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British Culture

Semester: January – February 2020

Pros and Cons of Brexit

(comparative chart)

Teacher: M.A. Guillermo Roberto Rossano Perez

Student: Aldo Tadeo Morales Hernández

Enrollment: 1558314

Brigade: 014

Time: M6

Classroom: 1102

February 24, 2020

1. Membership in the EU means a weekly 1. The exit of the EU would harm the British
expenditure of 350 million pounds, equivalent economy and force the Government to cut
to about 20,000 million a year. If the State spending on 40,000 million, which would affect
saves this money, it could be used, for health spending among others. Also, given that
example, to build a hospital every week. In more than 3 million jobs are linked to trade
addition, given that the euro is "permanently on with the EU, experts warn that up to 950,000
board the crisis", the country would not have to jobs could be lost, among other things
participate again in its rescue. because some multinationals have threatened
to leave the country.

2. The United Kingdom is the fifth world economy2. Trade with the EU is equivalent to 44
and its exit from the EU would allow it to negotiatepercent of British exports and more than one
more advantageous free trade agreements with million businesses trade without paying taxes,
countries such as India or China. Likewise, it couldsomething that would be lost. The United
negotiate a new agreement with the EU in the Kingdom would have to negotiate a new
framework of negotiations on its exit. Only 5% of commercial relationship with the EU and with
British companies export to the EU but all suffer many other countries with which there is
from their bureaucracy. According to Economist for currently an agreement through the bloc.
Brexit, GDP would increase by 2%.

3. More than half of the laws that apply in the 3. The benefits of belonging to the EU are
United Kingdom are written by EU bureaucrats to estimated at 91,000 million pounds for the
which the British have not voted. In addition, British economy. The governor of the Bank of
"eureaucrats" are waiting for the referendum to beEngland has warned that in all likelihood the
held to adopt a new treaty in which the country, if 'Brexit'
it would lead to a recession and a
stays, has to yield "more money and powers." devaluation of the pound, with the effects that
"This is our last chance to regain control" and there
this would have on the pockets of citizens. The
could be "no other vote on this issue in 40 years,"Treasury Department estimates that the exit
says Vote Leave. could have a negative impact on up to 4,300
pounds per year in British households.

4. The United Kingdom would regain control of its4. Leaving the United Kingdom would end
borders and its security, which would have the freedom of movement, so the British would
power to decide who enters the country and who ithave a harder time finding work, touring or
expels. Currently, about 250,000 citizens of EU retiring in EU countries without a visa, as is the
countries arrive every year in the country, which iscase now. The security of the country would
a heavy burden for their public services, mainly thealso be threatened, since within the EU,
health service (NHS). The country is the fourth common threats can be faced against certain
world military power. threats such as terrorism, as well as facilitating
the extradition of suspects.

5. The United Kingdom would regain its influence5. Being in the European Union gives the
worldwide. Currently, London is in the minority United Kingdom a more powerful role in the
against the block of euro zone countries, which are world and a voice in big decisions worldwide,
a majority in the European Council. His departuresuch as regulations on climate change, trade,
would mean that he would have his own voice in economic or security, among others.
organizations in which the EU has now taken the
role of spokesperson. In addition, it is possible that
the EU will continue to grow beyond the 28
countries that now comprise it, as it is being
negotiated with Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro,
Serbia and Turkey.

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