Cote D' Ivoire Study

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October 2006





World Production of Cashew Nuts

- Production has increased fivefold between 1961 and 2005

From less than 300,000 tons in 1961, the world production of cashew nuts has increased till mid
70’s and then has decreased or stagnated till late 80’s. After that, there was a constant increase to
reach today 1,600,000 tons (Figure 1).

Figure 1: world production of cashew nuts

1 600 000

1 400 000

1 200 000

1 000 000

800 000

600 000

400 000

200 000














































- Cashew crisis in Eastern Africa

In 60’s and 70’s the first producing area in the world was East Africa with about 60% - 70% of the
total production. Between 1975 and 1990, a drastic decrease was due to several factors (biology,
agronomy, social and economy).

Since the early 1990s, production has recovered and has continued to increase steadily over the last
decade (Figure 2).

Figure 2: total production of cashew nuts in Tanzania and Mozambique

450 000

400 000

350 000

300 000

250 000

200 000

150 000

100 000

50 000














































- Emergence of the three main producing countries: India, Brazil and Vietnam

Production of cashew nuts in India and in Brazil has increased regularly during the last 4
decadesand these two countries are now producing respectively 350,000 tons and 250,000 tons
(Figure 3).

Figure 3: production of cashew nuts in India and Brazil

500 000

450 000

400 000
350 000

300 000

250 000

200 000

150 000

100 000

50 000














































Vietnam has recently joined these two main players with a national production of about 300,000

- Côte d’Ivoire is now the fourth producing country in the world.

Like in Vietnam, the increase of the cashew nuts production in Côte d’Ivoire was a drastic and
spectacular one and the country is now producing 200,000 tons (Figure 4).

Figure 4: production of cashew nuts in Vietnam and Côte d'Ivoire

350 000

300 000

Côte d'Ivoire
250 000

200 000

150 000

100 000

50 000














































In the same time, West Africa becomes the first producing area in the world with 40% of the total
world production.

Seasonal and geographical repartition of the world production of cashew nuts

Cashew nuts are produced all around the world in all tropical or sub tropical regions and the
productions have a seasonal repartition related to the latitude and longitude of the producing

- January to march: Indian and Vietnamese crops;

- March to June : West African crops, from the East (Nigeria) to the West (Guinea Bissau);

- September to December : East African, Brazilian and South Asian crops.

This repartition determines the dynamics of the world nuts market and the stock constitution for

- India (and at a lesser degree Vietnam) is processing stocks :

. Firstly from its own production
. Secondly stocks bought in West Africa
. Thirdly stocks bought in East Africa and South Asia

- Indian processors are managing 3 to 4 months stocks of raw cashew nuts

- African and Brazilian processors need to manage 10-12 months stocks of raw cashew nuts

The processing industry of the cashew nuts

Related to the production of the cashew nuts, the main facts of the history of the processing industry
are the following:

- Collapse and recovery of the Tanzanian and Mozambican cashew industries

In 1975, Mozambique and Tanzania were marketing more than 30% of the world production of
cashew kernels. Their processing facilities were mainly large size units using semi automatic
process from the Italian company OLTREMARE.

During the 80’s and 90’s, the cashew nuts processing industries have almost completely
disappeared in Tanzania and Mozambique.

These industries are now recovering following incentives from the Government in favour of the
local processors. The local processing units are all using Indian techniques of processing.

- India, Vietnam and Brazil are processing 99% of the cashew nuts produced worldwide

These three countries have developed a local processing industry in parallel with the increase of
their raw material production. All these countries have strong policies to protect and promote their
local processing industries.

India is today:
. number one for the raw cashew nuts production (400,000 tons)
. number one for the imports of raw cashew nuts (600,000 tons), mainly from East and West
. number one for the cashew processing capacity (more than 1 million tons)
. number one for the production of cashew kernels (220,000 tons)
. number two for cashew kernels consumption behind the USA (100,000 tons)

Brazil is processing its entire national production of raw nuts and is exporting 90% of the kernels
production, mainly to the USA.

Vietnam stopped its raw nuts exports in India more than ten years ago by developing a highly
competitive local industry.

Brazil imports of raw nuts are very rare when Vietnam used to import some quantities from Africa
or Southern Asia.

- There is no national processing industry in West Africa.

In spite of some former attempt to develop national industries, Côte d’Ivoire and all West African
countries are exporting 99% of their raw cashew nuts production toward India or Vietnam.

Main characteristics of the cashew nuts processing industry

Figure 5: Average composition of cashew nuts


Kernels wastes
Kernels Skin


- Composition of the cashew nut and yields of the process

A cashew nut is made up of two main components, the shell and the kernel.

The kernel is covered by a thick reddish skin or testa.

The honeycombed shell contains a phenol like resin called Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL).

During the processing, the average yields obtained from the nuts are (in percentage of the weight of
the nuts, Figure 5):

. Kernels = 20 – 22 %
. Kernel wastes = 3 – 6%
. Skins = 1.5 – 3 %

. Shells = 70 – 75 %

The kernels can be of different sizes or colors, they can also be broken into pieces of different sizes.
All different types of whole kernels or pieces are called grades. The cashew nuts processing
industry is marketing between fourteen and twenty five different grades of kernels. The better prices
are obtained with the bigger sizes of the whole white kernels.

A 5,000 tons processing unit should produce about 1,000 – 1,100 tons of kernels per year.

Apart from the kernels, the others products are by-products which can be used, processed and
marketed. It can be extracted 25-35 % of CNSL from the shells (by pressing). All the by-products
represent possible additional revenue and profit for a processing unit.

- The different stages of the process

The successive stages involved in the processing of the cashew nuts into marketable kernels are:

. Cooking of the nuts

. Shelling of the nuts

. Drying of the kernels

. Peeling of the kernels

. Grading of the kernels

. Packing of the kernels

The whole process usually lasts about 5 to 7 days.

- The Industry requirements

All costs or other figures have been acquired through personal experiences in cashew processing or
during interviews of Indian processors. The unit costs refer to the quantity of raw nuts processed
and are evaluated in CFA / kg of nuts (For Indian processors, the unit costs are in USD / bag of raw
nuts, a bag being 80 kg of nuts).

. High labor intensity

For a large size processing unit running 275 working days a year, the ratio (number of worker / ton
processed per year) is about 0.25 – 0.30.

The ratio (workers / ton processed per day) is around 75.

A 5,000 tons processing unit should employ 1250 – 1,500 workers.

. Low level of required skills

Most of the operations of the processing of cashew nuts are manuals and very repetitive. They need
patience and concentration but they do not need special education or training.

. Low level of investment in equipment

The equipment of a cashew nuts processing unit can be of an extreme simplicity. Thus, the costs of
the investment in equipment for a 5,000 tons processing unit is about USD 750,000 - 1 million.

. Important surface required

The erection of a processing unit can require a very important surface to install all working sections
and storage facilities.

For a 5,000 tons processing unit:

. Storage capacities for the raw nuts = 2,500 – 3,000 m2
. Surface required for working section = 5,000 m2

. The constitution of the stock of raw nuts and its financial implications

A cashew processing unit is supposed to be run on a whole year basis (although this assumption can
be discussed).

In Côte d’Ivoire, a processor should buy a stock of raw nuts during the harvest season, from March
to June, and is going to process it for at least 10-11 months. Each year, this processor must have a
large amount of money for this stock purchase. He can take the money on its own resources but,
more often, he is going to look for banking facilities.

The credit line or revolving obtained from a local bank (or more probably from an international
bank) is going to generate high financial costs.

For instance, the CFA 1 billion necessary for a 5,000 tons unit (with an unit price of CFA 200 / kg
of raw nuts) can cost CFA 10 to 30 / kg of nuts or 50 to 150 millions for the whole year campaign.

Indian processors have not similar problems as they used to work on three different stocks, the nuts
bought in India, then the nuts purchased in Western Africa and finally the stocks they acquire in
Eastern Africa.

Operating costs

We are making the distinction between the variable costs and the fixed costs. The variable costs are
proportional to the quantity of nuts processed when the fixed cost are independent of this quantity.
All costs are depending on the efficiency of the process (quantity of nuts processed per unit of

The variable costs can be estimated about CFA 100 – 150 / kg of raw nuts. They are shared between
wages (70 % - 80 %), packing materials (10 % -20 %) and others inputs and utilities (5 % – 15 %)
but without all financial costs.

The fixed costs are about CFA 25 – 75 / kg of raw nuts without depreciation costs and all taxes.

The total costs are about CFA 125 – 225 / kg of raw nuts processed and an objective for a new
operating large size processing unit could be CFA 175 / kg of nuts.

The fixation of the price of the raw cashew nuts

- The kernels sales

The cashew nuts processing industry produces about twenty different grades of kernels among
which the most expensive are the white whole kernels.

All kernel grades have different quotations on the international market but usually the reference
price is the price of the grade W320 FOB India (W320 = white whole kernels with about 320
kernels / lb).

An estimate of the price for all the grades produced by a processing unit should be between 80%
and 90% of the W320 price.

- The links between the kernels price and the raw cashew nuts price.

The table 1 below summarizes the relations between the price of the raw nut and the price of the
processed kernels.

The world price of the grade W320 is available weekly on or with any broker
or importers. This price is generally fixed on a FOB India basis and in USD / English pound (lb).

On September 16th, this price was USD 2 / lb. Using the exchange rate of the US Dollar versus CFA
and the value of one English pound (0.45359 kg), we obtain the price of the W320 in CFA / kg.

For all grades of kernels produced, we would have an average price of 1950 CFA/kg.

The yield of the process from the nuts to the kernels is between 20% and 21%.

An estimate of the costs of the process is CFA 175 / kg of nuts processed.

The purchase of the stock of nuts for the whole year leads to financial costs which are about CFA
10 - 30 / kg of nuts depending on the size of the stock and on the banking conditions.

The expenses for the trucking of the kernels to the port and for being FOB are about CFA 10 - 20 /
kg of nuts depending on the distance between the factory and the port, the duration of the trip, the
harassment on the way, the cost of the forwarding company. In Côte d’Ivoire, these costs have
increased these last years due to the political problems (for instance CFA 0.8-1 millions for trucking
Korhogo-Abidjan; CFA 0.4 millions for being FOB).

These expenses for the processors can even be more if the price of the kernels has been established
on a CIF basis as it is usually done for smaller producers of kernels in Western Africa. In this case,
the CIF price is the same than the FOB price but the processors has to pay the freight charges. It is a
kind of discount which is applied on an Ivorian processor.

Considering all these costs, the processor can easily assess the maximum price of the nuts for its
factory. He can even built a simulation depending on the possible evolution of the two main
parameters on which he has no power, the exchange rate of the US Dollar and the W320 price.

In our table, we can see that the price should be about CFA 180 – 200 / kg (depending on the yield
of the process). We have not taken into consideration the costs required for the purchase of the nuts
but these costs can be high, depending on the organization the processor need to supply its factory.

The final decision will must be taken if there is some possible profit. In this case, if the farm gate
price of the raw nuts is about CFA 250 / kg, the sole alternative for the processor will be to close its

09/16/2006 W320 2 USD/lb
FOB Price India USD 520 CFA Speculatio
W320 1,040 CFA/lb n
W320 2,293 CFA/kg

Sales price all 85% of the W320 price Process

grades confounded 1949 CFA/kg

Yield of the process 20% or 21% and

Nuts valorization 390 CFA/kg of nuts or 409

Financial costs on 20 CFA/kg of nuts
the stock of nuts
Transit costs for 15 CFA/kg of nuts
kernels (trucking –
FOB) Kernels
Process costs 175 CFA/kg of nuts

Maximum price for 180 CFA/kg of nuts or 199

nuts at the factory
Raw nuts
Costs on purchase of 15 CFA/kg of nuts Purchase
the nuts

Processors profit ?? Investment


Table 1 : Raw Cashew Nuts price fixation for the processors

- The influence of the quality of the nuts: importance of the outturn

The price of the cashew nuts depends on the quality on the nuts. The nuts being purchased for their
processing into kernels, their quality is linked with their ability to give the better yield in kernels
and the biggest size of kernels.

This quality is usually assessed through the parameters which are giving indications on the potential
yield in kernels. These parameters are:

. The number of nuts / kg.

