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Go-Health-Tea Page

Executive Summary………………………………............... ………...…… 1

Company Description...……………………………………………..……... 2

Company Logo and Tagline……………………………………….………. 3

Mission-Vision Statement.....……………………………………..………. 4

Products…………….…………………………………….…….…………. 4

SWOT Analysis………………………………………………….…....….. 5

Industry Analysis……………………………………….…….….….…….. 6

Industry Trends……………………..……………………….……….….… 9

Market Analysis………………...……………………………………..….. 10

Market Segmentation and Target Market Selection……………….……… 10

Competitor Analysis……………………………………………….….…... 12

Marketing Plan…….……………………………………………….….….. 12

Overall Marketing Strategy…………………………………………….….. 14

Management Team and Company Structure………………………..…….. 15

Manpower Requirements and Qualifications……………………….…….. 17

Legal Requirements….….…………………………………………..…….. 19

Operations Plan……..……………………………………………….…….. 20

Facilities and Equipment…..………………………………………..….….. 22

Plant Location…………………..………………………………………….. 23

Financial Projections……………….………………………………….…… 24
Socio-Economic Plan………………………………………………..….….. 34
1. Executive Summary

Go-Health-Tea is a start-up milk tea and snack business that seeks to delight its customers by offering food in a

different, innovative, and healthier way at a lower price to help them savor a guilt-free enjoyment of sweetness. Our

main selling point is the healthy herbal teas we will use to make our milk tea, namely Chamomile, Hibiscus, and Green


Our first branch is located in 55 Ilaya, Tres Cruses, Tanza, Cavite. The 60-square meter premises will be divided

into the dining area, production area, and restroom and will be full air-conditioned for the convenience of our customers.

Go-Health-Tea will be registered as a partnership type of entrepreneurial venture. Crischelle T. Pascua will be the

Managing Partner along with Albert Patrick Goles, , Ronil de Gracia, and Kevin Tuazon as the Limited Partners.

As a start-up, Go-Health-Tea aims to build brand recognition to its target market by handing out flyers and

leaflets around the area of its operations. Our logo, and the vital information about our organic and healthier snack

options, will be highlighted in the leaflets which will be given away pre-operation.

Go-Health-Tea’s organizational structure is based on direct flow of authority from the owner which is also the

manager. Partners will be monitoring the daily operations of the business to look after the ins and outs of production, the

behavior of customers, and the attitude of the employees towards their tasks.

We will dedicate our first five years of operation in providing alternative snack choices that are organic with

health benefits yet are still tasty and delicious, so that our customers can live healthier and better lives. This mission

carried out effectively, we believe, is our main driving factor to success and expansion in the long run.

2. Company Description

As young entrepreneurs it is assumed that it’s a good idea to promote eating nutritious food because everyone

could benefit. That’s why the principals decided that the business would be a product that could give health benefits to

the consumers. Considering also that it is very affordable. And because our product is made of veggies, we entitled our

business name Vegan Plate.

Vegan Plate--Vegan which will represent to veggies because the main ingredients of our product are vegetables

and plate as it symbolized for food because this is absolutely a food business.

Vegan Plate is located at General Vito Belarmino National High School . You can visit and have a taste of our

delicious product anytime.

2.1. Company History

Starting a new business requires professional skills for the business idea to develop and lead to success. For

instance, a person who wants to start a business shall be familiar with that chosen industry. Entrepreneurs shall also have

knowledge of business management, financial administration, marketing, and its service or production. It is not necessary

to be an expert in every sector. Besides, people can gain those skills and knowledge through training. The Finnish

Enterprise Agencies said, “Becoming an entrepreneur does not mean that you have to work as an entrepreneur forever.

You can think of this as one phase of your life and as a part of your whole career.”

2.2. Company Logo and Tagline

Go-Health-Tea’s logo perfectly captures the heart of the brand by using elements that reflect that of encouraging

a healthier lifestyle. We didn’t take the concept of serving snacks too literally so you can’t see any element in the logo

that pertains to food. We intently made it this way so the focus of people will not go to food service but to the healthier

options that we are championing.

