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It covers the basic contents to process of specifications like

its need and process. These are listed below with few details-

1. Need for Specifications

 Whenever we are going to start something we
need the details which describe the plan for the
 This detailed description of the procedures and
materials for the project is specifications.
 It is done to understand the project and to work on
it effectively.

2. Specification Process
 The process for specification comprises of three
different key steps that are Decision making,
Communication, Control.
a) Decision making –
o It solves the detailed design issues.
o Phase 1 – Conceptual design includes
origin of briefs, design ideology, client
consent, generic material choices,
decisions made at this stage will affect
later stages.
o Phase 2 – Detail design includes detailed
drawings and schedules.
o Phase 3 - Production and Feedback
includes realization of projects in
accordance with drawings and
b) Communication-
o It is the process of the writing
o After this process the contract is to be
c) Control –
o This is the process which takes place on
o Also before this process the contract is
finalised to the contractor.

3. Written Specification
 It is central to the information circuit.
 It usually has multiple authors architects, engineers
 It is the document which communicates quality
requirements of works as well as design intent.
 It is used as design record of materials, is useful in
dispute situations.
 Written Specifications can be categorised as
(a) Prescriptive Specifications –
o It describes a product by its brand name,
a proprietary product. That is which

product will be used of which size,
quality, and brand too.
o In this the decision regarding the
products is taken by the designer and the
contractors cannot substitute them.
(b) Performance Specifications –
o Unlike the Prescriptive one, it doesn’t
identify particular product by brand
o Instead of that, a series of performance
characteristics are listed, which must be
o This leaves contractor with greater
flexibility in choice of products.
o Care should be taken to record the final
product used.
4. Information Sources –
 Every new project comes along with new
challenges and we have to be prepared for it.
 This gives us the need to search for information
regarding specific design problems like product
choices, standards to be met, workmanship
instructions etc.
 We have some basic links to get the best research
work to be done-
o Building Regulations and Codes
o Standards and Special Publications – Indian
(IS) or International (ISO)

o Building Research Establishment (BRE)
o Professional and Research Publications –
Journals, Magazines etc.
o Manufacturer’s Technical Literature
o Previous Projects by the Organization
o Office Standards and Master Specifications

5. Writing Specifications –
 The Specification writer has to have an excellent
working knowledge of materials, construction
methods and systems used in range of buildings –
both new and refurbished.
 He/she should have a good communication and
team skills.
 All the current and relevant information should be
accessed to produce specifications.
 Some instructions regarding language –
o Choose mode of specifications-
Imperative or Indicative
o Style of specification should focus on clarity,
brevity (concise and exact use of words) and
o Repetition of information should be avoided.

Submitted by-
III Year

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