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FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

With Integrated Microcontroller

SUMMARY FEATURES  On chip integrated microcontroller for simplified

 Field Programmable Radio Frequency (FPRF) chip calibration, tuning and control
 Dual transceiver ideal for MIMO  Integrated clock PLL for flexible clock generation and
 User programmable on the fly distribution
 Continuous coverage of the 100 kHz - 3.8 GHz RF  User definable analog and digital filters for
frequency range customised filtering
 Digital interface to baseband with on chip integrated  RF and base band Received Signal Strength Indicator
12 bit D/A and A/D converters (RSSI)
 Programmable RF modulation bandwidth up to  261 pin aQFN 11.5x11.5 mm package
120 MHz using analog interface  Power down option
 Programmable RF modulation bandwidth up to  Serial port interface
56 MHz using digital interface  Low power consumption, typical 880mW in full 2x2
 Supports both TDD and full duplex FDD MIMO mode (550mW in SISO mode) using external
 LimeLight™ digital IQ interface – JEDEC JESD207 LDOs
TDD and FDD compliant  Multiple bypass modes for greater flexibility
 Transceiver Signal Processor block employs APPLICATIONS
advanced techniques for enhanced performance
 Single chip supports 2x2 MIMO. Multiple chips can be  Broad band wireless communications
used to implement higher order MIMO  GSM, CDMA2000, TD-SCDMA, WCDMA/HSPA, LTE
 On-chip RF calibration circuitry  IEEE® radios
 Fully differential baseband signals, analog IQ  WiFi operating in the Whitespace frequencies
 Few external components  Software Defined Radio (SDR)
 Low voltage operation, 1.25, 1.4 and 1.8V. Integrated  Cognitive Radio
LDOs to run on a single 1.8V supply voltage  Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
 Other Whitespace applications

LimeLightTM Digital IQ Interface, Port 2



RSSI Chain Synthesizer
Transceiver Signal Processor (TSP)



RF Micro
RSSI Controller DLB
Connects to LNA TX BB
output in RF Loop Back LPF
Switch mode
LimeLightTM Digital IQ Interface, Port 1


Switch Connects to LNA

output in RF Loop Back
Chain Synthesizer
Connects to LNA
output in RF Loop Back
Switch mode


Switch Connects to LNA

output in RF Loop Back TX BB TXINI, TXINQ
mode LPF

Figure 1: Functional block diagram

Document version: 2.2.r0

Last modified: 26/09/2014
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Transmitter gain control range of 70 dB is provided by integrated digital

TSP and TXPAD. Both stages have 1 dB gain step control.
LMS7002M is a fully integrated, multi-band, multi-standard RF
transceiver that is highly programmable. It combines Low Noise The LMS7002M provides an RF loop back option which enables the TX
Amplifiers (RXLNA), TX Power Amplifier Divers (TXPAD) RF signal to be fed back into the baseband for calibration and test
receiver/transmitter (RX/TX) mixers, RX/TX filters, synthesizers, RX purposes. The RF loop back signal is amplified by the loopback
gain control, TX power control, the analog-to-digital and digital-to- amplifier in order to increase the dynamic range of the loop.
analog convertors (ADC/DACs) and has been designed to require very
few external components. There are two additional loop back options implemented, one is an
analog base band (BB) loop back and another is a digital loop back
The top level architecture of LMS7002M transceiver is shown in Figure (DLB) as shown in Figure 1. The analog loop back is intended for
1. The chip contains two transmit and two receive chains for achieving a testing while the DLB can be used to verify the LMS7002M connectivity
Multiple In Multiple Out (MIMO) platform. Both transmitters share one to base band, FPGA, DSP or any other digital circuitry.
PLL and both receivers share another. Transmit and receive chains are
all implemented as zero Intermediate Frequency (zero IF or ZIF) On the receive side, three separate inputs are provided each with a
architectures providing up to 112MHz RF modulation bandwidths dedicated LNA optimised for narrow or wide band operation. Each port
(equivalent to 56MHz baseband IQ bandwidth). For the purpose of RF signal is first amplified by a programmable low noise amplifier
simplifying this document, the explanation for the functionality and (RXLNA). The RF signal is then mixed with the receive PLL (RXPLL)
performance of the chip is based on one transmit and one receive output to directly down convert to baseband. AGC steps can be
circuitry, given that the other two work in exact the same manner. implemented by a BB transimpedance amplifier (RXTIA) prior to the
programmable bandwidth low pass channel select filters (RXLPF). The
On the transmit side, In-phase and Quadrature IQ DAC data samples, received IQ signal is further amplified by a programmable gain amplifier
from the base band processor, are provided to the LMS7002M via the RXPGA. DC offset is applied at the input of RXTIA to prevent saturation
LimeLight™ digital IQ interface. LimeLight™ implements the JESD207 and to preserve the receive ADC’s dynamic range. The resulting analog
standard IQ interface protocol as well as de facto IQ multiplexed receive IQ signals are converted into the digital domain with on-chip
standard. JESD207 is Double Data Rate (DDR) by definition. In IQ receive ADCs. Following the ADCs, the signal conditioning is performed
multiplexed mode LimeLight™ also supports Single Data Rate (SDR). by the digital Transceiver Signal Processor (TSP) and the resulting
The IQ samples are then pre-processed by the digital Transceiver signals are then provided to the BB via the LimeLight™ digital IQ
Signal Processor (TSP) for minimum analog / RF distortion and applied interface.
to the on chip transmit DACs. The DACs generate analog IQ signals
which are provided for further processing to the analog/RF section. The analog receive signals can also be provided off chip at RXOUTI
Transmit low pass filters (TXLPF) remove the images generated by and RXOUTQ pins by closing the RXOUT switch. In this case it is
zero hold effect of the DACs, as well as the DAC out-of-band noise. The possible to power down the on chip ADCs/TSP and use external parts
analog IQ signals are then mixed with the transmit PLL (TXPLL) output which can be very useful for more resource demanding applications or
to produce a modulated RF signal. This RF signal is then amplified by where higher signal resolution is required. A similar option is also
one of two separate / selectable power amplifier drivers and two open- available on the TX side where the analog signal can be processed by
drain differential outputs are provided as RF output for each MIMO external components. The on chip DACs/TSP can be powered down
path. and analog inputs can be provided at TXINI and TXINQ pins.

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition/Comment

Operating Temperature Range -40 25 85 °C
Storage Temperature Range -65 25 150 °C
30 3800
Operating Frequency Range MHz
0.1 3800 Extended by TSP NCOs
Baseband Bandwidth 56 120 MHz
Frequency Resolution 24.8 Hz Using 52 MHz PLL reference clock
Analog Supply Voltage, High (VDDAH) 1.71 1.8 1.89 V Used for TXPAD
Analog Supply Voltage, Medium Generated using integrated low-dropout regulators
1.33 1.4 1.47 V
Analog Supply Voltage, Low (VDDAL) 1.2 1.25 1.3 V Generated using integrated LDOs
Digital Supply Voltage 1.1 1.2 1.3 V Generated using integrated LDOs
At -7 dBm output power, 2x2 MIMO, including the DACs
TX Supply Current 350 mA
and TSP
RX Supply Current 420 mA For 2x2 MIMO, including the ADCs and TSP
Digital Peripheral (IO) Supply Voltage 2.5 2.7 3.6 V
Maximum RF Output Power 0 dBm Continuous Wave

TX Output Maximum RF Power (CW) 10 dBm

PLL Reference Clock 10 52 MHz
Interpolation/Decimation digital filters
108 dB
stop band suppression
Table 1: General specifications

LMS7002M 2
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition/Comment

30 3800
RF channel frequency range MHz
0.1 3800 Extended by TSP NCOs
Transmit Analog Input Impedance 400 Ohms Differential, programmable
Transmit Load Impedance at the output
40 Ohms Differential, for maximum OIP3
Transmit Differential I and Q Input Differential
625 uA
Current Common mode

Transmit Gain Control Range 70 dB TSP and TXVGA2

Transmit Gain Control Step 1 dB
TX Local Oscillator (LO) Leakage -60 dBc Calibrated
RXLNAL Frequency Range 0.1 2000 MHz Narrow band tunable, set by external matching circuit
RXLNAH Frequency Range 0.1 3800 MHz Narrow band tuneable, set by external matching circuit
RXLNAW Frequency Range 0.1 3800 MHz Broad band tuneable, set by external matching circuit
2.0 at 0.95GHz
Noise Figure 2.5 dB at 2GHz
3.5 at 3.8GHz
Total receiver gain ~50 dB or more, Noise Figure
2rd Order Input Intercept Point 50 dBm
<3.5 dB in all bands. Two tone signals out of band.
Total receiver gain ~50 dB or more, Noise Figure
3rd Order Input Intercept Point 4 dBm
<3.5 dB in all bands. Two tone signals out of band.
Receive Gain Control Range 70 dB RXLNA, RXTIA, RXPGA, RXTSP combined
Receive Gain Control Step 0.5 1 1.5 dB

Table 2: General RF specifications

Two transmitter outputs (TXOUT1, TXOUT2) and three receiver inputs

(RXINL, RXINH, RXINW) are provided to facilitate multi-band multi-
standard operation. TXINI

The functionality of the LMS7002M is fully controlled by a set of internal TXMIX TXPAD
registers which can be accessed through a serial port and rapidly
reprogrammed on the fly for advanced system architectures.
In order to enable full duplex operation, LMS7002M contains two
separate synthesisers (TXPLL, RXPLL) both driven from the same
reference clock source PLLCLK.
The LMS7002M transmitter has two programmable gain stages, where Figure 2: TX analog/RF gain control architecture
the TSP provides digital gain control and the TXPAD gives
programmable gain of the RF signal.

