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Lesson plan # 01

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Introduction to the course

Sub-titles Explanation of the course outline

Course introduction and quick review of managerial accounting concepts

Aim Introduce the fundamental concepts of managerial accounting.

Explain the focus of the course on the accounting function internal to organizations.

Understand managerial accounting, which is concerned with the analysis of and

accounting for costs, managerial planning, decision making and control.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will

1) Have a clear idea on the course planning and evaluation basis,

2) Basic concept of managerial accounting.
3) Understand the distinctions among planning, controlling, and decision

Brief 1) Financial accounting

contents 2) Managerial accounting
3) Managerial accounting activities

Key words Financial accounting, Managerial accounting, Planning, Budget, Controlling,

Decision making.

New words Managerial accounting, Budget, Controlling.

Probable 1. What is managerial accounting?

Questions 2. What are the major activities of managerial accounting?

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 02


Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Nature of Management Accounting

Sub-titles The work of the management and need for managerial accounting

Aim Describe the nature of managerial accounting,

Explain managerial accounting, which provides some data for financial statements
prepared for external users, has as its primary purpose the development and
presentation of information useful to internal management for decision making,
planning and control.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Describe the nature of managerial accounting.

2) Describe the importance of managerial accounting.
3) Explain the activities of managerial accountant.

Brief 1) Managerial accounting: an overview

contents 2) Planning,
3) Controlling,
4) Decision making,
5) Managerial skills.

Key words Managerial accounting, Planning, Controlling, Decision making, Budget, Business
process, Enterprise risk management, Lean production, Performance report,
Segment, Strategy, Value chain.

New words Planning, Controlling, Decision making, Budget, Business process, Enterprise risk
management, Lean production, Performance report, Segment, Strategy, Value chain.

Probable 1. Describe planning and controlling activities of a manager.

Questions 2. Why is managerial accounting relevant to business majors and their future
3. Why is managerial accounting relevant to accounting majors and their future
4. Pick a large company and describe their business strategy.
5. Why do companies prepare budgets?
6. What are the qualitative factors for decision making?
7. Why do companies that implement lean production tend to have minimal
8. Why are leadership skills important to managers?

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 03


Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Nature of Management Accounting

Sub-titles Comparison of financial and managerial accounting

Aim Identify the distinctions between two branches of accounting.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1 Explain the differences between financial and managerial accounting.

Brief 1 Users,
contents 2 Time focus,
3 Verifiability Vs. relevance,
4 Precision Vs. timeliness,
5 Requirements,
6 Rules,
7 Subject matter.

Key words Financial accounting, Managerial accounting, Users, Time focus, Verifiability,
Relevance, Timeliness, Precision.

New words Verifiability, Relevance, Timeliness, Precision.

Probable 1. How does managerial accounting differ from financial accounting?


References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 04


Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Nature of Management Accounting

Sub-titles The changing of business environment and professional ethics

Aim Understanding the changes in business environment.

Indicate how to identify and analyze ethical situations.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1 Explain the importance of ethics in business environment,

2 Comprehend how to identify and analyze ethical situations as per the IMA
code of conduct.

Brief 1 An ethical perspective,

contents 2 Code of conduct for Management Accountants

Key words Business environment, Professional ethics, Integrity, Institute of Management

Accountants (IMA), Code of conduct.

New words Ethics, Integrity, Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), Code of conduct.

Probable 1. Why is ethical behavior important to business?


References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 05


Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Cost Terms and Cost Concepts

Sub-titles General cost classification

Product cost Vs period cost

Aim Describe the cost classifications of manufacturing companies,

Explain the cost classifications for preparing financial statements.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Identify and give examples of each of the three basic manufacturing cost
2) Understand cost classifications used to prepare financial statements: product
cost and period costs.

Brief 1. Manufacturing costs,

contents 2. Non-manufacturing costs,
3. Period costs,
4. Product costs.

