mengandungi objek sahaja.
3• •10 2 Codomain contains the images and non-images.
•12 Kodomain mengandungi imej serta bukan imej.
3 Range contains the images only.
Set P Set Q Julat mengandungi imej sahaja.

Domain = {1, 2, 3} Codomain/Kodomain = {4, 6, 8, 10, 12}
Domain = {1, 2, 3} Range/Julat = {4, 8, 12}

Common Error
{(1, 2), (–2, 5), (3, 8)}
Domain = (–2, 1, 3)
Codomain/Kodomain = (2, 5, 8)
Range/Julat = (2, 5, 8)

This is wrong because the set notation of domain, codomain and range is { }. The correct answer for domain is {–2, 1, 3}.
Salah kerana tatatanda set bagi domain, kodomain dan julat ialah { }. Jawapan yang betul bagi domain ialah {–2, 1, 3}.

1 2
7• • 49 4• •16
• 30 3• •12
2• •9
5• • 25
–3• •8
–5 • • 24 –4• •4
Set P Set Q Set G Set H

Domain = {–5, 5, 7} Domain = {–4, –3, 2, 3, 4}

Codomain/Kodomain = {24, 25, 30, 49} Codomain/ Kodomain = {4, 8, 9, 12, 16}

Range/Julat = {25, 49} Range/Julat = {4, 9, 16}

Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 2 05/12/2019 8:00:10 PM

3 {(1, a), (2, b), (3, a), (4, c)} 4 {(a, p), (b, p), (c, p), (d, q)}

Domain = {1, 2, 3, 4} Domain = {a, b, c, d}

Codomain/Kodomain = {a, b, c} Codomain/Kodomain = {p, q}

Range/Julat = {a, b, c} Range/Julat = {p, q}

5 Set Q 6
Set G

8 4
0 3
–1 0
Set P Set F
–1 0 2 –1 0 2

Domain = {–1, 0, 2} Domain = {–1, 0, 2}

Codomain/Kodomain = {–1, 0, 8} Codomain/Kodomain = {0, 3, 4}

Range/Julat = {–1, 0, 8} Range/Julat = {0, 3, 4}

Exercise 4 Find the image for each of the following functions.

Cari imej bagi setiap fungsi berikut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang fungsi.

Example 4 1 f : x → 3x + 2; x = 5 2 f:x→
3x – 2
2x + 1 f(5) = 3(5) + 2
f:x→ ;x=2 3(4) – 2
3x + 4 = 15 + 2 f(4) =
= 17
Solution 12 – 2
The image of 5 is 17. =
2(2) + 1 2
f(2) = 10
3(2) + 4 =
5 2
= =5
1 The image of 4 is 5.
2 1
The image of 2 is .
Imej bagi 2 ialah 2 .

6 x+5
3 h:x→ + 8; x = –3 4 f : x → 2x2 + 3x – 4; x = –2 5 h:x→ ;x=3
x x–1
f(–2) = 2(–2)2 + 3(–2) – 4
6 (3) + 5
h(–3) = +8 = 2(4) – 6 – 4 h(3) =
(–3) (3) – 1
= –2 + 8 8
= –2 =
=6 2
The image of –2 is –2.
The image of –3 is 6. =4
The image of 3 is 4.

Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 3 05/12/2019 8:00:11 PM

Exercise 5 Solve each of the following.
Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang fungsi.

Example 5 1 It is given that f : x → x + 3, 2 It is given that f : x → 3x – 10,

find the object when the image find the object when the image
It is given that f : x → 2x – 5, is 7. is 5.
find the object when the Diberi bahawa f : x → x + 3, cari Diberi bahawa f : x → 3x – 10, cari
image is 1. objek apabila imej ialah 7. objek apabila imej ialah 5.
Diberi bahawa f : x → 2x – 5, cari f(x) = x + 3 f(x) = 3x – 10
objek apabila imej ialah 1. 7 = x + 3 5 = 3x – 10
7 – 3 = x 5 + 10 = 3x
Solution 4 = x 15 = 3x
f(x) = 2x – 5 5=x
1 = 2x – 5 The object is 4.
1 + 5 = 2x The object is 5.
6 = 2x
The object is 3.
Objek ialah 3.

x+4 x+8 x+1

3 It is given that f : x → , 4 It is given that f : x → , 5 It is given that f : x → ,
2 x x–1
find the object when the image x ≠ 0, find the object when the x ≠ 1, find the object when the
is 6. image is 3. image is 5.
x+8 x+1
Diberi bahawa f : x → x , Diberi bahawa f : x → x – 1 , x ≠ 1,
Diberi bahawa f : x → , x ≠ 0, cari objek apabila imej ialah 3. cari objek apabila imej ialah 5.
cari objek apabila imej ialah 6. x+8 x+1
f(x) = f(x) =
x+4 x x–1
f(x) = x+1
2 x+8 5 =
3 = x–1
x+4 x
6 = 5(x – 1) = x + 1
2 3x = x + 8
12 = x + 4 3x – x = 8 5x – 5 = x + 1
12 – 4 = x 2x = 8 5x – x = 1 + 5
8 = x x = 4 4x = 6
The object is 8. 6
x =
The object is 4. 4
x =
The object is = .
6 The diagram below shows the relation between set P and set Q.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan hubungan antara set P dan set Q.
(a) Using the function notation,
express f in terms of x.
f(x) Menggunakan tatatanda fungsi,
Set P Set Q
ungkapkan f dalam sebutan x.
1•  •1 (b) Find the value of h.
Cari nilai h.
5•  • 0.2
(c) If set P represents all the whole
h•  • 0.1
numbers, does every object has its
20 •  • 0.05 image? HOTS Analysing
Jika set P mewakili semua nombor bulat,
adakah setiap objek mempunyai imejnya?
1 1
(a) x = 1; =1 (b) f(h) =
(1) h
1 1
x = 5; = 0.2 0.1 =
(5) 10
1 ∴ h = 10
x = 20; = 0.05
1 (c) No. Image of 0 is not defined.
∴ f(x) = x , x ≠ 0

Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 4 05/12/2019 8:00:11 PM

Exercise 6 Find the values of x for each of the following.
Cari nilai-nilai x bagi setiap fungsi berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 6 1 It is given that f(x) = |3x|, find the object when

f(x) = 12.
It is given that f(x) = |2x – 3|, find the object Diberi bahawa f(x) = |3x|, cari objek apabila f(x) = 12.
when f(x) = 7.
Diberi bahawa f(x) = |2x – 3|, cari objek apabila f(x) = 7. |3x| = 12
Solution 3x = –12 or 3x = 12
|2x – 3| = 7 x = –4 x = 4
2x – 3 = –7 or/atau 2x – 3 = 7
2x = –7 + 3 2x = 7 + 3
2x = –4 2x = 10
x = –2 x = 5

2 It is given that f(x) = |x – 2|, find the object when 3 It is given that f(x) = |2x + 1|, find the object
f(x) = 3. when f(x) = 5.
Diberi bahawa f(x) = |x – 2|, cari objek apabila f(x) = 3. Diberi bahawa f(x) = |2x + 1|, cari objek apabila f(x) = 5.

|x – 2| = 3 |2x + 1| = 5
x – 2 = –3 or x – 2 = 3 2x + 1 = –5 or 2x + 1 = 5
x = –3 + 2 x = 3 + 2 2x = –5 – 1 2x = 5 – 1
x = –1 x = 5 2x = –6 2x = 4
x = –3 x = 2

3x – 1
4 It is given that f(x) = |2x – 5|, find the object 5 It is given that f(x) = , find the object
when f(x) = 9. when f(x) = 6.
Diberi bahawa f(x) = |2x – 5|, cari objek apabila f(x) = 9. 3x – 1
Diberi bahawa f(x) =
, cari objek apabila f(x) = 6.
|2x – 5| = 9 3x – 1
2x – 5 = –9 or 2x – 5 = 9 =6
2x = –9 + 5 2x = 9 + 5
3x – 1 3x – 1
2x = –4 2x = 14 = –6 or = 6
2 2
x = –2 x = 7
3x – 1 = –12 3x – 1 = 12
3x = –12 + 1 3x = 12 + 1
3x = –11 3x = 13
x = – 11 x =
3 3

Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 5 05/12/2019 8:00:11 PM

Exercise 7 Complete the table and sketch the graph for the domain given. Then, find the range of the
Lengkapkan jadual dan lakarkan graf bagi domain yang diberi. Kemudian, cari julat bagi fungsi itu.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 7 1 f(x) = |x2 – 4|; – 2  x  3 2 f(x) = |x + 1|; –2  x  2

f(x) = |2x – 3|; –1  x  3 x –2 0 2 3 x –2 –1 2

Solution f(x) 0 4 0 5 f(x) 1 0 3

x –1 3
2 f(x)
f(x) 5 0 3 f(x)

f(x) 4

5 1

x x
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 –2 –1 0 1 2
3 Range
Range/Julat: 0  f(x)  5 Range/Julat: 0  f(x)  3

–1 0 3 3

Range/Julat: 0  f(x)  5


3 h(x) = |2x + 3|; –2  x  1 4 h(x) = |x2 – 1|; –2  x  2 5 f(x) = |x2 – 4|; – 2  x  3

3 x –2 –1 0 1 2 x –2 0 2 3
x –2 – 0 1 1
h(x) 3 0 1 0 3 f(x) 0 4 0 5
h(x) 1 0 3 5 x
–2 –1 0 1 2


h(x) f(x)

3 3 5

1 1

x x x
–2 – 3 –1 0 1 –2 –1 0 1 2 –2 0 2 3

Range/Julat: 0  h(x)  5 Range/Julat: 0  h(x)  3 Range/Julat: 0  f(x)  5


–2 0 2 3

Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 6 05/12/2019 8:00:14 PM

1.2 Composite Functions / Fungsi Gubahan
Exercise 8 The diagrams below show the relationship between set P, set Q and set R. Complete the
function in the box provided.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan hubungan antara set P, set Q dan set R. Lengkapkan fungsi dalam petak yang
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang fungsi.

Example 8 1 2
 

g f
f g P  Q  R P  Q  R
P  Q  R

fg f

3 4 5
fg gf fg
  

P  Q  R P  Q  R P  Q  R

f g g

Exercise 9 Complete each of the following.

Lengkapkan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 9
g(x) = 5x – 9 Solution
h(x) = x + 3 (a) gh(x) = g(x + 3) (b) hg(x) = h(5x – 9) (c) gh(–2) = 5(–2) + 6
Find/Cari = 5(x + 3) – 9 = (5x – 9) + 3 = –10 + 6
(a) gh(x) = 5x + 15 – 9 = 5x – 9 + 3 = –4
(b) hg(x) = 5x + 6 = 5x – 6
(c) gh(–2)

1 g(x) = x – 8 (a) gh(x) = g(2x + 1) (b) hg(x) = h(x – 8) (c) gh(5) = 2(5) – 7
h(x) = 2x + 1 = (2x + 1) – 8 = 2(x – 8) + 1 = 10 – 7
= 2x + 1 – 8 = 2x – 16 + 1 =3
= 2x – 7 = 2x – 15

2 g(x) = x + 2 (a) g2(x) = g(x + 2) (b) hg(x) = h(x + 2) (c) hg(2) = 3(2) – 1
h(x) = 3x – 7 = (x + 2) + 2 = 3(x + 2) – 7 =6–1
= x + 4 = 3x + 6 – 7 =5
= 3x – 1

Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 7 05/12/2019 8:00:14 PM


g(x) = 3x
(a) gh(x) = g ( x +6 6 ) (b) h2(x) = h( x +6 6 ) (3) + 6
(c) h2(3) = (3) + 7
= 3( )
h(x) = 6 6 9
x+6 = =
( )
x+6 6 10
18 +6
= x+6
x+6 6
(6 + 6x + 36
6(x + 6)
6x + 42
6(x + 6)
6(x + 7)
= x+7

4 g(x) = x2 + 1 (a) gh(x) = g(x – 3) (b) hg(x) = h(x2 + 1) (c) hg(–4) = (–4)2 – 2
h(x) = x – 3 = (x – 3)2 + 1 = (x2 + 1) – 3 = 16 – 2
= (x2 – 6x + 9) + 1 = x2 – 2 = 14
= x2 – 6x + 10

5 g( ) = x + 4 (a) g2(x) = g(x + 4) (b) hg(x) (c) hg(−2)

h(x) = 2x2 – 9 = (x + 4) + 4 = h(x + 4) = 2(−2)2 + 16(−2) + 23
= x + 8 = 2(x + 4)2 – 9 = 2(4) − 32 + 23
= 2(x2 + 8x + 16) – 9 = −1
= 2x2 + 16x + 32 – 9
= 2x2 + 16x + 23

Exercise 10 Find the image for each of the following composite functions.
Cari imej bagi setiap fungsi gubahan berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi untuk melaksankan tugasan mudah.

Example 10 1 Given f(x) = 2x and 2 Given f(x) = 6x and

g(x) = x – 3. Find fg(7). g(x) = x – 2. Find gf(5).
Given f(x) = 3x and g(x) = x + 5. Diberi f(x) = 2x dan Diberi f(x) = 6x dan
Find fg(4). g(x) = x – 3. Cari fg(7). g(x) = x – 2. Cari gf(5).
Diberi f(x) = 3x dan g(x) = x + 5. g(7) = (7) – 3 f(5) = 6(5)
Cari fg(4). =4 = 30
Solution fg(7) = f(4) gf(5) = g(30)
g(4) = (4) + 5 = 2(4) = 30 – 2
=9 =8 = 28
fg(4) = f(9)
= 3(9)
= 27

3 Given f(x) = x + 4 and 4 Given g(x) = x2 and 5 Given g(x) = 2x2 and
g(x) = 2x – 5. Find gf(3). h(x) = x + 3. Find hg(3). h(x) = 3x + 1. Find gh(4).
Diberi f(x) = x + 4 dan Diberi g(x) = x2 dan Diberi g(x) = 2x2 dan
g(x) = 2x – 5. Cari gf(3). h(x) = x + 3. Cari hg(3). h(x) = 3x + 1. Cari gh(4).
f(3) = (3) + 4 g(3) = (3)2 h(4) = 3(4) + 1
=7 =9 = 13
gf(3) = g(7) hg(3) = h(9) gh(4) = g(13)
= 2(7) – 5 = (9) + 3 = 2(13)2
=9 = 12 = 338

Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 8 05/12/2019 8:00:15 PM

Exercise 11 Find the value of x for each of the following composite functions.
Cari nilai x bagi setiap fungsi gubahan berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 11 1 g(x) = x + 3 2 f(x) = 2x

h(x) = 2x + 4 g(x) = x − 5
f(x) = 3x + 1 gh(x) = 5 fg(x) = 6
g(x) = 2x − 1
fg(x) = 1 gh(x) = g(2x + 4) fg(x) = f(x − 5)
Solution = (2x + 4) + 3 = 2(x − 5)
fg(x) = f(2x – 1) = 2x + 7 = 2x − 10
= 3(2x − 1) + 1
= 6x − 3 + 1 Given gh(x) = 5 Given fg(x) = 6
= 6x − 2 2x + 7 = 5 2x − 10 = 6
2x = 5 − 7 2x = 6 + 10
Given/Diberi fg(x) = 1 2x = −2 2x = 16
6x − 2 = 1 x = −1 x = 8
6x = 1 + 2
6x = 3
3 1
x = =
6 2

4 12 − x
3 f(x) = , x ≠ 0 4 f(x) = 5 h(x) = 6x − 7
x 2
g(x) = 2x + 1 h2(x) = 23
f 2(x) = 4
fg(x) = 15
f 2(x) = f 2 (
12 − x
) h2(x) = h(6x − 7)
= 6(6x − 7) − 7
fg(x) = f(2x + 1)

= (2x + 1)
12 −
12 − x

= 36x − 42 – 7
= 36x − 49
Given fg(x) = 15

24 − 12 + x
2 ) Given h2(x) = 23
= 36x − 49 = 23
2x + 1 = 15 2
12 + x 1 36x = 72
4 = 15(2x + 1) = 2 
2 x = 2
4 = 30x + 15
12 + x
–15 + 4 = 30x = 4
–11 = 30x
11 Given f 2(x) = 4
x=– 12 + x
4 = 4
12 + x = 16
x = 4

Exercise 12 Find the function f(x) for each of the following.

Cari fungsi f(x) bagi setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 12 1 g(x) = x − 5 2 g(x) = x + 8

fg(x) = x − 2 fg(x) = x − 6
g(x) = x + 6
fg(x) = 2x + 16 f[x – 5] = x – 2 f[x + 8] = x – 6
Solution Let y = x – 5 Let y = x + 8
f [x + 6] = 2x + 16 x=y+5 x=y–8
Let/Biarkan y = x + 6 f(y) = x – 2 f(y) = x – 6
x=y–6 = (y + 5) – 2 = (y – 8) – 6
f(y) = 2x + 16 =y+3 = y – 14
= 2(y – 6) + 16 f(x) = x + 3 f(x) = x – 14
= 2y – 12 + 16
= 2y + 4
f(x) = 2x + 4

Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 9 05/12/2019 8:00:15 PM

3 g(x) = 2x − 4 4 g(x) = x + 6 5 g(x) = 3x − 5
fg(x) = 2x + 1 fg(x) = 3x + 17 fg(x) = 6x − 9

f[2x – 4] = 2x + 1 f[x + 6] = 3x + 17 f[3x – 5] = 6x – 9

Let y = 2x – 4 Let y = x + 6 Let y = 3x – 5
2x = y + 4 x=y–6 3x = y + 5
y+4 f(y) = 3x + 17 y+5
x= x=
2 = 3(y – 6) + 17 3
f(y) = 2x + 1 = 3y – 1 f(y) = 6x – 9
=2 (
+1 ) f(x) = 3x – 1
=6( y+5
3 )
=y+5 = 2y + 1
f(x) = x + 5 f(x) = 2x + 1

Exercise 13 Find the function g(x) for each of the following.

Cari fungsi g(x) bagi setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 13 1 f(x) = x + 3 2 f(x) = x − 6

fg(x) = x − 8 fg(x) = x + 9
f(x) = 3x + 2
fg(x)= 3x − 19 f(x) = x + 3 f(x) = x − 6
then fg(x) = g(x) + 3 then fg(x) = g(x) − 6
f(x) = 3x + 2 Given Given
then/maka fg(x) = x − 8 fg(x) = x + 9
fg(x) = 3g(x) + 2
Given/Diberi g(x) + 3 = x − 8 g(x) − 6 = x + 9
fg(x) = 3x − 19 g(x) = x − 8 − 3 g(x) = x + 9 + 6
3g(x) + 2 = 3x − 19 = x − 11 = x + 15
3g(x) = 3x − 19 − 2
= 3x − 21
= 3(x − 7)
∴ g(x) = x − 7

3 f(x) = x − 12 4 f(x) = 3x − 7 5 f(x) = 2x − 3

fg(x) = 3x − 4 fg(x) = 3x + 20 fg(x) = 10x + 5

f(x) = x − 12 f(x) = 3x − 7 f(x) = 2x − 3

then fg(x) = g(x) − 12 then fg(x) = 3g(x) − 7 then fg(x) = 2g(x) − 3

Given Given Given
fg(x) = 3x − 4 fg(x) = 3x + 20 fg(x) = 10x + 5

g(x) − 12 = 3x − 4 3g(x) − 7 = 3x + 20 2g(x) − 3 = 10x + 5

g(x) = 3x − 4 + 12 3g(x) = 3x + 20 + 7 2g(x) = 10x + 5 + 3
= 3x + 8 = 3x + 27 = 10x + 8
3(x + 9) 2(5x + 4)
g(x) = g(x) =
3 2
= x + 9 = 5x + 4


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 10 05/12/2019 8:00:16 PM

Exercise 14 Solve each of the following.
Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 14 1 f : x → 14 − 3x 2 f : x → 2x − 7
g : x → 2 − 4x g : x → 3x
f : x → 2x + k fg : x → hx + k gf : x → ax + b
Find the value of h and of k. Find the value of a and of b.
fg : x → mx + 6
Cari nilai h dan nilai k. Cari nilai a dan nilai b.
Find the value of k and of m.
Cari nilai k dan nilai m.
fg(x) = f(2 − 4x) gf(x) = g(2x − 7)
= 14 − 3(2 − 4x) = 3(2x − 7)
Solution = 14 − 6 + 12x = 6x − 21
fg(x) = f(x − 4) = 8 + 12x Compare
= 2(x − 4) + k = 12x + 8 PAK-21
gf(x) = ax + b
= 2x − 8 + k

Compare gf(x) = 6x − 21
Compare/Bandingkan fg(x) = hx + k ∴ a = 6
fg(x) = 2x – 8 + k fg(x) = 12x + 8 b = −21
fg(x) = mx + 6 ∴ h = 12
− 8 + k = 6 , m=2 k=8
k = 14
∴ m = 2, k = 14

3 f : x → 8x + k 4 f : x → 6 − 4x 5 f : x → 2x + h
g:x→x–4 g : x → ax + b g : x → 3x − 9
fg : x → mx − 18 gf : x → 2 − 12x gf : x → kx + 12
Find the value of k and of m. Find the value of a and of b. Find the value of h and of k.
Cari nilai k dan nilai m. Cari nilai a dan nilai b. Cari nilai h dan nilai k.
fg(x) = f(x − 4) gf(x) = g(6 − 4x) gf(x) = g(2x + h)
= 8(x − 4) + k = a(6 − 4x) + b = 3(2x + h) − 9
= 8x − 32 + k = 6a − 4ax + b = 6x + 3h − 9
Compare = 6a + b − 4ax Compare
fg(x) = mx − 18 Compare gf(x) = kx + 12
fg(x) = 8x − 32 + k gf(x) = 2 − 12x gf(x) = 6x + 3h − 9
m = 8; −32 + k = −18 gf(x) = 6a + b − 4ax k = 6; 3h − 9 = 12
k = −18 + 32 −4a = −12; 6a + b = 2 3h = 12 + 9
= 14 a = 3 6(3) + b = 2 3h = 21
∴ m = 8, k = 14 18 + b = 2 h = 7
b = 2 − 18 ∴ h = 7, k = 6
= −16
∴ a = 3, b = −16

1.3 Inverse Functions / Fungsi Songsang

Exercise 15 Find the inverse function for each of the following functions.
Cari fungsi songsang bagi setiap fungsi berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi untuk melaksankan tugasan mudah.

Example 15
2x + 3 From/Daripada , QR CODE
f(x) = x  , x ≠ 0 3 Scan or visit https://
f –1(y) = y − 2 www.purplemath.com/
Solution modules/invrsfcn3.htm
x = f –1 (
2x + 3
) 
∴ f –1(x) = x − 2  , x ≠ 2 for additional notes on
the inverse functions.
2x + 3
Let/Biarkan y = x Common Error
xy = 2x + 3 3
xy − 2x = 3 f –1(x) = x – 2 is incomplete./adalah tidak lengkap.
x(y − 2) = 3 The condition x ≠ 2 must be written in the answer.
3 Syarat x ≠ 2 mesti ditulis dalam jawapan.
x = y − 2


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 11 05/12/2019 8:00:17 PM

1 f(x) = 3x + 2 2 f(x) = 3x − 5 3 f(x) = 6 − 4x

f(x) = 3x + 2 f(x) = 3x − 5 f(x) = 6 − 4x

x = f −1(3x + 2) x = f –1(3x − 5) x = f –1(6 − 4x)
Let y = 3x + 2 Let y = 3x − 5 Let y = 6 − 4x
y − 2 = 3x y + 5 = 3x 4x = 6 − y
y−2 y+5 x 6−y
3 = x 3 = x = 4

Hence, Hence, Hence,

y−2 y+5 6−y
f  (y) = 3
f  (y) = 3
f –1(y) =
x−2 x+5 6−x
f –1(x) = 3 f –1(x) = 3 f (x) = 4

­5 − x ­x − 6 6 f(x) = 7 + 7x
f(x) = f(x) = x ,x≠0
4 5
­5 − x ­x − 6 f(x) = 7 + 7x
f(x) = 3 f(x) = x x = f –1 (7 + 7x)

( ­5 − x
x = f –1   3 ) (
x = f –1 x
­x − 6
) Let y = 7 + 7x
­5 − x ­x − 6 y − 7 = 7x
Let y = 3 Let y = x
­y − 7
xy = x − 6 = x
3y = 5 − x 7
x = 5 − 3y 6 = x − xy
6 = x(1 − y) Hence,
­6 ­y − 7
Hence, 1 − y = x f –1(y) = 7
f –1(y) = 5 − 3y ­x − 7
f –1(x) = 5 − 3x f (x) = 7
f –1(y) = 1 − y
f –1(x) = 1 − x  , x ≠ 1

Exercise 16 Find the values of p and q for each of the following. HOTS Applying
Cari nilai p dan q bagi setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 16
f(x) = 4x + q
f –1(x) = px + 2
f(x) = 4x + q Compare/Bandingkan
x = f –1(4x + q) x q
f –1(x) = 4 − 4
Let/Biarkan y = 4x + q
f –1(x) = px + 2
Then/Maka x = 4 1 q
∴ 4 = p and/dan − = 2
y−q 4
f –1(y) = 4 1
p= 4 q = −8
f –1(x) = 4
x q
= 4 − 4


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 12 05/12/2019 8:00:17 PM

1 f(x) = 2x − 14 2 f(x) = 6x + q 3 f(x) = px + 6
f –1(x) = px + q f –1(x) = px − 12 f –1(x) = 4x + q

f(x) = 2x − 14 f(x) = 6x + q f(x) = px + 6

x = f –1(2x − 14) x = f –1(6x + q) x = f –1(px + 6)
Let y = 2x − 14 Let y = 6x + q Let y = px + 6
y + 14 y−q y−6
Then x = 2 Then x = 6 Then x = p
y + 14 y−q y−6
f –1(y) = 2 f –1(y) = 6 f –1(y) = p
x + 14 x−q x−6
f –1(x) = 2 f –1(x) = 6 f –1(x) = p
x x q x 6
= 2 + 7 = 6 − 6 = p − p

Compare with Compare with Compare with

f –1(x) = px + q f –1(x) = px − 12 f –1(x) = 4x + q
1 1 1
∴ p = 2 ∴p= 6 ∴ p = 4
and and 1
q = 7 p = 4
− = −12
6 and
q = 72 6
− = q
− 6 = q
( )
q = −6  4
= −24

4 f(x) = px + q 5 f(x) = px − 18 6 f(x) = 2p − 3x

f –1(x) = 2x − 6 f –1(x) = 3x + q f –1(x) = 1 − q  x
f(x) = px + q f(x) = px − 18 f(x) = 2p − 3x
x = f –1(px + q) x = f –1(px − 18) x = f –1(2p − 3x)
Let y = px + q Let y = px − 18 Let y = 2p − 3x
y−q y + 18
Then x = p Then x = p 2p − y
Then x = 3
y−q y + 18
f –1(y) = p f –1(y) = p 2p − y
f –1(y) = 3
f –1(x) = p x + 18 2p − x
f –1(x) = p f –1(x) = 3
x q
= p − p x 18
= p + p Compare with
f –1(x) = 1 − q  x
Compare with Compare with
f –1(x) = 2x − 6 3
f –1(x) = 3x + q
1 3 − qx
∴ p = 2 =
1 3
∴ p = 3
1 ∴ 2p = 3
p = 2 1
p = 3 3
and p = 2
− q = –6 18 and
p p = q
q –q = –1
p = 6 q = 1
q = 6p 18 = q
( )
( )
q = 6 2

q = 54
= 3


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 13 05/12/2019 8:00:18 PM

Exercise 17 Solve each of the following. HOTS Evaluating
Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang fungsi dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

6 2 It is given that g(x) = 7 − 3x.

1 Given h(x) = − , find
x Diberi bahawa g(x) = 7 – 3x.
6 (a) Find/Cari
Diberi h(x) = − , cari
x (i) g2(x) and/dan g–1(x).
(a) (ii) (g2)–1.
(b) (b) Determine the relationship between (g2)–1
(c) and (g–1)2.
Tentukan hubungan antara (g2)–1 dan (g–1)2.
h (x) = −
( )
(a) (i) g2(x) = 7 − 3(7 − 3x) 7−x

x ( ) = 7 − 21 + 9x
(b) (g–1)2 =
x = 9x − 14 3
6 Let y = g(x)
 y = 7 − 3x
21 − 7 + x
3 )
h3(x) = −
=− ( )
 3x = 7 − y
7−y x + 14

6  x = =
h4(x) = − =x 3 9
7 − x

x ( ) g (x) = –1
∴ (g 2
= (g )
–1 2

h8(x) = h4(h4(x)) (ii) Let y =g2(x)

=x y = 9x − 14
9x = y + 14
h17(x) = h16(h(x))
(c) y + 14
x =
= −
x ( ) ∴ (g ) = 2 –1
x + 14
6 9
= −

3x − 118
3 Mr Lim is a fried noodles hawker. The daily profit that he can obtain, in RM, is given by w : x → ,
where x is the number of packets of fried noodles sold in a day.
Encik Lim ialah seorang penjaja mi goreng. Keuntungan harian yang dapat diperolehnya, dalam RM, diberi oleh
3x – 118
w:x→ , dengan keadaan x ialah bilangan peket mi goreng yang dijual dalam sehari.
(a) Calculate the average daily profit obtained by Mr Lim if he sold 1 197 packets of fried noodles in a
Hitung keuntungan harian yang diperoleh Encik Lim jika dia menjual 1 197 bungkusan mi goreng dalam seminggu.
(b) Find the minimum number of packets of fried noodles that must be sold in a day so that Mr Lim does
not experience any loss.
Cari bilangan minimum peket mi goreng yang perlu dijual dalam sehari supaya Encik Lim tidak mengalami sebarang

(a) 1 week : 1 197 packets of fried noodles

1 day : 171 packets of fried noodles
3x − 118
w(x) =
3(171) − 118
= 98.75
∴ The daily profit = RM98.75
3x − 118
(b) >0
3x − 118 > 0
3x > 118
x > 39.33
x = 40
The minimum number of packets of fried noodles that must be sold is 40 packets.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 14 05/12/2019 8:00:18 PM

Review 1
Paper 1 Questions
 1 Given h : x → 2mx − n, g : x → 6x − 5 and  8 It is given that f(x) = 6x and g(x) = 3h + kx. Express
hg : x → 12mx + n. Express m in terms of n. SPM
h in terms of k such that gf(2) = 15.
`16 Diberi h : x → 2mx − n, g : x → 6x − 5 dan hg : x → 12mx + n. `15 Diberi bahawa f(x) = 6x dan g(x) = 3h + kx. Ungkapkan h
P1Q12 P1Q2
Ungkapkan m dalam sebutan n. dalam sebutan k dengan keadaan gf(2) = 15.
[3 marks/markah] [3 marks/markah]
 2 Given the function f : x → 4x − 3, find  9 The inverse function f is defined by
Diberi fungsi f : x → 4x − 3, cari SPM Fungsi songsang f ditakrifkan kepada
(a) f(2), CLONE

(b) the value of k when f –1(k) = 5.

P1Q3 f –1: x → 6 , x ≠ 4.
nilai bagi k apabila f –1(k) = 5. Find/Cari
[3 marks/markah] (a) f(x),
 3 Diagram 1 shows the graph of the function (b) the value of x such that f(x) = –12.
nilai bagi x dengan keadaan f(x) = –12.
SPM f : x → |3 − 2x| for the domain −2 < x < 6.
CLONE [4 marks/markah]
`17 1 menunjukkan graf bagi fungsi f : x → |3 − 2x|
untuk domain −2 < x < 6. 10 Given the function f(x) = –ax + b, where a and b
f(x) are constants. Find the values of a and b such that
f –1(7) = 4 and f –1(–3) = 9.
Diberi fungsi f(x) = –ax + b, dengan keadaan a dan b ialah pemalar.
(–2, 7) Cari nilai a dan b dengan keadaan f –1(7) = 4 dan f –1(–3) = 9.
[4 marks/markah]
11 Diagram 2 shows the function f : x → x2 + x + 4.
O 6 Rajah 2 menunjukkan fungsi f : x → x2 + x + 4.
Diagram 1/ Rajah 1 f
x x2 + x + 4
State/ Nyatakan
(a) the object of 9, (b) the image of 4, 3
objek bagi 9, imej bagi 4, h
(c) the domain of 0 < f(x) < 7.
domain bagi 0 < f(x) < 7.
Diagram 2/ Rajah 2
[3 marks/markah]
Find the value of h.
 4 Given the function h : x → 2x − 10, find Cari nilai h.

SPM Diberi fungsi h : x → 2x − 10, cari [3 marks/markah]
`17 (a) h−1(x),
( )
12 Diagram 3 shows the relation between set P, set Q
(b) the value of m such that h2 5m = 20.

and set R.

( 5m2 ) = 20.

`18 Rajah 3 menunjukkan hubungan antara set P, set Q dan set R.
nilai bagi m dengan keadaan h2 P1Q22
[4 marks/markah] 

x 3 Q fg : x → x2 + 6x + 7
 5 The function f : x → x – 7 and g : x → ,x≠ .

4x − 3 4

CLONE Find the value of gf(9). 

`10 x 3 R

P1Q3 Fungsi f : x → x – 7 dan g : x → , x ≠ . Cari nilai
4x – 3 4
bagi gf(9). Diagram 3/ Rajah 3
[3 marks/markah] It is given that set P maps to set Q by the function
 6 Given the functions g(x) = 6x – 9 and h(x) = 3x. x + 3 and maps to set R by fg: x → x2 + 6x + 7.

SPM Find the value of gh(4). 2
CLONE Diberi bahawa set P dipetakan kepada set Q oleh fungsi
`11 Diberi fungsi g(x) = 6x – 9 dan h(x) = 3x.
P1Q2 x+3
Cari nilai bagi gh(4). dan dipetakan kepada set R oleh fg: x → x2 + 6x + 7.
[2 marks/markah] (a) Write down the function which maps set P to
set Q by using the function notation.
 7 It is given that g(x) = x + 4 , x ≠ . Find the value
2x – 5 2 Tuliskan fungsi yang memetakan set P kepada set Q
of 3 g–1(–3). dengan menggunakan tatatanda fungsi.
11 (b) Find the function which maps set Q to set R.
x+4 5 3 –1
Diberi bahawa g(x) = , x ≠ . Cari nilai g (–3). Cari fungsi yang memetakan set Q kepada set R.
2x – 5 2 11
[3 marks/markah] [4 marks/markah]


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 15 05/12/2019 8:00:20 PM

Paper 2 Questions

 1 Diagram 1 shows the function g maps set P to set Q and the function h maps set Q to set R.
SPM Rajah 1 menunjukkan fungsi g memetakan set P kepada set Q dan fungsi h memetakan set Q kepada set R.
g h

x 2x + 5 10x – 3

Diagram 1/ Rajah 1
(a) Express in terms of x, the function
Ungkapkan dalam sebutan x, fungsi
(i) which maps set Q to set P,
yang memetakan set Q kepada set P,
(ii) h(x).
[5 marks/markah]
(b) Find the value of x such that gh(x) = 5x + 9.
Cari nilai x dengan keadaan gh(x) = 5x + 9.
[2 marks/markah]

 2 It is given that f : x → 2x – 4 and g : x → 2 – 3x.

SPM Diberi bahawa f : x → 2x – 4 dan g : x → 2 – 3x.
`18 (a) Find/Cari
(i) g(6),
(ii) the value of p if f(p + 3) = 1­ g(6),
nilai p jika f(p + 3) = ­1 g(6),
(iii) gf(x).
[5 marks/markah]
(b) Hence, sketch the graph of y = |gf(x)| for –1 ≤ x ≤ 5.
Seterusnya, lakarkan graf bagi y = |gf(x)| untuk –1 ≤ x ≤ 5.
[3 marks/markah]

H O TS Zo n e
  1 Given fg : x → 6x + 5 and g : x → 2x + 1. Find f(x).
Diberi fg : x → 6x + 5 dan g : x → 2x + 1. Cari f(x).

  2 Given fg(x) = 4x + 3 and g : x → , x ≠ 1. Find f(x).
Diberi fg(x) = 4x + 3 dan g : x → , x ≠ 1. Cari f(x).

  3 Given f : x → 3x + 7 and fg : x → 6x2 – 3x – 5, find g(x).

Diberi f : x → 3x + 7 dan fg : x → 6x2 – 3x – 5, cari g(x).

  4 Given f : x → 2x – 4 and fg : x → , x ≠ 2, find g(x).
Diberi f : x → 2x – 4 dan fg : x → , x ≠ 2, cari g(x).

 5 Desa Kindergarten started operating in 2015 and the number of students for the first 12 years is given by
f : t → 16 + 7t, such that t is the number of years after 2015. HOTS Applying
Tadika Desa mula beroperasi pada tahun 2015 dan bilangan murid untuk 12 tahun yang pertama diberi oleh f : t → 16 + 7t, dengan
keadaan t ialah bilangan tahun selepas 2015.
(a) Find the number of students after 5 years.
Cari bilangan murid selepas 5 tahun.
(b) In which year will the number of students be 79?
Pada tahun berapakah bilangan murid akan menjadi 79 orang?


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C1 4th.indd 16 05/12/2019 8:00:20 PM

Chapter Learning Area: Algebra

2 Quadratic Functions
Fungsi Kuadratik

2.1 Quadratic Equations and Inequalities / Persamaan dan Ketaksamaan Kuadratik

Smart Tip
1 The general form of a quadratic equation is (b) Has an equal sign “=” and can be expressed in
ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, c are constants and a ≠ 0. the form ax2 + bx + c = 0.
Bentuk am persamaan kuadratik ialah ax2 + bx + c = 0, dengan Mempunyai tanda “=” dan boleh dinyatakan dalam bentuk
keadaan a, b, c ialah pemalar dan a ≠ 0. ax2 + bx + c = 0.
2 Characteristics of a quadratic equation: (c) The highest power of the variable is 2.
Ciri-ciri suatu persamaan kuadratik: Kuasa tertinggi bagi pemboleh ubah ialah 2.
(a) Involves only one variable.
Melibatkan hanya satu pemboleh ubah.

Exercise 1 Solve the following quadratic equations by completing the square. Give the answer correct
to three decimal places.
Selesaikan persamaan kuadratik berikut dengan penyempurnaan kuasa dua. Beri jawapan betul kepada tiga
tempat perpuluhan.

Example 1 1 x2 − 4x − 5 = 0 2 x2 − 6x − 16 = 0

x2 + 4x − 3 = 0 x2 − 4x − 5 = 0 x2 − 6x − 16 = 0
Solution x2 − 4x = 5 x2 − 6x = 16
( )
x2 − 6x + – 6 = 16 + – 6 ( )
2 2
x2 + 4x − 3 = 0
( )
x2 − 4x + – 4 = 5 + – 4 ( )
2 2

2 2 2 2
x2 + 4x = 3
( ) ( 6
4 2

x2 + 4x +  4 = 3 + 4 () x− = 16 + 9
2 2
x−  =5+4 2
2 2 2
(x − 3)2 = 25
(x+ 4
=3+4) (x − 2)2 = 9
x − 2 = ±  9 x − 3 = ± 25
(x + 2) = 7
x =2±3 x =3±5
x + 2 = ±  7 x = 2 − 3 or x = 2 + 3 x = 3 − 5 or x = 3 + 5
x = –2 ± 7
x = –2 − 7 or/atau x = –2 + 
7 x = –1 or x = 5 x = –2 or x = 8
x = –4.646 or x = 0.646

3 x2 + 3x − 7 = 0 4 x2 + 5x + 2 = 0 5 x2 − 7x + 3 = 0
x2 + 3x − 7 = 0 x2 + 5x + 2 = 0 x2 − 7x + 3 = 0
x2 + 3x = 7 x2 + 5x = –2 x2 − 7x = –3
3 2 3 2 5 2 5 2 7 2 7 2
x2 + 3x +
2 2
=7+ 2 2 x2 + 5x + 
= –2 +
2  
x2 − 7x + –  = –3 + – 
2 2  
3 2 9 5 2 25 7 2 49
x+2 =7+  4 x+
2 = –2 +
4 x−
2  = –3 +
3 2 37 5 2 17 7 2 37
x+2 =
4 x+
2 =
4 x−
2  =
3 37 5 17 7 37
x+ =±� 4 x+ =±� 4 x− =±� 4
2 2 2
x+ = ±
 37 5 17 7  37
x+ =± x− =±
2 2 2 2 2 2
3  37 5  17 7  37
x = –  ± x = –  ± x=  ±
2 2 2 2 2 2
3  37 3 
37 5  17 5 
17 7  37 7  37
x = –  − or x = –  + x = –  − or x = –  + x = − or x = +
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
x = –4.541 or x = 1.541 x = –4.562 or x = –0.438 x = 0.459 or x = 6.541


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 17 05/12/2019 8:01:02 PM

Exercise 2 Solve the following quadratic equations by completing the square. Give the answers correct
to three decimal places.
Selesaikan persamaan kuadratik berikut dengan penyempurnaan kuasa dua. Beri jawapan betul kepada tiga
tempat perpuluhan.

Example 2 1 3x2 − 5x − 7 = 0 2 3x2 − x − 5 = 0

3x2 − 2x − 4 = 0 3x2 − 5x − 7 = 0 (÷3) 3x2 − x − 5 = 0 (÷3)

5 7 1 5
Solution x2 −  x − = 0 x2 −  x − = 0
3 3 3 3
3x2 − 2x − 4 = 0 (÷3) 5 7 1 5
x −  x =
2 x −  x =
2 4 3 3 3 3
x −    x − = 0
5 5 2 7 5 2 1 1 2 5 1 2
3 3
2 4  
x −  x + –  = + – 
3 6 3  
6 3  
x −  x + –  = + – 
6 3  
x2 −  x = 1 2 5 1
3 3 5 2 7 25
2 2 2 4 2 2 x−
6 = +
3 36 x−
6 = +
3 36
3 6  
x2 −  x + –  =   + – 
3 6   5 109 1 2 61
 
x− =
2 2 4 1 x−
6 =
36 6 36
 6 
x −  = +
3 9 5 109 1
x − = ± � 36
1 2 13 x− =±� 6
6 36
3 
9 5  109 1 61
x− =± x− =±
x − = ± 
 13 6 6 6 6
3 3 5  109 1  61
x= ± x= ±
1  13 1  13 6 6 6 6
x= − or x = +
3 3 3 3 5 109 5 109 1  61 1  61
x= − or x = + x= − or +
x = –0.869 or x = 1.535 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
x = –0.907 or x = 2.573 x = –1.135 or x = 1.468
Smart Tip
If a ≠ 1, the coefficient of x2
must be reduced to 1.
Jika a ≠ 1, pekali bagi x2 perlulah
diturunkan kepada 1.
3x2 x2

3 3x2 + 2x − 6 = 0 4 5x2 − 3x − 4 = 0 5 7x2 − 5x − 9 = 0

3x2 + 2x − 6 = 0 (÷3) 5x2 − 3x − 4 = 0 (÷5) 7x2 − 5x − 9 = 0 (÷7)
2 3 4 5 9
x2 + 3  x − 2 = 0 x2 − 5  x − 5 = 0 x2 −  x − = 0
7 7
2 3 4 5 9
x2 +  x = 2 x2 −  x = 5 x2 −  x =
3 5 7 7
2 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 4 3 2 5 5 2 9 5 2
3  
x2 +  x +   = 2 +  
3 3   5  
x2 −  x + – 
10  
= 5 + – 
10 x −  x + – 
7 
14  
= 7 + – 
14 
1 2 1 3 2 4 9
 x+
3  =2+
9  x− 
= +
5 100 x−
5 2 9 25

= +
1 2 19 14 7 196
 x+
3  =
9  x−

89 5 2 277
10 100 x−
14 
1 3 89
x+ =±� 9 x− =±� 5 277
3 10 100 x− =±�
14 196
x+ =±
 19 3 89
3 3 x− = ± x− =±
5  277
10 10 14 14
1  19 3  89
x =– ± x= ± 5 277
3 3 10 10 x= ±
14 14
1  19 1 
19 3  89 3  89
x =– − or x = – + x= − or x = + 5 277 5 277
3 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 x= − or x = +
14 14 14 14
x = –1.786 or x = 1.120 x = –0.643 or x = 1.243 x = –0.832 or x =1.546


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 18 05/12/2019 8:01:03 PM

Exercise 3 Solve the following quadratic equations by using formula. Give the answers correct to three
decimal places.
Selesaikan persamaan kuadratik berikut dengan menggunakan rumus. Beri jawapan betul kepada tiga tempat

Example 3 1 x2 − 3x = 5 2 3x2 − 5x − 7 = 0
x2 − 3x = 5 3x2 − 5x − 7 = 0
3x2 − 4x − 6 = 0
x2 − 3x − 5 = 0 a = 3, b = –5, c = –7
a = 1, b = –3, c = –5 −(–5) ±  (–5)2 − 4(3)(–7)
Solution x=
3x2 − 4x − 6 = 0 −(–3) ±  (–3)2 − 4(1)(–5) 2(3)
a = 3, b = –4, c = –6 2(1) 5 ± 25 + 84
3 ± 9 + 20 3 ± 29 6
−(–4) ±  (–4)2 − 4(3)(–6) x= =
x= 2 2 5 ± 109
2(3) =
3 − 29 3 + 29 6
4 ± 16 + 72 x= or x = 5 − 109 5 + 109
= 2 2 x= or x =
6 6 6
x = –1.193 or x = 4.193
4 ± 88 x = –0.907 or x = 2.573
4 − 88 4 + 88 3 x2 + 4x = 6 4 2x2 − 3x = 8
x= or/atau x =
6 6 x2 + 4x = 6 2x2 − 3x = 8
x = –0.897 or/atau 2.230 x2 + 4x − 6 = 0 2x2 − 3x − 8 = 0
a = 1, b = 4, c = –6 a = 2, b = –3, c = –8
–4 ± 42 − 4(1)(–6) −(–3) ±  (–3)2 − 4(2)(–8)
Smart Tip x=
2(1) 2(2)
–4 ± 16 + 24 3 ± 9 + 64
x= x=
If/Jika ax2 + bx + c = 0 4
–b ± b2 – 4ac 3 ± 73
then/maka x = –4 ± 40 x=
2a x= 4
3 − 73 3 + 73
x = –2 + 10 or x = –2 − 10 x= or x =
4 4
x = 1.162 or –5.162 x = –1.386 or x = 2.886

5 The diagram below shows a cuboid-shaped tissue 6 The diagram below shows a trapezium.
box. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sebuah trapezium.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sebuah kotak tisu berbentuk (x + 3) cm

(x + 4) cm (2x) cm

4 cm

(2x + 1) cm

x cm Find the value of x.

Cari nilai x.
(2x + 1) cm
It is given that the volume of the box is 92 cm3.
Find the value of x.
x+4 x+4 2x
Diberi bahawa isi padu kotak itu ialah 92 cm3. Cari nilai x.

Volume = 4x(2x + 1) = 92 x+3 x–2

2x2 + x = 23
2x2 + x − 23 = 0 Using Phythagoras’ theorem,
(x + 4)2 + (x − 2)2 = (2x)2
–b ± b2 − 4ac x2 + 8x + 16 + x2 − 4x + 4 = 4x2
2a 2x2 − 4x − 20 = 0
–(1) ± (1)2 − 4(2)(–23) x2 − 2x − 10 = 0
= –b ± b2 − 4ac
2(2) x=
= –3.650 or 3.150 2a
The negative value for length is not valid. −(–2) ± (–2)2 − 4(1)(–10)
= 2(1)
∴ x = 3.150
= –2.317 or 4.317
∴ x = 4.317


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 19 05/12/2019 8:01:03 PM

Exercise 4 Find the quadratic equation from the given roots.
Cari persamaan kuadratik daripada punca-punca yang diberi.

Example 4 Smart Tip

1 A quadratic equation with roots given can be expressed as
Roots/Punca: 3, – 
2 Suatu persamaan kuadratik dengan punca−punca yang diberi boleh diungkap sebagai

x2 − (S.O.R)x + (P.O.R) = 0 where/dengan keadaan P.O.R = product of roots

Solution S.O.R = sum of roots hasil darab punca
1 5
Sum of roots = 3 + –   =   hasil tambah punca
Hasil tambah punca
2 2
1 3
Product of roots = (3)–   = –  1 Roots: 3, 2 2 Roots: 5, –3
Hasil darab punca
2 2 Punca Punca

The quadratic equation: Sum of roots = 3 + 2 = 5 Sum of roots = 5 + (–3) = 2

Persamaan kuadratik:
Product of roots = (3)(2) = 6 Product of roots = (5)(–3) = –15
5 3 The quadratic equation The quadratic equation
x2 −  x + –   = 0
2 2 required is required is
2x2 − 5x − 3 = 0 x2 − (5)x + (6) = 0 x2 − (2)x + (–15) = 0
x2 − 5x + 6 = 0 x2 − 2x − 15 = 0

Alternative Method Alternative Method

Alternative Method x = 3, x = 2 x = 5, x = –3
x − 3 = 0, x − 2 = 0 x − 5 = 0, x + 3 = 0
x = 3, x = – 1 (x − 3)(x − 2) = 0 (x – 5)(x + 3) = 0
2 x2 − 2x − 3x + 6 = 0 x2 + 3x − 5x − 15 = 0
x − 3 = 0, 2x = –1 x2 − 5x + 6 = 0 x2 − 2x − 15 = 0
x − 3 = 0, 2x + 1 = 0
(x – 3)(2x + 1) = 0
2x2 + x – 6x – 3 = 0
2x2 − 5x – 3 = 0

3 Root: 5 only/sahaja 4 Roots: 3, – 2   5 Roots: 3 , – 1  

Punca 7 Punca 3 2 3
Sum of roots Sum of roots = 3 + – 2 =   3 7
5 5 10 3 3 Sum of roots = + – 1 =
 
2 3 6
=  
7 Product of roots Product of roots
Product of roots
= (3) – 2 = –2
 
5 5 25 3 = 3   – 1 = – 1
  
=   
7 7
49 2 3 2
The quadratic equation
The quadratic equation The quadratic equation
required is
required is required is
10 25 x2 −  7 x + (–2) = 0
 
x2 −  
49 
=0 3 x2 −  7 x + – 1 = 0
    
6 2
70 25 3x2 − 7x − 6 = 0
x2 −  
49 
=0 6x2 − 7x − 3 = 0
49x − 70x + 25 = 0
Alternative Method
Alternative Method
x = 3, x = – 2
Alternative Method 3 x = 3 , x = – 1
x − 3 = 0, 3x + 2 = 0 2 3
x= 5 (x − 3)(3x + 2) = 0
2x − 3 = 0, 3x + 1 = 0
7 (2x − 3)(3x + 1) = 0
7x − 5 = 0 3x2 + 2x − 9x − 6 = 0
6x2 + 2x − 9x − 3 = 0
(7x − 5)2 = 0 3x2 − 7x − 6 = 0
6x2 − 7x − 3 = 0
(7x − 5)(7x − 5) = 0
49x2 − 35x − 35x + 25 = 0
49x2 − 70x + 25 = 0


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 20 05/12/2019 8:01:04 PM

Exercise 5 Solve each of the following.
Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.

Example 5
The roots of the quadratic equation 2x2 + px + 6q = 12 are 3 and –5. Find the values of p and q.
Punca-punca bagi persamaan kuadratik 2x2 + px + 6q = 12 ialah 3 dan –5. Cari nilai p dan q.

Sum of roots Sum of roots Product of roots
Hasil tambah punca Hasil tambah punca Hasil darab punca
3 + (–5) = 3 − 5 = –2 p 3q − 6 = –15
–   = –2
2 3q = –9
Product of roots ∴p=4 ∴q = –3
Hasil darab punca
(3)(–5) = –15 Smart Tip Alternative Method
2x + px + 6q = 12
To solve this question, the x = 3, x = –5
2x2 + px + 6q − 12 = 0 (÷2) equation must be expressed as (x – 3)(x + 5) = 0
x2 – (S.O.R)x + (P.O.R) = 0. x2 + 5x − 3x − 15 = 0
p 6q − 12 x2 + 2x − 15 = 0 (32)
x2 + 2  x + =0 Therefore, the coefficient of x2
2 must be reduced to 1. 2x2 + 4x − 30 = 0
p Compare/Bandingkan
x2 + 2  x + 3q − 6 = 0 Untuk menyelesaikan soalan ini,
persamaan perlu diungkap sebagai 2x2 + px + 6q − 12 = 0
x2 – (S.O.R)x + (P.O.R) = 0. Maka, p = 4, 6q − 12 = –30
Compare with/Bandingkan dengan 6q = –18
pekali bagi x2 mesti diturunkan kepada 1.
x2 − (S.O.R) x + (P.O.R) = 0 q
= –3

1 The roots of the quadratic equation 2x2 − 8x + p = 5 2 The roots of the quadratic equation 2x2 + px − 16 = 0
are 1 and 3. Find the value of p. are 2 and –4. Find the value of p.
Punca-punca bagi persamaan kuadratik 2x2 − 8x + p = 5 Punca-punca bagi persamaan kuadratik 2x2 + px − 16 = 0
ialah 1 dan 3. Cari nilai p. ialah 2 dan –4. Cari nilai p.

Given roots 1 and 3 Given roots 2 and –4

Sum of roots = 1 + 3 = 4 Sum of roots = 2 + (–4) = 2 − 4 = –2
Product of roots = (1)(3) = 3 Product of roots = (2)(–4) = –8

2x2 − 8x + p = 5 Product of roots 2x2 + px − 16 = 0 (÷2) Sum of roots

2x2 − 8x + p − 5 = 0 (÷2) p−5 p p
=3 x2 + 2  x − 8 = 0 –  = –2
p−5 2 2
x2 − 4x + =0 p – 5 = 6
p = 5 + 6
Sum of roots = 4
= 11

3 The roots of the quadratic equation 3x2 + px + 6 = q 4 Given p and 5 are the roots of 2x2 + 4x + q = 0.
are –2 and 6. Find the values of p and q. Find the values of p and q.
Punca-punca bagi persamaan kuadratik 3x2 + px + 6 = q Diberi p dan 5 ialah punca bagi 2x2 + 4x + q = 0. Cari nilai
ialah –2 dan 6. Cari nilai p dan q. p dan q.

Given roots –2 and 6 Given roots p and 5

Sum of roots = –2 + 6 = 4 Sum of roots = p + 5
Product of roots = (–2)(6) = –12 Product of roots = 5p
3x2 + px + 6 = q 2x2 + 4x + q = 0 (42)
3x2 + px + 6 − q = 0 (43) q
x2 + 2x + = 0
p 6−q 2
x2 + 3  x + =0 Product of roots
3 Sum of roots
p + 5 = –2 q
Sum of roots Product of roots 5p =
p = –2 − 5 2
p 6−q q
– 3 = 4 = –12 p = –7 5(–7) =
3 2
∴ p = –12 6 – q = –36 –35 =
q = 42
q = –70


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 21 05/12/2019 8:01:05 PM

Exercise 6 Solve.

Example 6
(a) a and β are the roots of the quadratic equation 3
(b) Given thatand β are the roots of
2x2 + 4x − 9 = 0. Form a new quadratic equation 4
with roots a + 2 and β + 2. 20x2 − 7x − 6 = 0, find the value of β.
 dan  ialah punca bagi persamaan kuadratik 2x2 + 4x − 9 = 0. 3
Bentukkan satu persamaan kuadratik yang baharu dengan 4 dan β ialah punca bagi persamaan
Diberi bahawa
punca  + 2 dan  + 2. kuadratik 20x − 7x − 6 = 0, cari nilai β.

Solution Solution
2x2 + 4x − 9 = 0 20x2 − 7x − 6 = 0
PAK-21 a = 2, b = 4, c = –9 a = 20, b = –7, c = –6
Roots: a, β 3

Punca: a, β Roots:  , β Sum of roots

b 4 3 b Hasil tambah punca-punca
a + β = –  = –  = –2 + β = – 
a 2 4 a b
c 9 (–7) 3 a
aβ = = –  β = –  −
a 2 20 4
New roots: a + 2, β + 2 7 − 15
PAK-21 =
Punca baharu: a + 2, β + 2 20

Sum of new roots 20
Hasil tambah punca-punca baharu 2
= – 
a + 2 + β + 2 = (a + β) + 2 + 2 5
= (–2) + 4
Alternative Method
Product of new roots 3 c Product of roots
Hasil darab punca-punca baharu 4 (β) = a Hasil darab punca-punca
(a + 2)(b + 2) –6 4 c
= aβ + 2a + 2β + 4 β = 20 3 3 αβ =
= aβ + 2(a + β) + 4 2
β = – 
9 5
1 2
= –  + 2(–2) + 4
2 Or/Atau
= – 
2 20x2 – 7x − 6 = 0
(4x − 3)(5x + 2) = 0
New quadratic equation 4x − 3 = 0 or/atau 5x + 2 = 0
Persamaan kuadratik yang baharu 4x = 3 5x = −2
x2 − (S.O.R)x + (P.O.R) = 0 3 2
9 x = 4 x = – 
 2
x2 − (2)x + –  = 0
2 3
Roots/Punca: 4  , β
x2 − 2x − = 0 2
2 ∴ β = – 
2x2 − 4x − 9 = 0

PAK-21 Trade a problem QR CODE


1 Students are required to provide a question of forming quadratic equations from given
Scan or visit
Murid-murid dikehendaki menyediakan satu soalan mengenai membentuk persamaan https://www.
kuadratik daripada punca yang diberi. purplemath.
2 Students are divided into groups of 4. Trade the question with other members. com/modules/
Murid-murid dibahagi kepada kumpulan yang terdiri daripada 4 orang murid. Tukar quadform.htm
for additional
soalan dengan ahli yang lain.
notes on how to
3 Teacher hold a discussion of results of the problem solving for each group. solve quadratic
Guru membuat perbincangan bagi hasil penyelesaian masalah bagi setiap kumpulan. equations.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 22 05/12/2019 8:01:06 PM

1 Given α and β are the roots of 2 Given α and β are the roots of If α and β are the roots of
the quadratic equation the quadratic equation the quadratic equation
x2 − 7x + 14 = 0, form a new 3x2 − x − 15 = 0, form a new 4x2 + 3x + 12 = 0, form a new
quadratic equation with roots quadratic equation with roots quadratic equation with
α β 5 − α and 5 − β. 4 4
and . Diberi α dan β ialah punca bagi roots and  .
3 3 α β
Diberi α dan β ialah punca bagi persamaan kuadratik 3x2 − x − 15 = 0, Jika α dan β ialah punca bagi
persamaan kuadratik x2 − 7x + 14 = 0, bentukkan persamaan kuadratik yang persamaan kuadratik 4x2 + 3x + 12 = 0,
bentukkan persamaan kuadratik yang baharu dengan punca 5 − α dan 5 − β. bentukkan persamaan kuadratik yang
α β 4 4
baharu dengan punca dan  .
baharu dengan punca dan .
3 3 3x2 − x − 15 = 0 α β
a = 3, b = –1, c = –15
x2 − 7x + 14 = 0 Roots: α, β 4x2 + 3x + 12 = 0
a = 1, b = –7, c = 14 a = 4, b = 3, c = 12
b (–1) 1
Roots: α, β α + β = –  = –  = Roots: α, β
a 3 3
b (–7) c –15 b 3
α + β = –  = –  =7 αβ = = = –5 α + β = –  = – 
a 1 a 3 a 4
c 14 c 12
αβ = = = 14 New roots: 5 − α, 5 − β αβ = = =3
a 1 a 4
α β 4 4
New roots: 3 , 3 Sum of the new roots New roots: α , β  
(5 − α) + (5 − β)
Sum of the new roots = 10 − α – β Sum of the new roots
α β α + β = 10 − (α + β) 4 4 (4β + 4α)
3 + 3 = 3 1 α + β = αβ
= 3
= 10 −
3   4(β + α)
29 =
= 3 αβ
Product of the new roots 3
α β αβ Product of the new roots  
4 – 
  
3 3
= 9 (5 − α)(5 − β) = 3
14 = 25 − 5β − 5α + αβ –3
= 9 = 3
= 25 − 5(β + α) + αβ
1 = –1
New quadratic equation
x2 − (S.O.R)x + (P.O.R) = 0
= 25 − 5
3  
55 Product of the new roots
7 14 = 3 4 4 16
x2 −     
=0   
α β = αβ
New quadratic equation 16
9x2 − 21x + 14 = 0 = 3
x2 − (S.O.R)x + (P.O.R) = 0
29 55 New quadratic equation
x2 −  3  x +  3  = 0 x2 − (S.O.R)x + (P.O.R) = 0
3x2 − 29x + 55 = 0 16
 
x2 − (–1)x + 3 = 0

3x2 + 3x + 16 = 0

4 α and –1 are the roots of 2x2 – 6x + k = 0, find the values of α and k.

