5 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris

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Name : Agung Aprianto

Nim :

1. A boy has measles accompanied by a 13-year-old fever. The nurse in charge of conducting
the assessment. Data obtained TD = 100/70, N = 105 x / minute, RR = 16 times / minute, T
= 37.7oC, dry lip mucosa, skin turgor returned in 2 seconds, concentrated urine. From the
results of the assessment can be known that the patient has experienced?

a. Mild dehydration
b. Moderate dehydration
c. Severe dehydration
d. Dehydration is very heavy
e. Super heavy dehydration
2. Mr. Tn. A (35 years old) entered the ER with a state of respiration: 20 x / minute, CRT> 2
seconds, pulse 108 x / minute and could not follow orders. Mr. A is in the category ...
a. No emergency, emergency
b. Emergency
c. Died
d. No emergency, no emergency
e. Awfully
3. Mrs. C, age 34, came to the health center with complaints of fever, chills, headaches, and
nausea, which have been felt for 1 week. Ny.C looks pale and weak, body temperature,
38.50 C, Td: 100 / 70mmHg, RR: 24x / minute, pulse: 78x / minute. What is the most
important nursing problem in the above case?
a. Activity intolerance
b. Hyperthermia
c. Anorexia
d. Impairment of nutrition fulfillment
4. A man, aged 25 years, comes to the health center with complaints that he has 8 days of
fever, at first the heat is not high, the fever is getting higher, especially in the afternoon
and evening, the first 3 days of heat accompanied by diarrhea. The patient went to the
clinic for ampicillin and paracetamol but it did not improve. Physical examination found
hot palpable bodies, pale conjunctiva, the patient looked apathetic. Vital signs: TD 130/80
mmHg, RR 24 x / min, pulse 92x / min, temperature 390 C. Is medical diagnosis based on
the case above?

a. Dengue hemorrhagic fever

b. Pulmonary TB
c. Typhoid
d. Hepatitis
5. A woman, aged 32 years was admitted to the hospital. The client complained of pain in the
area of urinary vision, pain when urinating, urinating was not smooth, feeling dissatisfied
after urinating, expression seemed to wince in pain, the results of abdominal ultrasound
revealed a stone in the area of the urinary bladder. Is Nursing Diagnosis the most
appropriate case above?
a. Acute pain associated with kidney stone / vesic obstruction
b. Infection is associated with decreased endurance
c. Obstruction is associated with ineffective diets
d. Impaired urine elimination associated with kidney failure

6. A woman, aged 30 years, came to the emergency room with complaints of shortness of
breath since last night. Blood Pressure: 130/80 mmHg, pulse: 110 x / minute, breathing:
28x / minute, temperature: 360 C, there is wheezing sound. These symptoms appear
because the air is very cold. Is nursing a priority in the case?

a. Activity intolerance
b. Fluid volume deficit
c. Impaired breathing patterns
d. The airway is not effective

7. A woman, aged 40 years was taken to the emergency room for chest pain for 10 minutes
after doing volleyball. By the doctor, the client is advised to rest. Blood pressure 140/80
mmHg, pulse 96 times per minute, temperature 36.C, breathing 28 times per minute. Is the
right action for the patient?
a. Install ECG
b. Providing oxygen
c. Collaborative analytic giving
d. Put an IV

8. Encourage deep breathing An. F (3y) was taken by the family to the ER, with a history of
seizures at home. At the time of inspection An. F experiencing Apnea (stopping
breathing). Is the right nursing action given to An. F?
a. Cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
b. Maintaining the airway
c. Give artificial breath
d. Put an infusion on
e. Give a black triage label

9. RJP indication cannot be carried out if ...

a. Harm the helper
b. Accident
c. Shock
d. Multi trauma
e. Open fracture

10. Mr. 60 years came to the emergency room with complaints of severe shortness of breath
accompanied by cold sweat, TD: 180/90, pulse 110 x / minute, RR: 40 x / minute. Positive
ronchi voice. the action taken first by the nurse independently is ...
a. Set the position of semi-fowler / fowler
b. Gave a trendelenburg position
c. Give a flat sleeping position
d. Give sim position
e. Practice deep breathing

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