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Task 3 - Comprehension Quiz (grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening)

Started on Friday, February 28, 2020, 4:57 PM

State Finished
Completed on Friday, February 28, 2020, 5:27 PM
Time taken 30 mins 2 secs
Points 10.0/15.0
Grade 73.3 out of 110.0 (67%)
Feedback Well done!

Question 1 Read the text "Are you in love?" and choose the best well-structured sentence:
Complete You think you are falling in love. You are really attracted to a certain person. But this
1.0 points out of happened before and it was just a “crush”. How can you tell if it’s real this time? Here is
1.0 what our readers said:
If you are in love…
You will find yourself talking to or telephoning the person for no reason. (You might pretend
there’s a reason but often there is not).
You will find yourself bringing this person into every conversation. (“When I was in Mexico -,
“a friend begins. You interrupt with, “my boyfriend made a great Mexican dinner last week”).
You might suddenly be interested in things you used to avoid. (“When a woman asks me to
tell her all about football, I know she is fallen in love,”) said a TV sports announcer.
Ok, so you’ve fallen in love. But falling in love is one thing, and staying in love is another
thing. How can you tell, as time passes, that you are still in love? If you stay in love, your
relationship will change. You might not talk as much about the person you are in love with.
You might not always call him or her so often. But this person will nevertheless become
more and more important in your life.
You’ll find that you can be yourself with this person. When you first fell in love, you were
probably afraid to admit certain things about yourself. But now you can be totally honest.
You can trust him or her to accept you as you are. Falling in love is great – staying in love is
even better!
Taken from: Richards, J. Proctor, S. & Hull, J. (1997) New interchange 3rd edition, (P. 59)
Cambridge university press.

Select one:
a. I wish you have me in your mind every day.

b. Hope you had me in my mind every day.

c. I wish you are here. It is not correct.

d. I hope you have me in your mind every day.

Question 2 Choose the right verb to complete the sentence:

Complete He _________ twice in his life before the accident.
1.0 points out of
1.0 Select one:
a. had driven
b. has driven

c. had drive
d. had not drove

Question 3 In this question there are three wrong answers and only one correct answer.
Choose the correct one:
1.0 points out of
Select one:
a. Francois went to the movies after he eta dinner.

b. Francois went to the movies after he eat dinner.

c. Francois went to the movies after he atte dinner.

d. Francois went to the movies after he ate dinner.

Question 4 Complete the next conversation using congratulatory vocabulary and expressions:
Complete I got promoted at my job today. Does it surprise you?
1.0 points out of
1.0 Select one:
a. I am at my job today.
b. My boss promoted me.

c. Yes I do, the job is hard.

d. Not at all but congratulations on your promotion.

Question 5 What is the definition of the word "the Sun"?

Complete Choose the correct answer:
1.0 points out of

Select one:
a. A division of waters, of considerable extent, more or less definitely marked off by
land boundaries.
b. Any of the heavenly bodies, except the Moon, appearing as fixed luminous points
in the sky at night.

c. This body during a particular lunar month, or during a certain period of time, or at a
certain point of time, regarded as a distinct object or entity.

d. The star that is the central body of the solar system, around which the planets
revolve and from which they receive light and heat.

Question 6 This meaning corresponds to a word. Which one is it?
Complete I hope to be better in English so I have to continue practicing:
1.0 points out of
1.0 Select one:
a. Rest.

b. Work.

c. Negotiate.

d. Improve.

Question 7 Write the verb in the Past Perfect, affirmative or negative, according to the sentence:
Complete I thought you _____(say) that you don't like meat.
1.0 points out of
Select one:
a. has said