α dan –1 ialah punca bagi persamaan kuadratik 2x2 − 6x + k = 0, cari nilai bagi α dan k.

2x2 − 6x + k = 0 α(–1) =
a = 2, b = –6, c = k k
–α = , (α = 4)
Roots: α, –1 2
b k
α + (–1) = –  –4 =
a 2
(–6) –8 = k
α − 1 = –
α − 1 = 3
α = 4


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 23 05/12/2019 8:01:06 PM

5 One of the roots of the quadratic equation 6 One of the roots of the quadratic equation
2x2 − mx + m = 0, m ≠ 0, is twice the other root. 3x2 − 5x + p = 0 is three times the value of the
Find the value of m and determine the values of other root. Find the value of p.
the roots. HOTS Applying Satu daripada punca bagi persamaan kuadratik 3x2 − 5x + p
Satu daripada punca bagi persamaan kuadratik 2x − mx +
2 = 0 ialah tiga kali punca yang satu lagi. Cari nilai p.
m = 0, m ≠ 0, ialah dua kali punca yang satu lagi. Cari nilai
m dan tentukan nilai bagi punca-punca itu. 3x2 − 5x + p = 0
5 p
2x2 – mx + m = 0 Substitute 1 into 2 x2 − x + = 0
3 3
a = 2, b = –m, c = m m2 m Roots: α and 3α
 
6 = 4
Assume the roots are m2 m Sum of roots = α + 3α = 4α
α and 2α, = 5
36 4 4α =
Sum of roots: m2 – 9m = 0 3
b m(m – 9) = 0 5
α + 2α = – α =
a m = 0 or m = 9, 12
(–m) m≠0∴m=9
3α = –  Product of roots = α(3α) = 3α2
2 p
m Substitute m = 9 into = 3α2
α= 1 3
6 2x2 − mx + m = 0
p = 9α2
Product of roots: 2x2 − 9x + 9 = 0
c (2x − 3)(x − 3) = 0 5
α(2α) = Substitute α = into p = 9α2
a 2x − 3 = 0 and x − 3 = 0 12
m 3 5 2 25
p = 9
12 2 16
2α2 = x = 2 x = 3 =
α =
2 2

Exercise 7 Find the range of values of x.

Cari julat nilai x.

Smart Tip
(a) (x − m)(x − n) < 0 or/atau (x − m)(x − n) ≤ 0 (b) (x − m)(x − n) > 0 or/atau (x − m)(x − n) ≥ 0
m<x<n m ≤ x ≤ n x < m or/atau x > n x ≤ m, or/atau x ≥ n

x x
m n m n

Example 7 1 x2 < 6 + x 2 x2 + 2x > 15

x2 < 6 + x x2 + 2x > 15
x2 + 7x > 8 x2 − x − 6 < 0 x2 + 2x − 15 > 0
Solution (x + 2)(x − 3) < 0 (x + 5)(x − 3) > 0
x2 + 7x > 8 Roots: x = –2, 3 Roots: x = –5, 3
x2 + 7x − 8 > 0 –8 1
(x − 1)(x + 8) > 0 x x
–2 3 –5 3
Roots/Punca: x = 1, –8
x < –8 or/atau x > 1 –2 < x < 3 x < –5 or x>3

3 2x2 − 6x  8 4 –x2 + 2x + 8  0 5 2 > 3x − x2

2x2 − 6x  8 –x2 + 2x + 8  0 2 > 3x − x2
2x2 − 6x − 8  0 x2 − 2x − 8  0 x2 − 3x + 2 > 0
2(x2 − 3x − 4)  0 (x − 4)(x + 2)  0 (x − 1)(x − 2) > 0
2(x + 1)(x − 4)  0
Roots: x = 4, –2 Roots: x = 1, 2
Roots: x = –1, 4
x x
–2 4 1 2
–1 4
–2  x  4 x<1 or x>2
–1  x  4


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 24 05/12/2019 8:01:10 PM

Exercise 8 Solve.
Selesaikan. HOTS Applying

TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang fungsi kuadratik dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

1 The graph of a quadratic function g(x) = px2 – 6x + q, where p and q are constants, has a minimum point.
Graf bagi fungsi kuadratik g(x) = px2 – 6x + q, dengan keadaan p dan q ialah pemalar, mempunyai satu titik minimum.
(a) Given p is an integer such that –2 < p < 2, state the value of p.
Diberi p ialah satu integer dengan keadaan –2 < p < 2, nyatakan nilai bagi p.
(b) Using the answer in (a), find the value of q when the graph touches the x-axis at one point.
Dengan menggunakan jawapan di (a), cari nilai bagi q apabila graf itu menyentuh paksi-x pada satu titik.
(c) Sketch the graph of g(x).
Lakarkan graf bagi g(x).

(a) p = –1 dan 1 (c) g(x) = x2 − 6x + 9

g(x) has a minimum point, g(x) > 0 = (x − 3)2
∴p=1 g(x)
g(x) = x2 − 6x + q
(b) Since the graph touches the x-axis at
one point, then 9
b2 − 4ac = 0
(–6) − 4(1)(q) = 0
36 − 4q = 0 0 3

–4q = –36

2.2 Types of Roots of Quadratic Equations / Jenis-jenis Punca Persamaan Kuadratik

Smart Tip
1 Given a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0./Diberi persamaan kuadratik ax2 + bx + c = 0.
(a) If b2 – 4ac > 0, then the equation has two different real roots.
Jika b2 – 4ac > 0, maka persamaan mempunyai dua punca nyata yang berbeza.
x x
a>0 a<0
(b) If b2 – 4ac = 0, then the equation has two equal real roots. x
Jika b2 – 4ac = 0, maka persamaan mempunyai dua punca nyata yang sama.
a>0 a<0

(c) If b2 – 4ac < 0, then the equation has no real roots. x

Jika b2 – 4ac < 0, maka persamaan tidak mempunyai punca nyata.

a>0 a<0
2 The term ‘discriminant’ stands for b – 4ac./ Istilah ‘pembezalayan’ merujuk kepada b – 4ac.
2 2

Exercise 9 Determine the types of roots for each of the following quadratic equations.
Tentukan jenis punca bagi setiap persamaan kuadratik berikut.

Example 8 1 x2 − 2x − 3 = 0 2 4x2 − 4x + 1 = 0

3x2 – 2x + 5 = 0 a = 1, b = –2, c = –3 a = 4, b = –4, c = 1

Solution b2 – 4ac = (–2)2 – 4(1)(–3) b2 – 4ac = (–4)2 – 4(4)(1)
a = 3, b = –2, c = 5 = 4 + 12 = 16 – 16
b2 – 4ac = (–2)2 – 4(3)(5) = 16 = 0
= 4 – 60 16 > 0 So, the quadratic equation
= –56 So, the quadratic equation 4x2 – 4x + 1 = 0 has two equal
–56 < 0 x2 – 2x – 3 = 0 has two different real roots.
So, the quadratic equation real roots.
3x2 – 2x + 5 = 0 has no real roots.
Maka, persamaan kuadratik
3x2 – 2x + 5 = 0 tidak mempunyai
punca nyata.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 25 05/12/2019 8:01:12 PM

3 2x2 + 3x – 5 = 0 4 2x2 – x + 6 = 0 5 9x2 – 12x + 4 = 0

a = 2, b = 3, c = –5 a = 2, b = –1, c = 6 a = 9, b = –12, c = 4
b2 – 4ac = (3)2 – 4(2)(–5) b2 – 4ac = (–1)2 – 4(2)(6) b2 – 4ac = (–12)2 – 4(9)(4)
= 9 + 40 = 1 – 48 = 144 – 144
= 49 = –47 = 0
49 > 0 –47 < 0 So, the quadratic equation
So, the quadratic equation So, the quadratic equation 9x2 – 12x + 4 = 0 has two equal
2x2 + 3x – 5 = 0 has two 2x2 – x + 6 = 0 has no real real roots.
different real roots. roots.

Exercise 10 Find the range of values of k if the quadratic equation has two different real roots.
Cari julat bagi nilai k jika persamaan kuadratik mempunyai dua punca nyata yang berbeza.

Example 9 1 x2 – 5x + 3 = k 2 3x2 + 2x + k = 5

2x2 + 6x + 5 = k x2 − 5x + 3 = k 3x2 + 2x + k = 5
x2 − 5x + 3− k = 0 3x2 + 2x + k – 5 = 0
∴ a = 1, b = –5, c = 3 – k ∴ a = 3, b = 2, c = k – 5
2x2 + 6x + 5 = k
2x2 + 6x + 5 − k = 0 With two different real roots, With two different real roots,
∴ a = 2, b = 6, c = 5 – k b2 − 4ac > 0 b2 − 4ac > 0
(–5)2 − 4(1)(3 − k) > 0 (2)2 − 4(3)(k − 5) > 0
With two different real roots, 25 – 12 + 4k > 0 4 − 12k + 60 > 0
Dengan dua punca nyata yang berbeza, 13 + 4k > 0 –12k + 64 > 0
b2 − 4ac > 0 4k > –13 –12k > –64
(6)2 − 4(2)(5 − k) > 0 12k < 64
36 − 40 + 8k > 0 k > –  64
–4 + 8k > 0 4 k <
8k > 4 16
1 k <
k > 3

3 kx2 + 6x = –1 4 kx2 + 2x = 1 – x2 5 2x2 + 4x + k = 1

kx2 + 6x = –1 kx2 + 2x = 1 − x2 2x2 + 4x + k = 1

kx2 + 6x + 1 = 0 kx2 + x2 + 2x − 1 = 0 2x2 + 4x + k − 1 = 0
∴ a = k, b = 6, c = 1 (k + 1)x2 + 2x − 1 = 0 ∴a = 2, b = 4, c = k – 1
∴ a = k + 1, b = 2, c = –1
With two different real roots,
With two different real roots,
With two different real roots, b2 − 4ac > 0
b2 − 4ac > 0
b2 − 4ac > 0 (4)2 − 4(2)(k − 1) > 0
(6)2 − 4(k)(1) > 0
(2)2 − 4(k + 1)(–1) > 0 16 − 8k + 8 > 0
–4k > –36
4 + 4k + 4 > 0 24 − 8k > 0
4k < 36
8 + 4k > 0 –8k > –24
k < 9
4k > –8 8k < 24
k > –2 k < 3


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 26 05/12/2019 8:01:12 PM

Exercise 11 Find the value of k if the given quadratic equation has two equal real roots.
Cari nilai bagi k jika persamaan kuadratik yang diberi mempunyai dua punca nyata yang sama.

Example 10 1 x2 − 6x + 1 = k 2 3x2 + 4x + k = 2

2x2 + 3x + 6 = k x2 − 6x + 1 = k 3x2 + 4x + k = 2
Solution x2 − 6x + 1 − k = 0 3x2 + 4x + k − 2 = 0
Given/Diberi ∴ a = 1, b = –6, c = 1 − k ∴ a = 3, b = 4, c = k − 2
2x2 + 3x + 6 = k
2x2 + 3x + 6 − k = 0 With two equal real roots, With two equal real roots,
∴ a = 2, b = 3, c = 6 − k b2 − 4ac = 0 b2 − 4ac = 0
(–6)2 − 4(1)(1 − k) = 0 (4)2 − 4(3)(k − 2) = 0
With two equal real roots, 36 − 4 + 4k = 0 16 − 12k + 24 = 0
Dengan dua punca nyata yang sama,
32 + 4k = 0 40 − 12k = 0
b2 − 4ac = 0
(3)2 − 4(2)(6 − k) = 0 4k = –32 –12k = –40
k = –8 10
9 − 48 + 8k = 0 k =
–39 + 8k = 0 3
8k = 39
k =

3 kx2 − 2x = 6 4 x2 + kx + 1 = –x 5 x2 + 2x = kx2 + 3

kx2 − 2x = 6 x2 + kx + 1 = –x x2 + 2x = kx2 + 3
kx2 − 2x − 6 = 0 x2 + kx + x + 1 = 0 x2 − kx2 + 2x – 3 = 0
∴ a = k, b = –2, c = –6 x2 + (k + 1)x + 1 = 0 (1 − k)x2 + 2x – 3 = 0
∴ a = 1, b = k + 1, c = 1 ∴ a = 1 − k, b = 2, c = –3
With two equal real roots,
With two equal real roots, With two equal real roots,
b2 − 4ac = 0
b2 − 4ac = 0 b2 − 4ac = 0
(–2)2 – 4(k)(–6) = 0
(k + 1)2 − 4(1)(1) = 0 (2)2 − 4(1 − k)(–3) = 0
4 + 24k = 0
(k + 1)2 − 4 = 0 4 + 12 − 12k = 0
24k = –4
(k + 1 + 2)(k + 1 − 2) = 0 16 − 12k = 0
k = – (k + 3)(k − 1) = 0 –12k = –16
k + 3 = 0 or k − 1 = 0 4
k =
k = –3 k = 1 3

Exercise 12 Find the range of values of k if the given quadratic equation has no real roots.
Cari julat bagi bagi nilai k jika persamaan kuadratik yang diberi tidak mempunyai punca nyata.

Example 11 1 x2 – 5x + 3 = k 2 2x2 + 4x + k = 1

3x2 + 2x + 1 = k x2 − 5x + 3 = k 2x2 + 4x + k = 1
x2 − 5x + 3 − k = 0 2x2 + 4x + k − 1 = 0
Solution ∴ a = 1, b = –5, c = 3 − k ∴ a = 2, b = 4, c = k − 1
3x2 + 2x + 1 = k Has no real roots, Has no real roots,
3x2 + 2x + 1 − k = 0 b2 − 4ac < 0 b2 − 4ac < 0
∴ a = 3, b = 2, c = 1 − k (–5)2 − 4(1)(3 − k) < 0 (4)2 − 4(2)(k − 1) < 0
25 − 12 + 4k < 0 16 – 8k + 8 < 0
Has no real roots 13 + 4k < 0 –8k < –24
Tidak mempunyai punca nyata, 4k < –13 8k > 24
b2 − 4ac < 0 13 k > 3
(2)2 − 4(3)(1 − k) < 0 k < – 
4 − 12 + 12k < 0
–8 + 12k < 0
12k < 8


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 27 05/12/2019 8:01:13 PM

3 kx2 + 3x = 7 4 kx2 + x = x2 – 2 5 2kx2 + 3x = x2 + 2

kx2 + 3x = 7 kx2 + x = x2 – 2 2kx2 + 3x = x2 + 2

kx2 + 3x − 7 = 0 kx2 − x2 + x + 2 = 0 2kx2 − x2 + 3x − 2 = 0
∴ a = k, b = 3, c = –7 (k − 1)x2 + x + 2 = 0 (2k − 1)x2 + 3x − 2 = 0
∴ a = k – 1, b = 1, c = 2 ∴ a = 2k − 1, b = 3, c = –2
Has no real roots,
b2 − 4ac < 0 Has no real roots, Has no real roots,
(3)2 − 4(k)(–7) < 0 b2 − 4ac < 0 b2 − 4ac < 0
9 + 28k < 0 (1)2 − 4(k − 1)(2) < 0 (3)2 − 4(2k − 1)(–2) < 0
28k < –9 1 − 8k + 8 < 0 9 + 16k − 8 < 0
9 –8k < –9 1 + 16k < 0
k < –
28 8k > 9 16k < –1

9 1
k > k < – 
8 16

2.3 Quadratic Functions / Fungsi Kuadratik

Smart Tip
1 If a is positive (a > 0), the graph of the function has a minimum point.
Jika a ialah positif (a > 0), graf fungsi itu mempunyai satu titik minimum.
2 If a is negative (a < 0), the graph of the function has a maximum point.
Jika a ialah negatif (a < 0), graf fungsi itu mempunyai satu titik maksimum.

Exercise 13 Determine whether the graph of each of the following quadratic functions has a maximum
point or minimum point.
Tentukan sama ada graf bagi setiap fungsi kuadratik berikut mempunyai titik maksimum atau titik minimum.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang fungsi kuadratik.

Example 12 1 f(x) = 5x − 6 + 2x2

f(x) = 2x – 4x2 – 3 Since a = 2 > 0, the graph of

Solution the function is a parabola with
Since a = –4 < 0, the graph of the function is a parabola with a a minimum point.
maximum point.
Oleh sebab a = –4 < 0, graf fungsi ialah satu parabola dengan satu titik maksimum.

Common Error
f(x) = 2x – 4x2 – 3 a = 2
Incorrect because 2 is the value for b. Students must be aware of the
arrangement of f(x) = ax2 + bx + c in the equation given.
Salah kerana 2 ialah nilai bagi b. Pelajar perlu berhati-hati dengan susunan
f(x) = ax2 + bx + c dalam persamaan yang diberi.

2 f(x) = –3x2 − 2x − 6 3 f(x) = –5x2 − 6x + 2 4 f(x) = 6x + 3x2 − 4

Since a = –3 < 0, the graph of Since a = –5 < 0, the graph of Since a = 3 > 0, the graph of
the function is a parabola with the function is a parabola with the function is a parabola with
a maximum point. a maximum point. a minimum point.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 28 05/12/2019 8:01:14 PM

Exercise 14 Sketch the graph for each of the following quadratic functions.
Lakarkan graf bagi setiap fungsi kuadratik berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi kuadratik untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 13 1 Given/Diberi 2 Given/Diberi

f(x) = x2 + 2x – 3 f(x) = x2 – 2x + 3
f(x) = x2 + 2x + 3
Solution f(x) f(x)



x x
0 0

3 Given/Diberi 4 Given/Diberi 5 Given/Diberi

f(x) = x2 – 2x – 3 f(x) = –x2 + 2x + 3 f(x) = –x2 + 2x – 3


3 0


Smart Tip
1 (a) If b2 − 4ac > 0, then the function has two different real roots.
Jika b2 − 4ac > 0, maka fungsi mempunyai dua punca nyata yang berbeza.
(b) Graph f(x) intersects the x-axis at two distinct points. x x
Graf f(x) menyilang paksi-x pada dua titik yang berlainan. a>0 a<0

2 (a) If b2 − 4ac = 0, then the function has two equal real roots.
Jika b2 − 4ac = 0, maka fungsi mempunyai dua punca nyata yang sama. x
(b) Graph f(x) intersects the x-axis at one point only, where x-axis is the
tangent to the curve.
Graf f(x) menyilang paksi-x pada satu titik sahaja, dengan keadaan paksi-x ialah tangen a>0 a<0
kepada lengkung itu.

3 (a) If b2 − 4ac < 0, then the function has no real roots. x

Jika b2 − 4ac < 0, maka fungsi tidak mempunyai punca nyata.
(b) Graph f(x) does not intersect the x-axis.
Graf f(x) tidak menyilang paksi-x. x
a>0 a<0


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 29 05/12/2019 8:01:18 PM

Exercise 15 Find the range of values of k if the curve of each of the quadratic functions below intersects
with the x-axis at two different points.
Cari julat nilai k jika lengkung bagi setiap fungsi kuadratik di bawah menyilang paksi-x pada dua titik yang berlainan.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi kuadratik untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 14 1 f(x) = x2 + 6x + k
f(x) = 3x2 − 2x + k − 5 a = 1, b = 6, c = k
a = 3, b = –2, c = k − 5 b2 – 4ac > 0
If the curve intersects with the x–axis at two different points, then f(x) (6)2 − 4(1)(k) > 0
has two different real roots. 36 − 4k > 0
Jika lengkung menyilang paksi-x pada dua titik yang berlainan, maka f(x) –4k > –36
mempunyai dua punca nyata yang berbeza. 4k < 36
b2 − 4ac > 0 k<9
(–2)2 – 4(3)(k − 5) > 0 Common Error
4 – 12k + 60 > 0 –12k > –64 When multiplying or dividing an
–12k + 64 > 0 –64 inequality by a negative number, reverse
–12k > –64 k > –12 the direction of the inequality notation.
16 16 Apabila mendarab atau membahagi suatu
k < k > 3 ketaksamaan dengan suatu nombor negatif,
songsangkan arah tatatanda ketaksamaan itu.

2 f(x) = –x2 + 2x – k + 4 3 f(x) = 4x2 + kx + 4 4 f(x) = (k − 3)x2 – 2x – 4

a = –1, b = 2, c = –k + 4 a = 4, b = k, c = 4 a = k – 3, b = –2, c = –4
b – 4ac > 0
b − 4ac > 0
b2 − 4ac > 0
(2)2 − 4(–1)(–k + 4) > 0 k2 − 4(4)(4) > 0 (–2)2 − 4(k − 3)(–4) > 0
4 + 4(–k + 4) > 0 k2 − 64 > 0 4 + 16k − 48 > 0
4 − 4k + 16 > 0 (k + 8)(k − 8) > 0 16k > 44
–4k + 20 > 0 k < –8 or k > 8 11
k >
–4k > –20 4
4k < 20
k < 5

Exercise 16 Find the value (or values) of m if the curve of each of the quadratic functions below intersects
with the x-axis at one point only.
Cari nilai (atau nilai-nilai) bagi m jika lengkung bagi setiap fungsi kuadratik di bawah menyilang paksi-x pada
satu titik sahaja.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi kuadratik untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 15 1 f(x) = –2x2 + x + m

f(x) = mx2 + 3x + 6 a = –2, b = 1, c = m

Intersects with x-axis at one
Solution b2 − 4ac = 0 point only,
a = m, b = 3, c = 6 (3)2 − 4(m)(6) = 0 b2 – 4ac = 0
If the curve intersects with the x–axis at one 9 − 24m = 0 (1)2 – 4(–2)(m) = 0
point only, then f(x) has two equal roots. –24m = –9 1 + 8m = 0
Jika lengkung menyilang paksi-x pada satu titik 3 8m = –1
sahaja, maka f(x) mempunyai dua punca yang sama. m = 1
8 m = – 
2 f(x) = 4x2 − 6x − m − 2 3 f(x) = 1 − 8x − mx2 4 f(x) = x2 − mx + m + 8
a = 4, b = –6, c = –m − 2 a = –m, b = –8, c = 1 a = 1, b = –m, c = m + 8
Intersects with x-axis at one Intersects with x-axis at one Intersects with x-axis at one
point only, point only, point only,
b2 − 4ac = 0 b2 − 4ac = 0 b2 – 4ac = 0
(–6)2 − 4(4)(–m − 2) = 0 (–8)2 − 4(–m)(1) = 0 (–m)2 − 4(1)(m + 8) = 0
36 + 16m + 32 = 0 64 + 4m = 0 m2 − 4m − 32 = 0
16m = –68 4m = –64 (m + 4)(m − 8) = 0
17 m = –16 m + 4 = 0 or m − 8 = 0
m = – 
4 m = –4 m = 8


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 30 05/12/2019 8:01:18 PM

Exercise 17 Find the range of values of n if the curve of each of the quadratic function below does not
intersect with the x-axis.
Cari julat nilai n jika lengkung bagi fungsi kuadratik di bawah tidak menyilang paksi-x.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi kuadratik untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 16 1 f(x) = –2x2 – 4x − n + 1

f(x) = 2x2 − 6x + 1 − n a = –2, b = –4, c = –n + 1

No intersection with x-axis,
b2 − 4ac < 0
a = 2, b = –6, c = 1 − n b2 − 4ac < 0
(–4)2 − 4(–2)(–n + 1) < 0
If the curve does not intersect with the (–6)2 − 4(2)(1 − n) < 0
16 – 8n + 8 < 0
x–axis, then f(x) does not have real roots. 36 − 8 + 8n < 0
–8n < –24
Jika lengkung itu tidak menyilang paksi-x, maka 8n < –28
8n > 24
f(x) tidak mempunyai punca yang nyata. 7
n < –  n > 3

2 f(x) = nx2 – 2x – 8 3 f(x) = nx2 − 12x + 6 4 f(x) = 6 − 2x + (n − 1)x2

a = n, b = –2, c = –8 a = n, b = –12, c = 6 a = n – 1, b = –2, c = 6

No intersection with x-axis, No intersection with x-axis, No intersection with x-axis,
b2 − 4ac < 0 b2 − 4ac < 0 b2 − 4ac < 0
(–2)2 − 4(n)(–8) < 0 (–12)2 − 4(n)(6) < 0 (–2)2 − 4(n − 1)(6) < 0
4 + 32n < 0 144 − 24n < 0 4 − 24n + 24 < 0
32n < –4 –24n < –144 –24n < –28
1 24n > 144 24n > 28
n < –
8 n > 6 7
n >

Exercise 18 By using the method of completing the square, express each of the following quadratic functions
in the form of f(x) = a(x – h)2 + k. Hence, state the coordinates of the vertex of the function.
Dengan menggunakan kaedah penyempurnaan kuasa dua, ungkapkan setiap fungsi kuadratik berikut dalam
bentuk f(x) = a(x – h)2 + k. Seterusnya, nyatakan koordinat verteks bagi fungsi itu.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi kuadratik untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 17 1 f(x) = x2 – 6x – 8 2 f(x) = 3x2 – 12x + 15

f(x) = x2 – 6x – 8 f(x) = 3x2 – 12x + 15
f(x) = 2x2 – 7x – 4
6 2 = 3[x2 – 4x + 5]
x2 – 6x + –
= 1 22 –
4 2

f(x) = 2x2 – 7x – 4 6 2
= 3 x2 – 4x + – 1 22 –
– 1 22
1 22

= 2 x2 – x – 2
2 4 = (x – 3)2 – 9 – 8
– +5 4
= (x – 3)2 – 17 = 3[(x – 2) – 4 + 5]
7 7 2

= 2 x2 – x + –
2 4
– 1 2 a = 1 > 0, f(x) has a minimum = 3[(x – 2)2 + 1]
value. = 3(x – 2)2 + 3
7 2 Minimum vertex = (3 , –17) a = 3 > 0, f(x) has a minimum

–22 4 value.
7 2 49 Minimum vertex = (2 , 3)
=2 x– 1 4

162–2 4
7 2 81 3 f(x) = –x2 – 8x + 13 4 f(x) = –3x2 – 24x + 27
=2 x– 1 4

162 4 f(x) = –x2 – 8x + 13 f(x) = –3x2 – 24x + 27
7 2 81 = –[x2 + 8x – 13] = –3[x2 + 8x – 9]
=2 x– 1 4
– 28 8 2 8 2
= – x2 + 8x +
2 1 2
– 3
= –3 x2 + 8x +
– 1 2
a = 2 > 0, f(x) has a minimum
8 2 8 2
value. 1 2
– 13
2 4 – 91 2
2 4
a = 2 > 0, f(x) mempunyai nilai
= –[(x + 4)2 – 16 – 13] = –3[(x + 4)2 – 16 – 9]
7 81 = –[(x + 4)2 – 29] = –3[(x + 4)2 – 25]
Minimum vertex = 14 ,–
8 2 = –(x + 4)2 + 29 = –3(x + 4)2 + 75
Verteks minimum a = –1 < 0, f(x) has a maximum a = –3 < 0, f(x) has a maximum
value. value.
Maximum vertex = (–4 , 29) Maximum vertex = (–4, 75)


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 31 05/12/2019 8:01:19 PM

Exercise 19 Make generalisation about the shape and the position of the graph when the values of a, h
and k are changed.
Buat generalisasi terhadap bentuk dan kedudukan graf apabila nilai-nilai a, h dan k berubah.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi kuadratik untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

The diagram shows a graph Example 18

f(x) = (x + 1)2 + 2, where a = 1,
h = –1 and k = 2. f(x) = 9(x + 1)2 + 2
Rajah menunjukkan graf Solution
f(x) = (x + 1)2 + 2, dengan keadaan
When the value of a changes from 1 to 9, the width f(x)
a = 1, h = –1 dan k = 2.
of the graph decreases. The axis of symmetry and
f(x) 11
the minimum value of the graph do not change.
When x = 0,
f(x) = 9(0 + 1)2 + 2 = 11
Apabila nilai a berubah daripada 1 kepada 9, kelebaran graf
3 semakin berkurang. Paksi simetri dan nilai minimum graf tidak (–1, 2) 2
berubah. x
(–1, 2) –1 0
Apabila x = 0,
x f(x) = 9(0 + 1)2 + 2 = 11

f(x) = (x – 1)2 + 2 2
f(x) = (x + 1)2 – 2
When the value of h changes from –1 to 1, the When the value of k changes from 2 to –2,
graph with the same shape moves 2 units to the graph with the same shape moves 4 units
the right. The axis of symmetry is x = 1 and the downward. The minimum value becomes –2 and
minimum value does not change, that is 2. axis of symmetry does not change, that is x = –1.
When x = 0, When x = 0,
f(x) = (0 – 1)2 + 2 = 3 f(x) = (0 + 1)2 – 2 = –1
f(x) f(x)

2 –1 0
(1, 2)

x –2
0 1 (–1, –2)

Exercise 20 Sketch the graph for each of the following quadratic functions. HOTS Analysing
Lakarkan graf bagi setiap fungsi kuadratik berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang fungsi kuadratik untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 19

f(x) = –x2 + 4x + 12 The maximum point = (2, 16)

Titik maksimum = (2, 16)
a = –1 < 0, graph has the shape of ∩ To find the x-intercept, substitute f(x) = 0.
a = –1 < 0, graf mempunyai bentuk ∩ Untuk mencari pintasan-x, gantikan f(x) = 0.
f(x) = –x2 + 4x + 12 –x2 + 4x + 12 = 0
= –(x2 − 4x − 12) (–x − 2)(x − 6) = 0 Common Error
42 42 –x − 2 = 0 or/atau x − 6 = 0 f(x) = –x2 + 4x + 12

= – x2 − 4x + –
2    
− –
− 12  x = –2 x = 6 = x2 – 4x – 12
= –[x − 4x + (–2) − (–2) − 12]
2 2 2

= –[(x − 2)2 – 16] = –(x − 2)2 + 16 To find the f(x)-intercept, substitute x = 0.

Untuk mencari pintasan-f(x), gantikan x = 0.
Alternative Method f(x) = –(0)2 + 4(0) + 12 = 12
The maximum point can also be obtained by f(x)
finding the image of 2, for example: (2, 16)
Titik maksimum boleh juga diperoleh dengan mencari 16
imej bagi 2, contohnya:
f(2) = –(2)2 + 4(2) + 12 = 16 12
∴ Maximum point/Titik maksimum
= (2, 16) x
–1 2 6


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 32 05/12/2019 8:01:24 PM

1 f(x) = –x2 + 6x + 16 2 f(x) = x2 − 4x − 5
a = –1 < 0, graph has the shape of ∩ a = 1 > 0, graph has the shape of ∪
f(x) = –x2 + 6x + 16 f(x) = x2 – 4x – 5
= –(x2 – 6x – 16) 42 42
62 62    
= x2 − 4x + –  – –  − 5
2 2
= – x2 – 6x + –
2    
– –
– 16  = x2 – 4x + (–2)2 – (–2)2 − 5
= –[x2 – 6x + (–3)2 – (–3)2 – 16] = (x – 2)2 – 9
= –[(x – 3)2 − 25] The minimum point = (2, –9)
= –(x – 3)2 + 25
When f(x) = 0,
The maximum point = (3, 25)
x2 – 4x – 5 = 0
When f(x) = 0, (x + 1)(x – 5) = 0
–x2 + 6x + 16 = 0 x + 1 = 0 or x – 5 = 0
(–x – 2)(x – 8) = 0 x = –1 x = 5 x
f(x) –1 0 2 5
–x – 2 = 0 or x − 8 = 0
(3, 25) When x = 0,
x = –2 x = 8 25
f(x) = (0)2 – 4(0) − 5 –5
When x = 0, = –5
f(x) = –(0)2 + 6(0) + 16 (2, –9)
= 16
–2 0 3 8

3 f(x) = –x2 − 7x + 8 4 f(x) = 2x2 − 4x − 16

a = –1 < 0, graph has the shape of ∩
a = 2 > 0, graph has the shape of ∪
f(x) = –x2 − 7x + 8
f(x) = 2x2 – 4x – 16
= –(x2 + 7x − 8)
= 2[x2 – 2x – 8]
72 72

= – x2 + 7x +
– 
–8  
22 22
    
= 2 x2 – 2x + – – – – 8
2 2
7 2 81
= – x +  2

4  = 2[x – 2x + (–1) − (–1)2 – 8]
2 2

7 2 81 = 2[(x – 1)2 – 9]
= – x +  2
4 = 2(x – 1)2 – 18
7 81 The minimum point = (1, –18)
The maximum point = –   , 
2 4  When f(x) = 0,
When f(x) = 0, 2x2 + 4x − 16 = 0
–x2 – 7x + 8 = 0 f(x) 2(x2 − 2x − 8) = 0 f(x)
(–x + 1)(x + 8) = 0 ( 7 —
2 4
) 7 —
2(x + 2)(x − 4) = 0
–x + 1 = 0 or x + 8 = 0 2 4 x + 2 = 0 or x − 4 = 0
8 x
x = 1 x = –8 x = –2 x=4 –2 0 1 4
When x = 0, When x = 0,
f(x) = –(0)2 – 7(0) + 8 x f(x) = 2(0)2 + 4(0) − 16 –16
= 8 –8 7 0 1
= –16 –18
(1, –18)

5 f(x) = –3x2 + 12x + 15

a = –3 < 0, graph has the shape of ∩ When f(x) = 0,
f(x) = –3x2 + 12x + 15 –3x2 + 12x + 15 = 0 f(x)
= –3(x2 − 4x − 5) –3(x2 – 4x – 5) = 0 27 (2, 27)
42 42 –3(x + 1)(x – 5) = 0

= –3 x2 – 4x + –
2     
– –
–5 x+1=0 or x – 5 = 0

= –3[x2 – 4x + (–2)2 – (–2)2 – 5] x = –1 x = 5

= –3[(x – 2)2 − 9] x
= –3(x – 2)2 + 27 When x = 0, –1 0 2 5
The maximum point = (2, 27) f(x) = –3(0)2 + 12(0) + 15
= 15


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 33 05/12/2019 8:01:26 PM

Exercise 21 Solve.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang fungsi kuadratik dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.
TP 5 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang fungsi kuadratik dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang kompleks.

Example 20

An object is thrown vertically upwards from a Solution

position. The height, h in metre, of the object at (a) h(t) = –4t2 + 8t + 12
time t seconds is given by the function 1
When/Apabila t = ,
h(t) = –4t2 + 8t + 12. 2
Suatu objek dilambung ke atas dari suatu kedudukan. Tinggi, h 1 2 1
dalam meter, objek itu pada masa t saat diberi oleh fungsi
h(t) = –4 1 2
+8 1 2
+ 12
h(t) = –4t2 + 8t + 12. = –1 + 4 + 12 = 15 m
1 (b) h(t) = –4t2 + 8t + 12
(a) Find the height of the object when t = second.
2 = –4[t2 – 2t – 3]
Cari tinggi objek itu apabila t = saat. = –4[t2 – 2t + (–1)2 – (–1)2 – 3]
(b) In how many seconds will the object reach the = –4[(t – 1)2 – 4]
maximum height? = –4(t – 1)2 + 16
Dalam masa berapa saatkah objek itu akan mencapai tinggi The object reaches the maximum height in
maksimum? 1 second.
(c) What is the maximum height of the object? Objek itu mencapai tinggi maksimum dalam masa 1 saat.
Berapakah tinggi maksimum objek itu? (c) Maximum point/Titik maksimum = (1, 16)
The maximum height is 16 m.
Tinggi maksimum ialah 16 m.

1 The number of students who graduated from a college is given by the function f(x) = x2 – 6x + 84. State the
first year that at least 100 students graduated.
Bilangan pelajar yang tamat pengajian di sebuah kolej diberi oleh fungsi f(x) = x2 – 6x + 84. Nyatakan tahun pertama yang
sekurang-kurangnya 100 orang pelajar tamat pengajian.

f(x) ≥ 100
x2 – 6x + 84 ≥ 100
x2 – 6x – 16 ≥ 0 x
–2 8
(x + 2)(x – 8) ≥ 0

From the graph, x ≤ –2, x ≥ 8

So, the first year that at least 100 students
graduated is in the 8th year.

2 A ball is thrown vertically upwards from a position. The height, h in metre, of the ball at time t seconds is
given by the function h(t) = –6t2 + 24t + 30.
Sebiji bola dilambung ke atas dari suatu kedudukan. Tinggi, h dalam meter, bola itu pada masa t saat diberi oleh fungsi
h(t) = –6t2 + 24t + 30.
(a) What is the height of the ball when t = 1 second?
Berapakah tinggi bola itu apabila t = 1 saat?
(b) In how many seconds will the object reach the maximum height?
Dalam masa berapa saatkah objek itu akan mencapai tinggi maksimum?
(c) What is the maximum height of the object?
Berapakah tinggi maksimum objek itu?

(a) When t = 1, (c) Maximum point = (2, 54)

h(t) = –6t2 + 24t + 30 The maximum height is 54 m.
= –6(1)2 + 24(1) + 30
= –6 + 24 + 30
= 48 m
(b) h(t) = –6t2 + 24t + 30
= –6[t2 – 4t – 5]
= –6[t2 – 4t + (–2)2 – (–2)2 – 5]
= –6[(t – 2)2 – 9]
= –6(t – 2)2 + 54
The ball reaches the maximum height in 2 seconds.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 34 05/12/2019 8:01:28 PM

1 2 T
3 The diagram shows a parabolic gateway that is represented by the graph y = – x + 8.
The distance between the two ends of the curve, PQ is 70 m and the height of PQ from
the horizontal ground, EF is 12 m. Find the maximum height of the gateway from the
horizontal ground.
1 2 P Q
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah pintu gerbang berbentuk parabola yang diwakili oleh graf y = – x + 8.
Jarak di antara dua hujung lengkung, PQ ialah 70 m dan tinggi PQ dari permukaan tanah mengufuk,
EF ialah 12 m. Cari tinggi maksimum pintu gerbang itu dari permukaan tanah mengufuk.

y = – 1 x2 + 8
When x = 0, y = – 1 (0)2 + 8 = 8
70 1
When x = = 35, y = – (35)2 + 8 = –16.5
2 50

16.5 m
(35, –16.5)
12 m

70 m

The maximum height = 8 m + 16.5 m + 12 m = 36.5 m

 4 In an experiment, an object is launched at an acute angle from a horizontal plane. The height of the object,
y, is represented by the graph y = – 1 x2 + 2x, where x is the horizontal distance from the point of the
Dalam satu eksperimen, sebuah objek dilancarkan pada suatu sudut tirus dari satah mengufuk. Tinggi objek itu, y, diwakili oleh
graf y = – x2 + 2x, dengan keadaan x ialah jarak mengufuk dari titik pelancaran.
(a) What is the horizontal distance of the object from the point of launching when it reaches the
maximum point?
Berapakah jarak mengufuk objek itu dari titik pelancaran apabila ia mencapai titik maksimum?
(b) Determine the maximum height of the object.
Tentukan tinggi maksimum objek itu.
(c) How far has the object travelled horizontally before it falls to the horizontal plane again?
Berapa jauhkah objek itu telah bergerak secara mengufuk sebelum objek itu jatuh ke satah mengufuk semula?

1 2
(a) y = – x + 2x (b) 36 m
36 (c) When y = 0
= – [x2 – 72x] 1
36 – x2 + 2x = 0
1 2 72 2 72 2
= –
36 3
x – 72x + –
2 1
– – 2 1
2 24 x – 1 x+2 =0
1 2
1 2
= –
36 3
x – 72x + (–36)2 – 362 4 x = 0 or – 1 x + 2 = 0
= – [(x – 36)2 – 362] – 1 x = –2
36 36
1 x = 72
= – (x – 36)2 + 36
36 The object travelled 72 m horizontally before
Maximum point = (36, 36) it falls to the horizontal plane again.
When the object reaches the maximum
point, the horizontal distance is 36 m.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 35 05/12/2019 8:01:29 PM

Review 2
Paper 1 Questions
 1 Given the quadratic equation x2 + kx + 4 = 3x has  6 Hassan has a rectangular board with a
two equal real roots, find the values of k. SPM
measurement of 6x metre in length and 3x metre
Diberi persamaan kuadratik x2 + kx + 4 = 3x mempunyai `18 in width. He cuts part of the board to form a
dua punca nyata yang sama, cari nilai-nilai k. square with sides of x metre. Find the range of
[3 marks/markah] values of x if the remaining area of the board is at
least (x2 + 9) metre2 .
 2 Given –4 is one of the roots of the quadratic Hassan mempunyai sekeping papan berbentuk segi empat
SPM equation 3(x + h)2 = 75, where h is a constant. Find tepat yang mempunyai ukuran 6x meter panjang dan
`15 the values of h. 3x meter lebar. Dia memotong sebahagian daripada papan
Diberi –4 ialah salah satu punca bagi persamaan kuadratik itu kepada bentuk segi empat sama yang bersisi x meter. Cari
3(x + h)2 = 75, dengan keadaan h ialah satu pemalar. julat nilai x jika luas papan yang tinggal adalah sekurang-
Cari nilai-nilai h. kurangnya (x2 + 9) meter2.
[2 marks/markah] [3 marks/markah]

  3 (a) It is given that one of the roots of the  7 Find the range of values of p if the quadratic
quadratic equation x2 + (h + 4)x − h2 = 0, equation (2 − p)x2 − (2p + 1)x = p has no roots.
`17 where h is a constant, is negative of the other. Cari julat nilai p jika persamaan kuadratik
Find the value of the product of roots. (2 − p)x2 − (2p + 1)x = p tidak mempunyai punca.
Diberi bahawa satu daripada punca-punca bagi [3 marks/markah]
persamaan kuadratik x2 + (h + 4)x − h2 = 0, dengan

keadaan h ialah pemalar, adalah negatif kepada yang
  8 The quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 has roots
satu lagi. Cari nilai bagi hasil darab punca.
2 1
[2 marks/markah] and –1 . Find the values of a, b and c.
3 2
(b) It is given that the quadratic equation 2
Persamaan kuadratik ax2 + bx + c = 0 mempunyai punca
px2 − 9qx + 4p = 0, where p and q are 3
constants, has two equal roots. Find p : q. dan –1 . Cari nilai a, b and c.
Diberi bahawa persamaan kuadratik px2 − 9qx + 4p = 0, 2
[3 marks/markah]
dengan keadaan p dan q ialah pemalar, mempunyai dua

punca yang sama. Cari p : q.
 9 (a) Express 3x(x − 1) = (3 − x)(x + 1) in general form.
[2 marks/markah] Ungkapkan 3x(x − 1) = (3 − x)(x + 1) dalam bentuk am.
(b) Hence, solve the quadratic equation, giving
 4 Diagram 1 shows the graph y = a(x – p)2 + q,
SPM where a, p and q are constants. The straight line
the answers correct to three decimal places.
CLONE Seterusnya, selesaikan persamaan kuadratik, berikan
`18 y = –12 is the tangent to the curve at point U. jawapan betul kepada tiga tempat perpuluhan.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan graf y = a(x – p)2 + q, dengan keadaan
[4 marks/markah]
a, p dan q ialah pemalar. Garis lurus y = –12 ialah tangen
kepada lengkung pada titik U.
10 The quadratic equation x2 – kx + 4 = 3x has two
equal roots. Find the possible values of k.
Persamaan kuadratik x2 – kx + 4 = 3x mempunyai dua
x punca yang sama. Cari nilai-nilai k yang mungkin.
–2 0 8
[3 marks/markah]

11 Given the quadratic equation 3x2 – 6px + p = 0
y = –12 satisfies only one value of x. Find the value of p.
Diberi persamaan kuadratik 3x2 – 6px + p = 0 hanya
Diagram 1/ Rajah 1
memuaskan satu nilai bagi x. Cari nilai p.
(a) State the coordinates of U. [2 marks/markah]
Nyatakan koordinat U.
(b) Find the value of a. 12 It is given that α and β are the roots of quadratic
Cari nilai a. SPM equation 2x2 − 5x + 6 = 0. Form a quadratic
[3 marks/markah] `16 α β
P1Q17 equation which has the roots and .
2 2
 5 The quadratic equation x2 + x = 3kx − k2, has two Diberi bahawa α dan β adalah punca-punca bagi persamaan
different real roots. Find the range of values of k. kuadratik 2x2− 5x + 6 = 0. Bentuk persamaan kuadratik
Persamaan kuadratik x2 + x = 3kx − k2, mempunyai dua α β
yang mempunyai punca-punca and .
punca nyata yang berbeza. Cari julat bagi nilai k. 2 2
[3 marks/markah] [3 marks/markah]


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 36 05/12/2019 8:01:30 PM

Paper 2 Questions

 1 (a) The quadratic equation x2 – 8x + 12 = 0 has roots p and q, where p > q. Find
Persamaan kuadratik x2 – 8x + 12 = 0 mempunyai punca-punca p dan q, dengan keadaan p > q. Cari
(i) the values of p and q,
nilai bagi p dan q,
(ii) the range of values of x if x2 – 8x + 12 > 0.
julat nilai x jika x2 – 8x + 12 > 0.
[5 marks/markah]
(b) Using the values of p and q from (a)(i), form a quadratic equation with roots p + 3 and 2q + 3.
Menggunakan nilai p dan q dari (a)(i), bentukkan suatu persamaan kuadratik dengan punca p + 3 dan 2q + 3.
[2 marks/markah]

 2 Given α and β are the roots of the quadratic equation x(x – 6) = 2m – 8, where m is a constant.
SPM Diberi α dan β ialah punca bagi persamaan kuadratik x(x – 6) = 2m – 8, dengan keadaan m ialah pemalar.
`15 (a) Find the range of values of m if α ≠ β.
Cari julat nilai m jika α ≠ β.
[3 marks/markah]
α β
(b) Given and are the roots of another quadratic equation 2x2 + px – 16 = 0, where p is a constant. Find
2 2
the values of m and p.
α β
Diberi dan ialah punca-punca bagi persamaan kuadratik lain 2x2 + px – 16 = 0, dengan keadaan p ialah pemalar. Cari
2 2
nilai bagi m dan p.
[4 marks/markah]

H O TS Zo n e
 1 Azmi cut squares with sides measuring 5 cm from each corner of a square-shaped cardboard as shown in
Diagram 1(a). He then folded the cardboard to be an open box as shown in Diagram 1(b).
Azmi memotong segi empat sama bersisi 5 cm daripada setiap bucu sekeping kadbod yang berbentuk segi empat sama seperti dalam
Rajah 1(a). Dia kemudian melipat kadbod tersebut menjadi sebuah kotak terbuka seperti dalam Rajah 1(b).

5 cm
5 cm

5 cm

Diagram 1(a)/ Rajah 1(a) Diagram 1(b)/ Rajah 1(b)

(a) If the volume of the box is 1 280 cm3, form a quadratic equation representing the volume. HOTS Creating
Jika isi padu kotak itu ialah 1 280 cm3, bentuk satu persamaan kuadratik mewakili isi padu tersebut.
(b) Hence, find the length of the sides of the original cardboard. HOTS Applying
Seterusnya, cari panjang sisi kadbod asal.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C2 5th.indd 37 05/12/2019 8:01:30 PM

Chapter Learning Area: Algebra

3 Systems of Equations
Sistem Persamaan

3.1 Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables / Sistem Persamaan Linear dalam Tiga Pemboleh Ubah

Smart Tip
General form of system of linear equations in three variables is
Bentuk am bagi sistem persamaan linear dalam tiga pemboleh ubah ialah
ax + by + cz = d, where/dengan keadaan a, b and/dan c ≠ 0

Exercise 1 Solve the following problems.

Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 1 Mempamerkan pengetahuan asas tentang sistem persamaan.

Example 1 1 Based on a certain arrangement, three workers

are required to work for 120 hours in a week. The
A collection of 220 coins consists of 10 cents, first worker should work 6 hours more than the
20 cents and 50 cents coins. The total number second worker and the second worker should
of 10 cents coins and 20 cents coins exceeds the work 12 hours more than the third worker. Write
number of 50 cents coins by 100. If the total value down three equations that satisfy the above
of the collection is RM64.00, write down three conditions.
equations that satisfy the above conditions. Berdasarkan suatu penetapan, tiga orang pekerja
Suatu koleksi 220 keping duit syiling terdiri daripada duit dikehendaki bekerja selama 120 jam dalam seminggu.
syiling 10 sen, 20 sen dan 50 sen. Jumlah bilangan duit Pekerja pertama mesti bekerja 6 jam lebih daripada pekerja
syiling 10 sen dan 20 sen melebihi bilangan duit syiling kedua dan pekerja kedua mesti bekerja 12 jam lebih daripada
50 sen sebanyak 100 keping. Jika koleksi duit syiling pekerja ketiga. Tuliskan tiga persamaan yang memuaskan
itu bernilai RM64.00, tuliskan tiga persamaan yang syarat-syarat di atas.
memuaskan syarat-syarat di atas.
Solution Let x = number of working hours of the first
Let/Katakan worker
x = number of 10 cents coins y = number of working hours of the second
x = bilangan duit syiling bernilai 10 sen worker
y = number of 20 cents coins z = number of working hours of the third
y = bilangan duit syiling bernilai 20 sen worker
z = number of 50 cents coins Hence,
z = bilangan duit syiling bernilai 50 sen x + y + z = 120
Hence/Oleh itu, x–y=6
x + y + z = 220 y – z = 12
x + y – z = 100
0.1x + 0.2y + 0.5z = 64

2 Johan buys 4 kg durians, 3 kg jackfruits and 2 kg watermelons for RM95. Isyak buys 3 kg durians, 2 kg
jackfruits and 4 kg watermelons for RM75. The price of 1 kg durians is RM5 more than the price of 1 kg
jackfruits. Write down three equations that satisfy the above conditions.
Johan membeli 4 kg durian, 3 kg nangka dan 2 kg tembikai dengan harga RM95. Isyak membeli 3 kg durian, 2 kg nangka dan
4 kg tembikai dengan harga RM75. Harga 1 kg durian ialah RM5 lebih daripada harga 1 kg nangka. Tuliskan tiga persamaan
yang memuaskan syarat-syarat di atas.

Let x = the price of 1 kg durians

y = the price of 1 kg jackfruits
z = the price of 1 kg watermelons
4x + 3y + 2z = 95
3x + 2y + 4z = 75


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 38 05/12/2019 8:06:07 PM

3 A quiz competition consists of section A, section B and section C. The marks of the questions in section A,
section B and section C are different. The table below shows the results of three participants, the number
of questions answered correctly in each section and the total marks obtained. Write down three equations
that satisfy the conditions in the given table.
Suatu pertandingan kuiz terdiri daripada bahagian A, bahagian B dan bahagian C. Markah bagi soalan dalam bahagian A,
bahagian B dan bahagian C adalah tidak sama. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan keputusan bagi tiga orang peserta, bilangan soalan
yang dijawab betul dalam setiap bahagian dan jumlah markah yang diperoleh. Tuliskan tiga persamaan yang memuaskan syarat-
syarat dalam jadual yang diberi.

Participant Section A Section B Section C Total marks

Peserta Bahagian A Bahagian B Bahagian C Jumlah markah

Jamil 12 7 10 59
Saiful 10 11 6 56
Hasan 16 9 4 64

Let x = the marks for each question in section A

y = the marks for each question in section B
z = the marks for each question in section C
12x + 7y + 10z = 59
10x + 11y + 6z = 56
16x + 9y + 4z = 64

4 A stationery shop offers three sale packages for pencils, pens and erasers.
Sebuah kedai alat tulis menawarkan tiga pakej jualan untuk pensel, pen dan pemadam.

RM7.20 RM6.30 RM6.90

Write down three equations that satisfy the sale packages.

Tuliskan tiga persamaan yang memuaskan pakej jualan itu.

Let x = the price of a pencil

y = the price of a pen
z = the price of an eraser
x + 3y + 2z = 7.20
4x + 2y + z = 6.30
2x + y + 3z = 6.90


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 39 05/12/2019 8:06:11 PM

Exercise 2 Solve each of the following.
Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang sistem persamaan untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 2 1 x + 2y + z = 5
x + y + 2z = 8
x + 2y + z = 3 2x + y + z = 11
2x – y + 3z = 13
2x + 3y + 4z = 11 x + 2y + z = 5 ——— 1
x + y + 2z = 8 ——— 2
2x + y + z = 11 ——— 3
x + 2y + z = 3 ——— 1
2x – y + 3z = 13 ——— 2
Eliminate x from 1 and 2 ,
2x + 3y + 4z = 11 ——— 3
1 : x + 2y + z = 5
Eliminate z from 1 and 2 , 2 : x + y + 2z = 8 (–)
Hapuskan z daripada 1 dan 2 , y – z = –3 ——— 4
3 × 1 : 3x + 6y + 3z = 9
2 : 2x – y + 3z = 13 (–) Eliminate x from 2 and 3 ,
x + 7y = –4 ——— 4 2 × 2 : 2x + 2y + 4z = 16
3 : 2x + y + z = 11 (–)
Eliminate z from 1 and 3 , y + 3z = 5 ——— 5
Hapuskan z daripada 1 dan 3 ,
4 × 1 : 4x + 8y + 4z = 12 Solve 4 and 5 to find the values of y and z,
3 : 2x + 3y + 4z = 11 (–) 4 : y – z = –3
2x + 5y = 1 ——— 5 5 : y + 3z = 5 (–)
–4z = –8
Solve 4 and 5 to find the values of x and y, z = 2
Selesaikan 4 dan 5 untuk mencari nilai x dan y,
2 × 4 : 2x + 14y = –8 From 5 , y + 3(2) = 5
5 : 2x + 5y = 1 (–) y = –1
9y = –9
y = –1 From 1 , x + 2(–1) + (2) = 5
x – 2 + 2 = 5
From/Dari 5 , 2x + 5(–1) = 1 x = 5
2x – 5 = 1
2x = 6 Hence, x = 5, y = –1, z = 2
x = 3

From/Dari 1 , (3) + 2(–1) + z = 3

3 – 2 + z = 3
z = 2
Hence/Oleh itu,
x = 3, y = –1, z = 2

Calculator Corner
A calculator can also be used to solve system of linear equations in three unknowns.
Kalkulator juga boleh digunakan untuk menyelesaikan persamaan linear dalam tiga pemboleh ubah.

x + 2y + z = 3
2x – y + 3z = 13
2x + 3y + 4z = 11


1 3 1 = 2 = 1 = 3 = 2 = – 1 =

3 = 13 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 11 = = =


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 40 05/12/2019 8:06:11 PM

2 x + 4y + 2z = 1 3 x + y + 2z = 5
x – y – 3z = 6 x–y+z=3
x + 2y + z = 4 2x – y – z = 14
x + 4y + 2z = 1 ——— 1 x + y + 2z = 5 ——— 1
x – y – 3z = 6 ——— 2 x – y + z = 3 ——— 2
x + 2y + z = 4 ——— 3 2x – y – z = 14 ——— 3
Eliminate x from 1 and 2 , Eliminate y from 1 and 2 ,
1 : x + 4y + 2z = 1 1 : x + y + 2z = 5
2 : x – y – 3z = 6 (–) 2 : x – y + z = 3 (+)
5y + 5z = –5 2x + 3 z = 8 ——— 4
y + z = –1 ——— 4
Eliminate y from 2 and 3 ,
Eliminate x from 2 and 3 , 2 : x – y + z = 3
2 : x – y – 3z = 6 3 : 2x – y – z = 14 (–)
3 : x + 2y + z = 4 –x + 2z = –11 ——— 5
–3y – 4z = 2 ——— 5 Solve 4 and 5 to find the values of x and z,
Solve 4 and 5 to find the values of y and z, 4 : 2x + 3z = 8
4 × 4 : 4y + 4z = –4 2 × 5 : –2x + 4z = –22 (+)
5 : –3y – 4z = 2 (+) 7z = –14
y = –2 z = –2
From 4 , (–2) + z = –1 From 4 , 2x + 3(–2) = 8
z = 1 2x – 6 = 8
2x = 14
From 1 , x + 4(–2) + 2(1) = 1 x = 7
x – 8 + 2 = 1
x = 7 From 1 , (7) + y + 2(–2) = 5
y = 2
Hence, x = 7, y = –2, z = 1
Hence, x =7, y = 2, z = –2

4 2x + y + z = 9 5 3x – y + 4z = 14
x–y+z=1 x + 6y – z = 2
–x – 3y + 2z = 3 2x – y + 3z = 10
2x + y + z = 9 ——— 1 3x – y + 4z = 14 ——— 1
x – y + z = 1 ——— 2 x + 6y – z = 2 ——— 2
–x – 3y + 2z = 3 ——— 3 2x – y + 3z = 10 ——— 3
Eliminate x from 1 and 2 , Eliminate x from 1 and 2 ,
1 : 2x + y + z = 9 1 : 3x – y + 4z = 14
2 × 2 : 2x – 2y + 2z = 2 (–) 3 × 2 : 3x + 18y – 3z = 6 (–)
3y – z = 7 ——— 4 –19y + 7z = 8 ——— 4
Eliminate x from 2 and 3 , Eliminate x from 2 and 3 ,
2 : x – y + z = 1 2 × 2 : 2x + 12y – 2z = 4
3 : –x – 3y + 2z = 3 (+) 3 : 2x – y + 3z = 10 (–)
–4y + 3z = 4 ——— 5 13y – 5z = –6 ——— 5
Solve 4 and 5 to find the values of y and z, Solve 4 and 5 to find the values of y and z,
3 × 4 : 9y – 3z = 21 5 × 4 : –95y + 35z = 40
5 : –4y + 3z = 4 (+) 7 × 5 : 91y – 35z = -42 (+)
5y = 25 –4y = –2
y = 5 y = 0.5
From 4 , 3(5) – z = 7 From 5 , 13(0.5) – 5z = –6
z = 8 5z = 12.5
z = 2.5
From 1 , 2x + (5) + (8) = 9
2x = –4 From 1 , 3x – (0.5) + 4(2.5) = 14
x = –2 3x = 4.5
x = 1.5
Hence, x = –2, y = 5, z = 8
Hence, x = 1.5, y = 0.5, z = 2.5


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 41 05/12/2019 8:06:12 PM

Smart Tip
System of linear equations in three variables are used to solve problems in daily life. The given problem is expressed
as a system of linear equations and then solved to determine the value of each variable. Sometimes, the system of
equations consists of three linear equations but not every linear equation involves three variables.
Sistem persamaan linear dalam tiga pemboleh ubah digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalam kehidupan seharian. Masalah yang diberi
diungkapkan sebagai satu sistem persamaan linear dan kemudian diselesaikan untuk menentukan nilai bagi setiap pemboleh ubah. Kadang-kadang,
sistem persamaan itu terdiri daripada tiga persamaan linear tetapi tidak semestinya setiap persamaan linear melibatkan tiga pemboleh ubah.