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition/Comment

Digital TSP Gain Control Range 15 dB In steps of 1 LSB digital gain control
TXPAD Gain Control Range 55 dB
TXPAD Gain Step Size 1 dB for the higher 10 steps
TXPAD Gain Step Size 2 dB for the lower 20 steps

Table 3: TX gain control

LMS7002M 3
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

The LMS7002M receiver has three gain control elements, RXLNA, RXLNAL

RXLNA gain control consists of 30 dB with 1 dB steps at high gain RXLNAH

settings and 3 dB steps at low gain settings for AGC when large
adjacent channel blockers are present and a reduction in system noise
figure (NF) is acceptable. RXINW

RXTIA offers 3 dB of control range. RXTIA is intended for AGC steps

needed to reduce system gain prior to the channel filters when large in RXPLL
band blockers are present. This gain can be under the control of the
baseband or fixed on calibration. Figure 3: RX gain control architecture
RXPGA provides gain control for the AGC if a constant RX signal level
at the ADC input is required. It has a 32 dB gain range control in 1 dB

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition/Comment

RXLNA Gain Control Range 30 dB 1 and 3 dB steps
RXTIA Gain Control Range 3 dB
RXPGA Gain Control Range 32 dB
RXPGA Gain Step Size 1 dB

Table 4: RX gain control

The LMS7002M has two low phase noise synthesizers to enable full 0º

duplex operation and both are capable of output frequencies up to

3.8 GHz. Each synthesizer uses fractional-N PLL architecture as shown PFD CHP
Filter ~ Output
Divider 90º

in Figure 4. The same reference frequency is used for both synthesizers VCO
and is flexible between 10 to 52 MHz clock frequencies. The
synthesizers produce complex outputs with suitable levels to drive IQ
mixers in both the TX and the RX paths. The transmit PLL could also be
routed via switches to the receive PLL so as to offer phase coherent
operation in TDD mode. ∆∑

The LMS7002M can accept clipped sine as well as CMOS level signals NINT, NFRAC

for the PLL reference clock. Both DC and AC coupling are supported as
shown in Figure 5. Internal buffer self-biasing must be enabled for AC Figure 4: PLL architecture
coupling mode. The PLL reference clock input can also be low voltage
CMOS (<1.2V) which is implemented by lowering the clock buffer



External External
Reference Reference


(a) (b)
Figure 5: PLL reference clock input buffer, (a) DC coupled (b) AC coupled

LMS7002M 4
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition/Comment

Output Frequency Range 30 3800 MHz
Reference Amplitude 0.2 0.8 2.7 Vpp At PVDD>2.7V
Reference Frequency 10 52 MHz For continuous LO frequency range
Frequency Resolution 24.8 Hz Using 52 MHz PLL reference clock

850 MHz Phase Noise

1 kHz offset -96
5 kHz offset -97
10 kHz offset -99 dBc/Hz
100 kHz offset -107
1 MHz offset -131
30 MHz offset -158

2.0 GHz Phase Noise

1 kHz offset -91
5 kHz offset -92
10 kHz offset -92 dBc/Hz
100 kHz offset -102
1 MHz offset -127
30 MHz offset -158

2.7 GHz Phase Noise

1 kHz offset
5 kHz offset
10 kHz offset dBc/Hz
100 kHz offset
1 MHz offset
30 MHz offset

3.5 GHz Phase Noise

1 kHz offset -74
5 kHz offset -80
10 kHz offset -83 dBc/Hz
100 kHz offset -85
1 MHz offset -120
30 MHz offset -152

Reference Spurious Outputs -70 -68 dBc

Other Spurious Outputs -60 -55 dBc
850 MHz IQ Phase Error 0.8 1 degrees
2000 MHz IQ Phase Error 2 degrees
After calibration
3500 MHz IQ Phase Error 3 degrees
IQ Amplitude Error +/- 0.1 +/- 0.2 dB
PLL settling time 50 150 μs loop BW=70 kHz
Table 5: Synthesizer specifications

RF PORTS illustrate the analog tunable filter bandwidths. The digital filters provide
a lower pass band of 0.7 MHz. Using such mixed mode filtering (digital
LMS7002M has two transmitter outputs and three receiver inputs for and analog) provides 60 dB anti alias performance and 40 dB adjacent
each of the dual transceivers. channel rejection as the worst case scenario. Obviously, the lower pass
band and/or higher decimation will give better results. The TX filtering
The optimum transmitter output load is 40Ω differential at the output chain works in the same manner.
pads. The final stage amplifiers are open drain and require +1.8V
voltage supply.

The receiver inputs are common-source with different inductive TXLPFH

degeneration, optimized for different frequency bands. They need to be
externally matched for optimized narrowband performance or
broadband utilizing a wideband transformer.


LMS7002M integrates selective low pass filters in both the TX and RX TXLPFL Real pole
paths. Filters have programmable pass band in order to provide more
flexibility on the DAC/ADC clock frequency and also to provide adjacent Figure 6: TX analog filtering chain
channel rejection in the receive chain. The complete filtering function is
a combination of analog filtering and digital TSP filtering. Analog filters
are tunable from 0.7 MHz to 108 MHz. Figures 6, 7, 8, 9 10 and 11
LMS7002M 5
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC



Figure 7: RX analog filtering chain

Figure 11: Analog RX LPFL amplitude response


There are a number of calibrations which the LMS7002M can carry out
internally when instructed via the SPI. These calibrations can be
initiated on power up/reset to produce optimum settings. The following
calibration options are available:

 DC offset cancellation within the various blocks

 TX/RX LPF bandwidth tuning
Figure 8: Analog TX LPFH amplitude response  Transmit LO Leakage feed-through
 IQ gain and phase mismatch in both transmit and receive
 On-chip resistor and capacitor calibration

The DC offset cancellation is required for optimum ZIF receiver

performance. The individual DC offsets in each circuit block after the
LNA can dramatically increase in the baseband gain stages to a point
where the DC offset can saturate the ADC, if not corrected. In the
LMS7002M a DC offset DAC is implemented at the input of the LPF to
remove static DC offsets. It is controlled by the DC offset calibration
algorithm in the digital BB modem.

The LPF bandwidth tuning calibration enables the corner frequency to

be set for optimum filter attenuation and minimum group delay

Transmit LO leakage feed-through (LOFT) cancellation is necessary for

Figure 9: Analog TX LPFL amplitude response maximizing transmit signal to noise ratio (SNR) over the entire transmit
power control range. In the LMS7002M this calibration is performed by
looping back the transmit leakage signal and monitoring the baseband
tone with the ADCs shown in Figure 1. The ADCs will output a tone at
fTXLO-fRXLO frequency if LOFT is present. Once the magnitude of the
LOFT is calculated by the digital RSSI block, then a calibration
algorithm could be used to cancel the LOFT by applying proper offsets
in the digital TSP circuit.

IQ imbalance (gain and phase error) in the transmitter and receiver are
due to imbalances in the LO generation circuitry and also caused by
amplitude differences in the I/Q chains. Correcting the transmit and the
receive IQ quadrature errors is a two-step process. The transmit IQ
imbalances are corrected first by using the power/envelop detector
(PED) and bypassing the receiver. The PED output is applied to the
ADCs as shown in Figure 1. The PED will generate a tone at twice the
frequency of the applied baseband tone if an image is present. This
information can be used by the digital modem to apply amplitude and
phase corrections to minimize IQ imbalance in the system. After the IQ
Figure 10: Analog RX LPFH amplitude response quadrature error is minimized in the transmitter, then the receiver can
be corrected. This is achieved by looping back the transmit signal from
the TXPAD output and passing it through the receive chain circuitry.
The signal is then sampled by the ADCs and analyzed in the digital
modem. After being analyzed in the digital domain the proper post-

LMS7002M 6
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

distortion IQ calibration coefficients are calculated and applied to the

receive signals within the TSP block. RXIN1

Radio Frequency Part of the Chip

Please see the “LMS7002M Programming and Calibration Guide” for

LimeLight Digital IQ Interface

more details. RXIN1
LMS7002M includes a high digital gate count within the Transceiver TSP
Signal Processor (TSP) block. The function of the TSP is to employ
advanced digital signal processing techniques to enhance the TXOUT1 IQDAC TXTSP
performance of the analog/RF parts. This results in an improved TXOUT2
performance of the overall system and a saving on total current TXOUT1
consumption TBOUT2 IQDAC TXTSP

The TSP is placed between the data converters and the LimeLight™
digital IQ interface as shown in Figure 12. Functionally, the RX and TX
parts of the TSP are similar, as shown in Figure 13 and 14, Figure 12: TSP part of the LMS7002M


IQ Gain IQ Phase RX DC G. P. G. P. G. P.
RXI Decimation RYI
Corr Corr Corr FIR 1 FIR 2 FIR 3

IQ Gain IQ Phase RX DC G. P. G. P. G. P.
RXQ Decimation RYQ
Corr Corr Corr FIR 1 FIR 2 FIR 3

Figure 13: Structure of the RXTSP

TX DC IQ Phase IQ Gain G. P. G. P. G. P.
TYI INVSINC Interpolation TXI
Corr Corr Corr FIR 3 FIR 2 FIR 1
TX DC IQ Phase IQ Gain G. P. G. P. G. P.
TYQ INVSINC Interpolation TXQ
Corr Corr Corr FIR 3 FIR 2 FIR 1


Figure 14: Structure of the TXTSP

In both the TX and RX TSP blocks there are three general purpose interpolator block generates data samples at the system clock rate, so
finite impulse response (FIR) filters, G.P FIR 1, G.P. FIR 2 and G.P. FIR the DACs run at a high sampling rate. As the DACs are running at a
3. The filter coefficients are fully programmable and the implementation high frequency, it means that the quantization noise is spread over a
does not force their impulse response to be symmetrical. wider frequency range which results in a better overall SNR. Also, the
image generated by the DAC zero hold effect is further away from the
On the TX side, one of these filters could be used as a phase equalizer, wanted signal hence the specification for the TXLPF can be relaxed.
which is a requirement in some communication standards such as
CDMA2000. Another can be used to flatten the amplitude response of The reason for having decimation in the RXTSP is similar to that of
the TXLPF while the third FIR could be used to further enhance the interpolation in TXTSP. The ADCs can run at high frequency, and the
channel filtering function of the BB modem. If phase equalization is not specification of the RXLPF used as an anti-alias filter in this case is
required then one filter can be used to minimize group delay variation of relaxed, the G.P. FIR improves adjacent channel rejection and the
the analog TXLPF. decimation circuit reduces the received data sample rate before
sending the data to the BB modem.
Possible applications of the G.P. FIR filters on the RX side are similar.
One could be used to minimize group delay variation of the analog The two Numerically Controlled Oscillators (NCO) and digital complex
RXLPF while another could help to improve RXLPF adjacent channel mixer (CMIX) in the TXTSP and RXTSP paths enable the LMS7002M to
rejection performance. run in low digital IF.