The lower the number is, the better is the ability of the nuts to give big kernels.

. The outturn.

This parameter is an Indian assessment of the nuts quality. The outturn is expressed by the ratio
pound of kernels / bag of raw nuts (one bag is 80 kg of nut). An average value of the outturn for the
Ivorian nuts is 48. It means that you can expect to obtain 48 pounds of kernels per bag of raw nuts.

The outturn can be expressed in a percentage (using the weight of a pound in kg and the weight of a
bag). For instance, an outturn of 48 is equivalent to a percentage of 27.2% (weight of kernels /
weight of nuts).

The outturn is measured after an appropriate sampling of a batch of nuts, the opening of the nuts
and the weighing of the good kernels with their skin.

We must precise that the outturn is not the yield of the process as the kernels considered in the
outturn are kernels with their skin and their initial moisture. The differences between the outturn (in
percentage) of a particular batch and the yield of the process of this batch can be about 6-10%
depending on the efficiency of the process.

The price of the raw nuts is usually linked to their outturn, the higher the outturn is, the higher the
price is. If the outturn for Ivorian nuts is about 48, it could of 52 in Bissau Guinea or in Tanzania.
Inside Côte d’Ivoire, the nuts harvested in the Bondoukou Region have often better outturn than in
other Regions.

- Price of the cashew nuts in the main producing countries

The prices of the cashew nuts in various countries are depending on their quality and on the
availability of these nuts for the local processors. For instance, in the first half of 2006 the value of
the prices were between 200 and 280 CFA / kg in Vietnam, between 200 and 500 CFA / kg in India,
between 125 and 225 CFA / kg in Côte d’Ivoire.

The best prices are often observed in India where the local demand is particularly high.

The consumption of the cashew kernels

About 360,000 tons of cashew kernels are produced annually and the main producers are:
. India (215,000 tons)
. Vietnam (85,000 tons)
. Brazil (55,000 tons)

The main consuming countries are the USA (100,000 – 150,000 tons), India (100,000 – 125,000
tons), Europe (50,000 - 75,000 tons) and the emerging countries (Eastern Europe, Middle East and

Trends in the World consumption of cashew kernels

There is a constant growth of about 5-10% per year of the world consumption of cashew kernels.
Between 2002, 2003 and 2004 the growth in cashew imports from India, Vietnam and Brazil should
has been about 15% - 20%.

But, since mi-2005, there is a negative growth in the demand of cashew kernels in the USA. This
trend seems to be linked to the high availability and the price fall of the almond which dominates
the tree nuts market (especially in the US market).

Some recent marketing campaign in the USA emphasize on the nutritional quality of the cashew
kernels (low fat content, low level of cholesterol, high carbon hydrate content, source of vitamins B
and K).

The cashew kernel is also one of the most appreciate nuts whereas its unit price is among the lowest
for this kind of product (« the most favorite nut is also the least expensive »).

Trends in the price of the cashew kernels

- An overall decrease of the cashew kernels price since late 80’s

Figure 6: FOB India price of the cashew kernel grade W320

3,50 5 000

4 500
4 000

2,50 3 500

3 000
CFA / kg

USD / lb

2 500
2 000

USD / lb 1 500
CFA / kg
1 000

0,00 0



































The graph above (Figure 6) presents the average annual values of the price of the grade W320
between 1972 and 2006. The data in USD / lb have been obtained from various sources and then
converted in CFA / kg using the exchange rate of the US dollar.

Since the late 80’s, these data show a clear decreasing trend, just reduced by two exceptional years,
1999 and 2000.

There is no indication that this trend could be reversed in a near future.

We also present weekly values of the W320 price FOB India between November 2004 and
September 2006. The trend is also clearly on the decrease and there is no evident seasonal variation
(Figure 7).
Figure 7: weekly prices FOB India of the grade W320 (2004-2006)






























Competition in the world cashew industry

For some of the observers of the Indian cashew industry, this one is facing difficulties on the
international marketing of its products and seems on the decline. For some of the recent editions of
“Cashew Weeks” of Commodity India, the Vietnamese cashew industry is the main cause of some
problems, namely:

. An oversupply of cashew kernels on the world market;

. An undercutting of the price of the cashew kernels.

Currently, in the world market, there should be oversupply of cashew kernels, mainly from Vietnam
at prices at least 0.10 cents / lb less than that of the Indian price. Thus, oversupply by undercutting
the price has negatively affected the Indian export.

In fact, Vietnam has become a major threat to the Indian cashew kernel in the world market. In less
than 10 years, Vietnamese industry was able to export around 100,000 tons of cashew kernels. The
raw nut production in Vietnam is estimated at over 600,000 tons and given this trend, Vietnam
might attain the number one position as the world supplier of cashew kernels within some years.

Following these assumptions, the decreasing trend in the price of cashew kernels should be due to
this oversupply and not by a decrease in the consumption. The offer of kernels is growing quicker
than the demand and thus price are slowly reducing.

The organic market and other “niche” markets

The demand for organically certified foods is very high and is growing steadily in most of the
developed countries, especially in the USA, Europe and Japan.

Since the 90’s, world organic market has been growing with an average rate of 20% per annum. In
future, this growth rate would be about 10 - 50 % in different countries.

To obtain organic certification is easier for cashew than for other agricultural products as the
cashew trees are in most countries grown without any fertilizers or chemicals products.

The accreditation system includes certification of organic farms, products and processes and is
concerning all the different stages of the cashew industry, from the field at the village level to the
importers of the kernels in developed countries. Then, the traceability of the product needs to be
accurately organized and followed.

All the different types of cashew processing units can have access to organic products and organic

The price of the organically grown products can be 5 - 30% higher than for ordinary foods.

Another “niche” segment is the Fair Trade market which is mostly built for small scale processors
at the village level. The Fair Trade Labeling Organization (FLO) has recently added cashew kernels
on its list of possible “Fair Trade” Products


Massive and growing Ivorian production of raw cashew nuts

In 1980, the company AFRECO exported the first 500 tons of raw cashew nuts from Côte d’Ivoire.

The annual exports of cashew nuts from Côte d’Ivoire have increased drastically during these last
ten years, from 25,000 tons in 1996 to more than 200,000 tons in 2006.

The whole northern half of the country is involved in the cashew nuts production and the production
area is expanding into the south.

Any traveler in the northern half of the country can observe the importance of the surface occupied
by young and unproductive plantations. We may assume that the production of the country should
reach 250,000 or 300,000 tons in a very near future. In this case, Côte d’Ivoire should reach the
third rank among the cashew producing countries, just before Brazil.

Facilities, knowledge and expertise are locally available

The cashew nuts processing industry is about 30 years old in Côte d’Ivoire.

Some different units can be rehabilitated, some others have been recently established, some units
were imported in 2006 and an EU funded project has installed small scale processing units.

- Some existing facilities can be rehabilitated

. AICI (“Anacarde Industrie de Côte d’Ivoire”)

This unit, established in Korhogo in 1975, has experienced long periods of inactivity and some
periods of processing. This unit was recently managed by the group AFRECO under the name
CAJOUCI and has processed a total of 6,500 tons of raw nuts for the period from 1998 to 2001.

. SITA S.A. (“Société Ivoirienne de Traitement d’Anacarde”)

SITA established in Odienné in 1998 is currently under operation but already needs some
rehabilitation works.

- Some processing units have been recently established

One main processing unit and two secondary units, founded in 2004, are currently operated by
OLAM, the Singapore based giant of the cashew industry.

- Some units were imported in 2006

Seven new units have been recently imported from India by the FENOPACI (see below):
. 5 units for cashew nuts processing
. 1 unit for cashew apple processing
. 1 unit for CNSL (Cashew Nut Shell Liquid) processing

- Small scale processing units

Three small scale processing units were implemented near Bondoukou in 2004 by the NGOs
INADES & RONGEAD. These units are going to export in October 2006 their first container of
cashew kernels through the Fair Trade.

Ten more units shall be installed in five different regions of Northern Côte d’Ivoire from 2007.

All these activities in the cashew nuts processing have increased knowledge and expertise in the
country (executives, staffs, equipment manufacturers)

Potential impacts of the cashew industry for the country

The value of the exports of 200,000 tons of raw cashew nuts is around 40 billions CFA and the
amount of export taxes imposed by the State is around 3,5 billions CFA.

The transformation of 200,000 tons of raw cashew nuts should (Table 2):

. Produce more than 40,000 tons of cashew kernels;

. With a sales FOB value around 85 billions CFA (with the September 2006 prices for
cashew kernels and USD exchange value).

. Create 50,000 – 60,000 direct and full time jobs with a total amount of wages about 15
billions CFA per annum.

. Required an overall investment of:

CFA 15 – 20 billions for equipment (USD 30 -40 millions)
CFA 20 – 28 billions for buildings (USD 40 – 50 millions)

. Create and sustain numerous activities and jobs in the environment of the cashew industry:
Services to industry (sub contractors, construction, mechanics, trucking, security,
banks, insurance, cartons, imports of materials, small equipment, utilities …)

Generate demand for local services and supply to workers (clothes, schools, food,
drinks, small shops, banks, construction, lodging …)

Raw nuts production (tons) 200,000

Export price (CFA/kg) 200
Export value (millions CFA) 40,000 78
Taxes (millions CFA) 3,500 7

Processing industry

Average yield in kernels 20%

Cashew kernels production (tons) 40,000

Price of W320 FOB India (USD/lb) 2.1

Exchange rate CFA/USD 510
All kernels price / W320 price 90%
Export price (CFA/kg) 2,125
Export value (millions CFA) 85,002 167

Full time jobs created 55,000

Executives 1,000
Supervisors 4,000
Workers 50,000

Total wages / year (millions CFA) 14,258 28

with all bonus 18,296 36

Required Investments
Equipements (millions CFA) 16,760 33
Buildings 24,000 47

Working Capital 9,545 19

Nota bene : exchange rate CFA / USD 510

Table 2: the potential of the cashew nuts processing industry in Côte d’Ivoire

Issues and constraints: why the cashew industry doesn’t exist in Côte d’Ivoire?

- Mismanagement of the former processing units

The following observations have been made about the former experiences in the cashew processing
industry in Côte d’Ivoire:

. Workers badly paid or even never paid: the wages of the workers were very low, especially
for the women and some of them have been never paid after the closure of their unit.

. No incentives for workers: the workers have never obtained any bonus or incentives for
their work.

. Losses in the stock purchase or storage (quantities, quality): the units have been faced with
their inefficiency to manage and control the purchase and the storage of their stock of raw
nuts (in terms of quantity and quality).

. Lack of production knowledge and control: the efficiencies of the process have been very
low. The yields and the production costs have been poorly managed.

. Lack of knowledge of the requirements of the world market for cashew kernels: the
products of these units have been often very difficult to sale on the international market due
to their inappropriate grading.

. Money embezzlements: all units have been faced with money embezzlements from some
of their executives.

- Size of the former processing units

The formers units were planned to process about 1,500 – 2,000 tons of nuts per year. Such unit has
usually a high level of fixed costs and then some difficulties to reach the profitability level.

In addition, the smaller the size is, the more it is difficult to propose the ‘’mono grade” container
that the importers usually look for. The importer is then in a position to impose reduced prices for
the goods (this notion will be explained later in this report).

- Access to credit and Financial costs

For the stock purchase (and other fund needed), the lack of an efficient national banking system
requires to obtain the necessary funds with an international Bank. The consecutive high interest
rates are generating financial costs which are an handicap for the profitability of the company.

- High level of some production costs

In Côte d’Ivoire, some of the packaging materials needs to be imported (plastic pouches for vacuum
packaging). Some inputs which are manufactured locally are also very expensive (cartons, labels).

The processor must also support the high cost of the utilities (electricity and water).

- High level of freight costs

Compare to other producing countries, the low volume of the traffic between Côte d’Ivoire and
USA or UE generates high costs for the freight. In addition, the monopolistic situation of the
forwarding sector in the country reduces the competition and then the possibility to obtain better

- High competition for the purchase of the raw cashew nuts

All the Ivorian processors are competing with the Indian buyers for their purchase of their raw nuts
on the national market. There is no regulation of the cashew nuts exports and even no overall
association of this sector.