Exercise 3 Solve each of the following.

Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang sistem persamaan dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

Example 3
Siti buys 2 kg carrots, 1 kg cabbages and 3 kg potatoes for RM21.50, while Salmah buys 4 kg carrots, 1 kg
cabbages and 2 kg potatoes for RM27.50. Given the total price of 1 kg carrots and 1 kg cabbages exceeds the
price of 1 kg potatoes by RM5. Find the price for a kilogram of each type of vegetable, in RM.
Siti membeli 2 kg lobak merah, 1 kg kubis dan 3 kg ubi kentang dengan harga RM21.50, manakala Salmah membeli 4 kg lobak
merah, 1 kg kubis dan 2 kg ubi kentang dengan harga RM27.50. Diberi jumlah harga 1 kg lobak merah dan 1 kg kubis adalah
melebihi harga 1 kg ubi kentang sebanyak RM5. Cari harga untuk setiap kilogram bagi setiap jenis sayur, dalam RM.
Let the price of 1 kg carrots = x
Solve 4 and 5 to find the values of x and z,
the price of 1 kg cabbages = y
Selesaikan 4 dan 5 untuk mencari nilai x dan z,
the price of 1 kg potatoes = z
Katakan harga 1 kg lobak merah = x 4 : –2x + z = –6
harga 1 kg kubis = y 5 : x + z = 7.5 (–)
harga 1 kg ubi kentang = z –3x = –13.5
2x + y + 3z = 21.5 ——— 1 x = 4.5
4x + y + 2z = 27.5 ——— 2
x + y – z = 5 ——— 3 From/Daripada 5 , (4.5) + z = 7.5
Eliminate y from 1 and 2 , z = 3
Hapuskan y daripada 1 dan 2 ,
1 : 2x + y + 3z = 21.5 From/Daripada 1 , 2(4.5) + y + 3(3) = 21.5
2 : 4x + y + 2z = 27.5 (–) y = 3.5
–2x + z = –6 ——— 4
Eliminate y from 2 and 3 , Hence, the price of 1 kg carrots = RM4.50, the
Hapuskan y daripada 2 dan 3 , price of 1 kg cabbages = RM3.50 and the price of
2 : 4x + y + 2z = 27.5 1 kg potatoes = RM3.
Maka, harga bagi 1 kg lobak merah = RM4.50, harga bagi
3 : x + y – z = 5 (–)
1 kg kubis = RM3.50 dan harga bagi 1 kg ubi kentang = RM3.
3x + 3z = 22.5
x + z = 7.5 ——— 5

1 Jamil, Minah and Chandran went to a shop to purchase some items to decorate their classroom. Jamil
bought two manila cards, three boxes of marker pens and four glue sticks for RM16.00. Minah bought six
manila cards, four boxes of marker pens and two glue sticks for RM23.00. Chandran bought two manila
cards, five boxes of marker pens and three glue sticks for RM21.00. Find the unit price of each item, in RM.
Jamil, Minah dan Chandran pergi ke sebuah kedai untuk membeli beberapa barang untuk menghias kelas mereka. Jamil membeli
dua keping kad manila, tiga kotak pen penanda dan empat botol gam dengan harga RM16.00. Minah membeli enam keping kad
manila, empat kotak pen penanda dan dua botol gam dengan harga RM23.00. Chandran membeli dua keping kad manila, lima
kotak pen penanda dan tiga botol gam dengan harga RM21.00. Cari harga seunit bagi setiap jenis barang tersebut, dalam RM.
Let the price of a manila card = x Solve 4 and 5 to find the values of x and y,
the price of a box of marker pens = y 4 : 10x + 5y = 30
the price of a glue stick = z 5 × 5 : 10x + 55y = 180 (–)
2x + 3y + 4z = 16 ——— 1 –50y = –150
6x + 4y + 2z = 23 ——— 2 y = 3
2x + 5y + 3z = 21 ——— 3 From 4 , 10x + 5(3) = 30
Eliminate z from 1 and 2 , 10x = 15
1 : 2x + 3y + 4z = 16 x = 1.5
2 × 2 : 12x + 8y + 4z = 46 (–) From 1 , 2(1.5) + 3(3) + 4z = 16
10x + 5y = 30 ——— 4 4z = 4
Eliminate z from 1 and 3 , z = 1
1 × 3 : 6x + 9y + 12z = 48 Hence, the price of a manila card = RM1.50, the
3 × 4 : 8x + 20y + 12z = 84 (–) price of a box of marker pens = RM3 and the price
2x + 11y = 36 ——— 5 of a glue stick = RM1.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 42 05/12/2019 8:06:12 PM

2 The table below shows the number of stamps bought by three students.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan bilangan setem yang dibeli oleh tiga orang murid.
Number of stamps
Bilangan setem
Total price
Type P Type Q Type R Jumlah harga
Jenis P Jenis Q Jenis R
Ali 8 10 20 23.60
Bala 30 15 25 35.00
Chan 20 10 50 50.00
Find the unit price of each type of stamp, in RM.
Cari harga seunit bagi setap jenis setem, dalam RM.

Let the price of a stamp type P = x Solve 4 and 5 to find the values of x and y,
the price of a stamp type Q = y 2 × 4 : 160x + 20y = 44
the price of a stamp type R = z 5 : 40x + 20y = 20 (–)
8x + 10y + 20z = 23.6 ——— 1 120x = 24
30x + 15y + 25z = 35 ——— 2 x = 0.2
20x + 10y + 50z = 50 ——— 3 From 4 , 80(0.2) + 10y = 22
Eliminate z from 1 and 2 , 16 + 10y = 22
10y = 6
5 × 1 : 40x + 50y + 100z = 118
y = 0.6
4 × 2 : 120x + 60y + 100z = 140 (–)
–80x – 10y = –22 From 1 , 8(0.2) + 10(0.6) + 20z = 23.6
80x + 10y = 22 ——— 4 20z = 16
z = 0.8
Eliminate z from 2 and 3 ,
2 × 2 : 60x + 30y + 50z = 70 Hence, the price of a stamp type P = RM0.20, the
3 : 20x + 10y + 50z = 50 (–) price of a stamp type Q = RM0.60 and the price of
40x + 20y = 20 ——— 5 a stamp type R = RM0.80.

3 The table below shows the number of sales for three types of handphones by three stores in a week.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan bilangan jualan bagi tiga jenis telefon bimbit oleh tiga buah kedai dalam seminggu.
Number of sales
Store Bilangan jualan
Kedai Handphone A Handphone B Handphone C Total (RM)
Telefon bimbit A Telefon bimbit B Telefon bimbit C Jumlah (RM)
P 8 5 4 18 400
Q 2 6 9 22 300
R 4 6 8 22 400
Calculate the unit price of each type of handphone, in RM.
Hitung harga seunit bagi setiap jenis telefon bimbit, dalam RM.

Let the price of 1 unit handphone A = x Solve 4 and 5 to find the values of y and z,
the price of 1 unit handphone B = y 4 : –19y – 32z = –70 800
the price of 1 unit handphone C = z 5
3.2 × : 19.2y + 32z = 71 040 (+)
0.2y = 240
8x + 5y + 4z = 18 400 ——— 1 y = 1 200
2x + 6y + 9z = 22 300 ——— 2
4x + 6y + 8z = 22 400 ——— 3 From 5 , 6(1 200) + 10z = 22 200
10z = 15 000
Eliminate x from 1 and 2 , z = 1 500
1 : 8x + 5y + 4z = 18 400
4 × 2 : 8x + 24y + 36z = 89 200 (–) From 1 , 8x + 5(1 200) + 4(1 500) = 18 400
–19y – 32z = –70 800 ——— 4 8x = 6 400
x = 800
Eliminate x from 2 and 3 ,
2 × 2 : 4x + 12y + 18z = 44 600 Hence the price of 1 unit handphone A = RM800,
3 : 4x + 6y + 8z = 22 400 (–) the price of 1 unit handphone B = RM1 200 and the
6y + 10z = 22 200 ——— 5 price of 1 unit handphone C = RM1 500.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 43 05/12/2019 8:06:13 PM

4 A souvenir shop offers three souvenir packages to customers as shown in the table below.
Sebuah kedai cenderamata menawarkan tiga pakej cenderamata kepada pelanggan seperti ditunjukkan dalam jadual di bawah.

RM92 RM101 RM111

Calculate the unit price of each of the item, in RM.

Hitung harga seunit bagi setiap barang tersebut, dalam RM.

Let the price of a cap = x Solve 4 and 5 to find the values of x and y,
the price of a pair of slippers = y 4 : x – y = –9
the price of a shirt = z 5 : x + 3y = 91 (−)
–4y = –100
2x + y + z = 92 ——— 1 y = 25
x + 2y + z = 101 ——— 2
x + y + 2z = 111 ——— 3 From 5 , x + 3(25) = 91
x = 16
Eliminate z from 1 and 2 ,
1 : 2x + y + z = 92 From 1 , 2(16) + (25) + z = 92
2 : x + 2y + z = 101 (−) z = 35
x – y = – 9 ——— 4
Hence, the price of a cap = RM16, the price of a
Eliminate z from 2 and 3 , pair of slippers = RM25 and the price of a shirt
2 × 2 : 2x + 4y + 2z = 202 = RM35.
3 : x + y + 2z = 111 (−)
x + 3y = 91 ——— 5

3.2 Simultaneous Equations Involving One Linear Equation and One Non-Linear Equation
Persamaan Serentak yang Melibatkan Satu Persamaan Linear dan Satu Persamaan Tak Linear

Exercise 4 State whether each of the following equations is a linear or a non-linear equation.
Nyatakan sama ada setiap persamaan yang berikut ialah persamaan linear atau persamaan tak linear.
TP 1 Mempamerkan pengetahuan asas tentang sistem persamaan.

Example 4 1 x2 − 6 = y 2 x + y = 16

2x + 3y = 5 Non-linear Linear

2 4 y2 − 17 = x 5 30 − 5x = –7y
3 + 2y = x
2 + 2xy = x2 Non-linear Linear


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 44 05/12/2019 8:06:17 PM

Exercise 5 Solve each of the following simultaneous equations.
Selesaikan setiap persamaan serentak yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang sistem persamaan untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Smart Tip
Steps to solve simultaneous equations: /Langkah-langkah untuk menyelesaikan persamaan serentak:
i-THINK Flow Map

(3) Substitute the variable into the non-

(2) Make one of the variables
(1) Identify the linear linear equation, giving a quadratic
as the subject of the
equation. equation in one variable.
Kenal pasti persamaan equation. Gantikan pemboleh ubah itu dalam persamaan
Jadikan salah satu pemboleh tak linear, menjadikan satu persamaan kuadratik
ubah sebagai subjek persamaan. dengan satu pemboleh ubah. PAK-21

(4) Solve the quadratic equation using factorisation (5) Substitute the solution in (4) one by one
–b ± b2 − 4ac into the linear equation to obtain the other
or formula x/y = .
2a related solutions.
Selesaikan persamaan kuadratik itu menggunakan Gantikan penyelesaian di (4) satu demi satu ke
–b ± b2 − 4ac dalam persamaan linear untuk mendapatkan
pemfaktoran atau formula x/y = 2a . penyelesaian lain yang berkaitan.

Example 5
x + 3y = 5 Step 4/Langkah 4
x2 + 2y2 = 6 (11y − 19)(y − 1) = 0
11y − 19 = 0 or y − 1 = 0
Step 1/Langkah 1 y = y = 1
x + 3y = 5 ——— 1
Step 5/Langkah 5
x2 + 2y2 = 6 ——— 2 19
When/Apabila y = ,
Step 2/Langkah 2 Scan or visit
From/Daripada 1 , https://goo.gl/
 19 2
11 2
x=5−3 = –  m6Se9S for
x = 5 − 3y 11 additional
notes on the
Step 3/Langkah 3 When/Apabila y = 1, methods
Substitute into 2 , x = 5 − 3(1) = 2 of solving
Gantikan ke dalam 2 ,
Hence,/Oleh itu,
(5 − 3y)2 + 2y2 = 6
2 19
25 − 30y + 9y2 + 2y2 = 6 x = –  , y =
11 11
11y2 − 30y + 19 = 0 ——— 3
x = 2, y = 1

Smart Tip
Always substitute the answers back into the non-linear 2 19
equation for checking. When/Apabila x = –  , y =
11 11
Sentiasa ganti semula jawapan ke dalam persamaan tak linear untuk 2 2 19 2
semakan. – 11 + 2 11 = 6
x2 + 2y2 = 6 (non-linear/tak linear) When/Apabila x = 2, y = 1
(2)2 + 2(1)2 = 6

The answers are correct.

Jawapan adalah betul.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 45 05/12/2019 8:06:18 PM

1 2x + y = 5 2 x–y=3 3 x+y=5
xy 1 xy = 4 xy – 2y = 2
4 2 x – y = 3 ——— 1 x + y = 5 ——— 1
2x + y = 5 ——— 1 xy = 4 ——— 2 xy – 2y = 2 ——— 2
xy 1 From 1 , From 1 ,
= ——— 2
4 2 x=3+y x=5–y
From 1 , Substitute into 2 , Substitute into 2 ,
y = 5 − 2x (3 + y)y = 4 (5 – y)y – 2y = 2
Substitute into 2 , 3y + y2 = 4 5y – y2 – 2y = 2
x(5 − 2x) 1 y2 + 3y – 4 = 0 –y2 + 3y – 2 = 0
4 2 (y – 1)(y + 4) = 0 y2 − 3y + 2 = 0
5x – 2x2 = 2 y – 1 = 0 or y + 4 = 0 (y – 1)(y – 2) = 0
2x2 – 5x + 2 = 0 y=1 y = –4 y – 1 = 0 or y – 2 = 0
(2x – 1)(x – 2) = 0 y = 1 y = 2
When y = 1, x = 3 + (1) = 4
2x – 1 = 0 or x – 2 = 0 When y = –4, x = 3 + (–4) = –1 When y = 1, x = 5 – (1) = 4
x= x = 2 When y = 2, x = 5 – (2) = 3
2 Hence,
1 1 x = 4, y = 1 or x = –1, y = –4 Hence,
When x = , y = 5 – 2
2  
=4 x = 4, y = 1 or x = 3, y = 2
When x = 2, y = 5 – 2(2) = 1
x = , y = 4 or x = 2, y = 1

4 x−y=2 5 3x + y = 5 6 2x – y = 3
x2 + xy + y = 13 x2 – y2 = –3 x2 – 3xy + y2 = 5
x – y = 2 ——— 1 3x + y = 5 ——— 1 2x – y = 3 ——— 1
x2 + xy + y = 13 ——— 2 x2 – y2 = –3 ——— 2 x2 – 3xy + y2 = 5 ——— 2
From 1 , From 1 , From 1 ,
x=2+y y = 5 − 3x y = 2x − 3
Substitute into 2 , Substitute into 2 , Substitute into 2 ,
(2 + y)2 + (2 + y)y + y = 13 x2 – (5 − 3x)2 = –3 x2 – 3x(2x – 3) + (2x – 3)2 = 5
4 + 4y + y2 + 2y + y2 + y = 13 x2 – (25 − 30x + 9x2) = –3 x2 – 6x2 + 9x + 4x2 – 12x + 9 = 5
2y2 + 7y − 9 = 0 x2 – 25 + 30x – 9x2 = –3 –x2 – 3x + 4 = 0 [× (–1)]
(2y + 9)(y − 1) = 0 –8x2 + 30x − 22 = 0 [÷ (–2)] x2 + 3x – 4 = 0
2y + 9 = 0 or y − 1 = 0 4x – 15x + 11 = 0
(x – 1)(x + 4) = 0
(4x – 11)(x − 1) = 0 x – 1 = 0 or x + 4 = 0
y = – 9 y = 1
2 4x – 11 = 0 or x − 1 = 0 x = 1 x = –4
When y = – 9 , 11
x = x = 1
When x = 1, y = 2(1) − 3 = –1
2 4 When x = –4, y = 2(–4) – 3 =
x = 2 + –  = – 5
9 11 –11
 
2 2
When x = ,
11 13 Hence,
When y = 1, x = 2 + (1) = 3 y=5–3  
= – 
4 x = 1, y = –1 or x = –4, y = –11
Hence, When x = 1, y = 5 − 3(1) = 2
x = – 5 , y = – 9 or x = 3, y = 1 Hence,
2 2
11 13
x = , y = –  or x = 1, y = 2
4 4


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 46 05/12/2019 8:06:18 PM

Exercise 6 Solve each of the following.
Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang sistem persamaan untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 6 1 x−y=2 2 x+y=1

3 3
2x − y = 3 + 2y = 3 x+ =3
x y
4 3
+ =5 x − y = 2 ——— 1 x + y = 1 ——— 1
x y
3 3
Solution + 2y = 3 ——— 2 x + = 3 ——— 2
x y
2x − y = 3 ——— 1
4 3 From 2 , From 2 ,
+ = 5 ——— 2 3 + 2xy = 3x ——— 3 xy + 3 = 3y ——— 3
x y
From 1 , From 1 ,
2 × (xy),
y=x−2 x=1−y
4y + 3x = 5xy ——— 3
Substitute into 3 , Substitute into 3 ,
From/Daripada 1 , 3 + 2x(x − 2) = 3x (1 − y)y + 3 = 3y
y = 2x − 3 3 + 2x2 − 4x − 3x = 0 y − y2 + 3 − 3y = 0
Substitute into 3 , 2x2 − 7x + 3 = 0 –y2 − 2y + 3 = 0
Gantikan ke dalam 3 , (2x − 1)(x − 3) = 0 y2 + 2y − 3 = 0
4(2x − 3) + 3x = 5x(2x – 3) 2x − 1 = 0 or x − 3 = 0 (y − 1)(y + 3) = 0
8x − 12 + 3x = 10x2 − 15x 1 y − 1 = 0 or y + 3 = 0
x = x = 3
0 = 10x2 − 15x − 8x + 12 − 3x 2 y = 1 y = –3
10x2 − 26x + 12 = 0 (÷2) 1 1 3
When x = , y =   − 2 = –  When y = 1, x = 1 − (1) = 0
5x2 − 13x + 6 = 0 2 2 2 When x = –3, x = 1 − (–3) = 4
(5x − 3)(x − 2) = 0 When x = 3, y = (3) − 2 = 1 Hence,
5x − 3 = 0 or/atau x − 2 = 0 x = 0, y = 1
3 or
x = x = 2 1 3
5 x = , y = –  x = 4, y = –3
2 2
When/Apabila x = , or
3 9 x = 3, y = 1
y = 2  − 3 = – 
5 5

When/Apabila x = 2,
y = 2(2) − 3 = 1
Hence/Oleh itu,
3 9
x = , y = – 
5 5
x = 2, y = 1

3 x + 3y = 5
2 1
+ =2
x y

x + 3y = 5 ——— 1 From 1 , 5 5 5
2 1 x = 5 − 3y
When y = , x = 5 − 3
6  
+ = 2 ——— 2 Substitute into 3 , When y = 1, x = 5 − 3(1) = 2
x y
2y + (5 − 3y) = 2(5 − 3y)y Hence,
2 × (xy), 2y + 5 − 3y = 10y − 6y2 5 5
2y + x = 2xy ——— 3 6y2 − 11y + 5 = 0 x= ,y=
2 6
(6y − 5)(y − 1) = 0 or
6y − 5 = 0 or y − 1 = 0 x = 2, y = 1
y = y = 1


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 47 05/12/2019 8:06:19 PM

4 x + 2y = 7 5 2x + y = 2 6 x + 3y = 1
2 3 3 2 x(x − y)
− =1 − =1 =0
x y 2x y 8
x + 2y = 7 ——— 1 2x + y = 2 ——— 1 x + 3y = 1 ——— 1
2 3 3 2 x(x − y)
− = 1 ——— 2 − = 1 ——— 2 =0
x y 2x y 8
2 × (xy), 2 × (2xy), x2 − xy = 0 ——— 2
2y − 3x = xy ——— 3 3y − 4x = 2xy ——— 3
From 1 ,
From 1 , From 1 , x = 1 − 3y
x = 7 − 2y y = 2 − 2x Substitute into 2 ,
Substitute into 3 , Substitute into 3 , (1 − 3y)2 − (1 − 3y)y = 0
2y − 3(7 − 2y) = (7 − 2y)y 3(2 − 2x) − 4x = 2x(2 − 2x) 1 − 6y + 9y2 − y + 3y2 = 0
2y − 21 + 6y = 7y − 2y2 6 − 6x − 4x = 4x − 4x2 12y2 − 7y + 1 = 0
2y − 21 + 6y − 7y + 2y2 = 0 6 − 6x − 4x − 4x + 4x2 = 0 (3y − 1)(4y − 1) = 0
2y2 + y − 21 = 0 4x2 − 14x + 6 = 0 3y − 1 = 0 or 4y − 1 = 0
(2y + 7)(y − 3) = 0 2x2 − 7x + 3 = 0 1 1
y = y =
2y + 7 = 0 or y – 3 = 0 (2x − 1)(x − 3) = 0 3 4
1 1
y = –  y = 3
2x − 1 = 0 or x − 3 = 0 When y = , x = 1 − 3
3  
2 1
PAK-21 x = x = 3 1 1 1
When y = –  ,
7 2 When y = , x = 1 − 3
4  
2 1 1

7 When x = , y = 2 − 2
2  
 
x = 7 − 2 –  = 14
2 When x = 3, y = 2 − 2(3) = –4 1
x = 0, y =
When y = 3, x = 7 − 2(3) = 1 Hence, 3
Hence, or
7 x= ,y=1
x = 14, y = –  2 1 1
2 x= ,y=
or or 4 4
x = 1, y = 3 x = 3, y = –4

PAK-21 Gallery Walk


1 Teacher is required to provide questions on Systems of Equations on the coloured cards, where each card
has 3 questions.
Guru dikehendaki menyediakan beberapa soalan mengenai Sistem Persamaan pada kad berwarna, dengan
setiap kad perlu mempunyai 3 soalan.
2 Students perform this activity in groups of 3 students. A coloured card is randomly selected for each group.
Murid-murid melakukan aktiviti ini secara berkumpulan yang terdiri daripada 3 orang murid. Satu kad
berwarna dipilih secara rawak bagi setiap kumpulan.
3 Each group is required to answer all questions on the selected card. Write each answer on a mahjung paper.
Setiap kumpulan dikehendaki menjawab semua soalan yang terdapat pada kad yang dipilih. Tulis setiap
jawapan pada kertas mahjung.
4 The group work of each group is posted on the class’s notice board. Students are required to stand next to
their group work.
Hasil kerja setiap kumpulan ditampal pada papan kenyataan kelas. Murid-murid dikehendaki berdiri di
sebelah hasil kerja masing-masing.
5 A group is required to move to each group to evaluate the work of the group. Once completed, other groups
need to do the same step.
Satu kumpulan perlu bergerak ke setiap kumpulan bagi menilai hasil kerja kumpulan tersebut. Setelah
selesai, kumpulan lain perlu melakukan langkah yang sama.
6 Teacher hold a discussion with students to enhance the students’ understanding on the Systems of Equations.
Guru mengadakan perbincangan dengan murid bagi menambahkan kefahaman murid bagi tajuk Sistem
Persamaan Serentak.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 48 05/12/2019 8:06:19 PM

Exercise 7 Solve each of the following simultaneous equations. Give the answer correct to 3 decimal
Selesaikan setiap persamaan serentak yang berikut. Beri jawapan betul kepada 3 tempat perpuluhan.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang sistem persamaan untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 7
2x + 3y = 1 a = 5, b = –6, c = –7 When/Apabila y = 1.927,
x2 − y2 = 2 1 − 3(1.927)
–b ± b2 − 4ac x= = –2.391
y= 2
Solution 2a
2x + 3y = 1 ——— 1 –(–6) ± (–6)2 − 4(5)(–7) Hence/Oleh itu,
y =
x2 − y2 = 2 ——— 2 2(5) x = 1.591, y = –0.727
6 ± 176 or/atau
From/Daripada 1 , =
10 x = –2.391, y = 1.927
2x = 1 − 3y
6 − 176 6 + 176
1 − 3y
10 Smart Tip
= –0.7266 or/atau 1.9266
Substitute into 2 , = –0.727 or/atau 1.927 –b ± b2 − 4ac
Formula y or x = is applied
Gantikan ke dalam 2 , 2a
1 − 3y 2 When/Apabila y = –0.727, when the quadratic equation cannot be
 2 − y2 = 2
1 – 3(–0.727) solved by factorisation.
x= = 1.591 –b ± b2 – 4ac
1 – 6y + 9y2 2 Formula y atau x = digunakan apabila
− y2 = 2 — (×4) 2a
4 persamaan kuadratik tidak boleh diselesaikan
1 − 6y + 9y2 − 4y2 = 8 menggunakan pemfaktoran.
5y2 − 6y − 7 = 0

1 2x + y = 3 2 x + 2y = 1 3 x + 2y = x2 − y2 = 3
3x + y2 = 6 x2 − y = 3
x + 2y = 3 ——— 1
2x + y = 3 ——— 1 x + 2y = 1 ——— 1 x2 − y2 = 3 ——— 2
3x + y2 = 6 ——— 2 x2 − y = 3 ——— 2
From 1 ,
From 1 ,
From 1 , x = 3 − 2y
y = 3 − 2x
x = 1 − 2y Substitute into 2 ,
Substitute into 2 ,
Substitute into 2 , (3 – 2y)2 − y2 = 3
3x + (3 − 2x)2 = 6
(1 − 2y)2 − y = 3 9 − 12y + 4y2 − y2 = 3
3x + 9 − 12x + 4x2 = 6
1 − 4y + 4y2 − y − 3 = 0 3y2 − 12y + 6 = 0
4x2 − 9x + 3 = 0
4y2 − 5y − 2 = 0 y2 − 4y + 2 = 0
–(–9) ± (–9)2 − 4(4)(3)
x= –(–5) ± (–5)2 − 4(4)(–2) –(–4) ± (–4)2 − 4(1)(2)
2(4) y= y=
2(4) 2(1)
9 ± 33
= 5 ± 57 4 ± 8
8 = =
8 2
9 − 33 9 + 33
= or 5 − 57 5 + 57 4 – 8 4 + 8
8 8 = or = or
8 8 2 2
= 0.4069 or 1.8430 = –0.319 or 1.569 = 0.586 or 3.414
= 0.407 or 1.843 When y = 0.586,
When x = 0.407, When y = –0.319, x = 3 − 2(0.586) = 1.828
y = 3 − 2(0.407) = 2.186 x = 1 − 2(–0.319) = 1.638 When y = 3.414,
When x = 1.843, When y = 1.569, x = 3 − 2(3.414) = –3.828
y = 3 − 2(1.843) = –0.686 x = 1 − 2(1.569) = –2.138
Hence, Hence, x = 1.828, y = 0.586
x = 0.407 , y = 2.186 x = 1.638, y = –0.319 or
or or x = –3.828, y = 3.414
x = 1.843, y = –0.686 x = –2.138, y = 1.569


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 49 05/12/2019 8:06:20 PM

4 4x + 3y = 1 5 2x − 3y = 1
–x2 + y2 = 2 4xy − x2 = 6

4x + 3y = 1 ——— 1 2x − 3y = 1 ——— 1
–x2 + y2 = 2 ——— 2 4xy − x2 = 6 ——— 2
From 1 , From 1 ,
1 − 4x 3y = 2x –1
2x − 1
Substitute into 2 , y=
1 − 4x 2 Substitute into 2 ,
–x2 +  3 =2
2x − 1
–x2 +
1 − 8x + 16x2
= 2 — (×9)
4x  3 − x2 = 6 —— (×3)
4x(2x − 1) − 3x2 = 18
–9x2 + 1 − 8x + 16x2 = 18 8x2 − 4x − 3x2 = 18
7x2 – 8x − 17 = 0 5x2 − 4x − 18 = 0
–(–8) ± (–8)2 − 4(7)(–17) –(–4) ± (–4)2 − 4(5)(–18)
x = x =
2(7) 2(5)
8 ± 540 4 ± 376
= =
14 10
8 − 540 8 + 540 4 − 376 4 + 376
= or = or
14 14 10 10
= –1.088 or 2.231 = –1.539 or x = 2.339
When x = –1.088, When x = –1.539,
1 − 4(–1.088) 2(–1.539) − 1
y= = 1.784 y= = –1.359
3 3
When y = 2.231, When x = 2.339,
1 − 4(2.231) 2(2.339) − 1
y= = –2.641 y= = 1.226
3 3
Hence, Hence,
x = –1.088, y = 1.784 x = –1.539, y = –1.359
or or
x = 2.231, y = –2.641 x = 2.339, y = 1.226

Exercise 8 Solve each of the following problems. HOTS Applying

Selesaikan setiap masalah yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang sistem persamaan dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

Example 8
33 − 2y
The diagram shows a right-angled triangle. From/Daripada 1 , x =
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga bersudut tegak. 3
P Substitute x into/Gantikan x ke dalam 2 ,
33 − 2y
x+2 2x + 1  3  
y + 2y = 54

33y − 2y2 + 6y = 162

2y –2y2 + 39y − 162 = 0
Given the perimeter is 36 cm and the area is 54 cm2. 2y2 − 39y + 162 = 0
Find the values of x and y. (y − 6)(2y − 27) = 0
Diberi perimeter ialah 36 cm dan luas ialah 54 cm2. y − 6 = 0 or 2y − 27 = 0
Cari nilai x dan y. 27
y = 6 y =
Solution When/Apabila y = 6,
Perimeter = 36 cm 33 − 2(6)
(x + 2) + (2x + 1) + 2y = 36 x= =7
3x + 2y = 33 ——— 1 27
When/Apabila y = ,
Area/Luas = 54 cm2 2
1 27
× (x + 2)(2y) = 54 33 − 2 
2 2 6
x = = 3 =2
xy + 2y = 54 ——— 2 3


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 50 05/12/2019 8:06:21 PM

1 The diagram shows a rectangle. 2 The diagram shows the curve y − x2 = 2 and the
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi empat tepat. straight line y = –2x + 10.
Rajah menunjukkan lengkung y − x2 = 2 dan garis lurus
(x – 3) cm
y = –2x + 10.
(y + 1) cm y – x2 = 2

Given the perimeter is 14 cm and the area is 12 cm2.
Q y = –2x + 10
Find the values of x and y.
Diberi perimeter ialah 14 cm dan luas ialah 12 cm . Cari

nilai x dan y. Find the coordinates of the points of intersection

Perimeter = 14 cm P and Q.
2(x − 3) + 2(y + 1) = 14 (÷2) Cari koordinat bagi titik persilangan P dan Q.
x + y = 9 ——— 1 Given y − x2 = 2
Area = 12 cm2 or
(x − 3)(y + 1) = 12 y = x2 + 2 ——— 1
xy + x − 3y – 3 = 12 and
xy + x − 3y = 15 ——— 2 y = –2x + 10 —— 2
x2 + 2 = –2x + 10
From 1 , x2 + 2x − 8 = 0
y=9−x (x + 4)(x − 2) = 0
Substitute y into 2 , x + 4 = 0 or x − 2 = 0
x(9 − x) + x − 3(9 − x) = 15 x = –4 x = 2
9x − x2 + x − 27 + 3x = 15
–x2 + 13x − 42 = 0 When x = –4,
x2 − 13x + 42 = 0 y = –2(–4) + 10 = 18
(x − 6)(x − 7) = 0 When x = 2,
x − 6 = 0 or x − 7 = 0 y = –2(2) + 10 = 6
x = 6 x = 7
When x = 6, y = 9 − (6) = 3 P = (–4, 18) and Q = (2, 6)
When x = 7, y = 9 − (7) = 2

3 The diagram shows the circle x2 + y2 = 5 and the Substitute 1 into 2 ,

straight line 2x + y = 4. x2 + (4 − 2x)2 = 5
Rajah menunjukkan lengkung x2 + y2 = 5 dan garis lurus x2 + 16 − 16x + 4x2 − 5 = 0
2x + y = 4. 5x2 − 16x + 11 = 0
2x + y = 4 (5x − 11)(x − 1) = 0
5x − 11 = 0 or x − 1 = 0
P 11
x = x = 1

x2 + y2 = 5 When x = ,
11 2
Find the coordinates of the points of intersection y=4−2  
= – 
P and Q.
When x = 1,
Cari koordinat bagi titik persilangan P dan Q.
y = 4 − 2(1) = 2
Given 2x + y = 4
y = 4 − 2x ——— 1 11 2
P = (1, 2) and Q = 5 , – 
5 
x2 + y2 = 5 ——— 2


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 51 05/12/2019 8:06:21 PM

4 The diagram below shows a triangle MNT. It is 5 The diagram below shows a triangle EFG with a
given that MN + NT = 32 cm. rectangle PQRS inside it. It is given that
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga MNT. Diberi EF = EG = 17 cm, RS = y cm and FG = 16 cm. M is
bahawa MN + NT = 32 cm. the midpoint of FG.
M Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga EFG dengan
segi empat tepat PQRS di dalamnya. Diberi bahawa EF = EG
= 17 cm, RS = y cm dan FG = 16 cm. M ialah titik tengah
bagi FG.
y cm P
5 cm

9 cm Q x cm

Find the values of x and y. Q R

Cari nilai bagi x dan y.

Given MN + NT = 32
y + (9 + x) = 32 F G
x + y = 23 ——— 1 P M S
2x cm
= If the area of rectangle PQRS is 45 cm2, find the
y 5 values of x and y.
= Jika luas segi empat tepat PQRS ialah 45 cm2, cari nilai bagi
9+x x
x dan y.
xy = 5(9 + x)
xy = 45 + 5x 16 Substitute y into 2 ,
FM = MG = = 8 cm
xy − 5x = 45 ——— 2
( )
2 120 − 15x
2x = 45
From 1 , y = 23 − x EM = 172 – 82 = 15 cm 8

Substitute into 2 ,
= x( 120 − 15x
4 )
= 45
x(23 − x) − 5x = 45 y x(120 − 15x) = 180
 23x − x2 − 5x = 45 = 120x − 15x2 = 180
8 8−x
x2 − 18x + 45 = 0 15x2 − 120x + 180 = 0
15(8 − x) = 8y
(x − 15)(x − 3) = 0 x2 − 8x + 12 = 0
120 − 15x = 8y
x − 15 = 0 or x − 3 = 0 (x − 2)(x − 6) = 0
15x + 8y = 120 ——— 1
x = 15 x = 3 x − 2 = 0 or x − 6 = 0
Area of rectangle PQRS:
When x = 15, When x = 2,
(2x)(y) = 45
y = 23 − (15) = 8 120 − 15(2)
2xy = 45 ——— 2 y= = 11.25
When x = 5, 8
y = 23 − (5) = 18 From 1 , When x = 6,
∴ x = 15, y = 8 or x = 5, y = 18 120 − 15x 120 − 15(6)
y= y= = 3.75
8 8
6 A lorry travels at an average speed of u km h–1 30v + 20u = 0.9uv (× 10)
for the first 90 km and v km h–1 for the next 60 km 300v + 200u = 9uv
in a journey. The total time taken for the journey 200u + 300v = 9uv (shown)
is 2.7 hours. (b) u − v = 10
Sebuah lori bergerak pada laju purata u km j–1 bagi 90 km Solve
pertama dan v km j–1 bagi 60 km berikutnya dalam satu 200u + 300v = 9uv ——— 1
perjalanan. Jumlah masa perjalanan yang diambil ialah 2.7 jam. u − v = 10
(a) Show that 200u + 300v = 9uv. u = 10 + v ——— 2
Tunjukkan bahawa 200u + 300v = 9uv.
Substitute 2 into 1 ,
(b) It is given that the average speed of the first
part of the journey is more than the average 200(10 + v) + 300v = 9v(10 + v)
speed of the second part of the journey by 2 000 + 200v + 300v = 90v + 9v2
10 km h–1, find the values of u and v. 9v2 − 410v − 2 000 = 0
Diberi bahawa purata laju bagi bahagian pertama (9v + 40)(v − 50) = 0
perjalanan melebihi bahagian kedua sebanyak 9v + 40 = 0 or v − 50 = 0
10 km j–1, cari nilai bagi u dan v. 40
v = – v = 50
(a) Time taken = 2.7 hours Since v > 0, then v = 50
90 60 When v = 50,
u + v = 2.7 (÷ 3) u = 10 + v
30 20 = 10 + 50
u + v = 0.9 = 60


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 52 05/12/2019 8:06:22 PM

Review 3
Paper 2 Questions
 1 Solve the following simultaneous equations:
Selesaikan persamaan serentak berikut:
5x + 10y + 15z = 32
10x + 15y + 20z = 46
20x + 35y + 30z = 82 [5 marks/markah]

 2 Halim, Daud and Firdaus bought some items for the preparation of Hari Raya. Halim bought 3 packs
of cooking chocolate, 2 packs of dates and a box of candy for RM56.00. Daud bought 4 packs of cooking
chocolate, 3 packs of dates and a box of candy for RM77.00. Firdaus bought 6 packs of cooking chocolate, a
pack of date and 4 boxes of candy for RM83.00. Find the unit price of each type of the item purchased.
Halim, Daud dan Firdaus membeli beberapa barang untuk persiapan Hari Raya. Halim membeli 3 pek coklat masakan, 2 pek kurma
dan sekotak gula-gula dengan harga RM56.00. Daud membeli 4 pek coklat masakan, 3 pek kurma dan sekotak gula-gula dengan
harga RM77.00. Firdaus membeli 6 pek coklat masakan, 1 pek kurma dan 4 kotak gula-gula dengan harga RM83.00. Cari harga
seunit bagi setiap jenis barang yang dibeli. [5 marks/markah]

 3 Yati, Siti and Haili work in a shoes store. Their total sales in the last month was RM1 850. Yati’s sales was
RM150 more than Siti’s sales. The total sales of Siti and Haili was RM950 more than Yati’s sales. Calculate
the value of sales of each saleswoman, in RM.
Yati, Siti dan Haili bekerja di sebuah kedai kasut. Jumlah jualan mereka pada bulan lepas ialah RM1 850. Jualan Yati ialah RM150
lebih daripada jualan Siti. Jumlah jualan Siti dan Haili ialah RM950 lebih daripada jualan Yati. Hitung nilai jualan setiap jurujual,
dalam RM. [5 marks/markah]

 4 Solve the simultaneous equations y − 2x + 4 = 0 and 2x2 + 3y2 − 2xy = 16.

Give your answer correct to three decimal places.
`11 Selesaikan persamaan serentak y − 2x + 4 = 0 dan 2x2 + 3y2 − 2xy = 16.
Beri jawapan betul kepada tiga tempat perpuluhan. [5 marks/markah]

  5 Solve the following simultaneous equations:

SPM Selesaikan persamaan serentak berikut:

`12 3x + y = 1, 4x2 + y2 + 3xy − 7 = 0
[5 marks/markah]

  6 Solve the following simultaneous equations:

SPM Selesaikan persamaan serentak berikut:
`17 − 2y = 1, x2 + 3xy + 8y2 = 9
[5 marks/markah]

  7 Solve the following simultaneous equations:

Selesaikan persamaan serentak berikut:
y – 2x + 1 = 0, x2 − 2y2 − y + 4 = 0
Give your answers correct to three decimal places.
Beri jawapan anda betul kepada tiga tempat perpuluhan. [5 marks/markah]

H O TS Zo n e
  1 Amir planted vegetables on a piece of land. The land is in right-angled triangular shape. Given the longest
SPM side of the land is y metre. The other two sides of the land are 2x metre and (2x + 6) metre respectively. He
`16 fenced the land with 72 metres of barbed wire. Find the length, in metre, of each side of the land. HOTS Applying
Amir menanam sayur-sayuran di atas sebidang tanah. Tanah itu berbentuk segi tiga bersudut tegak. Diberi sisi yang paling
panjang tanah ini ialah y meter. Dua sisi yang lain tanah itu ialah masing-masing 2x meter dan (2x + 6) meter. Dia memagarkan
tanah itu dengan dawai berduri sepanjang 72 meter. Cari panjang, dalam meter, bagi setiap sisi tanah.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C3 4th.indd 53 05/12/2019 8:06:23 PM

Chapter Learning Area: Algebra

4 Indices, Surds and Logarithms

Indeks, Surd dan Logaritma

4.1 Laws of Indices / Hukum Indeks

Smart Tip
The relationship between index equation and logarithm equation:
Hubungan antara persamaan indeks dan persamaan logaritma:
ax = N ⇔ loga N = x, a > 0, a ≠1

Exercise 1 Express each of the following in the form of man, where a is a prime number.
Ungkapkan setiap yang berikut dalam bentuk man, dengan keadaan a ialah nombor perdana.
TP 1 Mempamerkan pengetahuan asas tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma.

Example 1 1 2(3n) + 4(3n) 2 2n + 2n + 2

2n + 3 − 2n + 1 + 2n = 2(3n) + 4(3n) = 1(2n) + (2n)(22)

Solution = 6(3n) = 1(2n) + 4(2n)
2n + 3 – 2n + 1 + 2n = 5(2n)
= (2n)(23) − (2n)(21) + (2n)
= 8(2n) − 2(2n) + 1(2n)
= 7(2n) 3 3n + 3 – 3n + 2 – 3n + 1 4 5n + 1 – 5n – 5n – 1

Alternative Method = (3n)(33) − (3n)(32) − (3n)(31) = (5n)(51) − 1(5n) − (5n)(5–1)

8(2 ) – 2(2 ) + (2 )
n n n = 27(3n) − 9(3n) − 3(3n) 1
= 5(5n) − 1(5n) −  (5n)
Let u = 2n, then = 15(3n) 5
Biarkan u = 2n, maka 4 n 19 n
= 3   (5 ) = 5  (5 )
8u – 2u + u = 7u 5
= 7(2n)

Exercise 2 Solve each of the following.

Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 2 1 Prove that 3n + 1 + 3n + 2 is a 2 Show that 2n + 2 + 2n + 4 is a

multiple of 4. multiple of 5.
Prove that 3n + 1 + 3n + 3 − 2(3n) Buktikan bahawa 3n + 1 + 3n + 2 ialah Tunjukkan bahawa 2n + 2 + 2n + 4 ialah
is a multiple of 7. gandaan bagi 4. gandaan bagi 5.
Buktikan bahawa 3n + 1 + 3n + 3 − 2(3n)
ialah gandaan bagi 7. 3n + 1 + 3n + 2 2n + 2 + 2n + 4
Solution = 3n(31) + 3n(32) = (2n)(22) + (2n)(24)
3n + 1 + 3n + 3 − 2(3n) = 3(3n) + 9(3n) = 4(2n) + 16(2n)
= 3n(3) + 3n(33) − 2(3n) = 12(3n) = 20(2n)
= 3(3n) + 27(3n) − 2(3n) 12 4 4 = 3 20 4 5 = 4
= 28(3n) 12 is divisible by 4. 20 is divisible by 5.
28 4 7 = 4
28 is divisible by 7. ∴ 3n + 1 + 3n + 2 is a multiple of 4. ∴ 2n + 2 + 2n + 4 is a multiple of 5.
28 boleh dibahagi tepat dengan 7.
∴ 3n + 1 + 3n + 3 − 2(3n) is a
multiple of 7.
∴ 3n + 1 + 3n + 3 – 2(3n) ialah gandaan
bagi 7.


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3 Show that 6(3n) − 3n + 3n + 2 is 4 Prove that 5n + 2 – 2(5n) + 5n + 1 is 5 Show that 7n + 2 − 2(7n + 1) + 7n is
divisible by 7. divisible by 4. divisible by 9.
Tunjukkan bahawa 6(3n) − 3n + 3n + 2 Buktikan bahawa 5n + 2 – 2(5n) + 5n + 1 Tunjukkan bahawa 7n + 2 – 2(7n + 1) + 7n
boleh dibahagi tepat dengan 7. boleh dibahagi tepat dengan 4. boleh dibahagi tepat dengan 9.

6(3n) − 3n + 3n + 2 5n + 2 − 2(5n) + 5n + 1 7n + 2 − 2(7n + 1) + 7n

= 6(3n) − 1(3n) + 3n(32) = 5n(52) − 2(5n) + 5n(51) = 7n(72) − 2[7n(71)] + 1(7n)
= 6(3n) − 1(3n) + 9(3n) = 25(5n) − 2(5n) + 5(5n) = 49(7n) − 14(7n) + 1(7n)
= 14(3n) = 28(5n) = 36(7n)
14 4 7 = 2 28 4 4 = 7 36 4 9 = 4
∴ 6(3n) − 3n + 3n + 2 is divisible ∴ 5n + 2 − 2(5n) + 5n +1 is divisible ∴ 7n + 2 − 2(7n + 1) + 7n is divisible
by 7. by 4. by 9.

6 Determine the number of digits of the answer of 2321 × 5324. HOTS Applying
Tentukan bilangan digit bagi jawapan 2321 × 5324.

Multiplication Number of digits

21 × 54 = 2 × 625 = 1 250 4

22 × 55 = 4 × 3 125 = 12 500 5

23 × 56 = 8 × 15 625 = 125 000 6

................. ...

................. ...

2321 × 5324 324

∴ The number of digits of the answer of 2321 × 5324 is 324.

Exercise 3 Solve each of the following.

Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

Example 3 1 In an experiment, it is found that the temperature

of a metal increases from 23°C to H°C based
Mr Syaiful deposited RM24 000 in a bank in on the equation H = 23(1.15)k when the metal is
the early 2019 with an interest rate of 8% per heated for k seconds. Calculate the temperature,
annum. After w years, the total amount of in °C, of the metal at the 8th second.
savings of Mr Syaiful is 24 000(1.08)w. Calculate Dalam satu eksperimen, didapati bahawa suhu sebuah
the total amount of his savings in the early 2025. logam meningkat daripada 23°C kepada H°C mengikut
Encik Syaiful menyimpan sebanyak RM24 000 di sebuah persamaan H = 23(1.15)k apabila logam itu dipanaskan
bank pada awal tahun 2019 dengan kadar faedah 8% selama k saat. Hitung suhu, dalam °C, logam itu pada saat
setahun. Selepas w tahun, jumlah simpanan Encik Syaiful kelapan.
ialah 24 000(1.08)w. Hitung jumlah simpanannya pada
awal tahun 2025. k=8
Solution H = 23(1.15)8 °C
Number of years from 2019 until 2025 = 6 years = 70.36°C
Bilangan tahun dari 2019 hingga 2025 = 6 tahun
Total amount of savings in the early 2025
Jumlah simpanan pada awal tahun 2025
= 24 000(1.08)6 = RM38 084.98


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C4 5th.indd 55 05/12/2019 8:07:07 PM

2 Mrs Saras deposited RM15 000 in a bank on 3 Determine whether the expression 2n + 3 + 2n + 4 +
1st December 2018 with an interest rate of 4% 2n + 5 is divisible by 7 for all positive integers n.
per annum. After n years, the total amount of Tentukan sama ada ungkapan 2n + 3 + 2n + 4 + 2n + 5 boleh
her savings is 15 000(1.04)n. Calculate the total dibahagi dengan 7 bagi semua integer positif n.
amount of her savings on 1st December 2023.
Puan Saras menyimpan sebanyak RM15 000 pada 2n + 3 + 2n + 4 + 2n + 5 = 2n(23) + 2n(24) + 2n(25)
1 Disember 2018 di sebuah bank dengan kadar faedah = 2n(8) + 2n(16) + 2n(32)
4% setahun. Selepas n tahun, jumlah simpanannya ialah = 2n(8 + 16 + 32)
15 000(1.04)n. Hitung jumlah simpanannya pada = 56(2n)
1 Disember 2023. 56 is multiple of 7. Hence, 56(2n) is divisible by 7
for all positive integers n.
Number of years from 2018 until 2023 = 5 years
Total amount of savings in 1st December 2023
= RM15 000(1.04)5
= RM18 249.79

4 A monkey has a disease. It has 91.5 body cells affected on day 1. The number of body cells affected doubles
every following day. The disease becomes severe when 324 body cells are affected. On which day does the
disease become severe?
Seekor monyet mengidap sejenis penyakit. Monyet itu mempunyai 91.5 sel-sel badan yang terjejas pada hari pertama. Bilangan sel
badan yang terjejas menjadi dua kali ganda pada setiap hari berikutnya. Penyakit itu menjadi teruk apabila 324 sel badan terjejas.
Pada hari keberapakah penyakit tu menjadi teruk?

Number of body cells affected Number of body cells affected

(Base 9) (Base 3)
1 91.5 33
2 93 36
3 96 312
4 912 324

The disease becomes severe on the 4th day.

4.2 Laws of Surds / Hukum Surd

Exercise 4 Solve each of the following.
Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 4 1 Determine the value of (ABB2 ÷ ABB

5 )2. Hence, make
a generalisation for the value of ABB
2 ÷ ABB
5 in the
Determine the value of (ABB2 × ABB
3 )2. Hence, make form of surd.
a generalisation for the value of ABB
2 × ABB
3 in the Tentukan nilai (ABB
2 ÷ ABB5 )2. Seterusnya, buat generalisasi
form of surd. bagi nilai ABB
2 ÷ ABB
5 dalam bentuk surd.
Tentukan nilai (ABB
2 × ABB3 )2. Seterusnya, buat generalisasi
1 2
bagi nilai ABB × ABB dalam bentuk surd.
2 3 (ABB
2 ÷ ABB
5 )2 =
Solution ABB
2 × ABB

3 )2 = (ABB
2 × ABB
2 × ABB
3 )(ABB
2 × ABB
2 × ABB3)
3 × ABB
=1 21 2
= (ABB
2 )2 × (ABB
3 )2 (ABB
2 )2
=2×3 Smart Tip =
5 )2
2 × ABB 3 ) 2 = 6 1 ABB
a × ABB
b = ABBB
ab =2

a ÷ ABB Ab
b = BB
2 ÷ ABB
5 )2 =
Multiply both sides with square root. 5
Darabkan kedua-dua belah dengan punca kuasa dua. Multiply both sides with square root.
Then/Maka, ABB 2 × ABB
3 = ABBBBB 2
2×3 Then, ABB
2 ÷ ABB5 =A
6 5


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2 Determine the value of (ABB3 × ABB
5 )2. Hence, make 3 Determine the value of (ABB2 × ABB
5 )2. Hence, make
a generalisation for the value of ABB
3 × ABB
5 in the a generalisation for the value of ABB
2 × ABB
5 in the
form of surd. form of surd.
Tentukan nilai (ABB
3 × ABB5 )2. Seterusnya, buat generalisasi Tentukan nilai (ABB
2 × ABB5 )2. Seterusnya, buat generalisasi
bagi nilai ABB × ABB dalam bentuk surd.
3 5 bagi nilai ABB × ABB dalam bentuk surd.
2 5

3 × ABB5 )2 = (ABB
3 × ABB5 )(ABB
3 × ABB
5) (ABB
2 × ABB5 )2 = (ABB
2 × ABB5 )(ABB
2 × ABB
= ABB3 × ABB3 × ABB 5 × ABB
5 = ABB2 × ABB2 × ABB 5 × ABB
= (ABB
3 )2 × (ABB
5 )2 = (ABB
2 )2 × (ABB
5 )2
=3×5 =2×5
= 15 = 10
3 × ABB5 )2 = 15 (ABB
2 × ABB5 )2 = 10

Multiply both sides with square root. Multiply both sides with square root.
Then, ABB
3 × ABB
3×5 Then, ABB
2 × ABB
15 = ABB

4 Determine the value of (ABBm × ABBn )2. Hence, make 5 Determine the value of (ABB3 ÷ ABB
2 )2. Hence, make
a generalisation for the value of ABB
m × ABBn in the a generalisation for the value of ABB
3 ÷ ABB
2 in the
form of surd. form of surd.
Tentukan nilai (ABB
m × ABB n )2. Seterusnya, buat generalisasi Tentukan nilai (ABB
3 ÷ ABB2 )2. Seterusnya, buat generalisasi
bagi nilai ABB × ABB dalam bentuk surd.
m n bagi nilai ABB ÷ ABB dalam bentuk surd.
3 2

1 2
m × ABB
n )2 = (ABB
m × ABBn )(ABB
m × ABB
n) (ABB
3 ÷ ABB
2 )2 =
= ABBm × ABB
n × ABB m × ABB

= (ABB
= mn
m )2 × (ABB
n )2 = 1 21 2
m × ABB
n )2 = mn (ABB
3 )2
= =3
2 )2 2
Multiply both sides with square root.
Then, ABB
m × ABBn = ABBBB
mn (ABB
3 ÷ ABB
2 )2 =
Multiply both sides with square root.
Then, ABB
3 ÷ ABB2 =A

Exercise 5 Simplify each of the following in the form aABB

Permudahkan setiap yang berikut dalam bentuk aAB
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma.

Example 5 1 ABB
52 2 ABBBB

(a) ABB
4 × 13 = ABBBBBB
49 × 3
(b) 2ABB
50 – 3ABB
2 = ABB
4 × ABB
13 = ABB
49 × ABB
Solution = 2 × ABB
13 = 7 × ABB
(a) ABB
9×5 = 2ABB
13 = 7ABB
9 × ABB
= 3 × ABB
= 3ABB

(b) 2ABB
50 – 3ABB
2 3
25 × 2 – 3ABB 2 2 3
= 2(ABB
25 × ABB2 ) – 3ABB
2 =
16 × 3
= 2(5 × ABB
2 ) – 3ABB2 2 3
= 10ABB2 – 3ABB2 =
16 × ABB
9 × ABB
4 × ABB
= 7ABB
2 2 3
4 × ABB
3 3 × 2 × ABB
= =
2 3
= 2 × ABB
3 = 2 × ABB
= 2ABB
3 = 2ABB


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5 3ABB
2 + 2ABB
8 6 4ABB
27 + 2ABB
3 7 9ABB
2 – 2ABB

= 3ABB
4×2 = 4ABBBBB
9 × 3 + 2ABB
3 = 9ABB
= 3ABB
2 + 2(ABB
4 × ABB
2) = 4ABB
9 × ABB
3 + 2ABB3 = 9ABB
2 – 2(ABB
9 × ABB
= 3ABB
2 + 2(2 × ABB
2) = 4(3) × ABB
3 + 2ABB3 = 9ABB
2 – 2(3 × ABB
= 3ABB
2 + 4 × ABB
2) = 12ABB
3 + 2ABB
3 = 9ABB
2 – 6ABB
= 3ABB
2 + 4ABB
2) = 14ABB
3 = 3ABB
= 7ABB

Exercise 6 Simplify each of the following.

Permudahkan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 6

10 3
(a) (b)
5 – ABB
2 Smart Tip
Multiply the numerator
5 + ABB
2 and denominators
5 – ABB
5 – ABB2 ABB 5 + ABB
2 by conjugate surd to
10ABB5 3(ABB
5 + ABB2) eliminate surds in the
= = denominator.
5 (ABB
5 )2 – (ABB
2 )2 Darabkan pengangka dan
= 2ABB
5 3(ABB
5 + ABB2) penyebut dengan surd konjugat
= untuk menghapuskan surd
5–2 daripada penyebut.
5 + ABB
= = ABB
5 + ABB

12 21 4
1 2 3
7 – ABB
12 ABB
3 21ABB
7 4 ABB7 + ABB
= × = × = ×
7 – ABB 3 ABB7 + ABB
3 21ABB
7 4(ABB
7 + ABB 3) 4(ABB
7 + ABB
= = = =
3 7 (ABB
7 ) 2
– ( ABB
3 ) 2
7 – 3
= 4ABB
3 = 3ABB
7 4(ABB
7 + ABB3)
= 7 + 3

4 21 2ABB
4 5 6
7 + ABB
3 3 – ABB
2 3 – ABB
7 – ABB
3 21 3 + ABB
4×5 3 + ABB
= × = × = ×
7 + ABB3 ABB
7 – ABB
3 3 – ABB2 3 + ABB
2 3 – ABB5 3 + ABB5
7 – ABB
3) 21(3 + ABB 2) (2 × ABB
4 × ABB
5 )(3 + ABB
= = =
7 ) – (ABB
3 )2 32 – (ABB
2 )2 3 – (ABB
5) 2

7 – ABB
3) 21(3 + ABB 2) (2 × 2 × ABB 5 )(3 + ABB5)
= = =
7–3 9–2 9–5
7 – ABB
3) 21(3 + ABB 2) 4ABB5 (3 + ABB5)
= = =
4 7 4
7 – ABB3 = 3(3 + ABB2 ) = 9 + 3ABB
2 = ABB
5 (3 + ABB5)
= 3ABB
5 + (ABB 5 )2
= 3ABB
5 +5


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Exercise 7 Solve each of the following problems.
Selesaikan setiap masalah yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

Example 7 1 The diagram below shows a rectangle.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sebuah segi empat tepat.
The diagram below shows a trapezium ABCD.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sebuah trapezium ABCD. (3 + ABB
5 ) cm

45 + 4 ) cm B (3 – ABB
5 ) cm

Find the area of the rectangle as a surd in the

D C simplest form.
20 cm
Cari luas segi empat tepat dalam surd bentuk termudah.
Find the area of the trapezium as a surd in the
simplest form. (3 + ABB
5 )(3 – ABB
5 ) = 32 – (ABB
5 )2
Cari luas trapezium dalam surd bentuk termudah. =9–5
Solution = 4 cm2
1 Hence, the area of the rectangle = 4 cm2
Area/Luas = (AB + DC)(AD)
= [(ABB 45 + 4) + (ABB
20 )](ABB
20 )
= (ABB 20 )[(ABB
45 + 4) + (ABB
20 )]
= (2ABB 5 )(3ABB5 + 4 + 2ABB
= ABB 5 (5ABB
5 +4)
= 5(5) + 4ABB5
= 25 + 4ABB5
Hence, the area of the trapezium = (25 + 4ABB5 ) cm2
Maka, luas trapezium = (25 + 4ABB
5 ) cm2

2 The diagram below shows a right-angled triangle 3 The diagram below shows a trapezium EFGH.
ABC. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sebuah trapezium EFGH.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga bersudut
tegak ABC. E
12 cm

ABB8 cm H (4ABB
3 + 2) cm G

10 cm C Determine the area of the trapezium in the form
of surd.
Find the length of AC in the form aABB
b , where a Tentukan luas trapezium dalam bentuk surd.
and b are integers.
Cari panjang AC dalam bentuk aABB
b , dengan keadaan a dan Area = (EF + HG)(EH)
b ialah integer. 2
= [ABB 12 + (4ABB3 +2)](ABB
12 )
AC 2 = AB2 + BC 2 1
= (ABB
8 )2 + (ABB
10 )2 = (ABB 12 )(ABB
12 + 4ABB
3 +2)
= 8 + 10 1
= 18 = (2ABB 3 )(2ABB
3 + 4ABB
3 +2)
AC = ABB 18 = ABB3 (6ABB
3 +2)
(3 × 3 × 2) = 6(3) + 2ABB 3
= 3ABB
2 = 18 + 2ABB3
Hence, AC = 3ABB 2 cm Hence, the area of the trapezium = (18 + 2ABB
3 ) cm2


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C4 5th.indd 59 05/12/2019 8:07:12 PM

4 The diagram shows a right-angled triangle ABC. A
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga bersudut tegak ABC.
Find the perimeter of the triangle as a surd in the simplest form. ABB
48 cm
Cari perimeter segi tiga dalam surd bentuk termudah.

