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THE ACT OF PROCLAMATION OF 000 was made but the other half was never

delivered. Wildman never returned the

money given to him.
 Second Phase of the Philippine Revolution
 creation of dictatorial government on May
Historical Context 24

 First Phase of the Revolution ended in a  June 12, 1898

 Aguinaldo conferred with Dewey on
 truce was declared in December 18977 Philippine conditions and was supplied with
(Pact of Biak na Bato), lasted only for few arms captured from the Spaniards.
months before it collapsed
 From his headquarters in Cavite, Aguinaldo
 Spanish- American War in 1898 announced the resumption of the revolution
against the Spaniards.
 In December 1897, a truce was declared
between two forces with the Filipino leaders,  Filipinos immediately flocked to the province
led by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, agreeing to to join the army. By the end of May,
be exiled in HongKong while the Spaniards Aguinaldo was in command of 12, 000
paid an indemnity for the damages caused troops.
as a result of the conflict
 On May 28, the Filipino forces won their first
 Arrival of a new colonizer to the Philippines victory in Alapan, Imus. The newly made
– the Americans Filipino flag was hoisted in Alapan then later
unfurled at the Teatro Caviteño in Cavite
 Aguinaldo had already been meeting with Nuevo (now Cavite City)
the Americans in Singapore; Consul E.
Spencer Pratt  Aguinaldo declared Philippine
independence from Spanish rule at a
 Commodore George Dewey ceremony in his house in Kawit Cavite.
 American Consul General Rounseville  Ambrosio Rianzares read the declaration,
Wildman Marcha National Filipina composed by
 Aguinaldo finally returned to the Philippines Julian Felipe was played by the Banda de
on board McCulloch (May 19, 1898) San Francisco de Malabon and the
Philippine Flag was hurled again unfurled
 Even before the Battle of Manila, Aguinaldo
had already been meeting with the
Americans in Singapore. Emilio Aguinaldo (Author)
 Unfortunately, Dewey (commander of the  born in Kawit, Cavite on March 22, 1869 to
Asiatic Fleet) had already left for the Carlos Aguinaldo and Trinidad Famy
Philippines to attack the Spanish fleet
following America’s declaration of war  Aguinaldos were a wealthy and influential
against Spain in April. family; Carlos was gobernadorcillo for
several terms
 Aguinaldo remained in Hong Kong and met
with the American consul general  In 1883, Emilio assisted his mother in the
Rounseville Wildman. He paid Wildman a family business
total of Php117, 000 to purchase rifles and
 Although the actual author of the
ammunition. A first shipment worth Php50,
proclamation was Ambrosio Rianzares
Bautista, the initiator of the Philippine  captured by the American (1901)
independence that led to the making of the
 ran for presidency of the Philippine
proclamation was Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo
Commonwealth against Manuel Quezon
 capitan municipal of Kawit in 1894 (1935)
 joined the Katipunan as “Magdalo”  charged of collaboration with the Japanese
during WWII
 Magdalo and Magdiwang faction
 died at the age of 94 on Feb. 6, 1964
 Tejeros Convention (March 22, 1897)
 As a private citizen, he devoted his time to
 Elections for a pamahalaang
the cause of veteran revoluccionarios until
panghihimagsik were held in Barrio Tejeros,
his death due to coronary thrombosis
San Francisco de Malabon (now General
 President – Emilio Aguinaldo The Act of Proclamation of Independence of the
Filipino People
 Vice President – Mariano Trias
 On June 10, 1896, Gen. Aguinaldo
 Captain General – Artemio Ricarte
appointed Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista to
 Director of War – Emiliano Riego de Dios write the Act of Declaration of the
 Director of the Interior – Andres Bonifacio
 a 16- page document that contained the
 When Bonifacio was being proclaimed aspirations of freedom from Spanish rule,
Daniel Tirona (Magdalo) stood up & said the sacrifices made, and the revolution that
that Jose del Rosario an attorney from was read in Kawit
Cavite was more qualified for the position
and should be elected  Jim Richardson placed the total number of
signees at 177
 Bonifacio angrily declared the result of
elections null and void and walked out.
 The Magdalos, however, considered the Relevance
election binding and the new government
 Proves the value Filipinos place on their
was founded.
 When Bonifacio tried to put up his own
government with an armed group, he was
arrested and tried for sedition. Found guilty,
the Supremo and his brother Procopio were
executed on May 10, 1897
 exiled to Hong Kong (December1897)
 return to the Philippines (May1898)
 declaration of Independence (June 1898)
 First Philippine Republic (January 1899)
 In 1899, Aguinaldo convened a Congress in
Malolos, Bulacan in which the delegates
wrote a Constitution and established


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