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Name :…………………………………………………….

Date: ……………………

Potential and Kinetic Energy Worksheet

This worksheet accompanies Potential and Kinetic Energy Summary.

1. Calculate the gain in gravitational potential energy (GPE) when an object of 2 kg is

lifted through 1.5 m. (g = 10 N/kg).



2. A ball is thrown into the air and gains 25 J of GPE. If it has a mass of 0.5 kg, calculate
the height it moves through. (g = 10 N/kg).



3. Look at the diagram below showing the movement of a ball which has been thrown
upwards before falling back towards the ground.

a. In which position does the ball have the maximum kinetic energy?


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Name :……………………………………………………. Date: ……………………

b. In which position does the ball have the minimum kinetic energy?


c. In which position does the ball have the maximum gravitational potential energy?


4. A student drops a tennis ball with a mass of 0.056 kg from different heights and
measures the bounce height of the ball. The results are recorded in a table:

efficiency efficiency
drop bounce drop height bounce height
(useful energy out / (bounce height /
height (m) height (m) GPE (J) GPE (J)
total energy in) drop height)
1.0 0.6
0.9 0.5
0.8 0.5
0.7 0.4
0.6 0.4
0.5 0.3
0.4 0.2

a. Using the formula gravitational potential energy = mass × gravity × change in height,
calculate the drop height GPE and the bounce height GPE. Assume g = 10 N/kg.
Write your answers in the table.

b. Calculate the efficiency of the bounce using the formula efficiency = useful energy
out / total energy in. Write your answers in the table above as a percentage.

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c. Why is the efficiency not 100%?




d. Calculate efficiency using the formula efficiency = bounce height / drop height.
Write your answers in the table on page 2.

5. What is ‘terminal velocity'?




6. How can an object's terminal velocity be increased?




7. Calculate the kinetic energy of a charging elephant

if its mass is 5,000 kg and it moves at 8 m/s.





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Name :……………………………………………………. Date: ……………………

8. Study the information, then answer the questions below.

a. What is the GPE of the ball just before it is dropped?




b. What is the velocity of the ball as it hits the ground (ignoring air resistance)?




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