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Grade 12 School Grade Level 12


Teacher Learning Area Introduction to the Philosophy of the
Human Person
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 1st

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4


A. Content Standards The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy

B. Performance Standards The learner reflects on a concrete experience in a philosophical way

C. Learning Competencies/ (PPT11/12-Ib-1.2 ) (PPT11/12-Ib-1.3)

Objectives 1.2. Recognize human activities that emanated from deliberate reflection Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a
Write the LC code for each Objectives: Identify the 3 levels of inquiry. broad perspective on life. 
Discuss the beginnings of philosophical inquiry. Objectives: Discuss philosophizing as discipline of
questioning, liberation, and personhood.

II. CONTENT Doing Philosophy


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Dy, Manuel Jr. "Philosophy of Man", "The Philosophical Enterprise" by John Kavanaugh, S. J.
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person, Brenda B. Corpuz, BSE, MAEd, PhD,


A. Reviewing previous lesson or (5 mins) (2-3 mins) Review: What is the beginning (2mins)
presenting the new lesson Review the previous discussion Review the previous discussion on the 3 levels of of philosophical inquiry? Review the
on the definition of philosophy? inquiry. Give one example. Philosophical
1. Common sense beginnings of inquiry
2. Scientific Inquiry through wonder.
Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down 3. Philosophical Inquiry This time, a learner
will be able to see
Ask the students to thumb up if the value of doing
they think the statement is true philosophy. That this
and thumb down if the statement will give him the
is false. opportunity to see
things in broad
1. Everyone is a philosopher. perspectives.
2. Children can philosophize.
3. Questioning leads to
4. Mentally disturbed people
5. There are times that people
answer in non - philosophical

B. Establishing a purpose for the (5 mins) Video Clip (4:30minutes) Motivation ( Know yourself) Ask:
lesson ( 5 minutes) Was there a time
Activity: where you have
Ask the learners 1. Ask the students to wronged a person
Picture analysis What did you observed in the video? write 2-3 principles in because of your
their lives? assumption or
The teacher will present a As we all know magic uses tricks but with that we judgement?
mathematical equation to ponder, ask, curious and wonder.
stimulate the students curiosity. What have you
Like, we wonder how come that the word “proud” realize because of
“1+1=0” picked by Angel Locsin known by the magician that experience?
as it shown in the video.
1.What do you observe in the
equation? Like the crowd being amazed and bewildered
2. Do you think it’s correct? Why when the magician revealed the word written in
or why not. the confetti is the same as Vice Ganda picked.

C. Presenting examples/instances of (5- 7 mins) 5-7 minutes Activity “Opinion Mo” Situational
the new lesson Group the class to two. Each Questions:
Situational / Questions Puzzles Like, we wonder why you girls get the feeling of group should have their own Given the following
being hurt when your heartbroken or broke up leader to summarize their situations. What will
1. The teacher will present 3 with your boyfriend same as for the boys, vice- opinion all about the issue of you do?
situations/questions. versa. summary execution to the 1. You saw your
2. The students will expect to Collaborative Activity drug addicts and pushers. girlfriend/ boyfriend
show different ways in And each group will give their holding hands with
answering questions.. Divide the class into 3 groups. Assign a leader, opinion if they are favor or not. someone else.
secretary, and presenter. Let each group answer (10 mins.)
Situation #1 the question… 2. Your baby brother
is wearing your
There was an airplane crash, What do you usually think whenever you favourite red shirt.
every single person on board experience emotional pain? Problems?
died, but yet two people Sufferings? Based on your
survived. How is this possible? Present in the class. responses, do you
think you did an act
After the activity, ask the class… of philosophizing?
Situation #2 What can you say about your responses? What response
shows an act of
What goes up and never From the responses given, you already started philosophizing?
comes down? the act of philosophizing through wonder. What is not?

Situation #3

Imagine you are in a sinking

row boat surrounded by sharks.
D. Discussing new concepts and (5mins) Cite: Ask the students the value of Discuss the
practicing new skills #1 Ask: “All men by nature desire to know.” – Aristotle philosophical through role following:
play.(10 mins.) The discipline of
1. What strategies or …. Because man is always searching for truth. Questioning, The
ways did you use to discipline of
answer the questions? Liberation and The
discipline of
E. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the following concepts: Ask the students if they learn
practicing new skills #2 a. Wonder values of philosophical
b. Doubt reflection when they
c. Limiting situations conducted the role play. (5
d. Metaphysical Uneasiness mins.)
F. Developing mastery (leads to (20 mins) The time you started asking those questions, you Activity (Story Telling) Explain how you
Formative Assessment 3) already have the sense of wonder, a childlike Ask the students to identify understand the
Define the three levels of wonder about everything. We do not tend to values of philosophical following quotations:
inquiries. bother ask questions that are just simple yet too reflection cited in story. (10 1.”He who has a
hard or difficult to answer. Like for example: mins.) WHY to live for can
1. Common Sense - a basic “Who am I?” bear almost any
ability to perceive, understand, Asking this question in its real essence seems HOW” – Friedrich
and judge things that are shared too hard for us to answer… Nitzsche
by (common to) nearly all people 2. “Those who do not
without need for debate. In a one-half sheet of paper. Answer the move do not notice
question… his chains”- Rosa
2. Scientific- Based on or “who am I?”. Give at least 3-5 sentences. (5- Luxemburg
characterized by the methods 7minutes) 3.
and principles of science. “Madalingmagingtao,
Ask: mahirapmagpakatao”
3. Philosophical - relating or Ask at least 3-5 learners to recite their answers.
devoted to the study of the
fundamental nature of According to Plato, Philosophy begins in
knowledge, reality and “wonder” – the sense of puzzlement and
existence. perplexity.

G. Finding practical applications of Now that you have understood Ask the learners the questions Ask the students to create Interactive
concepts and skills in daily living the 3 levels of inquiry, 1. How did the magician do that? philosophical reflection e.g. discussion:
2. Why do we need to suffer? Child labor. Give one concrete
(Ask) 3. Why can’t I be the no. 1 in the class? Questions; situation where we
1. Is it important to help can apply the three
1.In what situations do you apply parents if you are not doing disciplines explained
philosophical inquiries anything? in letter D.
2. What is the value if you
help them or not? (8 mins.)
H. Making generalizations and The learners will be grouped Man is a questioning being. And got no “definite Ask the students to Questions are part
abstractions about the lesson and will be tasked to come up answers” that’s why we always wonder and keep enumerate the values of and parcel of human
with a word web map based on searching answers. philosophical reflection.(3 existence. Its
from their understanding of the mins) inevitability is
discussion. acknowledged
especially in times
Write associated words with when a person
philosophy. searches for the
meaning of life. This
very act leads him to
progress rather than
stagnation and
arresting of growth.
Questions are part
and parcel of human
existence. Its
inevitability is
especially in times
when a person
searches for the
meaning of life. This
very act leads him to
progress rather than
stagnation and
arresting of growth.
I. Evaluating learning (5-7 minutes) Ask at least 3-5 learners the question…. Oral Test Write a reflection on
When can you say that you “wonder”? Ask the students to create a the significance of
The class will be divided into 8 situation where they create question to one's life
groups and each group should philosophical reflection and in your journal?
make a scenario to show each they have to establish a value
level of the philosophical inquiry. of it. (5 mins)
J. Additional activities for application
or remediation



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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