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0 Project Scope Management

Business Case for CRASH Management System Enhancement Project

1.0 Introduction/ Background
Selangor Department of Transportation is having the trouble of the data consolidation of accident
information and the audience for the data. Because of the Selangor’s legacy system relied on
manual input of paper reports to track the crash report from law enforcement agencies. Therefore,
the report was handled before the information was posted to database that the probability for input
errors and data discrepancies among database was high. So that the State of Selangor wanted to
launch the CRASH Management system that create a unified web presence, launch e-commerce
and improve the services. By doing this CRASH management system that can significantly reduce
the costs and the problem of collects the traffic crash data from the law enforcement agencies that
is manual input and posted to database.
2.0 Business Objective
- To provide better reporting and visibility to traffic crash data
- Reduce processing costs
- Allows for broader and faster access to accident information across departments that easy to
access to the interested entities
- Improve crash locating
- Improve data integrity
- Eliminate redundant traffic crash databases and the delay in posting data to the database
- Automatic transfer of data between systems to support S-DOS driver record files and vehicle data,
local law enforcement and agencies, national reporting systems, and other traffic safety partners

3.0 Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement

- The employee in one of the department needed data consolidation that needed to requested a
mainframe-based query from the Department then will processing of any nonstandard query could
take up to six months, quickly putting the required information out of date. that is quite
inconvenience for him and the data collected will be out of date
- Pulling data from three separate areas resulted in inconsistent quality of information as the time
periods covered were typically different. The inconsistent of data consolidation is serious for this
case because the quality of information if the time period is different result in a lot of problem
- The inter-department information sharing is having the issues that the data consolidation is not
consistent therefore the data sharing might be slow and hard to help those State of Selangor to
recover their insurance claims to the state property damage caused by the motorists.
- The legacy system is relied on the manual input of paper reports to trach the crash reports that
needed to handled too much of the information that will slow down the processing and the
- Post of data to the database that is separated to three of the database that the probability for input
errors and data discrepancies among the databases was high
- The processing and reporting by using the manual input will have a high processing costs.

4.0 Critical Assumption and Constraints

During the project startup that is the critical assumption and constraints that needed to be
determined so that the process of defining scope in project planning, design, analysis,
implementing will be refined and define in more details.
- To development the CRASH management system needed those employees that have the
knowledge about the programming to operate it therefore the employee needed to attend to the
class of programming to gain the knowledge about to operate the system.
- To create a unified web presence, launch the e-commerce and improve the service by using the
CRASH management will benefit the company profit and reduce the cost of operating all of the
process of traffic accidents
- The high level department of the Selangor Transportation, state and police will be functioned
independently but then there will have some of the trouble of the communication between the
- The development of the database and the mainframe-based query and non-standard query
processing may take shorter time period but then the development part will be more complicated
and required to collect data from those departments will cost a lot of time.

- The employee of the department that using the CRASH management system probably not adapted
to use the system because mostly the employee is using the manual input for the report and the
query for the data takes a long time and some of the employee is advanced age didn’t know to use
the computer.
- The employee of the related department toward the system must have to learned the way to use
the system and change their working life style because some of the employee before the system is
created they are using the manual input for the data and the query of the database take a long time.
- There are the difficulty for the system to obtain all of the information that is manual input or
either handwritten and there will take a long time to input all of the data into the system.
- The system needed stronger security system to avoid the information of the CRASH management
that the top-secret file, information of employee and company be hacked and needed to confirm
that the system is secure without virus or bug.
- The time frame and the budget given to complete the CRASH management system is not enough
that the time needed to complete all of the process and collect data from the manual input and
handwritten and so on to create a unified web presence, launch e-commerce and improve the
services needed a lot of time frame and a lot of human resource. Budget and time frame would be a
huge constraint on creating the CRASH management system unified web presence.
- The new system and the unified web presence has to perform several task with the complex steps
that while doing the system that required to find the most suitable developer that have the
capability to complete the task.
5.0 Analysis of Options and Recommendation
- The development of the CRASH management system can also be implemented on the other state
of the department of transportation
- The time frame and budget given increases so that the system completion and function will be
more ideal and perfect
- During the development of the CRASH management system that all of the related department
must more cooperate with the development so that the project can be completed in time and the
system will be more completion
- The Selangor Department of transportation can outsource the part of the system to the other
professionals to develop so that the project will be more perfect and the time frame will be
6.0 Preliminary Project Requirements
 Required to consolidation of the data of the several departments that needed their
cooperation to complete the system data input