b. had not said

c. had not say

d. had said

Question 8 Read the text "The Simple Life" and answer the following question:
Complete Five people talk about how they have cleared the clutter from their lives and are now living
1.0 points out of in style with relatively few possessions.
1.0 A. Toby Thomson
I’m a perfectionist and this is reflected in my apartment. I used to live in a small flat that was
quite cluttered with lots of possessions scattered all over the place. By contrast, my present
place is wonderfully empty and spacious. The rooms are all painted white and when you’re
inside them, you feel great because you get maximum use of the natural daylight. I have no
pictures on the walls. As an architect, I work with drawings all day and I don’t want to look at
them in the evening. Everything in the apartment has to be just right. I take ages choosing
each piece of furniture or lamp because I think it through carefully and know exactly what
I’m after.
B. Melanie Martin
Having a simple orderly wardrobe makes life less complicated. These days I am much more
careful about clothes that I used to be. I buy one well-made piece of clothing that I’m going
to love and cherish, rather than several inexpensive items which will son wear out. I’ve
refined my wardrobe down to a couple of well-known labels and I take a lot of care
whenever I buy something to make sure it’s right for me. A few years ago, I would just take
clothes off the rails without really thinking about whether they’d suit me. Inevitably, some of
them would get thrown away unworn. Having fewer clothes means you know exactly what
goes with what. When I get dressed in the morning I don’t spend half an hour rummaging
through stuff trying to figure out what will look right.
C. Annabella Bevan
My flat is uncluttered, I have wooden floors and only a few pieces of furniture, but I have
chosen what I own with care. But If I go off something, I won’t hesitate to throw it out
because, for me, things have to be right. I work from home and I’m setting up my own
company to sell things on the Internet, but I’d like to work in a soothing, relaxing
environment. Having an orderly home and wardrobe helps me to cope with the frantic
lifestyle people around me lead in London. It sounds strange, but when I switch on my
computer here, I feel a lot calmer than I would in an office. Of course, the look of things
does come into it too, but I think if you keep your clothes and possessions tidy, it can
improve your mood.
D. Graham Knight
The design of my flat is not a fashion statement. It’s meant to be modern and contemporary,
but I did it because I like it, not because it’s the current trend. It’s very much my space
because I designed the interior myself. It’s very sparse, but very homely. It’s also very
functional. I love cooking and the focal point of the flat is the Steel worktop in the kitchen
area. There’s no dining table, so I both cook and eat on the worktop. I’m always having
people round for dinner and they seem to like the informality of it. In the living room, there
are two cream sofas and a black side table. I don’t feel the need for anything else because
I’m not a very materialistic person really.

Who finds it easy to get rid of things which are no longer pleasing?

Select one:
a. Melanie Martin.

b. Graham Knight.
c. Annabella Bevan.

d. Toby Thomson.

Question 9 Select wish or hope and the correct form of the verb in past perfect tense according to the
Complete sentence:

1.0 points out of I could not do all the questions in the exam, I _____, I _________(be) able to do them all.
Select one:
a. wish/had been

b. hope/had been

c. hope/had not been

d. wish/had not been

Question 10 Complete the following sentence in Past Perfect:

Complete Kate __________________ when she fell and broke her leg.
0.0 points out of
1.0 Select one:
a. was skating

b. skated
c. was skated
d. had been skate

Question 11 Read the text "Are you in love?" and complete the following sentence:
Complete You think you are falling in love. You are really attracted to a certain person. But this
0.0 points out of happened before and it was just a “crush”. How can you tell if it’s real this time? Here is
1.0 what our readers said:
If you are in love…
You will find yourself talking to or telephoning the person for no reason. (You might pretend
there’s a reason but often there is not).
You will find yourself bringing this person into every conversation. (“When I was in Mexico -,
“a friend begins. You interrupt with, “my boyfriend made a great Mexican dinner last week”).
You might suddenly be interested in things you used to avoid. (“When a woman asks me to
tell her all about football, I know she is fallen in love,”) said a TV sports announcer.
Ok, so you’ve fallen in love. But falling in love is one thing, and staying in love is another
thing. How can you tell, as time passes, that you are still in love? If you stay in love, your
relationship will change. You might not talk as much about the person you are in love with.
You might not always call him or her so often. But this person will nevertheless become
more and more important in your life.
You’ll find that you can be yourself with this person. When you first fell in love, you were
probably afraid to admit certain things about yourself. But now you can be totally honest.
You can trust him or her to accept you as you are. Falling in love is great – staying in love is
even better!
Taken from: Richards, J. Proctor, S. & Hull, J. (1997) New interchange 3rd edition, (P. 59)
Cambridge university press.
If you are attracted to a person you…

Select one:
a. Have had a crush.

b. Are having a crush.

c. Will get married with that person.

d. Are falling in love.

Question 12 Pick the correct definition of the underlined word in the sentence:
Complete I hope her plane is not late.
1.0 points out of
1.0 Select one:
a. Not moving or able to move quickly; proceeding at a low speed.
b. Occurring near the beginning of a given series, period of time, or course of events.

c. Coming, occurring, continuing, or remaining after the correct, usual, or expected

time; delay.
d. A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible
succession from the past through the present to the future.