The color green is the perfect representation of being healthy, while the three-leaf clover represents our

company’s core values which are Health, Wellness, and Satisfaction. Our tagline, “Delicious, Nutritious,” represents our

desire to serve delicious comfort food all while also keeping in mind that having nutritious food is just as important to

our customers.

2.3. Mission-Vision Statement


To share our nutritious products.

To provide quality products and services that consistently exceed costumers’ expectations through the use
of technology, dedicated and skilled employees and the spirit of team work.


Commitment to integrity and always conduct us honestly and honorably.

To provide a quality product that meet the desires and needs of the customer.

Build partnership with our suppliers and customers to create mutual value.

Maintain profitability by maximizing markets, having new products, efficient work force and processes.

Growth through continues market development and acquisitions related to our business.

Dedicate ourselves to social responsibilities through involvement in local community support.

2.4. Products

Veggie balls – made of vegetables that will be beneficial for your body. Some of the ingredients of the veggie ball
are carrots and potatoes. Carrots are a good source of several vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A (from beta-
carotene), biotin, vitamin K (phylloquinone), potassium and vitamin B6. Vitamin A: Carrots are rich in beta-
carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body.While, potatoes are low in calories.They are a good source of
vitamins C and B6, fiber, iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, niacin and pantothenic acid. Carrots and potatoes
also contain plenty of anthocyanin. These vitamins do really need your body to remain healthy.

However, for those who are not fond of eating vegetables, they must not worry because once they try to have taste on
our product; they would not even recognize that it is made of vegetables.
And aside from the fact that are product bring good benefit to your health, the principals also assure that the services
of our personnel are good.

2.5. SWOT Analysis

The strategic location of our first store, surrounded by two elementary schools, two subdivisions, and a

community of army reserves in a three-mile radius, gave us the confidence that Go-Health-Tea can achieve success in

Tanza, Cavite as its first branch.

Milk tea is also a growing trend in the Philippines, mainly because Filipinos, especially the youth, have recently

been heavily influenced by dramas originating from Korea and Taiwan—countries were drinking milk tea is also


While the sudden boom of milk tea shops can be seen as a threat, Go-Health-Tea saw it as an opportunity by

making sure we have a unique edge against our competitors in the area. That’s how we came up with the idea to combine

the concept of milk tea beverage and fried snacks in one, which was introduced by Kerrimo. Our competitors in the area,

Mang Chai Café, Blue Moon Bubbles Café, and Shakefrost, do not offer this 2-in-1 option for the prevailing market. In

addition, they don’t have the selling spiel that we have, which is offering healthier options while still keeping the value

and satisfaction one gets from delicious and affordable comfort food. Because we are a start-up and not a franchised

business, we also have the opportunity to price our products cheaper than our competitors and not be confined to the

already developed price list of franchised businesses.

There are risks inherent with any business, and probably our most critical risk in starting up Go-Health-Tea is not

relying on a franchise strategy complete with a business plan and everything one has to know about starting this kind of

business. However, we combated this by attending a milk tea training and workshop to learn the know-how’s of milk tea

making. Although it is easier to just franchise an already established brand, we have decided to found Go-Health-Tea

from the ground up so as to maximize our potential profit and return-on-investment. Our start may be a challenge since

Go-Health-Tea is still an unrecognized brand, but our products and services can help build up our credibility slowly but

Another risk is the chance that the market can become overly-saturated with milk tea shops. The solutions we

came up with are 1.) offering healthier options by using organic teas with health benefits and 2.) incorporating snacks to

our products so as to not be limited only to serving milk tea.

2.6. Legal Status and Ownership

Vegan Plate will be registered as a partnership type of entrepreneurial venture. John Michael Cells will be the

Managing Partner along with Albert Patrick Goles, George Roldan Goles, Ronil de Gracia, and Kevin Tuazon as the

Limited Partners.

3. Industry Analysis

3.1 Industry Structure

The milk tea industry in the Philippines has risen up at a rapid rate. There is a large number of small local milk

tea businesses around the area of Tanza, mainly because this type of business requires a relatively low cost of entry,

which is beneficial new entrepreneurs.