Key words Manufacturing costs, Direct materials, Direct labor, Manufacturing overhead, Non-
manufacturing costs, Product costs, Period costs.

New words Manufacturing costs, Direct materials, Direct labor, Manufacturing overhead, Non-
manufacturing costs, Product costs, Period costs.

Probable 1. Identify costs as manufacturing or non-manufacturing costs,

Questions 2. Identify costs as period or product costs.

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 06


Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Cost Terms and Cost Concepts

Sub-titles Cost classification on financial statements Product cost flow.

Aim 1) Explain costs classifications for assigning costs to cost objects.

2) Describe prime cost and conversion cost.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Identify direct costs and indirect costs as per cost objects.

2) Calculate prime cost and conversion cost for a manufacturing concern.

Brief 1. Direct cost,

contents 2. Indirect cost,
3. Prime cost,
4. Conversion cost.

Key words Cost object, Direct cost, Indirect cost, Prime cost, Conversion cost.

New words Cost object, Direct cost, Indirect cost, Prime cost, Conversion cost.

Probable 1. Identify direct or indirect cost as per cost object,

Questions 2. Calculate prime cost, and conversion cost.

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 07

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:


Title Cost Terms and Cost Concepts

Sub-titles Predicting cost behavior and decision making

Aim Describe cost classifications for predicting cost behavior,

Explain linearity assumption and relevant range,
Explain differential cost and revenue for decision making
Explain opportunity cost and sunk cost for decision making

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Understand cost classifications used to predict cost behavior: variable costs,

fixed costs, and mixed costs.
2) Understand cost classifications used in making decisions: differential costs,
opportunity costs, and sunk costs.

Brief 1. Variable cost

contents 2. Fixed cost
3. Linearity assumption
4. Relevant range
5. Differential cost and revenue
6. Opportunity cost
7. Sunk cost

Key words Variable cost, Fixed cost, Common fixed costs, Discretionary fixed costs, Linear
cost behavior, Relevant range, Differential cost, Differential revenue, Opportunity
cost, Sunk cost.

New words Common fixed costs, Discretionary fixed costs, Linear cost behavior, Relevant
range, The high low method, Differential cost, Differential revenue, Opportunity
cost, Sunk cost.

Probable 1. Identify variable and fixed costs,

Questions 2. Identify differential, opportunity and sunk costs.

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 08

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:


Title Cost Behavior and CVP analysis

Sub-titles Types of cost behavior patterns

The analysis of mixed costs and the contribution format of income statement

Aim Analyzing mixed costs

Implementing high low method to diagnose cost behavior
Explain traditional and contribution format of Income statement

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1. Analyze a mixed cost using the high low method,

2. Prepare income statement for a merchandising company using the traditional
and contribution format.

Brief 1. Mixed cost

contents 2. The high low method
3. Traditional and contribution format income statement

Key words Mixed cost, The high low method, Contribution format income statement,

New words Mixed cost, The high low method, Contribution format income statement,

Probable 1. Using high low method analyze a mixed cost.

Questions 2. Prepare traditional and contribution format income statement

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 09

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Cost Behavior and CVP analysis


Sub-titles CVP relationship

Aim To explain the basic concepts of cost-volume and profit relationships.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Explain how changes in activity affect contribution margin and net operating
2) Prepare and interpret a cost-volume-profit (CVP) graph and a profit graph
3) Use the CM ratio to compute changes in contribution margin and net
operating income resulting from change in sales volume.
4) Show the effects on net operating income of change in variable costs, fixed
costs, selling price, and volume.
5) Determine the level of sales needed to achieve a desired target profit.
6) Compute the degree of operating leverage at a particular level of sales and
explain how it can be used to predict change in net operating income.

