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Granexport Corporation as sub-agent

G.R. Nos. 48886-88 July 21, 1993


On various date, berthing facilities of the Iligan Bay Express Corporation at Kiwalan, Iligan City
were used by the vessels engaged in foreign trade and were assessed berthing fees by the
Collector of Customs which were paid by private respondent under protest.

Private respondent filed cases before the Bureau of Customs for refund of the berthing fees
paid under protest. The Collector of Customs denied the protest, prompting private respondent
to appeal to the Commissioner of Customs who, however, affirmed the decision of the Collector
of Customs.

Private respondent then resorted to the Court of Tax Appeals. Consolidating the protests, the
tax court, thereafter rendered a decision on July 28, 1978.

The decisions appealed from are hereby reversed and respondent Commissioner of Customs is
ordered to refund to petitioner the amount of P40,551.00.


Whether a vessel engaged in foreign trade, which berths at a privately owned wharf or pier, is
liable to the payment of the berthing charge under Section 2901 of the Tariff and Customs
Code, which, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 34.


It will be seen that the word "national" before the word "port" is inserted in the amendment. The
change in phraseology by amendment of a provision of law indicates a legislative intent to
change the meaning of the provision from that it originally had. The insertion of the word
"national" before the word "port" is a clear indication of the legislative intent to change the
meaning of Section 2901 from what it originally meant, and not a mere surplusage as contended
by petitioner, in the sense that the change "merely affirms what customs authorities had been
observing long before the law was amended.” It is the duty of this Court to give meaning to the
amendment. It is, therefore, our considered opinion that under Section 2901 of the Tariff and
Customs Code, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 34, only vessels berthing at national
ports are liable for berthing fees.

The subject vessels, not having berthed at a national port but at the Port of Kiwalan, which was
constructed, operated, and continues to be maintained by private respondent Iligan Express
Corporation, are not subject to berthing charges, and petitioner should refund the berthing fees
paid private respondent.

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