AB = ABB 48 BC
cos 60° =
16 × 3 4ABB
= ABB 16 × ABB3 BC = 4ABB 3 cos 60°
= 4ABB 3 1
= 4ABB 3
2 1 2
sin 60° =
3 = 2ABB 3
3 1ABB
2 2
Perimeter = AB + BC + AC
= 4ABB
3 + 2ABB
3 +6
= 2(ABB
3 )2 = 6ABB
3 +6
= 2(3) Hence, the perimeter of the triangle = (6ABB
3 + 6) cm
= 6

4.3 Laws of Logarithms / Hukum Logaritma

Smart Tip
ax = N if and only if loga N = x, a > 0, a ≠ 1/ax = N jika dan hanya jika loga N = x, a > 0, a ≠ 1
Laws of Logarithms/Hukum Logaritma:
1 loga x + loga y = loga (xy) 4 aloga x = x
2 loga x − loga y = loga 1 x 2 5 If log10 a = b, then a = antilog b
Jika y log a = b, maka a = antilog b 10
logc b
3 loga xn = nloga x 6 loga b =
logc a

Exercise 8 Express each of the following logarithms in the related equation of index. Hence, determine
the value of the logarithm.
Ungkapkan setiap logaritma berikut dalam persamaan indeks yang berkaitan. Seterusnya, tentukan nilai
logaritma tersebut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma.

Example 8 1 log2 16 2 log3 9

log2 8 24 = 16 32 = 9
log2 16 = 4 log3 9 = 2
23 = 8
log2 8 = 3

3 log3 81 4 log10 1 000 5 log25 5

34 = 81 103 = 1 000 25 2 = 5
log3 81 = 4 log10 1 000 = 3 1
log25 5 =


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C4 5th.indd 60 05/12/2019 8:07:13 PM

Exercise 9 Prove each of the following.
Buktikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 9 1 loga a = 1 2 loga 1 = 0

loga PQ = loga P + loga Q a1 = a a0 = 1

loga a = 1 loga 1 = 0
P = ax and/dan Q = ay
loga P = x and/dan loga Q = y
loga PQ = loga (ax)(ay)
= loga (ax + y)
= loga P + loga Q

3 loga (ax) = x M 5 Given loga M3 = loga (M × M × M),

4 loga = loga M – loga N
N prove loga M3 = 3loga M.
ax = ax Diberi loga M3 = loga (M × M × M),
Let M = ax and N = ay buktikan loga M3 = 3loga M.
loga (ax) = x
Then, loga M = x and loga N = y
M ax loga M3 = loga (M × M × M)
loga = loga y
N a = loga M + loga M + loga M
= loga (ax – y)
= 3loga M
= loga M – loga N

Exercise 10 Write each of the following logarithmic expressions in the simplest form.
Tuliskan setiap ungkapan logaritma berikut dalam bentuk termudah.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 10 1 2 + log2 b 2 log4 p − log4 q + log4 3

3 − log2 p + log2 16 = 2(log2 2) + log2 b p×3

= log4
= log2 22 + log2 b q
3 − log2 p + log2 16 3p
= log2 22 (b) = log4 q
= 3(1) − log2 p + log2 16 = log2 4b
= 3(log2 2) − log2 p + log2 16
= log2 23 − log2 p + log2 16
23 × 16
= log2 p
= log2 p

3 1 + log3 m − log3 12 4 logx h + 2 logx k − logx (k − 1) 5 logx ab − logx (ab – a)

= log3 3 + log3 m − log3 12 = logx h + logx k2 – logx (k − 1) ab

= logx ab − a
3×m h × k2
= log3 12 = logx (k − 1)
= logx a(b − 1)
m hk2
= log3 = logx
4 k−1 b
= logx


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Exercise 11 Evaluate each of the following.
Nilaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

log7 0.25 log4 8–2

Example 11 1 7 2 4

(a) 2log2 5 = 0.25 = 8–2

(b) log2 4 − log2 2 + log2 32 1
= 82
Solution 1
(a) 2log2 5 = 5 aloga x = x = 64

(b) log2 4 − log2 2 + log2 32

4 × 32 3 5 3 log5 3 log 32
5  9
= log2 2 4 9
log 33
= log2 64 =5 5 1
= 9log9 32
= log2 26 = 5log5 27
= 6 log2 2 = 27 = 32 5
= 6(1)
= 5 32

5 log3 9 + log3 27 – log3 81 6 log2 8 + log2 16 − log2 4 7 log2 12 + log2 18 − 3 log2 3

9 × 27 8 × 16
= log3 = log2 = log2 12 + log2 18 − log2 33
81 4
243 = log2 32 12 × 18
= log3 = log2 27
81 = log2 25
= log2 8
= log3 3 = 5 log2 2
= log2 23
=1 = 5(1)
= 3 log2 2
= 3(1) = 3

Smart Tip
The logarithm of a number can be determined by changing the base of the logarithm to a suitable base.
Logaritma suatu nombor boleh ditentukan dengan menukar asas logaritma kepada asas yang sesuai.
logc b 1
(a) loga b =            (b) loga b =
logc a logb a

Exercise 12 Convert the following to the required base.

Tukarkan setiap yang berikut kepada asas yang diberi.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 12 1 Convert logH 2 to the base 2. 2 Convert log9 (M + 6) to the

Tukarkan logH 2 kepada asas 2. base 3.
Convert log4 T to the base 2. Tukarkan log9 (M + 6) kepada asas 3.
Tukarkan log4 T kepada asas 2. log2 2
logH 2 =
log2 H log3 (M + 6)
log9 (M + 6) =
Solution 1 log3 9
log2 T =
log4 T = log2 H log3 (M + 6)
log24 log3 32
log2 T log3 (M + 6)
= =
log2 22 2
log2 T


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C4 5th.indd 62 05/12/2019 8:07:16 PM

3 Convert loga (8m) to the base m. 4 Convert log16 (2p) to the base 2. 5 Convert log2 (20k) to the base 10.
Tukarkan loga (8m) kepada asas m. Tukarkan log16 (2p) kepada asas 2. Tukarkan log2 (20k) kepada asas 10.
logm (8m) log2 (2p) log2 (20k)
loga (8m) = log16 (2p) =
logm a log2 16 log10 20k
logm 8 + logm m log2 2 + log2 p log10 2
= =
logma log2 24 log10 (10 × 2 × k)
logm 8 + 1 log2 2 + log2 p log10 2
= =
logm a 4 log10 10 + log10 2 + log10 k
1 + log2 p log10 2
4 1 + log10 2 + log10 k
log10 2

Exercise 13 Evaluate each of the following. Give the answers correct to 4 decimal places.
Nilaikan setiap yang berikut. Beri jawapan betul kepada 4 tempat perpuluhan.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 13 1 log2 7 2 log7 2

log2 0.842
log10 7 log10 2
Solution = =
log10 2 log10 7
log2 0.842 0.8451 0.3010
log10 0.842 logc b = =
= loga b = 0.3010 0.8451
log10 2 logc a
= 2.8076 = 0.3562
= –0.07469 = –0.2481

3 log3 5.4 4 log5 24.5 5 log3 0.81

log10 5.4 log10 24.5 log10 0.81

= = =
log10 3 log10 5 log10 3
0.7324 1.3892 –0.0915
= = =
0.4771 0.6990 0.4771
= 1.5351 = 1.9874 = –0.1918

Exercise 14 Solve the following equations

Selesaikan persamaan berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 14 1 log3 (2x − 5) = 2

(a) log2 (3x − 4) = 3 (b) log3 (4x + 1) = 2 + log3 (x − 1) 2 x − 5 = 32

Solution Solution 2x − 5 = 9
3x − 4 = 23 log3 (4x + 1) = 2 + log3 (x − 1) 2x = 14
3x – 4 = 8 x = 7
log3 (4x + 1) – log3 (x − 1) = 2
3x = 12
x=4 log3
4x + 1
=2 ) or

4x + 1 = 32 log3(2x − 5) = log3 9
Common Error x−1 2x − 5 = 9
4x + 1 = 9(x − 1) 2x = 14
log2 (3x – 4) = 3
log2 3x – log2 4 = 3 4x + 1 = 9x − 9 x = 7
log2 3x – 2 = 3 1 + 9 = 9x − 4x
log2 3x = 5 10 = 5x
x = 2


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C4 5th.indd 63 05/12/2019 8:07:16 PM

2 log2 (7x + 2) = 4 3 log2 3x − log2 (x − 3) = 2 4 log4 (11x + 3) − log4 (x − 7) = 2
7x + 2 = 24
7x + 2 = 16
log2 (x3x− 3) = 2 log4 ( 11xx −+73 ) = 2
7x = 14 3x 11x + 3
14 = 22 = 42
x = x−3 x−7
7 3x = 4(x − 3) 11x + 3 = 16(x − 7)
=2 3x = 4x − 12 11x + 3 = 16x − 112
or 12 = 4x − 3x 5x = 115
log2(7x + 2) = log2 16 12 = x x = 23
7x + 2 = 16
7x = 14
x = 2

5 log3 (x + 7) = 2 + log3 (x − 1) 6 log2 (x − 2) = 1 − log2 (x – 3) 7 log2 (√ x − 1) = log2 x – 2

log3 (x + 7) − log3 (x − 1) = 2 log2 (x − 2) + log2 (x − 3) = 1 log2 x – log2 (√ x − 1) = 2

log3 (xx +− 17) = 2 log2 (x − 2)(x − 3) = 1

(x − 2)(x − 3) = 21
log2 ( x
√ x − 1
x2 − 5x + 6 = 2 = 22
x+7 √  x − 1
= 32 x2 − 5x + 4 = 0 x = 4(√ x − 1)
x−1 (x − 1)(x − 4) = 0
x + 7 = 9(x − 1) x = 4√ x − 4
x − 1 = 0 or x − 4 = 0 x+4
x + 7 = 9x − 9 x = 1 x = 4 = √ x
9 + 7 = 9x − x 4
16 = 8x
2 = x
If x = 1 is substituted into (
x+4 2
4 )

( )
log2 (x – 2), the logarithm is x + 8x + 16

undefined (due to negative =x

number). x + 8x + 16 = 16x

∴x=4 x2 − 8x + 16 = 0
(x − 4)(x − 4) = 0
(x − 4) = 0

5.4 4.4 Applications of Indices, Surds and Logarithms / Aplikasi Indeks, Surd dan Logaritma
Exercise 15 Solve the following problems.
Selesaikan masalah berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang indeks, surd dan logaritma dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

Example 15 1 Kamil bought a plot of land for RM80 000. After

the land is purchased, the value appreciates
Bala bought a car for RM120 000. After the car is 3.5% every year. Find the minimum number of
purchased, the value depreciates 4% every year. years when the value of the land is more than
Find the minimum number of years when the RM150 000.
value of the car is less than RM40 000. Kamil membeli sebidang tanah dengan harga RM80 000.
Bala membeli sebuah kereta dengan harga RM120 000. Selepas tanah itu dibeli, nilainya meningkat sebanyak 3.5%
Selepas kereta itu dibeli, nilainya susut sebanyak 4% setiap setiap tahun. Cari bilangan tahun minimum apabila nilai
tahun. Cari bilangan tahun minimum apabila nilai kereta tanah itu melebihi RM150 000.
itu kurang daripada RM40 000.
Solution Let n = number of years after the land is
Let n = number of years after the car is purchased purchased
Katakan n = bilangan tahun selepas kereta dibeli The value of the land appreciates 3.5% every
The value of the car depreciates 4% every year, year, so the percentage of the value of land
so the percentage left is 96%. becomes 103.5%.

1 2
Nilai harga kereta susut 4% setiap tahun, maka peratus 103.5 n
yang tinggal ialah 96%. RM80 000 × > RM150 000
RM120 000 × (0.96)n < RM40 000 RM80 000 × (1.035)n > RM150 000
(0.96)n < 0.3333 (1.035)n > 1.875
log10 (0.96)n < log10 0.3333 log10 (1.035)n > log10 1.875
nlog10 (0.96) < log10 0.3333 nlog10 (1.035) > log10 1.875
n(–0.01773) < –0.4772 n(0.01494) > 0.2730
0.01773n > 0.4772 n > 18.273
n > 26.91 n = 19
n = 27


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C4 5th.indd 64 05/12/2019 8:07:17 PM

2 Johan bought a motorcycle for RM6 000. 3 In the diagram below, ABCD and EFGH are
After the motorcycle is purchased, the value rectangles. Given EF = ABB
3 cm and EH = ABB
2 cm.
depreciates 8% every year. Find the minimum Dalam rajah di bawah, ABCD dan EFGH ialah segi empat
number of years when the value of the tepat. Diberi EF = ABB
3 cm dan EH = ABB
2 cm.
motorcycle is less than RM450.
27 cm B
Johan membeli sebuah motosikal dengan harga RM6 000.
Selepas motosikal itu dibeli, nilainya susut 8% setiap tahun.
Cari bilangan tahun minimum apabila nilai motosikal itu ABB8 cm
kurang daripada RM450. H G
Let n = number of years after the motorcycle is Given the area of the shaded region is kABB
6 cm2,
purchased find the value of k.
The value of the motorcycle depreciates 8% every Diberi luas bagi kawasan berlorek ialah kABB
6 cm2, cari
year, so the percentage left is 92%. nilai k.
RM6 000 × (0.92)n < RM450
(0.92)n < 0.075 Area of the shaded region
log10 (0.92)n < log10 0.075 = (ABB
27 × ABB8 ) – (ABB
3 × ABB
nlog10 (0.92) < log10 0.075 = (3ABB
3 × 2ABB
2 ) – (ABB
3 × ABB
n(–0.03621) < –1.1249
= 6ABB
6 – ABB
n(0.03621) > 1.1249
= 5ABB
n > 31.07
n = 32

Review 4
Paper 1 Questions
 1 Given 2a = 7b = 14m, state m in terms of a and b.  6 Given 8(2x − 2) = 16x, find the value of x.
Diberi 2 = 7 = 14 , nyatakan m dalam sebutan a dan b.
a b m
Diberi 8(2x − 2) = 16x, cari nilai bagi x.
[3 marks/markah] [3 marks/markah]

 2 Solve 32x − 4(3x + 1) + 27 = 0.  7 Solve the equation/Selesaikan persamaan:

Selesaikan 32x − 4(3x + 1) + 27 = 0. SPM
CLONE logx 128 − log x 2x = 3
[3 marks/markah] `17
P1Q6 [3 marks/markah]
 3 Determine the value of (ABB7 ÷ ABB
5 )2. Hence, make
a generalisation for the value of ABB
7 ÷ ABB
5 in the  8 Given log2 3 = m and log2 5 = n. Express log8 90 in
form of surd.
terms of m and n.
Tentukan nilai (ABB
7 ÷ ABB5 )2. Seterusnya, buat generalisasi `10 Diberi log2 3 = m dan log2 5 = n. Ungkapkan log8 90 dalam
bagi nilai ABB
7 ÷ ABB
5 dalam bentuk surd. sebutan m dan n.
[3 marks/markah] [3 marks/markah]

 4 Determine the value of (ABBm ÷ ABB

n )2. Hence, make  9 Given 2k − 4 × 8k = 64, find the value of k.
a generalisation for the value of m ÷ ABB
ABB n in the Diberi 2k − 4 × 8k = 64, cari nilai bagi k.
form of surd. [3 marks/markah]
Tentukan nilai (ABB
m ÷ ABBn )2. Seterusnya, buat generalisasi
bagi nilai ABB
m ÷ ABB
n dalam bentuk surd. 10 Solve the equation/Selesaikan persamaan:
[3 marks/markah] 25x = 8 + 25x − 1
[3 marks/markah]
 5 Given loga 4 = p and loga 3 = q, express
loga 27a in terms of p and q. 11 Given logα 5 = m and logα 3 = p, express log3 625α3
16 in terms of m and p.
27a SPM
Diberi loga 4 = p dan loga 3 = q, ungkapkan loga dalam CLONE
Diberi logα 5 = m dan logα 3 = p, ungkapkan log3 625α3
16 `15
sebutan p dan q. dalam sebutan m dan p.
[3 marks/markah] [3 marks/markah]


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C4 5th.indd 65 05/12/2019 8:07:18 PM

12 Given loga 5 = p , express in terms of p: 17 Solve the equation:
SPM Diberi loga 5 = p, ungkapkan dalam sebutan p: Selesaikan persamaan:
`16 (a) loga 25 1 + log5 x = log5 (x + 7)
(b) log5 125a4 [3 marks/markah]
[4 marks/markah] 3
18 Solve log2 √ x − log4 3 = .
13 Given 3n + 3n + 3n = 3x, express n in terms of x. 3
Selesaikan log2 √ x – log4 3 = 2 .
SPM Diberi 3n + 3n + 3n = 3x, ungkapkan n dalam sebutan x.
CLONE [3 marks/markah]
`18 [2 marks/markah]
9x + 4 19 Given 9u × 27u – 2 = , find the value of u.
14 Given = 1, express y in terms of x. 81
27y − 2 1
CLONE 9x + 4 Diberi 9u × 27u – 2 = 81 , cari nilai bagi u.
`17 Diberi y − 2 = 1, ungkapkan y dalam sebutan x. [3 marks/markah]
P1Q5 27
[3 marks/markah]
20 Given logc 2 = a and logc 5 = b, express log5 32c3 in
15 Given log5 x − log25 y = 1, express y in terms of x. terms of a and b.
Diberi log5 x − log25 y = 1, ungkapkan y dalam sebutan x. Diberi logc 2 = a and logc 5 = b, ungkapkan log5 32c3 in
[3 marks/markah] terms of a and b.
[3 marks/markah]
16 Solve the equation:
21 Given 33x = g, 3y = h and 33x3y = 8 + 27x. Express g
Selesaikan persamaan:
in terms of h.
1 Diberi 33x = g, 3y = h dan 33x3y = 8 + 27x. Ungkapkan g
16(23x − 5) =
2x dalam sebutan h.
[3 marks/markah] [3 marks/markah]

Paper 2 Questions

  1 It is given that u = 2x and w = 2y.

SPM Diberi bahawa u = 2x dan w = 2y.
8x + y
P2Q4 (a) Express in terms of u and w.
8x + y
Ungkapkan dalam sebutan u dan w.
4y [3 marks/markah]
(b) Express log2 in terms of x and y.
Ungkapkan log2 dalam sebutan x dan y.
w3 [5 marks/markah]

H O TS Zo n e
 1 Hawa deposited RM30 000 in a bank. After n years, her savings will become 30 000(1.08)n. Find the number
of years when her savings will exceed RM75 000 for the first time. HOTS Applying
Hawa menyimpan RM30 000 di sebuah bank. Selepas n tahun, wang simpanannya akan menjadi 30 000(1.08)n. Cari bilangan
tahun apabila wang simpanannya akan melebihi RM75 000 buat kali pertama.

 2 (a) Given a2 + 9b2 = 7ab, show that lg(a − 3b) = (lg a + lg b). HOTS Applying
Diberi a2 + 9b2 = 7ab, tunjukkan bahawa lg (a − 3b) = 2 (lg a + lg b).
1 1
(b) Determine the value of log mn + log mn . HOTS Evaluating
m n
1 1
Tentukan nilai bagi + .
logmmn lognmn


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C4 5th.indd 66 05/12/2019 8:07:18 PM

Chapter Learning Area: Algebra

5 Progressions

5.1 Arithmetic Progressions / Janjang Aritmetik

Smart Tip
An arithmetic progression is a number sequence such that the difference between each term (after the first term) and
its preceding term is a constant. The constant is called common difference, d.
Janjang aritmetik ialah suatu jujukan nombor dengan keadaan beza antara setiap sebutan (selepas sebutan pertama) dengan sebutan sebelumnya
ialah suatu pemalar. Pemalar ini disebut sebagai beza sepunya, d.

d = Tn + 1 – Tn , n = 1, 2, 3, 4, …

Exercise 1 Determine whether each of the following sequences is an arithmetic progression or not.
Give your reason.
Tentukan sama ada setiap jujukan berikut ialah janjang aritmetik atau bukan. Berikan alasan anda.
TP 1 Mempamerkan pengetahuan asas tentang janjang.

Example 1 1 17, 23, 29, 35, … 2 −7, –3, 1, 5, …

5, 9, 13, 17, … T2 – T1 = 23 – 17 = 6 T2 – T1 = –3 – (–7) = 4

Solution T3 – T2 = 29 – 23 = 6 T3 – T2 = 1 – (–3) = 4
T2 – T1 = 9 – 5 = 4 T4 – T3 = 35 – 29 = 6 T4 – T3 = 5 – 1 = 4
T3 – T2 = 13 – 9 = 4
T4 – T3 = 17 – 13 = 4 17, 23, 29, 35, … is an –7, –3, 1, 5, … is an arithmetic
arithmetic progression with progression with common
5, 9, 13, 17, … is an common difference = 6. difference = 4.
arithmetic progression with
common difference = 4.
5, 9, 13, 17, … ialah janjang
aritmetik dengan beza sepunya = 4.

12, 8, 5, 2, …. 1, 5 , 1, 7 , … 5 – 1 , – 5 , – 4 , – 11 , …
3 4
3 12 2 12 9 18 9 18
T2 – T1 = 8 – 12 = –4
T3 – T2 = 5 – 8 = –3 T2 – T1 = 5 – 1 = 1 T2 – T1 = – 5 – – 1 = – 1
1 2
12 3 12 18 9 6
T4 – T3 = 2 – 5 = –3
T3 – T2 = 1 – 5 = 1 4
T3 – T2 = – – – 5
1 2=–1
2 12 12 9 18 6
12, 8, 5, 2, … is not an
arithmetic progression T4 – T3 = 7 – 1 = 1 T4 – T3 = – 11 – – 4 = – 1
1 2
12 2 12 18 9 6
because there is no common
difference. 1 , 5 , 1 , 7 , … is an – 1 , – 5 , – 4 , – 11 , … is an
3 12 2 12 9 18 9 18
arithmetic progression with arithmetic progression with
common difference = 1 . common difference = – 1 .
12 6


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 67 05/12/2019 8:22:20 PM

Smart Tip
The nth term, Tn, of an arithmetic progression is written as:
Sebutan ke-n, Tn, bagi suatu janjang aritmetik ditulis sebagai:
Tn = a + (n – 1)d
where/dengan keadaan
a = the first term/sebutan pertama
d = the common difference/beza sepunya
n = number of terms/bilangan sebutan

Exercise 2 Solve each of the following.

Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri.

Example 2 1 Given the arithmetic progression

Diberi janjang aritmetik
Given the arithmetic progression 4, 13, 22, 31, …
Diberi janjang aritmetik (a) Determine the nth term.
5, 11, 17, 23, … Tentukan sebutan ke-n.
(a) Determine the nth term. (b) Determine the 26th term.
Tentukan sebutan ke-n. Tentukan sebutan ke-26.
(b) Determine the 18th term.
Tentukan sebutan ke-18. (a) a = 4
d = 13 – 4 = 9
Tn = a + (n – 1)d
(a) a = 5
Tn = 4 + (n – 1)9
d = 11 – 5 = 6
= 4 + 9n – 9
Tn = a + (n – 1)d
= 9n – 5
Tn = 5 + (n – 1)6
(b) T26 = 9(26) – 5
= 5 + 6n – 6
= 229
= 6n – 1
(b) T18 = 6(18) – 1 = 107

2 Given the arithmetic progression 3 Given the arithmetic progression

Diberi janjang aritmetik Diberi janjang aritmetik
42, 39, 36, 33, … 5 + x, 8 + 3x, 11 + 5x, …
(a) Determine the nth term. (a) Determine the nth term in terms of n and x.
Tentukan sebutan ke-n. Tentukan sebutan ke-n dalam sebutan n dan x.
(b) Determine the 9th term. (b) Determine the 13th term in terms of x.
Tentukan sebutan ke-9. Tentukan sebutan ke-13 dalam sebutan x.

(a) a = 42 (a) a = 5 + x
d = 39 – 42 = –3 d = (8 + 3x) – (5 + x)
Tn = a + (n – 1)d = 8 + 3x – 5 – x
Tn = 42 + (n – 1)(–3) = 3 + 2x
= 42 – 3n + 3 Tn = a + (n – 1)d
= 45 – 3n = (5 + x) + (n – 1)(3 + 2x)
(b) T9 = 45 – 3(9) (b) T13 = (5 + x) + (13 – 1)(3 + 2x)
= 18 = (5 + x) + 12(3 + 2x)
= 5 + x + 36 + 24x
= 25x + 41


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 68 05/12/2019 8:22:21 PM

Exercise 3 Determine the number of terms for each of the following arithmetic progressions.
Tentukan bilangan sebutan bagi setiap janjang aritmetik berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 3 1 9, 16, 23, …, 114

7, 11, 15, …, 191 a = 9, d = 16 – 9 = 7
a + (n – 1)d = Tn
9 + (n – 1)(7) = 114
a = 7, d = 11 – 7 = 4
7(n – 1) = 105
a + (n – 1)d = Tn
n – 1 = 15
7 + (n – 1)(4) = 191
n = 16
4(n – 1) = 184
n – 1 = 46
n = 47

2 31, 25, 19, …, –77 1 , 5 , 1 1 , 1 1 ,…., 8 1

2 6 6 2 6
a = 31, d = 25 – 31 = –6
a + (n – 1)d = Tn a = 1, d = 5 – 1 = 1
2 6 2 3
31 + (n – 1)(–6) = –77
a + (n – 1)d = Tn
–6(n – 1) = –108
n – 1 = 18 1 + (n – 1) 1 = 8 1
1 2
n = 19 2 3 6
1 (n – 1) = 23
3 3
n – 1 = 23
n = 24

Exercise 4 Solve each of the following.

Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 4 1 The nth term of an arithmetic 2 Given the arithmetic

progression is given by progression 2, 3.5, 5, 6.5, …,
The nth term of an arithmetic Tn = 5n – 14. Find determine the smallest value
progression is given by Sebutan ke-n bagi suatu janjang of n such that the nth term is
Tn = 3n + 4. Find aritmetik diberi oleh Tn = 5n – 14. greater than 130.
Sebutan ke-n bagi suatu janjang Cari Diberi janjang aritmetik 2, 3.5, 5,
aritmetik diberi oleh Tn = 3n + 4. (a) the first term, 6.5, …, tentukan nilai terkecil n
Cari sebutan pertama, dengan keadaan sebutan ke-n adalah
(a) the first term, (b) the common difference. lebih besar daripada 130.
sebutan pertama, beza sepunya.
(b) the common difference. a = 2, d = 3.5 – 2 = 1.5
beza sepunya. (a) T1 = 5(1) – 14 Tn > 130
Solution = –9 a + (n – 1)d > 130
(a) T1 = 3(1) + 4 (b) T2 = 5(2) – 14 2 + (n – 1)1.5 > 130
= 7 = –4 1.5(n – 1) > 128
(b) T2 = 3(2) + 4 d = T2 – T1 n – 1 > 85.33
= 10 = –4 – (–9) n > 86.33
d = T2 – T1 = 5 n = 87
= 10 – 7 Check: T87 = 2 + (87 – 1)(1.5)
=3 = 131


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 69 05/12/2019 8:22:21 PM

3 Given the arithmetic 4 The third term and the 5 The 5th term and 13th term of
progression 213, 209, 205, 201, ninth term of an arithmetic an arithmetic progression are
…, determine the smallest progression are 10 and 28 66 and 34 respectively. Find
value of n such that the nth respectively. Determine the the first term and the common
term is smaller than 50. first term and the common difference.
Diberi janjang aritmetik 213, 209, difference. Sebutan ke-5 dan sebutan ke-13 bagi
205, 201, …, tentukan nilai terkecil Sebutan ketiga dan sebutan suatu janjang aritmetik masing-
n dengan keadaan sebutan ke-n kesembilan bagi suatu janjang masing ialah 66 dan 34. Cari sebutan
adalah lebih kecil daripada 50. aritmetik masing-masing ialah 10 pertama dan beza sepunya.
dan 28. Tentukan sebutan pertama
a = 213, d = 209 – 213 = –4 dan beza sepunya. Tn = a + (n – 1)d
Tn < 50 Given T5 = 66
a + (n – 1)d < 50 Tn = a + (n – 1)d a + (5 – 1)d = 66
213 + (n – 1)(–4) < 50 Given T3 = 10 a + 4d = 66 ——— 1
–4(n – 1) < –163 a + (3 – 1)d = 10 Given T13 = 34
4(n – 1) > 163 a + 2d = 10 ——— 1 a + (13 – 1)d = 34
n – 1 > 40.75 Given T9 = 28 a + 12d = 34 ——— 2
n > 41.75 a + (9 – 1)d = 28 2 − 1:
n = 42 a + 8d = 28 ——— 2 8d = –32
Check: T42 = 213 + (42 – 1)(–4) 2 − 1: d = –4
= 49 6d = 18 Substitute d = –4 into 1 ,
d = 3 a + 4(–4) = 66
Substitute d = 3 into 1 , a = 82
a + 2(3) = 10 ∴ a = 82, d = -4
a = 4
∴ a = 4, d = 3

Smart Tip
The sum of the first n terms, Sn, of an arithmetic progression is given by,
Hasil tambah n sebutan pertama, Sn, bagi suatu janjang aritmetik diberi oleh,
Sn = [2a + (n – 1)d]
where/dengan keadaan
a = the first term/sebutan pertama
d = the common difference/beza sepunya

Exercise 5 Solve each of the following.

Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 5

Given the arithmetic progression 4, 7, 10, 13, …

Diberi janjang aritmetik 4, 7, 10, 13, ….
(a) Determine Sn.
Tentukan Sn.
(b) Hence, find the sum of the first 20 terms of the progression.
Seterusnya, cari hasil tambah 20 sebutan pertama janjang itu.

(a) a = 4, d = 7 – 4 = 3
(b) S20 = 20 [3(20) + 5]
Sn = n [2a + (n – 1)d] 2
2 = 10(65)
Sn = [2(4) + (n – 1)3] = 650
= n [8 + 3n – 3]
= n [3n + 5]


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 70 05/12/2019 8:22:21 PM

1 Given the arithmetic progression 2, 9, 16, 23, …. 2 Given the arithmetic progression 2, 7, 12, 17, …
Diberi janjang aritmetik 2, 9, 16, 23, …. Diberi janjang aritmetik 2, 7, 12, 17, …
(a) Determine Sn. (a) Determine Sn.
Tentukan Sn. Tentukan Sn.
(b) If the last term of the progression is 93, find (b) Hence, find the sum of the first 14 terms of
the sum of all the terms. the progression.
Jika sebutan terakhir bagi janjang itu ialah 93, cari Seterusnya, cari hasil tambah 14 sebutan pertama
hasil tambah semua sebutan. janjang itu.

(a) a = 2, d = 9 – 2 = 7 (a) a = 2, d = 7 – 2 = 5
Sn = n [2a + (n – 1)d] Sn = n [2a + (n – 1)d]
2 2
Sn = n [2(2) + (n – 1)7] Sn = n [2(2) + (n – 1)5]
2 2
= [4 + 7n – 7] n
= [4 + 5n – 5]
2 2
= (7n – 3] n
= (5n – 1]
2 2
(b) Tn = 93 (b) S14 = 14 (5(14) – 1)
a + (n – 1)d = 93 2
2 + (n – 1)7 = 93 = 483
7(n – 1) = 91
n – 1 = 13
n = 14
S14 = (7(14) – 3)
= 665

3 Given the arithmetic progression 43, 39, 35, 31, …. 4 Given the arithmetic progression 70, 58, 46, 34, ….
Diberi janjang aritmetik 43, 39, 35, 31, …. Diberi janjang aritmetik 70, 58, 46, 34, ….
(a) Determine Sn. (a) Determine Sn.
Tentukan Sn. Tentukan Sn.
(b) Given the last term of the progression is –17, (b) Determine the sum of all the positive terms.
find the sum of all the terms. Tentukan hasil tambah bagi semua sebutan positif.
Diberi sebutan terakhir janjang itu ialah –17, cari hasil
tambah semua sebutan. (a) a = 70, d = 58 – 70 = –12
Sn = n [2a + (n – 1)d]
(a) a = 43, d = 39 – 43 = –4 2
Sn = n [2a + (n – 1)d] Sn = n [2(70) + (n – 1)(–12)]
2 2
Sn = [2(43) + (n – 1)(–4)] n
= [140 – 12n + 12]
2 2
= [86 – 4n + 4] n
= (152 – 12n]
2 2
= n [90 – 4n] (b) Tn > 0
a + (n – 1)d > 0
(b) Tn = –17
70 + (n –1)(–12) > 0
a + (n – 1)d = –17
–12(n – 1) > –70
43 + (n – 1)(–4) = –17
n – 1 < 5.833
–4(n – 1) = –60
n < 6.833
n – 1 = 15
n = 6
n = 16
S6 = (152 – 12(6))
S16 = 16 (90 – 4(16)) 2
2 = 240
= 208


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 71 05/12/2019 8:22:21 PM

5 Given the arithmetic progression 4, 6.5, 9, 11.5, …. 6 Given the arithmetic progression –90, –83, –76,
Diberi janjang aritmetik 4, 6.5, 9, 11.5, …. –69, …
(a) Determine Sn. Diberi janjang aritmetik –90, –83, –76, –69, …
Tentukan Sn. (a) Determine Sn.
(b) If the last term of the progression is 74, find Tentukan Sn.
the sum of all the terms. (b) Hence, find the sum of all the negative terms.
Jika sebutan terakhir janjang itu ialah 74, cari hasil Seterusnya, cari hasil tambah bagi semua sebutan
tambah semua sebutan. negatif.

(a) a = 4, d = 6.5 – 4 = 2.5 (a) a = –90, d = –83 – (–90) = 7

Sn = n [2a + (n – 1)d] Sn = n [2a + (n – 1)d]
2 2
Sn = n [2(4) + (n – 1)(2.5)] Sn = n [2(–90) + (n – 1)7]
2 2
= n [8 + 2.5n – 2.5] n
= [–180 + 7n – 7]
2 2
= (5.5 + 2.5n] n
= (7n – 187]
2 2
(b) Tn = 74 (b) Tn < 0
a + (n – 1)d = 74 a + (n – 1)d < 0
4 + (n – 1)(2.5) = 74 –90 + (n – 1)(7) < 0
2.5(n – 1) = 70 7(n –1) < 90
n – 1 = 28 n –1 < 12.86
n = 29 n < 13.86
S29 = [5.5 + 2.5(29)] n = 13
2 13
S13 = (7(13) – 187)
= 1 131 2
= –624

Smart Tip
1 The sum of the first n terms, Sn, of an arithmetic progression is given by,
Hasil tambah n sebutan pertama, Sn, bagi suatu janjang aritmetik diberi oleh,
Sn = [a + l]
where/dengan keadaan
a = the first term/sebutan pertama, l = the last term/sebutan terakhir.
2 This formula is used when the last term is given.
Rumus ini digunakan apabila sebutan terakhir diberikan.

Exercise 6 Determine the number of terms of each of the following arithemetic progressions. Hence,
find the sum of the progression.
Tentukan bilangan sebutan dalam setiap janjang aritmetik berikut. Seterusnya, cari hasil tambah janjang itu.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 6 1 5, 9, 13, ..., 61

9, 14, 19, … , 84 a = 5, d = 9 – 5 = 4
Solution Tn = a + (n – 1)d
a = 9, d = 14 – 9 = 5 61 = 5 + (n – 1)4
Tn = a + (n – 1)d 4(n – 1) = 56
84 = 9 + (n – 1)5 n – 1 = 14
5(n – 1) = 75 n = 15
n – 1 = 15 n
Sn = [a + l]
n = 16 2
S15 = [5 + 61]
Sn = n [a + l] 2
16 = 495
S16 = [9 + 84]
= 744


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 72 05/12/2019 8:22:22 PM

2 11, 17, 23, …, 125 3 45, 42, 39, ..., –9

a = 11, d = 17 – 11 = 6 a = 45, d = 42 – 45 = –3
Tn = a + (n – 1)d Tn = a + (n – 1)d
125 = 11 + (n – 1)6 –9 = 45 + (n – 1)(–3)
6(n – 1) = 114 3(n – 1) = 54
n – 1 = 19 n – 1 = 18
n = 20 n = 19
Sn = n [a + l] Sn = n [a + l]
2 2
S20 = 20 [11 + 125] S19 = 19 [45 + (–9)]
2 2
= 1 360 = 342

Exercise 7 Solve each of the following.

Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 7 1 Given the first three terms of an arithmetic

progression are 4, 8.5, 13, … Find the sum from
Given the first three terms of an arithmetic the 7th term to the 17th term.
progression are 3, 7, 11, … Find the sum from Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu janjang aritmetik ialah
the 6th term to the 18th term. 4, 8.5, 13, … Cari hasil tambah dari sebutan ke-7 hingga
Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu janjang aritmetik ialah sebutan ke-17.
3, 7, 11, … Cari hasil tambah dari sebutan ke-6 hingga
sebutan ke-18. a = 4, d = 8.5 – 4 = 4.5
The sum from T7 to T17
= S17 – S6
a = 3, d = 7 – 3 = 4
The sum from T6 to T18 = 17 [2(4) + (17 – 1)(4.5)] – 6 [2(4) + (6 – 1)(4.5)]
Hasil tambah dari T6 hingga T18 2 2
= S18 – S5 = 680 – 91.5
= 588.5
= 18 [2(3) + (18 – 1)4] – 5 [2(3) + (5 – 1)4]
2 2
= 666 – 55
= 611

2 Given the first three terms of an arithmetic progression are 72, 67, 62, … Find the sum from the 10th term
to the 20th term.
Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu janjang aritmetik ialah 72, 67, 62, … Cari hasil tambah dari sebutan ke-10 hingga sebutan

a = 72, d = 67 – 72 = –5
The sum from T10 to T20
= S20 – S9
= 20 [2(72) + (20 – 1)(–5)] – 9 [2(72) + (9 – 1)(–5)]
2 2
= 490 – 468
= 22


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 73 05/12/2019 8:22:22 PM

Exercise 8 Solve each of the following.
Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 8

Given the first three terms of an arithmetic progression are 5, 8, 11, … Find the number of the first terms
with the sum 258.
Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu janjang aritmetik ialah 5, 8, 11, … Cari bilangan sebutan pertama dengan hasil tambah 258.

a = 5, d = 8 – 5 = 3
Sn = n [2a + (n – 1)d] (3n + 43)(n – 12) = 0
2 3n + 43 = 0, n – 12 = 0
258 = n [2(5) + (n – 1)3] 43
2 n = – n = 12
n [10 + 3n – 3] = 258 3
2 ∴ Number of terms/Bilangan sebutan = 12
n [3n + 7] = 258
3n2 + 7n – 516 = 0

1 The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic 2 Given the first three terms of an arithmetic
progression is given by Sn = 3n2 + n. Find progression are 4, 9, 14, … Find the number of
Hasil tambah n sebutan pertama bagi suatu janjang the first terms with the sum 216.
aritmetik diberi oleh Sn = 3n2 + n. Cari Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu janjang aritmetik ialah
(a) the first term, 4, 9, 14, … Cari bilangan sebutan pertama dengan hasil
sebutan pertama, tambah 216.
(b) the common difference,
a = 4, d = 9 – 4 = 5
beza sepunya,
(c) the n term.
Sn = n [2a + (n – 1)d]
sebutan ke-n. 2
216 = [2(4) + (n – 1)5]
(a) T1 = S1 = 3(1)2 + (1) = 4 2
(b) T1 + T2 = S2 = 3(2)2 + (2) 432 = n(5n + 3)
(4) + T2 = 14 5n2 + 3n – 432 = 0
T2 = 10 (5n + 48)(n – 9) = 0
d = 10 – 4 = 6 5n + 48 = 0, n – 9 = 0
(c) Tn = a + (n – 1)d 48
n=– n = 9
= 4 + (n – 1)6 5
= 4 + 6n – 6 Number of terms = 9
= 6n – 2

3 Given the first three terms of an arithmetic 4 The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic
progression are 2, 8, 14, … Find the number of progression is given by Sn = 2n2 – 5n. Find
the first terms with the sum more than 300. Hasil tambah n sebutan pertama bagi suatu janjang
Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu janjang aritmetik ialah aritmetik diberi oleh Sn = 2n2 – 5n. Cari
2, 8, 14, … Cari bilangan sebutan pertama dengan hasil (a) the first term,
tambah melebihi 300. sebutan pertama,
(b) the common difference,
a = 2, d = 8 – 2 = 6 beza sepunya,
n [2a + (n – 1)d] = S (c) the nth term.
2 sebutan ke-n.
n [2(2) + (n – 1)6] > 300
2 (a) T1 = S1 = 2(1)2 – 5(1)
n(4 + 6n – 6) > 600 = –3
6n2 – 2n – 600 > 0 (b) T1 + T2 = S2 = 2(2)2 – 5(2)
3n2 – n – 300 > 0 ——— 1 (–3) + T2 = –2
Let 3n2 – n – 300 = 0 T2 = 1
–(–1) ± (–1)2 − 4(3)(–300) d = 1 – (–3)
n= = 4
(c) Tn = a + (n – 1)d
n < –9.83 or n > 10.16
= (–3) + (n – 1)4
From 1 , n = 11
= –3 + 4n – 4
= 4n – 7


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 74 05/12/2019 8:22:23 PM

Exercise 9 By using the formula Tn = Sn – Sn – 1, determine Tn for each of the following.
Dengan menggunakan rumus Tn = Sn – Sn – 1, tentukan Tn bagi setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 9 1 The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic

progression is given by Sn = n2 + 3n. Find the
The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sixth term.
progression is given by Sn = 2n2 + 5n. Find the Hasil tambah n sebutan pertama bagi suatu janjang
fifth term. aritmetik diberi oleh Sn = n2 + 3n. Cari sebutan keenam.
Hasil tambah n sebutan pertama bagi suatu janjang
aritmetik diberi oleh Sn = 2n2 + 5n. Cari sebutan kelima. Tn = Sn – Sn – 1
T6 = S6 – S5
= [(6)2 + 3(6)] – [(5)2 + 3(5)]
Tn = Sn – Sn – 1
= 54 – 40
T5 = S5 – S4
= 14
= [2(5)2 + 5(5)] – [2(4)2 + 5(4)]
= 75 – 52
= 23

2 The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic 3 The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic
progression is given by Sn = 6n2 – 3n. Find the progression is given by Sn = 72n – 2n2. Find the
eighth term. ninth term.
Hasil tambah n sebutan pertama bagi suatu janjang Hasil tambah n sebutan pertama bagi suatu janjang
aritmetik diberi oleh Sn = 6n2 – 3n. Cari sebutan kelapan. aritmetik diberi oleh Sn = 72n – 2n2. Cari sebutan
Tn = Sn – Sn – 1
T8 = S8 – S7 Tn = Sn – Sn – 1
= [6(8)2 – 3(8)] – [6(7)2 – 3(7)] T9 = S9 – S8
= 360 – 273 = [72(9) – 2(9)2] – [72(8) – 2(8)2]
= 87 = 486 – 448
= 38

Exercise 10 Solve each of the following.

Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

Example 10

In an arithmetic progression, the fourth term is 18 and the sum of the first eight terms is 160. Find
Dalam suatu janjang aritmetik, sebutan keempat ialah 18 dan hasil tambah bagi lapan sebutan pertama ialah 160. Cari
(a) the first term,
sebutan pertama,
(b) the common difference.
beza sepunya.

Given/Diberi T4 = 18 Substitute into 2 /Ganti dalam 2 ,
a + 3d = 18 ——— 1 2(18 – 3d) + 7d = 40 ——— 2
Given/Diberi S8 = 160 36 – 6d + 7d = 40
8 [2a + (8 – 1)d] = 160 d=4
2 Substitute d = 4 into 1 /Gantikan d = 4 ke dalam 1
2a + 7d = 40 ——— 2 a = 18 – 3(4)
From 1 /Dari 1 , =6
a = 18 – 3d ∴ a = 6, d = 4


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 75 05/12/2019 8:22:23 PM

1 In an arithmetic progression, the fifth term is 16 2 In an arithmetic progression, the sixth term is 13
and the sum of the first ten terms is 175. Find and the sum of the first seven terms is 21. Find
Dalam suatu janjang aritmetik, sebutan kelima ialah 16 dan Dalam suatu janjang aritmetik, sebutan keenam ialah 13
hasil tambah bagi sepuluh sebutan pertama ialah 175. Cari dan hasil tambah bagi tujuh sebutan pertama ialah 21. Cari
(a) the first term, (a) the first term,
sebutan pertama, sebutan pertama,
(b) the common difference. (b) the common difference.
beza sepunya. beza sepunya.

Given T5 = 16 Given T6 = 13
a + 4d = 16 ——— 1 a + 5d = 13 ——— 1
Given S10 = 175 Given S7 = 21
10 [2a + (10 – 1)d] = 175 7 [2a + (7 – 1)d] = 21
2 2
2a + 9d = 35 ——— 2 2a + 6d = 6
From 1 , a + 3d = 3 ——— 2
a =16 – 4d From 1 ,
Substitute into 2 a = 13 – 5d
2(16 – 4d) + 9d = 35 ——— 2 Substitute into 2 ,
32 – 8d + 9d = 35 (13 – 5d) + 3d = 3
d = 3 –2d = –10
Substitute d = 3 into 1 , d = 5
a = 16 – 4(3) Substitute d = 5 into 1 ,
=4 a = 13 – 5(5)
∴ a = 4, d = 3 = –12
∴ a = –12, d = 5

3 In an arithmetic progression, the second term is 4 A farmer has 5 600 chickens and 4 880 ducks.
35 and the sum of the first ten terms is 140. Find The farmer sells 240 chickens and 180 ducks to
Dalam suatu janjang aritmetik, sebutan kedua ialah 35 dan the wholesaler every day. After a few days, the
hasil tambah bagi sepuluh sebutan pertama ialah 140. Cari number of chickens and the number of ducks left
(a) the first term, are the same. On what day did the number of
sebutan pertama, chickens and the number of ducks left are the same?
(b) the common difference. Seorang penternak mempunyai 5 600 ekor ayam dan 4 880
beza sepunya. ekor itik. Penternak itu menjual 240 ekor ayam dan 180 ekor
itik kepada pemborong pada setiap hari. Selepas beberapa
Given T2 = 35 hari, bilangan ayam dan bilangan itik yang tinggal adalah
a + d = 35 ——— 2 sama banyak. Pada hari ke berapakah bilangan ayam dan
Given S10 = 140 bilangan itik yang tinggal adalah sama banyak?
10 [2a + (10 – 1)d] = 140
2 The number of chickens left: 5 600, 5 360, 5 120, …
2a + 9d = 28 ——— 2  a = 5 600, d = –240
From 1 , Tn = a + (n – 1)d
a = 35 – d = 5 600 + (n – 1)(–240)
Substitute into 2 , = 5 600 – 240n + 240
2(35 – d) + 9d = 28 = 5 840 – 240n
70 – 2d + 9d = 28 The number of ducks left: 4 880, 4 700, 4 520, ….
7d = –42  a = 4 880, d = –180
d = –6 Tn = a + (n – 1)d
Substitute d = –6 into 1 , = 4 880 + (n – 1)(–180)
a = 35 – (–6) = 4 880 – 180n + 180
= 41 = 5 060 – 180n
∴ a = 41, d = -6 5 840 – 240n = 5 060 – 180n
60n = 780
n = 13
On the 13th day, the number of chickens and the
number of ducks left are the same.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 76 05/12/2019 8:22:23 PM

5 The diagram below shows two objects moving toward each other on a straight line, FG. Object P moves
with a distance of 3 cm in the first second, 6 cm in the next second, 9 cm in the third second and so on.
Object Q moves 2 cm in the first second, 4 cm in the next second, 6 cm in the third second and so on. Both
objects start simultaneously and meet at the nth second.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan dua objek bergerak ke arah satu sama lain pada satu garis, FG. Objek P bergerak sejauh 3 cm pada
saat pertama, 6 cm pada saat kedua, 9 cm pada saat ketiga dan seterusnya. Objek Q pula bergerak sejauh 2 cm pada saat pertama,
4 cm pada saat kedua, 6 cm pada saat ketiga dan seterusnya. Kedua-dua objek bermula serentak dan bertemu pada saat ke-n.
Given FG = 105 cm, find/Diberi FG = 105 cm, cari P Q
(a) the value of n,/nilai bagi n,
(b) the distance travelled by object P before both objects meet. F 105 cm G
jarak yang dilalui oleh objek P sebelum kedua-dua objek bertemu.
(a) The movement of object P: 3 cm, 6 cm, SP + SQ = 105
9 cm, …. (Arithmetic progression)
3 (n2 + n) + (n2 + n) = 105
a = 3, d = 3 2
Sn = n [2a + (n – 1)d] 3(n2 + n) + 2(n2 + n) = 210
3n2 + 3n + 2n2 + 2n = 210
SP = n [2(3) + (n – 1)(3)]
2 5n2 + 5n – 210 = 0
= n (6 + 3n – 3) n2 + n – 42 = 0
2 (n + 7) (n – 6) = 0
= n (3n + 3) n = –7, n = 6
∴ Both object meet at the 6th second.
= 3 (n2 + n) (b) When n = 6,
The movement of object Q: 2 cm, 4 cm,
SP = 3 [(6)2 + 6]
6 cm, …. (Arithmetic progression) 2
a = 2, d = 2 = 63 cm
Sn = n (2a + (n – 1)d)
SQ = n [2(2) + (n – 1)(2)]
= n (4 + 2n – 2)
= n (2n + 2) = n2 + n

5.2 Geometric Progressions / Janjang Geometri

Smart Tip
A geometric progression is a number sequence such that the ratio between each term (after the first term) and its
preceding term is a constant. The constant is called common ratio, r.
Janjang geometri ialah suatu jujukan nombor dengan keadaan nisbah antara setiap sebutan (selepas sebutan pertama) dengan sebutan
sebelumnya ialah suatu pemalar. Pemalar ini disebut sebagai nisbah sepunya, r.
Tn + 1
r= , n = 1, 2, 3, …

Exercise 11 Determine whether each of the following sequences is a geometric progression or not.
Give your reason.
Tentukan sama ada setiap jujukan berikut ialah janjang geometri atau bukan. Berikan alasan anda.
TP 1 Mempamerkan pengetahuan asas tentang janjang.

Example 11 1 3.5, 7, 14, 28, … 2 288, 144, 48, 16, …

4, 12, 36, 108, … T2 T2 144 1

= 7 =2 = =
Solution T1 3.5 T1 288 2
T2 12 T4 108 T3 14 T3
= = 3 = =3 = =2 = 48 = 1
T1 4 T3 36 T2 7 T2 144 3
T3 36 T4 28 T4 16 1
= =3 = =2 = =
T2 12 T3 14 T3 48 3
4, 12, 36, 108, … is a
geometric progression with 3.5, 7, 14, 28, … is a geometric 288, 144, 48, 16, … is not a
common ratio = 3. progression with common geometric progression because
4, 12, 36, 108, … ialah janjang ratio = 2. there is no common ratio.
geometri dengan nisbah sepunya = 3.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 77 05/12/2019 8:22:24 PM

24, 12, 4, 2, … 48, 24, 12, 6, … 12, –3, 3 , – 3 , …
3 4 5
4 16
T2 12 1 T2 24 1
= = = = T2 –3
T1 24 2 T1 48 2 = =–1
T1 12 4
T3 T3 12 1
= 4 =1 = = 3
1 2
T2 12 3 T2 24 2 T3
= 4 =–1
T4 2 1 T4 T2 –3 4
= = = 6 =1 3
T3 4 2 T3 12 2 –
T4 16
= =–1
T3 3 4
24, 12, 4, 2, … is not a geometric 48, 24, 12, 6, … is a geometric
progression because there is progression with common
no common ratio. ratio = 1 . 12, –3, 3 , – 3 , … is a
2 4 16
geometric progression with
common ratio = – 1 .

Smart Tip
The nth term, Tn, of a geometric progression is written as:
Sebutan ke-n, Tn, bagi suatu janjang geometri ditulis sebagai:

Tn = arn – 1
where/dengan keadaan
a = the first term/sebutan pertama
r = the common ratio/nisbah sepunya

Exercise 12 Solve each of the following.

Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri.

Example 12 1 The first three terms of a geometric progression

are 9, 18, 36, …. Determine
The first three terms of a geometric progression Tiga sebutan pertama bagi suatu janjang geometri ialah 9,
are 4, 12, 36, … Determine 18, 36, …. Tentukan
Tiga sebutan pertama bagi suatu janjang geometri ialah 4, (a) the nth term,
12, 36, … Tentukan sebutan ke-n,
(a) the nth term, (b) the seventh term.
sebutan ke-n, sebutan ketujuh.
(b) the sixth term.
sebutan keenam. (a) a = 9
Solution r = 2 = 18 = 2
T1 9
(a) a = 4
Tn = arn – 1
r = 2 = 12 = 3 = 9(2)n – 1
T1 4
(b) T7 = 9(2)7 – 1
Tn = ar n–1
= 9(2)6
= 4(3)n – 1 = 576
(b) T6 = 4(3)6 – 1
= 4(3)5
= 972


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 78 05/12/2019 8:22:24 PM

2 The first three terms of a geometric progression 3 The first three terms of a geometric progression
are 4, 6, 9, …… Determine are 12, 3, 3 , … Determine
Tiga sebutan pertama bagi suatu janjang geometri ialah 4, 4
6, 9, …… Tentukan Tiga sebutan pertama bagi suatu janjang geometri ialah 12,
(a) the nth term, (b) the fifth term. 3
3, , … Tentukan
sebutan ke-n, sebutan kelima. 4
(a) the nth term, (b) the sixth term.
(b) T5 = 4 3
(a) a = 4 1 2
sebutan ke-n, sebutan keenam.
r= 2 = 6 = 3 (b) T6 = 12 1
=4 3 1 2
(a) a = 12
T1 4 2 1 2
2 T 4
Tn = arn – 1 r= 2 = 3 = 1
= 12 1
= 4 3
n–1 = T1 12 4 1 2
2 1 2 4
Tn = arn – 1 3
= 12 1 256
1 2

Exercise 13 Determine the number of terms of each of the following geometric progressions.
Tentukan bilangan sebutan bagi setiap janjang geometri berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 13 1 5, 15, 45 ……, 3 645 2 7, 21, 63, ……, 15 309

6, 12, 24 ……, 6 144 a=5 a=7

Solution r = 2 = 15 = 3 r = 2 = 21 = 3
a=6 T1 5 T1 7
T Tn = arn – 1 Tn = arn – 1
r = 2 = 12 = 2 Tn = 5(3)n – 1 Tn = 7(3)n – 1
T1 6
Tn = ar n–1 Given Tn = 3 645 Given Tn = 15 309
Tn = 6(2)n – 1 5(3)n – 1 = 3 645 7(3)n – 1 = 15 309
Given/Diberi Tn = 6 144 (3)n – 1 = 729 (3)n – 1 = 2 187
6(2)n – 1 = 6 144 log10 (3)n – 1 = log10 729 log10 (3)n – 1 = log10 2 187
(2)n – 1 = 1 024 (n – 1)log10 3 = log10 729 (n – 1)log10 3 = log10 2 187
log10 (2)n – 1 = log10 1 024 (n – 1)0.4771 = 2.8627 (n – 1)(0.4771) = 3.3398
(n – 1)log10 (2) = log10 1 024 n – 1 = 6 n – 1 = 7
(n – 1)(0.3010) = 3.010 n = 7 n = 8
n – 1 = 10
n = 11

3 , 3 , 3, ……, 49 152 4 3 125, 625, 125, ……, 0.008 5 6 144, 3 072, 1 536, ……, 0.75
16 4
a = 3 125
a = 6 144
a= 3 T
r = 2 = 625 = 0.2 T
3 T1 3 125 r = 2 = 3 072 = 0.5
T1 6 144
T2 4 Tn = arn – 1
r= = =4 Tn = arn – 1
T1 3 Tn = 3 125(0.2)n – 1
Tn = 6 144(0.5)n – 1
16 Given Tn = 0.008
Tn = arn – 1 Given Tn = 0.75
3 125(0.2)n – 1 = 0.008
6 144(0.5)n – 1 = 0.75
Tn = 3 (4)n – 1 (0.2)n – 1 = 0.00000256
(0.5)n – 1 = 0.00012207
16 log10 (0.2)n – 1 = log10 0.00000256
Given Tn = 49 152 log10 (0.5)n – 1 = log10 0.00012207
(n – 1)log10 0.2 = log10 0.00000256
3 (4)n – 1 = 49 152 (n – 1)log10 0.5 = log10 0.00012207
(n – 1)(–0.6990) = –5.5918
16 (n – 1)(–0.3010) = –3.9134
n – 1 = 8
(4)n – 1 = 262 144 n – 1 = 13
n = 9
log10 (4)n – 1 = log10 262 144 n = 14
(n – 1)log10 4 = log10 262 144
(n – 1)0.6021 = 5.4185
n – 1 = 9
n = 10


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 79 05/12/2019 8:22:25 PM

Smart Tip
The sum of the first n terms, Sn, of a geometric progression is given by,
Hasil tambah n sebutan pertama, Sn, bagi suatu janjang geometri diberi oleh,
a(rn – 1)
Sn = ,r>1

Exercise 14 Express Sn in terms of n for each of the following geometric progressions. Hence, solve the
Ungkapkan Sn dalam sebutan n bagi setiap janjang geometri berikut. Seterusnya, selesaikan masalah.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 14
Given the first three terms of a geometric progression are 6, 24, 96, …
Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu janjang geometri ialah 6, 24, 96, …
(a) Determine the sum of the first n terms.
Tentukan hasil tambah n sebutan pertama.
(b) If the last term of the progression is 24 576, find the sum of all the terms.
Jika sebutan terakhir janjang itu ialah 24 576, cari hasil tambah semua sebutan.

(a) a = 6, r = 24 = 4 (b) Tn = 24 576 S7 = 2(47 – 1)
arn – 1 = 24 576 = 32 766
a(rn – 1)
Sn = 6(4n – 1) = 24 576
4n – 1 = 4 096
6(4n – 1)
Sn = (n – 1)log10 4 = log10 4 096
n – 1 = 6
= 2(4n – 1) n = 7

1 Given the first three terms of 2 Given the first three terms of 3 Given the first three terms of
a geometric progression are a geometric progression are a geometric progression are
2, 10, 50, … 16, 24, 36, … 7, 14, 28, …
Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu
janjang geometri ialah 2, 10, 50, … janjang geometri ialah 16, 24, 36, … janjang geometri ialah 7, 14, 28, …
(a) Determine the sum of the (a) Determine the sum of the (a) Determine the sum of the
first n terms. first n terms. first n terms.
Tentukan hasil tambah n Tentukan hasil tambah n Tentukan hasil tambah n
sebutan pertama. sebutan pertama. sebutan pertama.
(b) Find the sum of the (b) Find the sum of the (b) If the last term of the
first nine terms of the first seven terms of the progression is 7 168, find
progression. progression. the sum of all the terms.
Cari hasil tambah bagi sembilan Cari hasil tambah bagi tujuh Jika sebutan terakhir janjang itu
sebutan pertama janjang itu. sebutan pertama janjang itu. ialah 7 168, cari hasil tambah
semua sebutan.
(a) a = 2, r = 10 = 5 (a) a = 16, r = 24 = 1.5 (a) a = 7, r = 14 = 2
2 16 7
a(rn – 1) a(rn – 1) a(rn – 1)
Sn = Sn = Sn =
r–1 r–1 r–1
2(5n – 1) 16(1.5n – 1) 7(2n – 1)
Sn = Sn = Sn =
5–1 1.5 – 1 2–1
1 = 32(1.5n – 1) = 7(2n – 1)
= (5n – 1)
2 (b) S7 = 32(1.57 – 1) (b) Tn = 7 168
arn – 1 = 7 168
(b) S9 = 1 (59 – 1) = 514.75
2 7(2n – 1) = 7 168
= 976 562 2n – 1 = 1 024
(n – 1)log10 2 = log10 1 024
n – 1 = 10
n = 11
S11 = 7(211 – 1)
= 14 329


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 80 05/12/2019 8:22:26 PM

4 Given the first three terms of a geometric 5 Given the first three terms of a geometric
progression are 8, 12, 18, … progression are 3, 6, 12, …
Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu janjang geometri ialah Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu janjang geometri ialah
8, 12, 18, … 3, 6, 12, …
(a) Determine the sum of the first n terms. (a) Determine the sum of the first n terms.
Tentukan hasil tambah n sebutan pertama. Tentukan hasil tambah n sebutan pertama.
(b) Find the sum from the fourth term to the (b) Find the sum from the fifth term to the ninth
seventh term. term.
Cari hasil tambah dari sebutan keempat hingga sebutan Cari hasil tambah dari sebutan kelima hingga sebutan
ketujuh. kesembilan.