Brief 1. Contribution margin

contents 2. CVP relationships in equation form
3. CVP relationships in graphical form
4. Contribution margin ratio (CM Ratio)
5. Changes in fixed cost and sales volume
6. Changes in variable costs and sales volume
7. Change in fixed cost, selling price, and sales volume
8. Change in variable cost, fixed cost, and sales volume
9. Change in selling price
10. Target profit analysis- the equation method
11. Target profit analysis- the formula method
12. Target profit analysis in terms of dollar sales
13. Cost structure and profit stability
14. Operating leverage

Key words Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) , CM ratio, CVP graph, Degree of operating leverage,
Incremental analysis, Target profit analysis, Variable expense ratio.

New words Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) , CM ratio, CVP graph, Degree of operating leverage,
Incremental analysis, Target profit analysis, Variable expense ratio.

Probable 1. Prepare contribution format income statement under different sales volume.
Questions 2. Compute CM ratio and use the CM ratio to estimate the changes in net
operating income.
3. Compute the effect of the changes in variable cost, fixed cost, selling price
and volume on net operating income.
4. Compute the level of sales required to attain a target profit using equation or
formula method.
5. Compute and use the degree of operating leverage.

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 10

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:


Title Cost Behavior and CVP analysis

Sub-titles Break even analysis

The concept of sales mix

Aim To explain break-even point in units and in dollar sales.

To analyze basic concept of sales mix.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Determine the break- even point

2) Compute the margin of safety and explain it significance.
3) Compute the break-even point for a multiproduct company and explain the
effects of shifts in the sales mix on contribution margin and the break-even

Brief 1. Break- even analysis- the equation method

contents 2. Break- even analysis- the formula method
3. Break- even in dollar sales
4. Structuring sales commission
5. The definition of sales mix
6. Sales mix and break-even analysis

Key words Break-even point, Margin of safety, Sales mix.

New words Break-even point, Margin of safety, Sales mix.

Probable 1. Compute the break-even point for a multiproduct company.

Questions 2. Compute break-even point using equation method or formula method.
3. Compute the margin of safety, and margin of safely rate.

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 11

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:


Title Absorption and Variable Costing

Sub-titles Overview of absorption and variable costing

Aim Describe the two costing method for product cost calculation.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Explain how variable costing differs from absorption costing and compute
unit product costs under each method.

Brief 1. Variable costing.

contents 2. Absorption costing
3. Selling and administrative expense

Key words Variable costing, absorption costing

New words Variable costing, absorption costing

Probable 1. Calculate unit product cost under variable costing method.

Questions 2. Calculate unit product cost under absorption costing method.

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 12

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Absorption and Variable Costing


Sub-titles Effect of changes in production on net operating income

Aim Understand the effect of changes in product on net operating income under variable
and absorption costing.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Prepare income statements using both variable and absorption costing.

2) Reconcile variable costing and absorption costing net operating income and
explain why the two amounts differ.
3) Prepare a segmented income statement that differentiates traceable fixed
costs from common fixed costs and use it to make decisions.
4) Compute companywide and segment break-even points for a company with
traceable fixed costs.

Brief 1. Variable costing contribution format income statement

contents 2. Absorption costing income statement
3. Reconciliation of variable costing with absorption costing income

Key words Contribution format income statement, traditional format income statement,
Reconciliation report.

New words Reconciliation report.

Probable 1. Prepare an income statement under variable costing

Questions 2. Prepare an income statement under absorption costing
3. Reconcile and explain the differences between variable and absorption
costing net operating income
4. Prepare segmented income statement

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 13

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Absorption and Variable Costing


Sub-titles Choosing a costing method

Aim Explain how to choose a costing method.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Describe how to choose between variable and absorption costing method

Brief 1. Advantages of variable costing and the contribution approach

contents 2. Enabling CVP analysis
3. Explaining changes in net operating income
4. Supporting decision making
5. Companywide income statement
6. Segmented financial information

Key words Variable costing method, Absorption costing method.