 Conduct the training section and classes for the employee to make use of the system
function and feature
 Allow the employees to register for the system to access to the system by using their private
authority user account

 Track the employee involvement data of this project make sure the employee does the task
needed to do in time and done it nicely

 Giving chances for the outsider to join for the project therefore can improve the service and
completion of the system
Stakeholder Analysis

Tan Jia Wei Ling Shi Wei Por Shao Cong Alex
Organization Project team Software Software Hardware IT
management developer developer support
Role Project Manager Programmer Programmer Programmer
Level of interest high high high Medium
Unique facts Very smart and Hardworking Nice guy and Quiet and do
good at leading and good have good work in time
and managing a programmer programming
team to skill
complete their
Level of high high high Low
Communication Keep Regular minimal Manage most Anticipate and
skill completely keep in contact thoroughly all meet needs
informed to all and keep update the project
member information
Suggestion on Keep on let all Lead the testing Keep the work Delivery
managing team member and done in time and hardware and
keep update development lead him enough take a back seat
information and take care for time to complete for project
the other the system
Reputation good good good Normal
Project Charter


Name CRASH Management System Enhancement Project

Description Create a Unified Web Presence, Launch e-commerce, and improve the services
Sponsor Selangor Department of Transportation
Start Date: 6/9/19
Finish Date: 8/9/19
Project Manager Tan Jia Wei
Project Team Ling Shi Wei, Por Shao Cong, Alex Selangor Department of State(S-DOS),
Resources Department of Transportation (S-DOT)
and State Police (SSP)


 To provide better reporting and visibility to traffic crash data enable the media and the outsider to
know that the department is doing well with their job and the report is nicely done
 Reduce processing costs
 Allows for broader and faster access to accident information across departments that easy to
access to the interested entities
 Save the time needed to pulling data from the three separate areas that resulted in inconsistent
quality of information as the time period were different

 Amount of budget is the total of $100,000 in the time frame of 4 months for the system completion


 To provide better reporting and visibility to traffic crash data
 Allows for broader and faster access to accident information across departments that easy to
access to the interested entities
 Improve crash locating
 Improve data integrity
 Eliminate redundant traffic crash databases and the delay in posting data to the database
 Automatic transfer of data between systems to support S-DOS driver record files and vehicle
data, local law enforcement and agencies, national reporting systems, and other traffic safety
 To establish a better working experience for the employee that they no need to manual input the
data and the process of the data retrieve will be shorter


Item Major Events / Milestones Dates
1. Project Scope Management 10/9/2019
2. Business Case 5/9/2019
3. Stakeholder Analysis 6/9/2019
4. Project Charter 8/9/2019
5. Work Break Down Structure (WBS) Chart 10/9/2019
6. Project Time Management 11/9/2019
7. Gantt Chart with Milestone 14/9/2019
8. Progress Tracking Gantt Chart 16/9/2019
9. AOA Diagram 17/9/2019
10. Project Risk Management 18/9/2019
11. Risk Break Down Structure (RBS) 22/9/2019
12. Risk Register 24/9/2019
13. Risk Probability/Impact Matrix 26/9/2019
14. Risk Response 30/9/2019
15. Project Human Resource Management 17/9/2019
16. Project Organizational Chart 19/9/2019
17. Responsibility Assignment Matrix 4/10/2019
18. Tools and Techniques for Managing Project Teams 8/10/2019
19. Project Report 8/10/2019
20. Report Writing 15/10/2019
21. Screen Design 15/10/2019
22. Prototype and Design 5/11/2019
23. Prototype Finalization 5/11/2019
24. Prototype Testing 8/11/2019
25. Prototype Redefine 13/11/2019
26. Final Documentation 15/11/2019


Name Role Position Contact
Tan Jia Wei Project Manager Project Manager [email protected]
Ling Shi Wei Team Member Programmer [email protected]
Por Shao Cong Team Member Programmer [email protected]
Alex Team Member Programmer [email protected]
Team Members:
Tan Jia Wei :

Por Shao Cong :

Ling Shi Wei :

Alex :