Question 13 Read the text "The Simple Life" and answer the following question:
Complete Five people talk about how they have cleared the clutter from their lives and are now living
0.0 points out of in style with relatively few possessions.
1.0 A. Toby Thomson
I’m a perfectionist and this is reflected in my apartment. I used to live in a small flat that was
quite cluttered with lots of possessions scattered all over the place. By contrast, my present
place is wonderfully empty and spacious. The rooms are all painted white and when you’re
inside them, you feel great because you get maximum use of the natural daylight. I have no
pictures on the walls. As an architect, I work with drawings all day and I don’t want to look at
them in the evening. Everything in the apartment has to be just right. I take ages choosing
each piece of furniture or lamp because I think it through carefully and know exactly what
I’m after.
B. Melanie Martin
Having a simple orderly wardrobe makes life less complicated. These days I am much more
careful about clothes that I used to be. I buy one well-made piece of clothing that I’m going
to love and cherish, rather than several inexpensive items which will son wear out. I’ve
refined my wardrobe down to a couple of well-known labels and I take a lot of care
whenever I buy something to make sure it’s right for me. A few years ago, I would just take
clothes off the rails without really thinking about whether they’d suit me. Inevitably, some of
them would get thrown away unworn. Having fewer clothes means you know exactly what
goes with what. When I get dressed in the morning I don’t spend half an hour rummaging
through stuff trying to figure out what will look right.
C. Annabella Bevan
My flat is uncluttered, I have wooden floors and only a few pieces of furniture, but I have
chosen what I own with care. But If I go off something, I won’t hesitate to throw it out
because, for me, things have to be right. I work from home and I’m setting up my own
company to sell things on the Internet, but I’d like to work in a soothing, relaxing
environment. Having an orderly home and wardrobe helps me to cope with the frantic
lifestyle people around me lead in London. It sounds strange, but when I switch on my
computer here, I feel a lot calmer than I would in an office. Of course, the look of things
does come into it too, but I think if you keep your clothes and possessions tidy, it can
improve your mood.
D. Graham Knight
The design of my flat is not a fashion statement. It’s meant to be modern and contemporary,
but I did it because I like it, not because it’s the current trend. It’s very much my space
because I designed the interior myself. It’s very sparse, but very homely. It’s also very
functional. I love cooking and the focal point of the flat is the Steel worktop in the kitchen
area. There’s no dining table, so I both cook and eat on the worktop. I’m always having
people round for dinner and they seem to like the informality of it. In the living room, there
are two cream sofas and a black side table. I don’t feel the need for anything else because
I’m not a very materialistic person really.
Who aims to provide a relaxed atmosphere for guests?

Select one:
a. Anabella Bevan.

b. Graham Knight.
c. Toby Thomson. /
d. Melanie Martin.

Question 14 Choose the best option to complete the sentence:

Complete The teacher is going to give a quiz _______
0.0 points out of

Select one:
a. when the other students are arriving.
b. when the other students are going to arrive.

c. when the other students arrive.

d. when the other students arrived.

Question 15 Choose the correct answer:

According to the reading MEMORIES OF MY LIFE, what had Harold done before
0.0 points out of retiring?
1.0 Hi. My name is Harold MacKagan and I think I had had a very interesting life. I was born in
1940, I’m 73 now and I don’t work anymore. I was in the army for 51 years. I retired 2009. I
had been to so many countries that I can’t remember all of them. I’d been to Australia six or
seven times and to South Africa three times. I had also been once to Russia but I didn’t like
it at all: much too cold for me! People say that love greatest thing in life and I agree. I had
been married four times but never for more than five years. I don’t think women really
understand me!
I had never been on television, but I had been on the radio once. It was a program about life
in military about twenty years ago. I met the Prime Minister on the same day. Actually, I had
met a lot of famous people: members of the royal family, famous politicians and also famous
cinema and television personalities. However, I had never met any President though, which
is a pity. Because I had traveled a lot, I had seen a lot of wonderful things and had also
eaten and drank some stranger foods and drinks. I ate cat and rat in India and drank
something called Mirto on a little island in Italy many years ago.
(Fragment taken and adapted from: http//
and grammar//2g30-old-colonel-php)

Select one:
a. He had traveled a lot.

b. He had worked in the army.

c. He had eat and drink a lot.

d. He retired in the army.

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