" O Lord! Increase Me in Knowledge." (20: 114)

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We are living in the era of modern science. The discoveries in science are very much related to
the sayings in Quran. The Quran isn't a book of Science but a book of 'Signs'. There are in
excess of 6,000 'Signs' in the Qur'an of which more than a thousand deals with Science and
scientific knowledge. Science and Quran are linked together. Quran is not just a book of
science, but it is consistent with science. Quran puts a high premium on science as well as
decidedly empowers the quest for science. Quran thinks about science as a basic essential for
human endurance.
The Quran, which the Muslims accept to be the very Word of Allah, places massive
accentuation on scientific knowledge. The first word of Quranic revelation is 'Read'. It alludes,
among different types of readings, to perusing the 'indications of God' or the precise
investigation of nature. Allah, in the Holy Quran, calls humanity to examine and ponder the sky,
the earth, mountains, stars, plants, seeds, creatures, the changing of the nights into days, the
making of man and numerous other things. Inspecting these, man comes to perceive the
aestheticism of Allah's creation in his general surroundings. It is an essential fundamental of
Science gives a path to the welfare of man and to better understanding the creation of Allah
(SWT). In least complex terms science recommends information and Quran reproaches its
devotees to tirelessly search for in the wake of learning. In Quran, Allah (SWT) named His
workers to intrigue Him hence:
" O Lord! Increase me in knowledge." (20: 114)
What is virtually exceptional about Quran and its statement of clinical matters is that it is going
an extended way beyond what have become diagnosed at the time. What Quran said in six
hundred A.D. is some thing we've found out today as the result of cutting-edge know-how. The
reality that islam always urged muslims to try for know-how shows that this religion had a close
reference to science as Prophet Muhammad said:
"Seeking knowledge is compulsory on every Muslim."
In the past, there was not much talks about Quran's observations on scientific issues because
authors did not know modern-day science at that time. The content of Quran was beyond their
knowledge that they did not contemplate those observations. We ultimately started to evaluate
Quranic verses to scientific discoveries only when current technology and expertise accelerated
and found them to be rather correct. Even when man did not know much about his own
existence, Quran had made very accurate clinical comments which we understand to be real
only in recent times
Quran and Modern Science
By seeing the order in the universe, it is clear to say that the universe must have an organizer
“We shall show them our signs in the universe and within themselves, until it becomes clear to
them that this is the truth. Is it not enough that your lord is the witness of all things?” [Quran,

Origin of life
The fact that living things consist mostly of water was discovered only after the invention of the
microscope. In the deserts of Arabia, the last thing someone would have guessed is that all life
came from water. The way that living things comprise mostly of water was found simply after
the development of the microscope.
“We made every living thing from water? will they not believe?”[Quran, 21:30]

Seas and Oceans:

Present day Science has found that in the spots where two distinct oceans meet, there is an
obstruction between them. This hindrance isolates the two oceans, so every ocean has its own
temperature, saltiness, and thickness (1) [Principles of Oceanography, Davis, pp. 92-93]
“He has set free the two seas meeting together. There is a barrier between them. They do not
transgress.” (Quran, 55:19-20).
Sun’s orbit
The conviction that the Sun is stationary was across the board among space experts until the
twentieth century. It is presently a settled logical actuality that the Sun isn't stationary yet is
moving in a circle around the focal point of our Milky Way universe.
“It is He who created night and day, the sun and the moon, each floating in its orbit.”[Quran,

Perspectives of Scientists on Quran and Modern science:

Connection of Quran with science was accepted by many scientists and great thinkers. Ahmad
Afzaal saw that cutting-edge science needs approval from religion in light of the fact that in
many cases, religion can give "The missing pieces in the riddle of logical learning".
Einstein went on record to state that "Science without religion is faltering, and religion without
science is visually impaired". Max Plank additionally remarked: " With religious people, God
shows up toward the start of their deduction, with scientific researchers, toward the end."
Dr. Persaud, a well-known scientist in the field of Anatomy researched thoroughly the Holy
Quran. When he was questioned about the miracles of science stated in Quran, he said:
“The way it was disclosed to me is that Muhammad was a common man. He couldn't peruse,
didn't know how to compose. Indeed, he was uneducated. What's more, we're discussing about
fourteen hundred years in the past. You have somebody illiterate making significant professions
and explanations and that are incredibly precise about logical nature. There are an excessive
number of precisions and, as Dr. Moore, I have no trouble in my mind that this is a divine idea
or revelation which drove him to these announcements.”
Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson who was professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics also studied the Quran
and its sayings. He researched the following two sayings of Prophet Muhammad:
“In forty days, all components of your creation are gathered in womb of your mother.”
“When forty-two nights are passed over embryo, an angel is sent to it by God who creates its
shape, flesh, bones, and skin.”
He studied these two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad widely, taking note of that the initial
forty days comprise an obviously recognizable phase of embryogenesis. He was especially
dazzled by the supreme exactness and precision of those sayings of the Prophet Muhammad.
At that point, during one meeting, he gave his following opinion:
“So, the two hadeeths that have been noted give us a particular time table for the primary
embryological advancement before forty days. Once more, the point has been made, I think,
over and over by different speakers today: these hadeeths couldn't have been acquired based
on the logical learning that was accessible at the hour of their composing. It pursues, I think,
that not just there is no contention among genetics and religion at the same time, truth be told,
religion can direct science by adding disclosure to a portion of the conventional logical
methodologies, that there exist articulations in the Quran indicated hundreds of years after the
fact to be legitimate, which support information in the Quran having been gotten from God."
By seeing all the miracles mentioned in Quran and the statements of all those scientists, let us
think about the following questions:
Could it be by chance that the recent discoveries from various fields was referenced in the
Quran, which was uncovered fourteen centuries back?
Could this Quran have been written by Muhammad or by some other individual?
The main conceivable answer is that this Quran must be the expression of God, uncovered by

