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Problem 1 – Diluted EPS with Convertible Bonds
In 2019, PT ABC reported net income amounting to Rp10.000.000. Throughout the
year, 30.000 ordinary shares and 10.000 preference shares (each with Rp2.000
nominal value and 8% cumulative dividend) were outstanding. Since 2018, there
were convertible bonds with total nominal value of Rp20.000.000 outstanding. The
bonds can be converted into 10.000 ordinary shares. The following are information
related to the bonds:
Bonds Payable Rp25.000.000
Share Premium – Conversion Equity 2.000.000
Interest Expense 250.000

Assume that the effective tax rate is 20%.

a. Calculate basic EPS.
b. Calculate diluted EPS.
c. Calculate diluted EPS if the bonds were outstanding since July 2019 and if the
interest expense balance was Rp125.000.

Problem 2 – Diluted EPS with Convertible Preference Shares

PT DEF’s net income in 2019 amounted to Rp50.000.000. The company had two
types of preference shares:
 10%, non-convertible preference shares, each with Rp1.000 nominal value,
10.000 shares outstanding; and
 8%, convertible preference shares, each with Rp1.500 nominal value, 10.000
shares outstanding. The shares can be converted into 5.000 ordinary shares.
Both types of preference shares were issued in 2015. Moreover, the company
declared and paid dividends for both shares. Meanwhile, during 2019, 20.000
ordinary shares were outstanding.
a. Calculate basic EPS.
b. Calculate diluted EPS.
Problem 3 – Diluted EPS with Options
PT GHI’s reported net income in 2019 was Rp100.000.000. During 2019, there were
20.000 ordinary shares outstanding. Rp10.000.000 dividends for preference shares
were declared and paid during the year.
The only potentially dilutive instruments issued by the company are options. 5.000
options were issued in 2018 to purchase the company’s shares at Rp1.000 exercise
price. The market price of shares during 2018 was Rp1.250.
a. Calculate basic EPS.
b. Calculate diluted EPS.
c. If the market price of shares was Rp800, would the options be dilutive?
Explain what the implications on EPS calculation would be.
Problem 1 – Diluted EPS with Convertible Bonds
a. Basic EPS
Net income−Preference dividends
Basic EPS=
Weighted−average shares outstanding

Rp 10.000 .000−(8 %∗Rp2.000∗10.000)

Basic EPS= =Rp280

b. Diluted EPS
Net income−Preference dividends+ Interest savings(net of tax)
Diluted EPS=
Weighted−average shares outstanding + Potentialissuance

Rp 10.000.000−Rp 1.600.000+(Rp 250.000∗( 1−20 % ) )

Diluted EPS= =Rp 215

c. Diluted EPS (if the bonds were outstanding since July 2019):
Rp 10.000.000−Rp 1.600.000+(Rp125.000∗( 1−20 % ) )
Diluted EPS= =Rp 242,86
30.000+( )

PROBLEM 2 – Diluted EPS with Convertible Preference Shares

a. Basic EPS
Rp 50.000 .000−( 10 %∗Rp 1.000∗10.000 ) −(8 %∗Rp 1.500∗10.000)
Basic EPS=

Rp 50.000 .000−Rp 1.000 .000−Rp 1,200.000

¿ =Rp 2.390

b. Diluted EPS
Rp 50.000.000−Rp 1.000.000
Diluted EPS= =Rp 1.960

PROBLEM 3 – Diluted EPS with Options

a. Basic EPS
Rp 100.000 .000−Rp 10.000.000
Basic EPS= =Rp 4.500

b. Diluted EPS
Proceed from options exercised Rp5.000.000 (5.000 x Rp1.000)
Market price of shares Rp1.250
Treasury shares purchased 4.000 (Rp5.000.000 /
Shares issued for options 5.000
Incremental shares 1.000

Rp 100.000.000−Rp 10.000.000
Diluted EPS= =Rp 4.285,71

c. If the market price of shares was Rp800…

Proceed from options exercised Rp5.000.000 (5.000 x Rp1.000)
Market price of shares Rp800
Treasury shares purchased 6.250 (Rp5.000.000 / Rp800)
Shares issued for options 5.000
Incremental shares (1.250)

Rp 100.000.000−Rp 10.000.000
Diluted EPS= =Rp 4.800

Since the options are antidilutive, they are excluded from EPS calculation.
Hence, the basic EPS would instead be titled “basic and diluted EPS”.

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