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Shaina Gail R.

Jessica S. Hallig
Mikee B. Magayanes
BEED 4-15

Compare and contrast Rizal and Morga's different views about Filipinos and Philippine culture in
tabular format.


 This fish that Morga mentions, that cannot  Their daily fare is composed of: lice crushed
be good until it begins to rot, is bagoong in wooden pillars and when cooked is called
[salted and fermented fish or shrimp paste morisqueta (this is the staple throughout the
used as a sauce in Filipino cuisine] and land); cooked fish which they have in a b u
those who have eaten it and tasted it n m pork, venieon, mountain buffaloes
know that it neither is nor should be rotten which they call carabaos, beef and fish
(Rizal 1890, 264). which they know is best when it has started
to mt and stink (Retana 1909,174).
 Christianity was a weapon for facilitating
the political and economic subjugation of  By the Christian religion, Dr. Morga appears
the native. to mean the Roman Catholic which by fire
and sword he would preserve in its purity in
 Rizal noticed all Morga’s mistakes . the Philippines. Nevertheless in other lands,
Morga misspelled many native names of notably in Flanders, these means were
places, flora and fauna, and other social ineffective to keep the church unchanged,
classes which Rizal corrected. or to maintain its supremacy, or even to
hold its subjects.
 Rizal emphasized that native women,
unlike their European counterparts, never
 In Morga’s time, the Philippines exported
lost their noble titles. It was the groom
silk to japan whence now comes the
who gave dowry to the parents because
best quality of that merchandise.
they going to lost their precious daughter.

 Morga’s remark that the Filipinos like fish

 Rizal clarified that Morga must have
better when it is commencing to turn bad
meant sinamay. Which was woven
is another of those prejudices which
from abaca thread that comes from the
Spaniards like all other nations have.
banana trunks not from the leaves.

 Morga said that cotton was grown

extensively in practically all the islands
which the natives sold as thread and
woven fabrics to Chinese and other
foreign merchants.

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