New words None

Probable 1. Explain the advantages and limitations of variable costing method

Questions 2. Explain the advantages and limitations of absorption costing method

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 14

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Midterm Examination


Sub-titles Midterm Examination

Aim Midterm Examination: Assess Knowledge of students and their ability to

demonstrate and solve problems on managerial accounting: overview and cost
concepts, cost-volume-profit relationships, variable costing and segment reporting.

Objectives Midterm Examination: Assess Knowledge of students and their ability to

demonstrate and solve problems on managerial accounting: overview and cost
concepts, cost-volume-profit relationships, variable costing and segment reporting.

Brief 1. Chapter 1: Managerial accounting: an overview,

contents 2. Chapter 2: Managerial accounting and cost concepts,
3. Chapter 5: Cost- volume- profit relationships,
4. Chapter 6: Variable costing and segment reporting: tools for management.

Key words Managerial accounting, Cost concept, CVP relationships, Absorption costing,
Variable costing

New words None.

Probable Midterm Question Paper based on Chapters 1, 2, 5, and 6.


References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 15

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Profit Planning


Sub-titles Basic framework of budgeting

Aim Explain the basic framework to prepare budgets

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Explain on the concept of budget

2) Understand budgeting
3) Identify budgeted period
4) Understand the limitations of budgets

Brief 1. What is a budget

contents 2. Advantages of budgeting
3. Responsibility accounting
4. Choosing a budget period
5. The self imposed budget
6. Human factors in budgeting

Key words Budget, Responsibility accounting, Operating budget, Continuous budget.

New words Responsibility accounting, Operating budget, Continuous budget.

Probable 1. What is budget?

Questions 2. How human factor affects budgeting?
3. What is responsibility accounting?
4. What are the advantages of budgeting?

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 16

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Profit Planning


Sub-titles Preparing the master budget

Aim Explain the preparation of master budget.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Understand master budget

2) Prepare a sales budget
3) Calculate the schedule for expected cash collection
4) Understand production budget factors
5) Prepare a merchandise purchase budget

Brief 1. The master budget

contents 2. The beginning balance sheet
3. The budgeting assumptions
4. The sales budget
5. The production budget
6. Inventory purchases- merchandising company

Key words Master budget, Sales budget, Production budget, Merchandise purchase budget.

New words Sales budget, Production budget, Merchandise purchase budget.

Probable 1. Prepare a sales budget,

Questions 2. Prepare a schedule of expected cash collections
3. Prepare a production budget
4. Prepare a merchandise purchase budget.

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 17

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Profit Planning


Sub-titles Preparing the master budget

Aim Explain the preparation of master budget.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Explain a direct material budget preparation

2) Understand direct labor budget
3) Prepare manufacturing overheard budget
4) Describe the inventory budget
5) Prepare a selling and administrative budget

Brief 1. The direct materials budget

contents 2. The direct labor budget
3. The manufacturing overhead budget
4. The ending finished goods inventory budget
5. The selling and administrative expense budget

Key words Direct material budget, Direct labor budget, Manufacturing overhead budget,
Finished goods inventory budget, Selling and administrative budget.

New words Direct material budget, Direct labor budget, Manufacturing overhead budget,
Finished goods inventory budget, Selling and administrative budget.

Probable 1. Prepare a direct material budget

Questions 2. Prepare a direct labor budget
3. Prepare a manufacturing overhead budget
4. Determine the manufacturing overhead rate
5. Prepare a inventory budget
6. Prepare a selling and administrative budget.

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 18

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Profit Planning


Sub-titles Preparing the master budget

Aim Explain the preparation of master budget.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Understand and prepare a cash budget

2) Complete a budgeted income statement and budgeted balance sheet for a

Brief 1. The cash budget

contents 2. The budgeted income statement
3. The budgeting balance sheet

Key words Cash budget, Budgeted income statement, Budgeted balance sheet.

New words Cash budget, Budgeted income statement, Budgeted balance sheet.

Probable 1. Prepare a cash budget and analyze company’s cash need

Questions 2. Prepare a budgeted income statement
3. Prepare a budgeted balance sheet.

