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Analytic Scoring Rubric for Writing

1: Little or no 2: Inconsistent 3: Reasonable 4: Consistent

control control Control Control

Not focused on one One central idea

No clear idea. Focuses on central
Some elaboration. Quite well
Little or no Well elaborated
Many comments not Some comments off
Often off subject. Well organized.
on the topic. topic.

Basic vocabulary, Reasonable Well chosen

Not controlled.
not well chosen. vocabulary. vocabulary.

Good sentence
Sentences too short
and disconnected.
Flat or inconsistent Reasonable Information and
Flat tone.
tone. information. voice suit the reader.

Word order often Words usually in Mostly correct word Good word order.
correct order.

incorrect. order.

Sentence formation Sentence formation Some sentence Complete, standard

incorrect. mostly correct. fragments. sentences.
Effective use of
Many word Some word Some running on connectives (and,
omissions. omissions. between sentences. but, first, then, etc.).

Often changes Standard inflections

Some errors with Good word
tense. (plurals, -ed, -ly,
word agreement agreement and word

(singular, plural) and endings.
Errors in word forms Good subject-verb
word meaning.
(them/those, agreement.
Problems with Articles mostly
good/well, double Correct word
articles (the, a) correct (the, a)
negatives, etc.). meanings.

Some errors with Mostly effective use


Misspells even Effective use of

spelling and of mechanics.
simple words. capitalization,
punctuation, which
punctuation, spelling
make it difficult to A few errors, which
Little or no and formatting
understand the do not harm the
formatting. (paragraphs, etc.).
meaning. meaning.

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