 Consult and ask for advice from the Selangor Department of State(S-DOS), Department of
Transportation (S-DOT) and State Police (SSP) to create a detailed project that with all of the
deliverables and those deliverables incorporate in the Gantt chart and milestone so that the work
efficiency for this project is much more and maximize.
 Create a prototype for the user and the tester to perform evaluation for the example the heuristic
and user acceptance evaluation testing E.g.: alpha, beta testing
 Cost estimate is created in advanced to ensure that there are advanced risk evaluation and budget
analysis based on the prototype created
 Perform the heuristic evaluation and the user acceptance testing before the project is being finalize
and launch


 The employees are satisfied with the system created for the functionality and the feature
 The employees are satisfied with the experience of using the system created
 There are no bugs and problems happen during the testing period if so solve it before launch
 Build up a better working experience and the system enhance the time period for the employees to
retrieve the data from three separated area
 Data consolidation is much easier for those employee in the department to achieve that no need to
take for up to six months
 The consolidated reports won’t cause the sub-optimum timing in identification, development and
planning the critical project
 Reduction of human resource that the staff can much easier to complete their task and not required
that a lot of amount of staff
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
1.0 Project Scope Management
1.1 Business Case
1.1.1 Identify Business Objective
1.1.2 Analysis of Options and Recommendations
1.1.3 Preliminary Project Requirement
1.2 Stakeholder Analysis
1.2.1 Identify and Analyze Stakeholders
1.3 Project Charter
1.3.1 Define the project Objectives and Scope
1.3.2 Define the Deliverables and Risks
1.4 Work Break Down Structure (WBS) Chart
1.4.1 Construct the WBS Chart

2.0 Project Time Management

2.1 Gantt Chart with Milestone
2.1.1 Identify Project Phases and Milestone
2.1.2 Construct the Gantt Chart
2.2 Progress Tracking Gantt Chart
2.2.1 Construct the Progress Tracking Gantt Chart
2.3 AOA Diagram
2.3.1 Construct AOA Diagram

3.0 Project Risk Management

3.1 Risk Break Down Structure (RBS)
3.1.1 Identify Risk
3.1.2 Construct RBS
3.2 Risk Register
3.2.1 Create Risk Register
3.3 Risk Probability/Impact Matrix
3.3.1 Construct the Risk Probability/Impact
3.4 Risk Response
3.4.1 Identify ways to migrate the risk
3.4.2 Plan the Risk Response

4.0 Project Human Resource Management

4.1 Project Organizational Chart
4.1.1 Construct the Organizational Chart
4.2 Responsibility Assignment Matrix
4.2.1 Identify Responsibilities
4.2.2 Assign Responsibilities to members
4.2.3 Construct Responsibility Assignment Matrix
4.3 Tools and Techniques for Managing Project Teams
4.3.1 Conduct Project Performance Appraisals
4.3.2 Conduct Observation and Conversation

5.0 Project Report

5.1 Report Writing
5.1.1 Complete the Project Report

6.0 Screen Design

6.1 Prototype and Design
6.1.1 Develop the Prototype
6.1.2 Documentation

7.0 Prototype Finalization

7.1 Prototype Testing
7.1.1 Conduct Test for the Prototype
7.2 Prototype Redefine
7.2.1 Refine the Prototype
7.3 Final Documentation
7.3.1 Complete the Documentation and Report
AOA Diagram
Identify Business Objective A
Analysis of Options and Recommendation B
Preliminary Project Requirement C
Identify and Analyse Stakeholders D
Define the project Objectives and Scope E
Define the Deliverables and Risks F
Construct the WBS Chart G
Identify Project Phases and Milestones H
Construct the Gantt Chart I
Construct the Progress Tracking Gantt Chart J
Construct AOA Diagram K
Identify Risk L
Construct RBS M
Create Risk Register N
Construct the Risk Probability/Impact Chart O
Identify ways to mitigate the risk P
Plan the Risk Response Q
Construct the Organizational Chart R
Identify Responsibilities S
Assign Responsibilities to members T
Construct Responsibility Assignment Matrix U
Conduct Project Performance Appraisals V
Conduct Observation and Conversation W
Complete the Project Report X
Develop the Prototype Y
Documentation Z
Conduct Test for the Prototype A1
Refine the Prototype B1
Complete the Documentation and Report C1
1 0 0 0
2 1 1 0
3 2 2 0
4 3 3 0
5 4 4 0
6 5 5 0
7 6 6 0
8 7 7 0
9 9 9 0
10 10 10 0
11 12 12 0
12 14 14 0
13 16 16 0
14 18 18 0
15 20 20 0
16 22 22 0
17 23 23 0
18 25 25 0
19 27 27 0
20 28 28 0
21 30 30 0
22 31 31 0
23 33 33 0
24 35 35 0
25 40 40 0
26 52 52 0
27 55 55 0
28 58 58 0
29 61 61 0
30 63 63 0