The interpolation block within the TXTSP takes IQ data from the BB Inverse sinc filters (INVSINC) within the TXTSP chain compensate for
modem and increases the data sample rate. The advantages of having sinx/x amplitude roll off imposed by the DACs themselves.
interpolation are as follows. For narrow band systems (GSM/EDGE) or
even moderately broad band (WCDMA, CDMA2000) modulation The Tx DC Corr block is used to cancel residual DC offset of TXLPF. It
standards, the BB modem does not need to interpolate IQ data to the is also used to cancel TX LO leakage feed-through as mentioned
target system clock. The base band can provide output data at a much earlier.
lower sample rate saving on power at the digital interface. Having a low
data rate interface also simplifies the PCB design. However, the

LMS7002M 7
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

There are three sources of the DC component at the RX output. These value to minimize the unwanted side band component. The BB modem
are the residual DC offset of the RXVGAs and RXLPF, RX LO leakage can also use the following approximation formula:
feed-through and second order distortion (IP2). The Rx DC Corr blocks
compensate for all of these sources of offset. The block is implemented   
as a real time tracking loop so any change of the RX DC due to either tan  
2 2
the signal level change, or due to RX gain change as well as any
temperature effect will be tracked and cancelled automatically.
when  is small, which is usually the case. The IQ phase corrector of
the LMS7002M is designed to correct an IQ phase error up to +/- 20o.
The IQ Gain Corr and IQ Phase Corr blocks correct IQ imbalance in
both TXTSP and RXTSP in order to minimize the level of unwanted side
band (image) component.
Iin Iout

The last stage in the RXTSP path is a digital implementation of an

Adaptive Gain Control (AGC) loop. Assuming that the BB modem does
not require 12-bit full scale ADC outputs, the digital AGC block can
provide a certain level of automatic gain control before the BB involves
RF and IF gain stages.
More detailed descriptions of all the various TSP blocks are given in the
following sections.
Qin Qout

This block implements the following equation: Figure 16: Implementation of IQ phase correction

Iout  Iin  G _ I .
DC offset correction in the TXTSP path is achieved by using the
Corresponding hardware is given in Figure 15. G_I and G_Q are
following equation:
programmable correction factors which are altered by the BB modem to
minimize any unwanted side band component. The BB modem can
Iout  Iin  DC _ I .
combine IQ gain correction and digital gain control using the same
module by calculating G_I and G_Q in the following way: Qout  Qin  DC _ Q

G _ I  G _ I _ corr * G _ digi , Here, DC_I and DC_Q are programmable DC offset correction
G _ Q  G _ Q _ corr * G _ digi parameters which the BB modem should adjust to minimize the TX LO
leakage feed-through. This tuning should be performed after executing
where G_I_corr and G_Q_corr are IQ gain correction factors and G_digi TXLPF DC offset cancellation. The hardware implementation is given
is the desired digital gain. below.

Iin Iout
Iin Iout



Qin Qout
Qin Qout

Figure 17: TX DC offset correction module

Figure 15: IQ gain correction implantation
IQ PHASE CORRECTION As mentioned previously, there are multiple reasons for DC to appear at
IQ phase correction is in fact equivalent to vector rotation. If the the RX output. The most difficult to correct, in a static manner, is the
quadrature phase error is  then the I and Q vectors are both rotated by second order distortion (IP2) component which changes with the RX
/2 but in opposite directions hence IQ outputs of the corrector circuit input level as well as the RX gain set up. Hence, a compensation loop
are 90o phase shifted. IQ phase correction equations are given below running in real time is required to track and correct the DC at the RX
while Figure 16 shows the hardware implementation. output. A simple digital implementation of such a loop is given in Figure
 
Iout  Iin  Qin  tan  . The averaging (COMB) filter calculates the DC of the corrector input
and subtracts it to cancel out the offset. The loop is running all the time
  so any change of the RX DC due to the signal level change, RX gain
Qout  Qin  Iin  tan 
2 change or temperature will be tracked and cancelled automatically.

The value of tan(/2) should be stored in the configuration register as a The only programmable parameter in the loop is DCAVG which defines
programmable correction parameter. The BB modem should adjust this the averaging window size.

LMS7002M 8
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

Iin Iout




Qin Qout

Figure 18: RX DC offset correction module
The inverse sinc filter compensates for sinx/x amplitude roll off imposed Figure 21: Complex mixer
by the DAC. The filter is designed to compensate from DC to 0.35fs
where fs is the DAC sampling frequency. Impulse and amplitude
responses are shown in Figure 19 and Figure 20.a respectively. Figure
20.b plots the equivalent DAC amplitude response with the inverse sinc The quadrature carrier signal, required to implement low digital IF, is
function compensation applied. The in band (0 - 0.35fs ) amplitude ripple generated by the local NCO. The internal NCO design is based on a
is less than +/- 0.04 dB. DDFS (Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis) algorithm with a 32-bit
phase accumulator, 19-bit phase precision and provides 14 bit digital
sine and cosine waveforms with the spurious performance better than
h( 0) = 0.0101318 = h( 4) –114 dBc.
h( 1) = -0.0616455 = h( 3)
h( 2) = 0.855469 The carrier frequency fc generated by the NCO is defined using the
following formula:

Figure 19: INVSINC impulse response fcw

fc  fclk ,
0 232

where fcw represents the decimal value of the 32-bit frequency control
word and fclk is the NCO clock frequency.
Magnitude [dB]

-1.5 As shown in Figure 22, carrier phase offset can also be adjusted using
the 16-bit configuration parameter pho. The carrier phase shift is
-2 calculated as follows:
  2 ,
-3 216
with pho being the decimal value stored in the carrier phase offset
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Frequency [f/fs]

Figure 20: INVSINC (a) and equivalent DAC (b) amplitude response LUT

The complex mixer used in the RXTSP and TXTSP is designed to LUT

implement the following set of equations: Z


Iout  I in cos c t  Qin sin c t ,

Phase offset
Qout  I in sin c t  Qin cos c t , control word

Figure 22: NCO architecture

where Iin and Qin are provided from the IQ pre-processing stages while
cosine and sine signals are generated by the NCO. An option to choose Both frequency control and phase control words are easily accessible
the sign in the mixing equations is implemented which in fact gives the via SPI, therefore NCOs can be modulated by direct symbol insertion.
ability to do up-mixing in the TX chain and down-mixing in the RX chain. Up to 16FSK or 16PSK modulations are supported.

The hardware implementation is shown in Figure 21. INTERPOLATION

Interpolation within the TXTSP channel is implemented using the chain
of five fixed coefficients half band FIR filters as shown in Figure 23.
Each sub-filter in the chain interpolates by two. The interpolation ratio of
the overall filter is set by selecting one of the sub-filter outputs and
adjusting the clock rates accordingly. Hence, the interpolation ratio K
can be programmed to be:

LMS7002M 9
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC


K  1, 2, 4, 8 ,16 or 32 . 0
Interpolation by 1 is achieved by bypassing all the interpolation filters.
The filters are designed to provide a wide signal pass band from DC to -20

fp where:
f -40

Magnitude [dB]
f p  0.27  clk , K = 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.
K -60



clk1 clk2 clk3 clk4 clk5 -100

X ↑2 HB1 ↑2 HB2a ↑2 HB2b ↑2 HB2c ↑2 HB2d -120

Figure 23: Programmable rate interpolation implemented by half band 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5

filters Frequency

Figure 27: HB2 amplitude response

h( 0) = -4.673e-05 = h(30)
h( 1) = 0 = h(29)
h( 2) = 0.000392914 = h(28) DECIMATION
h( 3) = 0 = h(27)
h( 4) = -0.00181007 = h(26) The decimation function is implemented using the same filters as in the
h( 5) = 0 = h(25) case for interpolation although the hardware is simplified slightly by
h( 6) = 0.00600147 = h(24) taking advantage of only having to provide every second sample at the
h( 7) = 0 = h(23)
h( 8) = -0.0160789 = h(22) sub-filters output. The filter chain is shown in Figure 28.
clk1 clk2 clk3 clk4 clk5
h( 9) = 0 = h(21)
h(10) = 0.0378866 = h(20)
h(11) = 0 = h(19) HB2d ↓2 HB2c ↓2 HB2b ↓2 HB2a ↓2 HB1 ↓2

h(12) = -0.0882454 = h(18)



h(13) = 0 = h(17)
h(14) = 0.3119 = h(16)
h(15) = 0.5
Figure 28: Programmable rate decimation implemented by half band
Figure 24: HB1 impulse response
Decimation ratio K can be programmed to be:

0 K  1, 2, 4, 8,16 or 32 .

Decimation by 1 is achieved by bypassing all the decimation filters.