There is also no possible agreement between producers of nuts and processors.

- Lack of a national market for cashew kernels or for the by products

The cashew kernel is not well known in the country, then the demand for this product is very low
and the whole production has to be exported.

It is the same problem for the by products which have no local market.

- Industries harassment by Government bodies

All local industries are faced with the high level of the taxes on wages, taxes on land, taxes on the
turnover, taxes on the profit …

There is also the customs harassment and consecutive costs for the imports of equipment or

All trucking costs for raw cashew nuts and even for kernels are increased by the ordinary bribes
which are claimed on the roads by the police.

- Incentives for industry have never existed

The Government of Côte d’Ivoire has never try and even think to help the local processing of
cashew nuts. It has to be compared with all incentives and positive regulations which have been
implemented from a long time in India and Brazil, for 10 years in Vietnam and which are now
existing in smaller producing countries like Tanzania, Nigeria, Ghana, Benin etc.

Some of these issues can be compared with the situation existing in the main producing countries
(India, Brazil, Vietnam, Table 3).

Côte d’Ivoire India Brazil Vietnam

National Market
Exports regulation 0 +++++ +++++ +++++
State intervention 0 ++ +++ ++++
Agreement farmers - 0 + ++++ ++++

Supply of the factories National market - National National market National market
market Understanding State regulation
(January-May) between
- West Africa producers and Possible
(April-August) processors purchase in
- East Africa Africa

Processing units + +++++ +++ +++++

All size units Large size units All size units

Access to credit 0 ++++ +++ +++

State State
intervention intervention

National consumption 0 +++++ + +

Market for by-

products 0 +++++ +++ +++
CNSL 0 +++++ +++ +++
Skins + +++++ +++ +++
Kernel wastes 0 +++++ +++ +++

Table 3 : comparison between cashew processing industry of various countries


Cashew producers and organizations

- Cashew Producers

The following estimates are available (ANADER, 2005):

. 250,000 cashew producers
. 420,000 hectares under cultivation
. Yield of dried raw cashew nuts about 300 - 500 kg / ha

. Surface per producer about 1 - 3 hectares
. Plantation density about 150 – 500 trees / hectares

There are two other reliable sources of information about the cashew plantations and the farmers:
. the census made by the company AFRECO for its organic program
. the census of the cooperative COPABO for its Fair Trade project

The results of these census are:

. The average surface per producer is between 3 ha and 8 ha, from a minimum of 0.5 ha to a
maximum of 75 ha.

. The yield of dried raw cashew nuts is 210 kg / ha around Nassian, 630 kg / ha around
Dabakala and between 250 and 270 kg / ha for the three villages of the COPABO project.
The higher yield of Dabakala is certainly due to the fact that cashew plantations are younger
in this area.

 the total surface under cultivation in Côte d’Ivoire is probably much higher than 420,000
hectares for a production of 200,000 tons (and average yields around or below 300 kg/ha).

Regarding the number of young plantation that one can see everywhere in the North of the country,
the total surface planted with cashew trees is probably between 750,000 and 1 million hectares.

 the number of cashew producers is probably less than 250,000 as the average surface per
producer is not under 3 ha in our figures.

In India, the surface under cultivation should be around 770,000 ha with an average yield about 710
kg / ha (from 470 to 880 kg / ha depending on the Indian State). Then, the yields observed in Côte
d’Ivoire should be in the inferior level of those observed in India.

In Brazil, 250,000 tons of raw nuts are produced on about 690,000 hectares mainly owned by small

For cashew plantations with selected varieties, irrigation, fertilization and chemical treatments
against pests, the yields could reach more than 2 tons of dried nuts per hectare (in Australia).

- Cooperatives

The NGOs INADES and RONGEAD organized in 2005 and 2006 some workshops for executives
of cooperatives operating in the cashew sector.

These workshops have concerned about 70 cooperatives from 8 Regions of Northern Côte d’Ivoire.
The objectives were to train cooperatives executives on the fields related to their activities in the
cashew business, namely:

. The assessment of the quality of the raw nuts through the understanding and the mastery of
the sampling of the raw nuts and the outturn calculation;

. The understanding of the links between the price of the raw nuts and the international
market for cashew kernels;

. The management of the cooperatives and the relationships between cooperatives;

. The relationships between cooperatives and Governmental bodies;

. The understanding of the new regulations of the cashew nuts market.

These workshops have confirmed that the cooperatives operating in the cashew sector have very
few experience in that business. Most of the cooperatives which have attended these workshops
have traded very few quantities of raw nuts. For the biggest , the volumes of raw nuts traded per
year are about 2,000 tons.

In 2003, the cooperatives of the Bondoukou Region (the most important producing Region of Côte
d’Ivoire) should have traded less than 10% of the total quantity of the cashew nuts produced in that

- Federations of cooperatives and producers organizations

There are several recent and opportunistic federations of producers. Most of them are not really
active at the village level but more present in the numerous meetings occurring at Abidjan or

The most active of these organizations is the FENOPACI (Fédération Nationale des Organisations
Professionnelles Paysannes Agricoles Productrices d’Anacarde de Côte d’Ivoire).

In 2005, FENOPACI got a USD 1.5 millions credit from the Government of India to buy several
processing units for cashew (see below).

FENOPACI also launched in September 2006 the “Bourse de l’Anacarde”, a private company
aiming at the marketing for the cashew nuts. The objectives of this structure are:
. organize the collection and the marketing of the raw cashew nuts
. negotiate on behalf the producers the better price for their products and the sales conditions
. implement some logistic platforms for the collection of the products, the testing of the
quality, the weighing of the quantities, the loading of the containers and their expedition
after the completion of all transit documents.
. following the payments on behalf of the seller

The company is targeting the collection of about 50,000 tons of cashew nuts in 2007.

Local traders

The trading at the village level is mainly in the hands of the numerous traders which are buying the
product on behalf of the Indian exporters. There is currently no decree related to the agreement of
these traders so they are always in the position to trouble the raw cashew nut market in the country.

Potential processors and investors


This company is in the SODIRO group which is owned by the Touré’s family.

Mr Touré is a special adviser at the Cabinet of the Minister of Agriculture (he is in charge of Cocoa
and Coffee). He has been in the cashew sector for many years. He has also launched ADEFICA (see

Mrs Touré is the PDG of SITA. She is also vice-president of OTIFA (see below) and member of
ACA (see below).

SITA S.A. owns a cashew nuts processing unit located at Odienne (far North West). This unit was
launched in 1998. It is a unit based on the Indian technology, with large buildings and good
equipment. Unfortunately, some of them are out of order.

Their 150 cutting machines should process 7.5 - 15 tons of raw nuts per day or 2,000 – 4,000 tons
per year.

This unit has been facing with some difficulties since its establishment (lack of supply,
mismanagement, staff problems etc.). An audit of the factory and a full proposal for its organization
and management was done in February 2006.

SITA owns also a cashew plantation of 150 ha near Odienne. This plantation has more than 10
years and is well planted and maintained.

The others assets of the Touré’s family in Odienne are one hotel and a micro finance institution
(CECO, “Coopérative d’Epargne et de Crédit d’Odienné”).

During this mission, SITA has proposed a CFA 2 billions project in the Odienné Region. This
project is mainly dedicated to the organization and the framing of the producers but proposes also
the implementation of 20 small scale processing units. These units should supply SITA unit with


This is a cashew processing unit established by the State through SOVANORD in 1976. This unit is
based on the Italian technology (OLTREMARE) and has a processing capacity of 1,500 tons per

The nuts are cooked 2 minutes in a CNSL bath at 200ºC then shelled in 19 semi-automatic shelling
machines (320 kg / day in two shifts). Separation of kernels from the shells is done automatically.
After that, the kernels are dried and all remaining process can be done by hand (there are equipment
for peeling, sorting and grading but they are not really efficient).

Between 1998 and 2002, the Group AFRECO (former leader in the cashew nuts exports) has
managed this unit. To increased its capacity and reduce the unit costs, some equipment were
imported from India in 2000 (25 cutting machines, one steamer and 2 cookers).

The activity was stopped in first half of 2002 because of the price of the raw nuts on the local
market and AFRECO took back its Indian equipment.

It was not possible to meet the owner of the factory during this mission. In fact, FENOPACI has
asserted they have the authorization to use this facility.


The units imported are already available in the Port of Abidjan. They are composed of:
. 5 units for cashew nuts processing
. 1 unit for CNSL processing
. 1 unit for cashew apple processing

Bill of lading and packing lists were examined before this mission. Each cashew nuts processing
unit should have 40 cashew cutting machines and all the appropriate equipment (sorter, steamer,
cooker, drier, materials for peeling and grading, vacuum packing machine, other equipment).

These units are supposed to be installed in the following sites:

. 1 cashew nut processing unit at Bouna (far North East)
. 1 cashew nut processing unit at Bondoukou (far North East)
. 1 cashew nut processing unit at Odienne (far North West)
. 1 cashew nut processing unit at Seguela (Center West)
. 1 cashew nut processing unit at Korhogo (far North)
. 1 CNSL processing unit at Korhogo
. 1 cashew apple processing unit at Korhogo

Some existing buildings should be rehabilitated and used to install these units (Bouna, Korhogo).
Some new buildings should be erected.


OLAM IVOIRE is a subsidiary of OLAM International Ltd, leader in the cashew nuts marketing
and processing throughout the world (25% of the cashew market, factories in 7 countries). In
Africa, OLAM is managing processing units in Mozambique, Tanzania and Nigeria. OLAM has
launched a factory in Côte d’Ivoire in 2004 and is planning to start similar activities in Ghana.

The OLAM IVOIRE facility in Dimbokro is organized around 250 cutting machines. 150 other
cutting machines are installed in Mbatto where cooking and cutting are done by an associated
cooperative (of the cocoa-coffee sector). Then the de-shelled kernels are sent to Dimbokro for
further processing. In Toumodi, OLAM has initiated peeling activity with a cooperative of women.
The kernels with skins are sent from Dimbokro and sent back after peeling.

All 400 cutting machines have a processing potential of about 16 - 32 tons per day (4,400 - 8,800
tons per year). For the moment, the quantity shelled per machine is around 20 kg for the women and
less than 10 kg for the 100 men which are working at the Dimbokro facility.

The OLAM’s projects in the cashew sector in Côte d’Ivoire are:

. Install 150 cutting machines in the prison of Dimbokro;

. Establish special facilities to give jobs to disabled person;

. Reach an overall processing capacity of 15,000 - 20,000 tons of nuts per year with their
existing facilities and with the new factories they are planning to establish in Korhogo and
(or) Bouaké.

The main problems encountered by OLAM in their processing activities are:

. Lack of available space and buildings in Dimbokro

(three different sites, one for the sorting and the storage of the nuts, one for cooking and
shelling, one for all other process components);

. Lack of available space & buildings in Toumodi

(two different sites for the 250 women doing peeling);

. These numerous sites lead to additional transport costs

(around 15 CFA / kg of nuts)

. Lack of continuity in the availability of their staff. The numerous changes of people is
leading to a poor efficiency of the work and then the objectives of the production and the
appropriate productivity are difficult to be reached.

. High level of wages costs due to the low efficiency but also to the organization which was
implemented. For instance, the low level of the objectives which were assigned to the
cutting section. In addition, all workers are controlled and paid by a service provider, RMO,
which may cause additional costs).

Some other difficulties are due to the Ivorian context and are affecting the compared
competitiveness with other producing countries. OLAM is evoking the following subjects:
. The high level of the construction costs for new buildings
. The production costs
. The workers efficiency
. The lack of national market for lower kernels grades and by-products
. The low international recognition of the Ivorian origin (leading to lower price for kernels)
. The high financial costs for the 10 month running stock of raw nuts
. The lack of State Incentives in favor of the cashew industry sector

This later point has been developed by OLAM through a Memorandum which is presented below.

It seems that OLAM has already given an ultimatum to the local and national authorities: OLAM
will close its processing units if there are no incentives implemented by the Government before
March 1st 2007. On the contrary, if the appropriate measures are taken, they will open very fast their
new units (they need about 6 – 8 months to start a new factory from the time the decision has been

- Other potential partners

Some private investors are interested in taking position in the Ivorian cashew sector but are
reluctant to do something without a clearer visibility of the organization of the industry. Some
problems which recently occurred between some officials bodies are not very encouraging (conflict
between the Ministry of Agriculture, ARECA and OTIFA).