3.1.1 Porter’s Five Forces Model

Threat of new Entrants:

 Entry of new local

Coffee shops and milk
Tea shops

Bargaining power of suppliers: Industry Rivalry: Bargaining power of

 Low bargaining  Competitive industry,
powers and larger local rivals  Individual buyers
 Less concentrated  Several small rivals  Low degree of
suppliers differentiation
Threat of substitute products:

 High degree of
differentiation offers
less attraction to other

3.3. Nature of Participants

The industry segmentation of milk tea shops in the Philippines are:

Demographic Segmentation

 Age – 10 – 60 years old (Teenagers, studying age, young professionals, elderly)

 Income – All under PHP 25,000

Psychographic Segmentation

 Personality- Quick maturation with modern product, Guilt-free choices and Instagrammable features.

 Lifestyle – Influenced by peer groups on social media trends.

Behavioral Segmentation

 Benefits Sought

- Nutritional information

 Functional Benefits

- Convenient

- Healthier than soft drinks and coffee

 Social Standing
- Affordable price

 Usage rate

- Daily basis, weekly basis

Preferred supplier attributes will be:

- No toxins or preservatives

- Certified by a credited source

- Locally-made

- Sustainable

- Less resource intensive

3.4. Key Success Factors

Go-Health-Tea’s key to success are as follows:

 Great innovative products

 Mastery of the products

 Give the customers the best quality service and experience

 Peaceful and relaxing ambiance that could maximize the healthiness of the product

 In line with the needs of people at a lower price but a more quality product

3.5. Industry Trends


The business is not governed by any foreign rules since it is just locally established.

Economic Trends
The milk tea products are influenced by the raw material yield being used. The price of several raw materials like

the price of sugar is being affected by the TRAIN law.


Milk tea now has a vast contribution to the social status of Filipinos making it trendier. Nowadays, the population

are becoming more conscious of their own health and lifestyle.


The industry is now greatly influenced by modern techniques that require a lot of technological advancement.

These contribute to more ideas of innovating the existing products.

3.6. Long-term Prospects

Our long-term goal includes opening more branches in more municipalities and cities in Cavite.

Before we venture into opening new stores, we aim to gain more exposure for our brand and business by offering

our products during events. These include, but are not limited to, birthdays, reunions, school intramurals, school

recognitions, and school fares. Events like this where we can bring our healthy milk tea and snacks closer to more people

can help build our brand image and brand recall.

4. Market Analysis

4.1. Market Segmentation and Target Market Selection

Go-Health-Tea will build its first store in 55 Ilaya, Tres Cruses, Tanza, Cavite, strategically located with the

following schools, subdivisions, and establishments within a three-mile radius: Tanza National Trade School, Paradahan

Elementary School, Tres Cruses Elementary School, Sunrise Place Subdivision, Riego de Dios Village, Army Reserves

Command (ARESCOM). We have found this geographical segmentation to also be in line with our psychographic and

behavioral segmentation in selecting our target market.

Our approach will be focused on offering snacks which are delicious and satisfying but in a healthier and cheaper

way because the areas mentioned above are majorly populated with the Class C1 and C2 market. We have taken into

account their average household budget and priced our products to make them affordable to them.

The market selection was based on the proximity of the establishments to the commercial space we chose to

lease. Aside from the pricing, we have also adjusted our marketing campaigns and overall design of the store to the taste

of the target market. This way, they can be heavily drawn to check out Go-Health-Tea and in the long run become loyal

and regular customers.

Since majority of the population in the area are elementary and high school students, we are expecting them to try

our healthier snack options compared to that of our competitors. Parents of these children, once made aware, are also

expected to shift their preference to our healthier options. With Go-Health-Tea’s more holistic, simpler, and healthier

approach to snacks, a healthy way is on its way!

4.2. Buyer Behavior

We will open our stores at 1:00 PM until 8:00 PM because these are the crucial hours where our target market can

feel the need to eat or crave a snack. The most crucial hour is believed to be between 5:00 to 6:00 PM because people are

usually on their way home from work or school, making our shop more accessible to them.

