Energy Audit S 19

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M.Tech.(Integrated Power System / Power Elect.

& Power System / Industrial Drives & Control)

Second Semester (C.B.C.S.)
Elective-III (Core) : Energy Audit & Management

P. Pages : 2 NRT/KS/19/4396/4414/4429
Time : Three Hours *0897* Max. Marks : 70
Notes : 1. All questions carry marks as indicated.
2. Solve Question 1 OR Questions No. 2.
3. Solve Question 3 OR Questions No. 4.
4. Solve Question 5 OR Questions No. 6.
5. Solve Question 7 OR Questions No. 8.
6. Solve Question 9 OR Questions No. 10.
7. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
8. Assume suitable data whenever necessary.
9. Illustrate your answers whenever necessary with the help of neat sketches.

1. a) How do an industry, nation and globe would benefit from energy efficiency programs? 6

b) Explain the salient features of the Energy conservation Act 2001 in brief. 8


2. a) The contract demand of plant is 1000 kVA. The minimum billing demand is 75% of the 8
contract demand. The basic tariff structure is as follows:
Demand charges: Rs 180 per kVA/month
Unit Charges : Rs 3.75 for the first One lakh units/month
Rs. 3.50 for the above One lakh units/month
Fuel surcharge Rs. 0.20 per unit/month
Service Tax: Rs. 0.25 per unit/month
Meter rent: Rs. 500/month
The energy consumption is 3,15,000 units and the maximum demand recorded is
600kVA. Calculate the cost of monthly electricity consumption?

b) Write a short note on Sankey Diagram used for Material and Energy Balance. 6

3. a) Define the following terms: 8

i) Energy Audit ii) Plant Energy Performance
iii) Fuel Substitution iv) Energy Management

b) A 100 tonnes per day capacity Chloralkali plant produced 30,000 tonnes per annum (TPA) 6
of caustic Soda with annual energy consumption of 90 million kwh in the reference year
2009-10. During the year 2011-12 the annual production was 25,000 TPA, with an annual
energy consumption of 80 million kwh. Calculate the plant energy performance.


4. a) Write short notes on: 8

i) Benefits of monitoring and targeting
ii) Duties and responsibilities of Energy Manager.

NRT/KS/19/4396/4414/4429 1 P.T.O
b) Explain the ESCO model for the financing of the Energy Efficiency projects in detail. 6

5. a) An industrial plant is consuming 400kw of power with a maximum demand of 520kVA. 6

The demand charge is Rs. 150/- per kVA. Determine the savings possible by improving
power factor to 0.95 and payback period if investment on capacitor bank is Rs. 1,50,000/-

b) What are the benefits of power factor improvement? Explain Demand side Management. 8


6. a) Why maximum demand need to be controlled? What are the options for controlling 7
maximum demand?

b) Explain the possible energy saving measures for DG sets. 7

7. a) List down the various energy conservation measures in a Boiler. 7

b) What do you mean by Waste Heat Recovery? Explain with a neat sketch the function of 7
an economizer.


8. a) What are the important guidelines for proper drainage and layout of steam lines? 7

b) Classify the furnace based on material charging? List out different type of heat losses in 7

9. a) What is installed load efficiency ratio? The IELR of a room is 0.7. If the lighting load is 8
990W, Calculate the annual energy wastage? Assume the room is ON for 8 hours/day for
300 days.

b) What is the information needed to evaluate energy savings for variable speed application? 6


10. a) The energy and demand savings analysis for retrofit LED exit signs is given in table below. 9
Retrofit Cost Energy & demand Savings Maintenance Savings
Rs. 32,500 6000 kwh/month & Rs. 3800/ Annual maintenance savings will
year as demand charges be Rs. 2000
The key data is given below.
Energy savings are based on Rs. 3.00/kwh
No changes in energy rates for 10 yrs
LED exit signs have 10 year life period
a) Estimate savings in maintenance costs at the end of life of LED signs.
b) Prepare cashflow analysis for upgrade option
c) Calculate NPV against 12% interest rate.

b) List the energy savings opportunities in refrigeration air-conditioning plant area? 5


NRT/KS/19/4396/4414/4429 2

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