(a) a = 8, r = 12 = 1.5 (a) a = 3, r = 6 = 2

8 3
a(rn – 1) a(rn – 1)
Sn = Sn =
r–1 r–1
8(1.5n – 1) 3(2n – 1)
Sn = Sn =
1.5 – 1 2–1
= 16(1.5n – 1) = 3(2n – 1)
(b) Sum from T4 to T7 (b) Sum from T5 to T9
= S7 – S3 = S9 – S4
= 16(1.57 – 1) – 16(1.53 – 1) = 3(29 – 1) – 3(24 – 1)
= 257.375 – 38 = 1 533 – 45
= 219.38 = 1 488

Smart Tip
The sum of the first n terms, Sn, of a geometric progression is given by,
Hasil tambah n sebutan pertama, Sn, bagi suatu janjang geometri diberi oleh,
a(1 – rn)
Sn = ,r<1

Exercise 15 Express Sn in terms of n for each of the following geometric progressions. Hence, solve the
Ungkapkan Sn dalam sebutan n bagi setiap janjang geometri berikut. Seterusnya, selesaikan masalah.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 15
Given the first three terms of a geometric progression are 384, 96, 24, …
Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu janjang geometri ialah 384, 96, 24, …
(a) Determine the sum of the first n terms.
Tentukan hasil tambah n sebutan pertama.
(b) If the last term of the progression is 0.375, find the sum of all the terms.
Jika sebutan terakhir janjang itu ialah 0.375, cari hasil tambah semua sebutan.

(a) a = 384, r = 96 = 0.25 (b) Tn = 0.375
384 arn – 1 = 0.375
a(1 – rn)
Sn = 384(0.25n – 1) = 0.375
1–r 0.25n – 1 = 0.0009766
384(1 – 0.25n)
Sn = (n – 1)log10 0.25 = log10 0.0009766
1 – 0.25 n – 1 = 5
384(1 – 0.25n)
= n = 6
0.75 S6 = 512(1 – 0.256)
= 512(1 – 0.25n) = 511.88


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 81 05/12/2019 8:22:26 PM

1 Given the first three terms of a 2 Given the first three terms of 3 Given the first three terms of a
geometric progression are a geometric progression are geometric progression are 224,
1 250, 250, 50, … 972, 324, 108, … 112, 56, …
Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu
janjang geometri ialah 1 250, 250, janjang geometri ialah 972, 324, janjang geometri ialah 224, 122,
50, … 108, … 56, …
(a) Determine the sum of the (a) Determine the sum of the (a) Determine the sum of the
first n terms. first n terms. first n terms.
Tentukan hasil tambah n Tentukan hasil tambah n Tentukan hasil tambah n
sebutan pertama. sebutan pertama. sebutan pertama.
(b) Find the sum of the (b) Find the sum of the (b) If the last term of the
first eight terms of the first six terms of the progression is 1.75, find
progression. progression. the sum of all the terms.
Cari hasil tambah bagi lapan Cari hasil tambah bagi enam Jika sebutan terakhir janjang
sebutan pertama janjang itu. sebutan pertama janjang itu. itu ialah 1.75, cari hasil tambah
semua sebutan.
(a) a = 1 250, r = 250 = 0.2 (a) a = 972, r = 324 = 1
1 250 972 3 (a) a = 224, r = 112 = 0.5
a(1 – rn) a(1 – rn) 224
Sn = Sn =
1–r 1–r a(1 – rn)
Sn =
972 1 – 1
1 250(1 – 0.2n) 1–r
Sn =
1 – 0.2
3 1 24 3 224(1 – 0.5n)
Sn = Sn =
= 1 562.5(1 – 0.2n) 1 1 – 0.5
(b) S8 = 1 562.5(1 – 0.28) 3 = 448(1 – 0.5n)
= 1 458 1 – 1
= 1 562.50 3 1 24 3
(b) Tn = 1.75
arn – 1 = 1.75
(b) S6 = 1 458 1 – 1
3 1 24 3
224(0.5n – 1) = 1.75
0.5n – 1 = 0.0078125
= 1 456 (n – 1)log10 0.5 = log10 0.0078125
n – 1 = 7
n = 8
S8 = 448(1 – 0.58)
= 446.25

4 Given the first three terms of a geometric 5 Given the first three terms of a geometric
progression are 192, 96, 48, … progression are 108, 72, 48, …
Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu janjang geometri ialah Diberi tiga sebutan pertama suatu janjang geometri ialah
192, 96, 48, … 108, 72, 48, …
(a) Determine the sum of the first n terms. (a) Determine the sum of the first n terms.
Tentukan hasil tambah n sebutan pertama. Tentukan hasil tambah n sebutan pertama.
(b) Find the sum from the fifth term to the eighth (b) Find the sum from the sixth term to the ninth
term. term.
Cari hasil tambah dari sebutan kelima hingga sebutan Cari hasil tambah dari sebutan keenam hingga sebutan
kelapan. kesembilan.

(a) a = 192, r = 96 = 1 (a) a = 108, r = 72 = 2

192 2 108 3
a(1 – rn) a(1 – rn)
Sn = Sn =
1–r 1–r
192 1 – 1 108 1 – 2
n n
3 1 24
2 3 1 24 3
Sn = Sn =
1 2
1– 1–
2 3
= 384 1 – 1 = 324 1 – 2
n n
3 1 24
2 3 1 24 3
(b) Sum from T5 to T8 (b) Sum from T6 to T9
= S8 – S4 = S9 – S5
= 384 1 – 1 – 384 1 – 1 = 324 1 – 2 – 324 1 – 2
8 4 9 5
3 1 24
2 3 1 24
3 1 24
3 33 1 24
= 382.5 – 360 = 315.57 – 281.33
= 22.5 = 34.24


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 82 05/12/2019 8:22:27 PM

Smart Tip
When n approaches infinity, n → ∞, then the sum to infinity is
Apabila n menghampiri ketakterhinggaan, n → ∞, maka hasil tambah hingga ketakterhinggaan ialah
S∞ = , |r| < 1

Exercise 16 Find the sum to infinity, S∞ for each of the following geometric progressions.
Cari hasil tambah hingga ketakterhinggaan,S∞ bagi setiap janjang geometri berikut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri.

Example 16 1 8, 2, 0.5, 0.125, …

(a) 24, 12, 6, 3, … a = 8, r = 2 = 1

(b) 100, –40, 16, –6.4, … 8 4
S∞ = 8
1– 1
(a) a = 24, r = 12 = 0.5 (b) a = 100, r = –40 = – 2 4
24 100 5 2
= 10
S∞ = a S∞ = a 3
1–r 1–r
= 24 = 100
1 – 0.5 1– –2 1 2
= 48 5
= 71

36, 12, 4, … 12, 9, 27 , 81 , …

2 4 80, –40, 20, –10, …
4 16
a = 36, r = 12 = 1 a = 80, r = –40 = – 1
36 3 a = 12, r = 9 = 3 80 2
36 12 4
S∞ = 80
12 S∞ =
1– 1 S∞ =
1– –1
1 2
3 1– 3 2
= 54 4
= 53 1
= 48 3

Exercise 17 Solve the following problems.

Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 17
The first term and the sum to infinity of a 6
9 =
geometric progression are 6 and 9 respectively. 1–r
Find the common ratio.
1 – r = 6
Sebutan pertama dan hasil tambah hingga ketakterhinggaan 9
suatu janjang geometri masing-masing ialah 6 dan 9. Cari
nisbah sepunya. 1 – r = 2
Solution 3 – 3r = 2
a = 6, S∞ = 9 –3r = –1

S∞ = a r = 1
1–r 3


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 83 05/12/2019 8:22:27 PM

1 The first term and the sum 2 The common ratio and the 3 The common ratio and the
to infinity of a geometric sum to infinity of a geometric sum to infinity of a geometric
progression are 14 and
16 respectively. Find the progression are 2 and 24 progression are – 3 and 15
3 5
common ratio. respectively. Find the first term. respectively. Find the first term.
Sebutan pertama dan hasil tambah Nisbah sepunya dan hasil tambah Nisbah sepunya dan hasil tambah
hingga ketakterhinggaan suatu
janjang geometri masing-masing hingga ketakterhinggaan suatu hingga ketakterhinggaan suatu
ialah 14 dan 16. Cari nisbah janjang geometri masing-masing janjang geometri masing-masing
sepunya. 2 3
ialah dan 24. Cari sebutan pertama. ialah – dan 15. Cari sebutan pertama.
3 5
a = 14, S∞ = 16
r = 2 , S∞ = 24 r = – 3 , S∞ = 15
S∞ = a 3 5
a = S∞ a = S

16 = 14 1–r 1–r ∞

a = 24 a = 24
1 – r = 14 1– 2 1– –3
1 2
16 3 5
1 – r = 7 a = 24 a = 24
8 1 8
8 – 8r = 7 3 5
–8r = –1 a = 1 × 24 a = 8 × 15
3 5
r = 1 = 8 = 24

Exercise 18 Express the following recurring decimals as a fraction in its simplest form.
Ungkapkan nombor perpuluhan jadi semula berikut sebagai pecahan dalam bentuk termudah.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 18 1 0.5555…

(a) 0.6666 … 0.5555…

(b) 0.694̇5̇ = 0.5 + 0.05 + 0.005 + 0.0005 + …
Solution a = 0.5, r = 0.1
(a) 0.6666 … (b) 0.694̇ 5̇ 0.5555… = 0.5
= 0.6 + 0.06 + 0.006 + … = 0.69454545 … 1 – 0.1
= 0.24 + (0.45 + 0.0045 + 5
0.000045 + …) 9
Geometric progression
Janjang geometri 0.4̇ 5̇ is a geometric progression
0.4̇ 5̇ ialah suatu janjang geometri
a = 0.6, r = 0.1 a = 0.45, r = 0.01
0.6666… = a 0.69454545… = 0.24 +
= 0.6 = 0.24 +
1 – 0.01
1 – 0.1
=2 = 24 + 0.45
3 100 0.99
= 191
Smart Tip 275

For recurring decimal numbers

Bagi nombor perpuluhan jadi semula
0.3̇ = 0.333333…
0.3̇7̇ = 0.373737…
0.43̇7̇ = 0.4373737…


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 84 05/12/2019 8:22:28 PM

2 0.15151515… 3 0.1̇ 2̇ 4 0.763̇ 6̇

0.15151515… 0.1̇ 2̇ 0.763̇ 6̇

= 0.15 + 0.0015 + 0.000015 + … = 0.12121212… = 0.7636363636…
a = 0.15, r = 0.01 = 0.12 + 0.0012 + 0.000012 + ... = 0.4 + (0.36 + 0.0036 +
a = 0.12, r = 0.01 0.000036 + ...)
0.15151515… = 0.15
1 – 0.01 0.3̇ 6̇ is a geometric progression
0.12121212… = 0.12
1 – 0.01 a = 0.36, r = 0.01
= 5
33 0.7636363636…
= 4
33 = 0.4 + 0.36
1 – 0.01
= + 0.36
10 0.99
= 42

5 0.27272727… 6 1.74̇ 7 2.784̇ 2̇

0.27272727… 1.74̇ 2.784̇ 2̇

= 0.27 + 0.0027 + 0.000027 + … = 1 + 0.74̇ = 2 + 0.36 + (0.42 + 0.0042 +
a = 0.27, r = 0.01 = 1 + 0.3 + 0.4444… 0.000042 + …)
0.272727… = 0.27 = 2 + 36 + 0.42
1 – 0.01 = 1 + 3 + (0.4 + 0.04 + 0.004 + …) 100 1 – 0.01
= 3 = 2 + 36 + 0.42
11 = 1 + 3 + 0.4 100 0.99
10 1 – 0.1 a = 0.4
3 4 r = 0.1 = 2 + 9 + 14
= 1 + + 25 33
10 9
157 = 2 297
= 835

Exercise 19 Solve the following problems.

Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang janjang aritmetik dan janjang geometri dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

Example 19
Azrul deposited RM600 in a bank in March. From Solution
March to October, the total amount of money 100 + 20
a = 600, r = = 1.2
deposited increases by 20% per month. Calculate 100
the total amount of money (exclude interest) in a(rn – 1)
Azrul’s savings account until October. Sn =
Azrul menyimpan sebanyak RM600 di sebuah bank pada 600(1.28 – 1)
bulan Mac. Dari bulan Mac hingga Oktober, jumlah wang S8 =
1.2 – 1
yang disimpan bertambah sebanyak 20% setiap bulan. Hitung
jumlah wang (tidak termasuk faedah) dalam akaun simpanan
= 3 000(1.28 – 1)
Azrul sehingga bulan Oktober. = 9 899.45
∴ Total amount of money = RM9 899.45
Jumlah wang = RM9 899.45


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 85 05/12/2019 8:22:28 PM

1 The number of bacterial colonies will double 2 A solar company installs solar panels in a
every 15 hours. If the number of bacterial residential area. In the first year, the company
colonies in a petri dish is initially 90, what is the installed 10 000 m2 solar panels. In each
number of bacterial colonies on day 5? subsequent year, solar panel installation
Bilangan koloni bakteria akan menjadi dua kali ganda setiap increases by 15% from the previous year.
15 jam. Jika bilangan koloni bakteria di dalam piring petri Calculate the total area of solar panel installed by
pada awalnya ialah 90, berapakah bilangan koloni bakteria the company after 7 years.
pada hari ke-5? Sebuah syarikat solar memasang panel solar di sebuah
kawasan perumahan. Pada tahun pertama, syarikat itu
a = 90, r = 2 memasang panel solar seluas 10 000 m2. Pada setiap tahun
1 day = 24 hours berikutnya, keluasan pemasangan panel solar bertambah
n = 5 × 24 = 8
sebanyak 15% daripada tahun sebelumnya. Hitung jumlah
15 luas kawasan panel solar yang dipasang oleh syarikat itu
Tn = arn – 1 selepas 7 tahun.
T8 = (90)(2)8 – 1
= 11 520 a = 10 000, r = 1.15, n = 7
Sn = a(r – 1)

∴ Number of bacterial colonies = 11 520 r–1

10 000(1.157 – 1)
S7 =
1.15 – 1
= 110 668

∴ Total area = 110 668 m2

3 Fauzi bought a car for RM80 000. The value of 4 The total collection of a movie on the first day
the car depreciates 14% from the value of the showing was RM150 000. The collection of the
previous year on every year. Calculate the value movie decreased by 20% on the following day.
of the car after 12 years. Calculate the total collection of the movie after
Fauzi membeli sebuah kereta dengan harga RM80 000. seven days showing.
Nilai kereta itu menyusut sebanyak 14% daripada harga Nilai kutipan sebuah filem pada hari pertama tayangan
tahun sebelumnya pada setiap tahun. Hitung nilai kereta ialah RM150 000. Nilai kutipan filem tersebut menurun
itu selepas 12 tahun. sebanyak 20% pada setiap hari berikutnya. Hitung jumlah
nilai kutipan filem itu selepas 7 hari tayangan.
a = 80 000
a = 150 000
r = 100 – 14 = 0.86
100 r = 100 – 20 = 0.8
Tn = arn – 1 100
T12 = (80 000)(0.86)12 – 1
Sn = a(1 – r )

= 15 225.55 1–r
150 000(1 – 0.87)
∴ The value of the car = RM15 225.55 S7 =
1 – 0.8
= 592 713.60

∴ Total collection of the movie = RM592 713.60

5 A ball is dropped from a height of 50 cm. After Total distance travelled

hitting the ground, the ball rebounds to 3 of the = 50 + 2 50 3 + 50 3 +50 3 + …
2 3

5 3 1 2
5 1 2
5 51 2 4
height it dropped from and so on for each of the a
subsequent bounce. What is the total distance = 50 + 2 3 4; where a = 50 3 , r = 3
1 2
1–r 5 5
travelled by the ball until it stops? 3

3 4 1 2
Sebiji bola dilepaskan dari ketinggian 50 cm. Selepas 50
= 50 + 2 5
mengena tanah, bola itu melantun setinggi daripada
5 1– 3
ketinggian bola itu dilepaskan dan seterusnya bagi setiap 5
lantunan yang berikutnya. Berapakah jumlah jarak yang = 50 + 150
dilalui oleh bola itu sehingga ia berhenti? = 200

∴ Total distance travelled = 200 cm


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 86 05/12/2019 8:22:28 PM

Review 5
Paper 1 Questions
 1 In an arithmetic progression, the sum of the first Setiap bahagian dibentuk menjadi sebuah segi empat sama.
SPM four terms is 30 and the sixth term is –24. Find Rajah 1 menunjukkan tiga buah segi empat sama pertama
`15 the first term and the common difference of the yang dibentuk oleh lelaki itu.
progression. 9.5 cm
Dalam suatu janjang aritmetik, hasil tambah empat sebutan
6.5 cm
pertama ialah 30 dan sebutan keenam ialah –24. Cari sebutan
pertama dan beza sepunya janjang itu. 3.5 cm 9.5 cm
[3 marks/markah] 6.5 cm
3.5 cm

  2 A restaurant which sells drinks gives two choices

to the customers. The customers can choose Diagram 1/ Rajah 1
`16 either condensed milk or evaporated milk in their How many squares can be formed from the wire?
drinks. On a particular day, the restaurant has Berapa buah segi empat samakah yang boleh dibentuk
43 cans of condensed milk and 36 cans of daripada dawai itu?
evaporated milk. The restaurant uses 4 cans of [3 marks/markah]
condensed milk and 3 cans of evaporated milk
every day. On what day are the number of cans of   6 It is given that the sum of the first n terms of a
both milk left the same? SPM
CLONE geometric pogression is Sn = 3 (5n – 1). Find
Sebuah restoran yang menjual minuman memberi dua `14 2
pilihan kepada pelanggan. Pelanggan boleh memilih sama P1Q8 Diberi bahawa hasil tambah n sebutan pertama bagi suatu
ada susu pekat atau susu cair dalam minuman mereka. Pada 3
janjang geometri ialah Sn = (5n – 1). Cari
suatu hari tertentu, restoran itu ada 43 tin susu pekat dan 2
36 tin susu cair. Restoran itu menggunakan 4 tin susu pekat (a) the first term,
dan 3 tin susu cair pada setiap hari. Pada hari keberapakah sebutan pertama,
bilangan tin kedua-dua susu yang tinggal adalah sama (b) the common ratio.
banyak? nisbah sepunya.
[3 marks/markah] [3 marks/markah]

  3 It is given that x + 4, x – 2 and x – 5 are three   7 It is given that 6, 18, h, j and k are the first five
consecutive terms of a geometric progression. SPM terms of a geometric progression. Find the value
`16 Find CLONE
`15 of k.
Diberi bahawa x + 4, x – 2 dan x – 5 ialah tiga sebutan P1Q8
Diberi bahawa 6, 18, h, j dan k ialah lima sebutan pertama
berturut-turut bagi suatu janjang geometri. Cari bagi suatu janjang geometri. Cari nilai k.
(a) the value of x, [2 marks/markah]
nilai bagi x,
(b) the first term if 3 is the tenth term of the   8 It is given that the nth term of a geometric
x SPM 5 (rn – 1), r ≠ h. Find
progression. CLONE progression is T =

sebutan pertama jika ialah sebutan kesepuluh bagi Diberi bahawa sebutan ke-n bagi suatu janjang geometri
janjang itu. 5
ialah Tn = (rn – 1), r ≠ h. Cari
[4 marks/markah] 2
(a) the value of h,
  4 It is given that the sum of the first n terms of an nilai h,
n (b) the first term of the progression.
CLONE arithmetic progression is Sn = (17 – 5n). Find the

2 sebutan pertama bagi janjang itu.

P1Q8 n term.
[2 marks/markah]
Diberi bahawa hasil tambah bagi n sebutan pertama bagi
n   9 It is given that that u, 6 and w are the first three
suatu janjang aritmetik ialah Sn = (17 – 5n). Cari sebutan
ke-n. SPM terms of a geometric progression. Express in
[3 marks/markah] `18 terms of w
Diberi bahawa u, 6 dan w ialah tiga sebutan pertama bagi
  5 A man has a wire with the length of 18 m. The suatu janjang geometri. Ungkapkan dalam sebutan w
SPM wire is divided into several parts. Each part of the (a) the first term and the common ratio,
`18 wire is formed into a square. Diagram 1 shows sebutan pertama dan nisbah sepunya,
the first three squares formed by the man. (b) the sum to infinity of the progression.
Seorang lelaki mempunyai seutas dawai dengan panjang hasil tambah hingga ketakterhinggaan janjang itu.
18 m. Dawai itu dibahagikan kepada beberapa bahagian. [4 marks/markah]


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 87 05/12/2019 8:22:28 PM

Paper 2 Questions

 1 At a certain day, a farmer has 4 000 ducks to supply to a wholesaler. The farmer sells 250 ducks every day.
SPM The farmer feeds the ducks before selling them to the wholesaler. If the cost to feed a duck is RM0.50 per
`15 day, calculate the total cost until the number of ducks left is 1 000.
Pada hari tertentu, seorang penternak mempunyai 4 000 ekor itik untuk dibekalkan kepada pemborong. Penternak itu menjual
250 ekor itik pada setiap hari. Penternak itu memberi makanan kepada itik sebelum dijual kepada pemborong. Jika kos makanan
untuk seekor itik ialah RM0.50 sehari, hitung jumlah kos makanan sehingga bilangan itik yang tinggal ialah 1 000 ekor.
[6 marks/markah]

 2 The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic progression is given by Sn = 5n(n – 27) . Find
CLONE 5n(n – 27)
Hasil tambah n sebutan pertama bagi suatu janjang aritmetik diberi oleh Sn = . Cari
P2Q1 2
(a) the sum of the first 12 terms,
hasil tambah bagi 12 sebutan pertama,
[1 mark/markah]
(b) the first term and the common difference,
sebutan pertama dan beza sepunya,
[3 marks/markah]
(c) the value of w, if the wth term is the first positive term of the progression.
nilai bagi w, jika sebutan ke-w ialah sebutan positif pertama bagi janjang itu.
[2 marks/markah]

 3 A wire is cut into n parts. The length of each part increases in a geometric progression pattern. It is given
that the length of the sixth part is nine times the length of the fourth part of the wire.
Seutas dawai dipotong kepada n bahagian. Panjang setiap bahagian bertambah dalam bentuk janjang geometri. Diberi bahawa
panjang bagi bahagian keenam ialah sembilan kali panjang bagi bahagian keempat dawai itu.
(a) Calculate the common ratio.
Hitung nisbah sepunya.
[2 marks/markah]
(b) If the total length of the wire is 5 465 mm and the length of the first part of the wire is 5 mm, calculate
Jika jumlah panjang dawai itu ialah 5 465 mm dan panjang bahagian pertama dawai itu ialah 5 mm, hitung
(i) the value of n,
nilai n,
(ii) the length, in mm, of the last part of the wire.
panjang, dalam mm, bahagian terakhir dawai itu.
[4 marks/markah]

H O TS Zo n e
 1 Halim is a fresh graduate. He is offered a job from two companies. Company P offers him an annual salary of
SPM RM31 800 with a 4% yearly increment from the basic salary. Company Q offers him a starting salary of RM27 600
`14 per annum with an 8% yearly increment from the basic salary. Halim wants to choose the company which
offers a higher income and he wants to save 20% of the income to further his study after working for 10 years.
Which company should he choose? How much is the savings for him to further his study? HOTS Applying
Halim ialah seorang graduan yang baru sahaja menamatkan pengajian. Beliau ditawarkan kerja oleh dua buah syarikat. Syarikat P
menawarkan beliau gaji tahunan sebanyak RM31 800 dengan kenaikan tahunan 4% daripada gaji pokok. Syarikat Q menawarkan
beliau gaji permulaan sebanyak RM27 600 setahun dengan kenaikan tahunan 8% daripada gaji pokok. Halim ingin memilih syarikat
yang menawarkan pendapatan yang lebih tinggi dan beliau ingin menyimpan 20% daripada gajinya untuk melanjutkan pelajaran
selepas bekerja selama 10 tahun. Syarikat yang manakah patut beliau pilih? Berapakah jumlah wang simpanan untuk beliau
melanjutkan pelajaran?

 2 Benedict took 3.5 minutes to complete the first km of a 20 km run. He could not sustain his stamina. Thus,
for each subsequent km, he took 1 more time compared to the time he took for the previous km. The
`16 12
participants who exceeded 150 minutes were not qualified for the medal. Did Benedict qualify? Show the
calculation to support your answer. HOTS Applying
Benedict mengambil masa selama 3.5 minit untuk menghabiskan km yang pertama bagi satu acara larian 20 km. Dia tidak dapat
mengekalkan staminanya. Maka, pada setiap km yang berikutnya, dia mengambil lebih masa berbanding dengan masa yang
diambil untuk km sebelumnya. Peserta-peserta yang menamatkan larian melebihi 150 minit adalah tidak layak untuk menerima
pingat. Adakah Benedict layak? Tunjukkan pengiraan untuk menyokong jawapan anda.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C5 4th.indd 88 05/12/2019 8:22:29 PM

Chapter Learning Area: Algebra

6 Linear Law
Hukum Linear

6.1 Linear and Non-Linear Relations / Hubungan Linear dan Tak Linear

Smart Tip
A graph of linear relation is a graph that forms a straight line while a graph of non-linear relation is a graph that does
not form a straight line.
Graf hubungan linear ialah graf yang membentuk satu garis lurus manakala graf hubungan tak linear ialah graf yang tidak membentuk garis lurus.

Exercise 1 Draw a graph of y against x for each of the following table of values. Hence, determine
whether the graph is a linear relation or a non-linear relation.
Lukis graf y melawan x bagi setiap jadual nilai berikut. Seterusnya, tentukan sama ada graf itu ialah
hubungan linear atau hubungan tak linear.

Example 1 1 x –2 –1 0 1 2

x 0 2 4 y 5 2 1 2 5

y 1 2 3 y

Solution 5


2 2

0 2 4
–2 –1 0 1 2

Graph of linear relation/Graf hubungan linear

Graph of non-linear relation

2 x 0 1 2 3 4 3 x –2 –1 0 1 2
y 4 3 2 1 0 y 0 3 4 3 0

y y

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

x x
0 1 2 3 4 –2 –1 0 1 2

Graph of linear relation Graph of non-linear relation


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 89 05/12/2019 8:23:09 PM

Smart Tip
1 A line of best fit can be drawn such that the straight line passes through as many points as possible on the graph.
Garis lurus penyuaian terbaik boleh dilukis dengan keadaan garis lurus itu melalui seberapa banyak titik yang mungkin pada graf.
2 The number of points which do not lie on the line of best fit should be balanced on both sides of the straight line.
Bilangan titik yang tidak terletak pada garis lurus penyuaian terbaik perlu seimbang di kedua-dua belah garis lurus itu.

Exercise 2 Plot a graph of y against x, using a suitable scale on the x-axis and the y-axis. Hence, draw
the the line of best fit.
Plot graf y melawan x, dengan menggunakan skala yang sesuai pada paksi-x dan paksi-y. Seterusnya, lukis
garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.

Example 2
1 x 1 2 2.5 3 3.6

x 1 2 2.4 3 3.5 4 y 15 28 32 40 46.2

y 33 24 19 12 8 4
y 50



10 10

x x
0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4

2 x 0.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3 x 1 2 3 4 5

y 32.5 19.5 13.5 11.5 4.5 1.5 y 4 13.5 21.5 31 40.5


40 30

30 20

20 10

10 x
0 1 2 3 4 5

x –10
0 1 2 3 4


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 90 05/12/2019 8:23:11 PM

Exercise 3 Form an equation of the line of best fit for each of the following.
Bentukkan persamaan bagi garis lurus penyuaian terbaik bagi setiap yang berikut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.

1 y 2 y

Q(7, 6) E(1, 6)

F(5, 4)

x x
0 0
P(4, 0)
4–6 2 1
6–0 6 m= =– =–
m= = =2 5–1 4 2
7–4 3
Equation of the straight line, y = mx + c
Equation of the straight line, y = mx + c
At point E(1, 6)
At point P(4, 0)
0 = (2)(4) + c  2
6 = – (1) + c
c = –8
∴ y = 2x – 8 c=
1 13
∴y=– x+
2 2

Exercise 4 Solve the following problems.

Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.

Example 3
The table below shows the values of two variables, x and y, obtained from an experiment.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nilai-nilai dua pemboleh ubah, x dan y, yang diperoleh daripada suatu eksperimen.
x 10 20 25 40 50 60
y 12 17 19.5 26 31 35
(a) Plot a graph of y against x, using a scale of 2 cm to 10 units on the x-axis and 2 cm to 5 units on the
y-axis. Hence, draw the line of best fit.
Plot graf y melawan x, dengan menggunakan skala 2 cm kepada 10 unit pada paksi-x dan 2 cm kepada 5 unit pada paksi-y.
Seterusnya, lukis garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
(b) From the graph, determine the y-intercept and the gradient of the line of best fit.
Daripada graf, tentukan pintasan-y dan kecerunan garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
(c) Determine the equation of the line of best fit.
Tentukan persamaan garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
(a) y
(b) y-intercept/Pintasan-y = 7.5
35 35 – 12
Gradient/Kecerunan = = 0.46
60 – 10
(c) The equation of the line of best fit is y = 0.46x + 7.5.
Persamaan garis lurus penyuaian terbaik ialah y = 0.46x + 7.5




0 10 20 30 40 50 60


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 91 05/12/2019 8:23:13 PM

1 The table below shows the values of two variables, g and h, obtained from an experiment.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nilai-nilai dua pemboleh ubah, g dan h, yang diperoleh daripada suatu eksperimen.

g 10 20 25 40 50 60
h 131 139 143 156 164 173

(a) Plot a graph of h against g, using a scale of 2 cm to 10 units on the g-axis and 2 cm to 20 units on the
h-axis. Hence, draw the line of best fit.
Plot graf h melawan g, dengan menggunakan skala 2 cm kepada 10 unit pada paksi-g dan 2 cm kepada 20 unit pada
paksi-h. Seterusnya, lukis garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
(b) From the graph, determine the h-intercept and the gradient of the line of best fit.
Daripada graf, tentukan pintasan-h dan kecerunan garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
(c) Determine the equation of the line of best fit.
Tentukan persamaan garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.











0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

173 – 131
(b) m = = 0.84
60 – 10
c = 122
(c) The equation of the line of best fit
h = mg + c
h = 0.84g + 122


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 92 05/12/2019 8:23:14 PM

2 The table below shows the values of two variables, p and q, obtained from an experiment.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nilai-nilai dua pemboleh ubah, p dan q, yang diperoleh daripada suatu eksperimen.

p 1.0 2.0 2.5 4.0 5.0 6.0

q 40.0 36.0 33.5 26.5 22.0 17.0

(a) Plot a graph of q against p, using a scale of 2 cm to 1 unit on the p-axis and 2 cm to 5 units on the
q-axis. Hence, draw the line of best fit.
Plot graf q melawan p, dengan menggunakan skala 2 cm kepada 1 unit pada paksi-p dan 2 cm kepada 5 unit pada paksi-q.
Seterusnya, lukis garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
(b) From the graph, determine the q-intercept and the gradient of the line of best fit.
Daripada graf, tentukan pintasan-q dan kecerunan garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
(c) Determine the equation of the line of best fit.
Tentukan persamaan garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.











0 1 2 3 4 5 6

17.0 – 40.0
(b) m = = –4.6
6.0 – 1.0
c = 44.5
(c) The equation of the line of best fit
q = mp + c
q = –4.6p + 44.5


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 93 05/12/2019 8:23:14 PM

3 The table below shows the values of two variables, x and log10y, obtained from an experiment.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nilai-nilai dua pemboleh ubah, x dan log10y, yang diperoleh daripada suatu eksperimen.

x 0.10 0.15 0.35 0.50 0.68

log10 y 0.66 0.74 1.06 1.3 1.58

(a) Plot a graph of log10 y against x, using a scale of 2 cm to 0.1 unit on the x-axis and 2 cm to 0.2 unit on
the log10 y-axis. Hence, draw the line of best fit.
Plot graf log10 y melawan x, dengan menggunakan skala 2 cm kepada 0.1 unit pada paksi-x dan 2 cm kepada 0.2 unit pada
paksi-log10 y. Seterusnya, lukis garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
(b) From the graph, determine the log10 y-intercept and the gradient of the line of best fit.
Daripada graf, tentukan pintasan-log10 y dan kecerunan garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
(c) Determine the equation of the line of best fit.
Tentukan persamaan garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.


log10 y










0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

1.58 – 0.66
(b) m = = 1.586
0.68 – 0.1
c = 0.5
(c) The equation of the line of best fit
log10 y = mx + c
log10 y = 1.586x + 0.5


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 94 05/12/2019 8:23:15 PM

Exercise 5 Interpret the information from each of the following lines of best fit.
Tafsirkan maklumat daripada setiap garis lurus penyuaian terbaik berikut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.

Example 4 1 Speed (m s–1)

Laju (m s–1)
Speed (m s–1)
Laju (m s–1) P(0, 8)

G(5, 6)
Q(6, 3)

F(0, 2) Time (second)

O Masa (saat)
Time (second)
O Masa (saat) Acceleration = Gradient
Solution 3–8
Acceleration = Gradient/Pecutan = Kecerunan =
6–2 5
= = 0.8 m s–2 = – m s–2
5–0 6
Initial speed/Laju awal = 2 m s–1 Initial speed = 8 m s–1

2 Distance (m) 3 Distance (m)

Jarak (m) Jarak (m)
K(0, 9)
B(6, 10)

A(0, 1) L(12, 1)
Time (second) Time (second)
O Masa (saat) O Masa (saat)

Speed = Gradient Speed = Gradient

10 – 1 1–9
= =
6–0 12 – 0
= 1.5 m s–1 2
= – m s–1
Initial distance = 1 m 3
Initial distance = 9 m

6.2 Linear Law and Non-Linear Relations / Hukum Linear dan Hubungan Tak Linear
Exercise 6 Convert the following non-linear equations to the linear form, Y = mX + c. Hence, state X,
m and c when Y is given.
Tukarkan persamaan tak linear berikut kepada bentuk linear, Y = mX + c. Seterusnya, nyatakan X, m dan c
apabila Y diberi.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang hukum linear untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 5 h
1 y= + 5px
y = hx3 + kx Given/Diberi Y = xy
Given/Diberi Y =
x h
Solution  y = + 5px (× x)
1 x
y = hx + kx
x 2 xy = h + 5px2
= hx2 + k xy = 5px2 + h
x y
Y = , X = x2, m = h, c = k
x Y = xy, X = x2, m = 5p, c = h
Smart Tip
The equation of the line of best fit is represented by Y = mX + c where,
Persamaan bagi garis lurus penyuaian terbaik diwakili oleh Y = mX + c dengan keadaan,
Y = y-axis/paksi-y
X = x-axis/paksi-x
m = gradient/kecerunan
c = y-intercept/pintasan-y


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 95 05/12/2019 8:23:17 PM

k 3 hx = py + 6xy mp
2 y = 10 + x + 4 y – 
2x 1 x2
Given/Diberi Y =
Given/Diberi Y = y – x y Given/Diberi Y = x2y
k 1 mp
y = 10 + x + hx = py + 6xy (× ) y – 
m =
 (× x2 )
2x xy x2
k h p 1 x2y – 
 x2 = mp
y – x = + 10 = +6 (× )
2x y x h
x2y = 
 x2 + mp
k 1 1 p 6
y – x =
2 x1 2+ 10 =
hx h
Y = x2y, X = x2, m = 
1 p 1 6  , c = mp
1 k
y 1 2
h x
Y = y – x, X = , m = , c = 10
x 2
1 1 p 6
Y= ,X= ,m= ,c=
y x h h

Exercise 7 Convert the following non-linear equations to the linear form, Y = mX + c. Hence, state X,
m and c when Y is given.
Tukarkan persamaan tak linear berikut kepada bentuk linear, Y = mX + c. Seterusnya, nyatakan X, m dan c
apabila Y diberi.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang hukum linear untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 6 1 xy = c 2 y = 50nx
Given/Diberi Y = log10 y
y = pxn Given/Diberi Y = log10 y
Given/Diberi Y = log10 y xy = c
y = 50nx
log10 (xy) = log10 c
Solution log10 y = log10 (50nx)
log10 x + log10 y = log10 c
y = pxn log10 y = log10 50 + log10 nx
log10 y = –log10 x + log10 c
log10 y = log10 (pxn) log10 y = log10 50 + xlog10 n
log10 y = log10 p + log10xn log10 y = (log10 n)x + log10 50
Y = log10 y, X = log10 x, m = –1,
log10 y = log10 p + nlog10 x
c = log10 c
log10 y = nlog10 x + log10 p Y = log10 y, X = x, m = log10 n,
c = log10 50
Y = log10 y, X = log10 x, m = n,
c = log10 p

2p 4 y3 = hkx
3 y=
qx Given/Diberi Y = log10 y
Given/Diberi Y = log10 y
y3 = hkx
2p log10 y3 = log10 (hkx)
y = x
q 3log10 y = log10 h + log10 kx
2p 3log10 y = log10 h + xlog10 k
log10 y = log10 1q 2
log10 k log10 h
log10 y = log10 (2p) – log10 qx 1
log10 y =
3 2x+
log10 y = log10 (2p) – xlog10 q log10 k log10 h
log10 y = –xlog10 q + log10 (2p) Y = log10 y, X = x, m = ,c=
3 3
log10 y = –(log10 q)x + log10 (2p)

Y = log10 y, X = x, m = –(log10 q), c = log10 2p


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 96 05/12/2019 8:23:18 PM

Exercise 8 Solve the following problems.
Selesaikan masalah berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang hukum linear untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 7
The diagram below shows a line of best fit obtained Solution
y 6–5 1
by plotting against x2. m= =
x 4–2 2
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan garis lurus penyuaian terbaik
y Let the coordinates of Y-intercept = (0, c)
yang diperoleh dengan memplot melawan x2. Anggap koordinat pintasan-Y = (0, c)
y 6–c 1
Then/Maka, =
x 4–0 2
2(6 – c) = 4
6 – c = 2
(4, 6) c = 4
Y = mX + c
(2, 5)
y 1 2
= 1 2
x +4
O 1
y = x3 + 4x
Express y in terms of x.
Ungkapkan y dalam sebutan x.

1 The diagram below shows a line of best fit 2 The variables x and y are related by the equation
1 1 y = px + qx2, where p and q are constants. The
obtained by plotting against .
y x diagram below shows a straight line graph
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan garis lurus penyuaian terbaik y
1 1 obtained by plotting against x.
yang diperoleh dengan memplot melawan . x
y x Pemboleh ubah x dan y dihubungkan oleh persamaan
y = px + qx2, dengan keadaan p dan q ialah pemalar. Rajah
y di bawah menunjukkan graf garis lurus yang diperoleh
dengan memplot melawan x.
F(6, 6)
(2, 10)

2 E
1 (6, 4)
O x

Express y in terms of x. O
Ungkapkan y dalam sebutan x.
Calculate the values of p and q.
6–2 2 Hitung nilai p dan q.
m= =
6–0 3
y = px + qx2 (÷ x)
Y = mX + c = p + qx
1 2 1 y
= 1 2
3 x
+2 = qx + p
1 2 Y = , m = q, X = x, c = p
= +2 x
y 3x 4 – 10 3
q = =–
1 2 + 6x 6–2 2
= Let the coordinates of Y-intercept = (0, p)
y 3x
3x p – 10 3
y= = –
2 + 6x 0–2 2
p – 10
21 –2 2 = –3
p – 10 = 3
p = 13


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 97 05/12/2019 8:23:19 PM

3 In the diagram below, the first diagram shows a 4 The variables x and y are related by the equation
curve y = –4x2 + 6. The second diagram shows a y = px5, where p is a constant. The diagram below
straight line graph obtained when y = –4x2 + 6 is shows a straight line graph obtained by plotting
expressed in the linear form, Y = 6X + c. Express log10 y against log10 x.
X and Y in terms of x and/or y. Pemboleh ubah x dan y dihubungkan oleh persamaan
Dalam rajah di bawah, rajah pertama menunjukkan y = px5, dengan keadaan p ialah pemalar. Rajah di bawah
lengkung y = –4x2+ 6. Rajah kedua menunjukkan graf garis menunjukkan graf garis lurus yang diperoleh dengan
lurus yang diperoleh apabila y = –4x2 + 6 diungkapkan memplot log10 y melawan log10 x.
dalam bentuk linear, Y = 6X + c. Ungkapkan X dan Y
log10 y
dalam sebutan x dan/atau y.
(3, k)

y = –4x2 + 6

(0, 2)
log10 x
x O
O –4

Find the value of

Cari nilai
y = –4x2 + 6 (÷ x2) (a) log10 p (b)
y 6
2 = –4 + 2 y = px5 (a) log10 p = 2
x x
y 1 l og10 y = log10 (px5) k–2
x 1 2
2 = 6 2 – 4
x log10 y = log10 p + log10 x5 (b)
= 5
y 1 log10 y = 5log10 x + log10 p k – 2 = 15
Y = 2 , X = 2 Y = log10 y, m = 5, X = log10 x,
x x k = 17
c = log10 p

5 The diagram below shows a straight line graph 6 The diagram below shows a straight line graph
obtained by plotting log10 y against x. obtained by plotting log2 y against log2 x.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan graf garis lurus yang Rajah di bawah menunjukkan graf garis lurus yang
diperoleh dengan memplot log10 y melawan x. diperoleh dengan memplot log2 y melawan log2 x.
log2 y
log10 y

(6, 2)

(4, 6)
log2 x
O 2

O (6, 0)
Express y in terms of x.
Express y in terms of x. Ungkapkan y dalam sebutan x.
Ungkapkan y dalam sebutan x. 2–0 1
m= =
6–2 2
Y = log10y, X = x 1
Let the coordinates log2 y = log2 x + (–1)
0–6 2
m= = –3 of Y-intercept = (0, c) 1
6–4 2–c 1 log2 y = log2 x 2 – 1
Let the coordinates of Y-intercept = (0, c) = 1
6–0 2 log2 y – log2 x 2 = –1
c–6 2 – c = 3
= –3 y
c – 6 = 12
c = –1 log2 1 = –1 1 2
c = 18 y
= 2–1
x2 1
log10y = –3x + 18 y = x 2 (2–1)
y = 10–3x + 18 1 1
y = x 2
 x
y =


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 98 05/12/2019 8:23:22 PM

6.3 Application of Linear Law / Aplikasi Hukum Linear
Exercise 9 Solve the following problems.
Selesaikan masalah berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang hukum linear dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.
TP 5 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang hukum linear dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang kompleks.

Example 8

It is given that the object distance, u, the image distance, v, and the focal length, f, of a lens are related by the
1 1 1
equation + = . The table below shows the values of variables, u and v, obtained from an experiment.
u v f
1 1 1
Diberi bahawa jarak objek, u, jarak imej, v, dan jarak fokus, f, bagi suatu kanta dihubungkan oleh persamaan + = . Jadual
di bawah menunjukkan nilai-nilai pemboleh ubah, u dan v, yang diperoleh daripada suatu eksperimen. u v f

u 10 16 20 25 36
v 10.87 7.81 7.14 6.67 6.17

1 1
(a) Construct a table for the values of and .
u v
1 1
Bina satu jadual bagi nilai-nilai dan .
u v
1 1
(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to 0.02 unit on both axes, plot a graph of against . Hence, draw the line of best fit.
v u
1 1
Menggunakan skala 2 cm kepada 0.02 unit pada kedua-dua paksi, plotkan graf melawan . Seterusnya, lukis garis lurus
penyuaian terbaik. v u
(c) Use the graph in (b) to find the value of
Gunakan graf di (b) untuk mencari nilai
1 1
(i) when/apabila = 0, (ii) f.
f u
(a) 0.1 0.0625 0.05 0.04 0.0278
0.092 0.128 0.14 0.15 0.162
(b) 1 1 1 1
v (c) + =
u v f
1 1 1
0.189 = – +
0.18 v u f
(i) When/Apabila = 0,
0.16 u
1 1
= = 0.189
f v
(ii) f =
0.12 0.189
= 5.29





0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 u


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 99 05/12/2019 8:23:24 PM

1 The period, T, of a simple pendulum and its length, L are related by the equation T = 2pA , where g is
the acceleration due to gravity. The table below shows the values of variables, L and T, obtained from an
Tempoh ayunan, T, bagi sebuah bandul ringkas dan panjangnya, L, dihubungkan oleh persamaan T = 2p , dengan keadaan
g A
g ialah pecutan disebabkan oleh graviti. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nilai-nilai pemboleh ubah, L dan T, yang diperoleh
daripada suatu eksperimen.

L (cm) 20 30 50 70 80
T (s) 0.898 1.1 1.42 1.68 1.80

(a) Construct a table for the values of T2. Give your answer correct to two decimal places.
Bina satu jadual bagi nilai-nilai T2. Beri jawapan anda betul kepada dua tempat perpuluhan.
(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to 10 units on the L-axis and 2 cm to 0.5 unit on the T2-axis, plot a graph of T2
against L. Hence, draw the line of best fit.
Menggunakan skala 2 cm kepada 10 unit pada paksi-L dan 2 cm kepada 0.5 unit pada paksi-T2, plotkan graf T2 melawan L.
Seterusnya, lukis garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
(c) Using the graph in (b), find the value of
Menggunakan graf di (b), cari nilai
(i) g,
(ii) T when/apabila L = 200 cm.

(a) L (cm) 20 30 50 70 80
T2 (s2) 0.81 1.21 2.02 2.82 3.24











0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

L 4p2 L
(c) (i) T = 2pA 0.0405 = T = 2pA
g g 975
4p2 4p2
T2 = L g = When L = 200,
g 0.0405
4p 2
g = 975 cm/s2 200
Gradient = T = 2pA
g 975
3.24 – 0.81 4p2 = 2.846 seconds
80 – 20 g


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 100 05/12/2019 8:23:24 PM

2 The table below shows the values of the population of a type of bacteria recorded at 1 hour intervals. The
variables x and y are related by the equation y = pqx, where p and q are constants.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nilai-nilai bagi populasi sejenis bakteria yang direkod setiap 1 jam. Pemboleh ubah x dan y
dihubungkan oleh persamaan y = pqx, dengan keadaan p and q ialah pemalar.

Number of hours /Bilangan jam, x 1 2 3 4 5 6

Population/Populasi, y 78 98 123 158 199 251

(a) Construct a table for the values of x and log10 y. Give your answer correct to two decimal places.
Bina satu jadual bagi nilai-nilai x and log10 y. Beri jawapan anda betul kepada dua tempat perpuluhan.
(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to 1 unit on the x-axis and 2 cm to 0.25 unit on the log10 y-axis, plot a graph of
log10 y against x. Hence, draw the line of best fit.
Menggunakan skala 2 cm kepada 1 unit pada paksi-x dan 2 cm kepada 0.25 unit pada paksi-log10 y, plotkan graf log10 y
melawan x. Seterusnya, lukis garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
(c) Using the graph in (b), find the value of
Menggunakan graf di (b), cari nilai
(i) p,
(ii) q,
(iii) the expected number of population of the bacteria after 24 hours.
anggaran jumlah populasi bakteria selepas 24 jam.

(a) x 1 2 3 4 5 6
log10 y 1.89 1.99 2.09 2.20 2.30 2.40

log10 y











0 1 2 3 4 5 6

(c) y = pqx (ii) Gradient = log10 q

log10 y = log10 (pqx) 2.4 – 1.89
= log10 q
log10 y = log10 p + log10 qx 6–1
log10 y = log10 p + xlog10 q 0.102 = log10 q
log10 y = (log10 q)x + log10 p q = 100.102
(i) log10 p = 1.80 q = 1.265
p = 63.1 (iii) When x = 24
y = (63.1)(1.265)24
= 17 791


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 101 05/12/2019 8:23:25 PM

Review 6
Paper 1 Questions
 1 The variables x and y are related by the equation xy
xy = 12x – 4x3. A straight line graph is obtained by
plotting y against x2 as shown in Diagram 1. (p, 17)
Pemboleh ubah x dan y dihubungkan oleh persamaan
xy = 12x – 4x3. Graf garis lurus diperoleh dengan memplot y
melawan x2 seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1. 5
y x3
G Diagram 3/ Rajah 3
Find the values of p and n.
Cari nilai p dan n.
[3 marks/markah]

x2  4 The variables x and y are related by the equation
O H u
CLONE y = x + ­, where u is a constant. Diagram 4

Diagram 1/ Rajah 1 `17 x2

shows a straight line graph obtained by plotting
(a) Convert the equation xy = 12x – 4x3 to the 1
linear form to obtain the straight line graph as (y – x) against 2 .
shown in Diagram 1. Pemboleh ubah x dan y dihubungkan oleh persamaan
Tukarkan persamaan xy = 12x – 4x3 kepada bentuk u
linear untuk memperoleh graf garis lurus seperti yang y = x + 2 , dengan keadaan u ialah pemalar. Rajah 4
ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1. menunjukkan graf garis lurus yang diperoleh dengan
(b) State/Nyatakan 1
memplot (y – x) melawan 2 .
(i) the gradient of the straight line, x
kecerunan garis lurus itu, y–x
(ii) coordinates of G.
koordinat G.
[3 marks/markah]
 4 , 6t
 2 Diagram 2 shows a straight line graph obtained
by plotting (y – x) against x2.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan graf garis lurus yang diperoleh
O x2
dengan memplot (y – x) melawan x2.
y–x Diagram 4/ Rajah 4
Express k in terms of u and t.
18 Ungkapkan k dalam sebutan u dan t.
[3 marks/markah]

 5 Diagram 5 shows a straight line graph obtained
x2 1
CLONE by plotting against .

`18 y x
x2 P1Q13
–6 O Rajah 5 menunjukkan graf garis lurus yang diperoleh
x2 1
dengan memplot melawan .
Diagram 2/ Rajah 2 y x
Express y in terms of x. y
Ungkapkan y dalam sebutan x.
[3 marks/markah] (6, 5)

 3 The variables x and y are related by the equation
CLONE y = 3x –
, where n is a constant. Diagram 3 1
x O x
shows a straight line graph obtained by plotting
xy against x3. –4
Pemboleh ubah x dan y dihubungkan oleh persamaan
n Diagram 5/ Rajah 5
y = 3x2 – , dengan keadaan n ialah pemalar. Rajah 3
x Express y in terms of x.
menunjukkan graf garis lurus yang diperoleh dengan Ungkapkan y dalam sebutan x.
memplot xy melawan x3. [3 marks/markah]


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 102 05/12/2019 8:23:27 PM

Paper 2 Questions

 1 Table 1 shows the values of two variables, x and y, obtained from an experiment. The variables x and y are
SPM 2p
CLONErelated by the equation y = x , where p and t are constants.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan nilai-nilai bagi dua pemboleh ubah, x dan y, yang diperoleh daripada satu eksperimen. Pemboleh ubah x dan y
dihubungkan oleh persamaan y = x , dengan keadaan p dan t ialah pemalar.

x 4 6 8 10 12 14
y 2.45 1.86 1.38 1.04 0.78 0.59

Table 1/ Jadual 1
(a) Based on Table 1, construct a table for the values of log10 y. Give your answer correct to two significant
Berdasarkan Jadual 1, bina satu jadual bagi nilai-nilai log10 y. Berikan jawapan anda betul kepada dua angka bererti.
[1 mark/markah]
(b) Plot log10 y against x, using a scale of 2 cm to 2 units on the x-axis and 2 cm to 0.1 unit on the log10 y-axis.
Hence, draw the line of best fit.
Plot log10 y melawan x, menggunakan skala 2 cm kepada 2 unit pada paksi-x dan 2 cm kepada 0.1 unit pada paksi-log10 y.
Seterusnya, lukis garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
[3 marks/markah]
(c) Use the graph in (b) to find the value of
Gunakan graf di (b) untuk mencari nilai
(i) t, (ii)
[6 marks/markah]

  2 Table 2 shows the values of two variables, x and y, obtained from an experiment. The variables x and y are
SPM related by the equation hx = ky + 2xy, where h and k are constants.
`15 Jadual 2 menunjukkan nilai-nilai bagi dua pemboleh ubah, x dan y, yang diperoleh daripada satu eksperimen. Pemboleh ubah x dan
y dihubungkan oleh persamaan hx = ky + 2xy, dengan keadaan h dan k ialah pemalar.

x 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

y 2.72 0.83 0.49 0.41 0.38 0.35

Table 2/ Jadual 2
1 1
(a) Based on Table 2, construct a table for the values of and .
x y
1 1
Berdasarkan Jadual 2, bina satu jadual bagi nilai-nilai dan .
x y
[2 marks/markah]
1 1 1 1
(b) Plot against , using a scale of 2 cm to 0.1 unit on the -axis and 2 cm to 0.5 unit on the -axis.
y x x y
Hence, draw the line of best fit.
1 1 1 1
Plot melawan , dengan menggunakan skala 2 cm kepada 0.1 unit pada paksi- dan 2 cm kepada 0.5 unit pada paksi- .
y x x y
Seterusnya, lukis garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
[3 marks/markah]
(c) Using the graph in (b), find the value of
Menggunakan graf di (b), cari nilai
(i) h, (ii)
[5 marks/markah]

 3 Table 3 shows the values of two variables, x and y, obtained from an experiment. The variables x and y are
CLONE related by the equation y = 3ax + , where a and b are constants.
`16 6x
Jadual 3 menunjukkan nilai-nilai bagi dua pemboleh ubah, x dan y, yang diperoleh daripada satu eksperimen. Pemboleh ubah x dan
y dihubungkan oleh persamaan y = 3ax + , dengan keadaan a dan b ialah pemalar.
x 1 2 3 4 5 6
y 14.65 8.28 6.59 6.06 6.00 6.18

Table 3/ Jadual 3


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 103 05/12/2019 8:23:28 PM

(a) Based on Table 3, construct a table for the values of x2 and xy.
Berdasarkan Jadual 3, bina satu jadual bagi nilai-nilai x2 dan xy.
[2 marks/markah]
(b) Plot xy against x2, using a scale of 2 cm to 5 units on both axes. Hence, draw the line of best fit.
Plot xy melawan x2, dengan menggunakan skala 2 cm kepada 5 unit pada kedua-dua paksi. Seterusnya, lukis garis lurus
penyuaian terbaik.
[3 marks/markah]
(c) Using the graph in (b), find the value of
Menggunakan graf di (b), cari nilai
(i) a, (ii)
[5 marks/markah]

 4 Table 4 shows the values of two variables, x and y, obtained from an experiment. A straight line graph is
SPM y2 1
CLONE obtained by plotting against .
`18 x x
Jadual 4 menunjukkan nilai-nilai bagi dua pemboleh ubah, x dan y, yang diperoleh daripada satu eksperimen. Graf garis lurus
y2 1
diperoleh dengan memplot melawan .
x x
x 1.25 1.43 2.00 2.5 4.00 5.00
y 4.29 4.26 4.18 4.12 3.94 3.84
Table 4/ Jadual 4
1 y2
(a) Based on Table 5, construct a table for the values of and .
x x
1 y2
Berdasarkan Jadual 5, bina satu jadual bagi nilai-nilai dan .
x x
[2 marks/markah]
y2 1 1 y2
(b) Plot against , using a scale of 2 cm to 0.1 unit on the -axis and 2 cm to 2 units on the -axis.
x x x x
Hence, draw the line of best fit.
y2 1 1 y2
Plot melawan , menggunakan skala 2 cm kepada 0.1 unit pada paksi- dan 2 cm kepada 2 unit pada paksi- .
x x x x
Seterusnya, lukis garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
[3 marks/markah]
(c) Using the graph in (b),
Menggunakan graf di (b),
(i) find the value of y when x = 3.6, (ii) express y in terms of x.
cari nilai y apabila x = 3.6, ungkapkan y dalam sebutan x.
[5 marks/markah]

H O TS Zo n e
  1 Table 1 shows the values of two variables, x and y, obtained from an experiment. The variables x and y are
SPM pt
CLONE related by the equation y – √ p = , where p and t are constants.
`17 x
Jadual 1 menunjukkan nilai-nilai bagi dua pemboleh ubah, x dan y, yang diperoleh daripada satu eksperimen. Pemboleh ubah x dan
y dihubungkan oleh persamaan y – √ p = , dengan keadaan p dan t ialah pemalar.
x 1.2 2.0 3.5 4.5 5.0 6.0
y 4.15 5.16 5.81 5.68 6.06 6.19
Table 1/ Jadual 1
(a) Plot xy against x, using a scale of 2 cm to 1 unit on the x-axis and 2 cm to 5 units on the xy-axis. Hence,
draw the line of best fit.
Plot xy melawan x, menggunakan skala 2 cm kepada 1 unit pada paksi-x dan 2 cm kepada 5 unit pada paksi-xy. Seterusnya,
lukis garis lurus penyuaian terbaik.
(b) Using the graph in (a), find
Menggunakan graf di (a), cari
(i) the values of p and t,
nilai p dan t,
(ii) the correct value of y if one of the values of y has been wrongly recorded during the experiment.
nilai betul bagi y jika satu daripada nilai y telah direkodkan salah semasa eksperimen. HOTS Applying


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C6 4th.indd 104 05/12/2019 8:23:28 PM

Chapter Learning Area: Geometry

7 Coordinate Geometry
Geometri Koordinat

7.1 Divisor of a Line Segment / Pembahagi Tembereng Garis

Smart Tip
Point that divides the line segment by the ratio m : n m n
Titik yang membahagikan tembereng garis dengan nisbah m : n
P Q R nx1 + mx2 ny1 + my2
(x1, y1) (x2, y2)
Q=  m+n


Exercise 1 Solve each of the following.

Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang pembahagi tembereng garis.