Decimator performance is the same as the performance of the
Magnitude [dB]

interpolator i.e. pass band is:

f p  0.27  clk , K = 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 alias suppression is better than –108 dB while in band amplitude
distortion is negligible.
Figure 25: HB1 amplitude response
Only two different configurations are used within the filtering chain of The LMS7002M features general purpose filters 1 and 2, which are
Figure 23, HB1 and HB2. The impulse and amplitude response of HB1 based on a Multiply Accumulate (MAC) FIR architecture. They can
are shown in Figure 24 and Figure 25, respectively. The remaining implement up to a 40-tap filtering function and the coefficients are fully
three filters (HB2A, HB2B and HB2C) are all the same with their programmable via SPI. The hardware implementation does not impose
coefficients and amplitude response given in Figure 26 and Figure 27, the constraint for the filter impulse response to be symmetrical hence
respectively. The overall interpolator provides image suppression of the filter phase response can but does not need to be ideally linear.
better than –108 dB with negligible amplitude distortion (pass band Therefore, it can be used in general filtering, as well as nonlinear
ripple is less than10-5 dB). applications which can be used to implement phase equalization.

h( 0) = -0.00164032 = h(14) The filter coefficients are stored in five 8x16-bit internal memory banks
h( 1) = 0 = h(13) as two’s complement signed integers as shown in Figure 29 where L is
h( 2) = 0.0138855 = h(12) related to the filter length N as follows:
h( 3) = 0 = h(11)
h( 4) = -0.0630875 = h(10) N 
h( 5) = 0 = h( 9) L .
h( 6) = 0.300842 = h( 8) 5
h( 7) = 0.5
Grey locations in Figure 29 highlight the memory registers which are set
Figure 26: HB2 impulse response to zero for 5L > N.

Evidently, the number of the filter taps N is limited by the size of the
coefficients memory to:

LMS7002M 10
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

N  5 * 8  40 .  After the loop gain stage, the error is integrated to construct the
digital VGAs gain control signal. Loop gain K is programmable via
The following relationship should be satisfied: SPI.
 VGAs gain cannot be negative and should not be zero either,
LK , hence max(1,x) module is provided in the feedback path.

K being the interpolation or decimation ratio, for the MAC hardware to

be able to produce output samples on time.
Integrator Loop Gain Averaging

- I2 + Q2
MAX(1, X) Z-1 K/2N-1 COMB
error 2

Memory Bank 0 Memory Bank 1 Memory Bank 4 QIN QOUT

Figure 29: General purpose FIR filter coefficients memory organisation

Figure 30: AGC architecture
General purpose FIR filter 3 is composed of three filters running in
parallel in order to increase its processing power hence it can Figure 31 illustrates two possible applications of the digital AGC. The
implement the filters with: first example (Figure 31.a) shows the case where the BB modem
expects 4-bits instead of full 12-bit ADC output. In this case, ADESIRED
N  3 * 40  120 . loop parameter is set as shown in the figure, the gain of RF and IF
stages are set for ADC not to produce full scale but ADESIRED level
It can be used as a channel select filter or for any other purpose which instead. The middle 4 bits are provided to BB. If the RF input signal
requires a larger number of filtering taps. level goes higher or lower, AGC will adapt the gain to keep its output at
ADESIRED value so bits 7 to 4 will always contain 4 MSBs of the
received signal. Since we have 4 bits on top and 4 bits below the middle
RECEIVED SIGNAL STRENGTH INDICATORS 4 bits, the loop itself provides +/-24 dB automatic gain control range
A digital received signal strength indicator (RSSI) circuit calculates the without using RF and IF gain stages.
level of the received complex signal (I + jQ) as follows:
RSSI  I 2  Q 2 . 10 10
9 9
The following approximation of the square root is implemented in the 8 8
chip: 7 7
6 To BB 6 To BB

a 2  b 2  max M  0.125M   0.5N , M  ,

5 5
4 4
3 3
where: 2 2
1 1
M  max  a , b . 0 0

N  min  a , b 
(a) (b)

Figure 31: Truncation to (a) 4 bits and (b) 10 bits

The same RSSI block is used within the digital AGC loop. If digital AGC
The second example shown in Figure 31.b is a more general case. The
is not required then the RSSI output can be provided back to the BB
BB modem will receive 10-bits while the loop provides +/- 6 dB gain
modem via SPI. In this way the BB can control RF and IF gain stages to
control range without engaging RF and IF gain blocks.
implement analog AGC in which case the AGC loop is closed via the
BB modem.
There is also an RF RSSI block implemented in the RF front end
connected to the input of the wideband LNA. This block can be used to
detect the presence of large interferers so the BB modem can adjust
RX gain stages very quickly to counteract such scenarios. The RF RSSI The LMS7002M implements LimeLight™ digital IQ interface to the BB
output is routed to I ADCs of RX channel 1 or RX channel 2. When the modem. LimeLight™ can be configured to run in one of the following
RSSI output is to be read, the main RX path of that channel should be three modes:
disabled. The RSSI detects the input from -70 dBm to -20 dBm,
corresponding to the full dynamic range of the ADC. 1. JESD207 mode
2. TRXIQ double data rate (DDR) mode
3. TRXIQ single data rate (SDR) mode
The structure of the digital automatic gain control loop is shown in All three modes are capable of supporting both TDD and FDD
Figure 30. The AGC loop functions as follows: operation. The data throughput of JESD207 and TRX DDR is high
enough to connect to up to 2x2 MIMO BB modems. TRXIQ SDR mode
 “Square root of two” (RSSI) block calculates the RMS of the AGC is backward compatible to the LMS6002D digital IQ interface.
 This signal is averaged by the COMB filter. The averaging window Figure 32 shows typical connectivity between the LMS7002M and the
size AVG is programmable via SPI. BB modem with LimeLight™ running in JESD207 mode. LimeLight™
 An error signal is then calculated as the difference between the uses two such ports to support FDD. Signalling is defined by the
desired output signal level and the measured one. The desired JESD207 standard itself as specified by JEDEC.
amplitude level ADESIRED is programmable via SPI.
Timing diagrams for the JESD207 mode can be seen in Figure 35 -
Figure 38.

LMS7002M 11
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

In TRXIQ-TX mode the BB modem provides IQ_SEL and DIO[11:0] at

MCLK MCLK_n the positive edge (or at both edges in DDR mode) of MCLK which is
FCLK FCLK_n connected to the shared TXCLK. The LMS7002M captures data using
FCLK. The LMS7002M can choose to use the FCLK provided by the BB
TXNRX TXNRX_n or the TXCLK provided by a shared clock source.
DIQ[11:0] DIQ[11:0]_n In TRXIQ-RX mode, the LMS7002M provides IQ_SEL and DIO[11:0] at
the positive edge (or at both edges in DDR mode) of the shared
RXCLK. The BB modem captures data using MCLK.
Note: n = 1 for LimeLight Port 1, n = 2 for LimeLight Port 2.

Figure 32: LimeLight™ port, JESD mode Timing diagrams for the TRXIQ DDR and SDR modes can be seen in
Figure 39 - Figure 42.

vcc vcc FCLK FCLK_n
TXNRX TXNRX_n gnd gnd
DIQ[11:0] DIQ[11:0]_n
DIQ[11:0] DIQ[11:0]_n

Note: n = 1 for LimeLight Port 1, n = 2 for LimeLight Port 2.

Note: n = 1 for LimeLight Port 1, n = 2 for LimeLight Port 2.

Figure 33: LimeLight™ port, TRXIQ-TX mode

Figure 34: LimeLight™ port, TRXIQ-RX mode
Connectivity in TRXIQ DDR and SDR modes is the same and is shown
in Figure 33 and Figure 34. The only difference is that in DDR mode the
BB and RF chips sample at both edges of TXCLK/RXCLK.

MCLK_n ...
FCLK_n ...
tHc tSc
TXNRX_n ...
tHc tSc tHc tSc
tSTARTtx = 2x tCP + tDDtx tStx tStx
tHtx tHtx
DIQ[11:0]_n XXX I1A Q1A I1B Q1B I2A Q2A I2B ...

Note: n = 1 for LimeLight Port 1, n = 2 for LimeLight Port 2.

Figure 35: Data path transmit burst start (JESD207 mode)

MCLK_n ...

FCLK_n ...
tHc tSc
TXNRX_n ...
tHc tSc tHc tSc
tDDtx tFINISHtx = 2x tCP + tDDtx

DIQ[11:0]_n ... Q(k-2)B I(k-1)A Q(k-1)A I(k-1)B Q(k-1)B I(k)A Q(k)A I(k)B Q(k)B XXX

Note: n = 1 for LimeLight Port 1, n = 2 for LimeLight Port 2.

Figure 36: Data path transmit burst finish (JESD207 mode)

MCLK_n ...
FCLK_n ...
tHc tSc
TXNRX_n ...
tHc tSc tHc tSc
tST ARTrx = 2x tCP - tCD + tDDrx tSrx tSrx
tRPRE tHrx tHrx
DIQ[11:0]_n X XX I1A Q1A I1B Q1B I2A Q2A I2B ...
Note: n = 1 for LimeLight Port 1, n = 2 for LimeLight Port 2.
Figure 37: Data path receive burst start (JESD207 mode)

LMS7002M 12
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

MCLK_n ...
FCLK_n ...
tHc tSc
TXNRX_n ...
tHc tSc tHc tSc
tDDrx tFI NI SHrx = 2x tCP - tCD + tDDrx
DIQ[11:0]_n ... Q(k-2)B I(k-1)A Q(k-1)A I(k-1)B Q(k-1)B I(k)A Q(k)A I(k)B Q(k)B X XX

Note: n = 1 for LimeLight Port 1, n = 2 for LimeLight Port 2.

Figure 38: Data path receive burst finish (JESD207 mode)

tSetup tSetup
tHold tHold
MCLK_n ... ...

ENABLE_IQ_SEL_n ... ...

DIQ[11:0]_n ... I(k-3)A Q(k-3)A I(k-3)B Q(k-3)B I(k-2)A Q(k-2)A I(k-2)B Q(k-2)B I(k-1)A Q(k-1)A I(k-1)B Q(k-1)B I(k)A Q(k)A ...

