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February 04,2006



Dear (first name),

We have pleasure in appointing you as (designation-department) in our organization, effective

(joining date) on the following terms and conditions:

1. Placement & Compensation

You will be placed in the appropriate band / responsibility level of the Company, and will be
entitled to compensation (salary and other applicable benefits) as detailed in Annexure “A”.
Compensation will be governed by the rules of the Company on the subject, as applicable
and/or amended hereafter.

2. Salary revision
Your salary will be reviewed on April 1st of each year, or at such other time as the
Management may decide. Salary revisions are discretionary and will be subject to, and on the
basis of, effective performance and results.

3. Posting & Transfer

Your initial posting will be at “)”. However, your services are liable to be transferred, at the
sole discretion of Management, in such other capacity as the company may determine, to any
department / section, location, associate, sister concern or subsidiary, at any place in India or
abroad, whether existing today or which may come up in future. In such a case, you will be
governed by the terms and conditions of the service applicable at the new placement location.

4. Probation:
That you will be on probation for a period of six months. The period of probation can be
extended at the discretion of the Management and you will continue to be on probation till an
order of confirmation has been issued in writing.

5. Full time employment

Your position is a whole time employment with the Company and you shall devote yourself
exclusively to the business and interests of the company. You will not take up any other work
for remuneration (part time or otherwise) or work in an advisory capacity, or be interested
directly or indirectly (except as shareholder / debenture holder), in any other trade or business
during your employment with the company, without permission in writing of the Board of
Directors of the Company. You will also not seek membership of any local or public bodies
without first obtaining specific permission from the Management.
6. Confidentiality

You will not, at any time, during the employment or after, without the consent of the Board
of Directors disclose or divulge or make public, except on legal obligations, any information
regarding the Company’s affairs or administration or research carried out, whether the same
is confided to you or becomes known to you in the course of your service or otherwise.

7. Intellectual Property
If you conceive any new or advanced method of improving designs/ processes/ formulae/
systems, etc. in relation to the business/ operations of the Company, such developments will
be fully communicated to the company and will be, and remain, the sole right/ property of the

8. Responsibilities & Duties

Your work in the organization will be subject to the rules and regulations of the organization
as laid down in relation to conduct, discipline and other matters. You will always be alive to
responsibilities and duties attached to your office and conduct yourself accordingly. You
must effectively perform to ensure results.

9. Past Records
If any declaration given, or information furnished by you, to the company proves to be false,
or if you are found to have willfully suppressed any material information, in such cases, you
will be liable to removal from services without any notice.

10. Retirement
The retirement age is 58 years. You will retire from the employment of the Company at the
end of the month in which you attain 58 years of age.

11. Termination of employment

During the probationary period and any extension thereof, your services may be terminated
on either side by giving one month’s notice or salary in lieu thereof. However, on
confirmation the services can be terminated from either side by giving two months (60 days)
notice or salary in lieu thereof.

Upon termination of employment, you will immediately hand over to the Company all
correspondence, specifications, formulae, books, documents, market data, cost data,
drawings, affects or records belonging to the Company or relating to its business and shall not
retain or make copies of these items.

Upon termination of employment, you will also return all company property, which may be
in your possession.

12. Medical Fitness

This appointment is subject to your being, and remaining, medically fit.

Please confirm your acceptance of the appointment on the above terms and conditions by signing
and returning this letter for our records.

Yours faithfully,
I have read the terms and conditions of this letter of appointment and confirm my acceptance of
the same.

(Signature and Date)

ANNEXURE ‘A’ : COMPENSATION DETAILS (Salary & applicable benefits)

Name :
Designation :
Date of joining :
Location :

a) Remuneration

Basic Salary : Rs. /- per month

House Rent Allowance : Rs. /- per month
Special Allowance : Rs. /- per month
Conveyance Allowance : Rs. /- per month
Medical reimbursement Limit : Rs. /- per annum

b) Retirals

i. You will participate in the Company Provident Fund Scheme as applicable to

your category of employees.

ii. You will be entitled to gratuity in accordance with the rules governing such

c) Leave

You will be entitled to privilege, sick and casual leave as applicable to your category of
 It is expected that individual compensation package would not be shared with other
 The above compensation structure is subject to change without affecting emoluments
Applicable tax woDATE


Dear NAME:

I am pleased to offer you tenure-track faculty employment at the rank of Associate

Professor in the Department of DEPARTMENT in the College of COLLEGE with a salary
of $$$$. You will be paid in annualized, equal monthly installments except for the initial
payment received in August, which will be 2/12ths of the annual salary. For information
regarding the initial payment see: This offer is for
employment that carries a 1.00 FTE service obligation on an academic-year basis with
the initial appointment length of five (5) years effective August 16, 2000 through May 15,
2005. Your performance, salary, and responsibilities will be reviewed annually
according to established university requirements and departmental/college evaluation
criteria. This appointment is contingent upon verification of degree credentials. A copy
of departmental reappointment, promotion and tenure criteria is enclosed.



Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Review

Regular faculty appointments are those to which consideration for tenure applies and for
which there is an established time frame during which a decision to reappoint or promote
and confer tenure must be made. Your tenure decision will be made during insert review
period, which is before the end of the next-to-last year of this appointment. For
information regarding review timelines see:

Information about retirement program options, health insurance, employment benefits
and all other information concerning benefits will be addressed in New Employee
Orientation which you are required to attend within 30 days of your employment. For
information regarding benefits see:

You are also invited to attend a new faculty orientation that is sponsored by the Provost's
Office and scheduled during the week before fall semester classes. You will receive a
personal invitation with the specific date and time. For information regarding this see:

Employment Eligibility
The university is required by federal law to verify the identity and work authorization of all
new employees. Accordingly, this offer of employment is contingent upon such
verification. You will be asked by a representative of your department to complete the
Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification) no later than your third day of work.

If you are not a U.S. citizen, or U.S. Permanent Resident, the department will work with
Human Resources International Employment Office here at NC State to petition for non-
immigrant visa status on your behalf which will authorize you for employment at NC
State University. International Employment can be reached at (919) 513-7525.

Employment Policies
You will receive an official appointment letter from the Provost as this offer is
subject to Provost approval.

Appointment to this position is subject to the Constitution and laws of the State of North
Carolina and the policies, regulations and rules of the UNC Board of Governors and the
NC State University Board of Trustees. NCSU policies, regulations and rules may be
found on the University's web page at:

This letter constitutes the full terms of our employment offer and supersedes all other
offers, either written or verbal, that may have been made to you. To accept this
employment offer, please sign and date a copy of this letter and return it to me as soon
as possible, but not later
than DATE. My colleagues and I sincerely hope you will be joining the NC State
University community.


Signature, Department Head

cc: Dean NAME

I accept the offer of employment described in the above letter, and I acknowledge that
my appointment is not effective until approved by the Provost.
Signature Date

*Enclosed is new hire documentation that is required for EPA employment at NC State
University. Please complete the required documentation and submit to DEPARTMENT
CONTACT NAME AND ADDRESS with the acceptance letter.


Facilities and Campus Services

Dear :

It is a pleasure to renew your employment as described below. This

letter of appointment
notifies you of some important conditions of your employment. If significant changes to
your individual situation occur, you will be notified in writing.

This appointment and other conditions of employment are subject to the terms of the
Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between University of Alaska and the Alaska
Higher Education Crafts & Trade Employees (AHECTE), APEA/AFT (AFL-CIO) dated
January 1, 2004, and applicable Board of Regents’ Policies and University Rules and
Regulations, as amended from time to time. As a University employee, you are subject to
the Drug Free Workplace Act and the State of Alaska Code of Ethics. You must be
eligible for employment under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.

Duties: (Brief description of job, e.g., carpenter, plumber)

Job Title & Class:
Employment Status: Term
Wage Step: CT1/ Step A ($15.52/hour)
Beginning Assignment: (Insert Begin Date)
End Assignment: (Insert End Date)

Special Conditions of Employment

1. You are entitled to all provisions of the collective bargaining agreement except in cases of layoff
or expiration of appointment (Article 1.2.B).

2. Your seniority date is the same as the date you begin accruing leave (Article 5.3.A).

3. This appointment is for the specific period identified above, and your employment may conclude
on or before that date with no advance notice (Article 1.2).

Please indicate your acceptance by signing and returning this letter to (designated individual) with an

original signature. You may wish to retain a copy for your records.


(Hiring Authority)

I understand and accept the above conditions of employment.

Employee Signature Date

uld be borne by the employee.