The AICI facility in Korhogo could be used by some investor in case of a withdrawal of
FENOPACI or in a joint venture with that federation.

An additional processing unit should have been installed in Bongouanou. This information coming
from FENOPACI has not been verified. The equipment should be an old Brazilian unit imported
many years ago and never installed.

Government agencies

- Ministry of Agriculture

This Ministry is technically in charge of the cashew sector and is the regulatory authority of all the
other following organizations.

From many years, the exports of the cashew nuts have been put under the system of the DUS (Droit
Unique de Sortie). The DUS is a levy collected for the Public Revenue with a value of CFA 10 / kg
of nuts exported.

The emergence of ARECA and the first attempts to organize the cashew sector in Côte d’Ivoire has
introduced some other levies on the export of raw cashew nuts. All levies collection on these
exports and the beneficiary organizations are (in CFA / kg of nuts):

. DUS 10
. ACE 1.5
TOTAL 17.5

- ARECA (« Autorité de Régulation du Coton et de l’Anacarde »).

Established in September 2002, ARECA is in charge of the organization of the cotton and cashew
sectors. ARECA is partially funded by a CFA 2 levy per kg of exported raw nuts.

ARECA has elaborated some officials texts related to the organization of the cashew sector. The
main regulations are related to the following subjects:
. organizational framework of the cashew sector
. ARECA’s responsibilities
. OTIFA creation, activity and responsibilities
. Nature and amount of the levies on the exports of raw nuts (fixed on a annual basis)
. Raw nuts market and export regulations
. Regulations for the exporters approval

ARECA is trying to create the regulatory body for the “Interprofession” which is supposed to group
in an unique committee all stakeholders of the sector, the producers, the exporters and the
processors. A special meeting is supposed to be held on November 15th for the implementation of
this association (in replacement of the existing OTIFA).

ARECA organized in august 2006 a workshop on the cashew sector “Bilan diagnostic et
Perspectives de la filière anacarde”. The general report of this workshop is available. In its

recommendations, the main points regarding the development of the processing industry in Côte
d’Ivoire are:

. A more pronounced political willingness in favor of the development of the processing

industry with an objective of 20% of the production of raw nuts processed in 2010.

. This willingness must be illustrated through:

(i) fiscal incentives;
(ii) support of actions to find outlets for cashew by-products;
(iii) the creation of a special fund supplied by taxes on the export of the raw
(iv) the total or partial exemption of export taxes for processors;
(v) the tax exemption on all equipment and inputs for processing units;
(vi) the total tax exemption for the first years of activity.

ARECA has recently developed some projects:

. A support project for the development of the cashew sector in Côte d’Ivoire. The terms of
reference have been produced and an invitation for tender should be spread.

. A program for the training of the cooperatives of the cashew sector has been established in
cooperation with the FAO. It is a CFA 2.4 billions project which is addressing to all farmers
and cooperatives.

These projects are very ambitious but some of the questions arisen should be discussed. For
instance, it is said that there is no appropriate equipment for the small to medium processing units
and that, consequently, there is a need of some research actions on that subject. We think this basic
premise is wrong and that all technology already exists inside or outside Côte d’Ivoire.

The ARECA/FAO program, in its National phase is concerning 950,000 people. This figure is
surprising as it is also stated that there are 250,000 cashew producers in the whole Côte d’Ivoire.
The remaining 750,000 others should be all other farmers regardless of their type of production.
This program shows also some huge lack of knowledge of the cashew production and cashew

In fact, this program seems to be very similar to the already funded and running program develop
by INADES/RONGEAD (see below).

- OTIFA (« Organe Transitoire de l’Interprofession de la filière Anacarde »).

OTIFA was supposed to prepare the establishment of an interprofessionnal organization by the end
of 2006.

OTIFA is funded by a CFA 2 tax per kg of exported raw nuts.

The relationship between ARECA and OTIFA are very difficult and some money problems have
been exposed in the newspapers. OTIFA seems to have the support of the Ministry of Agriculture

and both have tried to stop the workshop organized by ARECA which has, on the contrary, received
a strong support from the Prime Minister!

- FIRCA (« Fonds Interprofessionnel pour la Recherche et le Conseil Agricoles »).

The FIRCA is in charge of funding research programs on agronomy and forestry and of the support
to professional agricultural organizations.

The World Bank has funded the feasibility study of the implementation of the FIRCA.

The FIRCA was established in 2002 and received funds from all agricultural sectors. For the
cashew sector, FIRCA is supposed to receive CFA 2 / kg of exported raw nuts. In fact, these funds
were not collected in 2006 because the decree was not signed. Now it is and FIRCA will have these
funds in 2007.

In the « Programme de développement des filières 2005-2006» developed by the FIRCA, there is 9
different programs which are related to the cashew sector. The total cost of these projects should be
around CFA 1.4 billions. FIRCA will have to find additional funds to set up these programs but
they assure they are going to start them as soon as they will have gotten the money from ARECA.

Terms of reference for all programs are already available and they will send invitation to tender to a
selected list of consultants or firms.

- ANADER (« Agence Nationale pour le Développement Rural »).

This agency is theoretically in charge of the framing, training and support of the farmers. Very few
positive actions have been undertaken in the cashew sector.

Service Provider


This company was in charge of the quantity and the quality control of the exports of raw cashew
nuts during the 2006 campaign. Its service is paid with a levy of CFA 1.5 / kg of nuts exported. The
Ministry of Agriculture has appointed ACE without any consultation with other stakeholders of the
sector, especially ARECA.

A new decree recently taken by the Minister of Agriculture (and the Ministries of Commerce and
for Industry) extends the contract with ACE for 3 years more. This decree has been established in
emergency because the work of ACE has been seriously criticized during the ARECA’s workshop
held in August 2006.

In fact, all the quality and quantity controls done by ACE are executed at the Abidjan harbor when
all the negotiations between sellers and buyers have been already completed. So, the use of these
controls is very weak for both parties.

Research agencies

- CNRA: « Centre National de la Recherche Agronomique ».

The CNRA has a private status in which the State has 40% of shares, the other 60% being detained
by private organization of the agricultural or agro industrial sectors.

Some research on cashew varieties have been undertaken in their research station of Lataha (near

CNRA is supposed to be in charge of some research programs launched by the FIRCA.

Non governmental organization

- RONGEAD & INADESCôte d’Ivoire

Since the early 90’s, RONGEAD (a French NGO based in Lyon) and its local partner INADES
Formation (affiliated to INADES International) are supporting the cashew sector in Côte d’Ivoire
through different kinds of actions.

There are two basic components in the actions of the current project. The first one is addressing to
the cooperatives with the aim of improving the professionalism of their actions. The second
component is the support of the development of the small scale processing of cashew nuts in Côte

Regarding the actions in favor of the cooperatives, several training workshops have been organized
throughout Côte d’Ivoire for cooperatives executives (see above). During these workshops different
types of training manuals and training materials have been supplied to the cooperatives. These items
. Manuals
«Cashew tree» (technical handbook on plantation, harvest etc)
«Creation of a new cashew trees plantation » (Cartoon handbook)
« Rehabilitation of a former cashew trees plantation» (Cartoon handbook)
. Materials
Poster on raw nuts defects
Raw nuts defects charts
Cashew cutters for testing
Scales and knives

The small scale processing objective is implemented through pilot projects. During the first stage of
the program which is ending in December 2006, three processing units have been implemented in
villages near Bondoukou. The units are managed by women association and are supported by a
local cooperative (COPABO). Each of these units has the following equipment and buildings:
. one building (about CFA one million, paid by the village)
. one steam cooker for the raw nuts (paid by the village, CFA 25,000)

. ten cutting machines of two different types, all manufactured in Côte d’Ivoire
(CFA 100,000 – 150,000; paid by the project)
. one drier for kernels, manufactured in Côte d’Ivoire
(CFA 1 million; paid by the project)
. materials for peeling and grading (CFA 0.5 million; paid by the cooperative)

The women had firstly sold their roasted kernels through COPABO on the local market at prices of
CFA 5,000 / kg and 4,000 / kg respectively for the whole kernels and for the pieces.

Then, the COPABO (and all stages from the farm level to the processing of the nuts) have been
certified by FLO (Fair Trade Labeling Organization) and a French company has placed an order for
one container of kernels (12 - 15 tons). The products are currently under processing in the village.

In order to use the required packaging for such goods, a vacuum packing machine and plastic
pouches have been imported from Italy (everything paid by the project). A packaging unit has been
installed in Bondoukou and is receiving every two days the kernels which are produced in the
villages. The kernels are packed in 7 kg pouches and three bags are placed in one carton. The
cartons are manufactured in Côte d’Ivoire. The container will probably be shipped in November.

The whole project has been funded by the European Commission with a total cost about Euros 1
million, 75% funded by EC.

A second project has been accepted by the EC (with about the same cost) and must start in the first
half of 2007. In this second project, the support of the small scale processing will be extend to other
producing regions of Northern Côte d’Ivoire, namely the Denguélé, Savanes, Vallée du Bandama,
Worodougou) and 10 units would be implemented near different towns (Odienné, Madinani,
Korhogo, Boundiali, Dabakala, Katiola, Mankono, Séguéla, Bouna, Tanda).

- STCP (“Sustainable Tree Crops Program”)

STCP is funded by the World Cocoa Foundation and USAID and managed by the International
Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) based in Nigeria. Their current program is based on a public
- private partnership and is focusing on cocoa farmers and cooperatives in Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana,
Nigeria and Cameroon. They have also a program for cashew farmers in Guinea.

They are planning to extend their activity on the cashew sector of Côte d’Ivoire and their local
representative made a presentation at the PNDDR some weeks ago. They are currently elaborating
their program and looking for potential partners. African Cashew Alliance, TECHNOSERVE and
the West Africa Trade Hub of USAID in Ghana should be involved in this program.

Their “Farmer Field Schools”’ learning approach involves trainers which it will be necessary to
train on cashew cultivation and practices. Their objectives are very similar to these of RONGEAD

International organizations

The European Commission is funding the RONGEAD/INADES project.

The FAO is involved in the ARECA project presented above.

The GTZ (German Technical Cooperation), mainly involved in the vocational training, should
developed partnership with SITA.

Regional or Sub Regional organizations

- ADEFICA («Association pour le développement de la filière cajou africaine ») and ACA

(« African Cashew Alliance »)

These two organizations are pursuing the same objectives and it seems that the ACA is now the
main regional body regarding the development of the African cashew sector.

The ACA was launched in early 2006 with the support of the USAID. ACA objectives are to define
better policies to support the sector, drew up action plans to enhance cashew production,
processing, marketing and trade.

ACA involves public and private companies, government agencies, NGOs and national cashew
producers or processors organizations. All stakeholders involved in the ACA have signed a
“Memorandum of understanding concerning an alliance to promote the development of the African
cashew sector”.

The statement said the ACA would work closely with private sector producers, processors and
exporters, as well as relevant government agencies, donors and NGOs already providing support to
the sector to drive the development and growth of a competitive cashew industry in Africa.

The statement said also the ACA would merge the interests, expertise and resources of cashew
industry stakeholders towards increasing farmer incomes, creating jobs in the domestic industry and
raising export earnings.

The USAID has provided a secretariat based in Ghana to manage ACA operations.


Physical infrastructures

- Road and utilities

The manpower required for starting an industry supposes that the processing unit must be installed
in a medium to large town where all utilities and services are generally available throughout Côte

The road network is well developed. Maintenance issues are important but not a major constraint
for developing an industry.

Electricity is supplied everywhere except in some rural areas.

Water supply could be of importance and may require specific investments in some cities.

- Constructions

Construction costs have been identified as a major constraint by OLAM. There is also a low
availability of construction companies or qualified contractors in some areas.

Financial infrastructures

The low level of support of the industry by the local banking system is a general constraint of the
Ivorian industry. It is particularly obvious for an industry as cashew processing which needs large
amount of money just to buy the raw material.

Legal/political environment

The Ivorian political issues are very well known and don’t need further explanations.