We are expecting more customers to come during the weekday because our geographical location is normally

more crowded on the weekday since they go to the area for work and school. However, we still have plenty of potential

customers on the weekend since we are nearby three residential subdivisions and communities.

During the school break/vacation, which is usually around the third week of March up to the last week of May,

we have estimated our sales to experience a dip. However, we have promos and marketing approaches ready to alleviate

the drop, which will be discussed in the Marketing Plan.

4.3. Competitor Analysis

Go-Health-Tea will join an already established industry, so we wanted to take note of our nearest competitors’

strengths and weaknesses to see where we stand. This helped us establish strong and unique selling points that we can

offer the market. Below is a summary of our competitors and their strengths and weakness compared to ours.

Company Strengths Weaknesses

Go-Health-Tea Convenient, quality service, Newly established, new

healthier options, low-priced, management and staff
Mang Chai Good ambiance, Wide array of Pricey, Lacks advertising
tea tastes strategies
Blue Moon Affordable price Small servings for price, Too
much artificial flavoring
Shake Frost Innovative, New frappe Sometimes understaffed, long
variations waiting time, pricey

5. Marketing Plan

5.1. Projected Sales/Market Share


1. Sales in units is projected to increase 20% in the third month of operation based from the

previous month sales.

2. On the fourth month of operation, monthly sales in units is expected to increase by 10%

based on the previous month sales and remains throughout the year.
3. Sales is expected to increase by 20% per year in the next 5 years.
4. No increase in selling price per unit.

12-Month Projected Sales

Increase in
Sales per
month with
Average Sales Number of base from Monthly Selling
in Units per days in a previous Sales in price per
Period day month month Units unit Total Sales
2 60 172,800.
Month 1 96 30 0% ,880 .00 00
2 60 172,800.
Month 2 96 30 0% ,880 .00 00
3 60 207,360.
Month 3 115 30 20% ,456 .00 00
3 60 228,096.
Month 4 127 30 10% ,802 .00 00
3 60 228,096.
Month 5 127 30 0% ,802 .00 00
3 60 228,096.
Month 6 127 30 0% ,802 .00 00
3 60 228,096.
Month7 127 30 0% ,802 .00 00
3 60 228,096.
Month8 127 30 0% ,802 .00 00
3 60 228,096.
Month9 127 30 0% ,802 .00 00
3 60 228,096.
Month10 127 30 0% ,802 .00 00
3 60 228,096.
Month11 127 30 0% ,802 .00 00
3 60 228,096.
Month12 127 30 0% ,802 .00 00

5-Year Projected Sales

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Previous Year Sales in 2,605, 3,126,9 3,752,38 4,502,86
Pesos 0 824.00 88.80 6.56 3.87
Projected sales increase in
current year 0% 20% 20% 20% 20%
2,605,824 3,126, 3,752,3 4,502,86 5,403,43
Projected sales for the year .00 988.80 86.56 3.87 6.65

5.2. Overall Marketing Strategy

As a start-up, Go-Health-Tea plans to carry out its marketing strategy by simply handing out leaflets around the

area of its operations. This will introduce the new milk tea and snacks brand to its target customers. Leaflets are cost-

efficient and can improve brand recall easily. This will also cause excitement on our grand opening date, which will be

stated in the leaflets. Our logo, and the vital information about our organic and healthier snack options, will be the

highlights of this marketing campaign before we start daily operations.

5.3. Product Strategy

The product is veggie balls which contain nutritious vegetables in an affordable price. In packaging the product,
the principals choose to use small plastic portion cup because it is more presentable for the customer. It is a better choice
because if you saw the packaging of the product and it shows cleanliness, the customers might get attracted to the
product. It would be less hustle for the customer to handle the product. And in this way, it can easily manage the serving
of the product.

5.4. Pricing Strategy

Pricing will be comparable to the competition but with the value added features of immediate convenience. Our

two-in-one snack is priced at PHP60 and higher for larger portions. This is very reasonably priced since most milk tea

shops offer their drinks at PHP70, or even higher for franchised businesses, without the inclusion of any snack.