30th August, 2005

Chennai xxxxxxxxx

Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Re: Letter of Appointment

Further to our discussions, we have pleasure in giving you this letter of

appointment, setting out the details of your employment with our life
insurance company. You are being appointed to the position of
xxxxxxxxxxxxx This appointment takes effect from your date of joining which
shall not be later than xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Your Cost to the Company (CTC) is Rs.xxxxxxxxxx p.a. This includes Provident
Fund, Gratuity, Superannuation, Medical etc. These allowances, benefits and
other terms and conditions of your employment will be as per Company policies
as applicable from time to time. An extract of the HR policies is attached.

Your compensation will be reviewed in future as per Company policy. You will
be initially placed at Chennai but your services are transferable to any other
offices of the Company, at the discretion of the company.

On joining the company you shall be on probation for six months. During probation, the

period of notice required for resignation is 24 hours on either side. Further, unless

otherwise communicated to you in writing, your services shall stand confirmed at the end

of the period of probation.

You will abide by the rules and regulations of the Company as may be in force
from time to time.

Your appointment is subject to satisfactory reference checks and clearance

from any secrecy / service agreements that you may have executed, which
could have a bearing on your working with us.

You are required to sign and submit a copy of this letter of appointment as a
token of your acceptance of our terms and conditions, along with the following
documents within 7 days from the date of this letter, failing which this letter
of appointment will be treated as withdrawn.

 Proof of age;
 Proof of educational qualification;
 Proof of work experience – Service certificate / appointment letter;
 Copy of last drawn pay slip;
 Proof of incentives drawn ( if any );
 2 stamp size and 2 passport size photographs;
 Medical examination report – Refer Annexure

Your appointment is subject to your being found medically fit for employment.

The relieving / resignation acceptance letter from your previous organization

has to be submitted on your joining the company. Any extension of the same
will require a formal approval from your reporting authority which in case
should happen before disbursement of your first monthly salary.

This letter of appointment is based on the information furnished in your

application for employment and during the interviews you had with us. If, at
any time in future, it comes to light that any of this information is incorrect or
any relevant information has been withheld, then your employment is liable to
be terminated without notice.

All matters pertaining to your appointment and compensation are strictly

confidential and it should be treated as such. Any tax liability arising out of
your compensation should be borne by you and it will be as per Income Tax

We welcome you to our organisation and look forward to your contribution to

the growth of the organisation and yourself.

Yours faithfully,
For xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Compensation details
An extract of HR policies

Dear Mr. Name.

Sub: Letter of Appointment

Further to our discussions and the subsequent offer letter dated .........2006, we are pleased
to give you this letter of appointment, setting out the details of your employment with our
company. You are being appointed to the position of .......... This appointment takes effect
from ....... 2006. Your monthly compensation is Rs .........

Salary break -up

The rules and regulations and general information of the terms of appointment are as follows:

Your monthly carry home salary will be directly credited to your bank account. The Payroll
Administrator will provide the details to you. The allowances, benefits and other terms and
conditions of your employment will be as per Company policies as applicable from time to

Your compensation will be reviewed every year in the month of April as per Company policy.
You will be initially placed at Mumbai but your services are transferable to any other offices of
the Company, in India and abroad at the discretion of the company’s management.

You should note that the first six months of your employment constitute a probationary period
during which we can fully assess your suitability for this role and you can decide if you have
made the right decision joining us.

You will abide by the rules and regulations of the Company as may be in force from time to

Your appointment is subject to satisfactory reference checks and clearance from any secrecy /
service agreements that you may have executed, which could have a bearing on your working
with us.

You are required to sign and submit a copy of this letter of appointment and Employee
agreement as a token of your acceptance of our terms and conditions.

Your appointment is subject to your being found medically fit for employment.

The relieving/resignation acceptance letter from your previous organization has to be

submitted on your joining the company. Any extension of the same will require a formal
approval from your reporting authority, which in case should happen before disbursement of
your first monthly salary.

This letter of appointment is based on the information furnished in your application for
employment and during the interviews you had with us. If, at any time in future, it comes to
light that any of this information is incorrect or any relevant information has been withheld,
then your employment is liable to be terminated without notice.

All matters pertaining to your appointment and compensation are strictly confidential and it
should be treated as such. Any tax liability arising out of your compensation should be borne
by you and it will be as per Income Tax rules.

We welcome you to our organization and look forward to your contribution to the growth of
the organization and yourself.