Example 1 1 Given P(–2, 5), Q and R(7, 2) 2 Given P(2, –1), Q and R(5, 8)
are collinear such that are collinear such that
Given P(–3, –9), Q and R(4, PQ : QR = 1 : 2. Find the PQ : QR = 2 : 1. Find the
5) are collinear such that coordinates of Q. coordinates of Q.
PQ : PR = 2 : 7. Find the Diberi P(–2, 5), Q dan R(7, 2) Diberi P(2, –1), Q dan R(5, 8)
coordinates of Q. adalah segaris dengan keadaan adalah segaris dengan keadaan
Diberi P(–3, –9), Q dan R(4, 5) PQ : QR = 1 : 2. PQ : QR = 2 : 1.
adalah segaris dengan keadaan Cari koordinat Q. Cari koordinat Q.
PQ : PR = 2 : 7. Cari koordinat Q.
Solution m:n=1:2 m:n=2:1
Given/Diberi PQ : PR = 2 : 7,
2(–2) + 1(7) 2(5) + 1(2) 1(2) + 2(5) 1(–1) + 2(8)
PQ : QR = 2 : 5
Q =  1+2
 Q =  2+1
,  2+1

m:n=2:5 3 12 12 15
nx1 + mx2 ny1 + my2   
= 3, 3    
= 3, 3
Q=  m+n
,  m+n
 = (1, 4) = (4, 5)
5(–3) + 2(4) 5(–9) + 2(5)
=  2+5
,   2+5

–7 –35
   
= 7 , 7 = (–1, –5)

3 Given P(–5, 4), Q and R(5, –1) 4 Given the points P(–2, 2) and 5 Given the coordinates of P
are collinear such that Q(7, 8). Point R lies on the and Q are (2, –3) and (6, 5)
PQ : PR = 2 : 5. Find the straight line PQ such that respectively. If point R divides
coordinates of Q. 2PR = RQ. Find the PQ in the ratio of 1 : 3, find the
Diberi P(–5, 4), Q dan R(5, –1) coordinates of point R. coordinates of point R.
adalah segaris dengan keadaan Diberi titik P(–2, 2) dan Q(7, 8). Diberi koordinat P dan Q masing-
PQ : PR = 2 : 5. Titik R terletak pada garis lurus PQ masing ialah (2, –3) dan (6, 5). Jika
Cari koordinat Q. dengan keadaan 2PR = RQ. Cari titik R membahagi PQ dalam nisbah
koordinat titik R. 1 : 3, cari koordinat bagi titik R.
Given PQ : PR = 2 : 5 Given 2PR = RQ
Then PQ : QR = 2 : 3 PR 1 PR : RQ = 1 : 3
m:n=2:3 RQ = 2 m:n=1:3
m 1
3(–5) + 2(5) 3(4) + 2(–1) 3(2) + 1(6) 3(–3) + 1(5)
Q = 2+3
 n = 2 or m : n = 1 : 2 R =  1+3
,  1+3

2(–2) + 1(7) 2(2) + 1(8)
–5 10 R =  ,    12 –4
   
= 5 , 5 1+2
3 12
1+2    
= 4, 4
= (–1, 2)   
= 3 , 3 = (1, 4) = (3, –1)


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 105 05/12/2019 8:24:13 PM

Exercise 2 Solve the following problems.
Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang pembahagi tembereng garis.

Example 2
It is given that F(p, 6), G(2, 3) and H(7, q) are collinear such that FG : FH = 1 : 3. Find the values of p and q.
Diberi bahawa F(p, 6), G(2, 3) dan H(7, q) adalah segaris dengan keadaan FG : FH = 1 : 3. Cari nilai p dan q.

Given/Diberi FG : FH = 1 : 3 For x coordinate/Untuk koordinat x, For y coordinate/Untuk koordinat y,
then/maka FG : GH = 1 : 2 2p + 7 2(6) + 1(q)
m:n=1:2 3 = 2 =3
nx1 + mx2 ny1 + my2 2p + 7 = 6
 m+n
= (x, y) 2p = –1
12 + q
= 3
2(p) + 1(7) 2(6) + 1(q) 1 12 + q = 9
 1+2
,  1+2
= (2, 3)
p = –
2 q = –3

1 It is given that F(p, 4), G(1, 7) and H(6, q) are collinear such that FG : GH = 3 : 5. Find the values of p and q.
Diberi bahawa F(p, 4), G(1, 7) dan H(6, q) adalah segaris dengan keadaan FG : GH = 3 : 5. Cari nilai p dan q.

FG : GH = 3 : 5 For x coordinate, For y coordinate,

m:n=3:5 5(p) + 3(6)
3 + 5 = 1 5(4) + 3(q)
3 + 5 = 7
nx1 + mx2 ny1 + my2
 m+n
= (x, y)
5p + 18
= 1 20 + 3q
8 8
= 7
5(p) + 3(6) 5(4) + 3(q)
 3+5
= (1, 7) 5p + 18 = 8
5p = –10
20 + 3q = 56
3q = 36
p = –2 q = 12

2 It is given that F(–4, q), G(2, –1) and H(p, 1) are collinear such that FG : GH = 2 : 1. Find the values of p and q.
Diberi bahawa F(–4, q), G(2, –1) dan H(p, 1) adalah segaris dengan keadaan FG : GH = 2 : 1. Cari nilai p dan q.

FG : GH = 2 : 1 For x coordinate, For y coordinate,

m:n=2:1 1(–4) + 2(p)
2 + 1 = 2 1(q) + 2(1)
= –1
nx1 + mx2 ny1 + my2
 m+n
= (x, y)
–4 + 2p
= 2 q+2
3 3
= –1
1(–4) + 2(p) 1(q) + 2(1)
 2+1

= (2, –1)

–4 + 2p = 6
2p = 10
q + 2 = –3
q = –5
p = 5

3 A straight line passes through J(12, –13) and K(–9, 8).

Suatu garis lurus melalui J(12, –13) dan K(–9, 8).
(a) It is given that L(4, s) lies on the straight line JK, find the value of s.
Diberi bahawa L(4, s) terletak di atas garis lurus JK, cari nilai s.
(b) Point P divides the line segment JK in the ratio 2 : 4. Find the coordinates of P.
Titik P membahagi tembereng garis JK dalam nisbah 2 : 4. Cari koordinat P.
nx1 + mx2 ny1 + my2
(a) Gradient of KL = Gradient of JK

(b) P =
m+n  , 
s − 8 8 − (–13) 4(12) + 2(–9) 4(–13) + 2(8)

= –9 − 12 =
 ,   

s−8 21 48 − 18 –52 + 16

= –21 =
 ,   

30 36

= –1
, –    

s − 8 = –13
s = –5 = (5, –6)


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 106 05/12/2019 8:24:16 PM

7.2 Parallel Lines and Perpendicular Lines / Garis Lurus Selari dan Garis Lurus Serenjang

Smart Tip
(a) Parallel lines/Garis selari (b) Perpendicular lines/Garis serenjang
m1 = m2 m1 m2 = –1
m2 m2

Exercise 3 Determine whether each of the following pairs of lines are parallel or not.
Tentukan sama ada setiap pasangan garis lurus berikut adalah selari atau tidak.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang geometri koordinat untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 3 1 4x + 6y = 5, 2x = 6 − 3y

2y – x = 7, x – 2y = 5 4x + 6y = 5  1
Solution 2x = 6 − 3y  2
2y − x = 7  1 From 1 , 6y = –4x + 5
x − 2y = 5  2 –4x 5
y = +
6 6
From/Daripada 1 , From/Daripada 2 , 2 5
2y = x + 7 –2y = –x + 5 y = – x +
3 6
x 7 x 5 2
y = + y = − m1 = – 
2 2 2 2 3
1 1 From 2 , 3y = –2x + 6
m1 = m2 =
2 2 –2x 6
y = +
Compare/Bandingkan 3 3
y = mx + c 2
y = –  x + 2
m1 = m2 2
m2 = – 
∴ The pair of straight lines are parallel. m1 = m2
Pasangan garis lurus adalah selari.
∴ The pair of straight lines are parallel.

2 3y – x = 6, 3x – 2y = 6 3 8y + 4x = 15, 2x + 4y = 17

3y − x = 6  1 8y + 4x = 15  1
3x − 2y = 6  2 2x + 4y = 17  2
From 1 , 3y =   x + 6 From 1 , 8y = –4x + 15
1 4 15
y =   x + 2 y = –  x +
3 8 8
1 1 15
m1 = y = – x +
3 2 8
From 2 , 2y = 3x − 6 1
m1 = – 
3 2
y =   x − 3
2 From 2 , 4y = –2x + 17
3 2 17
m2 = y = –  x +
2 4 4
m1 ≠ m2 1 17
y = –  x +
∴ The pair of straight lines are not parallel. 2 4
m = – 
m1 = m2
∴ The pair of straight lines are parallel.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 107 05/12/2019 8:24:16 PM

Exercise 4 It is given that each of the following pairs of straight lines are parallel. Find the value of p.
Diberi bahawa setiap pasangan garis lurus berikut adalah selari. Cari nilai p.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang geometri koordinat untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 4 1 px + 6y − 12 = 0, 2x − 3y + 14 = 0

3y − 4x – 15 = 0, (p − 5)x − 3y − 18 = 0 px + 6y − 12 = 0  1
2x − 3y + 14 = 0  2
3y − 4x − 15 = 0  1 From 1 , 6y = –px + 12
(p − 5)x − 3y − 18 = 0  2 p 12
y = –  x +
6 6
From/Daripada 1 , p
3y = 4x + 15 y = –  x + 2
4 p
y =  x + 5 y = mx + c m1 = – 
3 6
m1 = From 2 , 3y = 2x + 14
2 14
From/Daripada 2 , y = x +
3 3
3y = (p − 5)x – 18 2
m2 =
p−5 3
y=  3 
 x − 6 y = mx + c m1 = m2
p−5 p 2 x2
m2 = –  = x 2
3 6 3
m1 = m2 p 4
–  =
4 p−5 6 6
= p = –4
3 3

2 4y + 3x + 24 = 0, (2p + 1)x + 3y + 6 = 0 3 8x + 2py = 5, 2x − (p + 1)y − 8 = 0

4y + 3x + 24 = 0  1 8x + 2py = 5  1
(2p + 1)x + 3y + 6 = 0  2 2x − (p + 1)y − 8 = 0  2
From 1 , 4y = –3x − 24 From 1 , 2py = –8x + 5
3 8 5
y = –   x − 6 y = –    x +
4 2p 2p
3 8 4
m1 = –   m1 = –    = –  
4 2p p
From 2 , 3y = –(2p + 1)x − 6 From 2 , (p + 1)y = 2x − 8
(2p + 1) 2 8
y = – 
x−2 y= 
(2p + 1) 2
m2 = –   m2 =
3 p+1
m1 = m2 m1 = m2
3 (2p + 1) 4 2
–   = –   –   =  
4 3 p p+1
9 –4(p + 1) = 2p
= 2p + 1 –2(p + 1) = p
5 –2p − 2 = p
= 2p –2p − p = 2
–3p = 2
5 2
p = p = –  
8 3


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 108 05/12/2019 8:24:17 PM

Exercise 5 Determine whether each of the following pairs of lines are perpendicular or not.
Tentukan sama ada setiap pasangan garis lurus berikut adalah berserenjang atau tidak.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang geometri koordinat untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 5 1 2x + y = 1, –x + 2y = 6

3y − x = 6, 3x + y = 12 2x + y = 1  1
Solution –x + 2y = 6  2
3y − x = 6  1
3x + y = 12  2
Smart Tip From 1 ,
y = –2x + 1
From/Daripada 1 , Perpendicular lines are m1 = –2
3y = x + 6 lines which intersect at a
From 2 ,
x right angle (90°).
y= +2 Garis serenjang ialah garis
2y = x + 6
1 yang bersilang pada sudut x
m1 = tegak (90°). y= +3
3 2
From/Daripada 2 , m2 =
y = –3x + 12 Perpendicular lines 1
m1 m2 = (–2)
m2 = –3 = –1
1 Garis berserenjang
m1 m2 =  (–3) = –1 m1 m2 = –1
3 ∴ The pair of straight lines are perpendicular.
∴ The pair of straight lines are perpendicular.
Pasangan garis lurus adalah berserenjang.

2 3y − x = 12, 3x – 2y = 8 3 8y + 6x = 24, –4x + 3y = 12

3y − x = 12  1 From 2 , 8y + 6x = 24  1 From 2 , 3y = 4x + 12
3x − 2y = 8  2 2y = 3x − 8 –4x + 3y = 12  2 4
3 y= x+4
From 1 , y= x−4 From 1 , 8y = –6x + 24 3
3y = x + 12 2 4
6 m2 =
1 3 y = –   x + 3 3
y= x+4 m2 = 8
3 2 3 4
1 3 1 6 3 m1m2 = –     = –1
1 m1 m2 =    = ≠ –1 m1 = –   = –   4 3
m1 = 3 2 2 8 4
3 ∴ The pair of straight
∴ The pair of straight lines lines are perpendicular.
are not perpendicular.

Exercise 6 It is given that each of the following pairs of straight lines are perpendicular. Find the value of n.
Diberi bahawa setiap pasangan garis lurus berikut adalah berserenjang. Cari nilai n.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang geometri koordinat untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 6 1 y − 2x + 6 = 0, nx − 6y − 12 = 0
y – 2x + 6 = 0  1
2y − 3x + 14 = 0, (n – 2)x − 4y − 16 = 0
nx − 6y − 12 = 0  2
Solution From 1 ,
2y − 3x + 14 = 0  1 y = 2x – 6
(n − 2)x − 4y − 16 = 0  2 m1 = 2
n−2 From 2 ,
From/Daripada 1 , m2 =  4
 6y = nx − 12
2y = 3  x − 14
3 n−2 n
y =   x − 7 m1 m2 =   
2 4
= –1  y =  x − 2
2 3(n − 2) = –8 n
3 3n − 6 = –8 m2 =
m1 = 6
2 3n = –2 n
From/Daripada 2 , n = – 
2  
m1 m2 = (2) = –1
4y = (n − 2)x − 16 3 n
= –1
n−2 3
y=  4

x−4 n = –3


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 109 05/12/2019 8:24:17 PM

2 2y − x + 8 = 0, (n + 1)x + 4y − 20 = 0 3 4y – 3x + 8 = 0, (2n – 1)x + 2y – 6 = 0
2y − x + 8 = 0  1 4y − 3x + 8 = 0  1
(n + 1)x + 4y − 20 = 0  2 (2n − 1)x + 2y − 6 = 0  2
From 1 , From 2 , From 1 ,
2y = x − 8 4y = 3x − 8
1 4y = –(n + 1)x + 20 3
y =  x − 4 y =  x − 2
2 (n + 1) 4
y = –   x+5 3
1 4 m1 =
m1 = 4
2 (n + 1)
m2 = –   From 2 , 3 (2n − 1)
4 m1 m2 =  
 = –1
1 (n + 1) 2y = –(2n − 1)x + 6
m1 m2 =  
= –1  3(2n − 1) = 8
(2n − 1) 6n − 3 = 8
n + 1 = 8 y = –   x+3
2 6n = 11
n = 7 (2n − 1) 11
m2 = –   n =
2 6

Exercise 7 Find the equation of the straight line that passes through point P and parallel to the given
straight line in general form.
Cari persamaan garis lurus yang melalui titik P dan selari dengan garis lurus yang diberi dalam bentuk am.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang geometri koordinat untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 7 1 2y − 6x + 5 = 0, P(4, 1)

3y − 2x − 12 = 0, P(2, –5) 2y − 6x + 5 = 0
Solution 2y = 6x − 5
3y − 2x − 12 = 0 5
y = 3x −   
3y = 2x + 12 2
2 m=3
y =   x + 4 y = mx + c
2 The equation of the straight line,
m= y – y1 = m(x − x1)
The equation of the straight line, y − 1 = 3(x − 4)
Persamaan garis lurus, y − 1 = 3x − 12
y – y1 = m(x – x1) y = 3x − 11
2 3x − y − 11 = 0
y − (–5) =  (x − 2)
3(y + 5) = 2(x − 2)
3y + 15 = 2x − 4
2x − 3y − 19 = 0

2 4y + 3x + 6 = 0, P(1, 8) 3 2y + 3x + 18 = 0, P(4, –2)

4y + 3x + 6 = 0 2y + 3x + 18 = 0
4y = –3x − 6 2y = –3x − 18
–3 3 3 3
y =  x −    , m = – y = –     x − 9
4 2 4 2
The equation of the straight line, m = –  
y − y1 = m(x − x1) 2
3 The equation of the straight line,
y − 8 = – (x − 1) y − y1 = m(x − x1)
4y − 32 = –3x + 3 3
y − (–2) = –   (x − 4)
4y + 3x − 35 = 0 2
3x + 4y − 35 = 0 2(y + 2) = –3(x − 4)
2y + 4 = –3x + 12
3x + 2y − 8 = 0


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 110 05/12/2019 8:24:18 PM

x y x y
4 + = 1, P(–3, –2) 5 − = 1, P(–7, 6)
9 2 5 3
x y x y x y x y
+ =1 Intercept form: + = 1 − =1 Intercept form: – = 1
9 2 a b 5 3 a b
y – intercept b 2 y – intercept b –3 3
∴m = –
x – intercept
=– =–
a 9 ∴m = –
x – intercept
=– =–
a  
The equation of the straight line, The equation of the straight line,
y – y1 = m(x – x1) y − y1 = m(x – x1)
2 3
y − (–2) = – [x − (–3)] y − 6 = [x − (–7)]
9 5
2 6 3 21
y + 2 = – x − y − 6 = x +
9 9 5 5
2 24 3 51
y = – x − y = x +
9 9 5 5
9y = –2x − 24 5y = 3x + 51
2x + 9y + 24 = 0 3x − 5y + 51 = 0

Exercise 8 Find the equation of the straight line that passes through point P and perpendicular to the
given straight line in general form.
Cari persamaan garis lurus yang melalui titik P dan berserenjang dengan garis lurus yang diberi dalam bentuk am.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang geometri koordinat untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 8 1 y – 2x + 7 = 0, P(2, 6)
y – 2x + 7 = 0
4y − 3x − 8 = 0, P(1, –4) y = 2x − 7
Solution m1 = 2
4y − 3x − 8 = 0 m2 = –  
4y = 3x + 8 m1 m2 = –1 2
3 3 The equation of the straight line,
y =   x + 2    × m2 = –1
4 4 y – y1 = m2(x − x1)
3 4 m2 = –  
m1 = , m2 = –   3 1
4 3 y − 6 = –    (x − 2)
The equation of the straight line,
2(y − 6) = –(x − 2)
Persamaan garis lurus,
2y − 12 = –x + 2
y − y1 = m2(x − x1)
x + 2y – 14 = 0
y − (–4) = –   (x − 1)
3(y + 4) = –4(x − 1)
3y + 12 = –4x + 4
4x + 3y + 8 = 0

2 3x + y − 7 = 0, P(–1, 5) 3 4x + 3y + 24 = 0, P(–2, –6)

3x + y − 7 = 0 4x + 3y + 24 = 0
y = –3x + 7 3y = –4x − 24
m1 = ­–3 4
y = –   x − 8
1 3
m2 =
3 4
m1 = –  
The equation of the straight line, 3
y − y1 = m2(x − x1) m2 =
y − 5 =  (x − (–1)) The equation of the straight line,
y – y1 = m2(x − x1)
3(y − 5) = (x + 1)
3y − 15 = x + 1 y − (–6) = (x − (–2))
x − 3y + 16 = 0 4
4(y + 6) = 3(x + 2)
4y + 24 = 3x + 6
3x − 4y − 18 = 0


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 111 05/12/2019 8:24:19 PM

x y 2x y
4 − = 3, P(0, –11) 5 + = 2, P(–3, 8)
2 3 7 21
x y 6x + y
− = 3 (÷ 3) = 2
2 3 21
x y
x y Intercept form: − = 1 6x + y = 42
− =1 a b
6 9 y = –6x + 42
y – intercept (–9) 1
m1 = – =– m1 = –6, m2 =   
x – intercept 6 6
3 2 The equation of the straight line,
m1 = , m2 = –
2 3 y − y1 = m2(x − x1)
The equation of the straight line,
y − y1 = m2(x − x1) y − 8 = (x + 3)
y − (–11) = – (x – 0) 6y − 48 = x + 3
3 x − 6y + 51 = 0
y + 11 = – x
3y + 33 = –2x
2x + 3y + 33 = 0

Exercise 9 Solve each of the following.

Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang geometri koordinat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

1 A developer is required to build a new straight 2 The diagram below shows the positions of four
road which passes through the point (–2, 5). It is rest huts, E, F, G and H in a park. It is given that
given that a straight road that was already built EF is parallel to GH.
can be expressed as 2y = 3x − 4. The developer is Rajah di bawah menunjukkan kedudukan empat buah
required to build the new road such that it does pondok rehat, E, F, G dan H di sebuah taman. Diberi
not intersect with the existing road. Determine bahawa EF adalah selari dengan GH.
the equation of the new road. y
Pemaju dikehendaki untuk membina sebatang jalan
raya lurus baharu yang melalui titik (–2, 5). Diberi
bahawa sebatang jalan raya lurus yang telah dibina E(3, 6)
F(7, 4)
dapat diungkapkan sebagai 2y = 3x − 4. Pemaju tersebut
dikehendaki untuk membina jalan raya baharu supaya
tidak bersilang dengan jalan raya yang sedia ada. Tentukan x
persamaan bagi jalan raya baharu itu. G(2, –3)

Gradient of the existing road H(12, k)

2y = 3x – 4
3 Find/Cari
y= x–2 (a) the equation of the straight line GH,
2 persamaan garis lurus GH,
So, m1 = (b) the value of k.
2 nilai k.
The new road must be parallel to the existing
road, so that both roads do not intersect. 4 – 6 –2 1
mEF= = =–
3 7–3 4 2
So, m2 =
2 Given EF//GH
The equation of the new road: 1
So, mGH= mEF = –
y = m2x + c 2
3 (a) The equation of the straight line GH,
(5) = 1 2
(–2) + c 1
5 = –3 + c
1 2
y – (–3) = – (x – 2)
c=8 1
y + 3 = – x + 1
3 2
So, y = x + 8 or 2y = 3x + 16
2 1
y = – x – 2
(b) When x = 12, y = k
k = – (12) – 2 = –8


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 112 05/12/2019 8:24:19 PM

3 In the diagram below, E is the point of 4 It is given that a straight line has equation
intersection of two perpendicular lines. If the y = 2x + 6 and a point P(12, 10). Find the coordinates
equation of straight line OE is y = 3x, find the of Q such that Q is on the straight line y = 2x + 6
values of h and k. and PQ is the shortest distance. HOTS Applying
Dalam rajah di bawah, E ialah titik persilangan bagi dua Diberi bahawa satu garis lurus mempunyai persamaan
garis yang berserenjang. Jika persamaan garis lurus OE y = 2x + 6 dan titik P(12, 10). Cari koordinat Q dengan
ialah y = 3x, cari nilai h dan k. keadaan Q berada pada garis lurus y = 2x + 6 dan PQ ialah
y jarak terdekat.

PQ is the shortest distance, hence PQ is

E(4, h) • perpendicular to the straight line y = 2x + 6.
• G(7, k) The gradient of the straight line y = 2x + 6 is 2.
Let the gradient of PQ = m2.
O x Hence, (2)(m2) = –1 perpendicular PAK-21

m2 = –
The equation of OE is y = 3x. 2
The gradient of straight line OE is m1. The equation of PQ,
m1 = 3
h–0 h y − y1 = m2(x − x1), P(12, 10)
m1 = = 1
4–0 4 y − 10 = – (x – 12)
h 2
Hence, = 3 2y − 20 = –x + 12
x + 2y = 32
h = 12
The gradient of EG is m2.
y = 2x + 6  1
k–h k–h
m2 = = x + 2y = 32  2
7–4 3
From 2 , x = 32 − 2y
m1m2 = –1 Substitute x into 1 ,
k–h y = 2(32 − 2y) + 6
3 
= –1
y = 64 – 4y + 6
k – h = –1 5y = 70
k – (12) = –1 y = 14
k = 11 From 1 ,
∴ h = 12, k = 11 14 = 2x + 6
2x = 8
Hence, Q = (4, 14)

7.3 Areas of Polygons / Luas Poligon

Smart Tip QR CODE

Area of a triangle/Luas segi tiga

1 x1 x2 x3 x1 y
2 y1 y2 y3 y1 
Scan or visit
1 A(x1, y1) https://www.
= 2 (x1y2 + x2y3 + x3y1) − (y1x2 + y2x3 + y3x1)
or/atau html to learn
1 x1 x2 x3 x1 the alternative
2 y1 y2 y3 y1  B(x2, y2) C(x3, y3) methods in
area of a triangle
1 x
= 2 (x1y2 + x2y3 + x3y1) − (x1y3 + x3y2 + x2y1) O with given


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 113 05/12/2019 8:24:20 PM

Exercise 10 Find the area of each of the following triangles with the given vertices.
Cari luas bagi setiap segi tiga berikut dengan bucu-bucu yang diberi.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang geometri koordinat untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 9 1 E(0, 1), F(2, 3), G(4, –1)

E(2, 3), F(5, 4), G(3, –6) 1 0 2 4 0
Area =   
2 1 3 –1 1 
= [(0)(3) + (2)(–1) + (4)(1)]
1 2 5 3 2 2
Area/Luas =   
2 3 4 –6 3  − [(1)(2) + (3)(4) + (–1)(0)]
1 =  (2) − (14)
= [(2)(4) + (5)(–6) + (3)(3)] 2
2 1
= (–12)
− [(3)(5) + (4)(3) + (–6)(2)] 2
= 6
=  [8 + (–30) + 9] − [15 + 12 + (–12)] The area of triangle EFG is 6 units2.
=  (–13) − (15)
= (–28)
= –14
2 E(–2, 0), F(–1, 3), G(4, –2)
= 14
1 –2 –1 4 –2
The area of triangle EFG is 14 units2.
Luas segi tiga EFG ialah 14 unit . 2
Area =   
2 0 3 –2 0 
=  [(–2)(3) + (–1)(–2) + (4)(0)]
  − [(0)(–1) + (3)(4) + (–2)(–2)]
Smart Tip 1
=  (–4) − (16)
The notation of modulus (or absolute value), 2
   , is the non-negative value of a number 1
=  (–20)
regardless of its sign. 2
Tatatanda modulus (atau nilai mutlak),    , ialah nilai = 10
bukan negatif bagi suatu nombor tanpa mengambil kira
The area of triangle EFG is 10 units2.
∴ -x = x

Smart Tip
Area of a quadrilateral/Luas sisi empat
1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x1
2 1 y 2
y 3
y 4
y1  y

1 A(x1, y1)
= 2 (x1y2 + x2y3 + x3y4 + x4y1 − (y1x2 + y2x3 + y3x4 + y4x1)
  B(x2, y2)

1 If the vertices are arranged in the anticlockwise order, the
answer is positive.
Jika bucu-bucu disusun mengikut tertib arah lawan jam, jawapan yang
diperoleh adalah positif. O
2 If the vertices are arranged in the clockwise order, the answer is D(x4, y4)
negative. C(x3, y3)
Jika bucu-bucu disusun mengikut tertib arah jam, jawapan yang diperoleh
adalah negatif.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 114 05/12/2019 8:24:22 PM

Exercise 11 Find the area of each of the following quadrilaterals with the given vertices.
Cari luas bagi setiap sisi empat berikut dengan bucu-bucu yang diberi.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang geometri koordinat untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 10
P(2, 0), Q(7, 1), R(5, 9), S(–1, 4)

1 2 7 5 –1 2
Area/Luas =  
2 0 1 9 4 0 
= [(2)(1) + (7)(9) + (5)(4) + (–1)(0)] − [(0)(7) + (1)(5) + (9)(–1) + (4)(2)]
=  [2 + 63 + 20 + 0] − [0 + 5 – 9 + 8]
=  (85) − (4)
= 81
= 40.5

The area of quadrilateral PQRS is 40.5 units2.

Luas sisi empat PQRS ialah 40.5 unit2.

1 A(3, 6), B(7, 8), C(6, 0), D(1, 2) 2 A(–1, 4), B(5, 3), C(6, –1), D(0, 4)

1 3 7 6 1 3 1 –1 5 6 0 –1
Area =   
2 6 8 0 2 6  Area =   
2 4 3 –1 4 4 
1 1
= [(3)(8) + (7)(0) + (6)(2) + (1)(6)] = [(–1)(3) + (5)(–1) + (6)(4) + (0)(4)]
2 2
− [(6)(7) + (8)(6) + (0)(1) + (2)(3)] − [(4)(5) + (3)(6) + (–1)(0) + (4)(–1)]
1 1
=  [24 + 0 + 12 + 6] – [42 + 48 + 0 + 6] =  [–3 + (–5) + 24 + 0] – [20 + 18 + 0 – 4]
2 2
1 1
=  (42) – (96) =  (16) – (34)
2 2
1 1
= (–54) = (–18)
2 2
= 27 =9

The area of quadrilateral ABCD is 27 units2. The area of quadrilateral ABCD is 9 units2.

3 E(–1, 2), F(6, 3), G(3, 2), H(1, –4) 4 E(–2, 1), F(5, 4), G(4, –1), H(2, –3)

1 –1 6 3 1 –1 1 –2 5 4 2 –2

Area =   2 3 2 –4 2
2  
Area =   1 4 –1 –3 1
2 
1 1
=  [(–1)(3) + (6)(2) + (3)(–4) + (1)(2)] =  [(–2)(4) + (5)(–1) + (4)(–3) + (2)(1)]
2 2
− [(2)(6) + (3)(3) + (2)(1) + (–4)(–1)] – [(1)(5) + (4)(4) + (–1)(2) + (–3)(–2)]
1 1
=  (–1) − (27)
=  (–23) − (25)
1 1
=  (–28)
=  (–48)
= 14 = 24
The area of quadrilateral EFGH is 14 units2. The area of quadrilateral EFGH is 24 units2.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 115 05/12/2019 8:24:22 PM

Smart Tip
Area of a polygon/Luas poligon
1 x1 x2 x3 x4 xn x1
= 2 y1 y2 y3 y4 yn y1 

1 If the vertices are arranged in the anticlockwise order, the answer is positive.
Jika bucu-bucu disusun mengikut tertib arah lawan jam, jawapan yang diperoleh adalah positif.
2 If the vertices are arranged in the clockwise order, the answer is negative.
Jika bucu-bucu disusun mengikut tertib arah jam, jawapan yang diperoleh adalah negatif.

Exercise 12 Find the area of the following polygons.

Cari luas bagi poligon berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang geometri koordinat untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 11
A(1, 0), B(2, –1), C(3, 6), D(0, 3), E(–3, 4)


1 1 2 3 0 –3 1
Area/Luas =  
2 0  –1 6 3 4 0 
= [(1)(–1) + (2)(6) + (3)(3) + (0)(4) + (–3)(0)] – [(0)(2) + (–1)(3) + (6)(0) + (3)(–3) + (4)(1)]
=  [–1 + 12 + 9 + 0 + 0] – [0 – 3 + 0 – 9 + 4]
=  (20) − (–8)
= 28
= 14

The area of polygon ABCDE is 14 units2.

Luas poligon ABCDE ialah 14 unit2.

1 P(–2, –1), Q(1, 0), R(2, 5), S(1, 4), T(0, 6) 2 P(0, 6), Q(2, 7), R(3, 5), S(4, 0), T(3, –1)

1 –2 1 2 1 0 –2 1 0 2 3 4 3 0

Area =   –1 0 5 4 6 –1
2  
Area =   6 7 5 0 –1 6
2 
1 1
=  [(–2)(0) + (1)(5) + (2)(4) + (1)(6) + (0)(–1)] =  [(0)(7) + (2)(5) + (3)(0) + (4)(–1) + (3)(6)]
2 2
− [(–1)(1) + (0)(2) + (5)(1) + (4)(0) + (6)(–2)] – [(6)(2) + (7)(3) + (5)(4) + (0)(3) +(–1)(0)]
1 1
 [0 + 5 + 8 + 6 + 0] – [–1 + 0 + 5 + 0 – 12]
= =  [0 + 10 + 0 + (–4) + 18] – [12 + 21 + 20 + 0 + 0]
1 1
 (19) – (–8)
= =  (24) – (53)
1 1
= =  (–29)
= 13.5 = 14.5

The area of polygon PQRST is 13.5 units2 The area of polygon PQRST is 14.5 units2


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 116 05/12/2019 8:24:23 PM

Exercise 13 Solve each of the following.
Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang geometri koordinat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

Example 12
In the diagram below, the shaded region represents a newly cleared campsite.
Dalam rajah di bawah, rantau berlorek mewakili kawasan tapak perkhemahan yang baru dibersihkan.
N(–7, 6) (5 m)

P(3, 4)

M(–5, 2)

O (5 m)

Calculate the area, in m2, of the campsite.

Hitung luas, dalam m2, kawasan tapak perkhemahan itu.

1 0 3 –7 –5 0
Area/Luas =   
2 0 4 6 2 0 
= [(0)(4) + (3)(6) + (–7)(2) + (–5)(0)] – [(0)(3) + (4)(–7) + (6)(–5) + (2)(0)]
=  [0 + 18 – 14 + 0] – [0 – 28 – 30 + 0]
=  (4) – (–58)
= 62
= 31
The area of quadrilateral OMPN is (31 × 5 × 5) m2 = 775 m2.
Luas sisi empat OMPN ialah (31 × 5 × 5) m2 = 775 m2.

1 The diagram below shows the region of an orchard that belongs to Lokman.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan kawasan dusun milik Lokman.
A(4, 8)
B(–3, 6)

O D(8, 0)

C(0, –4)

Calculate the area, in units2, of the orchard.

Hitung luas, dalam unit2, dusun itu.
1 4 –3 0 8 4

Area =   8 6 –4 0 8
2 
=  [(4)(6) + (–3)(–4) + (0)(0) + (8)(8)] – [(8)(–3) + (6)(0) + (–4)(8) + (0)(4)]
=  [24 + 12 + 0 + 64] – [–24 + 0 – 32 + 0]
=  (100) – (–56)
2  
=  156
= 78
The area of the orchard is 78 units2.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 117 05/12/2019 8:24:24 PM

2 Determine whether the points (–2, 7), (1, 4), (7, –2) are collinear or not.
Tentukan sama ada titik-titik (–2, 7), (1, 4), (7, –2) adalah segaris atau tidak.

1 –2 1 7 –2

Area =   7 4 –2 7
2 
=  [(–2)(4) + (1)(–2) + (7)(7)] – [(7)(1) + (4)(7) + (–2)(–2)]
=  [–8 + (–2) + 49] – [7 + 28 + 4]
=  (39) – (39)
= 0
The points (–2, 7), (1, 4), (7, –2) are collinear.

3 Show that the points (–1, –7), (0, –6), (8, 2), (9, 3), (2, –4) are collinear.
Tunjukkan bahawa titik-titik (–1, –7), (0, –6), (8, 2), (9, 3), (2, –4) adalah segaris.

1 –1 0 8 9 2 –1

Area =   –7 –6 2 3 –4 –7
2 
=  [(–1)(–6) + (0)(2) + (8)(3) + (9)(–4) + (2)(–7)] – [(–7)(0) + (–6)(8) + (2)(9) + (3)(2) +(–4)(–1)]
=  [6 + 0 + 24 + (–36) + (-14)] – [0 + (–48) + 18 + 6 + 4]
=  (–20) – (–20)
=  –20 + 20
= 0
The points (–1, –7), (0, –6), (8, 2), (9, 3), (2, –4) are collinear.

7.4 Equations of Loci / Persamaan Lokus

Smart Tip
The equation of the locus of point A(x , y) which moves such that its distance is d units from a A(x, y)
fixed point B(x1 , y1): d
Persamaan lokus bagi titik A(x , y) yang bergerak dengan keadaan jaraknya ialah d unit dari satu titik tetap B(x1 , y1):

(x – x1)2 + (y − y1)2 = d2 B(x1, y1)

Exercise 14 Find the equation of the locus of point L(x, y) which moves such that its distance is d units
from a fixed point P.
Cari persamaan lokus bagi titik L(x, y) yang bergerak dengan keadaan jaraknya ialah d unit dari satu titik
tetap P.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang geometri koordinat untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 13 1 P(0, 2); d = 3 units/unit

P(3, –4); d = 7 units/unit PL = 3

Solution L(x, y) (x − 0)2 + (y − 2)2 = 32
PL = 7
• x2 + (y − 2)2 = 32
(x – x1)2 + (y – y1)2 = d2 x2 + y2 − 4y + 4 − 9 = 0
7 units x2 + y2 − 4y − 5 = 0
(x – 3)2 + (y – (–4))2 = 72

(x – 3)2 + (y + 4)2 = 49 P(3, –4)
x2 – 6x + 9 + y2 + 8y + 16 = 49
x2 + y2 – 6x + 8y – 24 = 0


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2 P(–5, 0); d = 2 units/unit 3 P(–3, 6); d = 5 units/unit

PL = 2 PL = 5
[x – (–5)]2 + (y – 0)2 = 22 [x – (–3)]2 + (y – 6)2 = 52
(x + 5)2 + (y)2 = 22 (x + 3)2 + (y – 6)2 = 52
x2 + 10x + 25 + y2 – 4 = 0 x2 + 6x + 9 + y2 – 12y + 36 = 25
x2 + y2 + 10x + 21 = 0 x2 + y2 + 6x – 12y + 20 = 0

L(x, y) PL = 6 5 PL = 4
• [x – (–2)]2 + [y – (–8)]2 = 62 (x – 3)2 + (y – 7)2 = 42
(x + 2)2 + (y + 8)2 = 62 x2 – 6x + 9 + y2 – 14y + 49 = 16
6 units P(3, 7)
x + 4x + 4 + y2 + 16y + 64 = 36
4 units
• 2
+ y2 – 6x – 14y + 42 = 0
• x2 + y2 + 4x + 16y + 32 = 0
P(–2, –8)

L(x, y)

Smart Tip
The equation of the locus of point A(x, y) which moves such that its distance from point A(x, y)
P(x1 , y1) and point Q(x2 , y2) are in the ratio of m : n
Persamaan lokus bagi titik A(x , y) yang bergerak dengan keadaan jaraknya dari titik P(x1 , y1) dan titik Q(x2 , y2)
adalah dalam nisbah m : n
(x – x1)2 + (y – y1)2 m P(x1, y1) Q(x2, y2)
=   or/atau  n(x – x1)2 + (y – y1)2 = m(x – x2)2 + (y – y2)2
(x – x2)2 + (y – y2)2 n

Exercise 15 Find the equation of the following loci.

Cari persamaan lokus berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang geometri koordinat untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 14
Given A(2, –3) and B(–1, 2). P(x, y) is a moving point
such that AP : PB = 2 : 3. Find the equation of locus P. Smart Tip
Diberi A(2, –3) dan B(–1, 2). P(x, y) ialah satu titik yang
bergerak dengan keadaan AP : PB = 2 : 3. Cari persamaan lokus P. If the locus of point P is equidistant (m : n = 1 : 1)
from two fixed points, A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2), AB, the
Solution locus is the perpendicular bisector of the line AB.
AP 2 Jika lokus titik P adalah sama jarak (m : n = 1 : 1) dari dua titik
PB 3 tetap, A(x1, y1) dan B(x2, y2), AB, lokus itu ialah pembahagi dua
3AP = 2PB sama serenjang bagi garis AB.
Locus P
3(x − 2)2 + [y − (–3)]2 = 2[x − (–1)]2 + (y – 2)2 Lokus P
9[(x − 2)2 + (y + 3)2] = 4[(x + 1)2 + (y − 2)2]

9(x2 − 4x + 4 + y2 + 6y + 9) = 4(x2 + 2x + 1 + y2 − 4y + 4) (x – x1)2 + (y – y1)2 = (x – x2)2 + (y – y2)2 A B
9(x2 − 4x + y2 + 6y + 13) = 4(x2 + 2x + y2 − 4y + 5) (x – x1)2 + (y – y1)2 = (x – x2)2 + (y – y2)2
9x2 − 36x + 9y2 + 54y + 117 = 4x2 + 8x + 4y2 − 16y + 20
5x2 + 5y2 − 44x + 70y + 97 = 0


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 119 05/12/2019 8:24:26 PM

1 Given A(–1, 2) and B(3, 4). P(x, y) is a moving 2 Given A(2, –1) and B(–1, 3). P(x, y) is a moving
point such that AP : PB = 1 : 2. Find the equation point such that AP : PB = 2 : 1. Find the equation
of locus P. of locus P.
Diberi A(–1, 2) dan B(3, 4). P(x, y) ialah satu titik yang bergerak Diberi A(2, –1) dan B(–1, 3). P(x, y) ialah satu titik yang bergerak
dengan keadaan AP : PB = 1 : 2. Cari persamaan lokus P. dengan keadaan AP : PB = 2 : 1. Cari persamaan lokus P.
AP 1 AP 2
= =
PB 2 PB 1
2AP = PB AP = 2PB
2A(x − (–1))2 + (y − 2)2 = A(x – 3)2 + (y − 4)2 A(x − 2)2 + [y − (–1)]2 = 2A[x − (–1)]2 + (y − 3)2
4[(x + 1)2 + (y − 2)2] = (x − 3)2 + (y − 4)2 (x − 2)2 + (y + 1)2 = 4[(x + 1)2 + (y − 3)2]
4(x2 + 2x + 1 + y2 − 4y + 4) = x2 − 6x + 9 + y2 – 8y + 16 x2 − 4x + 4 + y2 + 2y + 1 = 4(x2 + 2x + 1 + y2 − 6y + 9)
4(x2 + 2x + y2 − 4y + 5) = x2 − 6x + y2 − 8y + 25 x2 − 4x + y2 + 2y + 5 = 4(x2 + 2x + y2 − 6y + 10)
4x2 + 8x + 4y2 − 16y + 20 = x2 – 6x + y2 − 8y + 25 x2 − 4x + y2 + 2y + 5 = 4x2 + 8x + 4y2 − 24y + 40
3x2 + 3y2 + 14x − 8y − 5 = 0 0 = 3x2 + 12x + 3y2 − 26y + 35
3x2 + 3y2 + 12x − 26y + 35 = 0
3 Given A(–2, –1) and B(3, 2). P(x, y) is a moving 4 A point P(x, y) moves such that it is always
point such that AP : PB = 2 : 3. Find the equation equidistant from two fixed points, A(7, 7) and
of locus P. B(–4, 0). Find the equation of locus P.
Diberi A(–2, –1) dan B(3, 2). P(x, y) ialah satu titik yang bergerak Titik P(x, y) bergerak dengan keadaan sentiasa berjarak
dengan keadaan AP : PB = 2 : 3. Cari persamaan lokus P. sama dari dua titik tetap, A(7, 7) dan B(–4, 0). Cari
AP 2 persamaan lokus P.
= AP = PB
PB 3
3AP = 2PB (x − x1)2 + (y − y1)2 = (x − x2)2 + (y − y2)2
(x − 7)2 + (y − 7)2 = [x − (–4)]2 + (y − 0)2
3A[x − (–2)]2 + [y − (–1)]2 = 2A(x − 3)2 + (y − 2)2 x2 − 14x + 49 + y2 − 14y + 49 = x2 + 8x + 16 + y2
9[(x + 2)2 + (y + 1)2] = 4[(x − 3)2 + (y − 2)2] 22x + 14y − 82 = 0 (÷2)
9(x2 + 4x + 4 + y2 + 2y + 1) = 4(x2 − 6x + 9 + y2 − 4y + 4) 11x + 7y − 41 = 0
9(x2 + 4x + y2 + 2y + 5) = 4(x2 − 6x + y2 − 4y + 13)
9x2 + 36x + 9y2 + 18y + 45 = 4x2 − 24x + 4y2 − 16y + 52
5x2 + 5y2 + 60x + 34y − 7 = 0

Exercise 16 Solve each of the following.

Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang geometri koordinat untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 15 1 Determine whether the locus x2 + y2 − 3x + 4y − 9

= 0 passes through the x-axis or not.
Determine whether the locus x2 + y2 + 2x + 3y – 12 Tentukan sama ada lokus x2 + y2 – 3x + 4y – 9 = 0 melalui
= 0 passes through the x-axis or not. paksi-x atau tidak.
Tentukan sama ada lokus x2 + y2 + 2x + 3y – 12 = 0
melalui paksi-x atau tidak. On the x–axis, y = 0
Solution x2 + (0)2 – 3x + 4(0) – 9 = 0
On the x-axis, y = 0 x2 – 3x – 9 = 0
Pada paksi-x, y = 0 b2 – 4ac = (–3)2 – 4(1)(–9)
x2 + (0)2 + 2x + 3(0) – 12 = 0 = 45
x2 + 2x – 12 = 0 45 > 0
a = 1,  b = 2,  c = –12
b2 – 4ac = (2)2 – 4(1)(–12) = 52 > 0 The locus passes through the x-axis.
The locus passes through the x–axis.
Lokus itu melalui paksi–x.

Smart Tip
b2 – 4ac > 0
(locus passes through the x-axis/y-axis)
b2 – 4ac > 0
(lokus melalui paksi-x/paksi-y)
b2 – 4ac < 0
(locus does not pass through the x-axis/y-axis)
b2 – 4ac < 0
(lokus tidak melalui paksi-x/paksi-y)


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 120 05/12/2019 8:24:27 PM

2 Determine whether the locus 2x2 + 2y2 – 5x + 6y 3 Determine whether the locus x2 + y2 + 4x – 7y + 12
+ 13 = 0 cuts the y-axis or not. = 0 intersects with the straight line y = –x + 1 or not.
Tentukan sama ada lokus 2x2 + 2y2 – 5x + 6y + 13 = 0 Tentukan sama ada lokus x2 + y2 + 4x – 7y + 12 = 0
memotong paksi-y atau tidak.. bersilang dengan garis lurus y = –x + 1 atau tidak.

On the y-axis, x = 0 On the line y = –x + 1,

2(0)2 + 2y2 – 5(0) + 6y + 13 = 0 x2 + (–x + 1)2 + 4x – 7(–x + 1) + 12 = 0
2y2 + 6y + 13 = 0 x2 + x2 – 2x + 1 + 4x + 7x – 7 + 12 = 0
b2 – 4ac = (6)2 – 4(2)(13) 2x2 + 9x + 6 = 0
= –68 b2 – 4ac = (9)2 – 4(2)(6)
–68 < 0 = 33
33 > 0
The locus does not cut the y-axis.
The locus intersects with the straight line
y = –x + 1.

Exercise 17 Solve each of the following.

Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang geometri koordinat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

1 The diagram shows part of the plan of a park drawn on a Cartesian

plane. H is a point on PQ such that PH : HQ = 4 : 1. A straight
walkway perpendicular to PQ will be built through point H. Find the Hut P/Pondok P
equation of the walkway. Hence, determine whether the flag pole R (–120, 30) •
should be moved to another place or not. HOTS Applying O
Rajah menunjukkan sebahagian daripada pelan kawasan sebuah taman yang dilukis • Flag pole R
pada satah Cartes. H ialah satu titik pada PQ dengan keadaan PH : HQ = 4 : 1. Satu Hut Q/Pondok Q Tiang bendera R
(–20, –100) • (25, –24)
laluan pejalan kaki lurus yang berserenjang dengan PQ akan dibina melalui titik H.
Cari persamaan laluan pejalan kaki itu. Seterusnya, tentukan sama ada tiang bendera
R harus dipindahkan ke tempat lain atau tidak.

nx1 + mx2 ny1 + my2 The equation of the If x = 25, R(25, –24)
H= ,  walkway, 13y = 10(25) − 562
m+n m+n
1(–120) + 4(–20) 1(30) + 4(–100) 10 13y = –312
 =  ,  y – (–74) = [x – (–40)] y = –24
4+1 4+1 13
The flag pole R is on the
 = (–40, –74) 13(y + 74) = 10(x + 40)
walkway and should be
13y + 962 = 10x + 400
Gradient of PQ, moved to another place.
 13y = 10x – 562
–100 – 30 13
mPQ = =–
–20 – (–120) 10
Let the gradient of walkway = m2
mPQ × m2 = –1
m2 =


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 121 05/12/2019 8:24:27 PM

2 The diagram shows a part of camp sites, A, B and C drawn on a y
Camp B/Kem B
Cartesian plane. A watchtower will be built such that equidistant (300, 500)
from both Camp A and Camp B and nearest to Camp C. Find the Camp A/Kem A •
coordinates of the watchtower. HOTS Applying (–600, 200) •
Rajah menunjukkan sebahagian kawasan perkhemahan, A, B dan C yang dilukis x
pada satah Cartes. Sebuah menara pemerhati akan dibina dengan keadaan berjarak
• Camp C/Kem C
sama dari Kem A dan Kem B serta paling dekat dengan Kem C. Cari koordinat (500, –600)
menara pemerhati itu.

–600 + 300 200 + 500 y − 350 = –3x − 450 Solve

Midpoint AB =  ,  3x + y = –100 3x + y = –100  1
2 2
= (–150, 350) x − 3y = 2 300  2
Let Q = the watchtower and
500 − 200 perpendicular to 9x + 3y = –300  1 ×3
Gradient AB = x − 3y = 2 300  2 (+)
300 − (–600) 3x + y = –100.
300 1 10x = 2 000
= = Hence, the gradient of
900 3 x = 200
Hence, the gradient that perpendicular QC = From 1 , y = –100 − 3(200)
to AB is –3. The equation of the locus   = –700
Equation of QC is
that is equidistant from A and B: Q = (200, –700)
1 ∴The coordinates of the
y − y1 = m2(x − x1) y − (–600) = (x − 500)
y − 350 = –3[x − (–150)] 3 watchtower are (200, –700)
3(y + 600) = 1(x − 500)
3y + 1 800 = x − 500
x − 3y = 2 300

Review 7
Paper 1 Questions
 1 The following information refers to the equation pada satah Cartes, dengan keadaan E dan F terletak di
SPM of two straight lines, PQ and RS. sebelah tebing sungai yang sama.
`18 Maklumat berikut adalah merujuk kepada persamaan dua y
garis lurus, PQ dan RS.
F(8, 6)
PQ: y = 4ax – 6
x y E(–1, 3)
RS: + =1
6b 8
where a and b are constants. O
dengan keadaan a dan b ialah pemalar.
G(4, –2)
Given the straight lines PQ and RS are
perpendicular to each other. Express a in terms of Diagram 1/ Rajah 1
b. Khalid wants to cross the river from tent G to
Diberi garis lurus PQ dan RS adalah berserenjang antara the opposite riverbank where the tents E and F
satu sama lain. Ungkapkan a dalam sebutan b. are located. Find the shortest distance, in m, that
[3 marks/markah] he can take to cross the river. Give your answer
correct to three decimal places.
 2 Diagram 1 shows the position of three tents, E, Khalid hendak menyeberangi sungai dari khemah G ke tebing
F and G near a riverbank drawn on a Cartesian sungai bertentangan di mana khemah E dan F terletak.
plane, such that E and F lie on the same side of Cari jarak terpendek, dalam m, yang dia boleh lalui untuk
the riverbank. menyeberangi sungai itu. Beri jawapan anda betul kepada
Rajah 1 menunjukkan kedudukan bagi tiga buah khemah, E, tiga tempat perpuluhan.
F dan G berhampiran tebing sebatang sungai yang dilukis [4 marks/markah]


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 122 05/12/2019 8:24:28 PM

 3 A straight line passes through K(5, 3) and L(15, 8). (a) State the value of p.
SPM The point N divides the line segment KL such that Nyatakan nilai p.
`17 2KL = 5NL. Find the coordinates of N. (b) Find the coordinates of H.
Satu garis lurus melalui K(5, 3) dan L(15, 8). Titik N Cari koordinat H.
membahagi tembereng garis KL dengan keadaan 2KL = 5NL. [3 marks/markah]
Cari koordinat N.
[3 marks/markah]  6 The straight line y = –3x + 12 is parallel to the
SPM straight line y = (h + 4)x + 9, where h is a constant.
 4 The straight line 4y = 2x + p + 8 intersects the CLONE
`14 Determine the value of h.
SPM y-axis at (0, 3q), where p and q are constants. P1Q13
Garis lurus y = –3x + 12 adalah selari dengan garis lurus
`16 Express p in terms of q. y = (h + 4)x + 9, dengan keadaan h ialah pemalar.
Garis lurus 4y = 2x + p + 8 bersilang dengan paksi-y pada Tentukan nilai h.
(0, 3q), dengan keadaan p dan q ialah pemalar. Ungkapkan p [2 marks/markah]
dalam sebutan q.
[2 marks/markah]  7 Diagram 3 shows a straight line FH on a Cartesian
 5 Diagram 2 shows two straight lines on a Cartesian plane.
SPM plane.
Rajah 3 menunjukkan garis lurus FH pada satah Cartes.
`16 Rajah 2 menunjukkan dua garis lurus pada satah Cartes. y
y = 2x + 6
F(p, 5)

G(6, q)
x O H(8, 0)

H Diagram 3/ Rajah 3
y = px − 4 Point G lies on the straight line FH such that FG :
GH = 4 : 1. Find the values of p and q.
Diagram 2/ Rajah 2
Titik G terletak pada garis lurus FH dengan keadaan FG :
Both straight lines are perpendicular to each other. GH = 4 : 1. Cari nilai p dan q.
Kedua-dua garis lurus itu adalah berserenjang antara satu [3 marks/markah]
sama lain.

Paper 2 Questions

 1 Diagram 1 shows a triangle OFG.

SPM Rajah 1 menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga OFG.
P2Q3 y

F(–7, 9)

G(p, 3)


Diagram 1/ Rajah 1
(a) Given the area of the triangle OFG is 33 units2, find the value of p.
Diberi luas segi tiga OFG ialah 33 unit2, cari nilai p.
[2 marks/markah]
(b) Point H(1, 5) lies on the straight line FG.
Titik H(1, 5) terletak pada garis lurus FG.
(i) Find FH : HG.
Cari FH : HG.
(ii) Point L moves such that LG = 2LH.
Find the equation of locus L.
Titik L bergerak dengan keadaan LG = 2LH.
Cari persamaan lokus L.
[4 marks/markah]


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 123 05/12/2019 8:24:29 PM

 2 Diagram 2 shows the location of town G and town H on a Cartesian plane.
SPM Rajah 2 menunjukkan kedudukan bandar G dan bandar H pada satah Cartes.
P2Q5 y
Town G
Bandar G
(–5, 2)


Town H
Bandar H
(7, –4)

Diagram 2/ Rajah 2
KL is a straight road such that the distance from town G and town H to any point on the road is always equal.
KL ialah sebuah jalan raya lurus dengan keadaan jarak dari bandar G dan bandar H ke mana−mana titik pada jalan raya adalah
sentiasa sama.
(a) Find the equation of KL.
Cari persamaan bagi KL.
[3 marks/markah]
(b) Another straight road, PQ with the equation y = 3x − 7 is to be built.
Sebuah jalan raya lurus yang lain, PQ dengan persamaan y = 3x − 7 akan dibina.
(i) A traffic light is to be installed at the crossroads of the two roads. Find the coordinates of the traffic
Sebuah lampu isyarat akan dipasang di persimpangan kedua-dua jalan raya itu. Cari koordinat bagi lampu isyarat itu.
(ii) Which road passes through town T 1 3 , −52?
Jalan yang manakah melalui bandar T 1 3 , −52?
[4 marks/markah]

 3 Diagram 3 shows a quadrilateral DEFG. The equation of the straight line DE is y = 2x + 5.

SPM Rajah 3 menunjukkan sebuah sisi empat DEFG. Persamaan bagi garis lurus DE ialah y = 2x + 5.
P2Q9 y E

F(7, 7)
y = 2x + 5

D(–1, 1)

Diagram 3/ Rajah 3
(a) the equation of the straight line GF,
persamaan garis lurus GF,
[2 marks/markah]
(b) the equation of the straight line DG,
persamaan garis lurus DG,
[3 marks/markah]
(c) the coordinates of G,
koordinat G,
[2 marks/markah]
(d) the area, in unit2, of the quadrilateral DEFG.
luas, dalam unit2, sisi empat DEFG.
[3 marks/markah]


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 124 05/12/2019 8:24:31 PM

H O TS Zo n e
 1 Diagram 1 shows the position of two squirrels, F and G.
SPM Rajah 1 menunjukkan kedudukan dua ekor tupai, F dan G.

Squirrel G
Tupai G 
Squirrel F
Tupai F 

Diagram 1/ Rajah 1
The coordinates of squirrel F and squirrel G are (–5, 4) and (11, 12) respectively. Both squirrels move towards
each other on a straight line at different speeds. The speed of squirrel F is three times the speed of squirrel G.
Find the distance of squirrel F from its initial position when it meets squirrel G. HOTS Applying
Koordinat bagi tupai F dan tupai G masing-masing ialah (–5, 4) dan (11, 12). Kedua-dua tupai itu bergerak ke arah satu sama
lain pada suatu garis lurus dengan laju yang berbeza. Laju bagi tupai F ialah tiga kali ganda laju tupai G. Cari jarak tupai F dari
kedudukan awalnya apabila tupai F bertemu dengan tupai G.

 2 Diagram 2 shows a campsite OMNP that had been cleared by a group of scouts. Points F, G and H are centre
SPM of the tents, M, N and P, respectively. F, G and H are collinear.
`15 Rajah 2 menunjukkan sebuah tapak perkhemahan OMNP yang telah dibersihkan oleh sekumpulan pengakap. Titik-titik F, G dan H
masing-masing ialah pusat khemah M, N dan P. F, G dan H adalah segaris.

N(10, 14)

H(11, 8)

G(2, 5)
M(–5, 3) F P(15, 1)


Diagram 2/ Rajah 2
Given the distance of point H is three times from point G and four times from point F.
Diberi jarak titik H ialah tiga kali ganda dari titik G dan empat kali ganda dari titik F.
(a) Find/Cari,
(i) the area, in units2, of the campsite OMNP,
luas, dalam unit2, tapak perkhemahan OMNP,
(ii) the coordinates of F.
koordinat bagi F.
(b) A scout spread sulphur powder around tent H such that the distance of the sulphur powder track from
the centre of H is always 3 m. Find the equation of the track of the sulphur powder. HOTS Applying
Seorang pengakap menabur serbuk belerang mengelilingi khemah H dengan keadaan jarak serbuk belerang dari pusat khemah
H ialah sentiasa 3 m. Cari persamaan laluan serbuk belerang itu.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C7 4th.indd 125 05/12/2019 8:24:32 PM

Chapter Learning Area: Geometry

8 Vectors

8.1 Vectors / Vektor

Smart Tip
Scalar quantity is a quantity that has magnitude only.
Kuantiti skalar ialah suatu kuantiti yang hanya mempunyai magnitud.
Vector quantity is a quantity that has magnitude and direction.
Kuantiti vektor ialah kuantiti yang mempunyai magnitud dan arah.

Exercise 1 Identify whether the quantity given is a scalar quantity or a vector quantity.
Kenal pasti sama ada kuantiti yang diberi ialah kuantiti skalar atau kuantiti vektor.
TP 1 Mempamerkan pengetahuan asas tentang vektor.

Quantity Scalar quantity Vector quantity

Kuantiti Kuantiti skalar Kuantiti vektor

Example 1
Distance and displacement Distance Displacement
Jarak dan sesaran Jarak Sesaran

1 Velocity and speed

Speed Velocity
Halaju dan laju

2 Force and mass

Mass Force
Daya dan jisim

3 Acceleration and volume

Volume Acceleration
Pecutan dan isi padu

4 Speed and momentum

Speed Momentum
Laju and momentum

5 Work and weight

Work Weight
Kerja dan berat

Smart Tip
1 A vector can be represented by a directed line segment. An arrow shows the direction of the vector from the initial
point to the terminal point and the length of the line represents the magnitude of the vector.
Suatu vektor boleh diwakilkan menggunakan tembereng garis berarah. Anak panah menunjukkan arah vektor dari titik awal ke titik terminal
dan panjang garis mewakili magnitud vektor.

Terminal point/Titik terminal

Initial point/Titik awal

a , AB, a, or AB.
2 Vector can be denoted by ~

Vektor boleh ditandakan sebagai a , AB, a, atau AB.
~ →
3 The magnitude of the vector can be denoted by |~ a |, | AB |, | a| , or | AB| .

