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Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

This chapter introduces several logical networks that are
useful as building blocks for larger systems. The objectives of
this section are to:
„ Discuss naming conventions for digital signals.
„ Define and demonstrate the operation of decoders, encoders
and multiplexers, including their use as universal gate
„ Demonstrate how Verilog can be used to model the
behavior of these networks.

†Reading Assignment
„Sections 2.8-10 of the text.

Elec 326 1 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

Signal Names
†Choose signal names to:
„ Indicate an action that is controlled (RESET, LOAD)
„ A condition that is detected (READY, ERROR)
„ The type of data carried on a bus (DATA, ADDRESS)
†The Active Level for a signal is the level (high or
low) that causes the indicated action to occur. It is the
level that causes the signal to be asserted.
„ Active Level notation:
High Low
The last one is used in the text.

Elec 326 2 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

†Signal Names and Equations
„ The active level symbols (/, * or -) are just other symbols
in the name, not negation operators.
„ Only signal names should appear on the left side of an
†Signal names can be combined with logical operators
to form the right side of an equation.

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†Active Levels for Pins

Elec 326 4 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

† Decoders are used to map code words from one code into code
words from another code.
† Decoders usually have enable inputs in addition to the code
word inputs.
„ When one or more of the enable inputs are deasserted, the outputs all
take on a default value.
‹ The default is usually 0 if the outputs are asserted high and 1 if they are
asserted low.
‹ The default could also be the high impedance state for tri-state outputs.

„ When the enable inputs are all asserted, the decoder translates an input
code into an output code.

Elec 326 5 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

†Binary Decoders
„ The most common decoders are binary decoders that
translate the binary number code into a one-hot or 1-out-of-
n code.
„ If there are n input terminals, then a complete binary
decoder has 2n output terminals.
„ There may be less than a complete decoding (e.g., decimal
„ Example: 2-to-4 binary decoder.

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†Examples of decoder chips

†Exercise: How could you use the 74LS139 to

implement a 3-to-8 decoder?

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†Cascading Binary Decoders

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Elec 326 9 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

Verilog Descriptions of Decoders

†The Verilog Case Statement
„ This statement can be used within always blocks to select
one of several alternatives.
„ General form: Case (expression)
alternative 1: statement;
alternative 2: statement;
alternative 3: statement;
[default: statement];

‹The statement associated with the first alternative to match the

value of the expression is executed and the rest skipped.
‹If the expression does not match any alternative and there is a
default statement, it is executed.

Elec 326 10 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

„ If an output signal has the same value for several
alternatives, the alternative conditions can be combined
(separated by commas) to give one alternative that is
selected when any one of the alternative conditions is true.
‹For example the two alternatives
3’b000: F = 1;
3’b001: F = 1;
are equivalent to:
3b’000, 3’b001: F = 1;

Elec 326 11 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

† Verilog descriptions of a 2-to-4 decoder:

module dec2to4(W, Y, En);

input [1:0] W;
input En;
output [0:3] Y;
reg [0:3] Y;

always @(*)
case ({en,W})
3’b100: Y = 4’b1000;
3’b101: Y = 4’b0100;
3’b110: Y = 4’b0010;
3’b111: Y = 4’b0001;
default: Y = 4’b0000;


Elec 326 12 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

†Verilog if-then-else statements:
„ This is a conventional branch statement with the following
if (conditional_expression) if (conditional_expression)
statement; statement;

„ A chain of sequential tests can be constructed as follows:

if (conditional_expression)
else if
else if

Elec 326 13 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

† Alternate description of dec2to4:

module dec2to4(W, Y, En);
input [1:0] W;
input En;
output [0:3] Y;
reg [0:3] Y;

always @(*)
if (En==0)
Y = 4’b0000;
case (W)
0: Y = 4’b1000;
1: Y = 4’b0100;
2: Y = 4’b0010;
3: Y = 4’b0001;