Findings and Discussion

By moving endlessly from the perusing and top to bottom investigation of the Qur'an
Muslims have lost the brilliant chance of logical revelation and progression of
information. By moving ceaselessly from their Scriptures, the Western individuals
made numerous scientific revelations and creations. This is a direct result of the
concealment and obscurantism rehearsed by the Church against the researchers and
intelligent people before. Indeed, even the sacred writings themselves were an
obstacle to the reason for looking for reality through perception and
experimentation as clearly pointed by Dr. Maurice Bucaille in his most prominent
book " The Bible, Qur'an and Science."
History of Islam and Science:

We can see a clear exhibition of the close connection among Islam and science in
early Muslim history. The underlying drive for scientific learning depended on strict
prerequisites. The requirement for deciding exact time for every day prayers and the
direction of Mecca from anyplace in the Muslim world, building up the right date for
the beginning of the fasting month of Ramadan and the requests of the lunar Islamic
schedule (which required seeing the new moon plainly) prompted extreme
enthusiasm for divine mechanics, optical and barometrical material science, and
circular trigonometry. Muslim laws of legacy prompted the advancement of algebra.
The strict necessity of yearly journey to Mecca created serious enthusiasm for
geography, map making and navigational instruments.

Decline of Science in Muslim civilization

Different hypotheses have been made to explain the decrease of science in Muslim
human progress. Deficiency has been put on Islamic law, family associations and
nonattendance of protestant ethics in Muslim culture. Without a doubt, even Islam
itself, seen as 'antagonistic to dynamic' and 'against science', has been blamed. None
of these theories are reliable. The heartless the truth is that Muslims, purposefully
and intentionally, surrendered intelligent solicitation for severe obscurantism and
outwardly hindered pantomime.
The fundamental upgrade behind the coherent soul of Muslim human advancement
was the idea of ijtihad or systematic exceptional thinking, a focal piece of the
viewpoint of Islam. The exacting scientists, a common class in Muslim society,
expected that industrious and ceaseless ijtihad would undermine their ability. They
were in like manner stressed that analysts and realists had a higher fame in the
general population eye than exacting specialists. So they joined and shut 'the
entryways of ijtihad'; the way ahead, they prescribed, was taqlid, or pantomime of
the thought and work of earlier times of analysts. Clearly, this was a severe move.
However, given how Islam is a significantly joined point of view, that in Islam
everything is related with everything else, it devastatingly influenced a wide range of
Contemporary Muslim social requests have a significantly energetic association with
their sensible heritage. This association normally transforms into a psychological
complex that obstructs an objective appraisal of science in the Muslim world. To be
committed to their coherent heritage, Muslims need to do impressively more than
basically protect the remaining parts of its fire – they should transmit its fire.
Thus, as the spirit of Islam in history was portrayed by its consistent endeavor, so the
possible destiny of Muslim social requests is dependent upon their relationship with
science and learning. The Muslims need to endeavor to restore the entryways of
ijtihad and return to exact, one of a kind thinking. Moreover, place science where it
has a spot: at the point of convergence of Islamic culture
Conclusion and Recommendations
Along these lines, science and Islam are, and should be, basic bed colleagues. It was
the severe inspiration that pushed science in Muslim human advancement during
the old-style time period, from the eighth to the fifteenth hundred of years. It is the
negligence of science that has dove the contemporary Muslim world in poverty and
underdevelopment. The reclamation of Islam and the subsequent ascent of a
bleeding edge Islamic culture require a certified implantation of the intelligent soul in
Muslim social requests
As a hidden development, Muslims need to comprehend that there are no helpful
arrangements in science. Science, and coherent soul, can't be obtained or moved. It
must ascent up out of inside an overall population and sensible development must
be made critical to the necessities and essentials of a people. There is certainly not a
suitable option for moving one's sleeves and coming back to the lab. Just by reaching
and changing the lives of standard Muslims would science have the option to make
as a prospering endeavor in Muslim social orders.

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