5.5. Promotions Strategy

In selling the products, the principals have many strategies to apply in promoting the business and let the public
easily get familiar to the products. Here are some of the strategies to be use. First is offer customers an exclusive preview
of the new product. Maybe the first 10 customers, we will give them a free taste for an exclusive tasting of the product.
These exclusive offers to loyal customers will make them feel good and keep them coming back. Second one is
Facebook Ads because facebook is particularly useful in concisely targeting the audience. Facebook is one of the better
ideas in promoting the product because the principals know that mostly of the customers and the people are using
Facebook. Facebook ads are an incredibly effective marketing tool because in just one click away and many people can
be one of the customers. And last is In-Store Promotions because entrepreneurs can also offer exclusive in-store
discounts, such as a buy-one-get-one-free or a percentage discount. The entrepreneurs could also market the product as
being exclusively available at our store only. But the promotion won’t last forever.

5.6. Distribution Strategy

Since we are a small start-up business, our distribution strategy will be very concise and simple. We are going to

market everyday morning and buy all the ingredients that we need. To assure that the ingredients are fresh specially the

main ingredientswhich is vegrstables. Also the flour and eggs

6. Management Team and Company Structure

6.1. Form of Business Organization

Go-Health-Tea chose partnership as their form of business organization. Partnership will be the suited form of

business organization for the venture. The Partners will provide funding from their own savings, which will cover start-

up expenses and provide a financial capital. It will be monitor in the daily operations to look after the business on a daily

basis. Employees must be well-selected in compliance with the specific job requirements for the positions.

6.2 Capitalization

The initial capital of Go-Health-Tea shall be two hundred thousand pesos (PHP 200,000.00), Philippine Currency, contributed in

cash by the partners as follows:

Amount Contribution
John Michael Cells 40,000.00
Kevin D. Tuazon 40,000.00
Ronil E. De Gracia 40,000.00
Albert Francis T. Goles 40,000.00
George Roldan T. Goles 40,000.00
Total 200,000.00

6.3. Organizational Structure

Go-Health-Tea’s organizational chart or structure is based on direct flow of authority from the owner which is

also the manager. Partners will be monitoring the daily operations of the business to look after the ins and outs of

production, the behavior of customers, and the attitude of the employees towards their tasks.


Cashier Barista

6.3.1. Job Specifications

Position Duties And Responsibilities

 Responsible for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling
Manager the areas of operation
 Ensures that service is carried out in accordance with prescribe
standard and policies of Go-Health-Tea
 Must be wise in buying merchandise from the supplier
Cashier  In charge of paying and signing official receipts from suppliers
 In charge of keeping record of purchased items
 Highly skilled in presentation with a comprehensive
Barista understanding tea blends, quality, or tea variety
 Responsible in executing and make tea orders and ensure
quality product is being served

6.4 Manpower Requirements/Qualification

As a start-up, we are only looking into having three key job functions for Go-Health-Tea: a manager, cashier,

and barista. These manpower requirements are sufficient enough to keep operations going from day-to-day. We have

divided the responsibilities and set the qualifications as seen below.

Job Qualifications

 Graduate of a managerial course

Manager  2 to 3 years of experience on the field
 25 to 30 years of age
 With pleasing personality
 Female
Cashier  At least 18 years old
 Graduate of at least a 2 year-course
 Preferably with accounting background
 With pleasing personality
 Male/Female
Barista  18-21 years old
 With pleasing personality
 Must be able to perform without supervision
6.5. Compensation/Salaries and Wages

Go-Health-Tea will provide a salary wage which is above the minimum for the cashier and bartender. The

bartender’s working time is eight hours and has an alternate reliever in every seventh working day. In this regard, we

have agreed also that the manager has a salary as incentive in the operation of the business. Our management style

reflects the participation of the owners; we will not be very hierarchical, but will instead encourage all employees to

learn as much as possible all the aspects of the business.