Magnitud vektor boleh ditandakan sebagai | a |, | AB |, | a|, atau | AB|.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C8 4th.indd 126 05/12/2019 8:30:50 PM

Exercise 2 Find the magnitude of each of the following vectors.
Cari magnitud bagi setiap vektor yang berikut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang vektor.

→ →
Example 2 1 |PQ | 2 |PQ |
→ 1 unit 1 unit
|AD | 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit
D 1 unit P Q

|PQ | = 4 units P

Solution |PQ | = 3 units

|AD | = 62 + 32
= 36 + 9
= 45
= 6.708 units/unit

3 |AB | 4 |a | 5 |v |
1 unit 1 unit 1 unit

1 unit 1 unit
A 1 unit

~ v

→ |a | = 62 + 22 |v | = 122 + 52
|AB | = 32 + 42 = 36 + 4 = 144 + 25
= 9 + 16 = 40 = 169
= 25 = 6.325 units = 13 units
= 5 units

Exercise 3 Draw each of the following vectors.

Lukiskan setiap vektor yang berikut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang vektor.

Example 3 1 u . Draw
The diagram shows the vector ~
Rajah menunjukkan vektor ~
u . Lukiskan
The diagram shows the Smart Tip (a) 2u
~ , (b) −2u
~ , (c) 3u
a . Draw
vector ~ 1 If a is a vector
Rajah menunjukkan vektor ~
a. and k is a scalar,
Lukiskan then magnitude
3 of ka u
~ is k times ~
(a) −a a. a. ~
~ , (b) 2a
~ , (c) 2 ~ Jika a ialah suatu vektor
Solution dan k ialah skalar, (a) (b)
maka magnitud ka
ialah k kali a . (c)
~ 2u –2u
~ 2 If k > 0, then ka ~ ~
is in the same
direction with ~ a. 3u
–a Jika k > 0, maka ka
~ ~
(a) adalah sama dengan
arah a .
2a ~
~ 3 If k < 0, then ka
is in the opposite
direction of ~a.
Jika k < 0, maka ka
adalah bertentangan
(c) 2~ dengan arah a .


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C8 4th.indd 127 05/12/2019 8:30:56 PM

Exercise 4 Solve the following problems.
Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang vektor.

Example 4 1
F ~ G

a B
~ J K



→ Given FG = ~u . State each of the following in
Given AB = ~a . State each of the following in u.
terms of ~
terms of ~ →
→ Diberi FG = ~
u . Nyatakan setiap yang berikut dalam sebutan ~
Diberi AB = ~
a . Nyatakan setiap yang berikut dalam → −→
sebutan ~
a. (a) JK, (b) MN,
→ → → → →
(a) CD, (b)
EF, (c)
PQ. (c) PQ, (d) RS.

Solution → 1
→ (a) JK = ~ u
(a) CD = −a 2
~ −→
→ (b) MN = 2u
(b) EF = 3a ~
→ ~ → 3
(c) PQ = ~ u
(c) PQ = 4a 2
→ 5
(d) RS = − ~ u

2 3



Given PQ = w~. State each of the following in G
terms of w.
~ →
Diberi PQ = w
~. Nyatakan setiap yang berikut dalam →
sebutan w. Given PQ = ~x . State each of the following in
→ ~ → → x.
terms of ~
(a) AB, (b)
CD, (c)
EF. →
Diberi PQ = ~
x . Nyatakan setiap yang berikut dalam sebutan ~
→ →
→ 5 (a) AB, (b)
(a) AB = w → →
2~ (c) EF, (d) GH.
→ 5
(b) CD = − w →
→ 2~ (a) AB = −x
(c) EF = −2w → ~
~ (b) CD = 2x
→ 3~
(c) EF = ~ x

(d) GH = −3x ~


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C8 4th.indd 128 05/12/2019 8:30:58 PM

Smart Tip
u is parallel to the vector ~
1 If vector ~ v , then ~
u = λv
~. k
3Note: if hu~ = kv~, where h and k are constants, then λ = h 4
Jika vektor u selari dengan vektor v , maka u = λv .
~ ~ ~ ~
3Nota: jika hu = kv, dengan keadaan h dan k ialah pemalar, maka λ =
u and vector ~
v are not parallel and hu
~ = kv
~, then h = 0 and k = 0.
2 If vector ~
Jika vektor u dan vektor v tidak selari dan hu = kv , maka h = 0 dan k = 0.
~ ~ ~ ~

Exercise 5 Show that each pair of the following vectors are parallel.
Tunjukkan bahawa setiap pasangan vektor berikut adalah selari.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang vektor untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

→ → → →
Example 5 1 AB = 10x and/dan CD = 2x . 2 BC = 3x and/dan EF = −5x .
~ ~ ~ ~
1 3 → →
u= ~x + y and/dan ~
v =~
x + 3y . AB = 10x EF = −5x
~ 2 2~ ~ ~ ~
= 5(2x ~ x = − EF
Solution ~) 5
→ →
1 3 = 5CD BC = 3x
u = ~ x+ y ~
~ 2 2~ → → 1→
1 1 AB = 5CD 1
= 3 − EF
= (x + 3y ) = ~v → →
2 ~ ~ 2 ∴ AB and CD are parallel. 3→
1 = − EF
u = ~ v 5
~ 2 → 3→
v are parallel. BC = − EF
~ and ~
∴ u
u dan ~
v adalah selari. → 5 →
~ ∴ BC and EF are parallel.

1 1
u = 8x v = 2x y. x = 4a b and/dan y = 24a
~ + 2y and/dan ~ ~ + 2~ ~ – 2~ ~ – 3b
3 4 ~
~ ~ ~
u = 8x y = 24a
~ ~ + 2y
~ ~ ~ – 3b
1 1
= 4 2x~ + 2~ y 2 1
= 6 4a~ − 2~b 2
= 4v = 6x
~ ~
u = 4v y = 6x
~ ~ ~ ~
v are parallel. x are parallel.
~ and ~
∴ u ∴ y and ~

u and ~
Exercise 6 Given two non-parallel and non-zero vectors, ~ v . Find the values of h and k.
Diberi dua vektor yang tidak selari dan bukan sifar, ~
u dan ~
v . Cari nilai h dan k.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang vektor untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 6 1 hu
~ = (k + 3)v
(h + 1)u
~ = (3k – 5)v
~ h=0 , k + 3 = 0
Solution k = –3
h + 1 = 0 , 3k – 5 = 0
h = −1 3k = 5 ∴ h = 0 and k = –3
k =
5 3
∴ h = −1 and/dan k =


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C8 4th.indd 129 05/12/2019 8:30:59 PM

2 (3h – 2)x
~ = (2k + 8)y 3 (2h + 1)u
~ = (k + 2k – 3)v
~ ~
3h – 2 = 0 , 2k + 8 = 0 2h + 1 = 0 , k2 + 2k – 3 = 0
2 2k = −8 2h = –1 (k + 3)(k −1) = 0
h =
3 k = −4 1 k = −3, 1
h = –
2 2
∴h= and k = −4 1
3 ∴ h = − and k = −3, k = 1

8.2 Addition and Subtraction of Vectors / Penambahan dan Penolakan Vektor

Smart Tip
Triangle Law Parallelogram Law Polygon Law
Hukum Segi Tiga Hukum Segi Empat Selari Hukum Poligon

C D C d c
~ ~
a+b a+b
~ ~ b ~ ~ E C
b ~
e b
~ ~
a B a B
~ ~ A B
→ → → → → → → → → → →
AC = AB + BC AC = AB + AD AE = AB + BC + CD + DE
= a + b = a + b e = a + b + c + d
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Exercise 7 Determine the single vector for each of the following.

Tentukan vektor tunggal bagi setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang vektor untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 7 1 Given PQRS is a parallelogram. 2 Given PSR is a triangle.

Diberi PQRS ialah sebuah segi empat Diberi PSR ialah sebuah segi tiga.
Given ABCDE is a regular selari.
Diberi ABCDE ialah sebuah S R
heksagon sekata.

B E → →
Find SR + RP.
Find/Cari → →
→ → Cari SR + RP.
A F (a) PS + PQ,
→ → →
Find/Cari (b) QP + QR. SP
→ →
(a) AE + ED, →
→ → (a) PR
(b) AC − BC. →
(b) QS

(a) AD
→ →
(b) AC − BC
→ →
= AC – (–CB)
→ →
= AC + CB

= AB


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C8 4th.indd 130 05/12/2019 8:31:02 PM

3 Given ABCDEF is a regular 4 Given PQR is a triangle. 5 Given PQRST is a regular
hexagon. Diberi PQR ialah sebuah segi tiga. pentagon.
Diberi ABCDEF ialah sebuah Diberi PQRST ialah sebuah
heksagon sekata. Q pentagon sekata.



A F → → P T
(a) PQ – RQ,
→ →
Find/Cari (b) QP – QR. Find/Cari
→ → → →
(a) AB + AF, (a) PT – ST,
→ → → →
→ → (a) PQ − RQ
(b) OD + OF. (b) PR – QR.
→ →
= PQ – (–QR)
→ → → → →
(a) AO = PQ + QR (a) PT − ST
→ → → →
(b) OE = PR = PT – (–TS)
→ → → →
(b) QP − QR = PT + TS
→ → →
= QP – (–RQ) = PS
→ → → →
= QP + RQ (b) PR − QR
→ → →
= RP = PR – (–RQ )
→ →
= PR + RQ

= PQ

Exercise 8 Simplify each of the following.

Permudahkan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang vektor untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 8 1
a u– ~
4 1
u+ ~ u
~ – 4~
1 2a 2 ~ 5 5
(4p + 3q ) – (p – 2q ) 8 1 5 4 1
~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ a– ~ a = ~ u– ~ u+ ~ u
Solution 4 4 5 5 5
= 4p + 3q – p + 2q 7 2
= ~ a = ~ u
~ ~ ~ ~ 4 5
= 3p + 5q
~ ~

b ) – (2a y) v ) – (u
~ +~ ~ + 3b
~) ~ + 4y ) – (4x
~ –~ ~ −~ ~ – 3v
3 (5a 4 (x 5 (2u
= 5a + b – 2a – 3b ~ = 2u – v – u + 3v
~ ~ ~ ~ =~ x + 4y – 4x +y ~ ~ ~ ~
= 3a ~ ~ ~ u + 2v
~ – 2b = −3x + 5y =~
~ ~ ~

~ + 2y ) + (x
~ + 2y
6 (3x ) 1 1
= 3x +
2y + x +
7 1 2 ~a – 5b~2 + (2a~ + 3b~) 8 13u~ – 3 ~v2 + (u~ – 2v~)
~ ~ ~ ~
= 4x + 4y 1 1
= ~a – 5b v+~
u – 2v
~ + 2a
~ + 3b = 3u
~ ~ 2 ~ ~ – 3~ ~
5 7
= ~a – 2b = 4u v
2 ~ ~ – 3~


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C8 4th.indd 131 05/12/2019 8:31:04 PM

Exercise 9 Solve the following problems.
Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang vektor dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

Example 9 1 The diagram shows a quadrilateral EFGH such

→ → →
that EH = (h – 2)x
~ , HG = ky and FG = kx
The diagram shows a triangle EFH and G is a ~ ~ , where h
and k are constants.
point on the line FH. Rajah menunjukkan sebuah sisi
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga EFH dan G ialah satu H
titik pada garis FH. empat EFGH dengan keadaan
→ → E
EH = (h – 2)x , HG = ky dan
F → ~ ~
FG = kx~ , dengan keadaan h dan k G
ialah pemalar. F

G (a) Express EF in terms of h, k, ~
x and y .
E → ~
Ungkapkan EF dalam sebutan h, k, ~
x dan y .
→ ~
H h–2 1
→ → (b) Find the values of h if EF = 1 6 ~
y and k = .
Given EF = 5p , EH = 10q and FG = 4GH, find → h–2 1
→ ~→ ~
Diberi EF = 5p , EH = 10q dan FG = 4GH, cari
Cari nilai-nilai h jika EF =
6 ~1 2
y dan k = .
→ ~ ~ → → → → →
(a) FH, (b)
EG. (a) EF = EH + HG + GF
~ + ky
= (h – 2)x – kx
Solution = hx – 2x + ky~ – kx~
→ → → ~ ~ ~ ~
= (h – k – 2)x
(a) EF + FH = EH ~ + ky
→ h–2 1 ~ 1
5p + FH = 10q
~ → ~
(b) 1 6 ~
2 1
y= h– – 2 ~
x+ y
FH = 10q – 5p h–2 7 1
(b) ~ ~ 1 6 ~
2 1
y= h– ~
x+ y
F → → → Compare scalar for ~ x , Compare scalar for y ,
EG = EF + FG ~
4 7 h–2 1
~ (4) 10q – 5p = 5p + (10q – 5p ) h – = 0 =
~ ~
~ 5 ~ ~ 3 6 3
E G = 5p + 8q – 4p 7 h – 2 = 2
h =
= p~+ 8q~
3 h = 4
~ H ~ ~

2 Given p = 3i~ – 4j and q = ki~ – 5j , where k is a 3 The diagram shows a triangle OAC and B is a
~ ~ ~ ~ point on the line AC.
constant. Find the possible values of k such that
|3p – q | = 170. Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga OAC dan B ialah satu
~ ~ titik pada garis AC.
Diberi p = 3i~ – 4j dan q = ki – 5j , dengan keadaan k ialah
~ ~ ~ ~ A
pemalar. Cari nilai-nilai yang mungkin bagi k dengan
keadaan |3p – q | =  170 . a
~ ~

|3p – q | = 170 O c
~ ~ ~ C
|3(3i~ – 4j ) – (ki~ – 5j )| = 170 → →
~ ~ Given OA = ~
a , OC = ~c and AB : BC = 1 : 3, find
|9i~ – 12j – ki~ + 5j | = 170 → →
~ ~ Diberi OA = ~
a , OC = ~c dan AB : BC = 1 : 3, cari
|(9 − k)i~ – 7j | = 170 → →
~ (a) AC, (b) OB.
(9 – k)2 + (–7)2 = 170
(9 – k)2 + 49 = 170 → → →
(a) OA + AC = OC
81 – 18k + k2 + 49 = 170 →
k2 – 18k – 40 = 0 a + AC = ~c
~ →
(k + 2)(k – 20) = 0 AC = ~c – ~a
k = −2, k = 20 → → →
(b) OB = OA + AB
=~a + (c – a)
4 ~ ~ A
1 1 c–a
(1) ~ ~
=~a + ~c – ~ a a B
4 4 ~
3 1 (3)
= ~ a + ~c O
4 4 c
~ C


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C8 4th.indd 132 05/12/2019 8:31:06 PM

8.3 Vectors in a Cartesian Plane / Vektor dalam Satah Cartes

Smart Tip
x r
~ ~ ~ 1 2
It is given that r = xi + yj = y , therefore the magnitude of the vector, |r | =  x2 + y2 and the unit vector, ^
r= ~.
~ |r |
x r ~
~ ~ ~ 1 2
Diberi bahawa r = xi + yj = y , maka magnitud vektor, |r | =  x2 + y2 dan vektor unit, ^
r= ~.
~ |r |

Exercise 10 Express each of the following vectors in the form of

Ungkapkan setiap vektor yang berikut dalam bentuk
xi~ + yj , (b)
~ y 2.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang vektor.

Example 10 1 y 2 y

y 8 8

6 6
m p
~ ~
4 4
4 ~
2 2

2 x x
O 2 4 6 8 O 2 4 6 8
O 2 4 6 8 (a) 7i~ + 3j (a) 5i~ + 7j
~ ~
Solution (b) 7 1 2 (b) 5 1 2
5 3 7
(a) 5i~ − 6j (b)
~ –6 1 2

3 y 4 y 5 y

8 4
6 q 2 w
~ v ~
~ 4
4 x
–2 O 2 4
2 –2
–2 O 2 4
x –4
O 2 4 6 8
(a) –7i~ – 6j
(a) 6i~ – 7j (a) 9i~ + 7j ~
~ ~ (b) –7 1 2
(b) 6 (b) 9 –6
–7 1 2 7 1 2

Exercise 11 Find the unit vector in the direction of the vector given.
Cari vektor unit dalam arah vektor yang diberi.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang vektor.

Example 11 1 u = −i~ + 2j
~ 2 u = 4i~ – 3j
~ ~
u = 2i~ − 5j (–1)2 + (2)2 (4)2 + (–3)2
~ |u
~| = |u
~ ~| =
= 1 + 4 = 16 + 9
~| =
(2)2 + (–5)2 = 5 = 25
= 4 + 25 ^ 1 =5
u = (–i~ + 2j )
= 29 ~ 5 ~ ^ 1
u = (4i~ – 3j )
^ 1 ~ 5 ~
u= (2i − 5j )
~ 29 ~ ~


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C8 4th.indd 133 05/12/2019 8:31:11 PM

3 u = −5i~ – 4j 4 u = −5i~ + 12j 5 u = 4i~ – 6j
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ | =  (–5)2 + (–4)2 |u
~ | =  (–5)2 + (12)2 |u
~ | =  (4)2 + (–6)2
= 25 + 16 = 25 + 144 = 16 + 36
= 41 = 169 = 52
^ 1 = 13 ^ 1
u = (–5i – 4j ) u = (4i – 6j )
~ 41 ~ ~ 1 ~ 52 ~ ~
u = (–5i~ + 12j )
1 ~ 13 ~
=– (5i + 4j )
41 ~ ~

Exercise 12 Solve the following.

Selesaikan yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang vektor untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

. Example 12 1 Given ~e = ~i + 3j and f = 3i~ + j . a = 4i~ − j and ~

2 Given ~ b = ~i + 2j .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Find the vector 3a
a = 4i~ – 2j and ~
Given ~ b = 2i~ + j .
Find the vector 2e~ + ~f . ~ + 2b
~ ~ Diberi e = ~i + 3j dan f = 3i~ + j . Diberi ~
a = 4i~ − j dan ~b = ~i + 2j .
Find the vector ~ a − 3b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~. Cari vektor 2e + f .
~ ~
Cari vektor 3a~ + 2b
~ .
Diberi ~
a = 4i~ – 2j dan ~
b = 2i~ + j . = 3(4i~ − j ) + 2(~i + 2j )
~ ~ = 2(~i + 3j ) + (3i~ + j ) ~ ~
Cari vektor ~
a − 3b~. ~ ~ = 12i~ − 3j + 2i~ + 4j
= 2i~ + 6j + 3i~ + j ~ ~
Solution ~ ~ = 14i~ + j
= 5i~ + 7j ~
= (4i~ – 2j ) – 3(2i~ + j ) ~
~ ~
= 4i~ – 2j – 6i~ − 3j
~ ~
= –2i~ – 5j

3 Given p = 7i~ + 3j and 4 Given p = ~i + 2j and q = 2i~ + j . 5 Given ~u = 4i~ + j and ~

v = 6i~ − j .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~
q = 2i~ − j . Find the vector p − 2q . Find the vector 3p − 2q . Find the vector 2u – v .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2~
Diberi p = 7i~ + 3j dan q = 2i~ − j . Diberi p = ~i + 2j dan q = 2i~ + j .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Diberi ~
u = 4i~ + j dan ~
v = 6i~ − j .
Cari vektor p − 2q . Cari vektor 3p − 2q . ~1 ~
~ ~ ~ ~ Cari vektor 2u~ – 2~
= (7i~ + 3j ) − 2(2i~ − j ) = 3(~i + 2j ) − 2(2i~ + j ) v.
~ ~ ~ ~
= 7i~ + 3j − 4i~ + 2j = 3i~ + 6j − 4i~ − 2j 1
~ ~ ~ ~ = 2(4i~ + j ) − (6i~ − j )
= 3i~ + 5j = −i~ + 4j ~ 2 ~
~ ~ 1
= 8i~ + 2j − 3i~ + j
~ 2~
= 5i~ + j

Exercise 13 Solve the following problems.

Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang vektor dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

Example 13
The diagram shows three points, P, Q and R drawn on a Cartesian plane. y
Rajah menunjukkan tiga titik, P, Q dan R dilukis pada satah Cartes. P(–6, 8)
It is given that OP = –6i~ + 8j , OQ = –2i~ + 6j and OR = –4i~ + 3j . Point S
~ the y-axis and
is the reflection of point R in ~ the points P, Q and
~ S are
→ → Q(–2, 6)
collinear such that SQ = bQP. Find the the value of b.
Diberi bahawa OP = –6i~ + 8j , OQ = –2i~ + 6j dan OR = –4i~ + 3j . Titik S ialah pantulan R(–4, 3) S
~ ~ ~
bagi titik R pada paksi-y dan titik-titik P, Q dan S adalah segaris dengan keadaan
→ → x
SQ = bQP. Cari nilai b. O

→ → → → → y
SQ = OQ – OS Given/Diberi SQ = βQP,
= (–2i~ + 6j ) – (4i~ + 3j ) –6i~ + 3j = β(–4i~ + 2j ) P(–6, 8)
~ ~ ~ ~
= –2i~ + 6j – 4i~ – 3j 3(–2i~ + j ) = 2β(–2i~ + j )
~ ~ ~ ~ Q(–2, 6)
= –6i~ + 3j Compare/Bandingkan,
→ → ~

2β = 3 –6i~+ 8j
QP = OP – OQ ~ –2i~+ 6j S(4, 3)
= (–6i~ + 8j ) – (–2i~ + 6j ) 3 4i~+ 3j
~ ~  β = ~ x
= –6i~ + 8j + 2i~ – 6j 2 O
~ ~
= –4i~ + 2j

Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C8 4th.indd 134 05/12/2019 8:31:13 PM

→ → →
1 The coordinates of F, G and H are (−2, 3), (8, −4) and (10, −6) respectively. It is given that OH = aOF + βOG,
such that O is the origin and a and β are constants. Find the values of a and β.→ → →
Koordinat bagi F, G dan H masing-masing ialah (−2, 3), (8, −4) dan (10, −6). Diberi bahawa OH = aOF + βOG, dengan
keadaan O ialah asalan dan a dan β ialah pemalar. Cari nilai a dan β.
→ → → 9
OF = –2i~ + 3j , OG = 8i~ – 4j , OH = 10i~ – 6j Subtitute β = into 3 ,
→ ~→ → ~ ~ 8
OH = aOF + βOG 9
10i~ – 6j = a(–2i~ + 3j ) + β(8i~ – 4j )
a = 4 18 2 – 5
~ ~ ~
10i~ – 6j = –2ai~ + 3aj + 8βi~ – 4βj 1
~ ~ ~ =–
10i~ – 6j = (–2a + 8β)i~ + (3a – 4β)j 2
~ ~
−2a + 8β = 10 ——— 1
3a – 4β = –6 ——— 2
From 1 : a = 4β – 5 ——— 3
Substitute 3 into 2 ,
3(4β – 5) – 4β = –6
12β – 15 – 4β = –6
8β = 9

v and w ~ = (4q + 5 – p)w

~, where p
The vectors ~ ~ are non-zero and non-parallel vectors. It is given that (p – 3)v
and q are constants. Find the values of p and q.
Vektor v dan w ialah vektor bukan sifar dan tidak selari. Diberi bahawa (p – 3)v = (4q + 5 – p)w, dengan keadaan p dan q ialah
~ ~ ~ ~
pemalar. Cari nilai p dan q.

p – 3 = 0
4q + 5 – p = 0
p = 3
4q + 5 – (3) = 0
4q = −2
q = −
= −

3 The diagram shows an explosive exploded into four parts, E, F, G and H, F

where each part has a momentum and represented by a vector. –2i + 4j
~ ~
Rajah menunjukkan satu bahan letupan telah meletup kepada empat bahagian, E, F, G dan H,
dengan keadaan setiap bahagian mempunyai momentum dan diwakili oleh suatu vektor. 4i
~ G
–3i – j
~ ~
If the sum of all the momentum vectors is a zero vector, find
Jika hasil tambah vektor momentum ialah vektor sifar, cari E w
(a) w
~ in terms of ~i and~j ,
w dalam sebutan ~i dan j , H
~ ~
(b) the unit vector in the direction of w
vektor unit dalam arah w.

(a) (−2i~ + 4j ) + (4i~) + w

~ ~ + (−3i~ −~j ) = 0
w ~ = ~i − 3j
^ = 1
(b) w ( i − 3j )
~ (1)2 + (–3)2 ~ ~
= ( i − 3j )
10 ~ ~


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C8 4th.indd 135 05/12/2019 8:31:13 PM

Review 8
Paper 1 Questions
→ → →
 1 Given OA = p , OB = 2 , and OC = q , where
1 2 1 2 1 2 u = 4 and ~
Given ~ 1 2v = h + 2 , where h is a
1 2
6 7 –3 5 3
CLONE p and q are constants. Express p in terms of q if the constant. Find the value of h.
P1Q15 points A, B and C lie on a straight line.
4 h+2
→ p → 2 → q
Diberi ~
u= 1 5 2 dan ~v = 1
3 2
, dengan keadaan h ialah
Diberi OA = 1 2
, OB =
7 1 2
, dan OC =
–3 1 2
, dengan pemalar. Cari nilai bagi h.
keadaan p dan q ialah pemalar. Ungkapkan p dalam sebutan [3 marks/markah]
q, jika titik−titik A, B dan C terletak pada satu garis lurus.
→ → →
[3 marks/markah]  4 Diagram 3 shows the vectors AB, AD and AC
SPM drawn on a square grid.
CLONE → → →
 2 Diagram 1 shows a regular pentagon ABCDE `18 Rajah 3 menunjukkan vektor AB, AD dan AC yang dilukis
SPM with centre O. P1Q8
pada grid segi empat sama.
`16 Rajah 1 menunjukkan sebuah pentagon sekata ABCDE
berpusat di O. x A
D B y

Diagram 1/ Rajah 1
→ → →
(a) Express EB + BC − DC as a single vector.
→ → →
Ungkapkan EB + BC − DC sebagai satu vektor tunggal. Diagram 3/ Rajah 3
→ →
(b) Given OD = ~ d , OE = ~e and the length of each →
(a) Express AD in the form of px
~ + qy , where p
side of the pentagon is 7 units. Find the unit ~
→ and q are constants.
vector in the direction of ED, in terms of ~d →
Ungkapkan AD dalam bentuk px
~ + qy , dengan keadaan
and ~e . p dan q ialah pemalar. ~
→ →
Diberi OD = ~d , OE = ~e dan panjang bagi setiap sisi (b) In Diagram 3, mark and label the point W
pentagon itu ialah 7 unit. Cari vektor unit dalam arah −→ → →
→ such that DW + AB = 2AC.
ED, dalam sebutan ~ d dan ~e . Pada Rajah 3, tanda dan labelkan titik W dengan
[3 marks/markah] −→ → →
keadaan DW + AB = 2AC.
[3 marks/markah]
 3 Diagram 2 shows a trapezium EFGH.
SPM Rajah 2 menunjukkan sebuah trapezium EFGH.
 5 F(3, 5) and G(−3, 6) lie on a Cartesian plane. It is
P1Q4 G → → →
CLONE given that 3OF = 2OG + OH. Find
v `18 F(3, 5) dan G(−3, 6) terletak pada satah Cartes. Diberi
~ P1Q9
→ → →
E u bahawa 3OF = 2OG + OH. Cari
(a) the coordinates of H,
koordinat H,

F (b) |FH|.
Diagram 2/ Rajah 2 [4 marks/markah]


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C8 4th.indd 136 05/12/2019 8:31:15 PM

Paper 2 Questions

 1 Diagram 1 shows a triangle PQR.

SPM Rajah 1 menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga PQR.



Diagram 1/ Rajah 1
→ →
It is given that PF : FQ = 1 : 2, QH : HR = 2 : 1, PF = 8x and PR = 12y.
→ ~
→ ~
Diberi bahawa PF : FQ = 1 : 2, QH : HR = 2 : 1, PF = 8x
~ dan PR = 12y .
(a) Express in terms of ~x and y
Ungkapkan dalam sebutan ~ ~y
x dan
→ ~
(i) RF,

(ii) RH.
[3 marks/markah]

x = 3i~ and y = –i~ + 2j , find |RH |.
(b) Given ~
~ ~ →
Diberi ~
x = 3i~ dan y = –i~ + 2j , cari |RH |.
~ ~
→ → → → [2 marks/markah]
(c) Given RG = aRF and GH = bPH, where a and b are constants, find the values of a and b.
→ → → →
Diberi RG = aRF dan GH = bPH, dengan keadaan a dan b ialah pemalar, cari nilai a dan b.
[5 marks/markah]

 2 Diagram 2 shows triangles OCG and OFD. The straight lines CG and FD intersect at point H.
SPM Rajah 2 menunjukkan segi tiga OCG dan OFD. Garis lurus CG dan FD bersilang pada titik H.
P2Q8 C


Diagram 2/ Rajah 2
→ → → → → →
It is given that OC = 27x
~, OD = 24y
, OF : FC = 1 : 2, OG : GD = 3 : 1, FH = aFD and GH = bGC, where a and b
are constants. ~
→ → → → → →
Diberi bahawa OC = 27x
~, OD = 24y , OF : FC = 1 : 2, OG : GD = 3 : 1, FH = aFD dan GH = bGC, dengan keadaan a dan b ialah
pemalar. ~

(a) Express OH in terms of

Ungkapkan OH dalam sebutan
(i) a, ~x and/dan y,
(ii) b, x and/dan ~
~ ~ [4 marks/markah]
(b) Hence, find the the values of a and β.
Seterusnya, cari nilai a dan β.
[4 marks/markah]

(c) Given |x | = 1 unit and OC is perpendicular to OD, calculate |FH |.
~ | = 2 units, |y
~ →
Diberi |x
~ | = 2 unit, |y | = 1 unit dan OC adalah berserenjang dengan OD, hitung |FH |.
[2 marks/markah]


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C8 4th.indd 137 05/12/2019 8:31:17 PM

 3 Diagram 3 shows a triangle EFG. The straight line EL intersects with the straight line FG at the point K. Point
H lies on the straight line EL.
`17 Rajah 3 menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga EFG. Garis lurus EL bersilang dengan garis lurus FG pada titik K. Titik H terletak pada
garis lurus EL.

Diagram 3/ Rajah 3
→ 1 → → →
Given FK = = FG, EG = 8x and EF = 12y.
4 ~ ~
→ 1 → → →
Diberi FK = = FG, EG = 8x dan EF = 12y.
4 ~ ~
(a) Express in terms of ~x and/or y
Ungkapkan dalam sebutan ~ ~ y
x dan/ atau
→ ~ →
(i) FG, (ii) EK.
[3 marks/markah]
→ → →
(b) It is given that EH = aEK and FH = b(x
~ – 8y ), where a and b are constants. Find the values of a dan b.
→ → → ~
Diberi bahawa EH = aEK dan FH = b(x
~ – 8y ), dengan keadaan a dan b ialah pemalar. Cari nilai a dan b.
[5 marks/markah]

(c) Given EL = wx , where w is a constant, find the the value of w.
→ ~ + 15y
Diberi EL = wx
~ + 15y , dengan keadaan w ialah pemalar, cari nilai w.
[2 marks/markah]

H O TS Zo n e
 1 Diagram 1 shows the position and the direction of boats P, Q and R in a boat competition.
SPM Rajah 1 menunjukkan kedudukan dan arah bagi bot P, Q dan R dalam satu pertandingan bot.

e n
lin ulaa
tin erm
ar p
St isan

Diagram 1/ Rajah 1
Both boat P and boat Q move in the direction of the water current. The velocity of the water current is given by
3 7
~ = 2i~ + 2 ~j m s . Given the velocity of boat P is ~
p = 10i~ + j m s−1 and the velocity of boat Q is q = 4i~ + j m s−1.
2~ ~ ~
Kedua-dua bot P dan bot Q bergerak mengikut arah arus air. Halaju arus air diberi oleh w
~ = 2i~ + 2 ~j m s . Diberi halaju bot P ialah

p = 10i~ + j m s−1 dan halaju bot Q ialah q = 4i~ + j m s−1.
~ 2 ~ ~
(a) How many times is the resultant velocity of boat P compared to the resultant velocity of boat Q?
Berapa kali gandakah halaju paduan bot P berbanding halaju paduan bot Q? HOTS Evaluating
(b) On the way to the finishing point, boat R faces a technical problem and goes off track. The velocity of
boat R is given by ~r = 4i~ – j m s−1.
Dalam perjalanan ke titik penamat, bot R mengalami satu masalah teknikal dan terpesong dari laluan. Halaju bot R diberi oleh
~r = 4i~ – 2 ~j m s .

(i) the resultant velocity of boat R, (ii) the unit vector in the direction of boat R. HOTS Applying
halaju paduan bot R, vektor unit dalam arah bot R.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C8 4th.indd 138 05/12/2019 8:31:18 PM

Chapter Elective Package: Application of Science and Technology

9 Solution of Triangles
Penyelesaian Segi Tiga

9.1 Sine Rule / Petua Sinus

Smart Tip
Derivation of sine rule / Terbitan petua sinus A
t t c To find sides:
sin A = and/dan sin B = Untuk mencari sisi:
b a
b sin A = t a sin B = t a b c
t b = =
t = b sin A = a sin B sin A sin B sin C
b a a
∴ = To find angles:
sin B sin A
Untuk mencari sudut:
Apply the same method by drawing a line between vertex A and side a to get: C
Gunakan kaedah yang sama dengan melukiskan satu garis di antara bucu A dengan sisi a untuk mendapatkan: sin A sin B sin C
= =
b c a b c
= a b c
sin B sin C Therefore,/Maka, = =
sin A sin B sin C

Exercise 1 Prove the sine rule.

Buktikan petua sinus.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang petua sinus dan petua kosinus.

Example 1
The diagram shows a triangle ABC inside a circle with centre O. Given the radius = R. A
sin A 1
Construct straight line COE and BE where COE = 2R. Hence, show that = . c
a 2R b
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga ABC yang terterap di dalam sebuah bulatan berpusat di O. Diberi O
jejari = R. C
sin A 1 B a
Bina garis lurus COE dan BE dengan keadaan COE = 2R. Seterusnya, tunjukkan bahawa = .
a 2R
So/Maka, ∠CBE = 90° (semicircle/ BC
sin A =
semi bulatan) COE
E c ∠A = ∠E (angles a
b sin A =
subtended by a common 2R
C arc/sudut yang dicangkum oleh sin A 1
B a =
lengkok sepunya) a 2R

1 The diagram shows a triangle ABC inside a circle with centre O. Given the radius = R. A
sin B 1
Construct straight line COG and AG where COG = 2R. Hence, show that = .
b 2R c b
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga ABC yang terterap di dalam sebuah bulatan berpusat di O. O
Diberi jejari = R.
sin B 1 a
Bina garis lurus COG dan AG dengan keadaan COG = 2R. Seterusnya, tunjukkan bahawa = .
b 2R B
A So, ∠CAG = 90° (semicircle)
∠B = ∠G (angles subtended by a common arc)
G c b AC
sin B =
C b
a sin B =
B 2R
sin B 1
b 2R


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 139 05/12/2019 8:31:56 PM

2 The diagram shows a triangle ABC inside a circle with centre O. Given the radius = R. A
sin C 1
Construct straight line AOF and BF where AOF = 2R. Hence, show that = . c
c 2R b
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga ABC yang terterap di dalam sebuah bulatan berpusat di O. O
Diberi jejari = R.
sin C 1 C
Bina garis lurus AOF dan BF dengan keadaan AOF = 2R. Seterusnya, tunjukkan bahawa = . B
c 2R
So, ∠ABF = 90° (semicircle)
∠C = ∠F (angles subtended by a common arc)
c b AB
O sin C =
C c
B a sin C =
sin C 1
F =
c 2R

Exercise 2 Find the value of x for each of the following.

Cari nilai x bagi setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang petua sinus, petua kosinus dan luas segi tiga untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 2 1

Smart Tip 50º
16.5 cm

x cm 126º
8.4 cm Apply the sine rule Q
R x cm
when given
Gunakan petua sinus
73º 44º apabila diberi x 16.5
P R (a) 1 side and sin 50° sin 126°
2 angles 16.5 sin 50°
Solution 1 sisi dan 2 sudut x =
x 8.4 sin 126°
= (b) 2 sides and
sin 73° sin 44° 1 non-included x = 15.624 cm
8.4 sin 73°
x = 2 sisi dan 1 sudut
sin 44° bukan kandung
x = 11.564 cm

2 3
x cm Q
80º 54º
15.4 cm x cm
14.6 cm
47º 56º 42’

x 15.4
∠PRQ = 180° − 80° − 54° = 46° =
x 14.6 sin 47° sin 56° 42′
= 15.4 sin 47°
sin 46° sin 80° x =
14.6 sin 46° sin 56°42′
x = x = 13.475 cm
sin 80°
x = 10.664 cm


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 140 05/12/2019 8:31:58 PM

4 5
x cm Q
P 57º 36’
43º 24’ 36º 35’
x cm
16 cm 8 cm

R 26º 14’

∠PRQ = 180° − 43° 24′ − 57° 36′ = 79° ∠PRQ = 180° − 26° 14′ − 36° 35′ = 117° 11′
x 16
= x 8
sin 79° sin 57° 36′ =
sin 117° 11 sin 26° 14′
16 sin 79°
x = 8 sin 117° 11′
sin 57° 36′ x =
sin 26° 14′
x = 18.602 cm x = 16.099 cm

Exercise 3 Find the value of θ for each of the following.

Cari nilai θ bagi setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang petua sinus, petua kosinus dan luas segi tiga untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 3 1 B

17.5 cm
9 cm
7 cm
17 cm u 30º
sin θ sin 30°
C =
Solution 17.5 9
sin q sin 115° 17.5 sin 30°
= sin θ =
7 17 9
7 sin 115° sin θ = 0.9722
sin θ =
17 θ = 76° 28’
sin θ = 0.3732
θ = 21° 55’

2 3
24 cm B
A u
26 cm
13 cm
18 cm

sin θ sin 117°

= sin θ sin 130°
13 24 =
18 26
13 sin 117°
sin θ = 18 sin 130°
24 sin θ =
= 0.4826 26
= 0.5303
θ = 28° 51’
θ = 32° 2’


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 141 05/12/2019 8:32:01 PM

4 5
14 cm
72º u

9 cm 4 cm
15 cm


sin ∠ACB sin 72° sin ∠BAC sin 58°

= =
14 15 4 9
14 sin 72° 4 sin 58°
sin ∠ACB = sin ∠BAC =
15 9
sin ∠ACB = 0.8877 sin ∠BAC = 0.3769
∠ACB = 62° 35’ ∠BAC = 22° 9’

θ = 180° − 72° − 62° 35’ θ = 180° − 58° − 22° 9’

= 45° 25’ = 99° 51’

Smart Tip
The Ambiguous Case of the Sine Rule M
Kes Berambiguiti bagi Petua Sinus
An ambiguous case of the sine rule will occur
when two sides (n and p) and a non-included n
acute angle (∠N) are given, where the opposite
side of the given angle is shorter than the other P’ N
side (n < p). There are two different triangles that
can be drawn (MNP and MNP’), therefore two A non-included angle is the angle which is not between the two
sets of answers would be obtained. sides given.
Kes berambiguiti bagi petua sinus akan berlaku apabila dua Sudut bukan kandung ialah sudut yang tidak terletak di antara dua sisi yang
sisi (n dan p) dan satu sudut tirus bukan kandung (∠N) diberi.
diberi, dengan keadaan sisi yang bertentangan dengan sudut ∠N and ∠P are non-included angles. M p
yang diberi itu lebih pendek daripada sisi yang satu lagi ∠N dan ∠P ialah sudut bukan kandung.
(n < p). Terdapat dua buah segi tiga yang berbeza yang
∠M is an included angle. n
dapat dilukis (MNP dan MNP’), maka dua set jawapan akan
∠M ialah sudut kandung.

Exercise 4 Solve the following problems.

Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang petua sinus, petua kosinus dan luas segi tiga untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 4 1 The diagram shows a triangle PQR. Sketch

triangle QRP’ such that the straight line RP is
The diagram shows a triangle PQR. Sketch extended to P’, QP’ = QP and ∠QRP’ = ∠QRP.
triangle PQR’ such that ∠QPR’ = ∠QPR and Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga PQR. Lakarkan segi
QR’= QR. tiga QRP’ dengan keadaan garis lurus RP dipanjangkan ke
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga PQR. Lakarkan segi P’, QP’ = QP dan ∠QRP’ = ∠QRP.
tiga PQR’ dengan keadaan ∠QPR’ = ∠QPR dan QR’= QR.
Q P’



P R’ R


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 142 05/12/2019 8:32:04 PM

2 The diagram shows a triangle LKM. Sketch 3 The diagram shows a triangle ABC. Sketch
triangle LMK’ such that ∠LMK’ = ∠LMK and triangle AB’C such that ∠ACB’ = ∠ACB and
LK’ = LK. AB’ = AB.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga LKM. Lakarkan segi Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga ABC. Lakarkan segi
tiga LMK’ dengan keadaan ∠LMK’ = ∠LMK dan LK’ = LK. tiga AB’C dengan keadaan ∠ACB’ = ∠ACB dan AB’ = AB.

K K’ M A

L B B’ C

Exercise 5 Sketch triangle PQR and find the possible values of ∠R’ in an ambiguous case.
Lakarkan segi tiga PQR dan cari nilai-nilai yang mungkin bagi ∠R’ dalam kes berambiguiti.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang petua sinus, petua kosinus dan luas segi tiga untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 5 1 ∠P = 32°, p = 9 cm, r = 14 cm

∠P = 27°, p = 7 cm, r = 11 cm Q

Solution Q 14 cm 9 cm

11 cm 7 cm
sin ∠R sin 32°
sin ∠R sin 27° =
= 14 9
11 7 14 sin 32°
11 sin 27° sin ∠R =
sin ∠R = 9
7 = 0.8243
= 0.7134 ∠R = 55° 31’
∠R = 45° 31’ ∠R’ = 180° – 55° 31’
∠R’ = 180° – 45° 31’ = 124° 29’
= 134° 29’

2 ∠P = 24°, p = 4 cm, r = 9 cm 3 ∠Q = 43°, q = 7 cm, r = 9.5 cm


9 cm 4 cm
9.5 cm
7 cm
P R’ R
sin ∠R sin 24°
= sin ∠R sin 43°
9 4
9 sin 24° 9.5 7
sin ∠R =
4 9.5 sin 43°
sin ∠R =
= 0.9152 7
∠R = 66° 14’ = 0.9256
∠R’ = 180° – 66° 14’ ∠R = 67° 45’
= 113° 46’ ∠R’ = 180° – 67° 45’
= 112° 15’


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 143 05/12/2019 8:32:08 PM

Exercise 6 Solve each of the following.
Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang petua sinus, petua kosinus dan luas segi tiga untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 6

23 cm

9 cm H

Given EHG is a straight line, find the length of

Diberi EHG ialah garis lurus, cari panjang
(a) FH, (b)
HG, (c)

FH 23 (b) ∠FGH = 130° − 84° = 46° (c) ∠FHG = 180° − 130° = 50°
(a) =
sin 28° sin 130° HG 14.096 FG 14.096
= =
23 sin 28° sin 84° sin 46° sin 50° sin 46°
FH =
sin 130° 14.096 sin 84° 14.096 sin 50°
= 14.096 cm HG = FG =
sin 46° sin 46°
= 19.488 cm = 15.011 cm

1 2 F
F 5 cm
14 cm
19 cm 8 cm
68º 115º

Given EFG is a straight line, find the length of Given EHG is a straight line, find
Diberi EFG ialah garis lurus, cari panjang Diberi EHG ialah garis lurus, cari
(a) FH, (b) EF, (c) EH. (a) ∠FGH, (b) EF, (c) ∠EFG.

FH 19 sin ∠FGH sin 115°

(a) = (a) =
sin 32° sin 120° 8 14
19 sin 32° 8 sin 115°
FH = sin ∠FGH =
sin 120° 14
= 11.626 cm = 0.5179
∠FGH = 31.19°   (or 31° 11’)
(b) ∠FEH = 120° − 78° = 42°
EF 8
EF 11.626 (b) =
= sin(180° – 115°) sin 68°
sin 78° sin 42°
8 sin 65°
11.626 sin 78° EF =
EF = sin 68°
sin 42° = 7.820 cm
= 16.995 cm
(c) ∠EFG = 180° − 68° − 31.19°
(c) ∠EFH = 180° − 120° = 60° = 80.81°   (or 80° 49‘)
EH 11.626
sin 60° sin 42°
11.626 sin 60°
EH =
sin 42°
= 15.047 cm


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 144 05/12/2019 8:32:09 PM


19 cm
7 cm

34º 112º

Given EHG is a straight line, find

Diberi EHG ialah garis lurus, cari
(a) ∠FHG, (b) HG, (c)

sin ∠FHG sin 112° (b) ∠HFG = 180° − 112° − 40.47° = 27.53° (c) ∠EFH = ∠FHG − ∠FEH
(a) =
7 10 HG 10 = 40.47° − 34°
= = 6.47°
7 sin 112° sin 27.53° sin 112°
sin ∠FHG = EH 10
10 10 sin 27.53° =
= 0.6490 HG = sin 6.47° sin 34°
sin 112°
∠FHG = 40.47° = 4.985 cm 10 sin 6.47°
EH =
sin 34°
= 2.015 cm

9.2 Cosine Rule / Petua Kosinus

Exercise 7 Prove the cosine rule.

Buktikan petua kosinus.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang petua sinus dan petua kosinus.

Example 7
The diagram shows a triangle ABC with sides a, b and c. B
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga ABC dengan sisi-sisi a, b dan c.

Construct straight line BP which perpendicular to AC and P is on the straight c a

line AC. Hence, show that a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc cos A.
Bina garis lurus BP yang berserenjang dengan AC dan P berada pada garis lurus AC.
Seterusnya, tunjukkan bahawa a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc kos A.
A b C
In ∆ABP/Dalam ∆ABP,
x B
= cos A/kos A
x = c cos A/c kos A
c a
Pythagoras’ Theorem/Teorem Pythagoras, h
h2 = c2 – x2 ——— 1
In ∆BPC/Dalam ∆BPC,
h2 = a2 – (b – x)2 A P C
= a2 – (b2 – 2bx + x2)
x (b – x)
= a2 – b2 + 2bx – x2 ——— 2

Substitute 1 into 2 /Gantikan 1 ke dalam 2 ,

a2 – b2 + 2bx – x2 = c2 – x2
a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bx
a2 = b2 + c2 – 2b(c cos A/c kos A)
a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc cos A/2bc kos A


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 145 05/12/2019 8:32:11 PM

1 The diagram shows a triangle ABC with sides a, b 2 The diagram shows a triangle ABC with sides a, b
and c. and c.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga ABC dengan sisi-sisi Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga ABC dengan sisi-sisi
a, b dan c. a, b dan c.

c a c a

A b C A b C

Construct straight line AQ which is perpendicular Construct straight line BR which is perpendicular
to BC and Q is on the straight line BC. Hence, to AC and R is on the straight line AC. Hence,
show that b2 = a2 + c2 – 2ac cos B. show that c2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab cos C.

Bina garis lurus AQ yang berserenjang dengan BC dan Q Bina garis lurus BR yang berserenjang dengan AC dan R
berada pada garis lurus BC. Seterusnya, tunjukkan bahawa berada pada garis lurus AC. Seterusnya, tunjukkan bahawa
b2 = a2 + c2 – 2ac kos B. c2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab kos C.

x a
c a
Q h
(a – x)
A b–x R x C

A C b
In ∆BRC,
In ∆ABQ,
x = cos C
= cos B a
c x = a cos C
x = c cos B Pythagoras’ Theorem,
Pythagoras’ Theorem, h2 = a2 – x2 ——— 1
h2 = c2 – x2 ——— 1 In ∆ARB,
In ∆ACQ, h2 = c2 – (b – x)2
h2 = b2 – (a – x)2 = c2 – (b2 – 2bx + x2)
= b2 – (a2 – 2ax + x2) = c2 – b2 + 2bx – x2 ——— 2
= b2 – a2 + 2ax – x2 ——— 2 Substitute 1 into 2 ,
Substitute 1 into 2 , c2 – b2 + 2bx – x2 = a2 – x2
b2 – a2 + 2ax – x2 = c2 – x2 c2 – b2 + 2bx = a2
b2 = a2 + c2 – 2ax c2 = a2 + b2 – 2bx
b2 = a2 + c2 – 2a(c cos B) c2 = a2 + b2 – 2b(a cos C)
b2 = a2 + c2 – 2ac cos B c2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab cos C

Smart Tip
Apply the cosine rule when given
To find unknown sides: QR CODE
Gunakan petua kosinus apabila diberi
Untuk mencari sisi yang tidak diketahui:
a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos A/ kos A
(a) 2 sides and 1 included angle
b2 = a2 + c2 − 2ac cos B/kos B
2 sisi dan 1 sudut kandung
c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C/kos C
(b) 3 sides
Scan or visit
3 sisi http://www.cimt.
To find unknown angles:
A Untuk mencari sudut yang tidak diketahui: org.uk/projects/
b²+ c² – a² sect4/index.htm
cos A/kos A =
c b 2bc for additional
a²+ c² – b² notes and
cos B/kos B = exercises of the
C cosine rule.
B a a²+ b² – c²
cos C/kos C =


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 146 05/12/2019 8:32:13 PM

Exercise 8 Find the value of x for each of the following.
Cari nilai x bagi setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang petua sinus, petua kosinus dan luas segi tiga untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 8 1 2

P 13 cm
Q 50º
48º 7 cm x cm
13 cm

8 cm x cm 16.5 cm
14 cm P
R x cm

Solution a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos A R

a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos A/ kos A x2 = 72 + 142 − 2(7)(14) cos 52°

x2 = 132 + 82 − 2(13)(8) cos = 124.330 a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos A
48°/ kos 48° x = 11.150 x2 = 132 + 16.52 − 2(13)(16.5)
= 93.821 cos 50°
x = 9.686 = 165.494
x = 12.864

3 4 5
Q Q 14 cm

x cm 126º 43’
x cm 6.7 cm
9.4 cm 9.6 cm
x cm
P 54º 26’ P
15 cm R 13 cm R

a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos A a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos A

x2 = 152 + 9.42 − 2(15)(9.4) x2 = 9.62 + 132 − 2(9.6)(13) a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos A
cos 54°26’ cos 118° x2 = 6.72 + 142 − 2(6.7)(14)
= 149.335 = 378.34 cos 126°43’
x = 12.220 x = 19.451 = 353.05
x = 18.79

Exercise 9 Find the value of θ for each of the following.

Cari nilai θ bagi setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang petua sinus, petua kosinus dan luas segi tiga untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 9 1 2
6 cm 10 cm u
9 cm 8 cm 9 cm
P R 12 cm
u 13 cm
14.5 cm
62 + 132 − 102 6.5 cm
Solution cos θ =
b2 + c2 − a2 = 0.6731
cos θ/kos θ =
2bc θ = 47° 42’
92 + 122 − 6.52
9 + 14.52 − 82
2 cos θ =
= 2(12)(9)
= 0.8461
= 0.8707 θ = 32° 13’
θ = 29° 28’ or/atau


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 147 05/12/2019 8:32:21 PM

3 4 5
Q P 19 cm
12 cm u Q
7 cm
16.4 cm u

P 7.5 cm 13 cm
R 26 cm
16 cm θ
12 cm R
122 + 72 − 162 R
cos θ =
7.52 + 122 − 16.42 192 + 132 − 262
= –0.375 cos θ = cos θ =
2(7.5)(12) 2(19)(13)
θ = 112° 1’
= −0.3817 = −0.2955
θ = 112° 26’ θ = 107° 11’

Exercise 10 Solve the following problems.

Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang penyelesaian segi tiga dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

Example 10 1 There are three ships, P, Q and R in the sea. The

sailor of ship P can see both the ships Q and R.
There are three tents, F, G and H at a campsite. The angle between the line of sight to Q and
Given the distance between tent F and tent G is the line of sight to R from P is 50°. Given the
52 m, the distance between tent F and tent H is distance between ship P and ship Q is 3 km and
86 m and the distance between tent G and tent H the distance between ship P and ship R is 6 km.
is 64 m. Calculate the angle between FH and GH. Calculate the distance, in km, between ship Q
Terdapat tiga buah khemah, F, G dan H di sebuah tapak and ship R.
perkhemahan. Diberi jarak di antara khemah F dan khemah Terdapat tiga buah kapal, P, Q dan R di dalam laut. Kelasi
G ialah 52 m, jarak di antara khemah F dan khemah H kapal P boleh melihat kedua-dua buah kapal Q dan R. Sudut
ialah 86 m dan jarak di antara khemah G dan khemah H di antara garis penglihatan Q dan garis penglihatan R dari
ialah 64 m. Hitung sudut di antara FH dan GH. P ialah 50°. Diberi jarak di antara kapal P dan kapal Q ialah
3 km dan jarak di antara kapal P dan kapal R ialah 6 km.
Hitung jarak, dalam km, di antara kapal Q dan R.
Let θ be the angle between FH and GH.
Katakan θ ialah sudut di antara FH dan GH.

F 52 m
3 km
86 m
64 m 6 km

H QR2 = PQ2 + PR2 – 2(PQ)(PR) cos P

= 32 + 62 – 2(3)(6) cos 50°
FH2 + GH2 – FG2 = 21.86
cos θ/kos θ =
2(FH)(GH) QR = 21.86
862 + 642 – 522 = 4.675 km
= ∴ The distance between ship Q and ship R is
4.675 km.
8 788
11 008
= 0.7983
θ = 37°2’


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 148 05/12/2019 8:32:23 PM

2 The diagram shows a triangle PQR. 3 The diagram shows a triangle ABC.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga PQR. Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga ABC.

x cm 6 cm 100°
6 cm x cm

P 9 cm R
A 12 cm C
Find the value of x./Cari nilai x. Find the value of x./Cari nilai x.
x2 + 92 – 2(x)(9) cos 30° = 62 62 + x2 – 2(6)(x) cos 100° = 122
x2 + 81 – 15.59x = 36 36 + x2 + 2.084x = 144
x2 – 15.59x + 45 = 0 x2 + 2.084x – 108 = 0
–(–15.59) ± (–15.59)2 – 4(1)(45) –(2.084) ± (2.084)2 – 4(1)(–108)
x = 2(1) x = 2(1)
= 11.765, 3.825 = 9.403, –11.487
PQ = 11.765 cm BC = 9.403 cm

9.3 Area of a Triangle / Luas Segi Tiga

Exercise 11 Solve the following problems.

Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang petua sinus, petua kosinus dan luas segi tiga untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 11 1 The diagram shows a triangle PQR.

Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga PQR.
The diagram shows a triangle ABC.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga ABC.
10 cm 8 cm

4 cm
P 12 cm R
(a) the height, in cm, of ∆PQR,
(a) the height, in cm, of ∆ABC,
tinggi, dalam cm, bagi ∆PQR,
tinggi, dalam cm, bagi ∆ABC,
(b) the area, in cm2, of ∆PQR.
(b) the area, in cm , of ∆ABC.2
luas, dalam cm2, bagi ∆PQR.
luas, dalam cm2, bagi ∆ABC.
Solution Let the height of ∆PQR = h cm
Let the height of ∆ABC = h cm Q
Katakan tinggi bagi ∆ABC = h cm
10 cm 8 cm
54° h cm
h cm 36°
4 cm P 12 cm R
B (a) = sin 36°
h PQ
(a) = sin 54°
AB h
= sin 36°
h 8
= sin 54°
4 h = 8 sin 36°
h = 3.236 cm = 4.702 cm
1 1
(b) Area ∆ABC = × base × height (b) Area ∆PQR = × base × height
2 2
1 1
Luas ∆ABC = × tapak × tinggi = × 12 cm × 4.702 cm
= × 10 cm × 3.236 cm = 28.21 cm2
= 16.18 cm2


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 149 05/12/2019 8:32:26 PM

2 The diagram shows a triangle ABC. Given ACD 3 The diagram shows a triangle ABC.
is a straight line. Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga ABC.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga ABC. Diberi ACD A
ialah garis lurus.
b cm

14 cm 
h cm
a cm

50° 1
A D Show that the area of ∆ABC = ab sin θ cm2.
9 cm C 2
Find/Cari 1
Tunjukkan bahawa luas ∆ABC = ab sin θ cm2.
(a) the value of h, 2
nilai h,
Let the height of ∆ABC = h cm
(b) the area, in cm2, of ∆ABC.
luas, dalam cm , bagi ∆ABC.
2 A

h b cm
(a) = sin 50°
AB h cm
= sin 50° C B
14 a cm
h = 14 sin 50° h
= 10.725 cm = sin θ
h = b sin θ
(b) Area ∆ABC = × base × height 1
2 Area ∆ABC = × base × height
= × 9 cm × 10.725 cm 1
2 = × a cm × b sin θ cm
= 48.26 cm2 1
= ab sin θ cm2

Smart Tip
Area of ∆/Luas bagi ∆: A
1 Remember/ Ingat:
ab sin C or/atau The area of ∆ is applied when 1 included
c b angle and 2 sides are given.
bc sin A or/atau Luas ∆ digunakan apabila 1 sudut kandung dan
1 2 sisi diberi.
ac sin B B
2 a C

Exercise 12 Find the area of each of the following triangles by using the formula, area = ab sin θ.
1 2
Cari luas bagi setiap segi tiga yang berikut menggunakan rumus, luas = ab sin θ.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang petua sinus, petua kosinus dan luas segi tiga untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 12 1

7 cm

4 cm

68° 9 cm
7 cm 1
Area =ab sin θ
Solution 2
1 1
Area/Luas = ab sin θ = × 7 cm × 9 cm × sin 34°
2 2
= × 4 cm × 7 cm × sin 68° = 17.615 cm2
= 12.981 cm2


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 150 05/12/2019 8:32:30 PM

2 9.4 cm 3
78° 13 cm
8 cm
5.6 cm

1 1
Area =ab sin θ Area =ab sin θ
2 2
1 1
= × 9.4 cm × 5.6 cm × sin 53° = × 8 cm × 13 cm × sin 78°
2 2
= 21.02 cm2 = 50.864 cm2

4 F 5 P R
60° 40°

10 cm 6.5 cm 8.5 cm
G 7 cm
∠FGH = 180° – 15° – 25° = 140°
1 ∠PQR = 180° – 60° – 40° = 80°
Area = ab sin θ 1
2 Area = ab sin θ
1 2
= × 10 cm × 7 cm × sin 140° 1
2 = × 6.5 cm × 8.5 cm × sin 80°
= 22.498 cm2 2
= 27.205 cm2

Smart Tip
Heron’s formula / Rumus Heron:
Area ∆ABC =  s(s – a)(s – b)(s – c) such that s = and a, b and c are the sides of the triangle.
Luas ∆ABC =  s(s – a)(s – b)(s – c) dengan keadaan s = dan a, b dan c ialah panjang sisi segi tiga.