Euclid InfoTech Pvt Ltd.
Mr. Pradeep Kumar
401, Dimple Arcade
Thakur Complex
Kandivli (East)
Mumbai – 400 101.

Date………………. Private & Confidential


Dear Mr./Ms…………………

With reference to your application for employment and subsequent interface you had
with us, we are pleases to appoint you as………………………on the following terms
and conditions, recorded below for your consideration and acceptance. Your date of
joining has been recorded as ………….

1. You shall be entitled to a salary of Rs. ……………(……………………………)

per annum as CTC (cost to the company) and shall be subject to deduction as per
statutory laws.

2. You shall be on probation for a period of six months from the date of joining and
the said period may, at the discretion of the management. Be extended from the
management or as per the provision of Service Rules or a completion of one year
of continuous service. During the period of probation, your performance
will be evaluated on regular basis and if the same is not expected standard, your
appointment is liable to be terminated without any notice and without assigning any
various interest.

3. The company expects you to work in the Department, in which you are placed
with high standard of efficiency and economy.

4. Your employment in your company will be subject to your found and remaining
physically and mentally fit and alert to perform your duties. Your services will be
liable to be terminated on being found physically and mentally unfit by RMP
nominated by the company at any time.

5. The company may transfer you for work from one place of duty or section/
department/ division to other place of duty or section/ department/ division in the
establishment. You will also liable to be transferred to our other establishment,
plants, associated companies, branch offices, head offices in India or abroad
which may be acquired in future at the sole discretion of the management. On
transfer from one place to other, your salary will not be adversely affected but all
other terms and conditions shall remain the same.

6. This letter of appointment is being issued on the understanding that there is nothing
in your past record which should have presented in the company to offer you an
employment. If it is found that your past record is objectionable and if any
declaration given by you proves to be false and you have suppressed any material
information, in such case, the appointment itself shall be deemed to be irregular
and your services will be liable to immediate termination without any notice or
compensation in lieu thereof.

7. You will be in the exclusive employment of this organization and will not engage
yourself either alone or in company, in any work, profession or employment
either honorary and otherwise during the period of employment with us.

8. Your services shall be governed by the Rules & Regulations of the company,
implied or notified and also any instruction that may be notified from time to
time. In case of any dispute, the court of Delhi/New Delhi shall have the execute

9. You will not in any manner whatsoever, any secret correspondence, agreement
and any such information pertaining to our organization, which you may acquire
concerning the company business to other person/firm or organization.

10. You will be entitled to leave and holidays as per the leave of the company.

11. Your absence for a period of 10 days (including absence, which leave though
applied for, is not granted and when you overstay for more than 10 days) would
entail automatic loss of your lieu on job without any notice and information by
the management.
12. In general, the employment may be terminated by either of the parties at any time
by giving to the other, one month notice or one month gross salary in lieu of
notice. Notwithstanding the above condition, the contract of service may also be
terminated because of under mentioned stipulations. This will be without payment
of any compensation.

(a) If you fail, refuse or neglect to carry out and perform your duties assigned to
you by the company. .

(b) For loss of confidence in you by the company for any of the act committed by

(c) If you are found to be guilty of fraud, insubordination or misconduct whether

in course of performance of duties entrusted to you or otherwise.

(d) If you are found unfit for being entrusted with the responsible work
commensurate with your position in consequences of any misconduct, moral

(e) If you commit any act prejudicial to the continuing good relationship between
you and the company.

(f) If you become physically in capacitated for the performance of your duties.

(g) If you commit breach of any of the terms of this letter of appointment.

13. No authority is vested upon you both to make any financial commitment and
enter into agreements/contracts/understandings of any nature with any second
party and third party without seeking the prior permission/approval of the
management. Any violation to exceed your specified authority as mentioned will
be seriously viewed and disciplinary/appropriate legal action will be taken.

14. You will retire from the services of he company on attaining the age of 58 yrs
which is the age of superannuation as far as your services is concerned.

This letter is in duplicate. Kindly return the duplicate copy thereof duly signed by
you as confirmation of your having accepted the terms & conditions contained

We welcome you in Central Park Estates Pvt. Ltd. and look forward for a long
term association.
For ------------------------.

Manager HR


I have read and understood the terms and conditions mentioned in this letter of
appointment and I hereby confirm unconditional acceptance of the same

Full Name ………………………….

Signature …………………………...

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