The company respects its community of co-workers, and will treat all workers well. The Personnel Plan

chronicles the growth of the organization to four employees in the first five years. Future years may require a few

additional people besides those indicated, depending on the growth of the company.

Salaries and Wages

Position No. Daily Salary 13th Month Bonus Annual

Manager 1 1,000 30,000 390,000
Cashier 1 400 12,000 156,000
Barista (alternate) 2 400 24,000 168,000
Total 4 1,800 66,000 714,000

6.6. Organizational Policies That Personnel Must Follow

 Personnel must be in store thirty (30) minutes before the operation.

 Personnel must always be able to check all records of sale and disbursement before the
opening and closing of the store.
 Regarding the accomplishment of every personnel performance.
 Maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the store.

6.7. Legal Requirements

Organizational Cost
Permit And Licenses Description Amount
Barangay Clearance 500.00
Community Tax Certificate 500.00
Mayor’s Permit 5,000.00
Sanitary Permit 1,300.00
Fire Safety Inspection Fee 1,500.00
Securities and Exchange Commission 6,750.00
Compliance with BIR requirements including registration 5,000.00
Business permit 1,000.00
Transportation and Other Expenses 10,000.00
TOTAL 31,550.00

7. Operations Plan

7.1. The Products

Go-Health-Tea will focus on providing two products in one, namely milk tea with tapioca pearls and natural

potato fries.

Our milk tea will be comprised of naturally brewed tea, powdered skim milk, sweetener, and ice. We will initially

offer three types of tea flavors, namely Chamomile, Hibiscus, and Green tea.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is most commonly known for its calming effects and is frequently used as a sleep aid. Two

studies have examined the effects of chamomile tea or extract on sleep problems in humans. What’s more, chamomile

may not just be useful as a sleep aid. It is also believed to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and liver-protecting


Hibiscus Tea
Our second option, Hibiscus tea, is believed to have anti-viral effects and fights high blood pressure. A number of

studies have investigated the effects of hibiscus tea on high blood lipid levels. A few studies have found it to be effective.

Green Tea

Lastly, green tea has many benefits that keep it popular today. It keeps free radicals under control, reduces the

risk of cancer, and helps prevent heart disease. Flavanoids, the antioxidants in green tea, can also prevent brain damage

due to oxidative stress. People also enjoy green tea because it can assist with weight loss. Not only can it increase

endurance during exercise, but the catechins that are found in green tea increase the body's ability to burn fat, allowing

consumers to lose weight easier.

Continuing on our mission to provide better and healthier alternatives to our customers, we are changing the

conventional French fries served with artificial powder flavoring that we see everywhere and that students and most

adults order whenever they crave for a quick snack. Go-Health-Tea’s healthier alternative is actual potatoes locally-

produced by the people of Tanza, Cavite. We will cut the potatoes and fry them with the skin on to maximize the

nutrients our customers can receive from the snack. We will add very little salt as seasoning and have an option for

customers to get their mayo-ketchup dip if they want to.

To control our product cost, we have decided to use powdered skim milk and sugar syrup. To finish off our milk

tea drinks, our tapioca pearls will be locally sourced.

7.2. Production Process and Schedule

Our raw materials/ingredients will be delivered every start of the week, Sunday, and whenever additional

materials are needed if ever the demand exceeds the supply. Our suppliers are always readily available if ever this need

arises. We will produce the food as they are ordered with less than five minutes as target time of completion to serve the

To make sure customers don’t feel bored while waiting, we have minimized the waiting time by having our tea

pre-brewed an hour before we open the register.

7.3. Facilities and Equipment

As an establishment that serves food, we hold in high regard the cleanliness of our facilities and equipment. In

every purchase we do, we see to it that quality is our priority over price. Daily cleaning and maintenance is also a top

priority for our employees. As a start-up, we at Go-Health-Tea want to keep our reputation intact and tarnish-free, and

being mindful about the cleanliness of our facilities and equipment is non-negotiable.

For the convenience of our customers, our facilities are divided into three main parts: dining area with tables and

chairs, production area including cash register, and an all-gender restroom. This set-up is very conducive for our

customers to enjoy their time alone or with friends at the comforts of our milk tea shop.