Exercise 13 Find the area of each of the following by using the Heron’s formula.
Cari luas bagi setiap yang berikut menggunakan rumus Heron.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang petua sinus, petua kosinus dan luas segi tiga untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 13 1

10 cm
6 cm
11 cm

7 cm
8 cm
B 6 cm A
s =
Solution 2
6 + 8 + 10
Perimeter Area/Luas =
s = 2
2 = s(s – a)(s – b)(s – c) = 12
11 + 7 + 6 = 12(12 – 11)(12 – 7)(12 – 6)
= Area = s(s – a)(s – b)(s – c)
2 = 12(1)(5)(6)
= 12(12 – 6)(12 – 8)(12 – 10)
= 12 = 360
= 12(6)(4)(2)
= 18.974 cm2
= 576
= 24 cm2


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 151 05/12/2019 8:32:33 PM

2 Find the area of a triangle with sides 4 cm, 5 cm 3
and 7 cm.
Cari luas bagi sebuah segi tiga yang mempunyai sisi 4 cm,
5 cm dan 7 cm. 5 cm 6 cm

s =
2 F 8 cm G
2 Perimeter
s =
=8 2
Area = s(s – a)(s – b)(s – c) 5+6+8
= 8(8 – 4)(8 – 5)(8 – 7) 2
= 8(4)(3)(1) = 9.5
= 96 Area = s(s – a)(s – b)(s – c)
= 9.798 cm2 = 9.5(9.5 – 5)(9.5 – 6)(9.5 – 8)
= 9.5(4.5)(3.5)(1.5)
= 224.438
= 14.981 cm2

4 Find the area of a triangle with sides 5.9 cm, 5 Find the area of a triangle with sides 15 cm, 20 cm
8.6 cm and 4.7 cm. and 29 cm.
Cari luas bagi sebuah segi tiga yang mempunyai sisi 5.9 cm, Cari luas bagi sebuah segi tiga yang mempunyai sisi 15 cm,
8.6 cm dan 4.7 cm. 20 cm dan 29 cm.

Perimeter Perimeter
s = s =
2 2
5.9 + 8.6 + 4.7 15 + 20 + 29
= =
2 2
= 9.6 = 32
Area = s(s – a)(s – b)(s – c) Area = s(s – a)(s – b)(s – c)
= 9.6(9.6 – 5.9)(9.6 – 8.6)(9.6 – 4.7) = 32(32 – 15)(32 – 20)(32 – 29)
= 9.6(3.7)(1)(4.9) = 32(17)(12)(3)
= 174.048 = 19 584
= 13.193 cm2 = 139.94 cm2

Exercise 14 Solve the following problems.

Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang petua sinus, petua kosinus dan luas segi tiga untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 14
The diagram shows a triangle FGH. Solution
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga FGH. 82 + 42 − 62
cos θ/kos θ =
G 2(8)(4)
= 0.6875
8 cm θ = 46° 34’
6 cm Area of ∆FGH / Luas ∆FGH
 = 2 ab sin θ
4 cm H
= 2 (8)(4) sin 46° 34’
Find the area, in cm2, of ∆FGH.
Cari luas, dalam cm2, bagi ∆FGH. = 11.619 cm2


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 152 05/12/2019 8:32:34 PM

1 The diagram shows a triangle FGH. 2 The diagram shows a triangle FGH.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga FGH. Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga FGH.

17 cm 16 cm

12 cm
 27 cm
126º F
24 cm
Find the area, in cm2, of ∆FGH.
Cari luas, dalam cm , bagi ∆FGH.

sin ∠F sin 126° Find the area, in cm2, of ∆FGH.
12 17 Cari luas, dalam cm2, bagi ∆FGH.
12 sin 126°
sin ∠F = 162 + 242 − 272
cos θ =
= 0.5711 2(16)(24)
∠F = 34.83° = 0.1341
θ = 180° − 126° − 34.83° θ = 82.29°
= 19.17° 1
Area = 2 ab sin θ
Area = 2 ab sin θ 1
= 2 (16)(24) sin 82.29°
= 2 (17)(12) sin 19.17° = 190.265 cm2
= 33.494 cm2

3 The diagram shows a quadrilateral ABCD. 4 The diagram shows an irregular pentagon ABCDE.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah sisi empat ABCD. Rajah menunjukkan sebuah pentagon tak sekata ABCDE.
8 cm
43 m 46 m
12 cm A ) 95o C
6 cm
32 m 44 m
)75o C
D 14 cm 130o
36 m

Find the area, in cm2, of the quadrilateral. D

Cari luas, dalam cm , bagi sisi empat itu.
2 Find the area, in m2, of the pentagon.
8 cm B Cari luas, dalam m2, bagi pentagon itu.
12 cm 46 m
6 cm 43 m

A ) 95o C
14 cm
1 32 m θ 44 m
∆ADC = 2 × DA × DC sin ∠ADC

E 36 m

1 D
= 2 × 6 × 14 sin 75o BE = 432 + 322 − 2(43)(32) cos 95o

= 40.569 cm2 = 3 112.85

AC = DA2 + DC2 − 2(DA)(DC) cos ∠ADC
2 BE = 55.793 m
= 62 + 142 − 2(6)(14) cos 75o = 188.518 EC2 = 362 + 442 − 2(36)(44) cos 130o  
 AC = 13.730 cm = 5 268.35
AB2 + AC2 − BC2 EC = 72.583
cos ∠BAC = 55.7932 + 72.5832 − 462
cos θ = 2(55.793)(72.583)
82 + 13.7302 − 122
= 2(8)(13.730) = 0.7735
= 0.4940 θ = 39.326o
∠BAC = 60.398o Total area = ∆ABE + ∆BEC + ∆EDC
1 1 1
∆BAC = 2 × AB × AC sin ∠BAC 1
= 2 × 32 × 43 sin 95o + 2 × 55.793 2 1
1 1
= 2 × 8 × 13.730 sin 60.398o 2 1
× 72.583 sin 39.326o + 2 × 36 × 44 sin 130o 2
= 47.752 cm2 = 685.382 + 1 283.187 + 606.707
Area of quadrilateral = ∆ADC + ∆BAC = 2 575.276 m2
= 40.569 cm2 + 47.752 cm2 = 88.321 cm2


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 153 05/12/2019 8:32:36 PM

5 Given ABC is a triangle such that the area = 6 Given PQR is a triangle such that the area =
15 cm2, perimeter = 18 cm, AB = 4 cm and AC = 18 cm2, perimeter = 24 cm, PQ = 6 cm and PR =
7 cm. Find the length, in cm, of BC. 10 cm. Find the length, in cm, of QR.
Diberi ABC ialah sebuah segi tiga dengan keadaan luas = Diberi PQR ialah sebuah segi tiga dengan keadaan luas = 18
15 cm2, perimeter = 18 cm, AB = 4 cm dan AC = 7 cm. cm2, perimeter = 24 cm, PQ = 6 cm dan PR = 10 cm. Cari
Cari panjang, dalam cm, bagi BC. panjang, dalam cm, bagi QR.

18 24
s= = 9 cm s= = 12 cm
2 2
Let BC = k cm Let QR = x cm
 s(s – a)(s – b)(s – c) = 15 s(s – a)(s – b)(s – c) = 18
 9(9 – 4)(9 – 7)(9 – k) = 15 12(12 – x)(12 – 6)(12 – 10) = 18
9(5)(2)(9 – k) = 15 12(12 – x)(6)(2) = 18
90(9 – k) = 152 144(12 – x) = 182
9 – k = 2.5 12 – x = 2.25
k = 6.5 x = 9.75
∴ BC = 6.5 cm ∴ QR = 9.75 cm

9.4 Application of Sine Rule, Cosine Rule and Area of a Triangle

Aplikasi Petua Sinus, Petua Kosinus dan Luas Segi Tiga

Exercise 15 Solve the following problems.

Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang petua sinus, petua kosinus dan luas segi tiga untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 15 1 The diagram shows a triangle EGH.

Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga EGH.
The diagram shows a triangle EHG.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga EHG.
7 cm F
H 9 cm

56º 50º

4 cm
E G EFG is a straight line. Find the length of
5 cm F
EFG ialah satu garis lurus. Cari panjang
EFG is a straight line. Find the length of (a) EH, (b) FG.
EFG ialah satu garis lurus. Cari panjang
(a) EH, (b) FG. (a) EH2 = 72 + 92 − 2(7)(9)cos 130°
= 210.991
Solution EH = 14.526 cm
(a) EH2 = 52 + 42 − 2(5)(4) cos 128°/kos 128° (b) ∠FGH = 130° − 50° = 80°
= 65.626 FG 9
EH = 8.101 cm sin 50° sin 80°
(b) ∠FGH = 128° − 56° = 72° 9 sin 50°
FG 4 FG =
= sin 80°
sin 56° sin 72° = 7.001 cm
4 sin 56°
FG =
sin 72°
= 3.487 cm


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 154 05/12/2019 8:32:37 PM

2 The diagram shows a triangle KMN. 3 The diagram shows a triangle PRT.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga KMN. Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga PRT.


10 cm 9 cm 12 cm
9 cm
109º P R
K M 16 cm Q
L 13 cm 3.5 cm
KLM is a straight line. Find PQR is a straight line. Find
KLM ialah satu garis lurus. Cari PQR ialah satu garis lurus. Cari
(a) ∠NKL, (b) NM. (a) θ, (b) PT.
sin ∠NKL sin 109° 92 + 3.52 − 122
(a) = (a) cos θ =
9 10 2(9)(3.5)
9 sin 109° = −0.8056
sin ∠NKL =
10 θ = 143.66°
= 0.8510
∠NKL = 58.32° (b) PT2 = 162 + 92 − 2(16)(9)cos(180° − 143.66°)
= 105.012
(b) ∠NLM = 180° − 109° PT = 10.248 cm
= 71°
NM2 = 92 + 132 − 2(9)(13)cos 71°
= 173.817
NM = 13.184 cm

Exercise 16 Solve the following problems.

Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang penyelesaian segi tiga dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

1 A surveyor at point P has obtained the 2 In the diagram, AB represents the length of a
measurements of PD, PE and ∠DPE by method slanting tower. Two points, C and D, are marked
of survey. on the horizontal ground such that B, C and D
Seorang juru ukur di titik P mendapatkan ukuran PD, PE are collinear.
dan ∠DPE dengan kaedah pengukuran. Dalam rajah, AB mewakili panjang sebuah menara condong.
Dua titik, C dan D, ditandakan di atas tanah mengufuk
Lake/Kolam E
dengan keadaan B, C dan D adalah segaris.

94 m 186 m

48.5o 34o( 20o(

B 98 m C 80 m

Calculate the length, in m, of the slanting tower.
DE involves part of a lake and the surveyor is Hitung panjang, dalam m, menara condong itu.
unable to measure it. How can the distance of DE HOTS Evaluating

be obtained? ∠CAD = 34o − 20o = 14o

DE melibatkan sebahagian daripada sebuah kolam dan juru In ∆ACD,
ukur tidak dapat mengukurnya. Bagaimanakah jarak DE AC 80
dapat diperoleh? sin 20o = sin 14o
80 sin 20o
Distance of DE can be obtained by using cosine AC = sin 14o
rule.   = 113.1 m
DE2 = PD2 + PE2 − 2(PD)(PE) cos ∠DPE In ∆ABC,
= 942 + 1862 − 2(94)(186) cos 48.5o AB2 = 982 + 113.12 − 2(98)(113.1) cos 34o
= 20 261.502  = 4 017.837
DE = A 20 261.502 AB = 63.386 m
 = 142.343 m The length of the slanting tower is 63.386 m.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 155 05/12/2019 8:32:38 PM

Exercise 17 Solve the following problems.
Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang penyelesaian segi tiga dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

Example 16
The diagram shows a cuboid with a rectangular Solution
base, PQRS. (a) PW =  52 + 42 = 
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah kuboid bertapak segi empat tepat, PR =  7 + 4 = 
2 2

WR = 7 + 5 = 74
2 2 
41)2 + (
65)2 − (
cos/kos ∠WPR =

= 0.3099
5 cm ∠WPR = 71.94
4 cm (b) Area of the shaded triangle
P 7 cm Q Luas segi tiga berlorek
Find/Cari 1
= 2 ab sin θ
(a) ∠WPR,
(b) the area, in cm2, of the shaded triangle. 1
luas, dalam cm2, bagi segi tiga berlorek itu.
= 2 (
65) sin 71.94° = 24.54 cm2

1 The diagram shows a cuboid with a rectangular (a) AH = 52 + 32 = 34

base, ABCD.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah kuboid bertapak segi empat tepat, AC = 52 + 32 = 34
HC = 52 + 52 = 50
(34 )2 + (34 )2 − (50 )2
cos ∠HAC =
2(34 )(34 )
E F = 0.2647
∠HAC = 74.65°
5 cm
C (b) Area of the shaded triangle
3 cm 1
= 2 ab sin θ
5 cm B
= 2 (34 )(34 ) sin 74.65°
(a) ∠HAC, = 16.394 cm2
(b) the area, in cm2, of the shaded triangle.
luas, dalam cm2, bagi segi tiga berlorek itu.

2 The diagram shows a cuboid with a rectangular (a) FJ = 42 + 62 = 52

base, EFGH.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah kuboid bertapak segi empat tepat, FL = 8.52 + 62 = 108.25
JL = 42 + 8.52 = 88.25
M (52 )2 + (108.25)2 − (88.25 )2
cos ∠JFL =
K 2(52 )(108.25)
6 cm
= 0.4798
∠JFL = 61.33°
E (b) Area of the shaded triangle
4 cm 1
F 8.5 cm = 2 ab sin θ
Find/Cari = 2 (52 )(108.25) sin 61.33°
(a) ∠JFL,
= 32.914 cm2
(b) the area, in cm2, of the shaded triangle.
luas, dalam cm2, bagi segi tiga berlorek itu.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 156 05/12/2019 8:32:40 PM

3 The diagram shows a prism with a rectangular base, (a) BE = 62 + 82 = 10 cm
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah prisma bertapak segi empat tepat, AF = 72 + 82 = 113
FC = 72 + 102 = 149
AC = 62 + 142 = 232
(113 )2 + (232 )2 − (149 )2
E cos ∠FAC =
2(113 )(232 )2
= 0.6053
8 cm C ∠FAC = 52.75°

14 cm (b) Area of the shaded triangle

A 6 cm B 1
= 2 ab sin θ
(a) ∠FAC, = 2 (113)(232) sin 52.75°
(b) the area, in cm2, of the shaded triangle.
= 64.442 cm2
luas, dalam cm2, bagi segi tiga berlorek itu.

Review 9
Paper 2 Questions
 1 Diagram 1 shows a quadrilateral ABCD on a E
SPM horizontal plane.
`17 Rajah 1 menunjukkan sisi empat ABCD pada suatu satah 76º
B 20 m
38º 16 m S

25 m Diagram 2/ Rajah 2
It is given that FP = 20 cm, PE = 15 cm, EQ = 13
Diagram 1/ Rajah 1 cm, PEQ = 76° and ∠RFS = 45°.
HABC is a building in pyramid shape. Given Diberi bahawa FP = 20 cm, PE =15 cm, EQ = 13 cm,
AB = 9 m and H is 8 m vertically above B. PEQ = 76° dan ∠RFS = 45°.
HABC ialah sebuah bangunan berbentuk piramid. Diberi (a) Calculate the length, in cm, of
AB = 9 m dan H ialah 8 m tegak di atas B. Hitung panjang, dalam cm, bagi
Find/Cari (i) PQ,
(a) ∠ACD, [2 marks/markah] (ii) QG.
(b) the length, in m, of AC, [5 marks/markah]
panjang, dalam m, bagi AC, (b) The area of triangle PQE is twice the area of
[3 marks/markah] triangle RFS. Calculate the length, in cm, of FS.
(c) the area, in m2, of inclined plane HAC. Luas bagi segi tiga PQE ialah dua kali ganda luas bagi
luas, dalam m2, bagi satah condong HAC. segi tiga RFS. Hitung panjang, dalam cm, bagi FS.
[5 marks/markah] [3 marks/markah]
(c) Sketch triangle E’F’G’ which has a different
 2 In Diagram 2, EFG is a triangle. EPRF, EQG and shape from triangle EFG such that E’F’ = EF,
SPM FSG are straight lines. The straight line RS is
E’G’ = EG and ∠E’F’G’ = ∠EFG.
perpendicular to FG. Lakarkan segi tiga E’F’G’ yang mempunyai satu bentuk
Dalam Rajah 2, EFG ialah sebuah segi tiga. EPRF, EQG dan berlainan daripada segi tiga EFG dengan keadaan
FSG ialah garis lurus. Garis lurus RS adalah berserenjang E’F’ = EF, E’G’ = EG dan ∠E’F’G’ = ∠EFG.
kepada FG. [2 marks/markah]


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 157 05/12/2019 8:32:42 PM

  3 Diagram 3 shows two triangles, EFG and FKH. (ii) Hence, state ∠F’E’G’.
SPM Rajah 3 menunjukkan dua buah segi tiga, EFG dan FKH. Seterusnya, nyatakan ∠F’E’G’.
[2 marks/markah]

98°   4 Diagram 4 shows a cyclic quadrilateral DEFG. It is

given that FG = 4 cm.
40° `16 Rajah 4 menunjukkan satu sisi empat kitaran DEFG. Diberi
F H P2Q15
bahawa FG = 4 cm.


9 cm
Diagram 3/ Rajah 3 G
It is given that FK = 9.5 cm, HK = 5.8 cm and 82° 4 cm
EG = 6.8 cm.
Diberi bahawa FK = 9.5 cm, HK = 5.8 cm dan EG = 6.8 cm. E 8 cm F
(a) Calculate/Hitung
(i) the length, in cm, of FG, Diagram 4/ Rajah 4
panjang, dalam cm, bagi FG,
(a) Calculate/Hitung
(ii) the length, in cm, of GH,
panjang, dalam cm, bagi GH, (i) the length, in cm, of DF,
panjang, dalam cm, bagi DF,
(iii) the area, in cm2, of ∆EFG.
luas, dalam cm , bagi ∆EFG.
2 (ii) ∠DFG.
[8 marks/markah] [6 marks/markah]
(b) (i) Sketch ∆E’F’G’ which has a different (b) Find/Cari
shape from ∆EFG such that E’F’ = EF, E’G’ (i) the area, in cm2, of ∆DEF,
luas, dalam cm2, bagi ∆DEF.
= EG, and ∠E’F’G’ = ∠EFG.
Lakar sebuah ∆E’F’G’ yang mempunyai bentuk (ii) the shortest distance, from E to DF.
berbeza dari ∆EFG dengan keadaan E’F’ = EF, jarak terpendek, dari E ke DF.
E’G’ = EG, dan ∠E’F’G’ = ∠EFG. [4 marks/markah]

H O TS Zo n e
 1 Diagram 1 shows a quadrilateral EFGH.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan sebuah sisi empat EFGH. (a) Calculate/Hitung
(i) the length, in cm, of EG,
panjang, dalam cm, bagi EG,
(ii) ∠EGF.
6.4 cm (b) Point F’ lies on FG such that EF’ = EF.
17.4 cm Titik F’ terletak pada FG dengan keadaan EF’ = EF.
F 108º
(i) Sketch EF’G.
Lakarkan EF’G.
(ii) Find the area, in cm2, of EF’G. HOTS Applying
48º Cari luas, dalam cm2, bagi EF’G.
G 8 cm

Diagram 1/ Rajah 1

 2 Diagram 2 shows a trapezium ABCD. AB is parallel to DC and ∠BCD is an obtuse angle.

Rajah 2 menunjukkan sebuah trapezium ABCD. AB adalah selari dengan DC dan ∠BCD ialah sudut cakah.

B Find/Cari
(a) the length, in cm, of BD,
13.5 cm
panjang, dalam cm, bagi BD,
(b) the length, in cm, of BC,
panjang, dalam cm, bagi BC,
(c) ∠BCD,
4.8 cm (d) the area, in cm2, of triangle BCD. HOTS Applying
luas, dalam cm2, segi tiga BCD.

Diagram 2/ Rajah 2


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C9 4th.indd 158 05/12/2019 8:32:45 PM

Chapter Elective Package: Application of Social Science

10 Index Numbers
Nombor Indeks

10.1 Indeks Numbers / Nombor Indeks

Smart Tip
Index number, I
Nombor indeks, I
Q1 Q0 = Quantity at the base time Q1 = Quantity at a specific time
I = — × 100 Kuantiti pada masa asas Kuantiti pada masa tertentu

Exercise 1 Interpret the index number for each of the following situations.
Tafsirkan nombor indeks bagi setiap situasi berikut.
TP 1 Mempamerkan pengetahuan asas tentang nombor indeks.

Example 1 1 The index number of the usage of electricity in a

district in the year 2019 based on the year 2015 is
The index number of the number of handphone 135.
users in a country in the year 2019 based on the Nombor indeks bagi penggunaan elektrik di sebuah daerah
year 2018 is 175. pada tahun 2019 berasaskan tahun 2015 ialah 135.
Nombor indeks bagi bilangan pengguna telefon bimbit di
sebuah negara pada tahun 2019 berasaskan tahun 2018 135% – 100% = 35%
ialah 175. The percentage of the usage of electricity in the
Solution district increased by 35% from 2015 to 2019.
175% – 100% = 75%
The percentage of the number of handphone
users in the country increased by 75% from 2018
to 2019.
Peratus bilangan pengguna telefon bimbit di sebuah negara
meningkat sebanyak 75% dari tahun 2018 ke tahun 2019.

2 The index number of the number of road 3 The index number of the price of a type of racket
accidents in a state in the year 2018 based on the in the year 2019 based on the year 2010 is 55.
year 2016 is 240. Nombor indeks bagi harga sejenis raket pada tahun 2019
Nombor indeks bagi bilangan kemalangan jalan raya di sebuah berasaskan tahun 2010 ialah 55.
negeri pada tahun 2018 berasaskan tahun 2016 ialah 240.
55% – 100% = –45%
240% – 100% = 140% The percentage of the price of the type of racket
The percentage of the number of road accidents decreased by 45% from 2010 to 2019.
in the state increased by 140% from 2016 to 2018.

4 The index number of BMI (body mass index) of 5 The index number of the air pollutant index in a
the students in a school in the year 2018 based on certain zone in the year 2015 based on the year
the year 2015 is 134. 2011 is 84.
Nombor indeks bagi BMI (indeks jisim badan) murid di sebuah Nombor indeks bagi indeks pencemaran udara di suatu zon
sekolah pada tahun 2018 berasaskan tahun 2015 ialah 134. pada tahun 2015 berasaskan tahun 2011 ialah 84.

134% – 100% = 34% 84% – 100% = –16%

The percentage of BMI (body mass index) of the The percentage of the air pollutant index in the
students in the school increased by 34% from certain zone decreased by 16% from 2011 to 2015.
2015 to 2018.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 159 05/12/2019 8:36:24 PM

Exercise 2 Solve the following. Hence, interpret the index number obtained.
Selesaikan yang berikut. Seterusnya, tafsirkan nombor indeks yang diperoleh.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang nombor indeks.

Example 2 1 A company sold 1 200 units of brand X

smartphones in the year 2015 and 1 500 units in
The number of residents in a village increased the year 2018. Calculate the index number for
from 840 in the year 2017 to 966 in the year 2018. the number of smartphones sold in the year 2018
Calculate the index number of the number of based on the year 2015.
residents in the year 2018 based on the year Sebuah syarikat telah menjual 1 200 unit telefon pintar
2017. berjenama X pada tahun 2015 dan 1 500 unit pada tahun
Bilangan penduduk di sebuah kampung meningkat 2018. Hitung nombor indeks bagi bilangan telefon pintar
daripada 840 orang pada tahun 2017 kepada 966 orang yang dijual pada tahun 2018 berasaskan tahun 2015.
pada tahun 2018. Hitung nombor indeks bagi bilangan
penduduk pada tahun 2018 berasaskan tahun 2017. Q2018
I= × 100
Solution Q2015
Q2018 1 500
I = × 100 I= × 100
Q2017 1 200
966 = 125
= × 100
= 115 125% – 100% = 25%
The percentage of the number of smartphones
115% – 100 % = 15% sold increased by 25% from 2015 to 2018.
The percentage of the number of residents
increased by 15% from 2017 to 2018.
Peratus bilangan penduduk meningkat sebanyak 15% dari
tahun 2017 ke tahun 2018.

2 The number of students in a school decreased 3 The table shows the number of cars sold by a
from 1 600 students in the year 2017 to 1 520 company in the year 2016 and 2018. Calculate the
students in the year 2018. Calculate the index index number to show the change in the number
number to show the change in the number of of cars sold in the year 2018 based on the year
students in the year 2018 based on the year 2017. 2016.
Bilangan murid di sebuah sekolah merosot daripada Jadual menunjukkan bilangan kereta yang dijual oleh
1 600 orang pada tahun 2017 kepada 1 520 orang pada sebuah syarikat pada tahun 2016 dan 2018. Hitung nombor
tahun 2018. Hitung nombor indeks untuk menunjukkan indeks untuk menunjukkan perubahan bilangan kereta yang
perubahan bilangan murid pada tahun 2018 berasaskan dijual pada tahun 2018 berasaskan tahun 2016.
tahun 2017.
Year Number of cars sold
Q2018 Tahun Bilangan kereta dijual
I= × 100
Q2017 2016 1 845 000 units/unit
1 520
I= × 100 2018 2 583 000 units/unit
1 600
= 95
I= × 100
95% – 100 % = –5% Q2016
The percentage of the number of students 2 583 000
decreased by 5% from 2017 to 2018. I= × 100
1 845 000
= 140

140% – 100% = 40%

The percentage of the number of cars sold
increased by 40% from 2016 to 2018.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 160 05/12/2019 8:36:24 PM

4 The table shows the number of road accident 5 The table shows the air pollutant index in a
cases in a country in two years. Calculate the district in two years. Calculate the index number
index number to show the change in the number to show the change in the air pollutant index in
of road accident cases in the year 2019 based on the year 2019 based on the year 2017.
the year 2018. Jadual menunjukkan indeks pencemaran udara di sebuah
Jadual menunjukkan bilangan kemalangan jalan raya di daerah dalam masa dua tahun. Hitung nombor indeks untuk
sebuah negara dalam masa dua tahun. Hitung nombor menunjukkan perubahan indeks pencemaran udara pada
indeks untuk menunjukkan perubahan bilangan kes tahun 2019 berasaskan 2017.
kemalangan jalan raya pada tahun 2019 berasaskan tahun
2018. Year Air pollutant index
Tahun Indeks pencemaran udara
Year Number of road accident cases
Tahun Bilangan kes kemalangan jalan raya 2017 124

2018 26 800 2019 93

2019 31 088 Q2019

I = × 100
Q2019 93
I = × 100 I = × 100
Q2018 124
31 088 = 75
I = × 100
26 800
= 116 75% – 100% = -25%
The percentage of the air pollutant index
116% – 100% = 16% decreased by 25% from 2017 to 2019.
The percentage of the number of road accident
cases increased by 16% from 2018 to 2019.

Smart Tip
Price index, I, is an example of index number.
Indeks harga, I, ialah contoh bagi nombor indeks.
I = — × 100 P0 = Price of the item at the base time P1 = Price of the item at a specific time
P0 Harga suatu barang pada masa asas Harga suatu barang pada masa tertentu

Exercise 3 Calculate the price index for each of the following.

Hitung indeks harga bagi setiap yang berikut.
TP 2 Mempamerkan kefahaman tentang nombor indeks.

Example 3 1
Price of a clock Year
Price of a washing machine Year Harga jam Tahun
Harga mesin basuh Tahun
RM15.00 2009
RM660 2012
RM20.25 2011
RM759 2013
Calculate the price index for the year Calculate the price index for the year
Hitung indeks harga pada tahun Hitung indeks harga pada tahun
(a) 2013 based on the year 2012 (a) 2011 based on the year 2009
2013 berasaskan tahun 2012 2011 berasaskan tahun 2009
(b) 2012 based on the year 2013 (b) 2009 based on the year 2011
2012 berasaskan tahun 2013 2009 berasaskan tahun 2011

Solution P2011 P2009

(a) I = × 100 (b) I = × 100
P2013 P2012 P2009 P2011
(a) I = × 100 (b) I = × 100 20.25 15
P2012 P2013 I= × 100 I= × 100
759 660 15 20.25
I= × 100 I= × 100 = 135 = 74.07
660 759
= 115 = 86.96


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 161 05/12/2019 8:36:25 PM

2 A box of tissue costs RM1.20 and RM1.60 in the 3 The price of a pair of shoes in the year 2009 was
year 2003 and 2006 respectively. Calculate the RM150.00. The price decreased to RM129.90 in
price index of a box of tissue for the year 2006 the year 2012. Find the price index of the shoes
based on the year 2003. for the year 2009 based on the year 2012.
Sekotak tisu berharga RM1.20 dan RM1.60 masing-masing Harga sepasang kasut pada tahun 2009 ialah RM150.00.
pada tahun 2003 dan tahun 2006. Hitung indeks harga Harga itu menurun kepada RM129.90 pada tahun 2012.
sekotak tisu pada tahun 2006 berasaskan tahun 2003. Cari indeks harga pada tahun 2009 berasaskan tahun 2012.
P2006 P2009
I = × 100 I= × 100
P2003 P2012
1.60 150.00
= × 100 = 133.33 = × 100 = 115.47
1.20 129.90

4 The table below shows the price of a type of 5 The table below shows the price of a type of
washing machine in the year 2015 and 2018. smartphone in the year 2012 and 2018.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan harga bagi sejenis mesin Jadual di bawah menunjukkan harga bagi sejenis telefon
basuh pada tahun 2015 dan 2018. pintar pada tahun 2012 dan 2018.

Price of washing machine Year Price of smartphone Year

Harga mesin basuh Tahun Harga telefon pintar Tahun
RM1 200 2015 RM2 400 2012
RM1 356 2018 RM1 392 2018
Calculate the price index for the year 2018 based Calculate the price index for the year 2018 based
on the year 2015. on the year 2012.
Hitung indeks harga pada tahun 2018 berasaskan tahun Hitung indeks harga pada tahun 2018 berasaskan tahun
2015. 2012.
P2018 P2018
I2018/2015 = × 100 I2018/2012 = × 100
P2015 P2012
1 356 1 392
= × 100 = 113 = × 100 = 58
1 200 2 400

Exercise 4 Find Q0 or Q1 for the related index number.

Cari Q0 atau Q1 bagi nombor indeks yang berkenaan.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang nombor indeks untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 4 1 The average monthly telephone bill for a school

in the year 2005 was RM70.00. The index number
The price of a plate of chicken rice in the year of the telephone bill is 125 in the year 2012, using
2005 was RM3.00. The price index for a plate the year 2005 as the base year. Calculate the
of chicken rice for the year 2012 based on the average monthly telephone bill for the school in
year 2005 is 140. Calculate the price of a plate of the year 2012.
chicken rice in the year 2012. Purata bil telefon bulanan bagi sebuah sekolah pada tahun
Harga bagi sepinggan nasi ayam pada tahun 2005 ialah 2005 ialah RM70.00. Nombor indeks bagi bil telefon ialah
RM3.00. Indeks harga untuk sepinggan nasi ayam pada 125 pada tahun 2012, menggunakan tahun 2005 sebagai
tahun 2012 berasaskan tahun 2005 ialah 140. Hitung tahun asas. Hitung purata bil telefon bulanan bagi sekolah
harga bagi sepinggan nasi ayam pada tahun 2012. itu pada tahun 2012.
Smart Tip I=
× 100
I = 1 × 100 Q0
Q0 Since price index is an
example of index number, Q1
Q 125 = × 100
140 = 1 × 100 it can also be written as 70
3.00 Oleh sebab indeks harga ialah
125 × 70
140 × 3.00 contoh bagi nombor indeks, ia Q1 =
Q1 = juga boleh ditulis sebagai 100
Q1 = RM87.50
= RM4.20 I= × 100


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 162 05/12/2019 8:36:25 PM

2 The table shows the prices of 100 g of mushroom. 3 The table shows the prices of an acre of land.
Jadual menunjukkan harga 100 g cendawan. Jadual menunjukkan harga bagi seekar tanah.

Year Price per 100 gram (RM) Year Price per acre (RM)
Tahun Harga per 100 gram (RM) Tahun Harga seekar (RM)

2011 21.50 2007 x

2013 x 2011 490 000

The price index for the year 2013 based on Calculate the price of the land in the year 2007
the year 2011 is 135. Calculate the price of the if the price index for the year 2011 based on the
mushroom per 100 gram in the year 2013. year 2007 is 175.
Indeks harga pada tahun 2013 berasaskan tahun 2011 ialah Hitung harga tanah itu pada tahun 2007 jika indeks harga
135. Hitung harga cendawan per 100 gram pada tahun pada tahun 2011 berasaskan tahun 2007 ialah 175.
Q I= × 100
I = 1 × 100
Q0 490 000
x 175 = × 100
135 = × 100 x
21.50 490 000 × 100
135 × 21.50 x =
x = 175
100 = RM280 000
= RM29.03

4 Jamal’s monthly salary in the year 2012 was 5 The price for a kilogram of sugar in the year 2013
RM3 780. The index number for Jamal’s monthly was RM4.50. The price index of 1 kg of sugar in the
salary for the year 2012 based on the year 2002 is year 2013 using the year 2001 as the base year is
315. Calculate Jamal’s monthly salary in the year 150. Calculate the price of 1 kg of sugar in the year
2002. 2001.
Gaji bulanan Jamal pada tahun 2012 ialah RM3 780. Harga bagi sekilogram gula pada tahun 2013 ialah RM4.50.
Nombor indeks bagi gaji bulanan Jamal pada tahun 2012 Indeks harga bagi 1 kg gula pada tahun 2013 menggunakan
berasaskan tahun 2002 ialah 315. Hitung gaji bulanan tahun 2001 sebagai tahun asas ialah 150. Hitung harga bagi
Jamal pada tahun 2002. 1 kg gula pada tahun 2001.

Q1 Q1
I= × 100 I= × 100
Q0 Q0
3 780 4.50
315 = × 100 150 = × 100
Q2002 Q2001
3 780 × 100 4.50 × 100
Q2002 = 315 Q2001 = 150
= RM1 200 = RM3.00


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 163 05/12/2019 8:36:25 PM

Exercise 5 Solve each of the following.
Selesaikan setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang nombor indeks untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 5 1 The table below shows the price indices of three

types of houses.
The table shows the price indices of three types Jadual di bawah menunjukkan indeks harga bagi tiga jenis
of cars. rumah.
Jadual menunjukkan indeks harga bagi tiga jenis kereta.
Year Tahun 2011 2012 2012
Tahun 2005 2010 2010 House (2010=100) (2010=100) (2011=100)
Car (2000=100) (2000=100) (2005=100) Rumah
E 130 156 p
P 140 168 p
G 150 q 170
H q 176 110
H r 231 140
M 150 r 160
Find the value of
Find the value of Cari nilai bagi
Cari nilai bagi (a) p,
(a) p, (b) q,
(b) q, (c) r.
(c) r.
(a) I2012/2011 = I × 100
Solution 2011/2010

I2010/2000 156
p = × 100
(a) I = I × 100 130
= 120
p = × 100 I2012/2010
(b) I2012/2011 = I × 100
= 120 2011/2010

I2010/2000 170 =
× 100
(b) I = I × 100
2005/2000 170 × 150
q = 100
110 = q × 100 = 255
176 I2012/2010
q = × 100 (c) I2012/2011 = I × 100
= 160
140 =
× 100
(c) I = I × 100 231 × 100
2005/2000 r = 140
160 =
× 100 = 165
160 × 150
r = 100
= 240

Smart Tip
The notation (2000 = 100) means
that the base year is year 2000.
Tatatanda (2000 = 100) bermaksud
tahun asas ialah tahun 2000.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 164 05/12/2019 8:36:26 PM

2 The table below shows the price indices of three 3 The price indices of a scarf for the year 2010
types of shirts. based on the year 2005 and 2007 are 132 and 125
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan indeks harga bagi tiga jenis respectively. Calculate the price of the scarf in
baju. the year 2007 if the price in the year 2005 was
Year Indeks harga sehelai skaf pada tahun 2010 berasaskan tahun
Tahun 2002 2012 2012 2005 dan 2007 masing-masing ialah 132 dan 125. Hitung
Shirt (1992=100) (1992=100) (2002=100) harga skaf itu pada tahun 2007 jika harganya pada tahun
Baju 2005 ialah RM25.00.

P 80 p 145 I2010/2005 = 132

Q 120 150 q I2010/2007 = 125
R r 261 180 I2010/2005
I2007/2005 = I × 100
Find the value of 132
Cari nilai bagi = × 100
(a)  p, (b) q, (c)  r. = 105.6
I2012/1992 P2007
(a) I2012/2002 = I × 100 ∴  P × 100 = I2007/2005
2002/1992 2005
p RM25 × 100 = 105.6
× 100 145 =
145 × 80 P2007 = RM26.40
p = 100

= 116
(b) I2012/2002 = I × 100

q = × 100
= 125
(c) I2012/2002 = I × 100

180 =
× 100
261 × 100
r =
= 145

4 The table shows the price indices for a type of soap for the year 2000 and 2001 using year 1999 as the base
Jadual menunjukkan indeks harga sejenis sabun pada tahun 2000 dan 2001 menggunakan tahun 1999 sebagai tahun asas.

Year 2000 2001

Tahun (1999 = 100) (1999 = 100)

Price index
115 125
Indeks harga

Find the price indices of the soap for the year 1999 and 2001 based on the year 2000.
Cari indeks harga sabun itu pada tahun 1999 dan 2001 berasaskan tahun 2000.
I2001/2000 = × 100
100 115
I1999/2000 = × 100
115 = 108.70
= 86.96


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 165 05/12/2019 8:36:26 PM

10.2 Composite Index / Indeks Gubahan

Smart Tip
Composite index, Ī , I = Index number/Price index Scan or visit https://www.
Indeks gubahan, Ī , Nombor indeks/ Indeks harga civilserviceindia.com/
– ∑Iw w = Weightage index-numbers.html for
∑w Pemberat additional notes of the
index number.

Exercise 6 Calculate the composite index for each of the following.

Hitung indeks gubahan bagi setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang nombor indeks untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 6 1 The table below shows the price indices of three

materials used to produce a type of bottle for the
The table below shows the price indices of four year 2019 based on the year 2015.
ingredients used to produce a type of drink for Jadual di bawah menunjukkan indeks harga bagi tiga jenis
the year 2020 based on the year 2015. bahan yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan sejenis botol
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan indeks harga bagi empat pada tahun 2019 berasaskan tahun 2015.
jenis bahan yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan sejenis
minuman pada tahun 2020 berasaskan tahun 2015. Material Price index
Bahan Indeks harga
Ingredient Price index
Bahan Indeks harga P 110
D 160 Q 130
E 150 R 140
F 140
The quantities of materials P, Q and R used are
G 90
in the ratio of 10 : 3 : 2. Calculate the composite
The pie chart below represents the relative index for the year 2019 based on the year 2015.
quantity of the ingredients used in producing Kuantiti bagi bahan P, Q dan R yang digunakan adalah
the drink. dalam nisbah 10 : 3 : 2. Hitung indeks gubahan pada tahun
Carta pai di bawah mewakili kuantiti relatif bagi bahan- 2019 berasaskan tahun 2015.
bahan yang digunakan dalam penghasilan minuman itu.
G Material I w Iw
60° D P 110 10 1 110
F 77°
80° Q 130 3 390

E R 140 2 280
Calculate the composite index for the year 2020 Total 15 1 770
based on the year 2015.
Hitung indeks gubahan pada tahun 2020 berasaskan tahun – ∑Iw
2015. I =
Solution 1 770
Ingredient 15
I w Iw
Bahan = 118
D 160 143 22 880
E 150 80 12 000
F 140 77 10 780
G 90 60 5 400
Total/Jumlah 360 51 060
– ∑Iw
I =
51 060
= = 141.83


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 166 05/12/2019 8:36:27 PM

2 The table below shows the price indices of three 3 The table below shows the price indices of four
materials used to produce a type of battery for ingredients used to make a type of biscuit for the
the year 2015 based on the year 2010. year 2018 based on the year 2011.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan indeks harga bagi tiga jenis Jadual di bawah menunjukkan indeks harga bagi empat jenis
bahan yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan sejenis bateri bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat sejenis biskut pada
pada tahun 2015 berasaskan tahun 2010. tahun 2018 berasaskan tahun 2011.

Material Price index Ingredient Price index

Bahan Indeks harga Bahan Indeks harga
A 156 M 140
B 115 N 120
C 105 P 160

The pie chart below represents the relative Q 150

quantity of the materials used in producing the
battery. The bar chart below shows the masses of the
Carta pai di bawah mewakili kuantiti relatif bagi bahan- ingredients used to make the biscuit.
bahan yang digunakan dalam penghasilan bateri itu. Carta palang di bawah menunjukkan jisim bagi bahan-
bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat biskut itu.
C Mass (g)/Jisim (g)
30% 60%


Calculate the composite index for the year 2015

based on the year 2010. M N P Q
Hitung indeks gubahan pada tahun 2015 berasaskan tahun Ingredient/Bahan
Calculate the composite index for the year 2018
Ratio A : B : C = 60 : 30 : 10 = 6 : 3 : 1 based on the year 2011.
Hitung indeks gubahan pada tahun 2018 berasaskan tahun
Material I w Iw 2011.

A 156 6 936 Ratio M : N : P : Q = 100 : 300 : 150 : 50 = 2 : 6 : 3 : 1

B 115 3 345
Ingredient I w Iw
C 105 1 105
M 140 2 280
Total 10 1 386
N 120 6 720
– ∑Iw P 160 3 480
I =
Q 150 1 150
1 386
= Total 12 1 630
= 138.6
– ∑Iw
I =
1 630
= 135.83


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 167 05/12/2019 8:36:28 PM

Exercise 7 Calculate the composite index for each of the following.
Hitung indeks gubahan bagi setiap yang berikut.
TP 3 Mengaplikasikan kefahaman tentang nombor indeks untuk melaksanakan tugasan mudah.

Example 7 1 The table below shows the number of accident

cases of four states and their respective
The table below shows the prices of four items weightages. The weightage represents the
sold in a shop and their respective weightages. number of population of the state.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan harga bagi empat jenis Jadual di bawah menunjukkan bilangan kes kemalangan
barang yang dijual di sebuah kedai dan pemberatnya. bagi empat buah negeri dan pemberatnya. Pemberat
mewakili bilangan populasi negeri tersebut.
Price (RM)
Item Harga (RM) Weightage Number of cases
Barang Pemberat State Bilangan kes Weightage
2016 2020 Negeri Pemberat
2016 2018
P 120.00 138.00 4
J 3 600 4 464 8
Q 80.00 100.00 3
K 3 200 3 840 6
R 150.00 162.00 3
L 1 600 1 856 4
S 60.00 72.00 2
M 2 400 2 712 2
Calculate the composite index for the year 2020
Calculate the composite index for the year 2018
based on the year 2016.
based on the year 2016.
Hitung indeks gubahan pada tahun 2020 berasaskan tahun
Hitung indeks gubahan pada tahun 2018 berasaskan tahun
State I2018/2016 w Iw
I2020/2016 w Iw
Barang 4 464
J × 100 = 124 8 992
3 600
P × 100 = 115 4 460 3 840
120 K × 100 = 120 6 720
3 200
Q × 100 = 125 3 375 1 856
80 L × 100 = 116 4 464
1 600
R × 100 = 108 3 324 2 712
150 M × 100 = 113 2 226
2 400
S × 100 = 120 2 240 Total 20 2 402

Total/Jumlah 12 1 399 – ∑Iw

I =
– ∑Iw 2 402
I = =
∑w 20
1 399 = 120.1
= 116.58


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 168 05/12/2019 8:36:29 PM

2 The table below shows the prices of four types 3 The table below shows the prices of four items
of food sold in a restaurant and their respective and their respective weightages.
weightages. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan harga bagi empat jenis
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan harga bagi empat jenis barang dan pemberatnya.
makanan yang dijual di sebuah restoran dan pemberatnya.
Price (RM)
Price (RM) Item Harga (RM) Weightage
Food Harga (RM) Weightage Barang Pemberat
Makanan Pemberat 2010 2019
2015 2018
A 2.40 4.80 3
P 4.00 6.40 6
B 3.60 5.40 2
Q 6.00 9.00 3
C 4.00 7.20 4
R 15.00 18.00 4
Calculate the composite index for the year 2019
S 20.00 26.00 3
based on the year 2010.
Calculate the composite index for the year 2018 Hitung indeks gubahan pada tahun 2019 berasaskan tahun
based on the year 2015. 2010.
Hitung indeks gubahan pada tahun 2018 berasaskan tahun
2015. Item I2019/2010 w Iw
Food I2018/2015 w Iw A × 100 = 200 3 600
P × 100 = 160 6 960 5.40
4.00 B × 100 = 150 2 300
Q × 100 = 150 3 450 7.20
6.00 C × 100 = 180 4 720
R × 100 = 120 4 480 Total 9 1 620
26.00 – ∑Iw
S × 100 = 130 3 390 I =
20.00 ∑w
Total 16 2 280 1 620
– ∑Iw = 180
I =
2 280
= = 142.5

Exercise 8 Calculate the composite index for each of the following.

Hitung indeks gubahan bagi setiap yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang nombor indeks dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

Example 8
The table below shows the index numbers and the Solution
weightages of four items. Calculate the composite
index of all the items. I w Iw
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nombor indeks dan pemberat
bagi empat barang. Hitung indeks gubahan bagi semua barang A 108 5 540
B 120 8 960
Item Index number Weightage C 114 4 456
Barang Nombor indeks Pemberat
D 112 7 784
A 108 5
Total/Jumlah 24 2 740
B 120 8
– ∑Iw
C 114 4 I =
D 112 7 – 2 740
I = 24 = 114.167


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 169 05/12/2019 8:36:29 PM

1 The table below shows the price indices of four 2 The table below shows the price indices and
types of magazines for the year 2012 based on the percentages of usage of four items, K, L, M and N.
year 2010 and their respective weightages. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan indeks harga dan peratus
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan indeks harga bagi empat penggunaan bagi empat barang, K, L, M dan N.
jenis majalah pada tahun 2012 berasaskan tahun 2010 dan
pemberatnya. Price index for the year Percentage of
Item 2013 based on the year 2010 usage (%)
Magazine Price index Weightage Barang Indeks harga pada tahun Peratus
Majalah Indeks harga Pemberat 2013 berasaskan tahun 2010 penggunaan (%)

‘DISCOVERY’ 130 4 K 116 10

‘LEISURE’ 115 3 L 128 40

‘BOX OFFICE’ 125 3 M 125 20

‘BUSINESS’ 160 6 N 80 30

‘HEALTH CARE’ 135 5 Find the composite index of the four items for the
year 2013 based on the year 2010.
Calculate the composite index of all the magazines Cari indeks gubahan bagi keempat-empat barang itu pada
for the year 2012 based on the year 2010. tahun 2013 berasaskan tahun 2010.
Hitung indeks gubahan bagi semua majalah pada tahun
2012 berasaskan tahun 2010. Item I w Iw

Magazine I w Iw K 116 10 1 160

L 128 40 5 120
‘DISCOVERY’ 130 4 520
M 125 20 2 500
‘LEISURE’ 115 3 345
N 80 30 2 400
‘BOX OFFICE’ 125 3 375
Total 100 11 180
‘BUSINESS’ 160 6 960
‘HEALTH CARE’ 135 5 675 – ∑Iw
Total 21 2 875
– 11 180
I= 100 = 111.8
– ∑Iw
– 2 875
I = 21 = 136.905

3 The table below shows the price indices and

Ingredient I w Iw
percentages of usage of four ingredients, P, Q, R
and S, to bake a pie. P 80 10 800
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan indeks harga dan peratus
penggunaan bagi empat bahan, P, Q, R dan S, untuk Q 130 20 2 600
membuat pai.
R 145 20 2 900
Price index for the S 90 50 4 500
year 2004 based on Percentage of
Ingredient the year 2000 usage (%) Total 100 10 800
Bahan Indeks harga pada tahun Peratus
2004 berasaskan tahun penggunaan (%) – ∑Iw
2000 ∑w
P 80 10 – 10 800
I = 100
Q 130 20 = 108
R 145 20
S 90 50

Calculate the composite index of all the ingredients

for the year 2004 based on the year 2000.
Hitung indeks gubahan bagi semua bahan pada tahun 2004
berasaskan tahun 2000.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 170 05/12/2019 8:36:30 PM

4 The table below shows the price indices and
weightages of four types of food for the year 2010 Food I w Iw
based on the year 2006. Meat 125 4 500
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan indeks harga dan pemberat
bagi empat jenis makanan pada tahun 2010 berasaskan tahun Rice 115 5 575
Fish 130 3 390
Food Price index Weightage
Makanan Indeks harga Pemberat Vegetable 120 4 480

Meat/Daging 125 4 Total 16 1 945

Rice/Nasi 115 5
– ∑Iw
Fish/Ikan 130 3 I=
Vegetable/Sayur 120 4 – 1 945
I= 16
Calculate the composite index of the food for the = 121.563
year 2010 based on the year 2006.
Hitung indeks gubahan bagi makanan-makanan pada tahun
2010 berasaskan tahun 2006.

Exercise 9 Solve each of the following problems. HOTS Applying

Selesaikan setiap masalah yang berikut.
TP 4 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang sesuai tentang nombor indeks dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah rutin yang mudah.

Example 9
The table below shows the price indices and the Solution
weightages of three items in the year 2012 using
the year 2009 as the base year. Item
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan indeks harga dan pemberat bagi
I w Iw
tiga barang pada tahun 2012 berasaskan tahun 2009.
P 114 k 114k
Item Price index Weightage Q 128 2 256
Barang Indeks harga Pemberat
R 126 3 378
P 114 k
Total/Jumlah k+5 114k + 634
Q 128 2

R 126 3 – ∑Iw
(a) I =
(a) The composite index of all the items for the 114k + 634
year 2012 based on the year 2009 is 122. Find 122 =
the value of k.
122(k + 5) = 114k + 634
Indeks gubahan bagi semua barang pada tahun 2012
berasaskan tahun 2009 ialah 122. Cari nilai k.
122k + 610 = 114k + 634
(b) If the price of item P was RM4.20 in the year 122k − 114k = 634 − 610
2009, find its price in the year 2012. 8k = 24
Jika harga barang P ialah RM4.20 pada tahun 2009, cari k = 3
harganya pada tahun 2012.
(b) Q × 100 = 114

4.2 × 100 = 114
Q2012 = RM4.788
≈ RM4.79


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 171 05/12/2019 8:36:30 PM

1 The table below shows the price indices and the 2 The table below shows the price indices and the
weightages of four types of food for the year 2011 weightages of three items for the year 2012 using
using the year 2001 as the base year. the year 2006 as the base year.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan indeks harga dan pemberat Jadual di bawah menunjukkan indeks harga dan pemberat
bagi empat jenis makanan pada tahun 2011 berasaskan bagi tiga barang pada tahun 2012 berasaskan tahun 2006.
tahun 2001.
Item Price index Weightage
Food Price index Weightage Barang Indeks harga Pemberat
Makanan Indeks harga Pemberat
E 75 4
A 124 4
F 124 3
B 115 2
G 142 h
C 136 p
D 142 2 (a) The composite index of the three items for
the year 2012 based on the year 2006 is 119.
Find the value of h.
(a) The composite index of the food for the year Indeks gubahan bagi tiga barang pada tahun 2012
2011 based on the year 2001 is 130. Find the berasaskan tahun 2006 ialah 119. Cari nilai h.
value of p. (b) If a new item, H, with price index 113 and the
Indeks gubahan bagi makanan itu pada tahun 2011
weightage 2 is added onto the list, find the
berasaskan tahun 2001 ialah 130. Cari nilai p.
new composite index of the items.
(b) Given the price of food C was RM11.90 in the Jika satu barang baharu, H, dengan indeks harga 113
year 2011. Calculate its price in the year 2001. dan pemberat 2 ditambah dalam senarai itu, cari indeks
Diberi harga makanan C ialah RM11.90 pada tahun gubahan baharu bagi barang itu.
2011. Hitung harganya pada tahun 2001.

Item I w Iw
Food I w Iw
E 75 4 300
A 124 4 496
F 124 3 372
B 115 2 230
G 142 h 142h
C 136 p 136p
Total h+7 142h + 672
D 142 2 284
Total p+8 136p + 1 010 ∑Iw
(a) Ī =
∑Iw 142h + 672
(a) Ī = 119 =
∑w h+7
136p + 1 010 119(h + 7) = 142h + 672
130 = 119h + 833 = 142h + 672
833 − 672 = 142h − 119h
130(p + 8) = 136p + 1 010
161 = 23h
130p + 1 040 = 136p + 1 010
7 = h
1 040 − 1 010 = 136p − 130p
30 = 6p
(b) ∑IwH = 113 × 2
5 = p
= 226
Q2011 New composite index, Ī ,
(b) Q × 100 = 136
∑Iw 142(7) + 672 + 226
11.90 ∑w
× 100 = 136 (7) + 7 + 2
1 892
Q2001 = RM8.75 =
= 118.25


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 172 05/12/2019 8:36:30 PM

3 The table below shows the price indices and the Fruit I w Iw
weightages of four types of fruits for the year
2011 using the year 2010 as the base year. D 75 5 375
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan indeks harga dan pemberat L 90 t 90t
bagi empat jenis buah-buahan pada tahun 2011 berasaskan R 120 4 480
tahun 2010.
N 160 u 160u
Fruit Price index Weightage Total t+u+9 90t + 160u + 855
Buah Indeks harga Pemberat ∑Iw
Ī =
D 75 5 ∑w
90t + 160u + 855
L 90 t 107 =
90t + 160u + 855
R 120 4 107 =
N 160 u 1 605 = 90t + 160u + 855
750 = 90t + 160u
The composite index of the four types of fruits 75 = 9t + 16u ———— 1
for the year 2011 based on the year 2001 is 107. 15 = t + u + 9
Find the values of t and u if the total weightages 6 = t + u
is 15. 6 − u = t ———— 2
Indeks gubahan bagi empat jenis buah-buahan pada tahun Substitute 2 into 1 ,
2011 berasaskan tahun 2001 ialah 107. 75 = 9(6 − u) + 16u
Cari nilai t dan u jika jumlah pemberat ialah 15.
75 = 54 − 9u + 16u
21 = 7u
3 = u
Substitute u = 3 into 2 ,
t = 6 – 3 = 3

Review 10
Paper 2 Questions
 1 Table 1 shows the prices and the price indices of three types of ingredients, P, Q and R, used in the
SPM production of a type of wallet.
`17 Jadual 1 menunjukkan harga dan indeks harga bagi tiga jenis bahan, P, Q dan R yang digunakan untuk membuat sejenis dompet.
Price (RM) per unit for the year
Ingredient Harga (RM) per unit pada tahun Price index for the year 2017 based on the year 2015 Weightage
Bahan Indeks harga pada tahun 2017 berasaskan tahun 2015 Pemberat
2015 2017
P 4.00 5.00 125 20
Q n 2.70 m 15
R 0.60 0.90 150 15
Table 1/ Jadual 1
(a) The price of ingredient Q had increased by 20% from the year 2015 to the year 2017.
Harga bahan Q menokok sebanyak 20% dari tahun 2015 ke tahun 2017.
(i) State the value of m. (ii) Find the value of n.
Nyatakan nilai m. Cari nilai n.
[3 marks/markah]
(b) Calculate the composite index for the cost of making the wallet for the year 2017 based on the year 2015.
Hitung indeks gubahan bagi kos membuat dompet pada tahun 2017 berasaskan tahun 2015.
[2 marks/markah]
(c) It is given that the composite index for the cost of making the wallet had increased by 35% from the year
2013 to the year 2017.
Diberi bahawa indeks gubahan bagi kos membuat dompet meningkat sebanyak 35% dari tahun 2013 ke tahun 2017.
(i) Calculate the composite index for the cost of making the wallet for the year 2015 based on the year 2013.
Hitung indeks gubahan bagi kos membuat dompet pada tahun 2015 berasaskan tahun 2013.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 173 05/12/2019 8:36:31 PM

(ii) The cost of making a wallet was RM15 in the year 2013. Find the maximum number of wallets that
can be produced using an allocation of RM1 200 in the year 2017.
Kos membuat sebuah dompet ialah RM15 pada tahun 2013. Cari bilangan maksimum dompet yang dapat dihasilkan
dengan menggunakan peruntukan RM1 200 pada tahun 2017.
[5 marks/markah]
  2 Table 2 shows the information related to four ingredients, E, F, G and H, that are used to bake a type of cake.
Jadual 2 menunjukkan maklumat berkaitan empat bahan, E, F, G dan H, yang digunakan untuk membuat sejenis kek.
P2Q13 Change in price index from the
Ingredient year 2014 to the year 2018 Percentage of usage (%)
Bahan Perubahan indeks harga dari tahun Peratus penggunaan (%)
2014 ke tahun 2018
E 30% increase/Menokok 30% 20
F 25% increase/ Menokok 25% 10
G 40% increase/Menokok 40%
H 20% increase/Menokok 20% 40
Table 2/ Jadual 2
The production cost of the cake was RM51.40 in the year 2018.
Kos pembuatan kek tersebut ialah RM51.40 pada tahun 2018.
(a) If the price of ingredient E in the year 2014 is RM5.00, find its price in the year 2018.
Jika harga bahan E pada tahun 2014 ialah RM5.00, cari harganya pada tahun 2018.
[2 marks/markah]
(b) Percentage of usage for several ingredients were shown in Table 2. Calculate the corresponding
production cost in the year 2014.
Peratus penggunaan bagi beberapa bahan ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 2. Hitung kos pembuatan yang sepadan pada tahun 2014.
[5 marks/markah]
(c) The production cost is expected to increase by 20% from the year 2018 to the year 2020. Calculate the
percentage of changes in production cost from the year 2014 to the year 2020.
Kos pengeluaran dijangka meningkat sebanyak 20% dari tahun 2018 ke tahun 2020. Hitung peratus perubahan dalam kos
pembuatan dari tahun 2014 ke tahun 2020.
[3 marks/markah]

H O TS Zo n e
 1 Table 1 shows the prices of four materials, P, Q, R and S, that are used to make a blouse.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan harga empat bahan, P, Q, R dan S, yang digunakan untuk membuat sehelai baju.

Price per unit (RM)

Material Harga seunit (RM)
Bahan Year/Tahun Year/Tahun
2012 2013
P 6.00 w
Q 5.50 7.15
R x y
S 5.00 5.60
Table 1/ Jadual 1
(a) The price index of material P for the year 2013 based on the year 2012 is 125. Calculate the value of w.
Indeks harga bagi bahan P pada tahun 2013 berasaskan tahun 2012 ialah 125. Hitung nilai w.
(b) The price index of material R for the year 2013 based on the year 2012 is 135. The price per unit of
material R in the year 2013 was RM1.40 more than its corresponding price in the year 2012. Calculate the
values of x and y. HOTS Applying
Indeks harga bagi bahan R pada tahun 2013 berasaskan tahun 2012 ialah 135. Harga seunit bagi bahan R pada tahun 2013
ialah RM1.40 lebih daripada harga sepadannya pada tahun 2012. Hitung nilai x dan y.
(c) The composite index for the cost of making the blouse for the year 2013 based on the year 2012 is 128.5. Calculate
Indeks gubahan bagi kos membuat baju itu pada tahun 2013 berasaskan tahun 2012 ialah 128.5. Hitung
(i) the price of a blouse in the year 2012 if its corresponding price in the year 2013 was RM51.40,
harga bagi sehelai baju pada tahun 2012 jika harga sepadan pada tahun 2013 ialah RM51.40,
(ii) the value of k if the quantities of materials P, Q, R and S used are in the ratio of 8 : 4 : k : 3.
nilai k jika kuantiti bagi bahan P, Q, R dan S yang digunakan adalah dalam nisbah 8 : 4 : k : 3.


Modul A+ SPM AddMath F4 C10 5th.indd 174 05/12/2019 8:36:31 PM

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