Sentence Reordering

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Sentence Reordering

Look at the words and phrases given below.

Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences as
shown in examples:
Example 1:
the/Indian/English/exploited/the/farmers The
English exploited the Indian farmers.
Example 2:
hydrogen / now / electricity in the / we / bombs /
and / are / age of We are now in the age of
hydrogen bombs and electricity.
1.    (a) pay/the/had to/poor farmers/high
       (b) natural disasters/farmers/share of
taxes/even/pay/their/in times of/the/had to
       (c) also/cultivate/they/asked them to/had
to/those/which/crops/the English
2.   (a) storehouse/this/of/hump/fats/is/a
       (b) uses/this/a source of energy/long
journey/as/in the desert/during/fat/its/the/camel
       (c) two flask-shaped
3.   (a) mild/peace loving/is/animal/it/a/and
       (b) more easily/that is
       (c) weigh up/elephant/an/to/can/5 tons
4.   (a) dedicated/the poorest of the poor/entire
       (b) she/apostle/was/of/unwanted/the/an
       (c) Mother
5.   (a) healthy
       (b) person/does
       (c) people/however/who/into
the/disease/ in/of
6.   (a) coloured bus/children/we saw/full of/a
       (b) they were/we guessed/on the
planetarium/way/to the
       (c) part/this/study tour/of their/was
7.   (a) algebra and / a week / me / geometry / twice
/ he taught
       (b) very poor / subjects /1 was / in these /
       (c) very / now / proficient / have become / in
them /1 (Delhi 2016)
8.   (a) in / disturbs / the / cycle / rise / temperature
/ rain / the
       (b) vegetation / adversely / it / agriculture /
and / affects
       (c) have / frequent / face / and / floods / we /
droughts / to
9.   (a) the / keep / fit / exercise / oneself / to / is /
       (b) into / can / exercise / activity / incorporate /
any / one
       (c) combined / must / diet / proper / with / a /
exercise / be
10. (a) born / 27 June /1880 / Helen Keller / in
Tuscumbia / on / was
       (b) full / hearing / she / born / and / sight /
was / with
       (c) to / the / see / unabled / fever / hear / or /
her / brain
11. (a) at / software / it / peak / India / is / in /
       (b) television / have / the / even / computers /
       (c) a / every / commodity / computers / in /
home / common / are
12. (a) phones / well / ones / near / keep / and /
cell / connected / loved
       (b) a / are / source / they / of / also /
       (c) easily / convenient / accessible / they / and /
13. (a) in / India / there / tourist / destination /
various / are
       (b) lofty / favourite / Himalayas / destination /
still / the / a / are
       (c) are / of / religious / a / historical / places / of
/ there / number / or / importance
14. (a) has / too / educational / cinema / value / an
       (b) the / the / people / of / influence / it / mind /
a / deep / exercises / upon
       (c) of / is / most / communication / effective /
mass / the / it / means
15. (a) work / a / makes / no / boy / Jack / and /
play / all / dull
       (b) all / we / playing / of / enjoy / games /
should / sorts
       (c) must / outdoors / we / some / games / play
16. (a) need / we / and / companionship / company /
       (b) be / companionship / a / life / good / burden
/ without / would
       (c) is / companionship / first / the / kind / of /
17. (a) boy / as / even / was / fearless / and /
Alexander / strong / a
       (b) a / horse / spirited / he / and / beautiful /
       (c) his / his / power / father / the / over /
proud / horse / was / of / very
18. (a) can be / two / blamed / persons / the murder
/ for
       (b) to the / there are / culprit / many clues /
real / pointing
       (c) the / find / murderer / who / real / out /
is                                          (All India 2016)

1.    (a) The poor farmers had to pay very high taxes.

       (b) Even in times of natural disasters the farmers had to pay their share of taxes.
       (c) They had to cultivate those crops also which the English asked them to.
2.   (a) This hump is a storehouse of fats.
       (b) The camel uses this fat as a source of energy during its long journey in the desert.
       (c) Inside its belly it has two flask-shaped bags for storing water.
3.   (a) It is a mild and peace-loving animal.
       (b) That is why it can be more easily domesticated and trained.
       (c) A elephant can weigh up to 5 tons.
4.   (a) She dedicated her entire life to the service of the poorest of the poor.
       (b) She was an apostle of the unwanted.
       (c) Though a foreigner, Mother Teresa settled in Calcutta and made it her home.
5.   (a) A healthy person may cany germs of typhoid, cholera, dysentery, etc. in his body.
       (b) Such a person usually does not suffer from the disease.
       (c) However, people who came into contact with the carrier are in danger of catching
the disease.
6.   (a) We saw a yellow coloured bus full of excited children.
       (b) We guessed they were on the way to the planetarium.
       (c) This was part of their study tour.
7.   (a) He taught me algebra and geometry twice a week.
       (b) Earlier I was very poor in these subjects.
       (c) Now I have become very proficient in them.
8.   (a) The rise in temperature disturbs the rain cycle.
       (b) It adversely affects vegetation and agriculture.
       (c) We have to face frequent floods and droughts.
9.   (a) Exercise is the key to keep oneself fit.
       (b) One can incorporate exercise into any activity.
       (c) Exercise must be combined with a proper diet.
10. (a) Helen Keller was born on 27 June 1880 in Tuscumbia.
       (b) She was born with full sight and hearing.
       (c) The brain fever unabled her to see or hear.
11. (a) Software revolution is at its peak in India.
       (d) Computers have replaced even the television.
       (c) Computers are a common commodity in every home.
12. (a) Cell phones keep loved and near ones well connected.
       (b) They are also a source of entertainment.
       (c) They are easily accessible and convenient.
13. (a) There are various tourist destinations in India.
       (b) The lofty Himalayas are still a favourite destination.
       (c) There are a number of places of historical or religious importance.
14. (a)Cinema has an educative value too.
       (b) It exercises a deep influences upon the mind of the people.
       (c) It is the most effective means of mass communication.
15. (a) All work and no play makes Jack a dull body.
       (b) We should enjoy playing all sorts of games.
       (c) We must play some outdoor games.
16. (a) We all need company and companionship.
       (b) Life would be a burden without good companionship.
       (c) Family is the first kind of companionship.
17. (a) Even as a boy Alexander was fearless and strong.
       (b) He tamed a beautiful and spirited horse.
       (c) His father was very proud of his power over the horse.
18. (a) Two persons can be blamed for the murder.
       (b) There are many clues pointing to the culprit.
       (c) Find out who is the real murderer.

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