Note: n = 1 for LimeLight Port 1, n = 2 for LimeLight Port 2.

Figure 39: Data path transmit (TRXIQ double data rate (DDR) mode)

MCLK_n ... ...
tSetup tSetup
tHold tHold
FCLK_n ... ...

ENABLE_IQ_SEL_n ... ...

DIQ[11:0]_n ... I(k-3)A Q(k-3)A I(k-3)B Q(k-3)B I(k-2)A Q(k-2)A I(k-2)B Q(k-2)B I(k-1)A Q(k-1)A I(k-1)B Q(k-1)B I(k)A Q(k)A ...

Note: n = 1 for LimeLight Port 1, n = 2 for LimeLight Port 2.

Figure 40: Data path receive (TRXIQ double data rate (DDR) mode)

MCLK_n ... ...

ENABLE_IQ_SEL_n ... ...

DIQ[11:0]_n ... I(k-3)A Q(k-3)A I(k-2)A Q(k-2)A I(k-1)A Q(k-1)A I(k)A ...

Note: n = 1 for LimeLight Port 1, n = 2 for LimeLight Port 2.

Figure 41: Data path transmit (TRXIQ single data rate (SDR) mode)

MCLK_n ... ...
FCLK_n ... ...

ENABLE_IQ_SEL_n ... ...

DIQ[11:0]_n ... I(k-3)A Q(k-3)A I(k-2)A Q(k-2)A I(k-1)A Q(k-1)A I(k)A ...

Note: n = 1 for LimeLight Port 1, n = 2 for LimeLight Port 2.

Figure 42: Data path receive (TRXIQ single data rate (SDR) mode)

LMS7002M 13
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

1.8V – 3.3V
Implementing Low Voltage Digital IQ Interface DVDD
Digital IO buffers in LMS7002M are supplied using four pins (pin name - DIGPRVDD2 (H32)
IO Buffers
DIGPRVDD2, pin ID - W33, T32, H32, AH30). All these pins must be DIGPRVDD2 (AH30)

supplied by the same supply DVDD. There is one additional supply pin DIGPRPOC (W31)

(pin name - DIGPRPOC, pin ID - W31) which performs Power On 12

/ DIQ[11:0]_1
Control (POC) function for digital pads. To implement a low voltage ENABLE_IQSEL_1
digital interface, DVDD can be lowered to 1.8V. If DVDD=1.8V then all TXNRX_1
1st Channel
data lines in Figure 43 must also be set to 1.8V CMOS IOs for correct FCLK_1


Logic Levels
interface operation. MCLK_1

/ DIQ[11:0]_2
2nd Channel

Figure 43: Digital IQ interface supplies

IQ Interface Timing Parameters

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit
TX Setup Time (tSETUP) 1 ns
TX Hold Time (tHOLD ) 0.2 ns
RX Output Delay (tOD) at 15 pF load 6 ns
Table 6: Digital IQ interface timing parameters with 2.7V IO supply

Digital IQ Interface IO Buffers Specifications

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition
Supply Voltage (PVDD) 1.7 2.7 3 V Can go below 2.7V nominal to support LV CMOS signalling
Input High VIH PVDD-0.8 V
Input Low VIL 0.8 V
Output High VOH PVDD-0.4 V
Output Low VOL 0.4 V
Input Pad Capacitance CIN 3.5 pF
Output Drive Current 8 mA
Table 7: Digital IO buffers specifications at 2.7V supply


Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition
Digital Core Supply 1.1 1.2 1.3 V Generated using integrated LDOs
Analog Supply 1.1 1.2 1.3 V Generated using integrated LDOs
Number of Bits 12 bits Two’s complement format
DAC Sampling Rate 640 MHz
Full Scale Current 2.5 mA Programmable
Output Amplitude 250 mVpp diff 100 Ohm Differential Load
SFDR 60 dBc
ENOB 9 bits
Table 8: DACs electrical specifications

LMS7002M 14
LMS7002M – MIMO Multi-Band Multi-Standard
Transceiver IC


Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition
Digital Core Supply 1.1 1.2 1.3 V Generated using integrated LDOs
Analog Supply 1.1 1.2 1.3 V Generated using integrated LDOs
Number of Bits 12 bits Two’s complement format
ADC Sampling Rate 160 MHz
Input Amplitude 2.4 Vpp Differential
Input Common Mode Voltage 1.2 V Input buffer off
Input Impedance 2 kOhm
ENOB 9 bits
Table 9: ADCs electrical specifications

 Multiple write/read operations are possible without toggling serial

SERIAL PORT INTERFACE port enable signal.

Description All configuration registers are 16-bit wide. Write/read sequence consists
The functionality of the LMS7002M transceiver is fully controlled by a of 16-bit instruction followed by 16-bit data to write or read. MSB of the
set of internal registers which can be accessed through a serial port instruction bit stream is used as SPI command where CMD = 1 for write
interface. Both write and read SPI operations are supported. The serial and CMD = 0 for read. Next 4 bits are reserved (Reserved[3:0]) and
port can be configured to run in 3 or 4 wire mode with the following pins must be zeroes. Next 5 bits represent module address (Maddress[4:0])
used: since the LMS7002M configuration registers are divided into logical
blocks as shown in Table 11. The remaining 6 bits of the instruction are
 SEN serial port enable, active low used to address particular registers (Reg[5:0]) within the block.
 SCLK serial clock, positive edge sensitive Maddress and Reg compiles global 11-bit register address when
concatenated ((Maddress << 6) | Reg).
 SDIO serial data in/out in 3 wire mode
serial data input in 4 wire mode
The write/read cycle waveforms are shown in Figure 44, Figure 45 and
 SDO serial data out in 4 wire mode
Figure 46. Note that the write operation is the same for both 3-wire and
don’t care in 3 wire mode
4-wire modes. Although not shown in the figures, multiple write/read is
Serial port key features:
possible by repeating the instruction/data sequence while keeping SEN
 32 SPI clock cycles are required to complete a write operation.
 32 SPI clock cycles are required to complete a read operation.

SPI Timing Parameters

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Clock Frequency, 4-wire mode 50 MHz
3-wire mode 20 MHz
Enable Setup Time (tES) 2 ns
Enable Hold Time (tEH) 0.2 ns
Data Setup Time (tDS) 1 ns
Data Hold Time (tDH) 0.2 ns
Data Output Delay (tOD) at 12pF load 9 ns
Table 10: SPI timing parameters at 2.7V IO supply

Write Operation


SCLK Don’t care Don’t care

SDIO Don’t care 1 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Don’t care

Write instruction Data

Figure 44: SPI write cycle, 3-wire and 4-wire modes

LMS7002M 15
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

Read Operation


SCLK Don’t care Don’t care

SDIO Don’t care 0 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Don’t care

Read instruction

SDO Don’t care D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Don’t care

Output Data

Figure 45: SPI read cycle, 4-wire mode (default)


SCLK Don’t care Don’t care

SDIO Don’t care 0 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Don’t care

Read instruction Output Data

Figure 46: SPI read cycle, 3-wire mode

Module address Register address

Module Description
SPI Memory Map [4:0] space [5:0]
The LMS7002M configuration registers are divided into eight logical RxGFIR2(A/B) 10011 xxxxxx
blocks as shown in Table 11. The three MSBs of the available 7-bit RxGFIR3a(A/B) 10100 xxxxxx
address are used as block address while the remaining 4 bits are used
RxGFIR3b(A/B) 10101 xxxxxx
to address particular registers within the block.
RxGFIR3c(A/B) 10110 xxxxxx
Integer and fractional parts of the PLL divider are stored in four bytes of
configuration memory. To change their values, four write cycles are Table 11: LMS7002M SPI memory map
required. Hence, the controlled PLL will continue to output at the
previous selected frequency until new NINT and NFRAC when all four Implementing Low Voltage SPI
bytes are updated. Otherwise it would generate an unpredicted and
wrong LO frequency while being configured. Such parameters are Digital IO buffers in the SPI region are all supplied from the same pins
provided through a shadow register. The shadow register outputs new as the digital IQ interface (pin name - DIGPRVDD2, pin ID - W33, T32,
values only when SEN is high, i.e. there is no access to configuration H32, AH30). All these pins must be supplied by the same supply DVDD.
memory. For that reason, DSM (PLL) SPI synchronization clock, There is one additional supply pin (pin name - DIGPRPOC, pin ID -
derived from the PLL reference, must be enabled while writing to or W31) which controls the power on circuitry of the digital pads. To
reading from the PLL configuration registers and should last at least two implement a low voltage SPI interface, DVDD can be lowered to 1.8V.
cycles more after SEN goes high. If DVDD=1.8V then all data lines in Figure 47 must also be set to 1.8V
CMOS IOs for correct interface operation. The PLL reference clock
Module address Register address input level is controlled independently of the DVDD voltage. By default it
Module Description is 1.8V, but can be further lowered to 1.2V by chip controls if needed.
[4:0] space [5:0]
Microcontroller (MCU) 00000 00xxxx
Lime Light port 00000 1xxxxx 1.8V – 3.3V
Top Control (AFE, DIGPRVDD2 (T32)
BIAS, XBUF, CGEN, 0001x xxxxxx DIGPRVDD2 (H32)
IO Buffers
TBB(A/B), RFE(A/B), 0010x xxxxxx SEN


Logic Levels

TxTSP(A/B) 01000 0xxxxx SDIO

TxNCO(A/B) 01001 xxxxxx

TxGFIR1(A/B) 01010 xxxxxx TXEN
TxGFIR2(A/B) 01011 xxxxxx
TxGFIR3a(A/B) 01100 xxxxxx xoscin_rx
TxGFIR3b(A/B) 01101 xxxxxx
TxGFIR3c(A/B) 01110 xxxxxx Figure 47: SPI supplies
RxTSP(A/B) 10000 0xxxxx
RxNCO(A/B) 10001 xxxxxx
RxGFIR1(A/B) 10010 xxxxxx

