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Statement of the Problem

The Castillejos Resettlement High School operates a manual logbooks This

proposal’s purpose was to ease the transactions in the library, lending of books, storing of

books and secure of library system. The librarian and the library users still manually way

of transacting of borrowing and returning of books. The librarian use log books in listing

the books. They use log books.

Objective of the Study

The objective of the study was to develop a computerized library system that will

store the student’s records such as student’s basic information, book records, list of

borrowers, returned books and prescriptions of the librarian.

1.To develop a computerized system for Balaybay Resettlement High School library

system have an accurate and save records to less paper works.

2.To design a system that will visualize the input data of Library System

Significance of the Study

This proposed system may bring some benefits to the following

Student – The system will their time in registration books and all the borrowing books

and returning books are access to database and seeing the information example, Student

Information, List of Books.

Librarian – The system will help them to generate all the reports in minimum amount of

time and minimizes the used of papers such as log books, library cards and other forms

that the librarian used at the currents system.

Conceptual Framework


Student Information Create, Add,Edit Delete, Library System For
and Save to Student Info Balaybay Resettlement
Book Information
and Book Info and then
High School
Master List of Books viewing Master List of
Borrowing of Books

Returning of Books

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the proposed system. The input of library

system is Student information, Master List of Books, Borrowing of Books Returning of

books .The process is create add, edit, delete and save to student info and book info and

then viewing master list of books and the output of the Library System for Balaybay ,

Resettlement High School.

Theoretical Framework

Library System For Student Info

Balaybay Resettlement
Book Info
High School
Borrow Books

Return Books

Master List Of Books

Figure 2. Theoretical Framework

Figure 2 shows the theoretical framework of the proposed system. The Library System

will have a part of Librarian, Student Info, Book Info, Borrow Books, Return Books And

Master List of Books.

Scope and Delimitation


The study covers the process of Library System which is Librarian and we need to

input a Student information, Master List of Books, Borrowing of Books Returning of

books.The system can help also in reducing the time of the library such as paperwork’s,

folders, and logbooks.


This Study will not look in detail into other section of the library except of this


1. Doesn’t have a catalog

2.Doesnt have a author card

3.Doesnt have a History of Books

Definition of Terms

Library System: It is an application or program designed by researchers to

manage library operations. It is a program designed with a visual basic which the user

will make use the part. It is even driven and objects appear in their visual forms to the


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