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Date: 23.03.2020
Q1. Even though buying roles in the family change constantly, the ___________ has traditionally

been the main purchasing agent for the family.

a. Wife

b. husband

c. teenage children

d. grandparent

Q2. A major reason for the changing traditional purchasing roles for families is that:

a. The economic conditions are forcing more teens to work.

b. More women than ever hold jobs outside the home. .

c. Children are spending more time on the Web.

d. Men and women now shop together or “shop until you drop” for entertainment

Q3. The stages through which families might pass as they mature over time is a description of

what is called the

a. Adoption process

b. Lifestyle cycle

c. Values and Lifestyle

d. Family life cycle.

Q4. A ______________ is a person’s pattern of living as expressed in his or her activities,

interests, and opinions.

a. role

b. status
c. position

d. lifestyle .

Q5. ____________ is the definition of reference groups.

a. Groups that an individual looks to when forming attitudes and opinions .

b. Groups of people who have been referred to by someone they know

c. Groups of office colleagues

d. Chat groups on the internet

Q6. For which of the following products would the reference group influence be the strongest?

a. A best-seller novel

b. A pickup truck

c. A loaf of bread

d. A pair of jeans

Q7. Secondary reference groups include ________________.

a. Family and close friends

b. Sports groups

c. Ethnic and religious groups

d. Fraternal organizations and professional associations

Q1. Which of the following is the most valuable piece of information for determining the social

class of your best friend's parents?

a. The number of years schooling that they had

b. Their ethnic backgrounds

c. Their combined annual income

d. Their occupations

Q2. ______________ is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behaviors.

a. Culture.

b. Social class

c. Personality

d .Lifestyle

Q3._______________ are based on such things as geographic areas, religions, nationalities,

ethnic groups, and age.

a. Multilingual needs

b. Cultures

c. Subcultures

d. Product adaptation requirements.

Q4. In terms of consumer behaviour; culture, social class, and reference group influences have

been related to purchase and _______________.

a. Economic situations

b. Situational influences

c. Consumption decisions

d. Physiological influences

Q5. A ________________ is a group of people with shared value systems based on common life

experiences and situations.

a. culture

b. subculture
c. lifestyle composite

d. social class

Q6. Relatively permanent and ordered divisions in a society whose members share similar

values, interests, and behaviors are called__________

a. Cultures

b. Subcultures.

c. Social classes

d. Social factors

Q7. Which of the following would be the best illustration of a subculture?

a. religion

b. a group of close friends

c. your university

d. a fraternity or sorority


Q1. According to the buyer decision process suggested in the text, the first stage is characterized

as being one of __________

a. Awareness

b. Information search

c. Need recognition

d. Demand formulation

Q2. Which of the following is NOT one of the five stages of the buyer decision process?

a. need recognition

b. brand identification
c. information search

d. purchase decision

Q3. The stage in the buyer decision process in which the consumer is aroused to search for

more information is called____________

a. Information search

b. Evaluation of alternatives

c. Search for needs

d. Perceptual search

Q4. How the consumer processes information to arrive at brand choices occurs during which stage

of the buyer decision process?

a. need recognition

b. information search

c. evaluation of alternatives

d. purchase decision

Q5. Generally, the consumer’s purchase decision will be to buy the most preferred brand, but two

factors can come between the purchase intention and the purchase decision. These two factors

are best described as being:

a. The cost and availability of the product.

b. The attitude of others and the cost of the product.

c. The availability of the product and unexpected situational factors.

d. The attitude of others and unexpected situational factors.

Q6. What is at the highest level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

a. esteem needs
b. self-actualisation needs
c. social needs
d. safety needs

Q7. Which of the following is true?

a. Consuming refers to decisions about buying products

b. Consumer behaviour is about making people buy things
c. Consuming refers to the ways in which people use products
d. None of the above

Q1. “----------- is the action and decisions process or people who purchase goods and services for
personal consumption.”

a. Consumer behavior

b. Consumer interest

c. Consumer attitude

d. Consumer interpretation.

Q2. _____ Theorists believe that people learn through mental processes.

a. Behavioral

b. Cognitive

c. Affective

d. Involvement

Q3. ________________ emphasize(s) that profitable marketing begins with the discovery and
understanding of consumer needs and then develops a marketing mix to satisfy these needs.

a. The marketing concept

b. The strategic plan

c. The product influences

d. The price influences.

Q4. Social classes differ in media preferences, with upper-class consumers often preferring ________
and lower-class consumers often preferring television.

a. movies

b. radio

c. video or computer games

d. magazines and books

Q5. Marketing communications play a critical role in informing consumers about _____________
including where they can be purchased and in creating favorable images and perceptions.

a. Buying their products b.

b. Price reductions c.
c. Products and services
d. The advantage over competition

Q6. Marketers can create brand equity ______________.

a. By selling them in prestigious outlets

b. By overpricing the product C
c. Preparing comparative information about competitive brands
d. By making the products available in all locations

Q7. If the purchase is for a high-involvement product, consumers are likely to develop a high degree of
________________ so that they can be confident that the item they purchase is just right for them.

a. Brand loyalty
b. Society
c. Product knowledge
d. References


Q1. What is the final stage in the purchase decision process?

a. purchase
b. post-purchase evaluation
c. pre-purchase evaluation
d. price

Q2. __________ refers to the information a consumer has stored in their memory about a

product or service.

a. Cognitive dissonance

b. Product knowledge
c. Product research

d. Marketing research.

Q3.  What kind of buying situation is it when a consumer buys a product regularly and there is very little
financial (or any other) risk associated with its purchase? Examples might be: their favourite drink, a bar
of chocolate or their daily newspaper.

a. extended problem-solving
b. complex problem-solving
c. impulse problem-solving
d. routine problem-solving

Q4. John has always loved Citroen cars and so he is delighted when he hears that a Citroen has won Top
Gear’s award for car of the year. It takes his friends a long time to convince him that it was actually just
‘new hatchback of the year’ and the overall winner was a Jaguar. John has unintentionally changed the
information he heard to match his own beliefs and attitudes. What is the term for that?

a. attitude reinforcement
b. selective distortion
c. enhanced perception
d. selective retention

Q5.  Which of the following is NOT a market research tool?

a. Focus groups
b. Questionnaires
c. Introspective reflection
d. Observation

Q6.  Which of the following is NOT true?

a. Family is a sociological sub-group

b. Family has little influence on consumer behaviour, once outside the home
c. Family is an extremely important group in terms of consumer behavior
d. None of the above

Q7. Cognitive dissonance occurs in which stage of the buyer decision process model?

a. need recognition

b. information search
c. Evaluation of alternatives

d. post purchase conflict .

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