LMS7002M 16
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC


Description Base Band SEN bbSEN trxSEN

The LMS7002M can be fully controlled by external BB/DSP/FPGA ICs
using 4-wire or 3-wire serial port interface. The controlling processor


Transceiver Part


needs to implement a set of calibration, tuning and control functions to

get the best performance out of the transceiver. The on chip

microcontroller unit (MCU) provides the option for independent control

using code provided by Lime. This allows the LMS7002M to be LMS7002M
independent of the BB/DSP/FPGA and off-loads these devices. Users SDA SCL
can still implement full control in their preferred way by developing their
own code and/or bypassing on chip microcontroller.
MCU integration within the LMS7002M chip is shown in Figure 48. (Optional)

Since the chip communication to the outside world is done through SPI,
the MCU uses the same protocol hence the block mSPI (master SPI) is Figure 48: On chip microcontroller connection
placed in front of it. The MCU communicates to the transceiver circuitry
using the same SPI protocol as the BB processor itself. This is Specifications
implemented via ucSPI lines shown in Figure 48. There is two way
 8-bit microcontroller.
communication between the MCU and BB via mSPI. The baseband can
trigger different calibration/tuning/control functions the MCU is  Industry standard 8051 instruction set compatible.
programmed to perform. The MCU reports a success, failure or an error  Running up to 60 MHz.
code back to the base band processor.  Memory
o 8 KB SRAM program memory
In this architecture, the base band processor acts as master since it o 2 kB SRAM working memory
controls the whole chip, (transceiver as well as MCU). The base band o 256 B dual port RAM
processor also controls the SPI switch (via SPISW_CTRL control o All on chip, integrated.
bit/line of mSPI) i.e. taking control over the transceiver part or handing it
over to the MCU. The MCU acts as a slave processor. It can control the DATA CONVERTERS CLOCK GENERATION
transceiver only if the base band allows that via the SPI switch.
The clock generation circuit for the data converters is shown in Figure
The base band has full control over the chip including calibration, tuning 49. It shares the same reference clock input REFCLK with the RF
and control. It also can trigger the MCU for assistance. In this case, it synthesizers as specified in Table 1. The clock PLL then generates a
works in the following way: continuous frequency range centered around 2.5 GHz. The feed
forward divider (FFDIV) is programmable and capable of implementing
1. The base band sets the transceiver for the targets (TX LO any division ratio between Nmin, Nmax i.e. division can be:
frequency, RX LO frequency, TX gain, RX gain, …).
2. The base band hands over SPI control to the MCU by setting Nmin, Nmin+1, Nmin+2, … Nmax, where, Nmin=4, Nmax=512
3. The base band triggers the function for the MCU to execute. There is a fixed divide by 4 within the ADC block hence clock division
4. The base band periodically checks to see if the MCU has finished on the DAC side to provide more flexibility. There is a MUX to connect
and for the status (success, failure, error code). either Fpll, or Fpll/M to either ADC or DAC Clocks. The other CLKMUX
output will be connected to the other data converter clock input.

MCU Boot Up and EEPROM Programming TSP blocks receive the same clock as the corresponding data
Two options are supported, one using external (off chip) EEPROM and converter, hence there is no need for complex non-power of two or
another without external EEPROM. fractional interpolation/decimation. TSP blocks have programmable
interpolation/decimation and generate MCLK clocks going back to the
Option A: Using external EEPROM base band processor via the LimeLight™ port.
1. The base band processor uploads 8 KB into the on chip program
memory. The circuit implements a continuous clock frequency range from 5 MHz
2. After receiving 8 KB, the MCU flushes program memory into to 320 MHz for the data converters. It is still possible to generate the
EEPROM. maximum DAC clock of 640 MHz, however it is not continuous in the
3. The base band resets the MCU. range of 320 MHz - 640 MHz.
4. The MCU reads EEPROM content back into the program memory
and starts executing the code.
After initial EEPROM programming only steps 3 and 4 are required. CLKGEN Block DACs/ADCs Block


Option B: No external EEPROM DAC

1. The base band processor uploads 8 KB into the on chip program /M TXMCLK

memory. TX TSP DACs

Base Band

2. After receiving 8 KB, the MCU starts executing the code. TXD[11:0]
Clock PLL
Fractional-N RXMCLK

Figure 49: Clock generation and distribution

LMS7002M 17
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC


In both TDD and FDD mode the LMS7002M is capable of running from
a single PLL, allowing one on chip PLL to be powered down. In TDD
mode, a single PLL output drives both TX and RX mixers. In FDD
mode, a single PLL drives both mixers as well, while UL/DL frequency
separation is implemented in the digital domain using the NCO and
complex mixer parts of the TSP block. The maximum frequency shift
range which can be achieved in the digital domain is as below:

fTXLO  fPLL  0.6 * fDAC / 2

fRXLO  fPLL  0.6 * fADC / 2

where fTXLO and fRXLO are effective TX and RX LO frequencies, fPLL is the
shared PLL output frequency while fDAC and fADC are data converter
sampling rates. Note that the Nyquist frequency of the NCOs is scaled
by a factor of 0.6 to make space for TXLPF and RXLPF to operate.

Running the LMS7002M in single PLL mode has the following

 Current consumption is significantly reduced since one PLL is
powered down.
 Fast TX<->RX switching time in TDD mode is achievable
since the PLL does not need to relock.
 There is no TXVCO<->RXVCO polling issue since a single
PLL is used.
 Using the digital domain for LO frequency shifts enables
implementation of very fast frequency hopping systems.

LMS7002M 18
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC


0.666 mm 1.332 mm
11.500 mm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
252 247 242 233 223 215
A A5 A7 A9 A13 A17 A21 A
260 256 246 241 236 231 226 222 217 211
B B2 B4 B8 B10 B12 B14 B16 B18 B20 B22 B
1 258 255 251 245 239 235 229 224 219 213 209 205 201 197 193
C C1 C3 C5 C7 C9 C11 C13 C15 C17 C19 C21 C23 C25 C27 C29 C31 C
2 261 254 250 244 238 232 227 221 216 210 206 202 198 194 192
D D2 D4 D6 D8 D10 D12 D14 D16 D18 D20 D22 D24 D26 D28 D30 D32 D
3 257 249 243 237 230 225 218 212 207 203 199 195 191
E E3 E5 E9 E11 E13 E15 E17 E19 E21 E23 E25 E27 E29 E31 E
7 4 259 253 248 240 234 228 220 214 208 204 200 196 190 188
F F2 F4 F6 F8 F10 F12 F14 F16 F18 F20 F22 F24 F26 F28 F30 F32 F
11 8 5 189 187
G G1 G3 G5 G29 G31 G
12 6 186 185
H H2 H6 H30 H32 H
16 13 9 184 182
J J1 J3 J5 J31 J33 J
1.332 mm

17 14 10 183 181 179

K K2 K4 K6 K30 K32 K34 K
19 15 180 177
L L3 L5 L31 L33 L
21 20 18 178 176
M M2 M4 M6 M30 M32 M
23 22 175 174
N N1 N3 N31 N33 N
25 24 173 172 170
P P2 P4 P30 P32 P34 P
27 26 171 169 168
R R3 R5 R29 R31 R33 R
29 28 167 166
T T4 T6 T30 T32 T
11.500 mm

10.989 mm
10.323 mm
261L aQFN

6.989 mm
32 31 30 165 164 163
U U1 U3 U5 U29 U31 U33 U

11.5 x11.5 mm
33 34 35 160 161 162
V V2 V4 V6 V30 V32 V34 V
36 157 158 159
W W3 W29 W31 W33 W
37 38 40 155 156
Y Y2 Y4 Y6 Y30 Y32 Y
39 41 42 151 153 154
AA AA1 AA3 AA5 AA29 AA31 AA33 AA
43 44 46 148 150 152
AB AB2 AB4 AB6 AB30 AB32 AB34 AB
45 48 145 147 149
AC AC3 AC5 AC29 AC31 AC33 AC
47 50 53 142 146
0.666 mm

49 51 54 138 141 144

AE AE1 AE3 AE5 AE29 AE31 AE33 AE
52 55 59 137 140 143
AF AF2 AF4 AF6 AF30 AF32 AF34 AF
56 60 132 136 139
AG AG3 AG5 AG29 AG31 AG33 AG
57 61 131 135
58 62 64 72 77 83 90 94 98 102 112 118 124 130 134
AJ AJ1 AJ3 AJ5 AJ7 AJ9 AJ11 AJ13 AJ15 AJ19 AJ21 AJ25 AJ27 AJ29 AJ31 AJ33 AJ
63 65 71 76 82 88 93 100 105 113 119 126 129 133
AK AK2 AK4 AK6 AK8 AK10 AK12 AK14 AK20 AK22 AK26 AK28 AK30 AK32 AK34 AK
66 70 75 81 86 92 97 101 106 114 120 125 128
AL AL3 AL5 AL7 AL9 AL11 AL13 AL19 AL21 AL23 AL27 AL29 AL31 AL33 AL
67 69 74 80 85 91 96 99 103 107 110 115 121 127
AM AM2 AM4 AM6 AM8 AM10 AM12 AM18 AM20 AM22 AM24 AM26 AM28 AM30 AM34 AM
68 73 79 84 89 95 104 108 111 116 122
AN AN3 AN5 AN7 AN9 AN11 AN17 AN23 AN25 AN27 AN29 AN31 AN
78 87 109 117 123
AP AP6 AP10 AP26 AP30 AP32 AP
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

6.989 mm
10.323 mm
10.989 mm

Figure 50: 261L aQFN package (top view)