Activity EST LST AST

A 0 0 0
B 1 1 0
C 2 2 0
D 3 3 0
E 4 4 0
F 5 5 0
G 6 6 0
H 7 7 0
I 9 9 0
J 10 10 0
K 12 12 0
L 14 14 0
M 16 16 0
N 18 18 0
O 20 20 0
P 22 22 0
Q 23 23 0
R 25 25 0
S 27 27 0
T 28 28 0
U 30 30 0
V 31 31 0
W 33 33 0
X 35 35 0
Y 40 40 0
Z 52 52 0
A1 55 55 0
B1 58 58 0
C1 61 61 0

Project Risk Management

Risk Breakdown Structure
CRASH Management Management Undefined Project Purpose
Inadequate Specification
System Enhancement
Missed Deadlines
Project Deliverables being rejected
Technical Hardware Limitation
Software Limitation
Human Resource Poor Team Communication
Inexperience Team
Personnel Change
External Acts of Gods

Risk Register
No. R01
Rank 1
Risk Undefined Project Purpose
Description Project purpose and need is not well-defined
Category Management
Triggers The project manager and the team does not fully understand the purpose
and objective of the project.
Risk Response Escalate to the Project Board and arrange for a meeting to produce the
project charter with defined deliverables.
Risk Owner Project Manager
Probability Medium
Impact High

No. R02
Rank 2
Risk Undefined Project schedule
Description Project schedule is not clearly defined or understood
Category Management
Triggers Team members are not motivated to complete task due to undefined
Risk Response Hold scheduling workshops with the project team so they understand the
plan and likelihood of missed tasks is reduced
Risk Owner Project Manager
Probability Medium
Impact High

No. R03
Rank 3
Risk Missed Deadlines
Description Unable to meet certain milestones under the planned time
Category Management
Triggers The team are unable to complete the given milestone on time due to the
task complexity and unforeseen factors.
Risk Response Change the schedule so that team members have enough time to complete
the task under the rescheduled time.
Risk Owner All
Probability High
Impact High

No. R04
Rank 4
Risk Deliverables being rejected
Description Client refuses to approve completed deliverables
Category Management
Triggers The completed deliverables or milestones are being rejected or delayed
approval, putting pressure on the deadlines.
Risk Response Ensure client’s decisions and requirement is identified before project
starts. Constant communication with the client.
Risk Owner Project Manager
Probability Low
Impact High

No. R05
Rank 5
Risk Hardware Limitation
Description Unable to progress with the project due to hardware limitation
Category Technical
Triggers The team lack the required hardware to complete certain task.
Risk Response Request to commission the required hardware in order to complete the
task and project.
Risk Owner Technicals
Probability Low
Impact Medium

No. R06
Rank 6
Risk Software Limitation
Description Unable to progress with the project due to software limitation
Category Technical
Triggers The team lack the required software to complete certain task.
Risk Response Request to commission the required software in order to complete the task
and project.
Risk Owner Technicals
Probability Low
Impact Low

No. R07
Rank 7
Risk Poor Team Communication
Description Lack of communication between team members
Category Human Resource
Triggers Occurrence of conflicts between team members and work inefficient.
Risk Response Frequently conduct meetings and use appropriate channel of
Risk Owner Project Manager
Probability Medium
Impact Medium
No. R08
Rank 8
Risk Inexperience Team
Description The team or certain team members are inexperience working on the given
Category Human Resource
Triggers The task responsible by the team members are not up to quality standards.
Risk Response Reassign the members to work on other task.
Conduct trainings to the team members.
Risk Owner Project Manager
Probability Medium
Impact Low

No. R09
Rank 9
Risk Personnel Change
Description Key members from the team leaves the organization.
Category Human Resource
Triggers Work/life balance
Risk Response Identify other employees with similar qualifications from the
Risk Owner Project Manager
Probability Low
Impact Medium
No. R10
Rank 10
Risk Acts of Gods
Description Extreme weather or natural disaster leads to loss of resources.
Category External
Triggers -
Risk Response Ensure insurance in place.
Familiarize project team with emergency procedures.
Risk Owner Project Manager
Probability Low
Impact High
Risk Probability/Impact Chart