The legal environment of cashew sector is under implementation by ARECA and, for the moment,
there is no special regulation regarding the cashew industry.

Business environment

Corruption and harassment are general concerns for all private companies in Côte d’Ivoire.

There is a high pressure from Governmental bodies in charge of collecting all kind of taxes. Work
inspection services are also harassing companies after lay off or when some work conflict appears.

Harassment and corruption affect also all trucking activities and increase the trucking costs and

Regulatory bodies are not particularly active in supporting the business and the industries at every


Management and technical skills - Financial management

The young executives who were previously available from the Ivorian high schools were with a
good level. The situation seems to have drastically changed as these high schools are now
mismanaged. The political environment and the politicization of the students have not created the
appropriate environment for education.

Nevertheless, there are already some executives with experiences and knowledge in the cashew
industry. Most of them were employed by CAJOUCI or have experienced training periods in this

Some of good technicians also exist and there is a reservoir of women and men who already know
all different aspects of the processing of cashew (experiences acquired in the processing units which
have existed or which exist, namely AICI-CAJOUCI, SITA, OLAM and the small scale units).

In September, FENOPACI sent 10 persons in India for a one month period of training.

The overall management and the financial management must probably be a more relevant constraint
for a potential investor.

Some of the biggest companies which are operating in Côte d’Ivoire are now using to recruit
Ivorian executives coming from foreign high schools or universities.

Appropriate technology and “Best pratice” processes.

The appropriate technology for cashew processing already exists in Côte d’Ivoire. Most of adapted
equipment have been imported from India. Most of these machines can now be produced in Côte
d’Ivoire by manufacturers who have understood all problems the cashew industry is facing (yields
and quality).

The issues regarding the quality and the traceability of the cashew kernels have been emphasized in
the different units or during some working groups.

The quality of the kernels exported from Côte d’Ivoire has been recognized and appreciated in
various importing countries (USA, Europe and South Africa).


Improved techniques and Innovation

The techniques and the technology used in the cashew industry are quite basic .

The main problems of this industry could be the management of the production in terms of yield
and quality, the organization and the payment of the staff and the control of the unit costs. It is
mainly in these areas that innovation and improvements can be done.

Growth opportunities and capacity to scale up

The size of the Ivorian production of cashew nuts has already been emphasized and there is a
massive potential for the cashew industry.




Different options can be envisaged for processing cashew1, the extreme sizes of the processing units
can be the following:

- A small scale processing unit for 150 tons of nuts per year

- A large size processing unit for 5,000 tons of nuts per year

Small scale units processing 150 tons of nuts per year

The small scale processing units are very popular among some of the stakeholders in the sector of
NGOs and funding agencies. These units are typically implemented at the village level as it is in
three villages near Bondoukou. These units can be of different sizes, some cutting machines for
processing capacities between 10 to 300 tons per year.

In most of the cases, the kernels produced can not be sold on the international market and they are
roasted, salted and packing to be sold on the local market. In Côte d’Ivoire, the INADES /
RONGEAD project has experienced the difficulties to create demand for such product as cashew
kernel is not well known in the country. In addition, the supply of the wholesalers must be well
managed. The quality and shelf life are of great importance but often neglected.

The export of kernels produced in a village implies the need to obtain a sufficient quantity which
can be shipped at a reasonable price. It implies also the need for the appropriate packaging. In the
case of the above project, a packaging unit has been installed in Bondoukou to pack the kernels
produced by the three villages. Such organization supposed the frequent collecting of the kernels
and the control of the high hygienic hazards.

Some various technologies are used to obtain kernels from the cashew nuts. The most efficient and popular are based on the basic Indian technique
and all its different versions. The Europeans OLTREMARE have developed a semi-automatic process which was mainly installed in Eastern and
Western Africa. The AICI facility in Korhogo contains equipment of that type.
Benefits and drawbacks of the OLTREMARE and the Indian systems are summarized in the Annex 1. There is a clear advantage for African country
to use the India way of processing cashew. This technology is already available and well known in Côte d’Ivoire and most of the equipment can be
manufactured locally (although it is sometimes cheaper in India for equipment of better quality). We have not taken into account the Brazilian system
as we have few information about it.

- Main advantages of a small processing unit

. Basic technology: the equipment and materials are very easy to install, use and maintain.

. Free from utilities: this type of unit can be run without electricity and running water.

. Fixed costs reduced to almost zero: such unit is not concerned by the usual fixed costs of a
large size factory.

. Easily replicable: all the equipment of this kind of unit can be found and manufactured
locally at reasonable costs. The expertise to install and organized the unit are available in the

- Main constraints of a small unit installed in a village

. Hygienic issues: all hygienic hazards are more difficult to manage at a village level than in
a larger size unit. Some problems are often neglected like animals straying, water supply,
storage of kernels etc.

. Availability of the workers at a day to day basis: a lot of other occupations, especially the
field works, decrease the availability of the workers and increase the time of getting well
trained and efficient people.

. Very low quantities of kernels produced: the kernel production can be of some kg per day.
Nevertheless, a great care must be apply to these low quantities.

. Possible high production costs: we can have a poor efficiency of the workers for almost the
same salary than in an industrial unit. In this case, the unit production costs can be very

A small scale processing unit with an average capacity of 150 tons / year has been simulated for this
report (Annex 2).

. The total investment for the equipment is about CFA 8 millions.

. Ten cutting machines are processing 500 kg of raw nuts per day and produce about 100 kg
of kernels.

. The jobs created should be around 50. In fact, the people involved in such unit are about
twofold the necessary staff number (the frequent absences of the workers need to work with
a large reservoir of people).

. The production costs are about CFA 160 – 190 CFA / kg of nuts without the depreciation
costs which are about 30 CFA / kg.

. The kernels produced can be roasted, salted and packed for local consumption. They could
also be sent to a central unit for being packing for export.

Large size unit handling 5,000 tons of raw nuts per year

A large size unit is attractive thanks to its scale, that permits it to absorb efficiently its fixed costs.
This is particularly true in the case of a cashew nut processing factory.
A large size unit will compete on the international market to sell its output. This requires control of
quantity and quality, with consequent costs. This implies also the need to produce and export the
goods which are in demand on the market. Cashew importers are mainly industrial traders which are
looking for “mono – grade”’ container. It is obvious that it is always more difficult and expensive to
handle, stock and manage the consumption of a container in which you can have up to ten or fifteen
different grades of kernels, as it is for smaller scale factories. In this case, the importers can claim
for a discount on the price of the goods.

In the case of a 1,500 tons factory, you are processing around 6 tons of nuts per day and producing
around 1.2 tons of kernels. Among these kernels, you can expect 50% of the grade W320. So you
will need around 25 days or one month of work to export a full container of W320. The problem is
harder for the other grades which are produced in lower quantities. The pieces which are produced
in small quantities are very difficult to sale in the international market and are often discounted.

Fixed costs and “mono – grade” container are pleading for the implementation of the largest size
unit you can afford in your specific context. Constraints which are limiting the size of the project
are mainly the supply of workers available in the chosen city, the necessary surface for the erection
of the unit and the size of the financial effort for equipment, building, stock and working capital.

A 5,000 tons processing unit should be of interest in the particular case of Côte d’Ivoire. The rare
units which have been exploited in Côte d’Ivoire have processed between 500 tons and 2,500 tons
per year. The constraints of such units have been clearly identified. Several small size factories, for
instance of 1,000 tons per year, could be implemented only if there are going to market their kernels
in common (in order to “weight” on the market).

A full set of tables are summarizing the running of a 5,000 tons processing unit (Annex 3):
. Organization and equipment
. Investment for equipment and building
. Initial amount of money to cover the purchase of the raw nuts
. Working capital for 3 months
. Staffs, wages and bonus
. Simulation of the profitability (running account)

Association large size unit – small scale units

The constraints of both types of unit may be tackled via the association between one large size unit
and several small units.

In this case, the small units produce kernels and send them to the big unit after shelling or peeling.
The kernels received at the large size unit are then controlled, graded and packed in the same
conditions than the kernels fully produced in that unit.

If well implemented, this may permit

(i) To unlock the marketing problems of the small scale processing units.
(ii) To increase the production capacity of the large size unit and then increase its profitability

There are various ways to implement such an association. The easiest one should be the purchase of
the kernels produced by the small units at an agreed price depending on the quality of the product.
Another one could be the payment of the work done by the small unit. The property of the raw nuts
could determine the kind of agreement established between both parties.

The small units can be implemented by a cooperative (or several cooperatives), by the farmers
themselves (or villages) with the support of the main unit investor.

The implementation of the large size unit and the start of its processing operation should precede
the launch of the small size units.

Impact of the cashew transformation for Côte d’Ivoire

The potential of the cashew nuts processing industry for Côte d’Ivoire has been already exposed
above (Table 2).

The processing in Côte d’Ivoire of the whole production of raw cashew nuts (as it is in India,
Vietnam and Brazil) should be a massive opportunity in terms of jobs creation and of revenue
generation for the country.

- Jobs creation

The creation of 55,000 jobs is estimated through the assessment of the exploitation of a 5,000 tons
processing unit. In this case, the ratio jobs / quantity of nuts processed per year (0.275) is lower
than in the case of a small scale processing unit (0.34).

Among these jobs, about 1,000 are jobs for executives, 4,000 jobs for supervisors and the remaining
50,000, or some 90%, are unskilled jobs.

In the case of a study regarding the reinsertion of “ex-combatants”, a particular concern is the
percentage of men which can be involved in the industry. The cashew processing units are usually
proposing unskilled jobs for women as the work requires repetitive operations, patience and
concentration. The high density of workers in the same space may be also a problem for unskilled
young males.

The percentage of males usually working in the cashew processing industry is between 5% and
10%, most of them occupying skilled jobs (executives and supervisors). However, in Guinea-Bissau
and Mozambique this figure can reach 40%. Similarly, in its unit of Dimbokro, OLAM is
employing 100 males in the shelling operation (40% of the total workers in this stage of the
process) and in the small scale unit around Bondoukou, there are some males who are working in
the shelling and peeling operation.

We can assume that the percentage of males can be rise to between 20% to 30% in the short term,
and 40% in the medium term, with an appropriate set of measures:
. Education and training for a better understanding of cashew processing
(Training funded by processors and NGOs)
. Appropriate incentives to compensate the initial lack of efficiency of males
(wages guaranteed within a three months training period)
. Implementation of work-group for men with an adapted framing (supervisors trained

among ex-combatants)

- Revenue creation

The export value of 40,000 tons of kernels is today of CFA 85 billions (USD 167 millions). The
value added for Côte d’Ivoire would be more than twofold the CFA 40 billions value of the export
of 200,000 tons of raw nuts.

Total amount of wages and bonus should be around CFA 16 billions.

The indirect impact on the economy could be enormous, with population and consumption
increasing in all the concerned areas.

- Required Investments

The investment for equipment is around CFA 17 billions with a depreciation period of 3 to 10 years
(depending on the kind of equipment).

Quotation for buildings is difficult to assess in Côte d’Ivoire. All construction materials have
experienced large increase in their price (between 50% and 100%). This is mainly due to the
international price of energy (which affects cement price), iron, steel and others metals.

The costs of building the required shelters for factories is between 50,000 and 100,000 CFA /
square meter. Then, the investment for building is estimated around CFA 24 billions. It could be
markedly reduced if the numerous existing facilities were used for cashew processing. There are a
lot of unused buildings available in various cities in the northern part of Côte d’Ivoire. These
buildings can be bought or rent and easily rehabilitated to be used for cashew processing. It should
be the responsibility of the cashew processors to find such facility, with the support of the local

- Working capital

The working capital has been estimated for a three months period of activity. A 5,000 tons
processing unit should have the need of a working capital about CFA 240 millions.

Such factory is supposed to produce around one container of kernels every 4 days or 6 containers
per month. After a start period of 2 weeks, the monthly turn over could be around 190 millions.

Cashew containers are usually paid through letter of credit and against documents. Some importers
can pay one half of the invoice at the receipt of the documents and one half between 30 and 60 days
after this receipt.

The use of other cashew products or by-products

All successful cashew processing industries around the world have found solutions to obtain
additional profit with the cashew apple, CNSL, kernels skins and kernels wastes.