LMS7002M 19
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

Pin No Pin ID Pin Name Type Description Notes

1 C1 UNUSED - -
2 D2 UNUSED - -
3 E3 UNUSED - -
4 F4 UNUSED - -
5 G5 VDD12_TXBUF analog supply 1.25V supply - TX XOSC buffer
6 H6 VDD18_TXBUF analog supply 1.8V supply - TX XOSC buffer
7 F2 UNUSED - -
8 G3 VDD18_VCO_SXT analog supply 1.8V supply - TX SX VCO
9 J5 VDD12O_VCO_SXT analog supply 1.25V supply - TX SX VCO
10 K6 VDD12_VCO_SXT analog supply 1.25V supply - TX SX VCO
11 G1 UNUSED - -
12 H2 GND_VCO_SXT analog gnd GND - TX SX VCO
13 J3 VDD_CP_SXT analog supply 1.25V supply - TX SX Charge pump
14 K4 GND_CP_SXT analog gnd GND - TX SX Charge pump
15 L5 VDD_DIV_SXT analog supply 1.25V supply - TX SX frequency divider
16 J1 UNUSED - -
17 K2 VDDO_DIV_SXT analog supply 1.25V supply - TX SX frequency divider
18 M6 UNUSED - -
19 L3 GND_DIV_SXT analog gnd GND - TX SX frequency divider
20 M4 DVDD_SXT digital supply 1.25V supply - digital supply for TX SX
21 M2 UNUSED - -
22 N3 DGND_SXT digital gnd GND - digital supply for TX SX
23 N1 VDD18_LDO_TX analog supply 1.8V supply - TX LDO
24 P4 VDD_TBB analog supply 1.25V supply - TX baseband
25 P2 tbbqn_pad_1 in TX change input pad to externally drive the TX BB Channel 1
26 R5 tbbin_pad_1 in TX change input pad to externally drive the TX BB Channel 1
27 R3 tbbqp_pad_1 in TX change input pad to externally drive the TX BB Channel 1
28 T6 tbbin_pad_2 in TX change input pad to externally drive the TX BB Channel 2
29 T4 tbbip_pad_1 in TX change input pad to externally drive the TX BB Channel 1
30 U5 adcin_in_1 in ADC input pads - To use external filtering Channel 1
31 U3 tbbqp_pad_2 in TX change input pad to externally drive the TX BB Channel 2
32 U1 tbbqn_pad_2 in TX change input pad to externally drive the TX BB Channel 2
33 V2 tbbip_pad_2 in TX change input pad to externally drive the TX BB Channel 2
34 V4 adcin_ip_1 in ADC input pads - To use external filtering Channel 1
35 V6 adcin_in_2 in ADC input pads - To use external filtering Channel 2
36 W3 adcin_qn_1 in ADC inptu pads - To use external filtering Channel 1
37 Y2 adcin_qp_1 in ADC input pads - To use external filtering Channel 1
38 Y4 adcin_qn_2 in ADC input pads - To use external filtering Channel 2
39 AA1 adcin_ip_2 in ADC input pads - To use external filtering Channel 2
40 Y6 rbbip_pad_1 out RX BB output - To use external filtering Channel 1
41 AA3 adcin_qp_2 in ADC input pads - To use external filtering Channel 2
42 AA5 rbbqn_pad_1 out RX BB output - To use external filtering Channel 1
43 AB2 rbbin_pad_1 out RX BB output - To use external filtering Channel 1
44 AB4 rbbqp_pad_1 out RX BB output - To use external filtering Channel 1
45 AC3 rbbin_pad_2 out RX BB output - To use external filtering Channel 2
46 AB6 rbbqn_pad_2 out RX BB output - To use external filtering Channel 2
47 AD2 rbbip_pad_2 out RX BB output - To use external filtering Channel 2
48 AC5 rbbqp_pad_2 out RX BB output - To use external filtering Channel 2
49 AE1 UNUSED - -
50 AD4 VDD14_RBB analog supply 1.4V supply- RX baseband
51 AE3 VDD18_TIA_RFE analog supply 1.8V supply- RXFE TIA
52 AF2 VDD14_TIA_RFE analog supply 1.4V supply- RXFE TIA
53 AD6 VDD12_TIA_RFE analog supply 1.25V supply- RXFE TIA
54 AE5 UNUSED - -
55 AF4 VDD18_LDO_RX analog supply 1.8V supply- RX LDO
56 AG2 UNUSED - -
57 AH2 UNUSED - -
58 AJ1 UNUSED - -
59 AF6 VDD12_LNA_RFE analog supply 1.25V supply- RXFE LNA
60 AG5 VDD14_LNA_RFE analog supply 1.4V supply- RXFE LNA
61 AH4 UNUSED - -
62 AJ3 UNUSED - -
63 AK2 UNUSED - -
64 AJ5 UNUSED - -
65 AK4 UNUSED - -
66 AL3 UNUSED - -
67 AM2 UNUSED - -
68 AN3 rfgp_w_RFE_2 in LNA input gate Wideband LNA - Gate : Channel 2
69 AM4 rfgn_w_RFE_2 in LNA input gate Wideband LNA - Gate : Channel 2

Table 12 Pin descriptions

LMS7002M 20
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

Pin No Pin ID Pin Name Type Description Notes

70 AL5 UNUSED - -
71 AK6 UNUSED - -
72 AJ7 rfsn_l_RFE_2 in LNA input gate Lowband LNA - Gate/source : Channel 2
73 AN5 rfgp_l_RFE_2 in LNA input gate Lowband LNA - Gate/source : Channel 2
74 AM6 UNUSED - -
75 AL7 UNUSED - -
76 AK8 UNUSED - -
77 AJ9 rfsp_l_RFE_2 in LNA input gate Lowband LNA - Gate/source : Channel 2
78 AP6 rfgn_l_RFE_2 in LNA input gate Lowband LNA - Gate/source : Channel 2
79 AN7 rfgp_h_RFE_2 in LNA input gate Highband LNA - Gate : Channel 2
80 AM8 rfgn_h_RFE_2 in LNA input gate Highband LNA - Gate : Channel 2
81 AL9 UNUSED - -
82 AK10 UNUSED - -
83 AJ11 UNUSED - -
84 AN9 rfgp_w_RFE_1 in LNA input gate Wideband LNA - Gate : Channel 2
85 AM10 UNUSED - -
86 AL11 UNUSED - -
87 AP10 rfgn_w_RFE_1 in LNA input gate Wideband LNA - Gate : Channel 2
88 AK12 rfsn_l_RFE_1 in LNA input gate Lowband LNA - Gate/source : Channel 2
89 AN11 rfgp_l_RFE_1 in LNA input gate Lowband LNA - Gate/source : Channel 2
90 AJ13 UNUSED - -
91 AM12 rfgn_l_RFE_1 in LNA input gate Lowband LNA - Gate/source : Channel 2
92 AL13 rfsp_l_RFE_1 in LNA input gate Lowband LNA - Gate/source : Channel 2
93 AK14 rfgp_h_RFE_1 in LNA input gate Highband LNA - Gate : Channel 2
94 AJ15 rfgn_h_RFE_1 in LNA input gate Highband LNA - Gate : Channel 2
95 AN17 VDD_MXLOBUF_RFE analog supply 1.25V supply: RX LO buffers
96 AM18 VDD18_SXR analog supply 1.8V supply: RX SX
97 AL19 VDD_CP_SXR analog supply 1.25V supply: RX SX Charge pump
98 AJ19 GND_CP_SXR analog gnd GND: RX SX Charge pump
99 AM20 VDD_DIV_SXR analog supply 1.25V supply: RX SX frequency divider
100 AK20 GND_DIV_SXR analog gnd GND: RX SX frequency divider
101 AL21 DVDD_SXR digital supply 1.25V digital supply: RX SX f
102 AJ21 UNUSED - -
103 AM22 DGND_SXR digital gnd GND: RX SX
104 AN23 VDD12_VCO_SXR analog supply 1.25V supply: RX SX
105 AK22 VDD18_VCO_SXR analog supply 1.8V supply: RX SX
106 AL23 GND_VCO_SXR analog gnd GND: RX SX VCO
107 AM24 xoscin_rx in
108 AN25 GND_RXBUF analog gnd GND - RX XOSC buffer
109 AP26 VDD12_RXBIF analog supply 1.25V supply - RX XOSC buffer
110 AM26 VDD18_RXBUF analog supply 1.8V supply - RX XOSC buffer
111 AN27 UNUSED - -
112 AJ25 VDD_AFE analog supply 1.25V supply - ADC/DAC
113 AK26 UNUSED - -
114 AL27 UNUSED - -
115 AM28 UNUSED - -
116 AN29 UNUSED - -
117 AP30 UNUSED - -
118 AJ27 UNUSED - -
119 AK28 UNUSED - -
120 AL29 UNUSED - -
121 AM30 UNUSED - -
122 AN31 UNUSED - -
123 AP32 UNUSED - -
124 AJ29 UNUSED - -
125 AL31 UNUSED - -
126 AK30 UNUSED - -
127 AM34 UNUSED - -
128 AL33 UNUSED - -
129 AK32 UNUSED - -
130 AJ31 UNUSED - -
131 AH30 DIGPRVDD2 DVDD Digital Pad Ring power supply for post-driver
132 AG29 DIGPRGND1 pad gnd Digital Pad Ring ground for pre-driver
133 AK34 UNUSED - -
134 AJ33 UNUSED - -
135 AH32 UNUSED - -
136 AG31 DIQ0_1 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 0. LML Port 1
137 AF30 DIQ1_1 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 1. LML Port 1
138 AE29 DIGPRVDD1 DVDD Digital Pad Ring power supply for pre-driver

Table 13: Pin descriptions (continued)

