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IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact [email protected]

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True the Vote Joins New Mexico CiSzens in BaVle

Groups Join in Effort to Stop Court-Controlled Mail-In Elec8ons

Santa Fe, NM, April 2, 2020 - Today New Mexican voters moved to intervene in a lawsuit in which several county clerks
and the New Mexico Secretary of State, without opposi<on, are reques<ng the Supreme Court of New Mexico to order
that the upcoming June 2nd primary elec<on be restricted to mail-in ballots only, elimina<ng en<rely both in-person and
absentee ballo<ng. These Democrat government officials based their request on the na<onal health crisis caused by the
COVID-19 virus.

Under the New Mexico Cons<tu<on, only the Legislature has the authority to determine the <me, place, and manner of
vo<ng in New Mexico elec<ons. The government officials assert, however, that the legislature is wholly incapable of
addressing this problem and that the New Mexico Supreme Court should order the elec<on be conducted by mail-in
ballot only, dispensing of all other state laws that protect elec<ons from voter fraud.

In contrast, the voters seeking to intervene in the case claim that their fundamental right to vote will be violated by a
mail-in-ballot only elec<on since their votes will be diluted by illegal vo<ng if the fraud preven<on provisions of in-
person and absentee ballot are dispensed with. Furthermore, due to inaccuracies in the voter registry many eligible
voters will not get ballots and their ability to vote will be comprised.

Catherine Engelbrecht, President of True the Vote, the organiza<on funding the lawsuit, remarks: “This unchallenged
pe<<on is the <p of the spear of a concerted na<onal effort by the LeU and the Democrat Party to engineer epic levels of
elec<on chaos. Limi<ng votes only to mail-in ballots, as proposed in the New Mexico suit, would all but ensure an a
process fraught with both ballot fraud and vote harves<ng. Under this scheme, the legal safeguards that are aVendant to
in-person and absentee vo<ng would be dispensed with en<rely. ”

James Bopp, Jr., of The Bopp Law Firm PC, lead counsel for the New Mexican Voters, and General Counsel for True the
Vote says: “There are na<onal implica<ons for voters na<onwide. There is no precedent for such an extraordinary legal
ac<on seeking to overturn laws passed laws by the Legislature to regulate vo<ng in state elec<ons and to put the state
courts in charge. Should these Democrat poli<cians succeed here, it would create a precedent for other state courts to
follow in New Mexico’s footsteps and to impose similarly unprotected and unrestricted vo<ng procedures though the
nearly unlimited equitable power of the courts.”

A full copy of the brief can be found here.

True the Vote (TTV) is an IRS-designated 501(c)3 voters' rights organiza<on, founded to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement
at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organiza<ons and individuals across the na<on to ac<vely protect the rights of
legi<mate voters, regardless of their poli<cal party affilia<on. For more informa<on, please visit

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