- Cashew apple

Cashew apple can be processed and consume locally through a various panel of finished products.

Nevertheless, the massive Ivorian production could not afford the time to experiment and develop
different kind of products such as jam, jelly, wine or even more sophisticated products. We assume
that it could be quicker and more efficient to develop an alcohol production which can be used in
various industries throughout Côte d’Ivoire (alcoholic drink industry and pharmacy suppliers are
importing ethanol from developed countries) or in producing energy (for instance following the
Brazilian way of using ethanol for motorized vehicles).

We are making in this report a proposal to clarify this opportunity

- Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL)

There is an international market for the Cashew Nut Shell Liquid. India is producing about 30,000
tons of CNSL an its total potential could be of 140,000 tons if all processors were using steam for
cooking cashew nuts. India is exporting 30% of its CNSL production and is consuming 70%
locally. The average price of raw CNSL is about 0.25 USD/kg.

CNSL is used in its raw form or as cardanol or recidol. CNSL is a low cost source of phenol and
there are more than 200 patents for its industrial application. A new commercial use of CNSL could
exist in the possible role of the anacardic acid in the nanotechnology (in preparing the magnetic

In Indian units, the CNSL is usually obtained from the shells (with a press) and then heated (to
remove water) and stocked before further process into CNSL based polymers.

In Côte d’Ivoire, CAJOUCI exported 3 containers of that product in 2000 at an FOB price of USD
300 per ton (CFA 200 / kg). The CNSL was not refined. It was just raw CNSL coming from the
squeezing of cashew nut shells with a press.

The 10 - 20% of CNSL contained in a raw cashew nut have a potential of 500 - 1,000 tons for a
5,000 cashew nuts processing unit. The linked additional turn over should produce some profit if
the product is of good quality.

FENOPACI has imported a unit to process the CNSL following that way. We are making in this
report a proposal to help the implementation of this unit and the commercialization of the product.

- Kernels skins (testa)

Cashew kernel skin contains about 40% tannin and there is market for that product in the tannin

- Cashew kernels wastes

All kernels wastes obtain from the shelling, peeling and grading of the kernels could be sold as
animal feed. The price of these wastes should probably be low but it is an immediate profit for the

Opportunities for organic production of cashew kernels

This segment has already been experienced in Côte d’Ivoire. From 1995 to 2002, the group

AFRECO has organized producers of two different regions around Nassian and Dabakala. These
producers have been engaged in the organic production of cashew nuts and then have gained the
ECOCERT certification. From 1998 to 2001, half of the nuts processed by CAJOUCI were organic
certified nuts and the kernels have been sold in Europe and in the USA with a price bonus of about

The AFRECO program had involved 26 villages, about 600 farmers with 4,000 hectares.

In fact, the Ivorian production of cashew nuts is almost entirely organically grown as cashew
producers never use chemicals fertilizers or pesticides. So, the organic certification is just a question
of organization of the producers and production of all the required information (producers, cashew
trees plantation, production of the nuts, traceability).

It will be an economic advantage for any investors to reactivate the network of these former organic
farmers or to create any new network. The creation of any large size cashew trees plantation should
also be made under an organic certification.


The partners and the existing assets identified in this study are:
- SITA S.A. and their processing unit at Odienne
- FENOPACI and their 7 units recently imported from India
- OLAM and their running units
- The existing factory of Korhogo

The projects of SITA

We have examined the project proposed by SITA and answered with a full set of questions and
remarks (Annex 4).

It seems inappropriate to follow SITA in its project aiming to organize and frame the cashew
farmers. It is not in their specialty to implement such action and there are too many remaining
questions about this part of their project.

We have suggested that the best project that SITA could propose should be the following one:
. Rehabilitation of their existing factory.
. Propose a valid business plan for 2007 with an objective of processing between 2,000 and
3,000 tons of raw nuts.
. Install 10 to 20 small scale processing units in villages of the Odienne region with an
overall capacity of 1,500 to 3,000 tons (150 tons per unit).
. Collect and pack at the SITA main unit the kernels produced in these small units.

In this prospect, the export capacity of SITA should be between 3,500 and 6,000 tons. The jobs
created should be more than 600 at the SITA main unit and between 500 and 1,000 for all small

Unfortunately, after two more meetings with the Managing Director of SITA, we are still waiting
for a valid business plan.

The project of FENOPACI

For FENOPACI, we are in the same situation than for SITA. We have sent a letter (Annex 4) and
we are still waiting a valid business plan for the implementation and the running of their 7 units.

The project of OLAM

For OLAM, we are not waiting any business plan as we assume they can handle it very easily. They
have already announced their objectives of processing 15,000 to 20,000 tons with 3 or 4 large size
units. This should imply up to 5,500 jobs with the creation of thousands of jobs in Korhogo and(or)
in Bouaké.

We must also recall here the threat made by OLAM to close their processing activity in Côte
d’Ivoire if there is no strong incentives in favour of the processing industry. In this case, they may
establish processing facilities in neighbouring Ghana (to process some of the Ivorian nuts), or
expand their current operations in Nigeria

The rehabilitation and running of the processing unit in Korhogo

Regarding the cost of the erection of building in Côte d’Ivoire, it should be profitable to use existing
assets to develop a processing industry.

We have also assumed it should be useful to valorise our own experience about the processing unit
located in Korhogo.

Then, we have worked on a project which should associate the equipment of the existing unit and
the implementation in the same compound of one of the units imported by FENOPACI.

The jobs created should be more than 900 for a total production capacity around 4,000 tons (1,800
tons for the OLTREMARE process and 2,400 tons for the Indian one).

The costs for the rehabilitation of the unit should be around CFA 150 millions. We must add 100
millions for the installation of the second unit in the compound.


NOTE: All this part provides too much detail. It is not necessary to provide recommendations for
policy here.

All the above potential partners have different projects about their future actions in the cashew
sector but they are all facing the lack of incentives to boost the implementation of the cashew
processing industry in the country.

OLAM’s view described above is symptomatic of the situation in which all former processors have
been involved. The shortage of support and incentives from the institutions has led to the neglect of
cashew processing in Côte d’Ivoire that we are witnessing today.

The OLAM’s Memorandum : “Dossier en faveur de la transformation de l’anacarde en Côte

In this Memo, OLAM presents its activity in Côte d’Ivoire and the incentives existing in other
producing countries (India, Vietnam, Brazil, Tanzania, Mozambique, Nigeria, Bissau Guinea,
Ghana and Mali). These incentives are summarized in the Annex 5.

The main incentives claimed by OLAM are summarized hereafter:

 Exemption of the export tax on the raw nuts (DUS, Droit Unique de Sortie, CFA 10 / kg of nuts)
linked to the quantity of the kernels exported during the previous year.

OLAM estimates they are loosing around 260 CFA on each kg of raw nuts they are processing at
the moment in Côte d’Ivoire. To compensate this loss, OLAM claims to be exempted of DUS on 26
tons of raw nuts for each ton of kernels they export.

 Information campaign from the Government on the cashew industry

 Special regulations for the cashew industry : wages fixed on the same basis than for the
agricultural sector

 Protection for the industry through measures related to the geographical repartition of the units,
through the ban of the exporters from the raw nuts market till the month of May (in order to allow
the processors to buy the nuts with an acceptable price)

 Investment regulations for the cashew processors:

. Exemption of all taxes on the import of equipment, spare parts, packaging materials…
. Total Exemption of Value Added Tax for 10 years.
. Reduce from CFA 500 millions to 100 millions the level of the amount of the investment
which is necessary to take advantage of the “investment code” (which is currently under

Proposal of incentives or support

According to the incentives and support already provided in some countries and to the specific
situation of the cashew sector in Côte d’Ivoire, the following measures have been proposed by
ARECA, OLAM, other stakeholders or during this mission, and should be taken into consideration
when developing a comprehensive industry policy review.

- Incentives or support in favour of the cashew processing in Côte d’Ivoire

. Exemption of all duties and taxes (including Value Added Tax, VAT) on the import of
equipment and spare parts.

. Exemption of all duties and taxes (including VAT) on the import on packaging materials
and all other necessary inputs.

. Total exemption of VAT for 10 years.

. Total exemption of tax on land, installed equipment and others assets.

. Total exemption of tax on the turn over.

. Total exemption of tax on the profits.

. Total exemption of tax on all wages for 5 years. This concern all the payments done in
favor of the workers regardless of their position, nationality and salary. During that time, all
workers are getting and retaining all their rights (retirement, social protection, medical

. The cashew processing is considered as a seasonal and agricultural activity for the work
regulation. In this case, the minimum salary is lower than in the industrial sector.

. In the Investment Code, the level of the required investment is reduced from CFA 500
millions to 100 millions. A special section of this Investment Code must refer to the cashew

. Another source of support for the cashew processing must be obtained through the
decentralized authorities as the “Conseil Généraux”. These organizations are supposed to
help the local development. They could help processors to erect buildings or rehabilitate
existing assets.

. Government, national organizations and other stakeholders are launching campaigns to

promote the cashew kernels consumption in Côte d’Ivoire.

- Changes in the DUS regulations

This point is complex as any modification to the DUS system could have immediate repercussions
on the farm gate price of the cashew nut. An increase of the DUS for raw nut importers should lead
them to decrease the price they are ready to offer to cooperatives or farmers.

Hereafter are some proposals regarding the change in the DUS system:

 The Government renounces to the DUS which is now directed into a guarantee fund for the
processing industry.

The DUS is still collected but is not going anymore in the State Treasure but is directed into a
guarantee fund for the development of the processing industry. This fund could be installed in the
BNI (Banque Nationale d’Investissement) or in any other local Bank. The amount which is
collected should be CFA 2 billions for an export of 200,000 tons.

Then, investors in cashew processing may be allowed to borrow money with commercial banks
under this guarantee fund.

 Another method more complex could involve an increase in the DUS level, the creation of a
guarantee fund and some measures to protect the farmers’ revenue.

The Government creates a guarantee fund for the development of the cashew processing industry.

The Government increases the DUS level to a value of CFA 30 to 50 / kg of nut.

The Government establishes a minimum price acceptable for cashew farmers (between CFA 150
and 250 / kg).

The Government collects all relevant information related to the transaction between sellers and
buyers and compensates the possible differences (between the actual farm gate price and the
minimum price) with the money collected with the DUS. This compensation could be given in cash
to the farmers or in various inputs (fertilizers…).

The remaining money is directed into the guarantee fund and can be used in various incentives to
sustain the processing industry (for instance, with grants for improving the units like in India).

 The OLAM’s proposal: the loss of 260 CFA per kg of raw nut seems to be heavily overestimated
and its calculation could be discussed in detail. This proposal should also imply that all processors
should also be exporters of raw nuts (or it will introduce some discrepancy between processors).

Securing the supply of the processing factories

Even in presence of adequate incentives such as those detailed before insupport to the processing
industry, the access to the raw material will always be a major concern for the processors.

The Indian exporters can put pressure on the local market in order to fill their contracts, fill their
factories in India or even to lock the door for the Ivorian cashew industry. In any of these cases (for
instance in 2002), the price of the raw nut on the Ivorian market could be totally disconnected from
the price of the kernels on the international market. Then, the profitability of the processing would
be uncertain, making it necessary to close the unit.

Before going into one year of processing, the potential processors would benefit from having a clear
vision of the average price of its stock of raw nuts. A mean to obtain such perspective could be to
finalize a supply agreement with one or more cooperatives. This agreement can include the pre
funding of the cooperatives by the processor. The funds could be release some months before the
cashew nuts harvest, for instance before the beginning of the school year.
In the case of a joint venture between a processor and a cooperative for the implementation of some
small scale processing units, the agreement for the supply of the factory would of course be part of
a more general contract between the processor and the cooperative(s).

The government may help to secure the supply of the cashew processing units. To fulfil this
mission, the agencies in charge of the cashew sector should have a deep knowledge of all the
processing costs, from the purchase of the raw nuts to the sales of the kernels. These costs would be
communicated to all stakeholders, and assessed during the technical assistance for setting up the
various processing projects. A similar approach to production may be also considered.