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 19

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:


Title Standard Costs, Flexible Budgets & Variance Analysis

Sub-titles Setting standard cost

General model for standard cost

Aim Understanding the importance of setting standard cost and usage of the general
model for standard cost.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Understand the standard cost for quantity and price set for direct materials
2) Explain the standard hour and efficiency for direct labors
3) Describe the standard set for variable overhead.

Brief 1. Setting direct material standards

contents 2. Setting direct labor standards
3. Setting variable manufacturing overhead standards
4. Using standards in flexible budgets
5. General model for standard cost variance analysis

Key words Standard cost, Direct material standard, Direct labor standard, Variable
manufacturing overhead standard.

New words Standard cost.

Probable 1. How to set standard costs for material quantity and price, labor hour and
Questions efficiency, and variable overhead rate and efficiency.

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 20

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:


Title Standard Costs, Flexible Budgets & Variance Analysis

Sub-titles Using standard cost for Direct Material

Direct Labor

Variable Manufacturing Overhead

Aim Explain the usage of standard cost for material, labor and variable overhead to
analyze variances.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Explain the quantity variance for direct material

2) Understand the price variance for direct material
3) Describe the rate and efficiency variance for direct labor
4) Explain the rate and efficiency variance for variable manufacturing

Brief 1. Using standard cost-direct material variances

contents 2. Using standard cost- direct labor variances
3. Using standard costs- variable manufacturing overhead variances
4. Advantages of standard costs
5. Potential problems with standard costs.

Key words Material price variance, Material quantity variance, Labor rate variance, Labor
efficiency variance, variable overhead rate variance, variable overhead efficiency

New words None

Probable 1. Calculate the direct material price and quantity variances

Questions 2. Calculate the direct labor rate and efficiency variances
3. Calculate the variable overhead rate and efficiency variances

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 21

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:


Title Standard Costs, Flexible Budgets & Variance Analysis

Sub-titles Flexible budget

Variable Overhead Variance

Fixed Overhead Variance

Aim Describe the establishment of flexible budget and calculating the variance.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1. Prepare a flexible budget

2. Prepare a report showing activity variances
3. Prepare a report showing revenue and spending variance.
4. Prepare a performance report that combines activity variances and revenue
and spending variances.

Brief 1. The variance analysis cycle

contents 2. Characteristics of a flexible budget
3. Deficiencies of the static planning budget
4. How a flexible budget works
5. Activity variances
6. Revenue and spending variances
7. A performance report combining activity and revenue and spending

Key words Activity variance, Flexible budget, Planning budget, Revenue variance, Spending
variance, Performance report.

New words Activity variance, Flexible budget, Planning budget, Revenue variance, Spending
variance, Performance report.

Probable 1. Prepare a static planning budget.

Questions 2. Prepare a flexible budget.
3. Prepare an activity variance report.
4. Prepare a revenue and spending variance report.
5. Prepare a flexible budget performance report.
6. How to explain the favorable and unfavorable variances.

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 22

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:


Title Relevant cost for decision making

Sub-titles Cost concepts for decision making

Aim Explain different cost concepts relevant to make effective management decision.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Identify relevant and irrelevant costs and benefits in a decision,

2) Explain different costs for different purposes,
3) Understanding reconciliation of total and differential approaches,
4) Understand why relevant costs are isolated.

Brief Identifying relevant costs and benefits

Different costs for different purposes

An example of identifying relevant costs and benefits

Reconciling the total and differential approach

Why isolate relevant costs

Key words Avoidable cost, Differential cot, Differential revenue, Joint costs, opportunity cost,
Relevant benefit, Relevant cost, Sunk cost.

New words Avoidable cost, Differential cot, Differential revenue, Joint costs, Relevant benefit,
Relevant cost.

Probable 1. Identify relevant costs for decision making.

