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Unpack NGSS Standard

Domain: Disciplinary Core Idea: Grade Level:

Biological Evolution: Evidence of Common Ancestry 3rd-Grade

Unity and Diversity and Diversity
Performance Expectation

3-LS4-1. Analyze and interpret data from fossils to provide evidence of the organisms and the
environments in which they lived long ago.

Science & Engineering Discipline Core Ideas Cross Cutting Concepts


Analyzing and Interpreting Data: Evidence of Common Ancestry Cause and Effect:
and Diversity:
Analyzing data in 3–5 builds on Fossil evidence of organisms long Cause and effect relationships
K–2 experiences and progresses ago some kinds of plants and are routinely identified and used
to introducing quantitative animals that once lived on Earth to explain change.
approaches to collecting data and are no longer found anywhere.
conducting multiple trials of Fossils provide evidence about the
qualitative observations. When types of organisms that lived long
possible and feasible, digital ago and also about the nature of
tools should be used. Analyze their environments.
and interpret data to make sense
of phenomena using logical

Student understandings Student knowledge and How will you

(what will students skills (what will students be apply/include other
understand; big ideas): able to know and do) disciplines

Students can organize data in Interpreting data-Fossil evidence Basic Math-counting up the total
graphic organizers regarding of extinction, dinosaurs, number of organisms studied.
fossils plants and animals: size, mammoth, that have no clear English-writing a paper on fossil
type, and land. counterpart now. Types of evidence.
Identify relationships fossils and environments fossils were alive in. Art-Drawing a picture of what
time, fossils and environments, The concept of change in the students think the fossilized
inference current environments environments. remains looked like long ago.
Relationship between organisms
and environment.

Common Misconceptions Technology

Understanding Graphic Organizer, tables, charts and graphs to

Importance of environment to an organism organize data, calculators.
The explanation of changing environment over Interactive technology touch screen graphics of
time. prehistoric animals and plants.
The concept of Evolution. Google Docs for recording data

National Geographic Video:

Vocabulary Academic Language

Fossil Summarizing and Informing

Fossil Evidence
Compare and Contrast
Organism Sequencing and Ordering
Environment Classifying
Interdependent Analyzing
Animal Inferring, Predicting, and Hypothesizing
Justifying and Persuading

(vocabulary relates to the content i.e. mitosis) (academic relates to the process & practices i.e.
interpret data) Suitcase words, you can pack them up
and use them in other curricular areas.

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