Technical assistance for the development and implementation of the incentives in favor to the
cashew processing industry

The measures which have been exposed above will have to be further studied, explained and
negotiated with the Ivorian Authorities and other stakeholders of the cashew sector prior to


The bodies responsible for it, such as ARECA, will need assistance at all stages, especially
leveraging on the experience of other cashew producing countries.

This assistance should be funded by the World Bank and executed by an experienced NGO or
consultant firm.

Technical assistance for setting up projects and following their implementation

There are some existing facilities and potential investors in Ivorian cashew processing. However,
there are difficulties in setting the current industry players on the most productive and efficient

This is particularly obvious in the case of the FENOPACI. The opportunity of the import of the
units has been taken and after has appeared the need to understand the activity and the business. In
fact, FENOPACI was created to establish itself in the cashew sector and now they are looking for
assistance in order to fulfil the missions they have contracted with the farmers, cooperatives and

FENOPACI has recently emerged as a major stakeholder of the sector; the units are there; the
“bourse de l’Anacarde” has been launched. Then, if the appropriate assistance is not supplied to
FENOPACI, they may choose to implement their business by themselves or with some help which
could be inappropriate. In this case, the project could fail and the cashew sector of Côte d’Ivoire
could waste a few more years.

A similar story applies to SITA. They are also a major stakeholder in the sector, and they similarly
need assistance in the set up of a consistent project.
The same idea must lead to set up a project and find a viable partner for the Korhogo’s unit. Plenty
of people with a lot of experience in the cashew processing are available in this city and it is
possible to restart the processing activity swiftly.

So, we are suggesting the supply of a technical assistance to built and start the implementation of
valid projects in all these cases.

The objectives of this assistance should be the following:

. Preparing the full organization of the projects in terms of equipment, staff, production
costs, inputs supply, raw nuts procurement, etc.

. All the data related to the production costs, from the purchase of the nuts to the sales of the
kernels on the international market will be made available to all the main stakeholders of the
cashew sector in order to fulfil their need of a clear knowledge of the stakes of the cashew
processing industry.

. Elaborating a full and detailed guide for the running of the units

. Writing a valid business plan

. Finding importers and getting their interest for the future kernel production

. Following the implementation of the project

This assistance should be given through a selected NGO or consultant firm and should require
consultant with proven experience in the management of cashew processing unit.

In order to obtain the maximum efficiency of this assistance, an agreement should be established
between the funding agency and the beneficiary. This one should provide all relevant information

The possible release of additional funds to sustain the project must be linked with the commitment
of the beneficiary to follow all recommendations and instructions established during the assistance

Technical assistance to develop processing industries for cashew apple and cashew by-products

- Pilot project for the processing of the cashew apple juice into ethanol

Theoretically, the cashew apple juice should be process into ethanol with the following process:
. Apples collection and washing
. Juice extraction (and possible de-tanning)
. Juice fermentation into a 10 alcoholic degree liquid (wine)
. Filtering the fermented juice
. First distillation of the wine into alcoholic mixture
. Water addition and rinsing
. Second distillation, alcohol separation and pure ethanol collection

This process must be verified, refine and approved with some specialists of the alcohol production
and through a pilot processing unit.

An estimate cost of this pilot project should be about CFA 50 – 100 millions (USD 100,000 –

- Program: implementation of the FENOPACI’s CNSL plant

The CNSL processing unit imported by FENOPACI should be installed by the Indian company
which has sold it. In case of difficulties in this implementation or in the start of the operation, we
can propose a joint program between FENOPACI and a selected NGO or firm to unlock the
problem. In this case, all results obtained from the program should be shared with all other potential
processors of Côte d’Ivoire.

Some various chemical industries of Côte d’Ivoire could be interested in this program as CNSL has
a wide range of uses (varnishes, paints etc.).

Technical assistance for training

Various different training programs exist in cashew processing as well as cashew production. They
have been developed by the agencies dealing with agriculture sector in Côte d’Ivoire (FIRCA,
In the set up of some cashew processing units there will be some request of training assistance,

especially in the case of the ex-combatants. A comprehensive training program focused on the
absorption of ex-combatants must be developed, in collaboration between the relevant institution,
the processors, and an specialised agency.

Technical assistance for the assessment of the production costs of the raw nuts

There is an usual misunderstanding on the actual costs of the production of the raw nuts at the farm
level. All the available data are not very reliable (it has been pointed out in the “Cashew Producers”
part (above). To clarify that specific point, we propose a full study on these production costs.

The study should be done by a neutral experienced organization and through various surveys in the
producing areas of Côte d’Ivoire. The support of the producers organizations will be required.

Reactivating former organic production areas

It could be of interest to support the potential investors in the reactivation of the former organic
certified producers of cashew nuts. This should be an advantage for the processors (to gain
additional revenue) and for the producers (to secure the sale of their product at a reasonable price).

Attracting new investments

In order to fulfil the vision of a well developed cashew processing industry, it is crucial not only to
collaborate with current players, but also to attract new investors.

This can be achieved via the establishment of an enabling environment conducive to investment, as
detailed above. Given the current reluctance of many investors to invest in Cote d’Ivoire, this
should be developed in collaboration with prospective investors, and could comprise of extra
services such as technical assistance, facilitated funding opportunities, etc.

As the appropriate incentives exposed above will have been implemented, ARECA is already
planning to lobby in favour of the industry.ARECA may use the services of a specialised agency to
this purpose.


In synthesis, the activities recommended include:

. Policy review
. Assistance to current processing operators
. Study of production costs
. Development of a cashew by-products industry
. Development of niche opportunities such as organic
. Assistance and training to processors
. Development of an environment conducive to investment in the processing industry
(lobbying, technical assistance, funding)

While the first three items can be acted upon immediately and tackled via one-off, 4-6 weeks,

projects, the successful execution of the remaining ones require the set up of a long-term program
(eg., 2-3 years), to ensure the continuity of technical services, training, development of the by-
product industry, advocacy and lobbying.

Annex 1

OLTREMARE technology and the Indian technology

Advantages and drawbacks


+ +

High ratio production capacity / required surface Production capacity easy to adjust and expand

Good organoleptic quality of the kernels Low investments costs

Easy peeling Low maintenance costs

Quick learning of the shelling Very low electricity consumption

High percentage of white whole kernels

(Cooking and Shelling easy to handle)

High investment costs
Low ratio production capacity / required surface
High maintenance costs
High labor intensity
High electricity consumption
Peeling often difficult
Production capacity difficult to adjust
Slow learning of the shelling
High percentage of scorched kernels
(Cooking difficult to handle) CNSL corrosive action on worker’s hand

High percentage of broken kernels

(Breaking by the semi automatic shelling )

Annex 2
Small Scale Processing Unit for Cashew Nuts
Investments and production costs

Parameters Daily Worker 1,200 CFA / day

Technician 2,000 CFA / day
Supervisor 3,500 CFA / day
Cutting Machine 10 Units Production Capacity
Raw nuts processed 500 kg / day for 300 days 150 tons / year
Kernels Yield 20%
Working section STAFF Inputs MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT
Work CFA/kg nuts Kind CFA/kg nuts Kind Immobilization Per Year
Warehouse Building 1,500,000
Cooking Daily worker Cooker 50,000
2 5 Plastic cover 40,000
Small equipment 60,000
Shelling Daily worker Cutting machines 2,000,000
30 72 oil 3 Plastic cover 40,000
650 CFA / l. Spare parts 100,000
Small equipment 80,000
Scale 200,000
Drying Technician Drier & equipment 2,500,000
1 4 Moisture gauge 500,000
Thermometer 200,000
Small equipment 40,000
Peeling - Grading Daily worker Tables & equipment 500,000
16 38 Small equipment 230,000
Roasting - salting Daily worker Oil 6 Roaster/Fryer 50,000
Packing 2 5 Bags 3 Scale 50,000
Labels 3 Sealing machine 25,000
Small equipment 30,000
Maintenance Inputs 10 Small equipment 100,000
TOTAL 51 124 25 Total 7,575,000 720,000
Depreciation 1,515,000
CFA / kg nuts 30 14
production costs 194 CFA / kg of nuts processed or 970 CFA / kg of kernels

Annex 3

5,000 tons cashew nuts processing unit


275 batches (days) – 18 tons / batch (day)


1. Buildings and layout.

We advise to plan larger space than necessary in order to allow some future expansion or the
installation of new equipment.

For the storage of raw nuts, clear and spaced piles of bags not higher than 6 or 7 bags are counseled.
The different lots should be clearly identifiable (origin, trucks…) and checked. The room must be
very well aerated.

For the storage of finished products (cartons of kernels), it is also of extreme importance to be able
to physically control the stock.

The working areas must be divided into the main working sections, the biggest of them being the
shelling section, the peeling section and the grading section. In these three sections, workers should
have enough space to move freely and ensure low hygienic hazards. Cooking section and drying
section must be separated from the high labor intensity section.

The packing section must be installed in a cool and very clean room closer to the warehouse for
finished products. This last one must be a completely closed room.

All working areas should be installed following the processing steps.

The following surfaces are rough estimates which be refined:

- Warehouse for 5,000 tons of raw nuts 2,500 m2

- Warehouse for cashew kernels 500 m2
- Working areas 4,000 m2
- Offices and other premises 1,000 m2
- Grounds 2,000 m2
(Drying & cooling areas, trucks movements etc.)

2. Warehouse

The need for a weighing bridge can be discussed (to avoid the expense) if there are some weighing
facilities around the factory. Another weighing scale is needed for the movement of the nuts inside
the factory.

The forklift is necessary to carefully and quickly handle the bags of nuts.

- Weighing bridge
- Other scaling machine
- Forklift
- Other materials (pallets …)

3. Cooking

Usually the steam cookers made in India have a capacity of 4 bags and one steamer is supplying 2
cookers. The steam is generated through the energy of the combustion of cashew shells.

A full shift takes less than ½ h and just 5 to 10 minutes for the actual cooking.

Within one day of 8 working hours, one cooker can handle 64 bags or 5 tons of raw nuts.

After cooking, the nuts must be spread over a ground covered by smooth concrete.

- Cookers : 4 cookers – 1,280 kg / 0.5 h – 8 hours

- Steamers (fuelled with cashew shells) : 2
- Small equipment

4. Shelling

The shelling section with typical Indian manual cutting machines required a large surface in an
aerated room. Workers are stood up behind the machine of seated on a high stool.

Each machine can be served by two (even three workers), one is cutting the nuts and the other one
is separating the kernels from the shells. The workers are exchanging their place during the day. An
objective of 50 kg of raw nuts processed per machine and per day with two workers is a minimum
for an efficient and profitable work. At CAJOUCI, each machine was processing 100 kg of nuts per
day with 3 women.

It is more efficient to organize the workers into teams managed by a chief. In this case, one
supervisor is enough to control all the work. Teams can compete each week for the higher
percentage of kernels and for the higher percentage of whole kernels. These competitions are
awarded with some extra salary (bonus).

All quantities (nuts, wholes kernels, pieces, wastes) are weighed for each team before and after the
cutting (the weighing for each machine is a very long and often useless job).

Taking into consideration the corrosive effects of the CNSL on the hands of the workers is of
extreme importance. The use of gloves is often inefficient and very expensive. The best way to
manage the problem is to use oil such as palm oil to protect the skin of the workers (in India they
are using coconut ashes).

- cutting machine : 360 machines – 50 kg / day and / machine

- Required surface and equipment for 720 workers
- One electronic scale (scaled up to 300 kg)
- Small equipment

5. Drying

The kernels covered by their skin coming from the shelling must be dried before peeling. The
drying is supposed to reduce the moisture of the kernels under 4%. The drying is done in a hot room
and takes around 6-8 hours at 70-80ºC. The hot air is produced by the combustion of cashew shells.
The fireplace used can be the same than the one used for cooking (If it is possible). The hot air
produced by the combustion does not go in the hot room but circulate in its walls.

The kernels are spread on stainless steel perforated trays in a fin layer (2-4 cm) and the trays are
loaded on trolleys. The trolleys are introduced in the hot room and the doors are locked.

The time required to dry the pieces is obviously shorter than for the whole kernels.

Before and after drying, all quantities are weighted (co-weighing with the supervisors of the
shelling and the peeling).

It is obvious that the decrease in the weight of the kernels could not be greater than the decrease in
the moisture (but it must be checked).