Elec 326 14 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

† Verilog description of a 4-to-16 decoder constructed as a tree
of 2-to-4 decoders:

module dec4to16 (W, Y, En);

input [3:0] W;
input En;
output [0:15] Y;
wire [0:3] M;

dec2to4 Dec1 (W[3:2], M[0:3], En);

dec2to4 Dec2 (W[1:0], Y[0:3], M[0]);
dec2to4 Dec3 (W[1:0], Y[4:7], M[1]);
dec2to4 Dec4 (W[1:0], Y[8:11], M[2]);
dec2to4 Dec5 (W[1:0], Y[12:15], M[3]);


Elec 326 15 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

†The Verilog “for loop”

„ Syntax:
for (initial_index; terminal_index; increment) statement;
„ Example: A 2-to-4 binary decoder specified using the for
module dec2to4 (W, Y, En);
input [1:0] W;
input En;
output [0:3] Y;
reg [0:3] Y;
integer k;

always @(*)
for (k = 0; k <= 3; k = k+1)
if ((W==k) && (En==1))
Y[k] = 1;
Y[k] = 0;

Elec 326 16 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

„ Conditions for combinational behavior in case statements
‹Case statements can violate the condition that all outputs are
assigned in every control path.
‹This can easily happen if a default condition is not specified.
z In this case, synthesis of the case statement will lead to a sequential circuit.
‹To be safe, always use a default statement unless all possible
conditions are included as alternatives.
„ Specifying don’t care conditions
‹The signal value x can be used to specify a don’t care.
z If an output signal is assigned the value x, then the synthesis tools will treat
this as a don’t care condition. That is, the synthesis tool if free to assign either
0 or 1 to the signal.
‹This is useful in situations where you can collect all the input
conditions that are know to never occur into the default alternative
of a case statement.

Elec 326 17 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

„ Example: BCD decoder

‹ This circuit has four binary inputs and ten binary outputs. The ith output is
asserted if the binary inputs are the binary number i, where 0 ≤ i ≤ 9. The
inputs will never be a number greater than 9 (or if they are, we don’t care
what the output is).
module (X, Y);
input [3:0] X; output [0:9] Y; reg [0:9] Y;
always @(*) begin
Y = 0;
case (X)
0: Y[0] = 1;
1: Y[1] = 1;
2: Y[2] = 1;
3: Y[3] = 1;
4: Y[4] = 1;
5: Y[5] = 1;
6: Y[6] = 1;
7: Y[7] = 1;
8: Y[8] = 1;
9: Y[9] = 1;
default: Y = ’bx;

Elec 326 18 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

†Binary Decoders as Minterm Generators
Realize F = ΣX,Y,Z(1, 4, 7) with a decoder:

Elec 326 19 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

Multiplexers (MUX)
†Also called Data Selectors
†Example: 4-to-1 MUX

Elec 326 20 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

†Examples Of Multiplexer Chips

†Exercise: How could we use the 74LS153 to

implement an 8-to-1 multiplexer?

Elec 326 21 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

† Cascading multiplexers

Elec 326 22 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

Verilog Descriptions of Multiplexers
† The Verilog Conditional Operator:
„ This is essentially the C conditional operator
conditional_expression ? true_expression : false_expression
„ Example:
‹ A = (B<C) ? (D+5) : (D+2);

† Description of a 2-to 1 MUX using a conditional operator

module mux2to1 (w0, w1, s, f);

input w0, w1, s;
output f;

assign f = s ? w1: w0;


Elec 326 23 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

†Description of a 4-to-1 MUX using conditional

module mux4to1 (w0, w1, w2, w3, S, f);
input w0, w1, w2, w3;
input [1:0] S;
output f;

assign f = S[1] ? (S[0] ? w3 : w2) : (S[0] ? w1 : w0);


Elec 326 24 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

†Description of a 4-to-1 MUX using if-then-else
module mux4to1 (W, S, f);
input [0:3] W;
input [1:0] S;
output f;
reg f;

always @(*)
if (S == 0)
f = W[0];
else if (S == 1)
f = W[1];
else if (S == 2)
f = W[2];
else if (S == 3)
f = W[3];