Questions 2. Identify relevant benefits for decision making.

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 23

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Relevant cost for decision making


Sub-titles Adding and dropping product lines

Aim Understand how to make decisions about adding or dropping product lines, and other

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Identify the avoidable cost and unavoidable costs.

2) Prepare an analysis showing whether a product line or other business
segment should be added or dropped.

Brief An illustration of cost analysis

A comparative format

Beware of allocated fixed costs

Key words Avoidable costs, Differential cot, Differential revenue, Relevant benefit, Relevant

New words Relevant benefit, Relevant cost.

Probable 1. Should a product line or segment be discontinued?

Questions 2. Recast income statement data into segmented income statement to be more
useful by the management in assessing the profitability of the various product

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 24

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Relevant cost for decision making

Sub-titles Make or buy decision

Special order


Utilization of constrained resources

Sell & further process

Aim Understand how to decide on making or buying a component for an organization.

Understand when to accept a special order.
Explain how to analyze profitability utilizing constraint resources.
Describe the process of making the decision of selling a product at split off point or
after further processing.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Prepare a make or buy decision.

2) Prepare an analysis showing whether a special order should be accepted.
3) Determine the most profitable use of a constraint resource.
4) Prepare an analysis showing whether joint products should be sold at the
split-off point or processed further.

Brief 1. Strategic aspects of the make or buy decision

contents 2. An example of make or buy decision
3. Special orders
4. What is constraint?
5. Contribution margin per unit of the constrained resource
6. Managing constraints
7. The problem of multiple constraints
8. The pitfalls of allocation
9. Sell or process further decision

Key words Avoidable cost, Bottleneck, Constraint, Differential cot, Differential revenue, Joint
costs, Make or buy decision, opportunity cost, Relaxing the constraint, Relevant
benefit, Relevant cost, Sell or process further, Special order, Split-off point, Sunk

New words Joint costs, Make or buy decision, Relaxing the constraint, Relevant benefit,
Relevant cost, Sell or process further, Special order, Split-off point.

Probable 1. Should a company produce the material or outside supplier’s offer be

Questions accepted?
2. Should a special order be accepted at a special price?
3. Which product would be most profitable or least profitable use of the
4. Which product or products should be sold at the split-off point and which
product or products should be processed further?

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 25

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Revision


Sub-titles Revision on Chapters 8, 9, 10, and 12.

Aim Briefly revise on the contents of final examination.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will be able to

1) Understand and demonstrate all the contents and problems listed for final

Brief 1. Chapter 8: Master budgeting,

contents 2. Chapter 9: Flexible budgets and performance analysis,
3. Chapter 10: Standard costs and variances,
4. Chapter 12: Differential analysis: the key to decision making.

Key words Master budgeting, Flexible budgets, Performance Analysis, Standard costs,
Variances, Differential analysis.

New words None

Probable All questions based on the chapters 8, 9, 10, and 12


References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin

Lesson plan # 26

Subject: Management Accounting (ACN 202)

Faculty Name: Md. Safiuddin:

Title Final Examination


Sub-titles Final Examination

Aim Final Examination: Assess knowledge of students and their ability to demonstrate
and solve problems on master budgeting, flexible budgets and performance analysis,
standard costs and variances, and differential analysis.

Objectives Final Examination: Assess knowledge of students and their ability to demonstrate
and solve problems on master budgeting, flexible budgets and performance analysis,
standard costs and variances, and differential analysis.

Brief 1. Chapter 8: Master budgeting,

contents 2. Chapter 9: Flexible budgets and performance analysis,
3. Chapter 10: Standard costs and variances,
4. Chapter 12: Differential analysis: the key to decision making.

Key words Master budgeting, Flexible budgets, Performance Analysis, Standard costs,
Variances, Differential analysis.

New words None.

Probable Final Question Paper based on the chapters 8, 9, 10, and 12.

References “Managerial Accounting” by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 15th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Irwin


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