- Full set of dryers – trolleys – trays for the drying of 3.6 – 4 tons of kernels / day
- Hot air generator or steamers (fuelled with cashew shells) and insulated pipes

6. Peeling

This working section is usually the bottleneck of the efficiency of the processing in terms of yield in
kernels and for the percentage of whole kernels.

We assume that the quantity of kernels processed per day and per worker is around 15 kg. This
figure can be lower as the steam cooking generally produce kernels more difficult to peel (than
other way of cooking).

The work can be done by hand or with an adapted small knife.

It is highly recommendable to organize the workers into several teams all managed by one chief.
One or two supervisors control the section. Teams can compete each week in competition for the
higher percentage of kernels and for the higher percentage of whole kernels.

Before and after peeling, all quantities (wholes kernels, pieces, spotted kernels, kernels wastes,
skins) are weighted (co-weighing with the supervisors of the drying and of the grading).

- Required surface and equipment for 360 workers

- Electronic scale

7. Grading

The grading is supposed to sort kernels into the various and numerous grades which have to be
separately packed. The organization of the work has to be very accurate as the kernels often need to
go and back for different works (work on spotted kernels for instance).

The organization into teams will not be possible before the production manager and the supervisors
have acquired a deep knowledge of the work and of the efficiency of the workers.

Before and after grading, all quantities (wholes kernels, pieces, wastes, etc.) are weighted (co-
weighing with the supervisors of the peeling and of the packing).

- Required surface and equipment for 240 workers

- Electronic scale

8. Packaging

The supervisor of the packing must be responsible of the quality of the kernels received and must be
able to send back quantities which have not be properly prepared.

Vacuum packing must be done into plastic pouch of 25 lb (11.34 kg) or 50 lb (22.68 kg). Two (or
one) pouches are loaded into one carton. Doing a neutral gas injection (CO2 – N2) before creating
vacuum insure a better and longer shelf life of the product.

- Vacuum packing machine and all equipment

- Electronic scale

9. Lab

The lab is in charge of assessing the quality of the nuts which are purchased by the processing unit
or which are entering in the daily production. Without a deep knowledge of the outturn (potential
yield) of the nuts you can not be able to assess the efficiency of your process.

The lab is also in charge of some controls all along the process (moisture, quality, hygiene etc.).

- Scales and all equipment


1. Equipment: CFA 420 millions (USD 0.820 million)

2. Buildings : CFA 600 millions (USD 1.180 millions)

3. Raw cashew nuts stock : CFA 1 billion (USD 2 millions)

4. Working capital : CFA 240 millions (USD 0.5 millions)


The attached simulation is done under several hypothesis on the value of different parameters:

- price of the raw cashew nuts (minimum 150, maximum 250, average 200 CFA / kg)

- variable costs (minimum 100, maximum 150, average 125 CFA / kg)

- fixed costs (minimum 25, maximum 75, average 50 CFA / kg)

- yield in cashew kernels (minimum 20%, maximum 21%, average 20.5%)

- exchange rate of the US dollar (510 CFA / USD)

- international price of the grade W320 (2.15 USD / lb)

With the average value of these parameters, the exchange rate of the US dollar and the current price
of the W320, the brut margin of the running of this unit could be around CFA 410 millions.

The extreme values of this brut margin are between CFA –200 millions and CFA 1 billion.

The current value of the W320 price and of the US dollar should not be very favorable to the
running of such unit if the price of the raw nuts is more than CFA 200 / kg.

We have not taken into consideration the potential additional revenue (and profit) which can be
found in the process and marketing of the by-products.

We may also add that the depreciation costs for the unit should be around CFA 95 millions (USD
190,000) with the following details: CFA 65 millions for the equipment and CFA 30 millions for
the buildings.

1. Investment for equipment
millions CFA
minimum maximum Average Estimated Cost
Non production assets
Electricity - water 2 6 4
Office equipment 2 4 3
General layout 30 60 45
Small equipment 20 40 30
Vehicules 20 40 30
Maintenance equipment 10 20 15
Warehouse Weighing bridge 20 40 30
Sorters 15 25 20
Drying area 2 4 3
Scales 5 15 10
Forklift 20 40 30
Cooking Steamers & cookers 20 30 25
Cooling area 2 4 3
Shelling cutting machines
Unit costs (CFA) 100,000 200,000
Number 360
Total cost 36 72 54
Electronic scale 1 2 2
Small equipment 3 6 5
Drying Steamers 8 12 10
Trolleys – Trays 10 20 15
Drier & equipment 30 50 40
Peeling Electronic scale 1 2 2
Small equipment 5 10 8
Grading Electronic scale 1 2 2
Small equipment 4 8 6
Packing Electronic scale 1 2 2
Packing machine 10 30 20
Small equipment 2 4 3
Lab Scales & equipment 1 2 2
USD millions
Total 281 550 419 0,822

Building price / m2 (CFA) 50,000 100,000

Total surface required USD millions
m2 8 000 400 800 600 1,176

2. Raw cashew nuts stock unit cost (CFA / kg) quantity (T.) millions CFA USD millions
Purchase 200 5,000 1,000 1,961

3. Working Capital/3 months unit cost (CFA / kg) quantity (T.) millions CFA USD millions
175 1,364 239 0,468

Nota bene CFA/USD 510

Organization of a 5,000 tons processing unit
Objective 5,000 Tons
Tons Workers kg/worker
Months 11 Shelling 18.0 720 25
Weeks 48 Peeling 18.0 360 50
Days 275 Grading 18.0 240 75
Days/week 6 kg / day / cutting machines
Kg / day 18.0 Objective 50 360 cutting machines
Kg / day 18.2 Theory 75 240 cutting machines

shift 56 with 4 cookers
Time 8H
Payment CFA/kg nuts
Shelling 50 kg/machine for 360 machines 120 CFA / kg W 33.3
30% 75 kg/machine for 240 machines workers 720 w / team 30 CFA / kg Mx
5,400 kg kernels Teams 24 30
90% 4,860 583,200 CFA CFA / worker 833 CFA
10% 540 16,200 CFA

Weekly Bonus 10 teams average % of whole kernels of the week Total / week CFA/kg nuts
100,000 0.9
Peeling CFA/kg nuts
27.50% 4,950 kg kernels workers 360 w / team 75 CFA / kg kernels 16.5
13.8 kg / worker Teams 30 12 20 CFA / % W > 65% with 20.5
22% 3,960 kg kernels
75% 2,970 Wholes 297,000 CFA CFA/worker 825 CFA
25% 990 Pieces Max Bonus 200 CFA
Total 1,025 CFA

weekly Bonus 10 first teams for yield, 10 first teams for % W Total / week CFA/kg nuts
100,000 0.9
Grading CFA/kg nuts
22% 3,960 kg kernels workers 240 55 CFA / kg kernels 11.3
17 kg / worker Teams 1 20 CFA / % W > 55% with 13.9
20.50% 3,690 kg kernels
65% 2,399 Wholes 202,950 CFA
35% 1,292 Pieces CFA/worker 846 CFA
80% 1,919 WW Max Bonus 200 CFA
Total 1,046 CFA

5,000 tons cashew nuts processing unit: STAFF AND WAGES

Full time workers CFA/month Bonus Supervisors CFA/day Bonus Daily Workers CFA/day Bonus
Warehouse 1 120,000 50% 2 1,500 25%
Purchasing period 2 1,500 25% paid / quantity
Lab 1 120,000 50% 4 1,500 25%
Cooking 2 80,000 50% 4 1,500 25%
Shelling 1 80,000 50% 24 1,000 200 696 800 200

Drying 1 80,000 50% 4 1,500 25%

Peeling 1 80,000 50% 30 1,000 200 330 800 200

Grading 1 80,000 50% 20 1,000 200 220 800 200

Packing 1 120,000 50% 4 1,500 25%

Maintenance 2 120,000 50% 4 1,500 25%
Cleaning, Toilets 6 1,000 25%
Manager 1 350,000 50%
Dep. Manager 1 250,000 50%
Statistician 2 80,000 50%
Managing Director 1 1,500,000 50%
Accountant 1 250,000 50%
Human resources 1 250,000 50%
Drivers 2 60,000 50%
Watchmen 6 50,000 50%
TOTAL Workers 26 104 1246 1376

Costs CFA millions /month 4.3 2.1 CFA / day 116,000 29,000 CFA / day 996,800 249,200
Wages CFA / kg
Tons of nuts / month CFA / kg CFA / kg Tons of nuts / day CFA / kg CFA / kg Tons of nuts / day CFA / kg CFA / kg Salary Bonus
Costs / kg raw nuts 450 9.5 4.7 18 6.4 1.6 18 55.4 13.8 71.3 20.2

Simulation of the running of a 5,000 tons cashew processing unit

Raw Cashew Nuts 5 000 tons

Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Average

RCN price 150 250 750 000 000 1 250 000 000 CFA 1 000 000 000 CFA
Jobs / tons / year 0,25 0,3 1 250 1 500 jobs 1 375 jobs

Costs (CFA / kg of nuts) Minimum Maximum

Variable 100 150 500 000 000 750 000 000 CFA 625 000 000 CFA
wages 75% 375 000 000 562 500 000 CFA 468 750 000 CFA
Fixed 25 75 125 000 000 375 000 000 CFA 250 000 000 CFA

Sales Hypothesis 1 Hypothesis 2

Cashew kernels yield 20% 22% 1 000 1 100 tons of kernels 1 050 tons of

Cashew kernels prices

W320 2,15 USD / lb
4,74 USD / kg
510 CFA / USD
2 417 CFA / kg
All kernel grades Hypothesis 1 Hypothesis 2
90% 2 176 CFA / kg 2 175 643 202 2 393 207 522 CFA 2 284 425 362 CFA

Minimum Maximum
Investment Equipment 750 000 1 000 000 USD 821 569 USD
281 000 000 550 000 000 CFA 419 000 000 CFA

Buildings 8 000 m2
784 314 1 568 627 USD 1 176 471 USD
CFA/m2 50 000 100 000 400 000 000 800 000 000 CFA 600 000 000 CFA

Brut Margin Hypothesis 1 -199 356 798 800 643 202 CFA 409 425 362 CFA
(without depreciation costs) Hypothesis 2 18 207 522 1 018 207 522 CFA

Annex 5

Support and Incentives of cashew producing countries

in favor of the processing industry


- Ban on the export of the raw nuts (high tax rate)

- Grants in favor of the improvement of the quality of the cashew kernels
. Subsidy for equipment required for export of cashew in consumer packs
. Subsidy for equipment for improvement in processing cashew
. Subsidy for getting certification (ISO, HACCP…)
. Subsidy for adopting flexi-pouch vacuum packing systems
The rate of subsidy would be 25% of the investment with a maximum of
Indian Roupies 800,000 (USD 17,500)
- “Duty entitlement pass book scheme”: 1% incentive for export
- Incentives for the export of all agricultural products is of 5%


- Ban on the export of the raw nuts (24% export duty, to be verified)
- Work legislation consider the cashew processing as an seasonal and
agricultural activity


- Ban on the export of the raw nuts (40% export duty, to be verified)


- Memorandum of understanding between the Government of the United

Republic of Tanzania and cashew nut processors on promoting cashew nut
processing in Tanzania.
. Date of effect October 1, 2005
. Implementing an 8.5 % Industry Development levy on the export of raw
cashew nut, based on FOB value
. Cashew nut processors agree to process up to 80,000 tons of cashew nut by
- Reduced prices for infrastructures
- Active administrative support
- Tax exemption on the imports of processing equipment
- Work legislation consider the cashew processing as an seasonal and
agricultural activity
- Some tax exemption at the village level


- Reduced prices for infrastructures

- Active administrative support
- New investment code
- 18% tax on the export of the raw nuts (on a FOB value of USD 700)


- High subventions for processing industry under the program “Export

expansion grant scheme”

Bissau Guinea

- High level of the tax on the export of the raw nuts (to be verified)
- Investment code
- Should announced tax exemption on the export of raw nuts depending on the
quantity of kernels exported ((to be verified)


- In spite of the low level of their cashew production (10,000 tons), the
Government is working on a scheme to help investors in order to process
100% of that production
- The Ghana Free Zone Act should be studied carefully


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