LMS7002M 21
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

Pin No Pin ID Pin Name Type Description Notes

139 AG33 UNUSED - -
140 AF32 DIGPRGND2 pad gnd Digital Pad Ring ground for post-driver
141 AE31 DIQ3_1 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 3. LML Port 1
142 AD30 DIQ4_1 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 4. LML Port 1
143 AF34 DIQ2_1 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 2. LML Port 1
144 AE33 DIQ6_1 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 6. LML Port 1
145 AC29 DIQ5_1 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 5. LML Port 1
146 AD32 DIQ7_1 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 7. LML Port 1
147 AC31 DIQ8_1 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 8. LML Port 1
148 AB30 DIQ10_1 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 10. LML Port 1
149 AC33 DIQ9_1 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 9. LML Port 1
150 AB32 DIQ11_1 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 11. LML Port 1
151 AA29 DIGPRVDD1 DVDD Digital Pad Ring power supply for pre-driver
152 AB34 MCLK_1 IO_cmos1225 Clock from RFIC to BBIC in JESD207 mode. LML Port 1
153 AA31 DIGPRGND1 DGND Digital Pad Ring ground for pre-driver
154 AA33 FCLK_1 IO_cmos1225 Clock from BBIC to RFIC in JESD207 mode. LML Port 1
155 Y30 DIGPRGND2 pad gnd Digital Pad Ring ground for post-driver
156 Y32 ENABLE_ IQSEL_1 IO_cmos1225 IQ flag in RXTXIQ mode; enable flag in JESD207 mode. LML Port 1
157 W29 DIGPRGND1 pad gnd Digital Pad Ring ground for pre-driver
158 W31 DIGPRPOC POC POC circuit
159 W33 DIGPRVDD2 DVDD Digital Pad Ring power supply for post-driver
160 V30 LOGIC_RESET analog supply/gnd Not used
161 V32 TXNRX_1 IO_cmos1225 IQ data protocol control in JESD207 mode. LML Port 1
162 V34 RXEN IO_cmos1225 RX hard power off
Should be fixed to analog supply if
internal LDO’s are used.
163 U33 CORE_LDO_EN analog supply/gnd External enable control signal for the internal LDO’s.
Should be fixed to analog gnd if
internal LDO’s are NOT used.
164 U31 TXNRX_2 IO_cmos1225 IQ data protocol control in JESD207 mode. LML Port 2
165 U29 TXEN IO_cmos1225 TX hard power off
166 T32 DIGPRVDD2, DIGPRPOC DVDD Digital Pad Ring power supply for post-driver and POC
167 T30 DIGPRGND1, DIGPRGND2 pad gnd Digital Pad Ring ground for pre-driver and post-driver
168 R33 ENABLE_ IQSEL_2 IO_cmos1225 IQ flag in RXTXIQ mode; enable flag in JESD207 mode. LML Port 2
169 R31 DIGPRVDD1 DVDD Digital Pad Ring power supply for pre-driver
170 P34 MCLK_2 IO_cmos1225 Clock from RFIC to BBIC in JESD207 mode. LML Port 2
171 R29 FCLK_2 IO_cmos1225 Clock from BBIC to RFIC in JESD207 mode. LML Port 2
172 P32 DIQ11_2 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 11. LML Port 2
173 P30 DIQ10_2 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 10. LML Port 2
174 N33 DIQ9_2 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 9. LML Port 2
175 N31 DIQ8_2 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 8. LML Port 2
176 M32 DIQ7_2 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 7. LML Port 2
177 L33 DIGPRVDD1 DVDD Digital Pad Ring power supply for pre-driver
178 M30 DIQ6_2 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 6. LML Port 2
179 K34 DIQ5_2 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 5. LML Port 2
180 L31 DIQ4_2 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 4. LML Port 2
181 K32 DIQ3_2 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 3. LML Port 2
182 J33 DIGPRGND1 DGND Digital Pad Ring ground for pre-driver
183 K30 DIQ2_2 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 2. LML Port 2
184 J31 DIQ1_2 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 1. LML Port 2
185 H32 DIGPRVDD2 DVDD Digital Pad Ring ground for post-driver
186 H30 DIQ0_2 IO_cmos1225 DIQ bus, bit 0. LML Port 2
187 G31 DIGPRGND2 pad gnd Digital Pad Ring ground for post-driver
188 F32 UNUSED - -
189 G29 UNUSED - -
190 F30 SDIO IO_cmos1225
191 E31 UNUSED - -
192 D32 UNUSED - -
193 C31 UNUSED - -
194 D30 UNUSED - -
195 E29 UNUSED - -
196 F28 SDO out_cmos1225 Serial port data out, CMOS
197 C29 SCLK in_cmos1225 Serial port clock, positive edge sensitive, CMOS
198 D28 SEN in_cmos1225 Serial port enable, active low, CMOS
199 E27 RESET in_cmos1225 Hardware reset, active low, CMOS level
200 F26 UNUSED - -
201 C27 SCL IO_cmos1225 uControler
202 D26 SDA IO_cmos1225 uControler
203 E25 GND_SPI_BUF digital gnd
204 F24 VDD_SPI_BUF digital supply

Table 14: Pin descriptions (continued)

LMS7002M 22
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

Pin No Pin ID Pin Name Type Description Notes

205 C25 VDD12_DIG digital supply output 1.2V supply for digital LDO
206 D24 VDD18_DIG digital supply 1.8V supply for digital LDO
207 E23 UNUSED - -
208 F22 tstdo<1> out_cmos1225 digital output test pin
209 C23 GND_DIG digital gnd GND for the digital LDO
210 D22 tstdo<0> out_cmos1225 digital output test pin
211 B22 tstao out_cmos1225 analog test pin
212 E21 VDD18_VCO_CGEN analog supply 1.8V supply - VCO CLKGEN
213 C21 VDD14_VCO_CGEN analog supply 1.4V supply - VCO CLKGEN
214 F20 VDD_CP_CGEN analog supply 1.25V supply - Charge Pump - CLKGEN
215 A21 UNUSED - -
216 D20 GND_DIV_CGEN analog gnd GND -frequency divider - CLKGEN
217 B20 GND_CP_CGEN analog gnd GND -Charge Pump - CLKGEN
218 E19 VDD_DIV_CGEN analog supply 1.25V supply - frequency divider - CLKGEN
219 C19 UNUSED - -
220 F18 vr_rext in external 10 kOhm accurate reference resistor
221 D18 UNUSED - -
222 B18 DGND_CGEN digital gnd GND - CLKGEN
223 A17 DVDD_CGEN digital supply 1.25V supply- Digital supply for CLK GEN
224 C17 UNUSED - -
225 E17 VDD18_BIAS analog supply 1.8V supply - Bias
226 B16 VDD_TPAD_TRF analog supply 1.25V supply - TX PAD
227 D16 VDD18_TRF analog supply 1.8V supply - TX RF
228 F16 UNUSED - -
229 C15 UNUSED - -
230 E15 UNUSED - -
231 B14 pa2on_2 out PA driver output RF pad PAD2, Channel 2
232 D14 UNUSED - -
233 A13 pa2op_2 out PA driver output RF pad PAD2, Channel 2
234 F14 UNUSED - -
235 C13 UNUSED - -
236 B12 pa1op_2 out PA driver output RF pad PAD1, Channel 2
237 E13 UNUSED - -
238 D12 UNUSED - -
239 C11 pa1on_2 out PA driver output RF pad PAD1, Channel 2
240 F12 UNUSED - -
241 B10 pa2on_1 out PA driver output RF pad PAD2, Channel 1
242 A9 pa2op_1 out PA driver output RF pad PAD2, Channel 1
243 E11 UNUSED - -
244 D10 UNUSED - -
245 C99 UNUSED - -
246 B8 pa1op_1 out PA driver output RF pad PAD1, Channel 1
247 A7 pa1on_1 out PA driver output RF pad PAD1, Channel 1
248 F10 UNUSED - -
249 E9 UNUSED - -
250 D8 UNUSED - -
251 C7 GND_TLOBUF_TRF analog gnd Ground for TX LO buffers
252 A5 UNUSED - -
253 F8 VDD_TLOBUF_TRF analog supply 1.25V supply - TX LO BUFFER
254 D6 VDDO_TLOBUF_TRF analog supply
255 C5 UNUSED - -
256 B4 UNUSED - -
257 E5 xoscin_tx in TX XOSC buffer input
258 C3 UNUSED - -
259 F6 GND_TXBUF analog gnd GND supply - TX XOSC buffer
260 B2 UNUSED - -
261 D4 UNUSED - -

Table 15: Pin descriptions (continued)

LMS7002M 23
LMS7002M – FPRF MIMO Transceiver IC

A typical application circuit of the LMS7002M is given in Figure 51. Note that only the RF part of a single MIMO TRX chain is shown. More details
can be found in the LMS7002M evaluation board schematics.

Figure 51: Typical application circuit

LMS7002M 24

Model Temperature Range Package Description

LMS7002M -40oC to +85oC 261 pin aQFN
LMS7002M-REEL -40oC to +85oC 261 pin aQFN
LMS7002M-EVB Evaluation board
The following table shows the revision history of this document:

Date Version Description of Revisions

05/11/2013 2.0.0 Major update.
02/07/2014 2.1.0 Performance parameters corrections based on measurement data.
10/09/2014 2.2.0 Performance parameters corrections based on measurement data.

The information disclosed to you hereunder (the “Materials”) is provided solely for the selection and use of Lime Microsystems products. To the
maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) Materials are made available “AS IS” and with all faults, Lime Microsystems hereby DISCLAIMS
(whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to,
arising under, or in connection with, the Materials (including your use of the Materials), including for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or
consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by a
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of the Limited Warranties. Lime Microsystems products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe or for use in any application requiring fail-safe
performance; you assume sole risk and liability for use of Lime Microsystems products in Critical Applications.

Lime Microsystems Tel: +44 (0) 1483 685 063

Surrey Technology Centre e-mail: [email protected]
Occam Road
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United Kingdom

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