Our list of equipment to create our products include a 12 liter thermos, refrigerator, scooper, 360ml shaker, 530ml

shaker, 700ml shaker, 24-piece canister, heavy duty blender, and ice crusher. For the facilities to be favorable, we have

an air conditioner, wall fan, Wi-Fi connection, and tables and chairs.

7.4. Plant Location

Go-Health-Tea will be located in 55 Ilaya, Tres Cruses, Tanza, Cavite. The company has secured a one-year lease

of the vacant 60 square meter premises. The lease contract is renewable every year.

7.5. Plant Lay-Out

The floor plan will include four tables with 16 chairs for our dine-in customers (50% of the area). Across the

tables and chairs will be the customer service area (40%) where the counter, cashier, and production area where we will

prepare all the customers’ orders will be located. The rest of the area (10%) will include the bathroom.

Raw Materials and Supplies

The machines used in our product veggie balls are:

Gas Stove – this is used for cooking the veggie balls

Chopping Board – this is where we chop are ingredients in making veggie balls

Strainer – this is used for separating the oil in the veggie balls

Knife – it is used for cutting the ingredients for veggie balls

Bowl – this is where we put the cut ingredients

Frying Pan – this is where we cook the veggie balls

Ladle – this is used in handle and carries the veggie balls

Plate – this is where we put the raw ingredients for making

veggie balls

A. Raw Materials
These are the raw materials used in our product
 Salt – it can help the ingredients to enhance the real flavor
 Ground black pepper – it adds flavor to the veggie balls
 Raw egg – it is used to merge the ingredients and act like a glue
 Quail Egg – it is oput inside the veggie balls.
 Onion(minced) – onion is optional; but it helps to add flavor to veggie balls
 Garlic(minced) – optional; but something in the taste will missing
 Carrot(minced) – one of the main ingredients
 Ketchup
 mayonaise
 Celery –it adds flavor and aroma to veggie balls
 Potato(minced) – one of the main ingredients of the veggie balls

7.7. Utilities and Waste Disposal

Our utilities, which include electricity and water, are managed by the owner of the space

that we are leasing. Our waste disposal is heavily reliant on the system already in force at our

geographical location, Tanza, Cavite.

8. Financial Projections

This section presents our financial projections for the term of the plan. Partners

were to raise capital through personal investment, necessary to fund the initial start-up


Below and the succeeding figures are in Philippine Pesos.


12L Thermos 9,000.00

Scooper 180.00

Shaker 360ml 1,100.00

Shaker 530ml 1,320.00

Shaker 700ml 1,520.00

Canister (24 pieces) 3,000.00

Heavy Duty Blender 7,000.00

Ice Crusher 3,600.00

Refrigerator 25,000.00
Tables and Chairs 10,000.00

Air Conditioner 30,000.00

Wall Fan 3,000.00


Space Rental (Plus Deposits) 6,000.00

Seminar 3,000.00
Weekly Inventory (Milk Tea,
Potatoes, Other Ingredients) 8,000.00

Advertising Materials 3,000.00

Space Renovation Cost 30,000.00

Internet And Wi-Fi Connection 2,000.00

Business Permits And Licenses 31,550.00

Total Cost 0

8.1. Important Assumptions

In every projected financial statements made, an underlying assumptions are

provided in notes. Here, however, are the general assumptions taken into consideration.

8.1.1. Nature and Limitation of Projections

This financial projection is based on sales volume at the levels described in the

revenue section and presents, to the best of management's knowledge and belief, the

company's expected assets, capital, revenues, and expenses. The projections reflect

management's judgement of the expected conditions and its expected course of action,

given the hypothetical assumptions.

8.1.2. Revenues

The company's revenue is derived primarily from sales of its product – milk tea

with healthy snacks. Revenue projections are based on the competitor’s sales in the

comparable market within the area.

8.1.3. Expenses

The company's expenses are primarily those of salaries, direct materials, and

administrative costs. Other expenses are based on management's estimates.

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