Elec 326 25 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

† Description of a 4-to-1 MUX using a case statement:

module mux4to1 (W, S, f);

input [0:3] W;
input [1:0] S;
output f;
reg f;

always @(*)
case (S)
0: f = W[0];
1: f = W[1];
2: f = W[2];
3: f = W[3];


Elec 326 26 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

† Verilog description of a 16-to-1 MUX constructed as a tree of
4-to-1 decoders:
module mux16to1 (W, S, f, M);
input [0:15] W;
input [3:0] S;
output f;
output [3:0] M;
wire [0:3] M;

mux4to1 Mux1 (W[0:3], S[1:0], M[0]);

mux4to1 Mux2 (W[4:7], S[1:0], M[1]);
mux4to1 Mux3 (W[8:11], S[1:0], M[2]);
mux4to1 Mux4 (W[12:15], S[1:0], M[3]);
mux4to1 Mux5 (M[0:3], S[3:2], f);


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†Multiplexers as Function Generators

Elec 326 28 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

†Realizing a 4-variable function with the 74LS151

Elec 326 29 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

†Encoders are code translators that perform a
transformation that is the inverse of a decoder
†Binary encoders
„ Binary decoders translate from the binary code to the one-
hot code.
„ Binary encoders translate from the one-hot code to the
binary code.

One-Hot Binary Binary

Code Encoder Code

Elec 326 30 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

„ Implementation of a 8-to-3 binary encoder

Y2 = w7 + w6 + w5 + w4
Y1 = w7 + w6 + w3 + w2
Y0 = w7 + w5 + w3 + w1

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†Priority Encoders
„ A priority encoder has n inputs and ⎡log2n⎤ outputs.
„ The output signals are a binary number such that its value
is the highest index value of all the inputs that are 1.
„ Example: 4-to-2 priority encoder:

w3 w2 w1 w0 y1 y0 z
0 0 0 0 d d 0 y1 = w3’•w2 + w3
0 0 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 x 0 1 1 y2 = w3’•w2’•w1 + w3
0 1 x x 1 0 1
1 x x x 1 1 1 z = w0 + w1 + w2 + w3

„ What is the purpose of the signal z?

Elec 326 32 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

†The Verilog casex and casez statements
„ These statements allow the user to specify don’t care
conditions that the synthesizer can utilize to simplify the
„ For a casez statement, the z value may appear in an
alternative value and is treated as a don’t care that matches
any value in the controlling condition.
„ The casex statement is just like a casez statement except
that either the x value or the z value may be used.
„ In both statements, a ? symbol my be used in place of x or
„ The alternatives do not have to be mutully exclusive in the
casex and casez statements.
‹The first matching alternative has priority and is selected.

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„ Verilog description of a priority encoder:

module priority (W, Y, z);
input [3:0] W;
output [1:0] Y;
output z;
reg [1:0] Y;
reg z;

always @(*)
z = 1;
casex (W)
4’b1xxx: Y = 3;
4’b01xx: Y = 2;
4’b001x: Y = 1;
4’b0001: Y = 0;
default: begin
Y = 2’bxx;
Elec 326 34 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

Tips & Tricks
† Use multiplexers and decoders to implement combinational
logic functions.
† Match negative assertion of signals with bubbles
† Multiplexer and decoder outputs are usually asserted
† Getting the wrong assignment of variables to the
select inputs of a multiplexer or decoder when using
it to realize truth tables.
† Getting sequential behavior due to incomplete
sensitivity lists or not specifying all output values in
all control paths of procedural code.

Elec 326 35 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks

† Active signal levels and signal assertions.
„ Enable signals
† The relationship between binary decoders and
† The relationship between multiplexers minterms.
† Verilog procedural statements and “always” blocks
„ if-then-else
„ case, casez and casex
„ for loop
† Conditions for combinational behavior of always

Elec 326 36 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks


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