High R03

Medium R08 R07

Probability R05 R04

Low R06
R09 R10

Low Medium High

Project Organization Chart



System System Independent

Technical Web Designer
Administrator Analyst Test Group

Data Analyst

Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Task Por Shao Cong Tan Jia Wei Ling Shi Wei
1 Project Scope Management      
1.1 Business Case      
1.1.1 Identify Business Objective A R  
1.1.2 Analysis of Options and
Recommendations A R  
1.1.3 Preliminary Project Requirement A R  
1.2 Stakeholder Analysis      
1.2.1 Identify and Analyse Stakeholders A R C
1.3 Project Charter      
1.3.1 Define the project Objectives and
Scope A R  
1.3.2 Define the Deliverables and Risks A R  
1.4 Work Break Down Structure
(WBS) Chart      
1.4.1 Construct the WBS Chart A R I
2 Project Time Management      
2.1 Gantt Chart with Milestone      
2.1.1 Identify Project Phases and
Milestones R A  
2.1.2 Construct the Gantt Chart R A C
2.2 Progress Tracking Gantt Chart      
2.2.1 Construct the Progress Tracking
Gantt Chart R A C
2.3 AOA Diagram      
2.3.1 Construct AOA Diagram R A  
3 Project Risk Management      
3.1 Risk Break Down Structure (RBS)      
3.1.1 Identify Risk R C A
3.1.2 Construct RBS R C A
3.2 Risk Register      
3.2.1 Create Risk Register A R C
3.3 Risk Probability/Impact Matrix      
3.3.1 Construct the Risk Probability/
Impact Chart A R C
3.4 Risk Response      
3.4.1 Identify ways to mitigate the risk C A R
3.4.2 Plan the Risk Response C A R
4 Project Human Resource
4.1 Project Organizational Chart      
4.1.1 Construct the Organizational Chart C A R
4.2 Responsibility Assignment Matrix      
4.2.1 Identify Responsibilities I A R
4.2.2 Assign Responsibilities to members I A R
4.2.3 Construct Responsibility
Assignment Matrix C A R
4.3 Tools and Techniques for
Managing Project Teams      
4.3.1 Conduct Project Performance
Appraisals C A R
4.3.2 Conduct Observation and
Conversation C A R
5 Project Report      
5.1 Report Writing      
5.1.1 Complete the Project Report R R R
6 Screen Design    
6.1 Prototype and Design      
6.1.1 Develop the Prototype R R R
6.1.2 Documentation R R R
7 Prototype Finalization      
7.1 Prototype Testing      
7.1.1 Conduct Test for the Prototype R R R
7.2 Prototype Redefine      
7.2.1 Refine the Prototype R R R
7.3 Final Documentation      
7.3.1 Complete the Documentation and
Report R R R

R Responsible Assigned to complete the task or deliverable

A Accountable Has final decision-making authority and accountability for completion.
C Consulted An adviser ,stakeholder or subject matter expert who is consulted before
A decision or action
I Informed Must be informed after a decision or action
Tools & Techniques for managing project teams

We using project performance appraisals, observation and conversation to managing our project
teams. Performance appraisal is a regular review of the employee's job performance and overall
contribution to the company. Performance appraisal is also known as “annual review”,
“performance review or “employee appraisal”, which assesses employee skills, achievement and
growth or lack of skills. We using self-assessment which is individuals evaluate their work
performance and behavior. We using self-assessment which is individuals evaluate each other
work performance and behavior to rate our group member. We are using the following criteria to
evaluate our team members.
 Responsibility
 Quality
 Cost
 Reputation
 Communication Skill

We also using observation and conversation to manage our project team. Conversation between
team members is also an important factor affecting the project. The project manager will observe
the work efficiency of the team members to assess their performance. Each team member must
update their daily task to the project manager. A good conversation can keep the team up-to-date
and the project process goes smoothly. It’s quite useful helping in the detailed process that the
end user who use the system having the difficulty. It’s also can find a employee as the participant
who perform the task of the system to know that how they know to use about the system and can
enhance the system by obverse the participant that having the bugs or problem of using it.
Screen Design

Search Accident Log

Accident Heat Map
Accident Log Details

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